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Amplify Your Findings Agilent 7100 Capillary

with fully integrated Electrophoresis System


Dr. Martin Greiner

Product Manager
Low Flow CE & LC Solutions
January, 28, 2013

Why Capillary Electrophoresis complements HPLC

Setup of Agilent CE/MS system
News and updates on Agilent CE/MS
New Agilent JetStream compatible ESI-sprayer
Access to iFunnel MS
New integration of CE into Agilent MassHunter software

Application examples CE/MS

Principles of Capillary Electrophoresis

For charged substances like ions, small basic or acidic drugs and typical
biomolecules, CE is an ideal tool for analysis
Separation based on compound mobility (mass/charge) in an electrical field
High resolution separations (often > 100,000 plates)
Fast separation (few minutes)
Smallest sample volumes (nL Injections)
Less sample prep required (no stationary phase, just an open glass tube)
Orthogonal technique complementing HPLC
Low consumption of sample and aqueous buffer (green method)
Comparison of Techniques

HPLC Electrophoresis
Separation principle Separation principle
Adsorption / desorption between a stationary and a liquid mobile Compound specific mobility in an electrical field depending on charge
phase state, m/z, size and shape of the molecule
Advantage: Chromatography as wide spread method, many publications Advantage: High resolution, e.g. isomers can be separated effectively
Disadvantage: Expensive solvents and columns (cost of ownership) Disadvantage: Solvent and compound chemistry must be aligned

Typical samples ( for reversed phase RP-HPLC ) Typical samples

Neutral or slight polar compounds, small to medium size range Ions or charged compounds, from inorganic ions to large polymers
Advantage: Fast UHPLC gradients, good reproducibility Advantage: widest range of molecules, physiological conditions
Disadvantage: Ions / polar compounds often unresolved, intact proteins difficult Disadvantage: neutral compounds require often MS-incompatible additives

Detection Detection
Various detectors ranging from UV, Fluorescence, Light scattering, Main technique is UV-DAD with medium sensitivity but broad
Conductivity or a whole suite of MS instruments and methods application range. More sensitiv are LIF and Mass Spectrometry
Advantage: Choice of principle to use, covering a wide range in sensitivity Advantage: UV very simple to use for ppm range. MS down to ppt range
Disadvantage: Not generally compatible with each method/technique Disadvantage: Small sample volumes limits choice of detectors

Flow rate Flow rate

Pump driven constant flow in typically L/min - ml/min range pH dependent: capillary flow rate plus compound specific migration
Typical flow rates are in the range of x0 x00 nL/min
Advantage: Stable flow, identical speed of compounds at detection point Advantage: Ideal for sensitive low-flow Electrospray-MS
Disadvantage: High solvent consumption, technology needs maintenance Disadvantage: Flow rates change with chemistry (buffer capacity, wall effects)
Comparison of Techniques
HPLC Electrophoresis
Separation Columns Separation Columns
packed with adsorption material, typically RP-modified particles None, open tube fused silica capillaries usually 25 -100 m ID
Advantage: many different phases, easy switch, analytical and preparative Advantage: Low cost, low volumes of buffers (mL) reduced sample prep
Disadvantage: risk to damage packing by solvents or by matrix adsorption Disadvantage: Capillary coating might be required, non-preparative technique

Injections Injections
L-volumes (typically 1-100) liquid aliquots loaded onto the column nL-Aliquots loaded by pressure, alternative: electrokinetic injection
Advantage: increased sensitivity through high loading capacity Advantage: Stacking procedures (ITP) to concentrate compounds
Disadvantage: requires large sample volumes Disadvantage: reduced loading capacity > reduced sensitivity

UV-Detection UV-Detection
Light path length is an important parameter for UV-sensitivity, in HPLC Light path is directly through the capillary without a flow cell, this
typical values are 10-60 mm in UV flow cells reduces path length to the ID (25-100 m)
Advantage: High UV sensitivity through a large light path Advantage: Agilent bubble-cell increases ID without a loss in resolution
Disadvantage: Extra detection cell required, balance on volumes & flow rates Disadvantage: reduced light-path > reduced sensitivity

Familiarity with technique

Analyte neutral - polar


Range of detectors
Reproducibility (qual/quant)
Capital cost instruments
Sample prep effort
Resolution performance
Sample volume required
Analyte size
Cost of ownership
Biocompatibility (native Prot.)
Analyte polar - fully charged
Charged polymers and Proteins
Agilent 7100 CE System

Performance Highest sensitity for UV

Handling Quick, direct and easy

Automation Agilent replenishment system

Flexibility All modes, open to external detectors

Slim housing
CE/MS Complete single vendor solution
Sensitive UV diode array detector
Economic Reducing cost of ownership based on the Agilent 1200 Series LC

Quick access cassette type

Vial sensor for sample tray

Fast Agilent 1200 electronics

Low volume replenishment system

Improved pressure/vacuum pumps

Agilent Open LAB CDS software

LabAdvisor Diagnostic tools
Agilent CE/MS Setup
OpenLAB CDS (ChemStation edition)

Sheath Liquid Pump

Single Point Software Control

7100 CE Instrument

MS Single Quadropole
LC Make-Up Flow

Adapter (interface) Kit

(G1603A) Sprayer Kit

PC-system controlling nebulizing gas
- 7100 CE system
- MS system
- Sheath liquid pump
MS source
JetStream or ESI
On request also
Agilent CE/MS Advantages APPI / APCI

