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The ARRI-Guide For Ground Glasses, Frameglow-, Format Masks and Exposed Negative Areas For ARRICAM, ARRIFLEX 535, 535B, 435, 235 and ARRIFLEX 6SR 3 / Advanced Cameras

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The ARRI-Guide

for Ground Glasses, Frameglow-, Format Masks and Exposed Negative Areas
for ARRICAM, ARRIFLEX 535, 535B, 435, 235
and ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 / Advanced Cameras
By K. Jacumet & J. Thieser

As of: March 2006


1. Contents

1. Contents................................................................................................. 2 DIN S35 Silent 1.33.......................................................................... 27

DIN S35 2.35 off center..................................................................... 28
2. Glossary................................................................................................. 4 DIN S35 1.85................................................................................... 29
DIN S35 2.35 + 1.85 common top..................................................... 30
3. 35 mm................................................................................................... 7 DIN S35 1.85 + TV 1.33 safe............................................................. 31
DIN S35 2.35 centric......................................................................... 32
3.1 N35 – Ground Glass Template............................................................... 7 DIN S35 TV 1.78 safe........................................................................ 33
DIN S35 TV 1.33 safe........................................................................ 34
3.2 DIN S35 – Ground Glass Template.......................................................... 8
ANSI S35 Silent 1.33........................................................................ 35
3.3 ANSI S35 Ground Glass Template........................................................... 9 ANSI S35 TV 1.33 safe...................................................................... 36
ANSI S35 TV 1.78 transmitted............................................................ 37
N35 1.37 (Academy)........................................................................ 10 ANSI S35 TV 1.78 + 1.33 trans.......................................................... 38
N35 1.66......................................................................................... 11 ANSI S35 TV 1.78 safe...................................................................... 39
N35 1.85......................................................................................... 12 ANSI S35 1.78 + 1.55 + 1.33 CGG.................................................. 40
N35 Scope (Factor 2) 2.35................................................................ 13 ANSI S35 1.85................................................................................. 41
N35 TV 1.33 safe (R 3.6 mm)............................................................. 14 ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 + TV 1.33 Trans.............................................. 42
N35 TV 1.33 safe (R 0.5 mm)............................................................. 15 ANSI S35 2.35 centric....................................................................... 43
N35 1.85 + 1.37.............................................................................. 16 ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 1/4 offset....................................................... 44
N35 1.85 + 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe....................................................... 17 ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 centric............................................................ 45
N35 1.66 + 1.37.............................................................................. 18 ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 common top.................................................... 46
N35 1.66 + 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe....................................................... 19 ANSI S35 3 P TV 1.78 + 1.33 Trans................................................ 47
N35 1.66 + TV 1.33 safe.................................................................. 20
N35 1.85 + TV 1.33 safe.................................................................. 21 Blank.................................................................................................. 48
N35 1.85 + 1.66.............................................................................. 22
N35 TV 1.78 trans............................................................................ 23
N35 1.78 + 1.55 + 1.33 CGG.......................................................... 24
N35 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe.................................................................. 25
N35 3P TV 1.33 safe/trans................................................................ 26

3.4 DIN N35 – Format Mask Template........................................................ 49 4. 16 mm................................................................................................. 72

3.5 DIN S35 – Format Mask Template......................................................... 50 4.1 16 mm Ground Glass Template for ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
(and Advanced Models)..................................................................... 72
3.6 ANSI S35 – Format Mask Template....................................................... 51
4.2 16 mm Ground Glass Drawings............................................................ 73
3.7 35 mm Format Masks And Drawings
Of The Correspondingly Exposed Negative Areas........................................ 52 1.37 - TV 1.33 (N16).......................................................................... 73
TV 1.33 (N16).................................................................................... 74
1.37 (Academy) (N35)......................................................................... 52 1.37 (N16)......................................................................................... 75
(2x) 2.35 (N35).................................................................................. 53 1.66 (S16).......................................................................................... 76
1.66 (N35)......................................................................................... 54 1.66 (S16) - TV 1.33........................................................................... 77
1.85 (N35)......................................................................................... 55 1.85 (S16).......................................................................................... 78
1.78 (N35)......................................................................................... 56 TV 1.78 - TV 1.33 (S16)....................................................................... 79
TV 1.78 (S16)..................................................................................... 80
Universal (N35 + DIN S35).................................................................. 57 1.66/1.85 (S16) - TV 1.33/1.78.......................................................... 81

