WP AR RDelaRueda
WP AR RDelaRueda
WP AR RDelaRueda
Are there any concerns about undue reliance being placed on the results No
of our work? (i.e. sale of the company, financing)
Does the client have any associated entities that are not audited or are No
being audited by firms outside of Willis & Adams?
As a result of the Background check: In 1999, EarthWear's vice president of
Have any situations been noted that bear on the integrity of management? finance, Don Evans, was charged with a misdemeanor involving illegal gambling
Yes on local college sports games. Charges were later dropped in return for Mr.
Evans agreeing to pay a fine of €750 and perform 50 hours of community
Is there evidence that the business is financially distressed? No
Are there any external conditions or trends that may have a significant
impact on the client, such as changes in buyers, changes in suppliers, or No
new competitors?
Are there any internal conditions or trends that may raise concern, such as Former Controller Brad Norton left Earthwear in 2014 and went to another
management turnover or new accounting information systems? clothing company and also oversaw the new accounting software in early 2013.
Are there any other risk concerns arising out of the information gathering Carol Mckay was the VP of external reporting before being promoted to
process? Yes Controller. The management are concern if Carol McKay's skills are enough to be
able to do the Job of a Controller.