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Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution (LTE) System

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IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)

e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 9, Issue 2, Ver. IV (Mar - Apr. 2014), PP 14-19

Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution

(LTE) System
Maina Ibrahim
Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM), Malaysia

Abstract: LTE is a 3GPP evolution of UMTS that is envisaged to provide high data rate and low latency in
order to satisfy the data rate requirement of current high data rate applications. To achieve this and guaranty
transmission at all times, LTE system adjust transmission parameters like PMI, RI and CQI dynamically.
Accomplished via feedback from UE, the feedbacks are set after every transmission time interval based on the
measured link quality as adjudged by post detection SINR at the receiver. This paper examined CIQ feedback in
LTE using Vienna LTE Link Level Simulator for ITU-T Pedestrian A and Vehicular A channels for different
receiver and channel knowledge. It was seen that CQI feedback brings performance improvement for the
different scenarios studied. In all, Pedestrian A channel showed better performance compared to Vehicular A
Keywords: Channel quality indicator (CQI), Downlink, Feedback, LTE, SINR

I. Introduction
The evolution of Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) by the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) is named Long Term Evolution (LTE). Its main targets are: data rates up to
100Mbit/s on downlink and up to 50Mbit/s on uplink, support many users, reduce latency, cost efficient and
support only packet-switched services [1]. By these, it will meet the data rate requirement of data hungry
devices like smartphones, tablets, cloud computing etc. To sustain its service and guarantee transmission at all
times, the LTE system is designed to adjust its transmission parameters such as Channel Quality Indicator
(CQI), Rank Indicator (RI) and Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) dynamically to match the channel condition in
what is known as Link Adaptation [2]. This as opposed to hitherto worst case scenario configuration. The
mentioned targets are achieved by employing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA)
to increase significantly spectral efficiency [3], Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antennas taking
advantage of multipath to enhance the radio channel capacity at no extra cost of spectrum [4]. There is also
spectrum flexibility in LTE for which it can operate at 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20MHz bandwidths [5].

Figure 1. LTE Downlink/Uplink

In LTE, the downlink transmission is the transmission from evolved NodeB(eNB) to mobile terminal
or user equipment (UE). Uplink in turn is from UE to eNB, see Fig. 1. OFDM is used on downlink and Single
Carrier FDMA (SC–FDMA) on the uplink. Time Division Duplex (TDD) and Frequency Division Duplex
(FDD) frame structures are also defined for LTE. By OFDM, the used bandwidth is divided into a large number
of mutual orthogonal narrowband subcarriers. Every subcarrier is singly modulated by a low rate data stream.
Using OFDMA these subcarriers can be allocated between the multiple users. Each user is given a specific time/
frequency resources. Fundamentally, data channels are shared channels. Meaning after each transmission time
interval (TTI) of 1ms, a new scheduling is made reassigning the time/frequency resources again to the users.
This technique ensures very high spectral efficiency allowing for the exploitation of the variations in both
frequency and time domains. Physical Resource Blocks (PRB) is the unit for data allocation to the UEs. Integer
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Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution (LTE) System

multiples of PRB are allocated to UE. A PRB constitute 12 subcarriers in frequency grid. The subcarriers has a
spacing of 15 kHz. Hence the bandwidth of a PRB is 180 kHz. For LTE bandwidths, the allocated number of
PRBs are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of Resource Blocks for LTE Bandwidths

Bandwidth(MHz) 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Number of RBs 6 15 25 50 75 100

The scheduling and link adaptation task are fulfilled in the eNB by a feedback from the UE. The
frequency of UE feedback depend on the set periodicity. The feedback may include CQI, PMI and RI. The CQI
carries the suitable transmission rate which is used for resource allocation and link adaptation by the eNB for the
downlink. It is used for dynamic utilising of the available system resources efficiently. That is, selecting the
appropriate Modulation order and Coding Scheme (MCS) that matches current link quality that is usually
estimated from Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) measured at UE. In the feedback, number of
antennas, type of receiver used etc. are taken into account. The feedback signalled is always the one that can
achieve a target block error ratio (BLER) ≤ 0.1 which is the typical value for mobile communication [6]. PMI
and RI are for MIMO pre-processing and ensures that the correct rank and precoders that will maximise
throughput are set. The feedback granularity for PMI and CQI in LTE ranges from one value per PRB and or
one for the whole system bandwidth [7].
In this paper, attention was focussed on CQI feedback only. The feedback performance under different
channel types and detection techniques with a particular antenna configuration were examined. The remaining
discussion in this paper is organised as follows: The theory for LTE downlink transmission was briefly
highlighted in Section II while CQI feedback computation is treated in Section III. Simulation results are shown
in Section IV and finally conclusion is drawn in Section V.

