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Health-6-Quarter 4-Las 1-9

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Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 1

I. Introductory Concept

Consumer health is the study of products and services that have an effect on your
health physically, psychologically, and socially. You may not realize it, but the choices you
make everyday have effect on your health such as nutrition, safety, and disease prevention.
A person who chooses and uses products and services is a consumer.

Learning consumer health will help you become a wise consumer. You will be able to
make a wise and informed decisions when purchasing products or availing services. Aside
from protection from fraud and malpractice, you will also have the ability to differentiate valid
health information from myth and misconceptions. It helps to make the consumer aware about
their rights and responsibilities such as: the right to basic needs; the right to safety; the right
to choose goods and services; the right to redress; and the right to consumer education.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Explains the Importance of Consumer Health H6CHIVa-13

III. Activities
Activity 1
Complete the graphic organizer by answering the questions.
Who is a What is a What are the rights
consumer? consumer health? of a consumer?

Activity 2
Write True if the statement shows the importance of consumer health and
False if states otherwise.
_______1. Learning consumer health will help you become a wise consumer.

_______2. Consumer health gives consumers the knowledge, skills and values to
become a responsible buyer.

_______3. Consumer health helps people to take wrong service on the right time.

_______ 4. Consumer health makes the consumers to have the ability to differentiate
true information from false.

_______5. It gives the knowledge of the unexisting laws and protection of their
consumer rights.

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1
Who is a consumer?
Consumer is a person who chooses and uses products and services.

What is a consumer health?

Consumer health is the study of products and services that have an effect on your
health physically, psychologically, and socially.

What are the rights of a consumer?

the right to basic needs; the right to safety;
the right to choose goods and services; the right to redress;
and the right to consumer education.

Activity 2
1. True
2. True
3. False - Consumer health helps people to take right service on the right time.
4. True
5. False - It gives the knowledge of the existing laws and protection of their consumer

V. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies MELC

DLP 2019-2020

LAS Development Team

Marife C. Penalba - Writer - Don Jose Pavia Central School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 2

I. Introductory Concept

There are three major components of consumer health namely health information,
health products, and health services.
Health information can be drawn from health professionals, educators, scientists, and
the public to make health and safety news widely available. Consumer health tools are the
media like the radio and television, printed materials such as magazines, newspapers or
newsletter, and books, the internet, computers and other information and communication
systems which raise awareness on important health topics and educate the public about
preventive medicine.
Anything that affects health can be considered a health product. It can be cleaning
agents, food, personal care products, or those that are found in pharmaceutical companies.
Different helpful health services are being experienced and enjoyed by the
consumers. These services are carried out by health professionals like doctors, nurses,
dentist, dieticians, educators, scientists, chemists, and many others. Health practitioners
promote the new vaccines, tests, and therapies to treat diseases and once posed a serious
health risk and enhance consumer health. Also known as a dental surgeon, a dentist is a
health care practitioner who specializes in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases
and conditions of the oral cavity. A dermatologist can diagnose and treat disorders of the skin,
mouth, external genitalia, hair, and nails, such as skin cancers, moles, allergic disorders, and
scarring. A nutritionist is a person who advises matters on food and nutrition impacts on health.
Nurses who receive special additional training to perform physical examinations, make
diagnosis, and prescribe treatment, often under the supervision of a physician. An
ophthalmologist can diagnose and treat problems related to the eyes and vision, including
vision correction with glasses or contact lenses and treatment of diseases such as glaucoma.
A pharmacist mixes and dispenses medications. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who
specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
A radiologist makes use of radiology methods such as X-ray, ultrasound and nuclear
medicine or diagnosing and treating diseases using radiation. A social worker helps patients
with matters such as finances, insurance and family problems. A speech therapist treats and
helps preventing disorders related to speech. A surgeon is a specialist in surgery. Surgery is
a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body whether that
of a human or animal, for a specific reason such as removal of a diseased tissue or to repair
a tear breakage.
What government agencies provide health services for the consumers?
There are government health agencies that provide health services and protect the
welfare of the consumers. These agencies aim to make the people healthy and to prolong life
1. Department of Health (DOH)
2. Philippine Health Insurance Company (PHIC)

3. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
4. Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
5. Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD)
6. Philippine Dental Association (PDA)
7. Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC)

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Explains the Different Components of Consumer Health H6EH-IVbc-14-H6EH-IVcd-15

III. Activities

Activity 1
Write HI for Health Information, HP for Health Products, and HS for Health Services.
___________1. milk
___________2. internet
___________3. rural health clinic
___________4. foods
___________5. health experts

Activity 2
Match Column A with the sample services in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. Health Information a. Cleaning agents, food, pharmaceutical
2. Health products b. Books, television, radio, internet
3. Health Services c. Health professionals, health units, health care
plans & programs

Activity 3
Complete the graphic organizer by providing information on the different components
of consumer health.
Definition Example

of Consumer

IV. Answer Key
Activity 1
1. HP
2. HI
3. HS
4. HP
5. HS

Activity 2
1. B
2. A
3. C

Activity 3
Components of Consumer Health
1. Health Information
Health information can be drawn from health professionals, educators, scientists,
and the public to make health and safety news widely available.
Example: books, newspaper, articles, internet

2. Health Products
Anything that affects health.
Example: Cleaning agents, food, pharmaceutical, personal care products

3. Health Services
Persons and agencies that sworn to provide quality health care.
Example: Health professionals, health units, Health care plans & programs

V. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies MELC

DLP 2019-2020

LAS Development Team

Marife C. Penalba - Writer - Don Jose Pavia Central School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 3 & 4

I. Introductory Concept

Health products include over-the-counter drugs (OTC) as well as prescription drugs.

Both are used to treat diseases/illnesses, relieve symptoms and prevent diseases and
improve/maintain health. Over-the-counter medicines are also called nonprescription drugs.
Purchasing these products does not require doctor’s written prescription. They can be
purchased from any store- convenience store, pharmacy and supermarkets. They could be
used by multiple patients. The product is chosen based on self-care decision. They are used
to treat minor diseases such as headaches, colds and coughs. They are less expensive than

Prescription medicines require doctor’s written permission. They are purchased from
licensed pharmacy and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist. These medicines are usually
more powerful than OTC medications and prescribed for individual dosages. This is the reason
why these medicines are intended for a specific patient and are used to treat serious diseases
and illness.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Differentiates Over-the Counter from Prescription Medicines H6EH-IVcd-16

Give Examples of Over-the Counter and Prescription Medicines H6CH-IVe-17

III. Activities

Activity 1
Read each statement. Write OTC if it tells about over-the-counter medicines and write
P if it tells about prescription medicines.
_____1. These are bought off-the-shelf in drugstore or supermarkets.
_____2. These have general recommended dosages.
_____ 3. These are used to treat serious diseases.
_____4. These are purchased from a licensed pharmacy.
_____ 5. These are used to treat minor diseases.

Activity 2
Fill the Venn Diagram with information such as words or phrases that pertains
to its differences. Write the similarities on the middle part.

Counter Similarities

Activity 3
Explain the use of each type of medicine by matching column A with column B.
Column A Column B
1. Used to treat patient with hypertension a. Antihypertensive or
high blood pressure
2. Used to reduce fever b. antidepressant

3. Used to treat bacterial infection/ disorders c. Antibiotic

4. Used for treatment for severe depression, d. Analgesic

anxiety disorders, chronic pain conditions
and to help manage some addictions.
5. Used as pain reliever e. Antipyretic

Activity 4
Arrange the jumbled letters to decode the medicine described in each item.

1. Used to treat high blood pressure LSAROATN _____________

2. Used to reduce fever ATNIPREYITC _____________
3. Pain reliever/pain killer ALNAEGISC _____________
4. Antibacterial AXOMIICILN _____________
5. To help clear blocked nasal passages DCOEGNETSNAT _____________
and sinuses
6. Used to neutralize acid in the stomach SMEIHTIOCNE _____________
7. Antipyretic/Analgesic APARETCMOAL _____________

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1
1. OTC 2. OTC 3. P 4. P 5. OTC