1.33 (Silent) (DIN S35)........................................................................ 58 4.3 N16 – Exposed Negative Area............................................................. 82

2.35 (DIN S35)................................................................................... 59
1.85 (DIN S35)................................................................................... 60 4.4 S16 – Exposed Negative Area............................................................. 83
1.78 (DIN S35)................................................................................... 61
1.66 (DIN S35)................................................................................... 62
2.35 ASYM. (DIN S35)........................................................................ 63

1.33 (ANSI S35)................................................................................. 64

2.35 (ANSI S35)................................................................................. 65
1.85 (ANSI S35)................................................................................. 66
1.78 (ANSI S35)................................................................................. 67
1.85 ASYM (ANSI S35)....................................................................... 68

3.8 35 mm 3 Perf Movement – Exposed Negative Area.................................... 69

N35 / DIN S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRIFLEX 435 /535/ 535B........... 69
ANSI S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRIFLEX 435/535/535B.................... 70
ANSI S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRICAM ST and LT............................. 71

2. Glossary

In every production and distribution step, the size of the image is reduced to com-
pensate for tolerances and avoid image distortions, which might occur at the edge
of the image. The image sizes start at the largest possible image area and are
gradually reduced according to the post production and distribution stage.

Exposed negative area Image area on the negative film which is exposed in DIN Super 35 This format was originally developped in the 1950ties
(camera aperture) various aspect ratios and sizes according to inter- (DIN S35) to use a maximum recording space of 24 mm width
national standards. without a sound track. The format was standardized
in an (DIN) industry norm.
TV scanned Image area which is scanned by telecines or high
resolution film scanners to convert to electronic data. ANSI Super 35 To make even better use of the available negative
The actually scanned area can usually be zoomed in (ANSI S35) space the width of the used picture area was enlarged
size and shifted in position by the scanner. to 24.9 mm without beeing part of any industry norm.
Only as late as in the 1990ties this format was
TV transmitted Image area which is originally broadcasted but will standardized in an ANSI norm.
not be entirely visible on home TV sets.

Projected area Image area which is projected on cinema screens

according to respective international standards.

TV safe action Image area considered to be visible on every TV set.

TV safe title Image area inside the TV safe action area in which
titles can be expected to be displayed in optimum
quality at the TV screen.

TC Exposure The DIN S35 format was small enaugh to leave an 3-Perforation Filming The 3-perforation format uses a pulldown and
unused space between the perforation and the image subsequently an image area that is only 3 perforation
area on the film, which is used to record LTC with holes high, saving 25 % of raw stock, intermed
the ARRIFLEX 435 and ARRIFLEX 535/535B cameras. positive, answer prints etc. also in the postproduction.
With the wider ANSI picture formats this space is no This format is ideal when opting for the digital lab.
longer available, and subsequently the LTC can no
longer be recorded without harming the picture. The
ARRICAM cameras also support the ANSI standard, but
employs a different recording method for TC with
the In-Camera Slate System. Therefore in-camera
slate recording in the ANSI format is possible with
the ARRICAM cameras. See graphics

exposed negative area

with an ANSI film gate LTC-Exposure

would interfere with image area

LTC-Exposure with DIN S35 film gate 25% savings

per generation
In-Camera Slate with ARRICAM
Specific to ARRI Ground Glasses, please note: Technical notes regarding this document:

Camera aperture Area on the ground glass which is larger than the In order to speed up download time all hatched areas on ground glasses have been
+ unexposed safety actually exposed negative area to enable viewing of replaced with a gray field which is similar to the appearance of the actual ground
viewing space incoming objects e. g. microphones on top and bottom glass in the view finder.
of the frame.
In the PDF-file you may click on the drawings for further navigation!
Maximum ground glass As Super 35 format covers the entire available space
area on 35 mm negative size, the ground glasses are
designed to show an extra area all around the actual
camera aperture to aid framing.