Single vendor solution: direct and competent support

Sheath Liquid Interface: robust and reliable, offering efficient control
on chemistry
Capillary outlet on ground: no compromises on voltages for CE or ESI-
Agilent CE/MS Setup
New: MassHunter Software Control

Single Point Software Control

7100 CE Instrument


LC Make-Up Flow

Agilent CE/MS Advantages

Single vendor solution: direct and competent support
Sheath Liquid Interface: robust and reliable, offering efficient control
on chemistry
Capillary outlet on ground: no compromises on voltages for CE or ESI-
Agilent CE/MS Solutions

Agilents complete CE/MS systems consists of

Agilent Agilent 7100 CE instrument
Agilent CE/MS adapter kit (G1603A)
Agilent CE/MS sprayer Kit (G1607B)
Agilent 6000 series MS instrument portfolio (Q, QQQ, TOF, Q-TOF)
Agilent MS source (JetStream, Standard ESI, APCI, APPI)
Agilent MassHunter software B.05.01 (or higher)
Agilent HPLC pump with degasser (any 12xx-type)
Agilent HPLC pump with degasser (any 12xx-type)

Other detectors can be run in parallel to the MS-detection:

UV-DAD (included in 7100 CE)
LIF (Laser induced Fluorescence e.g. Picometrics)
CCD (contactles conductivity e.g. ISTech or eDAQ)
Agilent interface for CE/MS
Cassette type
Cassette without liquid cooling, temperature control by fast airstream providing
efficient cooling and heating using a Peltier element
Quick change of capillaries, no sealings, no liquids no leaks.
Access to 7100 built in UV-DAD providing UV monitoring (traces and full spectra)
CCD Sensors can be placed inside the temperature controlled cassette for
conductivity measurments

MS detection
UV detection Capillary on ground

Inlet vial
High voltage
Agilent interface for CE/MS
Sheath-liquid type

Sheath liquid is added to the CE eluent by a

software controlled LC pump at a rate of typically 1 -
5 L/min.

It often consists of a mix of water, methanol or

isopropanol, adjusted for desired pH range (by
volatile acids or bases)

Besides controlling flow rate and chemical conditions

for ESI ionization of molecules it allows grounding of
the non-conductive fused silica capillary to the metal
tube of the spray needle

High stability & reproducibility for routine analysis
Decoupling chemistry (CE separation / MS ionization)
Constant flow rates during runs and sequences
No modification of capillary / columns required
Capillary Electrophoresis
The Advantage of Agilent JetStream source compatibility
Access to latest and most sensitive MS
Saving money, no need for extra ESI sources

New setup offers:

Access to 6490 QQQ and 6550 QTOF iFunnel technology
No need to purchase separate ESI source (G1948B) for CE/MS
Full backwards compatibility of G1607B sprayer to existing ESI sources
Very robust sprayer

Old G1607A New G1607B

Sprayer tip Sprayer tip
Agilent interface for CE/MS
Agilent MassHunter software for LC-MS & CE/MS
MassHunter versions B.05.01 and higher are integrating and controlling Capillary
Electrophoresis for CE/MS analysis as a single software package under Windows 7 (64 bit)

Graphical UI


MS online

MS parameters
Agilent 7100 CE/MS software options

Software type OpenLAB CDS MassHunter ChemStation

Supported CE instrument Agilent 7100 CE Agilent 7100 CE old Agilent 1600 CE

Supported MS instrument Agilent 61xx MSD MSD only (ChemStation)
Incl. iFunnel Systems

Workstation Single PC Single PC 1 PC co-excecution CS + MH

1 PC-CS + 1 PC- MH

Last CS: B.04.03

SW Version C.01.03 and higher B.05.01. and higher
MH: B.04.xx

Macro (sequence >

Additional requirements
CE/MS Applications

CE/MS analysis provides specific advantages

Orthogonal separation method vs. chromatographic separations
Very high resolution by combining CE and MS resolution
Improved MS sensitivity vs. standard UV analysis
Fast analysis especially with TOF/QTOF instrumentation
CE separation with reduced sample preparation
Non-denaturing separations of bio molecules (e.g. Proteins)

Screening Target Analysis

MS choice: TOF/QTOF MS choice: MSD/QQQ

Protein ID
Peptide mapping
Small Molecule ID
Impurity analysis
Applications: Small anionic molecules
Metabolomics by CE-TOF/MS
Instrument type: Agilent TOF

Journal: Analytical Chemistry


MS raw data of BSA digest




Peptide mapping

(sequence coverage) and final Peptide map


Instrument type: Agilent Q-TOF

BioConfirm Protein Analysis Peptide Matching Results

Biopharmaceutical Analysis

More details in Agilent

Pub. No. 5990-7138EN
Quantification of Drugs of abuse
Instrument type: Agilent QQQ

Combination of effective
sample stacking method
with a highly sensitive
iFunnel QQQ instrument

Data: Isabelle Kohler, University of Geneva, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland

Agilent is the only sole vendor to provide a completely integrated robust and
sensitive CE/MS solution for research and for routine analysis
Full Agilent series 6000 MS portfolio available single quad, QQQ, TOF, and
Triple-tube interface to optimize individually separation and MS ionization no
Range of ion sources available - standard ESI and Agilent JetStream (APPI and
APCI on demand)
Flexibility on additional detectors UV-DAD, LIF, and CCD in parallel to MS
iFunnel-Sensitivity for small molecules down to the ppt range
Agilent MassHunter software control one software, one workstation
Single-vendor solution integrated system and single-source support
More information

Integrated CE/MS for orthogonal analysis is one of a

wave of innovative Agilent technologies for ensuring
your analytical lab stays at the forefront of separation

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