II. Theory
Consider an LTE system with NR receive and NT transmit antennas. The frequency selective channels
are converted to a finite number of frequency flat narrow band channels using OFDM. For these narrow band
channels or subcarriers, the input output relationship can be expressed as:
y = Hx + z (1)
N R 1 N R 1 N R  NT
where x  C represent the transmit and y  C the receive signal vectors. H  C with entries
th th
hi , j (gain between i and j antenna at the transmitter and antenna at receiver) denote the channel matrix.

Whence, i = 1, 2, . . ., NT and j = 1, 2, . . ., NR. z  2

𝒞𝒩 0,  z  I is white Gaussian noise with variance  z .

Linear detectors has been successfully employed at the receive side for detection. To perform the
detection, the transmitted signals are treated as interference with the exception of the desired stream of the target
antenna. This means that apart from the needed stream, others which are considered as interferes are minimised.
So, a weight matrix W is used to invert the effect of the channel yielding:

y = HWx + z (2)
A linear equalizer then filters y and the post equalisation signal is given by:

y  FHWx + Fz (3)
L N
with F  C R and L number of transmission layers. By rendering these, the post processing SINR for a
subcarrier i and spatial layer l by setting K = FHW can be evaluated from [6]:

K (l , l )
SINRl ,i  (4)
 K (l , i )   z2  i F(l , i )
i l

III. CQI Feedback

LTE support wideband and subband reporting of CQI [3]. Reporting periodicity is controlled by eNB
and can be periodic or aperiodic depending on traffic pattern. The wideband CQI mask out frequency selective
SINR variation and selective scheduling is supported with subband CQI reporting. In wideband CQI reporting,
one value of CQI is reported for the whole system bandwidth by UE. Whereas in subband reporting, UE reports
one value of CQI for the whole system bandwidth with an additional CQI value for every subband. A subband

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Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution (LTE) System

consist of n contagious PRBs with 2 ≤ n ≤ 8 [8]. 3GPP has standardised 15 MCS values for LTE. Table 2 shows
the associated CQI index and the SINR switching threshold with 10% BLER for the corresponding MCS [9].

Table 2. MCS Feedback Table

CQI Modulation Code Rate β SINR threshold
Index Order × 1024 (dB)
0 No transmission
1 QPSK 78 1.00 -9.478
2 QPSK 120 1.40 -6.658
3 QPSK 193 1.40 -4.098
4 QPSK 308 1.48 -1.798
5 QPSK 449 1.50 0.399
6 QPSK 602 1.62 2.424
7 16QAM 378 3.10 4.489
8 16QAM 490 4.32 6.367
9 16QAM 616 5.37 8.456
10 64QAM 466 7.71 10.266
11 64QAM 567 15.5 12.218
12 64QAM 666 19.6 14.122
13 64QAM 772 24.7 15.849
14 64QAM 873 27.6 17.786
15 64QAM 948 28.0 19.809

The general rule for the feedback is as follows: The downlink channel quality is measured by post
equalisation signal to noise ratios of the resources of interest (subcarriers of the scheduled PRBs) at the receiver.
So, if γi are these SINRs, to perform the feedback an average value representing the link quality is determined. A
variety of compression techniques exist but the 3GPP favoured Exponential SINR Mapping (ESM) [6]. For this
work, Effective Exponential SINR Mapping (EESM) is used. The technique compress the SINRs into a single
value equivalent to a SINR value of a Single Input Single Output (SISO) Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) channel. It is mathematically expressed as:

1 N   
SNReff    log   exp   i  (5)
 N i 1   

where N is the number of the resources of interest. β is a calibration factor that is MCS dependant [10]. Its
typical values are given in Table 2. With this, the BLER performance of the equivalent AWGN channel is
approximated to be same as that of the original OFDM system [11]. The SINR is then used with an offline
generated SINR - BLER curves under AWGN channel to estimate the corresponding BLERs and the throughput
is evaluated from:

Ti  Ri (1  BLER( SINReff ) log 2 M i (6)

With Ti, Ri and Mi being the corresponding throughput, code rate and modulation order respectively. The CQI
value that is fed back is the one that yield the highest value of T with BLER ≤ 0.1 for the equivalent SISO
AWGN channel.

IV. Simulation Results

Simulation results carried out using Vienna LTE Link Level Simulator [12] for Pedestrian A(PedA)
and Vehicular A(VehA) channels with 2 x 1 MIMO configuration are presented here. Soft Sphere Detection
(SSD), Zero Forcing (ZF) receivers were considered with minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimated and
perfect channel knowledge. The antennas were considered uncorrelated and the feedback is fed with zero delay.
The user occupies the whole bandwidth. 1000 channel realizations were simulated for a SNR value. The
Table 3. Simulation Parameters
Parameter Value
System Bandwidth 1.4MHz
Number of Subcarriers 72
Feedback Delay 0 TTI
Channel Model ITU-T VehA, ITU-T PedA
Antenna Configurations 2 transmit, 1 receive(2 x 1)
Receiver Zero Forcing(ZF), Soft Sphere Detection(SSD)
Feedback Granularity Full bandwidth
Channel estimator Perfect Channel Knowledge, Estimated Channel(MMSE)

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Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution (LTE) System

parameters are summarised in Table 3. Additionally, a single value of CQI is reported for the whole system
bandwidth with the channel averaged over an RB before the SINR is calculated.