Extended viewing space Additional area around the outer frame lines to
check for incoming objects e.g. microphones.
Parts of this additional area might not be visible on
the negative.
Format Masks

Please Note: This quoted format masks in the 35 mm ground glass

drawings section represents the smallest aperture
suitable for the respectively given ground glass. It
is however possible to use format masks with larger
apertures and to extract the required image format
from the negative in post-production

3. 35 mm
3.1 N35 – Ground Glass Template

1.37 (Academy) 1.66 1.85 Scope (Factor 2) 2.35 TV 1.33 Safe (R 3.6 mm)
ARRICAM: — ARRICAM: K2.54101.0 ARRICAM: K2.54103.0 ARRICAM: K2.54084.0 ARRICAM: —
Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: K2.54118.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54112.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54123.0 Glowmask ST: —
Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: K2.54118.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54112.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54123.0 Glowmask LT: —
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.A ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.B ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.C ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.D
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47004.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47012.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47011.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47006.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47013.S

TV 1.33 safe (R 0.5 mm) 1.85+1.37 1.85+1.37+TV 1.33 safe 1.66+1.37 1.66+1.37+TV 1.33 safe
ARRICAM: K2.54100.0 ARRICAM: — ARRICAM: K2.54059.0 ARRICAM: — ARRICAM: K2.54058.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54117.0 Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: K2.54053.0 Glowmask ST: ­ — Glowmask ST: K2.54052.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54117.0 Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: K2.54053.0 Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: K2.54052.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.41200.E* ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.K ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.L ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.M ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.N
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47010.3* Glowmask 435/535: K2.46435.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47055.S Glowmask 435/535: K2.47058.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47057.S

1.66+TV 1.33 safe 1.85+TV 1.33 safe 1.85+1.66 TV 1.78 trans 1.78+1.55+1.33 CGG
ARRICAM: — ARRICAM: K2.54104.0 ARRICAM: — ARRICAM: K2.54102.0 ARRICAM: K2.54086.0
Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: K2.54120.0 Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: K2.54113.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54090.0
Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: K2.54120.0 Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: K2.54113.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54090.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.P ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.S ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.V ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.X ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.41200.D
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47016.S Glowmask 435/535: K2.47015.S Glowmask 435/535: K2.47017.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47007.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47283.3

*) not available any more

1.37+TV 1.33 safe 3 P TV 1.33 safe/trans
ARRICAM: K2.54000.0 ARRICAM: K2.54062.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54051.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54056.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54051.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54056.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: — ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: —
Glowmask 435/535: — Glowmask 435/535: —

3.2 DIN S35 – Ground Glass Template

DIN S35 Silent 1.33 DIN S35 2.35 off center DIN S35 1.85 DIN S35 2.35 + 1.85 common top DIN S35 1.85+TV 1.33 safe
Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: —
Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: —
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.E ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.F ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.G ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.H ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.I
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47005.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47018.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47009.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47172.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47059.3

DIN S35 2.35 centric DIN S35 TV 1.78 safe DIN S35 TV 1.33 safe
Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: — Glowmask ST: —
Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: — Glowmask LT: —
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.W ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.44420.2 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.41200.F
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47035.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47008.3 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47281.3

3.3 ANSI S35 Ground Glass Template

ANSI S35 Silent 1.33 ANSI S35 TV 1.33 safe ANSI S35 TV 1.78 trans ANSI S35 TV 1.78 + 1.33 trans ANSI S35 TV 1.78 safe
ARRICAM: K2.54083.0 ARRICAM: K2.54105.0 ARRICAM: K2.54106.0 ARRICAM: K2.54060.0 ARRICAM: K2.54107.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54119.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54121.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54122.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54054.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54115.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54119.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54121.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54122.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54054.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54115.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47433.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47413.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47414.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47410.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47415.0
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47434.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47425.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47426.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47422.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47427.0

ANSI S35 1.78+1.55+1.33 CGG ANSI S35 1.85 ANSI S35 2.35+1.85+TV 1.33 trans ANSI S35 2.35 centric ANSI S35 2.35+1.85 1/4 offset
ARRICAM: K2.54085.0 ARRICAM: K2.54108.0 ARRICAM: K2.54061.0 ARRICAM: K2.54109.0 ARRICAM: K2.54110.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54089.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54114.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54055.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54092.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54088.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54089.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54114.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54094.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54092.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54096.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47419.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47409.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47411.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47416.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47417.0
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47431.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47421.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47423.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47428.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47429.0

