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Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions

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Myths and symbols

in pagan Europe
Early Scandinavian
and Celtic religions


University Press
Scotland arul Man, while the eha...,., from q to p in Wal"" IItld Cornwall east Switaerland, and thilD believed to date from about looBC.'ln
must havetakenplacc aflerthe CeltAarrived there from the Continent in 1858 the _er leveil were lowered and the mnain. of ancient timbers
thefifthcenturyac. The dale when theCelhfirstbec:amearec:ognioable revealed. Around theet were many objectll. either1hrown into the water
peoplewith their own language i. not known. About the aixth century DC as V1rtive offerinlll or possibly overwhelmed in I f100d (p. 63 below).
there are ~es in written IOUfCel to rovinll warrior band, in the What i, now known all the La Ten.. period bellan about 500 Be with I
rqion roumI Czechoslovakia, Hunpry, AllII1"ia, Switzerland IlDd ehange in funenlQlttoml.lllftead of the wagon. of the Hallatatt period,
lOulhem Germllly. From here they expllDdecl in vlriO .... directions, 10 two·wheeled chlnoh were provided for dead chieftain., who WOre long
IluIl for a tillll! the Celtic: Iana:~ was spoken in Gaul, the Iberian aword. in ornamented ICIIbbard•. In this period the art of the Celtic
peninsula, and as far as the Black Sea and Asia Minor, as well as in the peoples developed. into I new atyle of striking oriainality and power. it
Britilh lola. But th..... early people left no written literature behind bec:amefreerandmoreAuid,withwinding,sinuOUlPattemt,aithouah
them, and ueepc in the British lsi"" and BrittllDY our lmowledae of the ditdpline of the earlier Jla'mEtric style was retained. Foliage
Celtic is limited to peraonallnd tribal nomel, pl..::enarnes, and ott... pattems, spin1s and. !$"MIrila were interwoven with popular motif. from
lional words quoted by ancient writera. Mediterranean art like crescentic and trumpet shapes. Human faces and
The word Cfllk Ill.. came to be applied to a certain type of art. Sir heads were introduced into the de,ips, sometimes peelm, out of the
AuguBtaa FnnIts of the British Museum was the fintto use it of the pattems, aometimea distorted into monstrous shapes. Bird, and animal.
cultun:oftbeesrly Iron Ale in western Europe. Oulltandin, discov. might be realillica1lyor fr.ntastically trelted, panieulady buUs, boars
erin .t HallJtlltt in Amtna and La Tene in Switzerland led to the and duck•. There were carved stone heads whic:h IIlIIetIt divinitiea, and
f«Ognitilll!. of lhis (;\Ilture,' whic:h seem. 10 have flourished from lbout recurring IJ)'Dlbols on pillirs and atone,. This brilliant art declined in
tbeeighthc:enluty BC to the eecond cenluryAD in Europe, and continued Italy and Gaul when heavier, OIIturaiiatic Jtorn.., styles CIIDe into
laterlhanthisintheBriti.hlsle•. ln .!46thedi""clorofthe.allmines fashion, but Aowered _w in the British lsiell, where lome of the finest
at Halht.1t discovered an encmnoul c:emetery b""ide L.ke Hallstltt, Celtic: muterpi_ were produced. Even after the c:omingof Christian·
wru.rethemounwns rise steeply from lhe sho...... The ""rli""t IIniVellre ity,thetraditionaofCeltic artc:ontinued to inIIuence rnetalwork,carved
tboughl IOjJOhack to about 700 BC,and Irace, were fDund of the people atone erollSeSand iUumina!edmanuKripts.
who had worked in the mines there, oim:e frll8flK'llh of their dothes, The Germans finl ClllOe into prominence in Europe in the first
food,ironroo)llIIIdoimplepoa......ionowerep.-eservedintheellt. A eentury AD, although the term G~w.. inuseaboula hundred yean
flournhinglOCllI industry had exilted there, and the rich folk who earlier and appears originally to have been I Celtic: tribal nlllOe. Tacitu,
p""'pered &urn it were buried in elaboraU! grav... in the cemetery in Ger.1IIIi« dalmed that it wu the name of one tribe which Ilradual1y
nearby. Both menand women were laid in woodenebamher graves, with eameintoaeneral use, and it_generaUy hdd 10 be linked with the
wagons,ridingaesr,ornaments,drinkinllveste)eandfood,asthou,h Latin g«lIUPIIU (brother). Because of the ambiguity of this term
they ~ intended to enjoy In exiltenc:e of luxury and feutina in the 'Gennanic', many Englitb scholars have preferred to uae 'Teutonic:' for
thi. lIf"Oup of people•• The adjective TffIImIiau 'lOBI llatiniled form of

Other World. In the same 'Hal"'la"' period, imP'""",iVi: carved figUre8
of IlOne we~ tet up in Celtic: U!rrimry, which millht reprelCllt ,ocb or OE J-djK from /Mod (people/nation), I term Ipplied by the Gotha 110
aDcellIon. The craftsmen of Ihi. period were lIkilled in metal working, themse1~a and their lllDilUlIi"'; the earlier fcmn may originally
IIIId uted • decorative eIYIe which lhoWBthe influence offoreilPl art. have hed the meaning 'power' or 'llrength'.· What the Romans knew IS
Some objects Ippear 10 poHeIl religiowo lignificance; there is for Germania 'lOa, the area between the Rhine IIIId the DUiube, utending
inltancethe IO-CIUed eult waaon of Strettweg, from I burialmOllnd nesr pouibly aa flU" 18 the ViIlUII, and ioclwiin, in the north Denmark and
Gnz in Auattia, which conlish of a small wheeled platform on which a the IOIlthern parla of NorwlY and Sweden. AI 'IoU the .,..., with the
aroup of human figu...,. and a all8 are sel. There is I Ilrge female fipre Celts, people livins in this wide and sparsdy populated area were
in the cenue who has the appearllIlce of a I/Odden, while the atll8 CO\lld unlikely to have thought ofthemMlvea I I Germans; it_the collective
