Newyork Gasification
Newyork Gasification
Newyork Gasification
The chemical reaction path is quite complicated, and includes many simultaneous and
sequential reactions such as devolatilization, combustion and interactions between the feeds and
intermediate or final products. The chemisuy is depicted in a schematic sense in Figure 1. The
conversionof feedstock slurry to synthesis gas is normally in excess of 95% and can be over 99%.
The use of coal as a feedstock, either in direct combustion or as a gasifier feedstock results in
most of the ash being converted to slag, a nearly carbon-free, inorganic material. After water
quenching, the slag is normally a glass-like solid, with a maximum size of one-half inch. In all cases
evaluated to date, the slag from coal gasification, including the fine fractions that are co-mingledwith
carbon-rich char, have been classed as a non-hazardouswaste.
The high temperature gases, char and molten ash, or slag, produced in the gasifier are nor-
mally cooled prior to cleanup, by either of two methods: quenching, Le., direct contact with water,
or indirect heat exchangeto make high pressure steam in a special syngas cooler.
The molten slag is cooled with the gas and is collected in a water pool either in the bottom of
the radiant cooler or in the quench vessel located under the gasifier. The slag is removed from the
system by means of a water-filled lockhopper system. The carbon-rich char can be disposed of with
the slag or separated for recycle.
The cooled gas is scrubbed with water to remove the remaining fine particulates. Following
particulate scrubbing, gas purification is completed by sulfur removal. A variety of subsequent
processes can then be used, with the choice made to fit the overall project needs. The cleaned gas
can be used for many purposes, such as fuel for power generation or process heat, synthesis of
ammonia or other chemicals, or as a reducing gas.
The slag samples examined in this study occur both as fragmental materials that are dis-
charged routinely from the gasifiers and as solid incrustations that build up on the interior walls of
the gasifier. Megascopically,most samples appear as dark brown to black, porous to solid, irregular
masses ranging from less than one-fourth to more than several inches across. The samples removed
from the gasifier walls are commonly layered, apparently reflecting episodic buildup.
Representative portions of slags were cast in a low viscosity, cold-setting epoxy resin.
Porous samples were vacuum impregnated by placing them in a vacuum desiccator in which vacuum
was alternated with normal air pressure. This procedure removed trapped air and forced the epoxy
into pores and cracks. Samples were then polished using standard techniques employed for optical
microscopy and electron microprobe analysis as described in Craig and Vaughn (198 1).
Characterizationof slags produced in gasifiers is important in determining the ultimate use
and/or disposal of the slags. Furthermore, a prior knowledge of the nature of the slag phases is
necessary if it becomes desirable to alter slag properties that adversely affect the operability of gasi-
fiers. To these ends, we have been canying out investigationson the physical and chemical proper-
ties of slags produced both from coal and from petroleum coke feedstock. The slags produced from
the different feeds are markedly different,as evidenced in the data presented in Table 1,2, and 3.
The conditions under which coal and petroleum-coke ash and slags form are similar in that
they all involve partial to full combustion. The principal difference is that direct combustion is
generally more oxidizing and hence will permit formation of more oxidized phases (eg. ferric rather
than ferrous phases). Coal bottom ash, fly ash, and slags have been examined by numerous
investigators in recent years as noted in Table 2 and by a wide variety of techniques (eg. Huggins
and Huffman, 1979; Weaver 1978; Voina and Todor, 1978; Eriksson et al. 1991). Typical coal ash
as noted i n Table 1 is rich in Si@ with major but variable amounts of Al2O3. Fe2O3, and CaO. Coal
slag are generally dominated by glass phases which, though highly variable, are always rich in Si02
and contain significant Al2O3. Some glasses are also sufficientlyrich in reduced iron to be referred
to as "ferrous glasses" (Huffman et al. 1981). The number and variety of other mineral analogous
phases are considerable (Table 2) but often constitute only small proportions of the bulk material.
Furthermore, several percent unreacted or panially reacted carbon-char are commonly present.
The glass phases display flow, banding, indicating some flow of compositionally distinct
zones. Crystalline phases range from skeletal to fibrous laths (commonly mullite or anorthite; Hulett
et al. 1980; Huggins et al. 1981) to skeletal and cruciform spinels (Chen et al. 1986).
Petroleum-coke slags are also highly variable in composition but generally contain less SiOz,
less A1203 and less CaO but greater amounts of Fez03, VzOs, NiO and sulfur (included in "others"
Table 1). The iron and vanadium contents are reported as given by ASTM analytical procedures;
however, iron and vanadium actually occur in lower oxidation states in these slags. These gross
compositional differences reflect the nature of the source materials. Coals contain abundant included
clays and carbonate minerals, whereas petroleum contains less discrete fragmental mineral matter but
often contains significant amounts of organic sulfur and porphyrins that hold iron, nickel, vanadium,
and chromium.