ANSI S35 2.35+1.85 centric ANSI S35 2.35+1.85 common top ANSI S35 3 P TV 1.78+1.33 trans
ARRICAM: K2.54087.0 ARRICAM: K2.54111.0 ARRICAM: K2.54063.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54091.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54116.0 Glowmask ST: K2.54057.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54091.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54095.0 Glowmask LT: K2.54057.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47420.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47418.0 ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47412.0
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47432.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47430.0 Glowmask 435/535: K2.47424.0

ARRICAM: K2.54142.0
Glowmask ST: K2.54141.0
Glowmask LT: K2.54141.0
ARRIFLEX 235/435/535: K2.47397.0
Glowmask 435/535: K2.47169.0

N35 1.37 (Academy)
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.0 K2.47004.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.66
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54101.0 K2.54118.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.42390.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.A K2.47012.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 13.2 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52060.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
22 mm x 13.2 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 12.65 mm = N35 projected area 1.66

22 mm x 13.45 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.42390.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.85
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54103.0 K2.54112.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.42391.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.B K2.47011.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 11.9 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52061.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
22 mm x 11.9 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 11.3 mm = N35 projected area 1.85

22 mm x 11.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.42391.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 Scope (Factor 2) 2.35
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54084.0 K2.54123.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.C K2.47006.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 18.6 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52058.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 18.6 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 18.2 mm = N35 projected area 2.35

22 mm x 19 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42388.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 TV 1.33 safe (R 3.6 mm)
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.D K2.47013.S exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

20.2 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 TV 1.33 transmitted (4:3)

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 TV 1.33 safe (R 0.5 mm)
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54100.0 K2.54117.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.41200.E K2.47010.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

no longer available no longer available

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

20.2 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 TV 1.33 transmitted (4:3)

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.85 + 1.37
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.K K2.46435.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 11.3 mm = N35 projected area 1.85

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.85 + 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54059.0 K2.54053.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.L K2.47055.S exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

R 3.6 mm for ARRIFLEX 435/535 ground glass and frameglow

R 0.5 mm for ARRICAM ground glass and frameglow.

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

21 mm x 11.3 mm = N35 projected area 1.85

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.66 + 1.37
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.M K2.47058.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 12.65 mm = N35 projected area 1.66

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.66 + 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54058.0 K2.54052.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.N K2.47057.S exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

R 3.6 mm for ARRIFLEX 435/535 ground glass and frameglow

R 0.5 mm for ARRICAM ground glass and frameglow.

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

21 mm x 12.65 mm = N35 projected area 1.66

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.66 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.P K2.47016.S exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

21 mm x 12.65 mm = N35 projected area 1.66

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.85 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54104.0 K2.54120.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.S K2.47015.S exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52057.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
22 mm x 16 mm

R 3.6 mm for ARRIFLEX 435/535 ground glass and frameglow

R 0.5 mm for ARRICAM ground glass and frameglow.

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

21 mm x 11.3 mm = N35 projected area 1.85

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.85 + 1.66
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask
not available
dedicated 3-perforation camera
ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
K5.42390.0 Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.V K2.47017.3 exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 13.2 mm 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52060.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
22 mm x 13.2 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 11.3 mm = N35 projected area 1.85

21 mm x 12.65 mm = N35 projected area 1.66

22 mm x 13.45 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.42390.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 TV 1.78 trans
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54102.0 K2.54113.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.42390.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.X K2.47007.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 13.2 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52060.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
22 mm x 13.2 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

21 mm x 11.8 mm = N35 TV 1.78 transmitted (16:9)

22 mm x 13.45 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.42390.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.78 + 1.55 + 1.33 CGG
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54086.0 K2.54090.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

K5.42390.0 not available
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.41200.D K2.47283.3 exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 13.2 mm not available
exposed negative area: not available
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

not available not available

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

14.67 mm x 10.96 mm = N35 1.33

16.76 mm x 10.96 mm = N35 1.55

20.95 mm x 11.78 mm = N35 1.78

22 mm x 12.38 mm = extended viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 1.37 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54000.0 K2.54051.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 22 mm x 16 mm
N/A N/A exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

not available No 3-perforation

operation possible!

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

21 mm x 15.2 mm = N35 projected area 1.37

22 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42387.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
N35 3P TV 1.33 safe/trans
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54062.0 K2.54056.0 Format-Mask

No 4-perforation ARRICAM ST and LT

operation possible! Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 not available
*) only Ground Glass ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
not available
not available

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

No 4-perforation not available

operation possible!