be a """red and poSSibly a a&erifidal aniffilli. name used by the Romans for the barbarilDl beyond the Rhine. Juiiwo
The second major dis.:overy of I Celtic site was made at La Tene, at eaenr came into contact with these tribes, and the RoIl1llM psid heavily

the point where the Canal de '" Thiele enters lAke NeuchiU!1 in north. for their attempts to bring them under control. He wrote his brilliant
------- - - - - - - -
found wide expression not only in wood-carving but also in weaving and first families s~tded in Iceland, do not go back beyond the twelfth
tapestry; 0 roll of embrOIdered wall-hllIlging. found in the O¥berg ship century, although they may record older traditions. As for the rich body
revealed after years of patient reSloration Supernalural figures and of prase sag.a, most of these belong to the thirteenth or fourteenth
procession. of what appear to be gods and heroes. Th~re i. little early material from the other Scandinavian
The influence of other art styles and religious symbolism from apart from a few Latin work. and the late !wdfth_c~ntury
Christian art can be ,eo:n in the work of the Celtic and Germamc Denmark in Latin by Sa",o Grammaticus_ The inv.luable
poople •. Ceit)c sculptors in Gaul and Britain produced native figures of acrount of Norse mythology derived from early poetry and oral tradition
their local deities in imitation of the Ruman manner, often wah titles by the gifted Icelander Snum Sturiu,(}n lS roughly contemporary with
and ""cription. m Latin wh,ch He a ,ource of informatlon about the the work of S",-~o_ In Irel.nd the Christian chur~h was eltablished much
typ". of god they wor.hipped At the clmc of the Vik"..~ A)!e, myths and earlier, by the fifth ceotury, although from about the seventh century
symbol. from the pre_Chri,tl~n past ".r~ employed to decorate monu_ onwards Iri.h monk. absorbing and recording pre-Christian
ments raised over the Chri,llan dead, <0 that Thor and Odon and the traditions in the up the ma!luscTipt colleetions of
antientWorld-Serpentarefollnd in association with the cross of Christ. various dates, and the tales. However, this
New evidence of this kind is 'Ill! being discovered", northern Enj!land, wonderful mare"al 'peculation, Christian
where Scandinavian. settled in the tenth century and were .oon learning and antiquariamsm, and many supernatural beings tran.for_
absorbed into the Christian chutch, ln the form of rarHd 'tone' set up med into human heroe, and heroine,
tocommemoraleth~ newly converted Th,s is why the,r! of the pre_Christian period, shaped and handled
Neither Celts, German. nor Scondinavian, appe.r to have built hy those who accepted lhe old bchcf., lS in some ways a mOre di...,~t link
elaborate temple, and sanctuarie" except in Celtic Meas where cla.sic~1 with the religiou, past than the rc~orded lit,rature_ But indeed we have
f""hions were adopted, such a, m the south of Franc~, or in Romanised to ,eek out what~vcr dues a'~ ~vailable, and not limit our.elves to any
towns like Colchester and fla'h_ Such religIOUS art we possess i. one type of sour~~ matcnal, It is no ea.y task to build up a L..,nvincing
mainly re,trined to graves and monuments, figures repre••nring super­ picture of beliefs and practices from scattered hints, echoes and chance
natural beings, religiou, or lucky symbols on ornaments, weapons and survival,;. Only by critical evaluation of evidence from a wide field and
obJcct, uf dally use. There are runic inscriptions from German,c Or by brmgin~ different types of material together is it possible to find.
Scandin",'i.n territory wh'ch belong to the pre_Christian period, but perceptible pattern in the religion of these early people.
these are not eosy to interpr"'. In discus.ing the religion of these early :vJuch of their religion waS concerned with battle ritual, which i.
pcoples of north-western Europt, it has been customary to turn to hardly surprising, since Celt., German. and Vikings w~u all warrior
le~end, of gods and heroes in the early literatur~ of Ireland and Iceland p~oples in a period of expansion. It was-also clo.ely assoc,ated with the
to fill the gap" in our knowledge. These were written down in Christian natural world, ofwbich they were very much aware, They did not regard
nme., although 3 few surviving poems in Old Icelandic on mythological this as oomething inanimate or wholly separdte from themsel,'es; as
subject' were composed before the convel'$ion to Christianity. Most of Henri Frankfort pointed out: 'For modern scientific man the ph~no_
th" written ,ource" however, were put together or edited by Chris11an menal world i. primarily an It; for ancient - and also for prim1tive _ mon
monk< and ,cholars at various times, in .ome cases long after the old it is a Thou'." They revered their dead anc...tors beneoth th~ earth, and
fa,th had been .b.ndoned by the people. In Iceland, from which most particularly their kings and founders of families. They practised various
Old No"'e lIter.tu,"" i. derived, oUr earlie.t SOUrces are poems, SOme mean. of d,vination, observing movements ofbird. and animal., fire and
attributed to the 'skaldic' poets atlached to the courts of Norwegian water. They rdied un supernatural powe" ruling sky, earth and sea to
kings in the period before the e"ablishment of Christianay. The bring th~ strength and luck and to protect them from hostile forces,
mythological poems of the /'",,'-C Edda come from a thirteenth_century which they pictured os giant'. monst~rs or destructive geddes""•.
