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Feline Pyometra and Its Surgical Management: A Case: Received: 30.03.2021 Accepted: 13.04.2021

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CASE REPORT Received: 30.03.

JIVA 19 (1) April 2021 Accepted: 13.04.2021


Sudheesh S. Nair1*, Deny Jennes2 , Soumya Ramankutty1,
Anoop S.3 and John Martin K. D.4

Assistant Professor1, MVSc. Scholar2, Associate Professor, Professor and Head3

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680651
*Corresponding author:sudheeshnair@kvasu.ac.in

ABSTRACT Krekeler, 2016). Queen is an induced

ovulator, and ovulation occurs 30 to 50
A three year old female crossbred
hours after coitus. The corpora lutea in
cat was presented to University Veterinary
queens starts to produce progesterone
Hospital, Mannuthy with distended
24 to 48 hours after the ovulation (Holt
abdomen and history of draining of pus
et al., 2003). The pyometra often results
discharge from vagina. On ultrasonographic
from influence of hormone progesterone
examination, hypoechoic contents in
that causes hyperplasia and increased
dilated uterus were appreciated. The pus
secretory activity of endometrial glands
from the uterus was subjected to culture
(Lawler, 1995). Decreased myometrial
and sensitivity which confirmed gram
contractility in pyometra hastens the
negative rods. The case was surgically
ascending bacterial infection from vagina
managed by ovario-hysterectomy. The
(Barsanti, 1998). The condition is often
animal had an uneventful recovery.
diagnosed symptomatically by discharge of
Keywords: Feline, Pyometra, Progesterone, pus as in open pyometra. Ultrasonography
Ovario-hysterectomy is an effective tool for identifying pus
filled uterus which could be identified
as hypoechoic contents in dilated uterus.
Pyometra in cats is defined as an Early ovario-hysterectomy is advised for
acute or chronic suppurative inflammatory the management of this condition. Ovario-
disorder of the uterine wall in intact hysterectomy is curative and preventive
queens characterised by the accumulation for recurrence with anticipated risk of
of pus in uterine lumen (Hollinshead and anaesthesia and post spaying sterility.

J. Indian Vet. Assoc. 19 (1) April 2021 Sudheesh et al. (2021)

CASE HISTORY AND OBSER- Sensitivity test revealed the rods sensitive
VATIONS to amoxicillin, tetracycline, and gentamicin
(Fig. 3).
A three year old female crossbred
queen cat weighing 4.5 kg presented to The anaesthesia was induced with
combination of inj. ketamine @ 25 mg/
Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex,
kg B.W. and inj. diazepam 0.5 mg/kg
Mannuthy with anorexia, polydipsia, B.W. intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was
polyuria and pus discharge from the vagina maintained with isoflurane 1%- 2% in
(Fig.1). The animal had a history of mating oxygen with face mask. A linear mid ventral
incision was made and severely enlarged
before 60 days. Physiological parameters
uterine horns were carefully exteriorized.
including rectal temperature, respiration Ovariohysterectomy was performed in
and heartrate were within the normal routine manner with careful precautions
limits. Complete blood count revealed to prevent the spillage of uterine contents
(Fig. 4).
leucocytosis, granulocytosis, lymphopenia,
anemia and thrombopenia (Table1). Serum Post operatively inj. amoxirum
biochemistry revealed increased creatinine forte @ 12.5 mg/kg B.W. twice daily was
value. On ultrasonographic examination, administered for seven days along with
hypoechoic area presented within the suspension meloxicam (1.5 mg/ml) @ 0.2
uterine lumen was suggestive of pyometra mg /kg B.W. once daily for three days and
(Fig. 2). multivitamin drops . On tenth postoperative
TREATMENT AND DISCUSSION day the sutures were removed. Animal had
an uneventful recovery.
Culture and sensitivity of the pus
sample collected from the uterus after The pyometra is a rare condition
surgery revealed Gram negative bacilli. in cats because of low progesterone

Table 1 Haematobiochemical changes in pyometra

Parameters Cat (with pyometra) Normal limits
WBC (103/ µl) 27.3 5.5 – 19.5
Lymphocytes (103/µl) 5.2 1.1- 10.7
Monocytes (103/µl) 0.7 0.1- 0.8
Granulocytes (103/µl) 22 3.6- 12.7
RBC (106/µl) 4.32 5- 10
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 6.8 8-15
Platelet (103/µl) 63 160-660
Creatinine (mg/dl) 2 0.5-1.5

J. Indian Vet. Assoc. 19 (1) April 2021 Sudheesh et al. (2021)

Fig. 1. Pus disharge from uterus Fig. 2. Ultrasonographic findings

Fig. 3. Bacterial culture and antibiogram

Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella species,

Proteus species and Streptococcus species.
Ascending infection of faecal bacteria
through vagina during oestrus when the
cervix is relaxed is the most common cause
of pyometra (Wadas et al., 1996). In cats,
the identification of the condition is very
difficult because the cats are fastidious
groomers who generally clean the vulval
Fig. 4. Uterus after exteriorisation discharge before it could be noticed by
dominance due to seasonality and induced the owner. This often leads to delay in
ovulation (Hagman et al., 2014). In case the diagnosis. Cats with closed cervix
pyometra of queen, most commonly pyometra will show systemic illness and
isolated bacteria reported were E. coli, absorption of bacterial toxins which could

J. Indian Vet. Assoc. 19 (1) April 2021 Sudheesh et al. (2021)

result in endotoxaemia and bacteraemia Osborne, 1974). In the present case timely
(Hollinshead and Krekeler, 2016). The ovario hysterectomy and precise antibiotic
hormone progesterone was identified as therapy based on a culture and sensitive
most important factor for the proliferation test saved the life of the cat.
of endometrial glands, increased secretion,
cervical closure and suppression of
myometrial contractions (Cox, 1970). A case report of open cervix
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia could pyometra in a queen cat and its successful
surgical management and uneventful
increase the uterine susceptibility to the recovery is reported.
infections (England et al., 2012).
Endotoxins, lipopolysaccharides
of gram negative bacteria released into the The authors are thankful to Dean,
circulation during the process of bacterial College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
disintegration could lead to fever, lethargy, Mannuthy .
tachycardia and tachypnea (Van Miert
and Frens, 1968). Higher concentration
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Bigliardi, E., Parmigiani, E., Cavirani, S.,
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as it helps to detect the intrauterine fluid.
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