Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports: ISSN 2347-6559 (Online) ISSN 2347-9507 (Print)
Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports: ISSN 2347-6559 (Online) ISSN 2347-9507 (Print)
Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports: ISSN 2347-6559 (Online) ISSN 2347-9507 (Print)
*Corresponding Author:
Name: Dr. Neeraj Sharma
Abstract: The vermiform appendix is an organ connected to caecum at the convergence of the three taeniae of the colon,
varies widely in its location, size and function. The normal length of appendix varies from 6-8 cm. various pathologies
are related to appendix like acute appendicitis, appendicular lump, and appendicular abscess. We here report the largest
appendix removed measuring about ten 25 cm (10 inches) in length from a patient who presented with a diagnosis of
appendicular lump. The patient was operated in emergency surgery department. The patient is fit postoperatively.
Keywords: longest, Appendix, Appendicular lump, 25 cm.
A 35yr old male presented to emergency
in department of surgery with history of pain in right
iliac fossa since 12 days, associated with on and off
fever of high grade, vomiting and not passing faeces &
flatus since 3 days. On examination patient was Fig. 1: Retrocaecal appendix dissected out of the
conscious, pale and hemodynamicaly stable. An ill- lump
defined mass was palpable in right iliac fossa, which
was not mobile, firm in consistency and tender. Skin of
the abdomen was normal and no other swelling was
appreciated. Ultrasonography of whole abdomen was
done which showed signs of appendicular perforation.
Routine Haematological investigation showed White
Blood Cell count of 18,000/mm3. On laparotomy
minimal free fluid was seen in right iliac fossa & the
terminal ileum and caecum were apparently normal,
with appendix disappearing beneath a firm mass of size
6*6 cm. The mass was opened and frank pus
approximately 200 ml in volume was drained. The base
of appendix was caught hold with Babcock forceps &
whole of the appendix was dissected out which was Fig. 2: Terminal ileum, caecum and appendix
In our case, we removed appendix of
approximately 10 inches (25cm) size which was three
times the normal length, making it one of the largest
appendix removed to date.
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