manuscript book, the Codex Reg;us, although ,orne ma}' be considerably Certain symbols had p.rti~uhr meaning, remainin)! potent through the
earlier than this, Prose rcc'ords of early I,-eland, ,"ch as Ari the centuries. The heads of warrior. p"ss~ssed ~peci"l power, as did the
Learned', 'Book of the k~lande,,' (Islendingabok) and the daborat~ remain. of the noble dc.d withm th~ir mounds. The sacred drink of
'Book of the &ttlements' (Landn"m~bok), givmg informatic>n about the the gods givin)! immortality and lnspirotlOn was a favourite motif, and

assembly. would aAemble in tilt! Ipace in front of the Law Rod!.. the
point where part of the Law was regularly recited. Buildnga were set up
there in later timel. but in tilt! Viking Ale thc various courts IIeefI\ to
have had no permanent location. Thc purpolc of tilt! A1thing wat tilt!
recital of the lawe. the making of changel in the law I)'IItem. tilt! hearing
of CIIIIcl and judging of di.pu~e. broUght from tilt! four quarters of
Iceland. each of which h.d in own small Thing place. It WIIS at
Thingvellir that the dccision waataken tolC<:ept Christianity as the
religionofl<:elandintheyear '000. Everything concerned with the I.w
was lJDderthe rule of the gods. making the place of asaembly a hallowed
<mI:. TheAlthing opened on Thu.-.day. the day sacred to Thor. tilt! sky
god. Sao;:rifici21 feut.....re held there. and in tilt! early d.YI there w.. a
ban on the amyillil of .rms when the Thing was in progress, even ifthil
wu not always enforced.
Thi....ellir .till remains I place of pilgrimage for Icelsnders. and
vilitonare always takcn there. It ill no sheltered.ite, but lies open to
strong windl and blizArd. and even ...ndstorms at all times in the yur.
The """Ie ofwide di.tanceB and far viewa of bikes and mountains gi.,., it
..xnething of the ...me numinous quality .. is ponelled by Helll"feli.
These two sacred plscel of the Viking Age hive no need of monuments
or permanent buildingl to render them memorable. Undoubtedly holy
aite,ofthi. kind have been used by men from very early timel, and many
well-known Celtic and Germanic ones had been in existence as burial or
cult pi...,.,. in the Bronze Age or earlier lItill. Bronzc Ap burials were
found on the Hill of Tara in Ireland. and beneath the artificial hill railIed
by Norse settlers as a place of asaembly on the Isle of Man. There are
limilar eumplea in Gaul•• uch as a cult place at the spring of Griay,
important in Roman timel and apparently in uae .ince the neolithic
period.' In Iceland however there were no previous settler. whose
gt'lIvesmight markliteB III holy ODeS, and we have the rare opportunity
of learning something of the process of hallowing a place in a new
territory, with the whole of tilt! island from which to chOOR.
z Imap. vlthe loci.
Tadtul wrote of the Germanic peoples in the firlt century.\II in
Gl!NlUlflilJ (9); 'The Germans do not think it in keeping with the divine
majesty to confine &Od. within wllb or portray them in the likeness of
any human countenance. Their holy places are woods and groves. and
they apply the DlimeJI of deities to that hidden presence which is aeen
, Symbol.o) Jiu"""d. Top Holy hiU ofH~lsareU In Icel.nd; le//·fura. SlOne,
Co. C.lIo....y. Ireland, .ymhl of ,ht cen're. Th"'d to fi"" century DC; "girt
only by the eye of reverence' (Mattingly's tranllation). According to Sand. Stone. Gotl.nd,.how;nS wh'riingdl"",«ntrallreeand .hipnf.he
this, images of the god. were not common among the Germam, the de.d. ~fth century AD
with a multiplii:ity of temples and atatues of rountle.. deities. Taciru.
had in mind the AIOC'red llrove. rrumtioned by other writers, and these,
like Helgafell, were apparently free of buildinp and imqe•. In any ute
he would probably have discounted roup wooden filUm ......h as are
mention«l by me poet LIlCIUI in hil description ofa Celtio;: sanctuary
near Malll8lia in I01.Ithem Frame, in plulfflJIio (III). Thill was de­
ttroyed by Juli .... Cae..r in the firat «nwry DC, and Lucan mentions
'dark IIprinllS' and 'grim-faced figurea of gods, un"outhly hewn by the
axe from the untrimmed tree-trunk, rotted to whitenell'. Wooden
fiaura which would answer well enough to Lucan'~ description have
survived from northern Europe and the Bricillh bles. One from
Broddenbjera in north Judand is roughly &haped from a forked piec:e of
turn a projec:tinll branch into an enormous phallu •. This fillure Wall
mounted on a heap of stones and found in aesociacion with pOlS of the
early Iron Age, in a place nol far away from finds dated to the Bronze
Age, which 'Uillested that il w.. ""ed as acult.iteo...... long period. 6 A
more realistic figure comes from a peat botI at Rude EekilRlrup in
Sjlelland (Plate 4b). This is about 41 em high .nd c.r.... d with IO(Ime .kill.
It depkta a se.ted male figure with an .lTCIItiDfll bearded face .nd large
eyes,wearinlladoakand.threcfold neck-ring in the.tyle of the post_
Roman period, who hold. some unidentified square object in his lap.
Suo;:h a figure could represent eilher a Ce1tio;: or a Germanic deily, and
it has been sugllested that the seated figure in the clo.k i. Wodan, but
there i. no clear indication oflhis.'
Without relsted finda it u. impt»Sible to date such figures from their
style,and Iheymayh..... heen""tupin ......otepl"""" .. I.te ... 1he
Vikinll Age. Partkularly impreasive are two rouply carved in wood,
alightly tallu than human, found ina peat bog al Bra.k, &:hle.wig."