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

15.55 mm x 11.68 mm = N35 3 perforation TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

17.27 mm x 12.98 mm = N35 3 perforation TV 1.33 transmitted (4:3)

22 mm x 13.9 mm = extended viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 Silent 1.33
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.E K2.47005.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 18 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52062.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24 mm x 18 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23.5 mm x 17.63 mm = DIN S35 projected area 1.33

25 mm x 19 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42392.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 2.35 off center
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask


N/A N/A not available

dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.41477.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.F K2.47018.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 10.5 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52068.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24 mm x 10.5 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23.5 mm x 10 mm = DIN S35 projected area 2.35

25 mm x 11,5 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.41477.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

shifted 1.35 mm up against center line

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 1.85
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask


N/A N/A not available

dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.44305.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.G K2.47009.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 13 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52064.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24 mm x 13 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23.5 mm x 12.7 mm = DIN S35 projected area 1.85

25 mm x 14,2 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.44305.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 2.35 + 1.85 common top
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask


N/A N/A not available

dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.44305.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.H K2.47172.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 13 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52064.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24 mm x 13 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23.5 mm x 10 mm = DIN S35 projected area 2.35

23.5 mm x 12.7 mm = DIN S35 projected area 1.85

25 mm x 14,2 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.44305.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 1.85 + TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.I K2.47059.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 14.4 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52067.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24 mm x 14.4 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

18.1 mm x 13.6 mm = N35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

23.5 mm x 12.7 mm = DIN S35 projected area 1.85

25 mm x 16 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.41476.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 2.35 centric
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask


N/A N/A not available

dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.42393.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.W K2.47035.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 10.5 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52063.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24 mm x 10.5 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23.5 mm x 10 mm = DIN S35 projected area 2.35

25 mm x 11,5 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.42393.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 TV 1.78 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

N/A N/A not available

dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.41474.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.44420.2 K2.47008.3 exposed negative area: Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 13.5 mm exposed negative area:
ARRIFLEX 235 24.25 mm x 14 mm
exposed negative area: ARRIFLEX 235:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52065.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24 mm x 13.5 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

22.5 mm x 12.65 mm = DIN S35 TV 1.78 safe action (16:9)

25 mm x 14,2 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.41474.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
DIN S35 TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
N/A N/A operation possible!

235*/435/535 K2.41200.F K2.47281.3 exposed negative area:
*) only Ground Glass 24 mm x 18 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52062.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24 mm x 18 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

22.5 mm x 16.9 mm = DIN S35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

25 mm x 19 mm = camera aperture
with format mask K5.42392.0
+ unexposed safety viewing space

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 Silent 1.33
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54083.0 K2.54119.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47433.0 K2.47434.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 18.7 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52242.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 18 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.33

24.9 mm x 18.7 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.54352.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 TV 1.33 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54105.0 K2.54121.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47413.0 K2.47425.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 18.7 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52242.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23 mm x 17.25 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.33 safe action (4:3)

24.9 mm x 18.7 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.54352.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 TV 1.78 transmitted
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54106.0 K2.54122.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47414.0 K2.47426.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 14.4 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52245.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 14.4 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 13.5 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.78 transmitted (16:9)

24.9 mm x 14.4 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59775.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 TV 1.78 + 1.33 trans
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54060.0 K2.54054.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47410.0 K2.47422.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 14.4 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52245.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 14.4 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

17.93 mm x 13.5 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.33 transmitted (4:3)

24 mm x 13.5 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.78 transmitted (16:9)

24.9 mm x 14.4 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59775.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 TV 1.78 safe
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54107.0 K2.54115.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47415.0 K2.47427.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 14.4 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52245.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 14.4 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

23 mm x 12.94 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.78 safe action (16:9)

24.9 mm x 14.4 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59775.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 1.78 + 1.55 + 1.33 CGG
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54085.0 K2.54089.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47419.0 K2.47431.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 14.4 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52245.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 14.4 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

16.8 mm x 12.56 mm = ANSI S35 1.33

19.2 mm x 12.56 mm = ANSI S35 1.55

24 mm x 13.5 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.78 transmitted (16:9)

24.9 mm x 14.4 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59775.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 1.85
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54108.0 K2.54114.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.59774.0 + film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47409.0 K2.47421.0 exposed negative area ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 13.9 mm Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235 + film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm 24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52244.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.85