Activity 2
Over-the-Counter Similarities Prescription Medicines
 Without doctors’  Both used to treat  With doctors’
prescription diseases prescription
 Relieves minor  Prevent diseases  Treatment for serious
symptoms  Improve/maintain health diseases & illness
 Have a  Expensive and more
guidelines/instru powerful medicine
ction found in  Purchased from licensed
drugstore pharmacy
 Self-care
 Less Expensive

Activity 3
1. A 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. D

Activity 4

VI. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies MELC

DLP 2019-2020

LAS Development Team

Marife C. Penalba - Writer - Don Jose Pavia Central School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 5

Uses of Some Over-the-Counter Medicines

I. Introductory Concept

Over-the-counter medicine is also known as non-prescription medicine. It is ordered

and bought over-the counter in drug stores and pharmacies. OTC medicine is used to treat or
prevent common communicable diseases and symptoms experienced during an illness.
Common OTC include:

Analgesics - helps treat mild body pain but is not an anti-inflammatory. (ex. paracetamol and
mefenamic acid)
Antidiarrheal - helps treat loose bowel movement or LBM, a loose, watery and frequent
defecation. (ex. loperamide)
Antacid - controls the acid level of the stomach and relieve the pain and discomfort caused
by such condition and helps treat heartburn and indigestion.
Antipyretic - helps lower body temperature during a fever. Aspirin and paracetamol are
examples of antipyretic.
Anti-inflammatory - helps treat swelling of body parts due to infections. Examples are aspirin
and ibuprofen.
Antiseptic - helps prevent the spread of pathogens that may be taken orally to cleanse the
mouth but are not to be swallowed or for external use only and applied on skin.
Examples are Rubbing Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and iodine.
Decongestant - relieves nasal and chest congestion and difficulty in breathing caused by
build-up of phlegm and mucus around the nasal and bronchial linings. It helps
by decreasing swelling around the affected area and make breathing easy
Laxative - helps regulate normal bowel movement and relieve the pain and discomfort caused
by constipation.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Explains the uses of some over the counter medicines (H6CH-IVf-18)

III. Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Put a check (/) before a number if the sentence correctly explains the uses
of over-the-counter medicine and x if not.
___1. Decongestants help to relieve nasal or chest congestion.
___2. OTC are prescription medicines.

___3. Ibuprofen and aspirin are anti-inflammatory medicines that helps treat swelling
of body parts due to infection.
___4. Loperamide is an OTC medicine that helps treat lower bowel movement or LBM.
___5. Antiseptic can be taken orally to cleanse the mouth but are not to be swallowed.

Activity 2
Directions: Match the medicines in column A with their uses in column B. Write the
letter of your answer on the blank before the number.
___1. antacid a. regulates bowel movement
___2. analgesic b. lowers acid levels in the stomach
___3. antipyretic c.r elieves nasal or chest congestion
___4. laxative d. helps treat mild body pain
___5. decongestant e. reduces fever or lowers body temperature

Activity 3
Directions: Read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. These are medicines that are taken even without doctor’s supervision.
a. prescription medicines c. over-the-counter medicines
b. generic drugs d. illegal drugs
2. An OTC medicine that helps prevent the spread of pathogens.
a. antiseptics c. decongestants
b. antacid d. laxative
3. Aspirin and paracetamols are exaples of ___________.
a. antidiarrheal c. antipyretic
b. laxative d. decongestant
4. Mefenamic acid and paracetamol that helps treat mild body pain is an example of
a. antidiarrheal c. antiseptic
b. laxative d. analgesics
5. It is an OTC medicine that helps to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by
a. antiseptic b. laxative
b. antacid d. antiseptics

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1.  1. b 1. c
2. x 2. d 2. a
3.  3. e 3. c
4.  4. a 4. d
5.  5. c 5. b

V. References

PE and Health for Fun TM

PE and Health for Fun Textbook

LAS Development Team

Rosa O. Llave - Writer - Malidong Elementary School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 6