They repraent • man and woman with sockets for arms, a1thoullh the
arms are IOSI, and pebbles were probably UJIed for their eyes. They could
beeitherdeitiesorancestont, but re(:ent pol\en an.lysi. IUIllle&1II a mIlCh
later d.le in the Viking Age, and they might have heenerected by Sla...
living in Ihis area. Close to these wooden fiaum was a heanh with
carv«l stones and fragments of pottery, indicating that this w.s a "ult
place.oneperh.psu.edbydifferentpeop\esinturno....rthecenturie•. A
considerable number of carv«l wooden fillUres, skilfully worked, come
• An;"",I.ymbnl.. T<>/> Small "ult wagon from M~rid~, Spain, depICtinG a boar from Celtic territory," .Ithough Ihese mUll represent only. small
hUnl, second to firSt cen,ury BC; left Pand from rnetnonal.rone, AWtoe, portinn of those which once exi.ted. Some, like a seri... of human figu ....
Gotland, .!Iow;n, eight-leGGed hone of Od,n and _koming valky"e, eighth found ac the iMlurce of the River Seine, were apparently left as votive
century ~D; rWhl Shield from R,ver Wilham, .howing outlme of boar from offerinp by pilgrinu who came there for healing. Others, like what
10.. mount,'''''I>1ld rothinicenturyBc. seems to be the figure of a woman from Ralaghan, Counlry C.van, in


Ireland, mad~ from bog oak, may originally hllV~ nood in cult pia«. or hornl, Ind thil acems more likely 10 be a cult imatle than a memorial to
llmall Bhrines (Fig. 1).10 Ihe deadman in the grave; theltern ranote fealures would befitting for
Th~re is a detailed accounl from Ih~ knth cenlury of ceremonies lheimqeofagod.
connect~d with such wood~n filures. An Arab diplomal and scholar, Ibn
3 Moaad. _d staDdiaJ 1Ito_
Fadlan, who had a liv~ly int~resl in slrange peoples and th~ir r~ligioUI
cUIIIOms, WIIS ~t on a minion (rom BQhdad to Bulgar on Ih~ Middl~ There were more a"-trael monuments sci up at timeB in sacred plllCl!ll.
Th~ greal burial mounds of kingl were tbemsclvetl importanl symbols
Volga in 9:&1. His tau WSi to inslruct the king of the Bulgan in lhe
Islamic religion, and whil~ h~ wSi in th~ town he became interested in and a potIIibl~m.,.n8 of communication with Ihe Olher World. Those of
the Rus, SwediBh m~rchllnla who had com~ to the Bulgarcapilal to trade Old Uppaall in Sweden consilt of three hug~ mounds, with a large
and who lived in Ihe merchants' quarlers on Ihe ol""r side of the river. number of lesaer ones clustered round them, and these were raised OVer
He was curiowo to know about their practicI!II, and described a group of cremation burials of the Migralion Period preceding lhe Viking Age.
crude wooden figures they had Ict up;" thetlecoDII;'ted of' ... a long Some Swedish mounds had ftallened lops with I olight slope, sugeating
uprightpieceofwoodthathSiafacelik~aman'sandillurroundedby I stage on which action would be visible 10 thoM! slanding below.
little figu.etI behind which I.e long slaketl in the ground'. A Rustrader According to Norse literary tradilion, the burill mound W88 s place on
who arrived at the atation would make offerings of bread, meat, leek., which kinas and seen might Iii in order to obtain wisdom and
silk and beer to the main figure, praying tbat his Lord would send rich inspiralion (p. 130 below). The mound also ..rved 88 a centre from
merchanl5 in hi. way who would ply a aood price for the wares which he which Ihe king could make anooun<:ementa to the people, from which
had brought. Ifhisprayerwasgranted,he would kill fheep and cattle u new lawl could be proclaimed, and on which a new ruler could be
an offering, leaving enme of the flesh beside Ihe wooden figurel and inllalled. An example of this i. Tynwald Hill on t"" lole of Man, wher~
eettinguptheheadsoftheslaughteredbeSiltonlhewoodenatakel.lf the Minx Plrliament still aseembles at Midsummer. It ia a stepped
things did not", as he wished, he would then tum to the smaller figures mound,withapllceontopforthereigningmonarch,Ulluallyrepresen_
and ask their help; Ibn Fadlan was told lhat these were the BOn. and ted by the Lieutenanl_General, accompanied by Biehops and Deerm­
daughters of the god. Possibly they were leaser deities recognised by the len, while Ih~ three lower tiers are for members of Ih~ HOUle of Keys,
RUII, who were Scandinavian., probably from Sweden, coming 10 trade represenlilivesofloealauthoriliea, minilters of the churchetl, and BO
ineastemEurope. fOrlh. The mound was raised by Norse so:ttlers who auived in lhe ninth
Since molt imagetl were of wood, few have lurvived in the earlh. cent\lry, and il il an arlificial hill ..tupon the site of an earlier burial
There are a few impressive onel in stone from Ih~ early C~ltic period, mound of Ihe BrOlize Age.
carved with restrainl and power. One of th...e Mood in a burial ground In Irish tradition alBO mound. form partoflhe assembly place, and in
conlaining ..veral grav.,. at Hirschlanden near Sluttgart, and probably the tal.,. Iher~ are i08l:atlces of v",ions or strange adventures befalling
gDelbacktolhelatesixthcenluryBC,"hrepresentBanakedWllrrior those who lit on moundl nur the court. of kings. 'Ibere was aclOle link
withaneck_ring,beltanddaglfl!r,wearingapointedhatonhilhead;thi. between man and Ihe supernatural world by way of the burial mound,
sinc~ it was inlO such mounds thlt the gods of pre_Chru.lian Ireland, the
'" in IjIrument with 51atementB by classical WTite.. lhat the Celts wo:re
accustomed to fight naked (p. i9 below). The figure i. almost life size, TUalha De Dlnann, were oaid to retresl after the coming of Christianity.
standing I.S m high,and miaht repre""nteither the hero buried in the The dwellina of the Dagda was at New Grange, I gr.,.1 prehistoric
tumuluB or BOrne supernatural guardian. Certainly this erect, menacing burill mound near the river Boyne (p. 127 below). At the feltival of
form mUIII have evoked a feeling of awe and memories of Ihe famoul SamainonINovember,l""be,pnninilofwinter,itwasbelievedthal
dead. A ""cond and larger figure comes from Holzgerlingen inthe ssme the way to the Other World lay open, and lkere Ire many lal.,. of living
area," and could be of about Ih~ lame date, Iithough the style is
different (Plate ....). This stands 2.3 m high, and has two fac~slike the nighl.
