Health6 Q2 Mod4 ProperWasteManagement V2
Health6 Q2 Mod4 ProperWasteManagement V2
Health6 Q2 Mod4 ProperWasteManagement V2
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Proper Waste Management
Health – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 4: Proper Waste Management
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Proper Waste Management
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you practice proper waste management at home, in school, and in the community.
After going through this module, you are expected to practice proper waste
management at home, in school, and in the community (H6CMH-IIh-8).
1 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What I Know
Directions: Write Agree if the statement tells proper waste management at home, in
school, and in the community and Disagree if it does not. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
2. Convert kitchen wastes like fruit and vegetable peelings into compost.
6. Label the garbage cans properly in school for the children to practice
correct disposal of waste.
8. Support the Clean and Green Program of the community to maintain the
cleanliness of a place.
10. Sell scraps in the junkshop to reduce waste and earn money.
2 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Wastes are found in our home, school and community. These wastes are
classified as biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous. Wastes found in
school, in the community and at home should be managed properly to reduce them,
to prevent diseases or illnesses and to maintain a healthy environment.
What’s In
Illustrated by Zoila Mae P. Panes, Riza E. Celebrado, and Marvin P. Pagurayan
3 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What’s New
A. Directions: These kids are given the task to properly manage the wastes found
at home, in school, and in the community. Help them manage the
problem by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
B. Put the waste in a sealed
container and dispose
properly by burying in
specially built landfills or pit.
4 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
B. Directions: Do you know that there are color-coded bins to sort our wastes
easily? Take a look at the pictures of the waste sorting bins. Do
you have these in your school?
Let’s read this poem. Answer the questions below. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
“Color-coded Bins”
1. According to the poem, where should you pitch in your biodegradable waste?
2. What color of the bin should a non-biodegradable waste be placed?
3. The wastes are recyclable. Where should you throw your waste?
4. What colors are used for coding the biodegradable, non-biodegradable and
recyclable wastes?
5 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What is It
Directions: The pupils are sharing ideas about different types of wastes found in
school, home and community and how to manage them properly. Read
the comic strip to answer some questions about proper waste
6 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Hazardous wastes have Hazardous wastes like paint,
toxins. They are explosive and solvent, gasoline, thinner, varnish,
poisonous. They can burn fertilizer and muriatic acid should
our skin as well as metals and be handled properly because they
can also carry diseases. This can poison our body if accidentally
dangerous type of wastes touched eaten or drank. It is
include expired medicines, advised to use gloves and masks in
used bulbs, chemicals and
handling these materials. Cover
your nose or wash your hands
when exposed to these substances.
7 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Directions: Read the questions carefully about how to manage wastes properly.
Choose the letter only of the correct answer and write it on a sheet of
1. Fruit and vegetable peelings are biodegradable wastes. How should these
wastes be managed?
A. Throw in the canal.
B. Use the wastes for composting activity.
C. Sell in junkshops.
D. Dispose anywhere.
2. Plastics and metal scraps are non-biodegradable wastes. What should be done
to manage these?
A. Put it in a sack and throw it in a vacant lot.
B. Sell in the junkshop.
C. Leave the waste scattering in the area.
D. Throw in the compost pit.
3. Hazardous wastes are poisonous. What should be done in handling this type of
A. Use gloves and mask in handling the materials.
B. Pick with your hands and throw in the trash can.
C. Put in the compost pit.
D. Collect and place near your food products.
4. Your family decides to have a backyard compost pit. What waste materials
should be included as compost materials?
A. cans and plastic containers
B. expired medicines and metal scraps
C. leaves, twigs and food waste
D. bottles and old newspapers
5. Which of the following is a proper management of waste?
A. Throw the trash anywhere if nobody is watching.
B. Dump hazardous waste in the river.
C. Burn non-biodegradable waste like plastic packaging to reduce waste.
D. Feed biodegradable wastes like plant peelings to animals.
8 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Proper Waste
9 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What’s More
A. Directions: The pupils are sharing ideas about proper waste management at
home, in school, and in the community. Read carefully and answer
the checklist that follows after reading this.
Proper Waste
3. Sell plastic bottles, tin cans and
Management at Home
metal scraps in the junk shop to
at Home
Have bins for the different lessen wastes at home.
kinds of wastes at home.