24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59774.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 + TV 1.33 Trans
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54061.0 K2.54055.0 for ST K2.54094.0 for LT Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.59774.0 + film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47411.0 K2.47423.0 exposed negative area ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 13.9 mm Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235 + film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm 24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52244.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

17.93 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 TV 1.33 transmitted area (4:3)*

24 mm x 10.2 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 2.35

24 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.85

24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59774.0

*Note: ANSI S35 TV 1.33 transmitted area = 17.93 mm x 13.5 mm

second line not shown for better readability
drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 2.35 centric
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54109.0 K2.54092.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.59773.0 + film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47416.0 K2.47428.0 exposed negative area ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 11.1 mm Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235 + film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm 24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52243.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 11.1 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 10.2 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 2.35

24.9 x 11.1 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59773.0

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 1/4 offset
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54110.0 K2.54088.0 for ST K2.54096.0 for LT Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47417.0 K2.47429.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52246.0 No 3-perforation
exposed negative area: operation possible!
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 10.2 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 2.35

24 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.85

24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59776.0

/4 offset (lines 24 mm x 13 mm shifted 0.7mm down against center cross)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 centric
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54087.0 K2.54091.0 Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.59774.0 + film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47420.0 K2.47432.0 exposed negative area ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 13.9 mm Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235 + film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm 24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52244.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 10.2 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 2.35

24 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.85

24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59774.0


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 2.35 + 1.85 common top
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54111.0 K2.54116.0 for ST K2.54095.0 for LT Format-Mask
Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
K5.59774.0 + film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47418.0 K2.47430.0 exposed negative area ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 13.9 mm Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
ARRIFLEX 235 + film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area: exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm 24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

K2.52244.0 in preparation
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

24 mm x 10.2 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 2.35

24 mm x 13 mm = ANSI S35 projected area 1.85

24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture

with format mask K5.59774.0

common top

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
ANSI S35 3 P TV 1.78 + 1.33 Trans
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54063.0 K2.54057.0 Format-Mask
No 4-perforation Conversion Kit K2.54165.0
operation possible! exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
dedicated 3-perforation camera
+ film gate for ANSI K2.47374.0
ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47412.0 K2.47424.0 ARRIFLEX 535/535B:
*) only Ground Glass Conversion Kit K4.47760.0
+ film gate for ANSI K2.47375.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 14 mm
Conversion Kit K4.65170.0
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm
Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

No 4-perforation in preparation
operation possible!

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

17.27 mm x 12.98 mm = N35 3 perforation TV 1.33 transmit-

ted (4:3)
23.11 mm x 12.98 mm = ANSI S35 3 perforation TV 1.78
transmitted (16:9)
24.9 mm x 13.9 mm = camera aperture
with 3 perforation type ARRICAMs

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
Ground Glass Frameglow 4-Perforation 3-Perforation
ARRICAM K2.54142.0 K2.54141.0 Format-Mask

No 3-perforation
operation possible!

ARRIFLEX 235*/435/535 K2.47397.0 K2.47169.0 exposed negative area
*) only Ground Glass 24.9 mm x 18.7 mm
exposed negative area:
24.9 mm x 18.7 mm

Capping Shutter Format Mask for ARRIFLEX 435

not available No 3-perforation

operation possible!

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

no markings on blank ground glass

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI tolerance for format markings on ground glass ±0.02 mm
3.4 DIN N35 – Format Mask Template

In the ground glass drawings section there is a format mask cited for each ground glass. This represents the smallest aperture suitable for the given ground glass.
It is however possible to use format masks with larger apertures and to extract the required image format from the negative in post-production.