Roman Janus; il depicts Ih~ upper hllf of a human figure rising from a The 1I0ne figure o( Hirschlanden atood upon. burial monnd, and in
square pillar, perhaps a siooeversion of wooden figurel carved in thiB Scandinavia carved nooci were somelimetl placed on them. Flat,
wly. The stranflO! curving crown above Ihe face poIlibly represents rounded Itones, difficull to date with any aa:urac:y, survive in Sweden,

.IlId one of these, from Inglinl[C Howe ...... Vbjo, is elaborately wi,h the choice .nd feCOjp'Iidon of a king, The stone from Scone taken
decoraled, This formerly .rood on. tumulul, and wu known ... 'The by EdWlrd I from Scolland to Wesunina1ler Abbey is mother eumple,
King of Virend'. Throne','· II il nol known whether luch Slonel were and thercareolhersfrom various tribal centrea.10 Simil""Of1e,e"ilted
inlended for sealS 01' whether lbey were rolled down the mound on some .Iso in Scandinavia. A Dsni,h chronicle ,a.,n 10 the Dan.eriah nelr
ritual """Ilion, ... wheels were rolled down hill ••t midsummer, VibofJr, used by the men of Judand when they proclaimed a new king,
Another Iype ofdecoraled ltone allocialed wilh holy pil«I is lhe while Olsus Magnul mentions Ihe Morastal near UppuIa, lIIid to be I
domed or pyramid_shaped Slone, of which an outsUnding example is 'hu~ .IlId rounded Slone' on which lhe Swedes raised. their cholm
that ouuide Turoe House, Counly Mealh, in Ireland (Plale Ib), This ruler.J'
was broughl from ill original poailion on the north lide of a circullr The8lSOciliion oflhe holy place wilh the chooaing of. king is in
'ralh'orearlhwork daling back 10 the finl century BC,andmayhlve accordance wilh the importance of ThinlfWlIir in lcel.llld u!he sile of
been tel up u early u this, It i. decor.1ed with aaymmetrical curving the main auembly where !he law wu pnx:laimed, allhoueb lhere wu no
pallem. in the La Ten.. slyle, and other eumplel, len well-preserved, king 10 be inauguraled there. Men from dll' four quarlerl mel al
have been found in Ireland. It baa been "'aimed lhal Ihete show I Thingvellir, .IlId there W8I a plBn of the places they were entitled to
complu divilion inlo four parIS, comparable 10 !he patterns on an occupy in fronl of Ihe Law Rock. Thingvellir W81 no! the IlCOgraphicai
earlie. llOne from Kennaria, Finimre, of roughly pyramid shape." ~enlreoflhe illand, for. true centre would be in Ihelava deterl, but it
The Turoe llOne bears a Itriking resemblanu to Ihe Omphakqo .II Ihe w... lhe symbolic one, wilh road.leadingloit from everydirec:lion, Like
Ihrine of Apollo al Delphi, and Ihete nOrlhem .tones may have served a Thingvelli•• Tara in Ireland is superbly litualed. wilh wide view. on
aimilB. purpOH, aymboli,ing the navel 0' ~ntre of the earth. At every ,ide OVer thecenlral plains: 'h is Ihis feature of the Hill of Tara'.
Uunech, a sacred piau roughly in the cenlre of Ireland, wh£re the O'Riordain wrote in his description of Ihe sile, 'which never faill 10
druids were Hid to meet, Ih£re wu the Slone known u Ihe 'Stone of impreSi'. One mediev.1 poem described Tara ... the central.quare of a
Division'. which according to Genlldus Cambrenli. wu 'Ihe navel of gaming board: 'Tsra'i C8IIle,delighlful hill. OUt in theexlCl centre of
IrclBnd, u it were, placed right in the middle of the 11Ind','6 Ui.nech 81 the plain·.12 However it iK far from being the lrue cCiureoC Ireland, and
well u Tara could be regarded u a traditional centre, and the two are once more wha, we have is • symbolic cent..,. surrounded by the four
deacribed in one Middle Irilh eourceat being like two kidneys in one kinlfdoms of Ulster. Connachl, Leinsl/!!'.nd Munaler. Plans for lhe
animal." sealing of Ihe h.1l al Tara are given in two manulCripll, the Iwe!flh
Vet: &nOlher famous stone wu Fill, called the Lia Filii or 'Stone of cenlury Book of Leinsler and Ihe fifleenlh century Vellow Book of
Knowledge', which wal on Ihe Hill of Tara. ThUo u called a 'Slone Lee.n; lBle lhough lhese are, they preserve memories of. careful plBn.
penu'. and i. uluslly ...umed 10 be Ihe pillar wilh the rounded lOp and it _ms poI.ible that the whole country wu reproduced in the
which i. lIill on the hill, a!lhough Keatinllihoughtihat Ihe original laYOUI of a central hall with four provinc:ill halls ranged around,u The
Itone had been taken to Scotiand. 1f The tradition preserved in twelfth pattern offour divisionl round a cmtral poinl is found inbolh Iceland
centuryliteraturewallhallhilWlUlalloneofinauguralion,whiehroared sod lrel.nd, and Miille.daims tbtl this i•• fundamental pattern in balh
under the feel of the man destined to be kinll, or, in an earlier Germanic and Celtic tradition.u Another cenlrewu the plaa: where Ihe
acccount,'·gJlve a acre«h when the kinll drove pall il in hischariol, Druids met in Glul, described ... 'Ihe omtre of .11 Gaul' by Julius
while IwO Aaptones opened 10 allow the king 10 pass belwun Ihem: ClIHsr, but in fad somewhere near Chili,..,. (p. 26 below). Here.... at
'And lhere w£re Iwo Rag-ltone. in Tara: 'Bloc<::' and 'Blwsne'; when Thingvellir, disputes from the reg:iOI"lll round were Hid 10 have been
they accepted a man they would open before him until the ~hariot went broullhtfo.settlement.