CQI Feedback
4 Fixed CQI

Throughput [Mbit/s]

-10 0 10 20 30 40
SNR [dB]
Figure 2. Throughput versus SNR for 2 x 1 VehA channel.

Fig. 2 depicts the result for throughput as a function of signal to noise ratio for a 2 x 1 VehA channel
with ZF receiver and perfect knowledge of the channel when CQI feedback is activated and for fixed CQI’s. The
red diamond marked line shows when CQI feedback is activated while the black solid lines is when fixed CQI is
used. The solid line with smallest throughput correspond to CQI 1 while the one with the highest throughput to
CQI 15. Performance improvement with CQI feedback can clearly be seen. Throughput improvement of up to
1.01Mbit/s over fixed CQI was possible. Similar trend of result was observed for estimated channel knowledge
case and also with SSD receiver.

4.4 4.3
SSD Estimated SSD Estimated
4.3 4.2 SSD Perfect
SSD Perfect
ZF Estimated ZF Estimated
4.2 4.1
Throughput [Mbit/s]

ZF Perfect
Throughput [Mbit/s]

ZF Perfect
4.1 4

4 3.9

3.9 3.8

3.8 3.7

3.7 3.6

3.6 3.5
19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23
SNR [dB] SNR [dB]
Figure 3. Comparison of throughput with different channel Figure 4. Comparison of throughput with different channel
knowledge and receivers for 2 x 1 PedA channel. knowledge and receivers for 2 x 1 VehA channel.

Throughput as a function of transmit energy to noise power spectral density for 2 x 1 PedA channel
employing SSD and ZF receivers for both perfect and estimated channel knowledge are shown in Fig. 3. The
performance are almost same for SSD and ZF in the case of perfect channel knowledge. Compared to the
estimated channel knowledge case, the performance is better with perfect channel knowledge. ZF with estimated
channel shows inconsistent behaviour compared to the rest. A throughput improvement of up to 0.83Mbit/s can
be achieved between the two extreme scenarios. In Fig. 4, the same type of result is shown for VehA. It can be
observed that perfect channel case still performed better than estimated channel case. In this situation unlike the
case for PedA, SSD perfect has underperformed ZF perfect and the estimated channel case gave almost same
result. Throughput difference of up to 0.142Mbit/s between the two extreme cases is observed.

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Channel Quality Indicator Feedback in Long Term Evolution (LTE) System

5 5

4.5 4.5

Throughput [Mbit/s]
Throughput [Mbit/s]

3.5 3.5

3 3

2.5 2.5
PedA SSD Perfect
2 PedA SSD Estimated 2 VehA SSD Perfect
VehA SSD Estimated
1.5 1.5
20 10
25 15
30 35 10 15 20 25 30 35
SNR [dB] SNR [dB]
Figure 5. Throughput comparison for PedA/VehA channels Figure 6. Throughput comparison for PedA/VehA channels
with SSD receiver estimated channel knowledge. with SSD receiver perfect channel knowledge.

Fig. 5 to 8 are the results for PedA/VehA SSD with estimated, perfect; PedA/VehA ZF with estimated,
perfect channel knowledge’s respectively. In all, the performance has same trend with PedA channel yielding
better result in all compared to VehA.
5 5
PedA ZF Estimated PedA ZF Perfect
4.5 VehA ZF Estimated 4.5 VehA ZF Perfect
Throughput [Mbit/s]

4 4
Throughput [Mbit/s]

3.5 3.5

3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5
20 10 25 15 30 35 10 20 25 15 30 35
SNR [dB] SNR [dB]
Figure 7. Throughput comparison for PedA/VehA channels Figure 8. Throughput comparison for PedA/VehA channels
with ZF receiver estimated channel knowledge. with ZF receiver perfect channel knowledge.

V. Conclusion
In this paper, CQI feedback for PedA and VehA 2 x 1 MIMO LTE system with SSD and ZF receivers
for perfect and estimated channel knowledge were examined. The CQI value which is valuable for link
adaptation was derived from the instantaneous channel quality measured at the receive side by calculating the
post detection SINR. With Vienna LTE Link Level Simulator as a test platform, performance improvement with
CQI feedback is demonstrated. Generally for the cases under investigation, the case with perfect channel
knowledge performed better compared with estimated channel case. It was also seen that with SSD, ZF
receivers for perfect and estimated knowledge PedA channel shows better performance compared to VehA.

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