1.37 (Academy) N35 (2x) 2.35 N35 1.66 N35 1.85 N35
K5.42387.0 K5.42388.0 K5.42390.0 K5.42391.0

1.78 N35

Universal N35 + DIN S35


3.5 DIN S35 – Format Mask Template

1.33 (Silent) DIN S35 2.35 DIN S35 1.85 DIN S35 1.78 DIN S35
K5.42392.0 K5.42393.0 K5.44305.0 K5.41474.0

1.66 DIN S35 2.35 Asym. DIN S35

K5.41476.0 K5.41477.0

3.6 ANSI S35 – Format Mask Template

1.33 ANSI S35 2.35 ANSI S35 1.85 ANSI S35 1.78 ANSI S35
K5.54352.0 K5.59773.0 K5.59774.0 K5.59775.0

1.85 ASYM ANSI S35


No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

3.7 35 mm Format Masks And Drawings Of The Correspondingly Exposed Negative Areas
Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.37 (Academy) N35 K5.42387.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

22 + 0.01 mm x 16 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 1.37

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

(2x) 2.35 N35 K5.42388.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

22 + 0.01 mm x 18.6 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 2.35 (2x)

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.66 N35 K5.42390.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

22 + 0.01 mm x 13.2 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.85 N35 K5.42391.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

22 + 0.01 mm x 11.9 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.78 N35 K5.41475.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

22 + 0.01 mm x 12.4 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

Universal N35 + DIN S 35 K5.42389.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.25 + 0.01 mm x 18.6 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

This format covers N35 as well as DIN S35.

Extract the required image format from the nega-

tive in post-production.

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.33 (Silent) DIN S35 K5.42392.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 18 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

2.35 DIN S35 K5.42393.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 10.5 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.85 DIN S35 K5.44305.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 13 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.78 DIN S35 K5.41474.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 13.5 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.66 DIN S35 K5.41476.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 14.4 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

2.35 ASYM. DIN S35 K5.41477.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24 + 0.01 mm x 10.5 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)


drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.33 ANSI S35 K5.54352.0

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 18.7 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 1.33

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

2.35 ANSI S35 K5.59773.0

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 11.1 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 2.35

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.85 ANSI S35 K5.59774.0

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 13.9 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 1.85

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.78 ANSI S35 K5.59775.0

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 14.4 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 1.78

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

1.85 ASYM ANSI S35 K5.59776.0

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 13.9 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

1 : 1.85

– 0.7 mm off center

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

3.8 35 mm 3 Perf Movement – Exposed Negative Area
Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

N35 / DIN S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRIFLEX 435 /535/ 535B Camera aperture of the ARRIFLEX 435 3 perf

or with conversion kit for ARRIFLEX 535/535B


Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.25 + 0.01 mm x 14 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

This format covers all 3 perforation negative areas

of N35 as well as DIN S35.

Extract the required image format from the nega-

tive in post-production.

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

ANSI S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRIFLEX 435/535/535B Camera aperture of the ARRIFLEX 435 3 perf
and additional film gate for ANSI

or of the ARRIFLEX 535/535B

with conversion kit K4.47760.0
and additional film gate for ANSI

No Time Code exposure with ARRIFLEX 435/535

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 14 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

This format covers all 3 perforation negative areas

of N35, DIN S35 as well as ANSI S35.

Extract the required image format from the nega-

tive in post-production.

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

Format Mask Format Ident-Nr.

ANSI S35 – 3 perforation aperture for ARRICAM ST and LT Camera aperture of the ARRICAM ST and LT
with conversion kit K2.54165.0

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

24.9 + 0.01 mm x 13.9 + 0.01 mm (R 0.8 mm)

This format covers all 3 perforation negative areas

of N35, DIN S35 as well as ANSI S35.

Extract the required image format from the nega-

tive in post-production.

drawing scale 5:1 © ARRI

4. 16 mm
4.1 16 mm Ground Glass Template for ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and Advanced Models)

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3, HS and Advanced are basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 and HS,
but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter – see sample on bottom right side.

1.37 - TV 1.33 N16 TV 1.33 N16 1.37 N16 1.66 (S16) S16
K4.47386.0 (K4.48012.0) K2.47173.0 (K2.47353.0) K2.47174.0 (K2.47354.0) K2.47209.0 (K2.47355.0)

1.66 (S16) - TV 1.33 S16 1.85 (S16) S16 TV 1.78 - TV 1.33 S16 TV 1.78 S16
K2.47210.0 (K2.47356.0) K2.47211.0 (K2.47357.0) K2.47213.0 (K2.47358.0) K2.47034.0 (K2.47359.0)

1.66/1.85 (S16) - TV 1.33/1.78 S16

K2.47214.0 (K2.47360.0)

Normal Typeface = ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 Ground Glass Sample for ground glass
(Italic Typeface = ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 Advanced Ground Glass) ARRIFLEX 16SR 3

