Available Online Through: ISSN 2321 - 6328
Available Online Through: ISSN 2321 - 6328
Available Online Through: ISSN 2321 - 6328
Research Article
Kaur Rimpaljeet1*, Chhabra Shailly1, Singh Amitabh2
MD Scholar (Ay.), Department of Kayachikitsa, P.G. School of Ayurveda and Research, DBU, Mandigobindgarh,
Punjab, India
Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, P.G. School of Ayurveda and Research, DBU, Mandigobindgarh, Punjab, India
*Corresponding Author Email: dr.rimpal@gmail.com
DOI: 10.7897/2321-6328.03218
Panchakarma is a therapeutic way of eliminating toxic elements from the body. According to Sushruta, Panchakarma include five Shodhana
(purification) process or therapies in which Raktamokshana (bloodletting) is one among them. Jalaukaavcharana (Leech therapy) is Shodhana type of
treatment under raktamokshana. In Ayurveda, raktamokshana has been mentioned mainstay of treatment for raktapradoshajavikara. Deep vein
thrombosis, or deep venous thrombosis, (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) within a deep vein, predominantly in the legs. Non-specific
signs may include pain, swelling, redness, warmness, engorged superficial veins. D.V.T. formation typically begins inside the valves of calf veins
where the blood is relatively oxygen deprived which activates certain biochemical pathways.The lifestyle of an individual can increase the risk for
venous diseases. If a person is obese, or smoker, drinks excessive amount of alcohol, or consume fatty foods, it can lead to blood thickening and
obstruction of the vessels by fatty deposits or plaque formation. This is the case presentation of 47 years old male patient had a history of D.V.T.,
having complaints of pain and numbness in left leg since 8 months. A Colour Doppler Ultrasound was positive for D.V.T. The Jalaukaavcharana was
done weekly along with oral medication for total duration of 30 days with continuation of the previous medication. The patient got relief in clinical
sign and symptoms of D.V.T.
legs. The colour Doppler suggestive of Ac. Thrombosis in left External medications was
femoral vein and partial recanalization of thrombus in right
femoral vein (Jan 19th 2013). Tab. Warfarin 2 mg 1BD, Tab. · Abhyanga with Vishgarbh Tail.
Monotrait 20 mg 1BD, Tab. Dolo-650 mg 1BD for 20 days was · NadiSawedana with Rasanasaptak Kawath.
given to patient but he did not get any relief with this treatment. · Jalaukaavcharana- started on Feb 13th 2013 and repeated
Hence, he approached to DBACH, Mandigobindgarh, Punjab, after every 7th day.
India for better management. He come to us with complaints of
Pain in left leg since 8 months, Numbness in both legs since 8 Total treatment period was four weeks. On the basis of visual
months, not able to walk properly, Slight swelling over the left analogue scale (VAS), patient was assessed weekly. Pain
lower leg. According to patient statement, it was found that pain gradation was as follow
was constant, severe aching in nature, not radiated to any other
part, aggravated on standing for long time and relieved by 0-1 No Pain
elevation of left leg. He had no history of Hypertension, diabetes 2-3 Mild
mellitus, trauma, previous surgery. On examination, in upper 4-5 Uncomfortable
thigh and calf region tenderness was present, in left lower leg 6-7 Distressing
redness and oedema was present. Homan’s Sign (dorsiflexion of 8-9 Intense
foot may cause pain in calf region) was positive. Moses’ sign 10 Worst Possible
(when the calf muscle is compressed forwards against the tibia,
but not when the calf muscle is compressed from side to side) As we observed in VAS, before treatment pain grade was 8.
was positive. All the laboratory investigations were normal After 7 days of treatment pain grade comes down 6, further on
excluding Prothrombin time-15 sec, Prothrombin Ratio-1.07, the completion of 2nd week, 3rd week and 4th week pain grade
I.N.R.-1.16. In Urine examination, albumin was traceable. The was 5, 3 and 1 respectively (Chart 1). Before treatment patient
patient was treated with both internal and external medications was having swelling on left leg which later completely subsided
for four weeks. The details of treatment are given below:- in two weeks. Gradual improvement in walking distance of
patient was as following i.e. initially he was not able to walk,
Internal medications was after the treatment of one week he was able to walk of the
distance 25 meters and later after the treatment second, third
· Ekangaveer Rasa 150 mg 1 Tab. BD, week and four weeks he was able to walk up to the distance 70
· Mahayograjj guggulu 325 mg 1 Tab. BD, meters, 90 meters, 200 meters respectively (Chart 2). Patient was
· Maharasnaadi Kwatha 60 ml. BD. suggested to continue treatment and advise to attend the OPD
after one month. Patient was observed that he has no problem in
walking up to any extent.
Chart: 1
Pain in Visual Analouge Scale
10 8
5 3
Chart: 2
Maximum Walking Distance (In meters)
0 25 70 90
Maximum walking distance (Meters)