Itecompsysl Activity 1 Report
Itecompsysl Activity 1 Report
Itecompsysl Activity 1 Report
DOS offer a debugging utility as one of its internal commands. The DEBUG program can
be use to:
• Provide a controlled testing environment so you can monitor and control the
execution of program.
• Load, alter or display any file
• Execute object files.
• Object files are executable programs in machine language format.
1.5 Materials/Equipment
Figure 1. Title
1.7 Procedure/s
1. Invoke DEBUG from the PC’s RAMDRIVE. Write down the command you use.
2. Investigate the register using the R Command. The R ( register ) has common
Function 1: R
It display the hexadecimal of all the registers, plus the alphabetic flag
settings and the next instruction to be executed.
General-Purpose Registers
c. Segment Registers
To write a file, it must first be initialized with the N command. The N command
initialized a file name in the memory before using the load or write command.
b. A
c. N
d. W
e. T
1.8.2 Calculations
1.8.4 Conclusion/s
Criteria Grade
Total Score