4.2 16 mm Ground Glass Drawings
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.37 - TV 1.33 N16 K4.47386.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K4.48012.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

8±0.05 mm

srebmun toof
F 10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

8.4±0.02 mm x 6.3±0.02 mm TV safe action 4:3

9,35±0.02 mm x 7+0.1 mm TV transmitted 4:3

10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

TV 1.33 N16 K2.47173.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47353.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

8±0.05 mm

srebmun toof
F 10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

8.4±0.02 mm x 6.3±0.02 mm TV safe action 4:3

9.35±0.02 mm x 7+0.1 mm transmitted area 4:3

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.37 N16 K2.47174.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47354.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

8±0.05 mm

srebmun toof
F 10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

9.6+0.05 mm x 7+0.05 mm projected area

10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.66 (S16) S16 K2.47209.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47355.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

11.75+0.05 mm x 7.05+0.05 mm projected area

12.35+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.66 (S16) - TV 1.33 S16 K2.47210.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47356.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

8.4±0.02 mm x 6.3±0.02 mm TV safe action 4:3

11.75+0.05 mm x 7.05+0.1 mm projected area

12.35+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.85 (S16) S16 K2.47211.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47357.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

11.75+0.05 mm x 6.35+0.1 mm projected area

12.35+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

TV 1.78 - TV 1.33 S16 K2.47213.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47358.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

8.4+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm TV safe action 4:3

11.2+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm TV safe action 16:9

11.95+0.05 mm x 6.72+0.05 mm transmitted area 16:9

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

TV 1.78 S16 K2.47034.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47359.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

11.2+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm TV safe action 16:9

11.95+0.05 mm x 6.72+0.05 mm transmitted area 16:9

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
Ground Glass Drawing Format Ident-Nr.

1.66/1.85 (S16) - TV 1.33/1.78 S16 K2.47214.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3

K2.47360.0 for ARRIFLEX 16 SR 3 Advanced

Correspondingly Exposed Neagative Area

9±0.03 mm

srebmun toof
F 12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

Ground Glass Marking Dimensions

8.4+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm TV safe action 4:3

11.2+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm TV safe action 16:9

11.75+0.05 mm x 6.3+0.05 mm projected area

12.4-0.05 mm x 7.5+0.05 mm camera aperture

Line at 7.05 mm not shown for better readability

The ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3 (and HS) Advanced are
basically identical with the ground glasses for the ARRIFLEX 16SR 3
drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI (and HS), but they do not show the markings for the exposure meter.
4.3 N16 – Exposed Negative Area

Exposed Negative Area

10.3+0.05 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI

4.4 S16 – Exposed Negative Area

Exposed Negative Area

12.35+0.02 mm x 7.5+0.015 mm

drawing scale 10:1 © ARRI

5. ARRI Service

Germany Arnold & Richter Cine Technik Italy ARRI ITALIA S.r.l.
Türkenstraße 89 Viale Edison 318
D-80799 München 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni (Milano)
phone (089) 3809-0 phone (02) 26 22 71 75
fax (089) 3809-1244 fax (02) 242 16 92
E-mail: webmaster@arri.de E-mail: info@arri.it

USA ARRI Inc. Via Placanica, 97

(East Coast) 00040 Morena (Roma)
617, Route 303 phone (06) 79 89 02 1
Blauvelt, New York 10913 fax (06) 79 89 02 206
phone (845) 353 14 00
fax (845) 425 12 50 Canada ARRI Canada Ltd.
E-mail: arriflex@arri.com 415 Horner Avenue, Unit 11
Etobicoke, Ontario
(West Coast) Canada M8W 4W3
600 North Victory Blvd. phone (416) 255 33 35
Burbank, California 91502 fax (416) 255 33 99
phone (818) 841 70 70 E-mail: service@arrican.com
fax (818) 848 40 28
E-mail: arriflex@arri.com
Australia ARRI Australia PTY Ltd
GB ARRI (GB) Ltd. Unit 6C
2 Highbridge 5 Talavera Road
Oxford Road Macquarie Park
Uxbridge Sydney NSW 2113
Middlesex, UB8 1LX phone (02) 9855 4300
phone (0) 1895 457 000 fax (03) 9855 4301
fax (0) 1895 457 001 E-mail: info@arri.com.au
E-mail: sales@arri-gb.com

technical data are subject to change without notice


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