Common Propaganda Techniques Used in Advertising

I. Introductory Concept

Propaganda techniques try to convince a consumer that the product purchased will
make the person healthy, satisfied, famous and standout. The following are some propaganda
techniques used to attract consumers:
BANDWAGON APPEAL tells consumers that everyone is using the product and so they
should try it too. Example: “Just Do IT!”
GLITTERING APPEAL uses a general statement to exaggerate claims about a product. Such
overstated claims are aimed to appeal to the emotions of the consumers and entice them into
buying the product.
FALSE IMAGE APPEAL makes an impression that using the product will make a consumer
attain a certain image or higher stature in life.
BRAND LOYALTY APPEAL makes consumer feel positive towards a brand and thus
encourages him to repeatedly purchase a product or services from the same brand or provider,
regardless of a competitor’s action.
HUMOR APPEAL uses easy-to-remember or attention-getting statement, slogan, cartoon,
music, jingle, dance or joke to appeal to consumers.
REWARD APPEAL uses special offer, prize, gift or discount when a product is purchased.
SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE APPEAL uses scientific or medical studies and surveys to show that
the product is effective, healthy and safe.
TESTIMONIAL APPEAL uses persons who are well known, like celebrities and satisfied users
to give statements about the health benefits and value using the product.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Identifies the common propaganda techniques used in advertising. H6CH-IVg-19

III. Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Identify the common propaganda techniques being described in the
advertisements below? Choose your answer inside the box. Write your answer on the
____________1. “Don’t be the only one left behind! Come on and join the crowd!”
____________2. “You will be glamorous and famous!”
____________3. “Buy one and take one! Hurry while promo lasts!”

____________4. “Ninety-nine percent of germs will be destroyed in just one stop.
Association of Medical Practitioners”
____________5. “Use this! I guarantee it works!-John, actor and director”
Reward Appeal
Scientific Evidence Appeal
Testimonial Appeal
Bandwagon Appeal
False Image Appeal
Activity 2
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
______1. Testimonial Appeal uses scientific or medical studies and surveys to show
that the product is effective, healthy and safe.
______2. Bandwagon Appeal tells consumers that everyone is using the product and
so they should try it too.
______3. Humor Appeal uses easy-to-remember or attention-getting statement,
slogan, cartoon, music, jingle, dance or joke to appeal to consumers.
______4. Glittering Appeal makes an impression that using the product will make a
consumer attain a certain image or higher stature in life.
______5. Reward Appeal uses special offer, prize, gift or discount when a product is
Activity 3
Directions: Identify the common propaganda techniques being described in each
statements below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. This propaganda technique tells a consumer that everyone is using a particular
health product, so he or she should use the product too.
a. bandwagon appeal c. glittering appeal
b. brand loyalty appeal d. reward appeal
2. This propaganda technique makes a consumer feel positive towards a brand and
thus encourages him to repeatedly purchase a product or avail of the services
from the same brand or provider regardless of a competitor’s action.
a. bandwagon appeal c. glittering appeal
b. brand loyalty appeal d. reward appeal
3. “James Reid is the new endorser of a clothing line’s newest product” is an
example of ____________.
a. brand loyalty appeal c. testimonial
b. humor appeal d. false image appeal
4. What example of propaganda is “Join the crowd! Sign the petition to save the
forest trees.”
a. testimonial c. reward appeal
b. bandwagon d. humor appeal
5. The picture below is an example of what propaganda technique?

a. glittering appeal c. bandwagon

b. testimonial d. humor appeal

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1. Bandwagon Appeal 1. False 1. a
2. False Image Appeal 2. True 2. b
3. Reward Appeal 3. True 3. c
4. Scientific Evidence Appeal 4. False 4. b
5. Testimonial Appeal 5. True 5. a

V. References

PE and Health for Fun TM

PE and Health for Fun Textbook

LAS Development Team

Rosa O. Llave - Writer - Malidong Elementary School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4th Week: 7
Analyzing Product Packaging and Labels