Ihrou&h. And Foil Will there, Ihe 'slone penis'.t the head of the ch..iOl
~ourse; when a m.lll .hould have the kinphip of T .... it tcreeched
alP'inllhi,chariol-lXlesolhatallmighlhear'.'~Wbilethe..,appearslo -+ The piUar and the tree
be some confusion in Ihe traditionsbelween lhe ttanding Slone and • A pillar WII an important fCSlure of lome of the holy places of Ihe
flaploneon which Ihe new kina' stood. il is cleaT Ih" am:ienl Slonel Gennilnic peoplH, The Saxons btd ahigh wooden pillar called Innin.ul
fanned an importanl pari oflhe holy place and th.lthey we.., u,ociated II Eresburg. lhoughl to have been MarsbefJr on Ihe Diemel, although
Wa, ,et up L,. Caius Vettriu. Cunnougus about lOO -'I) in full;lment of a
vow, pregumably un his estate. The shaft ufthe pillar L' rovered ""th oak
leave, and acorns, and there are four female head' repre,<enting the
SeaWnson tup, while it is surmounted by the figure ofJup,tel as",ider
""th Tiwaz, as an e~rly Germanic deilyaSSOClated with Ihe sky. A"')ther ''''ercom,nK a giant. Th;. emphasises the link between the sky gud and
"Ledi.,al wnt~r, Rudolf of Fulda, described Irm;"sul as u'''''I),na(" the oak, and h,s influence uver the COurse uf the y~ar; J\1a"ilIl~' of Tne
r~l"mna q",l<1 tuui",,,, (Jmnia, a universal pillar supporting the wh()l~ in the second century AD (LQgoi 8, 8) stated that the Celtic im"~. of
There is some indication of pdla.. raised by th~ Anglo_Saxoos in pre­ Zeus was a h,!!h oak tree. A .econd, "Ven larger pillar, unfortunately
Christian times. At YeavcTing m :-.IorthumbTia a wooden budd,ng which incomplete, shows the battle between !(od, and giants, with Jupiter,
may hav~ be~n a pre_Christian temple was set up clo,e to what had been Mars, Vulcan and Hercul". taking part. This is of .ome interest in view
a holy plllC~ of th~ Celtic people of Bemic,a ,~ It wa. clearly a .ite of of the traditional hattie between the god. and a giant race in both Celtic
ancient sanctity, .inc~ a BTonze Age tumulu. had stood there earli~r, as and Germanic SOurces of. later date (p. 192 below).
well as aaton~ circle of early date, A tall wooden post was set up on the The description of Irmm.ul as u1I!versalu columna i. paralleled by the
mound, and near the temple building there were indications that a huge image of the \Vorld Tne, Vggdr."l, one of most powerful symbols in
shaft had been sunk into the ground, While it e~nnol he assumed that all Norse mythology, sa,d to stand at the centre "f the worlds of gods and
wooden pillar. and isolated shafts WCrC CTe~ted for the same purpose, men (po 170 helow). Among Scandinavians of the Viking Age a tree
they appear to have been frequent features of holy places (p, 27 below) appears to ~ the main symbol of the central pivot of th" universe, but
There may be a link wah so·called Jupiter Pillars OT Columns form the so_called 'h,gh_scat pilla,,' of wood whi~h formed th" main support
Gaul, erected in the Roman perIOd, which are found especially around in the centre of hall. and sanctuaries might b~ viewed as a northern
the Mo.elle and the Middle Rhine ami m the Yo.g.g " On" ()fthese, at version of the Germamc plilar. . .i.ed m holy places. In the lit~rary
CllSSY, still stands in its onginal position neaT the source of the river SOurCe. such pillars arc associated with the god Thor, and were said to
Arroux, "nd the figure ()f Jupiter on this faces the rising Sun. The pillars hove been taken by early settlers to Iceland from theiT hom~"n Norway,
are ~.".'ed in the da,,,~al style, and sometimes have figures on the bage so that th~) could be set up in the new environment There are al",
r~pr~'~nlmg th~ fuur ,cason. and the days of the week, apparently Ic!(endary tale. of royal halls with a living tree in the Centre of the
a'ociated "irh the ,un', journey thoughout the year. They arc h",ldm~, cin,J trees may have been sometimes used in tl,,~ ,,"y, as'n the
connected "Lth w3ter; Jupiter, somdimL"S standing and .ome"mc, on Old 'VIallor I louse at Knaresboroullh '" North Yorkshire and the hall of
ho"eh.ck, " urten ,hown dominatmg a water-mon.teT, and the plilars lI"ntmgfieid '" Suffolk." In the late saga of the hero S,~urd the
se~m usually to have been ncar a spring or river. In spite of the" \'ui>Uhg, a tree;s .aid to have fonned th" central."pport of the ro)al
",phi,t,cated 't"I~ uf de<:oration, they appeaT to have been erected Ul
contmLlation of thp Celtic tradition of raising monuments in a ,aued
,pot, b.sid~ a buroal pla~e or a spring, associated with the sun, water, and
he.llng, The ]UpltN pillarS were in honour of the god of thp ,ky,
e"Ldentl" set up to invoke his bleosing and protection for thp local
~ommunity. and th~ r~pre<cntaUon of him as a rider musl be (~Iti~ ,n
O"lSm, The ~olumn' which sUTvive are sometimes in sites which appeaT
10 have been .mall native hamlets, although it musl have needed
Someone of wealth and cosmopolitan ta<tcs In erect ,,,eh gr~at m()numents
carved in elaborate claSSIcal style_ We know th.t • few were erected in
towns at public expensc, but others were ilL ren\nl~ d"tricts where there
must already havebeen$i\~reu places
