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Frog Biodiversity and Conservation: Sustaining America's Aquatic Biodiversity

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publication 420-527

Sustaining America’s Aquatic Biodiversity

Frog Biodiversity and Conservation
David Bishop, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech
Carola Haas, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech

bout 4,300 species of amphibians (frogs, Structure and appearance
toads, and salamanders) are found world-
wide. Of these, nearly 100 species (actually All frogs are adapted for jumping. They have long
80 to 99 species depending on which taxonomist you hind legs relative to their body length, no neck, and
believe) are frogs and toads that inhabit the United a short, stiff backbone. Some species, such as the
States. About 30 percent of these are in trouble and bullfrogs (ranids) have powerful hind legs and are
need your help. The greatest diversity occurs in the excellent jumpers. Others species, such as the toads
Southeastern United States. Frogs can be found in (bufonids) move through short hops rather than long
all landscapes, from deep under the water to high leaps.
in trees. They are adapted to local environments in
coloration, body structure, and behavior. Despite the similarities among all frogs, they are a
diverse group of animals that are adapted to their
Habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats to specific habitats. Aquatic species, such as the green
frog populations. Because of their permeable skin, frog and pig frog, are excellent swimmers because
amphibious lifestyle, and complex life cycle, frogs of their streamlined bodies and the extensive web-
are an excellent indicator species. Since frogs have bing between their toes. Tree-climbing species, such
a two-part life cycle, both terrestrial and aquatic as the pinewoods treefrog and squirrel treefrog, have
habitats must be protected and restored if we are to enlarged toe pads that give them an excellent abil-
conserve these unique animals. ity to cling to trees and
leaves. The spadefoot
toad is adapted to its
What Are Frogs and Toads? terrestrial lifestyle and
Frogs and toads are amphibians of the order Anura. possesses hardened
Toads are generally wartier in appearance, have “spades” on its hind
stubby legs, and are more terrestrial than frogs. Frogs feet for digging in the
are ancient animals that have been around for about dirt.
200 million years.

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Frogs are masters of camouflage. Because of their prey.
well-adapted colors and patterns, it is not uncommon Metamor-
to be close to a frog without ever seeing it. The gray phosis from
lichen-like coloration of the gray tree frog enables it tadpole to
to blend in perfectly on tree trunks, whereas the shiny adult frog
green tree frog virtually disappears in wet vegetation. or toad
Some frogs display counter-shading with dark-col- involves not
ored backs and lighter bellies. This coloration pattern just dramatic
may help them hide better in water from predators changes in
searching from above or below. morphol-
ogy, but also
Frogs and toads have large, protruding eyes located in ecology and
on top of their heads that give them a wide field of behavior. Adult
view. They can move transparent eyelids, called frogs and toads are
nictitating membranes, over their eyes for protec- carnivores, but tad-
tion. Most frogs have horizontal pupils; however, the poles generally are herbivores, feeding
spadefoot toad has vertical ones, making it easy to primarily on algae and aquatic plants. Some tadpoles
distinguish it from other species. are predators and may even eat other tadpoles. Frogs
and toads are important links in the aquatic food chain
A frog hears through a circular eardrum (the tympa- and are preyed upon by many wading birds (herons),
num) located on each side of its head behind the eye. mammals (otters), snakes, and other animals.
In some species, the size of the tympanum eardrum
can be used to differentiate between the sexes. It is Distribution and Diversity
larger than the eye in males and smaller in females.
The coloration of the eardrum differs between spe- Frogs and toads inhabit every continent except
cies. Antarctica. Frogs are more abundant in warm, wet
tropical areas, but a few species are adapted to live
Some species produce toxic secretions from skin in dry and cool climates. Of the nearly 100 species in
glands. Toads have large glands located on their backs North America, the richest diversity is found in the
behind their eyes which release a poisonous secre- Southeastern United States, which has nearly one-half
tion that is distasteful and toxic to predators. Some the native species (48 species). Currently, there are
species produce a toxin that, if eaten, can kill a small ten frog and toad species considered threatened or
dog or cat. Handling toads cannot kill people because endangered. Four species of nonnative (exotic) frogs
the toxins do not pass through human skin, but toads have been found in the United States.
should never be eaten and caution should be used
to avoid rubbing your eyes or nose after handling Where do they live?
amphibians. Nor will you get warts from handling a
Frogs, like all amphibians, have moist, permeable
toad. Some frogs and toads inflate their bodies, like
skin and must remain in wet environments to prevent
puffer fish, to make themselves appear larger and
drying out. Frogs are most active at night during wet
more difficult to swallow, thereby fooling predators.
periods. Toads can tolerate less moisture than frogs,
but they also seek refuge from the sun during the day
What do they eat? and dry periods by hiding under vegetation, logs or
Most frogs and toads are “sit-and-wait” or “ambush” other debris, or burrowing underground.
predators, watching for unsuspecting prey to ap-
proach and then snatching it with a sticky tongue that During long periods of cold or dry weather, frogs hi-
may be quickly extended to catch fast-moving prey. bernate, remain quiet, and breathe through their skin.
They eat invertebrates, including insects, spiders, Frogs usually overwinter buried in mud or soil or
and worms. Large species, such as the bullfrog, may under moisture-retaining vegetation, such as sphag-
eat fish, rodents, snakes, other frogs and amphibians, num moss. When conditions are more suitable, they
and even small birds. Large frogs and toads eat larger resume feeding and mating activities.