I. Introductory Concept

Health products in order to be sold and patronized, should be able to persuade

consumers. Package, labels and ingredients are important terms in product packaging.
Package is a box, plastic wrapper or any covering material to protect, seal and hold a
Label is a marker identifying or describing a specific health product. It contains the
name of the product, the contents or ingredients, net weight, name and address of the
manufacturer, place or country or origin, manufacturing date, expiration date, nutrition facts,
food preparations, instructions and allergen content, if there’s any and other important
information about the product.
Serving Size is the standard measure of food or substance that is served. It should
have a reference to the nutrition facts based on the food pyramid guide.
Calorie is the energy which the food will give to the body. Technically it is defined as
the energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water through one degree
Nutrients are the nutritional parts in food that we need to live, grow and develop. The
list of nutrients can be seen at the side or back of the package or product. The following are
some nutrients to watch out for:
 Total fat includes the percentage of saturated fat and trans-fatty acid.
 Cholesterol is a type of fat naturally found in our body. It also found in foods like meat, fat,
fish and other food.
 Sodium or salt in foods add flavor but too much intake leads to health problems including
high blood pressure and heart and urinary diseases.
 Carbohydrate is a chemical compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They
are simple sugars and contain starch and fiber.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Analyzes packaging and labels of health products. H6CH-IVh-21

III. Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is not.
____1. Label includes important information and nutrition facts about the food or health

____2. Some nutrients to watch out for are sugar, fats and cholesterol.
____3. Some manufacturers may not be telling the truth about the nutrition facts about
their health products.
____4. Reading the label of a product is not important.
____5. Health products should contain the required parts for its package and label.

Activity 2
Directions: Read the statements below. Choose the letter of your choice.
1. ____is a strip of paper, cloth or other material attached to a product providing
information of the product’s brand, tag, use and disposal.
a. brand name c. label
b. sticker d. prescription
2. It includes the percentage of saturated fat and trans-fatty acid.
a. cholesterol c. carbohydrate
b. total fat d. sodium
3. It is a box, plastic wrapper or any covering material to protect, seal and hold a
a. label b. package
b. ingredients c. calorie
4. _____is a standard measure of food or substance that is served.
a. calorie c. total fat
b. carbohydrate d. serving size
5. Reading labels of product is important to know and understand _______.
a. the information about the product
b. the benefits of the product
c. the expiration date of the product
d. all of the above

Activity 3
Directions: Study and analyze the pictures. Identify each as to PACKAGE OR
PACKAGING, LABEL or INGREDIENTS. Write your answer on the blank.
1. ____________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________

4. ___________ 5. __________

IV. Answer Key
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
1. TRUE 1. c 1. LABEL
3. TRUE 3. b 3. PACKAGE
4. FALSE 4. d 4. LABEL
5. TRUE 5. d 5. PACKAGE

V. References

PE and Health for Fun TM

PE and Health for Fun Textbook

LAS Development Team

Rosa O. Llave - Writer - Malidong Elementary School

Vilma C. Nidua - Content Editor - PGCHS
Christine V. Adayo - Language Editor - PGCHS
Liezel B. Berso - Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal - Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant

Name: ________________________________________ Date_______________
Learning Area: Health Grade Level 6 Quarter: 4 Week: 8



Background Information for Learners

In order to become a wise and healthy consumer in real life, one should be able
to apply the knowledge learned, the values acquired, and the useful and practical skills
one has developed through experience. One of the practical and simple ways to apply
decision making skills in choosing healthy products is through the use of DECIDE.
The DECIDE model stands for the six general actions required to produce
quality decisions in buying health products. These six general actions are as follows:
1. Determine the essential products to purchase
Find out if the products you want to purchase are really needed for your
personal and family health care needs. Ask yourself basic questions like “Do
we need it” or Do we want it?” Needs should be preferred over wants. You can
make a list of things you need to buy before going to the store or market.

2. Explore the alternatives

Visit several stores or shops and compare several factors like quality,
quantity, price, and nutritional value. The use of ecology-safe package and
preparation concerns should also be considered. Make a list of products and
prices and compare them carefully.

3. Consider the consequences of each option.

With your list of products and prices and the benefits they might be
offering, closely study the various consequences of each option. Ask yourself,
“If I buy this one, what will be the outcome? If you decided to take the other
one, will it be a better choice?” Make quality your first priority in choosing your
health products so that you will not regret your decision.

4. Identify factors that are considered important

These factors can be about prioritizing quantity over quality, low price-
low quality or high price-high quality. Also, health products should have
complete details of the information you need to see on the package and product
label in case you need to contact the manufacturer or distributor. Labels and

instructions should also be written in an understandable language for easy
reading of procedures and safety reminders.

