HPLC Back To Basics: A Laboratory Companion For Liquid Chromatographers #1
HPLC Back To Basics: A Laboratory Companion For Liquid Chromatographers #1
HPLC Back To Basics: A Laboratory Companion For Liquid Chromatographers #1
• Retention Factor
• Column Dead-time
• Retention Tme Diagnostics
• Selectivity
• Efficiency
• Tailing
• Resolution
• Fundamental Resolution Equation
Retention Factor
The retention factor is a measure of the distribution of the half a unit, which means that an estimate is quite adequate.
sample between the mobile phase and the stationary phase. The The retention factor is estimated simply as follows. Note that
calculation is a simple one, as shown in Figure 1. tR is the retention the numerator of the equation (tR – t0) tells us to subtract t0 from
time and t0 is the The calculation is a simple one, as shown in the retention time. Or simply throw away everything before t0
Figure 1. tR is the retention time and t0 is the column dead-time. and start measuring from t0. The denominator (t0) says to use t0
Retention is measured from the time the sample is injected to as our unit of measure, instead of time or distance. So we just
the highest point on the peak. Measurement of the column mark off the baseline in units of t0, starting at t0, as shown at the
dead-time is most easily measured as the first disturbance in the bottom of Figure 1. When we do this, you can see that for the
chromatogram (the “solvent front”) – we’ll consider t0 in a later three peaks, k ≈ 1, ≈2 and ≈3, respectively.
article. As both tR and t0 are in the same units (min, sec, furlongs As we’ll cover in a later article, we get the “best”
or fortnights), the units cancel out and k is a dimensionless chromatography if 2 < k < 10, and usually 1 < k < 20 is
quantity. acceptable for isocratic separations. If the retention range is wider
The calculation of k is a simple one, but it still requires a than this, it is likely that a gradient will be required. And if k < 1,
calculator, and this activation-energy barrier is too much for we tend to have more problems – less stable separations and a
many of us (where is that calculator…?), so we don’t bother. But higher chance of chromatographic interferences at the beginning
for many purposes, we don’t need to know k to much better than of the chromatogram.
t R - t0
k= 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 1: Retention factor can be calculated using the standard equation or estimated by using t0 as a ruler.
(a) (b)
minutes minutes
t0 tR
flow rate X X
mobile phase X
column packing X
column size X X
temperature X
Figure 1: Use of the column dead-time, t0, and retention time, tR, as diagnostic tools to help
isolate problems.
N = 16 (tR / wb)2
N = 5.54 (tR / w0.5)2 w0.5
N = (tR / σ)2
(at 10%) (at 5%)
1.0 1.0
1.3 1.2
1.6 1.4
1.9 1.6
2.2 1.8
2.5 2.0
As = BC/CA10%
Figure 1. Calculation of peak tailing. Left, USP or EP tailing factor, TF; right, asymmetry factor, As.
HPLC Back to Basics: A Laboratory Companion for Liquid Chromatographers #1
In previous articles of this Back-to-Basics series, we have looked however, we are most concerned about the resolution when
at the retention factor, k, the selectivity, α, and the column plate peaks are marginally separated. This means that the peaks may
number, N. Nice as these measurements are, they don’t tell us overlap a bit at the bottom, and measurement of the peak width
much about the quality of the separation. For example, you can at baseline is not possible. Just as we saw that it is possible
have k in the ideal 2 < k < 10 region, or α = 1.2, or N = 15,000, to measure N at half the peak height, we can take the same
but none of these values on their own make the separation any approach for calculation of resolution:
good. As a measure of separation quality, we need to determine
the resolution, Rs, which is most commonly calculated as: Rs = (tR2 – tR1) / ((1.7 * 0.5 (w0.5,1 + w0.5,2))
Rs = (tR2 – tR1) / ((0.5 * (w1 + w2)) where w0.5,1 and w0.5,2 are the peak widths measured at half
the peak height. Note that the factor of 1.7 is added to the
We need to measure the retention times for the two peaks of denominator to adjust for the difference in width at the half-
interest (tR1 and tR2) and the widths of the two peaks at baseline height. The half-height technique is the way many data systems
(w1 and w2) between tangents drawn to the sides of the peaks. measure resolution, because it is simpler to measure than the
For the steroid separation of Figure 1, we can calculate baseline width.
So what represents a good value of resolution? If the peaks
Rs = (3.15 – 2.95) / (0.12) = 1.67 ≈ 1.7 have only minor tailing, a value of Rs = 2.0 should be adequate,
but as tailing increases, the resolution requirement increases, as
If the peaks are perfectly symmetric, which is unlikely, the well. Rs ≥ 2.0 may not be possible, and values of Rs ≥ 1.7 are
valley between the peaks should just touch the baseline when Rs fine in many cases. But don’t put all your trust in a number for
= 1.5. So with well-shaped peaks, as in Figure 1, Rs = 1.7 looks resolution – confirm visually that the valley touches the baseline
pretty good, with a little baseline between the peaks. However, between the two peaks. If Rs < 1.7, or you otherwise see peak
nearly every peak shows some degree of tailing, so to allow for overlap, you might want to consider quantifying the peaks by
a small amount of tailing and still retain a bit of flat baseline peak height, rather than area. The peak height measurement
between the peaks, Rs ≥ 2.0 generally is desired. can tolerate much more peak overlap than area can before errors
The use of equation 1 is convenient and gives good results, occur.
but it is useful only if the peaks are baseline-resolved. Often,
Figure 1: The relationship between the column plate number and resolution.
in collaboration with
John Dolan has written more than 130 papers on
HPLC and related topics. He is the coauthor of
Troubleshooting HPLC Systems, High-Performance
Gradient Elution, and Introduction to Modern Liquid
Chromatography, three authoritative books in the
field. Dr Dolan has taught HPLC techniques to more than 10,000 of
students over the last 30 years.