DSC - DTA - TG Prez
DSC - DTA - TG Prez
DSC - DTA - TG Prez
Exothermal dQ/dT
analysis is designed such that the sample holder temperature
increases linearly as a function of time. The reference sample
should have a well-defined heat capacity over the range of
temperatures to be scanned. The basic principle underlying this
technique is that, when the sample undergoes a physical
transformation such as phase transitions, more (or less) heat Temperature
will need to flow to it than the reference to maintain both at the
same temperature. Whether more or less heat must flow to the
sample depends on whether the process is exothermic or
The DTA method applied to the measurement of heat is called DSC.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Isolated Box w/ two Platinum sensors
pans Temperature Range:
Heating element and 110 K- 1000K
thermo couple Heating rate 0.1 –500k/min
(normally 0.5-50 K/min)
Liquid Nitrogen Noise is ± 4µw
Nitrogen Gas Sample volume: up to 75 mm3
Aluminum Pan
Sample heater Reference heater
Perkin-Elmer DSC 7
The conformation of a
Polymers are large molecules polyethylene macromolecule
Typical molecule:
Molecular weight: 500 cm
C20000H40002, MW = 280,000 (Magnification 2,000,000×)
Na: 23, CO2 44…. Contour Length 3,100 nm
Planar zig-zag conformation
PE Polyethylene ----(CH2)n--- molecular weight could
be as high as millions! Atomic model of a planar H HH HH H
zig-zag conformation 111°
bond C C C
(Magnification 108 ×) C C C ~ 0.45 nm
Random conformation
of a macromolecular chain Molecular Distribution
Molecular Distribution:
Random coil conformation
Mn = ∑ NXMX/ ∑ NX,
A number of different MW = ∑ NXMX2/ ∑ NXMX
MW/Mn = 1 ~ 10 or even more
320,000 = 1010,000
Molecular weight distribution is a unique characteristic of
the molecules are polychlorotrifluoroethylene
much larger than the 2. Produced by crystallization
crystals during polymerization:
e.g. polyoxymethylene
Chain folded
1. Fold length 5 -50 nm
polyphosphates, selenium
2. Best grown from dilute Glassy amorphous
solution 1. Random copolymers
3. Metastable lamellae 2. Atatic stereoisomers
because of the large fold e.g. PS, PMMA, PP
surface area 3.Quenched slow
molecules DSC heating curve of PEEK, Poly(oxy-1,4 phynyleneoxy-
e.g. PET, PC 1,4-phenylenecarbonyl-1,4-phenylene), heating rate 10 K/min
and others.
Second order transition: glass
(∂∆G/∂T) = -∆S = 0, (∂2∆G/∂T2) ≠ 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature -1
EXOTHERMIC Crystallization
Temperature (C)
Experimental curves on heating after cooling at 0.0084 K/min (1), 0.2 K/min (2)
0.52 K/min (3), 1.1 K/min (4), 2.5 K/min (5), 5 K/min (6), and 30 K/min (7). Sample: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Temperature increase rate: 20°C/min
Temperature range: 30°C - 300°C
Thermogravimetric Analysis Thermogravimetric Analysis
Thermogravimetric Analysis or TGA is a type of Thermogravimetric analysis
testing that is performed on samples to determine (TGA) device,
changes in weight in relation to change in Setaram TG-DTA 92 B type;
temperature. Such analysis relies upon a high degree the cooling water pipe is not
of precision in three measurements: weight, represented
temperature, and temperature change. As many
weight loss curves look similar, the weight loss curve
may require transformation before results may be
interpreted. A derivative weight loss curve depicts at
what point weight loss is most apparent. Again,
interpretation is limited without further modifications
and deconvolution of the overlapping peaks may be
Thermogravimetric Analysis
Kinetic studies
Determining the CNT contents in Polymer nanocomposites The kinetic reaction mechanism can be determined from the
Arrhenius equation,
K=A exp (-Ea/RT),
where Ea is the activation energy; R is the universal gas
constant; A is the pre-exponential factor; T is the absolute
temperature; and K is the reaction rate constant.
The above equation upon log transformation can be rewritten
lnK= lnA - Ea/RT
The activation energy can be determined from the slope of the
above plot, and the intercept value would yield the pre-
exponential factor.
Pure PAN nanofiber PAN nanofiber with CNT
Decomposition of organic matter
Explosives (ignition temperature)
Curing of polymers
Evaporation of solvents
Determination of kinetic mechanism for volatilization of Kinetics and activation energy
triacetin, diethyl phthalate, and glycerin from Arrhenius plots. measurements
The Ea values are 66.45, 65.12, and 67.54 kJ/mol