5. Decide what to buy

Decide which health product to buy after considerable and careful
thinking. Stick to your good decisions as there may be temptations to choose
other brands because of irresistible offers and rewards. Do not be impulsive,
rather, move with your plans and decisions.

6. Evaluate your decision

Does the health product you have purchased really suit your needs? Is
it worth the money you spent? Are there other health products and services that
are more reliable, quality-proven, and offered for a good price? If you think
there are other options, then it is time to re-evaluate your decision-making skills.
By doing so, it will help you become a better and wiser consumer.

Learning Competency
 Practices good decision-making skills in the selection of health products

Activity 1
Directions: Which among the practices/statements below will you do in
choosing health products? Write your answers inside the box provided.
I. Listen to convincing statements and promises of quick, painless cures for
various health problems
II. Evaluate health products before and after purchase to improve decision-
making skills
III. Compare different products so as to choose the best product that suits
your needs and offered at a good price.
IV. Patronize products that are made from special and secret ingredients.
V. Search for information about the product or service you need. Try to look
around to find out other options.

Activity 2
Directions: Read and understand the question below.
Your mother sends you to an errand to buy some health products in the store
or supermarket near your place. Some of the things that are included in the list of items
that you need to buy are bath soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, alcohol and others. You
find out that there are a lot of brands to choose from in the store. What are the things
that you should consider in buying those health products? Write your answers on the
box provided.


Activity 3
Directions: Create a poster that shows/depicts good decision making skills in
choosing health products
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Graphics All All All Some Illustrations
Relevance illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations are not
are related are related are related are not related to
to the topic to the topic to the topic. related to the topic.
and make it and most of the topic.
easier to it are easier
understand to
Attractiveness The poster is The poster The poster The poster The poster is
exceptionally is attractive is is attractive distractingly
attractive in in terms of acceptably though it messy or
terms of design, attractive in very poorly

design, layout and terms of may be a bit designed.
layout and neatness. design, messy. terms.
neatness. layout and

Answer Key
Activity 1
II. Evaluate health products before and after purchase to improve decision
making skills
III. Compare different products so as to choose the best product that suits
your needs and offered at a good price.
Search for information about the product or service you need. Try to look
around to find out other options.

Activity 2
(Answers may vary)

Activity 3

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Graphics All All All Some Illustrations
Relevance illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations are not
are related to are related are related are not related to
the topic and to the topic to the topic. related to the topic.
make it and most of the topic.
easier to it are easier
understand to
Attractiveness The poster is The poster The poster The poster The poster is
exceptionally is attractive is is attractive distractingly
attractive in in terms of acceptably though it messy or
terms of design, attractive in may be a bit very poorly
design, layout and terms of messy. designed.
layout and neatness. design, terms.
neatness. layout and


1. P.E & Health for Fun textbook pp.210-215

2. K to 12 MELC Health 6

LAS Development Team

EDERLYN I. MORALES -Writer -Alabangpuro Elementary School

VILMA C. NIDUA -Content Editor -Polangui General Comprehensive High School
JOBELLE S. OLIQUINO -Language Editor -Polangui General Comprehensive High School
MARY ROSE C. CRUZADA -Layout Editor -Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
ALAN L. LLANZANA -Ilustrator -Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School
MINVILUZ P. SAMPAL -Content Reviewer & -Schools Division Office of Albay
Technical Consultant

Name: ________________________________________ Date_______________
Learning Area: Health Grade Level 6 Quarter: 4 Week: 9-10


