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Unihorn Pyometra in A Bitch

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Unihorn Pyometra in a Bitch

S. Satheshkumar*, M. Murugan, A. Ganesan, S. Dharmaceelan, D.

Vishnugurubaran, and M. Bavadharani
Department of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics
Veterinary College and Research Institute
Tirunelveli – 627 358, Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

Canine pyometra is the most common revealed distended radio-opaque uterine

diestrual uterine disease of intact bitches shadow. Ultrasonographical examination
and is characterized by accumulation of revealed anechoic to hypoechoic uterine
purulent material in the uterine lumen, sacculations of 43.5 to 63.9 mm diameter.
typically occurring during or immediately Total blood count and biochemistry
following a period of progesterone revealed neutrophilia and elevated levels of
dominance. Pyometra can be classified as BUN (195.5 mg/dl), Creatinine (6.5mg/dl)
open-cervix or closed-cervix, with the latter and ALP (220 units) respectively.Based on
being a medical emergency requiring rapid the clinical examination, blood picture and
intervention to prevent subsequent sepsis imaging techniques, the case was diagnosed
and potential patient death (Pretzer, 2008). as open cervix pyometra.


An eight years old nulliparous intact Taking into consideration of the
Labrador bitch (body weight:30.40 kgs.) age and systemic illness of the animal,
was presented in lateral recumbency to the ovariohysterectomy was opted over
small animal outpatient unit of Gynaecology empirical endocrine therapy. The patient
section, Veterinary Clinical Complex, was stabilized with fluid therapy and
Veterinary College and Research Institute, antibiotics to minimize the surgical risk.
Tirunelveli with an anamnesis of distended
abdomen, anorexia, polydipsia and purulent The affected right cornua was massive
vaginal discharge for the past seven days. weighing about 4.5 kg with four litres of pus
(Figure - 1). Ovarian examination revealed
Clinical examination revealed multiple corpora lutea in the right ovary
bilaterally distended abdomen and (Figure - 2), while the left ovary is devoid
malodorous purulent vaginal discharge. of any structures.
The vital parameters were elevated (Temp:
39.8oC; Respiratory rate: 36 / min; Heart Previously, Raja et al. (2017) has
rate: 123 / min). Abdominal radiography reported a case of unilateral pyometra
but they attributed the condition to partial
evacuation of the fluid from one horn in
*Corresponding author Email ID:
drsatheshkumar6@rediffmail.com response to prostaglandin treatment. During

Ind. J. Vet. & Anim. Sci. Res., 48 (3) 49-51, May - June, 2019 49

Figure -1. Massive unihornpyometra Figure - 2. Multiple corpora lutea in the

right ovary

diestrus, the dominance of progesterone oestrous cycles, explaining the increased

usually increases endometrial gland incidence in middle-aged to older bitches
secretory activity, endometrial proliferation (Hardy and Osborne, 1974).
and decreases the myometrial contractility
(Hagman, 2018). The uniqueness of the As a post operative management, fluid
present case is the massiveness of the losses were replaced and antibiotic coverage
uterine enlargement and fluid accumulation, was provided for five days. The blood and
which might be attributed to the increased biochemical parameters returned to normal
response of that horn to elevated levels of physiological limits within 10 days and the
progesterone secreted by multiple corpora animal had an uneventful recovery. Proper
lutea of ipsilateral ovary as suggested by utilisation of diagnostic aids and timely
Chaffaux and Thibier (1978). Inactive left intervention with surgical procedure saved
ovary might explain the non-involvement the bitch.
of left uterine horn in the present case.
Histopathology of both right and The authors thank the Director of
left cornua revealed cystic endometritis, Clinics, TANUVAS, Chennai-51, The
thickened endometrial wall with Dean, VCRI, Tirunelveli, The Professor and
mononuclear cell infiltrations. Cystic Head, Veterinary Clinical Complex, VCRI,
endometrial hyperplasia usually develops Tirunelveli and The Professor and Head,
after repeated progestational stimulation Department of Veterinary Pathology, VCRI,
during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. Tirunelveli for providing the facilities to
These effects are cumulative after repeated perform and publish the clinical case.

50 Ind. J. Vet. & Anim. Sci. Res., 48 (3) 49-51, May - June, 2019
Unihorn Pyometra in a Bitch

REFERENCES of uterine and extra-uterine lesions.

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Chaffaux, S and Thibier, M. (1978). Association, 10:245–68.
Peripheral plasma concentrations of
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Annales de RecherchesVeterinaires, of canine pyometra and mucometra:
9:587–92. A review. Theriogenology, 70:359–63.
Hagman, R. (2018). Pyometra in Small Raja, S., Satheshkumar, S., Vijayarajan, A.,
Animals.Veterinary Clinics: Small Prabaharan, V., Raj, H.P., M. Vijaya
Animal Practice, 48: 639–661. Kumar, M.V and Jayaganthan, P.
(2017).Pyometra with unilateral horn
Hardy, R.M and Osborne, C.A. (1974). evacuation in a Spitz bitch.Indian
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Ind. J. Vet. & Anim. Sci. Res., 48 (3) 49-51, May - June, 2019 51

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