How do they reproduce? as tadpoles for years, while others metamorphose
within a few weeks. Tadpoles hatched in temporary
North American frogs typically breed in the spring puddles, ponds, and ditches must grow quickly before
and summer. Males spend much of their time during the water dries up.
the breeding season calling to attract females. The
vocal sacs of male frogs amplify the sound. Calls also Most frogs and toads live 2 to 15 years. Some indi-
are important in establishing territories and warning viduals have been documented to live over 30 years in
other males. Each frog and toad species has a unique captivity, but this is probably quite unusual.
call that ensures mating within the species. Large
frogs have deeper calls than small ones.
Capturing and Observing
Frogs are wonderful singers. The calls of the different Frogs and Toads
species are pleasing to listen to, and the melodious
Calling frogs can be fairly easy to locate if you have
breeding choruses mark the onset of spring and sum-
the patience to sit and listen. However, they often are
mer in many regions.
silent, especially when a potential predator is nearby.
Some species rely on their camouflage to keep them
Once a male is successful in attracting a mate, he
concealed. Others quickly jump in the water and swim
grabs her around the waist with his front legs, an
away to safety.
embrace known as amplexus. The males of many spe-
cies develop hard pads on their thumbs (nuptial pads)
Capturing by hand is the best method, but you can also
which help them hold onto slippery females. Female
use a dipnet. When using a dipnet, you should place it
frogs are usually larger than males, and a female
slightly in front of the frog and allow the frog to jump
may carry a male on her back for some time until she
into it to avoid accidentally injuring the animal. Large
decides to lay eggs or the male decides to let go. As
aquatic species should be gripped around the waist
the female releases her eggs, the male fertilizes them
with your thumb and index finger to keep hold of the
externally. Only a few species exhibit internal fertil-
slippery and powerful jumpers. Your hands should be
wet before capturing frogs to prevent drying of their
skin and transferring oils in your hands. After obser-
Eggs are laid in a jelly-like substance that quickly ab-
vation, frogs should be kept moist and released at the
sorbs water, and they swell into transparent spheres.
same place where they were captured.
Eggs are often attached to vegetation, woody debris,
or rocks. The number of eggs and egg-laying habi-
Before collecting wild animals, you should contact
tats differ among species. Toads deposit eggs in long
your state wildlife agency to make sure your activi-
strands, rather than in transparent clumps.
ties are legal. Although collecting a few live frogs for
personal use is legal in most states, some states have
Tadpoles hatch quickly. Newly emerged tadpoles can
restrictions on the numbers, species, seasons, and
barely swim and spend most of their time floating around.
locations for collecting frogs. It is illegal to disturb
However, they soon begin feeding and grow quickly.
any threatened or endangered species. Because mov-
ing animals between habitats creates a risk of disease
What is metamorphosis? transmission, avoid introducing frogs collected at one
The transformation of a tadpole into an adult frog location to another or exotic frogs into new areas.
is called metamorphosis. During metamorphosis, a
tadpole grows legs and absorbs its tail. The complex
internal changes include developing lungs and switch- What Good Are They?
ing from a vegetarian to a carnivorous diet, a big Frogs have been a part of our aquatic ecosystems for
change that requires a different digestive system and millions of years. They are part of our heritage and
different teeth. should be part of our legacy to future generations.
Frogs are valuable parts of the aquatic food web as
The length of time that a tadpole takes to metamor- both predators and prey. Frogs have large appetites
phose into an adult frog varies with species and loca- and help keep insect pest populations reduced. The
tion. Some species, such as the bullfrogs, can remain loss of frogs from an ecosystem would be a missing

link that likely could not be filled by any other concentration of environmental toxins. Acid rain is
species. suspected of reducing amphibian populations.