10 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Proper Waste
Management in School
11 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Proper Waste Management
in the Community
Always remember that
proper waste management is the
1. Collect, segregate and store responsibility of all. If we fail to
the different types of wastes manage our wastes, there will be
properly. flash flood due to clogged
2. Secure the garbage bag drainage. Pests like rats,
tightly to prevent animals cockroaches and mosquitoes
from scattering them.
will multiply if garbage is not
3. Support clean-up activities
managed well. A dirty and
of waterways, canals,
smelly environment is
creeks and public places in
unhealthy. Diseases will spread
the community.
if we will not take care of our
4. Observe the schedule of
own wastes.
garbage retrieval by
garbage collectors or
garbage trucks.
12 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Did you check more on Yes or No? If you have more “Yes” then you are helping
a lot in managing waste. If you have more “No” then it is time for you to participate
in proper waste management. It will never be too late to join or show acts of kindness
in helping solve our problems in managing waste. Encourage your family members
to take part in saving or protecting our environment.
13 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
C. Directions: Let’s meet Lino and Lina. Read and understand their story. Find
out how to practice proper waste management at home, in school
and in the community?
Lessen the amount of your trash. Think before
Buy only what you need.
Don’t buy products with unnecessary
Refuse plastic bags. Bring your own
bag when shopping.
Find other uses for the materials that are
already used.
Use reusable things rather than
Reuse scrap paper for taking
Reuse packaging materials.
14 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Create a new product out of the material that
already served its purpose. It’s taking
something and using it for something else.
straws mat
jar organizer
Illustrated by Zoila Mae P. Panes, Riza E. Celebrado, and Marvin P. Pagurayan / Photos by Francilet R. Padios
15 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Recover energy that comes from trash
16 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Recovering wastes involves sorting or
segregation of trashes. We should
separate wastes correctly and then
dispose them properly.
After reading the story, what are your realizations about waste
management? Will it be difficult for you to do one of the 5R’s mentioned by
Lino and Lina? In your own home, which of the 5R’s did you and your family
do? How about in your school? Is your community supporting the 5R’s of
waste management?
Being a responsible member in home, school and community is of great
help in maintaining a healthy environment. Choose to be a person who in
little ways or perhaps in big ways could manage the trash properly.
17 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word or words inside the box. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Put __________ in the garbage bins or trash cans the different kinds of wastes
in school and make sure that the right bins are used properly.
2. Bury food scraps, plants and dead animals in the __________ to convert into
3. Recycle bottles, tin cans and paper found in the community by selling them
in __________.
5. Manage reusable wastes at home by __________ them into toys, art projects
and home decorations.
pit segregate
18 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
What I Can Do
Directions: Take a look at the different types of wastes in Column A. Choose the
letter of the correct answer on how to manage the wastes properly in
Column B. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
A. Convert into musical instrument like
metal scraps tambourine.
paper bag B. Put in the compost pit.
D. Donate to a school library or give to
children as reading materials.
animal manure
19 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Use recyclable
wastes in making Burn garbage
home with plastic
decorations. packaging.
4. __________ 5. __________
Illustrated by Zoila Mae P. Panes, Riza E. Celebrado, and Marvin P. Pagurayan
20 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
Additional Activity
1. Containers like
(any of the following)
jar, can, plastic bottle Procedures
or small box
1. Choose the container
2. Rattle materials like
for your rattle.
seeds, small stones,
paper clips, sand or 2. Put your chosen
small metal scraps rattle material inside
(any of the following) the container.
It is now ready as a
percussion instrument
in your Music class.
21 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
CO_Q2_Health6_Module4 22
What I Know What’s More Assessment
1. Disagree
2. Agree B. Pupils answer A.
3. Agree may vary 1. C
4. Agree 2. X
5. Disagree 3. C
6. Agree 4. C
7. Agree 5. X
8. Agree
9. Disagree
10. Agree
What’s New What I Have
1. True
A. Learned 2. True
1. C
1. labels 3. False
3. B 2. pit 4. True
B. 3. junkshops 5. False
1. green bin 4. segregate
2. blue bin 5. recycling
3. yellow bin
4. green, yellow and
blue bins
Additional Activity
What Is It What I Can Do
1. B 1. C
2. B 2. E Output: Rattle as a
3. A 3. A percussion
4. C 4. B instrument for Music
5. D 5. D class
Answer Key
5Rs of waste management. Retrieved on July 6, 2020 from
Biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials. In Environmental and Recycling
Industry Center. Retrieved on September 2, 2019 from
Hazardous waste. In Defining Hazardous Waste: Listed, Characteristic and Mixed
Radiological Wastes.2019. Retrieved on October 4, 2019 from
How to manage waste properly. In Gorilla Bins. Retrieved on July 6, 2020 from
K to 12 Health Curriculum Guide August 2016, page 57
Waste management using the 5Rs techniques. Retrieved on July 6, 2020 from
23 CO_Q2_Health6_Module4
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