In Ancient India holistic living was a way of life. People inherently understood the balance
of nature, the ways of the Universe and how the elements affected not just their physical
health, but also their mental well-being. It was understood that if they achieved harmony
within, they would be at peace with their surroundings. On the fast track to progress, our
world changed as did we; but deep within us we have always understood and upheld the
beliefs and principles of our ancestors. To seek harmony, to balance themselves again, to
be one with their surroundings, Indians have been known to 'retreat' to the peace and
quiet of the mountains to the stillness of the hills and natural flow of the rivers.
The aim of the project is to create a space isolated from the hustle bustle of the society,
the busyness and loudness to rejuvenate the mind, body, soul of the individual.
2. Research Possibility:
By designing spaces that can reduce stress and anxiety, we can improve the healing
process and enhance well-being. One of the most important tool for mindfulness is
meditation which has been defined as a mind-body method through the centuries.
Modern and contemporary health center and hospitals often do not provide
appropriate environments for recovering and coping with illness. High stress and high
blood pressure increase insomnia, headaches and chest pains. Creating such spaces can
make a better life for humans by providing happiness and quietness as its main
features. The surrounding environment is one of the main elements responsible for
igniting positive responses by being supportive, nurturing, and rewarding. Therefore, we
can see that the psychological response that we get from the body affects our health.
Spaces leading to a healthy body and mind in reverse helps them to keep a positive
environment at their workplace, home or society.
3. Project brief
The project is based on a live project by Amrit Kailash Hospitalities Pvt Ltd. The proposal
is for a wellness centre.
This thesis focuses on creating architecture that enhances healing of human mind and
soul in balance with his body. It will deal with architecture that will create spatial
conditions and characteristics that can shape a person's psychological and emotional
It intends to help all individuals find a better way of life through enlightenment,
transcendence and contemplation. People search for peace in the world, but it has to
start with peace from within.
4. Design Intend:
The design intend is to explore how to create spaces that can help in healing and help oneself to
be in contemplation for a period of time. This shall be brought about by exploring the elements
of nature. It shall explore how through experiential components of architecture can build
contemplative minds through human sensing and perception.
5. Site –
7. Built components-
The requirements that come along with the proposal are as follows:
-Grand Entry
-Admin block- Reception
-Back Office
-Front office
-Managers Cabin
-Accounts Office
-MD's cabin with suite facility
-Store room
-Banquet Halls
-Indoor Games
-Kids Area
-Spa Suites
-Ayurvedic massage suites
-Meditation and yoga spaces
-Kitchen and service areas
-Common pool and Party Area
-Jogging Tracks
-Watch Tower
-house keeping
-common service area
8. Case study-
9. References
Moinzadeh P, The Sanctuary of the Mind, 2017
Moradiezatpanah T, The Affect of Architecture: Details for Meditation and Well-being, 2016
Shah R, A Phenomenological Study of Contemplative Experiences, 2009
Horvath N, Architecture and Enlightenment, 2010
Bruneau D. E, A Retreat Centre for Whole Health, 1998
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