Frog legs are gourmet food items. However, frogs Exotic (nonnative) species of frogs and toads rep-
grow slowly and unfortunately, wild populations of resent another threat to our native frogs and toads.
large frogs are on the decline. Because of the dramat- Although our bullfrog is a native of eastern North
ic reduction of frogs worldwide, the harvest of wild America, it has been widely introduced into the west-
frogs for food may not currently be justified. Attempts ern states, where it is eating and out-competing native
at frog farming, the breeding and rearing of large frog species. Hawaii, which was historically frogless, now
species in captivity to supply a human food market, has foreign frogs and toads, introduced from other
have had mixed results. Small frogs have been suc- parts of the world. The infamous cane toad has also
cessfully reared in captivity for scientific and medical become established in Florida.
Along with the threat of exotics is the spread of dis-
Threats eases and parasites. Diseases have resulted in massive
frog kills, sometimes resulting in local extinctions.
Many amphibian populations naturally cycle between Diseases in combination with water pollution, acid
high and low numbers, a feature which makes as- rain, ozone, and exotics significantly impact our frogs
sessing the conservation status of their populations and toads.
difficult in the absence of long-term monitoring. Most
scientists, however, agree that there is a worldwide Because frogs and toads have an aquatic-terrestrial
decline in frog numbers. Over 30 percent of frog spe- life cycle, they are at risk on both water and land.
cies in the United States are at risk. In order for a conservation plan to be effective, we
must preserve and restore wetlands and the nearby
Habitat loss is the biggest threat to frogs. Small terrestrial habitats that are essential for tadpoles and
wetlands that are used as breeding areas by frogs are adults. For species such as the wood frog, preserving
being filled, drained, and developed. Marshes and forested uplands around breeding ponds is critical.
swamps are rapidly being replaced by parking lots,
strip malls, and residential developments. Small wet- Volunteer observers are providing critical informa-
lands (ditches, backwaters, temporary pools, and even tion for the conservation of amphibians. You can help
mud puddles) are vitally important to local amphib- by monitoring local frog populations and reporting
ians, and many people fail to realize the importance any frog deformities or abnormalities in your region.
of them in the biotic community. Websites and contacts for wildlife agencies that
coordinate these efforts are listed below. You should
Habitat fragmentation and isolation are major prob- immediately report any observation of pollution of
lems. Corridors, pathways for frogs and toads to waterways to your local authorities.
move from one pond to another, are essential.
Highways built near a marsh or across a migration
route can be deathtraps for frogs. Thousands of frogs
have been killed in a single night by unsympathetic or
unaware motorists.

The moist, permeable skin of frogs is sensitive to

numerous pollutants, which is one reason why frogs
are considered a good indicator species of ecosystem
health. Industry, mining, agriculture, and the applica-
tion of lawn and garden chemicals all release toxins
into the environment. Many of these toxins can affect
tadpole and adult survival. Recent reports of large
numbers of developmental abnormalities in frogs,
such as extra legs, may be due, in part, to an increased

Useful Frog Websites • Georgia Amphibians: http://museum.nhm.uga.
• Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conserva-
tion: http://www.parcplace.org/education/index. • Frogs and Toads of Tennessee: http://www.state.
htm#Teacher%20Resources tn.us/twra/frogs.html

• Checklist of Amphibian Species and Identifica- • North Carolina’s Amphibians and Reptiles: http://
tion Guide (Online Guide for the Identification of www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/herpcons/herp-
Amphibians in North America north of Mexico): cons.html
dex.htm • South Carolina Reptiles and Amphibians: http://
• Conservation International: http://www.biodi-
versityscience.org/xp/CABS/research/repamp/ • Amphibiaweb, worldwide data base on amphib-
rep_amp_cons.xml ians: http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/aw/search/

• Frog Watch USA: A frog and toad monitoring

site: http://www.nwf.org/frogwatchUSA/
• Visit FrogWeb: Amphibian Declines & Deformi- We greatly appreciate the editorial reviews of Doug
ties: http://www.frogweb.gov/ Harpole and Nancy Templeman, Virginia Coopera-
tive Extension, and the support of Randy Rutan and
• Reptiles and Amphibians of Virginia and Mary- Hilary Chapman, National Conservation Training
land: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1m6wp/ Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

• San Francisco’s Exploratorium Museum’s Frog Art illustrations by Sally Bensusen, Mark Chorba,
Exhibition: http://www.exploratorium.edu/frogs/ Karen J. Couch.

• North American Amphibian Monitoring Program:


Reviewed by Michelle Davis, research associate, Fisheries and Wildlife

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