A particularly interesting example 's that of the restored pillar from I Upper part uf Jupiter pili .. frum Hau.en .•n-d<r_Zab"r, now =ted at
Hausen_an_der_Zab~r, now erected m thc mu,eUm at Stu!t!(art. Thi. StUltprtMu,"urn
hall of hi. grandfather, King Vol.ung. It was from its trunk that trees in continental .anctuarie., since we hear of Chnsl!an mi.sionari~s
Sigurd·, tothee SIgmund pulled uut the sword which Odin had d"ven cutting them down, while in the Viking Agethc Iri~h king Brian Boru is
into It and which no one else could remove; this was kept a. " family said to ha'·e spent a month wreakmg destruction on (he sacred wood of
treasure and .fter it had been shattered in th~ battl~ in which Slgmund Thor near Dublin." Memories of ....cr~d tr~"s at boly p1a~u can alsa be
fell. It wa, reforged and used by his .on Sigurd to .lay a dragon.'" A found in (rish literature, Dnd the .ndent tree known as the bile was
parallel may be found m the tale of young Arthur drawing uut the sword apparently a usual feature of the site where the inauguration of the klllg
E~cahbur from a stone'" the churchyard and so proving him.df the took pla~e, the .acred centre" (p. t79 below)
lawful king. As the centre of the cosmos, the sacred place was linked with creation
Acrording to the picture of the ash Yggdrosil in the poems of the leg~nd.: it was als" a 'pot where communi caton with thc powen of the
Edda, it. great trunk marked the centre of the cosmos and its branchcs OtherWorld might take place. In the Amrtllsof Tacitus (XIII, 8) there
strdched oVer all lands. Beneath It was the assembly place of the gods, is a reference to two tribes battling for po.session of a sacred place bc.ide
and the nine worlds of gud. and men and other bein!!s were rong~d a river, which they believed wa. especially dose to heaven, '""that men's
around it, a. the kingdoms of Ireland were ranged around Tara and the pnyers l"e<'eivcd ready acce.,'. This was a pla~e where salt could be
four quaners of Iceland around Thingvellir. In Iceland there were no obtained, and therefure presumably of economic value, and indeed tbis
lar~ trees, so that th~ concept could hardly have OrIginated there, but in may bave led to it. rtputation a. a sacred area because of this
the great oak-forests of Germany, Scandinavia and Anglo_Saxon En­ incxplicable gift from the gods who could grant wealth and prosperity.
gland the symbol of a mighty tree marking the centr~ and form",g a link The two opposing tribes who lived on eith~r side of the river were
between mBn and the gods was a nat11ml one to use. A sacred grove was prcpared to offcr huge and extravagant sacrifices if they could gain
often s feature of th~ holy place, a" at L:ppsal" in Sweden. Adam of po.....s.ion of it (p. 6~ below). It was appropriate that the 8aCJ"ed centre
Bremen (IV, 28) in thc el~venth century describes sacrifices there and should be thc placc whcre kings were chosen and proclaimed, and where
claims thM bodies of men and animals offered to the guds could be .een the law wu recited. It w""" ritual and symbolic centre, nOI to betaken
hallJJ:IIlg from trpps. A thousand years earlier Tacitu. in Germanfl1 f]y) in a literal sen.e; men would be well aware that there were many other
de.cribt·' the saned grov~ of the people of the Semnones, 'hallowed by sacred place, beside. their own for which similar claims were made. B"t
the auguries of the" ancestors and by immemorial awe', where th~ the place where thcre was communication with the god,. kept aliye by
offering of a h"man ,",etim marked th~ beginning of the assembly of the ritual ane! sacrifice, .erved for the community as Bmodel of the ong",al
tribes from this ~re" They believed the grove to be the 'cradle of the centre, set up at creation when order emerged from chaos
race ~nd the dweJling-plac~ of the supreme god',.o that it evidently Communication with the Other World in such a place extended both
represented for them the place of creation. Here the god worshipped "pwards and downward•. The lightning which can strike and even fell a
seems to have been Tiwaz, thc .ky god, but the goddesses might a\,o be mIghty oak was taken by German. and Scandinavian. as a powerful
wo"hlppcd in such sacred grove•. Traces of a wood survive n~.r the symbol of e!,,·ine power dt.cending in fire. This developed into the
.anc!l1ary of the goddeSS Nehalennia at Domburg in Holland. '" and many-sided symbol of the axe-hammer of their god Thor, ,> which could
TaCit,," knew of a grove on an island in Denmark sacred to the godd~ss ,hotter rocks, leave dent. in mountains and wntrol the monsters of
Nerthus(Ger ma11iCl40) chaos. The l",k betwecn the pillar and the rising sun might he another
Mony Celllc names for sanctuarics incorporate 11"",..t011, which m~ant aspect of this link, since it =nnected earth and heaverl. The Journey of
ade.ring open to the sky;" examples are Drunemtl011 in Asia Minor, th~ the sun signified the .equence of thc year, with it. recurrLng renewal
oak grove where the Galatians met, according to SHabo, and Aqua" of life and bringing of harvest. It i. not surprising to find tm, symbol8
Anw""tia~, now Buxton in Derbyshire, with its thermal springs. It was of seasons and month. on the Jupiter column•.