A general result of these differences in composition is the fusibility of the ash. Typical coal
ash has initial deformation (ID) temperatures of 2120'-2140' F, softening temperatures (ST) of
2150"-2210°F, and fluid temperatures (IT )2250'-2430' F. In contrast, typical petroleum coke
ash remains undeformed and does not melt until temperatures exceed 2700' F.
the sulfide-oxidemamx are droplets of glass and euhedral to skeletal iron aluminum spinels which
may cowenpate significantamounts of vanadium and chromium
- These occur as local segregations within sulfide-rich slags. The sulfide
%a$ Ca, Mg, or Si within its structure, hence these elements concentrate
sufficiently to form a variety of CaMgFe silicates.
It is apparent that the differences in the bulk chemismes of the petroleum coke and coal slags
are reflected in the behavior and nature of the phases withiin each. The high silica and alumina con-
tents of the coal slags result in lower melting temperatures and the development of predominantly
glassy products. In contrast, the low silica and alumina contents of the petroleum coke slags,
coupled with high transition metal contents, result in the development of a variety of crystalline
phases. Most notable are aluminate spinel phases that concentrate iron, vanadium, chromium and
nickel, and sulfide-oxide intergrowths in which nickel becomes concentrated in both sulfide and
accessory alloy phases.
1. Chen, T.T., Quon, D.H.H., and Wang, S.S.B.(1986) Compositions and micro structures of
furnace-bottom deposits produced from beneficiated western Canadian bituminous coals.
. Canad. Mineral. 24,229-237.
2. Craig, J.R. and Nadar, M.S. (1990) Elemental partitioning in Coke gasification slags. in
W. Petruk, et al. eds., Process Mineralogy M,The Minerals, Metals and Materials Soc.,
3. Craig, J.R., Najjar, M.S., and Robin, A.M. (1990) Characterizationof Coke gasification
slags. in W. Petruk, et al. eds., Process Mineralogy IX,The Minerals, Metals and
Materials Soc., 473-483.
4 . Craig, J.R.and Vaughan, D.J. (1981) Ore Microscopy and Ore Petrography, Wiley
.hterscience, New York, 406pg.
5 . Groen, J:C., Craig, J.R.,and Najjar, M.S. (1991) Chemical phases in petroleum coke
gasificahon slag. Amer.Chem.Soc.Preprints Div. of Fuel Chem., 36,207-215.
6. Eriksson, T., Zygarlicke, C., Ramanathan, M.. and Folkedahl, B. (1991) Composition
and particle size evolution of Kentucky #9 Preprints Fuel Chem. Div.,
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7 . Fessler, R.R., Skidmore, A.J., Hazard, H.R., and Dimmer, J.P. (1980) Composition
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8. Huffman, G.P., Huggins, F.E.,and Dunmyre, G.R. (1981) Investigation of the high-
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9 . Huggins, F.E. and Huffman, G.P. (1979) Mossbauer analysis of iron-bearing phases in
coal, coke, and ash, in C. Karr ed.,Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products,
Academic Press,New York, Vol.III, pp. 371-473.
10. Huggins, F.E., Kosmack, D.A., and Huffman, G.P. (1981) Correlation between ash-
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11. Hulett, L.D. and Weinberger, A.J. (1980) Some etching studies of the microstructureand
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12. Hulett, C.D., Weinberger, A.J., Nonhcutt, K.J., and Ferguson, M. (1980) Chemical
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13. Jenkins, R.G. and Walker, P.L. (1978) Analysis of mineral matter in coal, in C. Karr ed.,
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, Academic Press, N.Y. Vol.lI, 265-292.
14. Quon, D.H.H., Wang, S.S.B., and Chen, T.T. (1984) Viscosity measurements of slags
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15. Raask, E. (1982) Flame imprinted characteristicsof ash relevant to boiler slagging,
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16. Voina, N.I. and Todor, D.N. (1978) Thermal analysis of coal and coal ashes, in C. Karr
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17. Weaver, J.N. (1978) Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in coal, fly ash and fuel
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f co
( 1 1OOOppm) : (CN-
Figure 1. Simplified schematic diagram of the partial oxidation reaction occurring in a
petroleum coke gasification.
Table 1.' Typical ash composition in wt % of coal and
petroleum-coke generated ash.
2120 2140
2150 2210 __ __
2250 2430 >2700 >2700