Background Information for Learners

Many products sold in the market today claim to prevent, treat, or cure ailments
and other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for use. Those are
fraudulent products. Consumers and patients should not patronize them especially if
they don’t have the proper diagnosis from a medical doctor. These fraudulent products
can even cause serious organ injuries and death incidences.
The best way to be protected from fraudulent products is to be an informed
consumer. Here are some tips on how to identify deceptive or fraudulent products.
1. Fraudulent products promise immediate, effortless, or guaranteed results
2. The advertisement contains words like “breakthrough”, “miracle”, “special”,
“secret”. These are used to appeal to your emotions and are not scientific or
medical words.
3. The product is recommended for stress, or being promoted as “natural’,
claiming it will help “detoxify”, “revitalize” and “purify” your body.
4. The manufacturer claims that the product is effective for a wide variety of
ailments, and or “cure all”. The broader the claims, the less likely they are to
be true.
5. The promoters offer testimonials or case histories of patients who have been
6. The product or service is a “secret remedy” or a recent discovery that cannot
be found anywhere else.
7. The product is being sold by a self-proclaimed “health advisor.” Ask for
identification and professional credentials that are nationally accredited and
recognized, such as a registered dietitian (RD).
8. The producers claim that the product is available in limited quantities and
recommended that the consumer pay in advance.
9. The sales agent promises a “money-back guarantee”.
There are some lead agencies in the government which can help you
regarding your consumer health needs and concerns. Some of these are as follows:
1. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
It formulates policies for consumer welfare and protection, price and
supply stabilization, enforces fair trade laws, and responds to consumer

2. Department of Health (DOH)
It promotes the general health and well-being of the public; plans,
programs for the prevention and control of diseases; protects people from
various health hazards; and manages and rehabilitates individuals affected by
diseases, disorders, and disabilities.

3. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA)

It formulates rules for licensing and accreditation of processed foods,
drugs, and other related products; conducts licensing and accreditation of
processed foods and drugs; and monitors food, drugs and other health

Learning Competency
 Discusses ways to protect from fraudulent health products

Activity 1
Directions: Read and answer the situation below.
One way of protecting oneself from fraudulent health products is to be able to
determine fraudulent practices. Which of the following phrases below shows
fraudulent/quack practices? Write your answers on the blank provided.

A. Contests medical and scientific studies

B. Presented on the streets and market place
C. Offers a cure for all kinds of diseases
D. Based on WHO and DOH findings
E. Written medical instruction with doctor’s signature


Activity 2
Directions: Write an essay of the actions/things that you should do to protect
yourself from fraudulent health products.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrat
understanding thorough considerable some es limited
information and understanding understanding understandin understandi
ideas of the topic of the topic g of the topic ng of the
Communication Communicates Communicate Communicate Communica
Language & ideas with a s ideas with s ideas with tes with
Style high degree of considerable some clarity; limited
clarity; clarity; few supported clarity;
insightfully effectively opinions unsupporte
supported supported d opinions
opinions opinions
Structure Few minor Some minor Some major Frequent
mechanical mechanical mechanical major
errors errors errors mechanical

Activity 3

Directions: Interview your parents/elder siblings using the guide questions

below. Then write/ record the responses on a piece of paper.
Interview Guide Questions to your parents/elder siblings?
1. How do you arrive at a decision on which health product to purchase or
which service to avail?
2. Have you ever made a wrong decision in buying/choosing health products?
What were the results of your decision to yourself?
3. What other tips can you give to the children nowadays to protect themselves
from buying/choosing fraudulent health products?

Answer Key
Activity 1
A. Contests medical and scientific studies
B. Presented on the streets and market place
C. Offers a cure for all kinds of diseases

Activity 2
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate
understanding thorough considerable some s limited
information and understanding of understanding understanding understandin
ideas the topic of the topic of the topic g of the topic
Communication Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicat
Language & Style ideas with a high ideas with ideas with es with
degree of clarity; considerable some clarity; limited
insightfully clarity; few supported clarity;
supported effectively opinions unsupported
opinions supported opinions
Structure Few minor Some minor Some major Frequent
mechanical mechanical mechanical major
errors errors errors mechanical

Activity 3

(Answers may vary)


1. P.E & Health for Fun textbook pp. 212-215

2. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pp. 304
3. K to 12 MELC Health 6

LAS Development Team

EDERLYN I. MORALES -Writer -Alabangpuro Elementary School

VILMA C. NIDUA -Content Editor -Polangui General Comprehensive High School
JOBELLE S. OLIQUINO -Language Editor -Polangui General Comprehensive High School
MARY ROSE C. CRUZADA -Layout Editor -Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
ALAN L. LLANZANA -Ilustrator -Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School
MINVILUZ P. SAMPAL -Content Reviewer & -Schools Division Office of Albay
Technical Consultant

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