in a 8IIct<,d lito"" on the i.land of Anglesey that the druid. defied the There was al.o a link with the dcpths of urth and of water. Thi. can
Romans, according to Taci!l1s (Am",/< XIV, 30), and had their sacred be seen in thc importance of the spring or well, continually found in Or
treu deatroyed. Anglo-Saxon piacename. based on the name Thu ..or, beaide holy places. Some of these pos""s.ed mcdicinal qualities, but
the sky god, incorporate in some cases the word for a wood of" dearing, others Bre only sources of pure water In Scandinavian tradition the goch
uah, al in Thunderley and Thunder.ley in Esse ... " There were Slcred had their own holy springhythe World Tre~. th~ plac<:ohssembly, and

''''''olers broughl inspIratIon and knowledge to Ihose who drank from In the chalk indlcat~ th,lt acce .. to the chamb.. t wlS possible, and ]t m~y
It It w:ls known 3S the \'1ell of M,mlr, and ,I was said that Odin cas! h'" haveservedsom.. nlu.lp"rpo.e.'·
c)e lo!o It. waters as an ollerlOg lo return for. d"nk which would reveal The Gundestrul' Cauldron Itself ,eeems to have been an offerlnl( to
the future Irish traditIon also rr~,prves the m~m"ry of a .pring. known thepowersofth~ unde,world, SUlce it had been dl$manlled and set on
"' thp \\'dl of Sega.s, or Connl.'s Wdl, wh,ch abo was seen as a sourcp the ground man are. "f h"I(, other ritual object. found]Il Denmark
01 kn""lpdg.. and IOspiration. lhlhhl~. f",m .. d "n the slr"am. wh'ch apP"'utohav.. beendepo.nedmth"way.TheScand,nav1ansalsoth,ew
A"wed from it, wh,le nuts dropp"'d ,nto Ih,· water from th.. hazd tree offering. into lakes, and Vdst numbas of obJect, have been reCuVe red
above, and th.. salmon catinglhemcouldplUl.onspe<:,~1 lI'fts 'flhey in from. dned_up lake at Sked"mosse on the ISland of 6land m Ihe Baltic,
turn were ealen by men when they swam down Ihe riverS on~lOa"ng well as from famous sites in Ihe peat lIke Nydam and V.mose
from the w ..ll '" Ther.. were many Celtic .anctuanes at the soUr~e" of below) There are dose parallels on the sacred pools of the
fivers or bes,de l~kes, and oll..ring. Were regularly thrown 1010 water. peop]..s, such lUI Ihe Iron Age site at LI~n CeTrlg Bach in
Among GermQns and Scandinavian. offering places al.o ",eluded Ihe
shores of lakes and watcrfalls (p. '3' below); one early settler 10 1cdand
wa.sa.idtoworshlpaw.terfoliandtohaveflungoffermgsoffoodlOtOlt \ The encJosedsancluary
(p '04 below) Clefls gomg down mlO the earth wet.. al.o se .. n a' a Wh,1" unfenceciarpas ond n"tlIralfeatur... oftiteland'Lllpem,ght he
me,," of communication w,th the under,,"orid. and caves might serve regarded as holy places. th~ n~ed to provld.. an enc1osedspace. a (~m",,,,
'he samp purpose. The famous "t Patnd's l'ur~atory on an island In orsacredpr"clnct,wasoftenf~lt.lt might enclose figure. of the I(od,or
Lough Derg m Ireland sllil aUr.e" manv p,lw,ms, and wa. clearly sacred obJe<:ts, or pr""de "n ObVlOU' boundaryatound holy >(round,
,·,cwed lD earli.. r IImu 3$ an entrance to the und..rworld. Thnse separaung It .. ah.. r tcmrO!~r!ly or p~rmanently from the normal world
und~rgomg th.. demand,ng dosclphne (JI th~ p,l)!nmag" now gather In. El<3mples of th •• from the V,k'ng Age sugge.teci by Jacquehne S,mpson
chapel,hut in form.. r tImes they "Ne shut up forhou,",nIheca,e, areth.. rop.. senclosmg"~"urlofbw.thecarefulmarkingoutof!hedrea
where they had 10 go without sleep Or food Ihrough the night and so m WhlCh an o/liC).1 duel was fought, the squares on the floor used bya
enduresomelh,ngofthetorment.ofpurgatoryfortheJrsouls'wclf.r.. wlzardc.lhngupthedead(p.149be!OW),andtitestonesett;ngsplaem
'With the fall of night', wrote a twentieth centur~ pl1g"m. 'Ih~ world round g'"v"s Th~ earlie.t enclOl!utes for sacred places app"at to have
slipped away. We .eemed to stand 10 a dim place where 1"0 world. con.isled of an urthwork or dItch to mark off the area ,n which worshIp
meet.'" orspeelalrltestookplace.Such"oclo.uresm'lIhlbesquare,rectangular
If a natural fcatuted,dnotel<;st,ilwlUlpOssihl.. toprovlde.n artlfi cial orClrcularlO.hape,andmightconta;n'uchfeaturesa.ritual.hafts,
lmk with the supernatural world. A number of Celtic enclosures springs,hearths,pillars,sUlndingstonesormonohth.
bebeved to have been sacr..d pl~,-e,hcid deep sh~fts hk.. we1\s dug down The Golonng nedr Cobletu" an ~xampl" of a huge clfCulM enclosure
,nto the earth, m which offering, werp pld~ed lluman and aOlmal bone, as much lUI '90m md,ametcr, pos"bly datmg bock !othe SJJ<thcentut)"
haH b.~n found, and in some <halt, h"man hungs have been bUfled IIC. It had a large posthole m the centre which could hB'e hcld a posl
w'lhdogs GroupsofPllSOflh"kmd have been found both ln Brltam 12 m hjgh.~o At L,be"",-e "eo, Kohn In Czechoslovak," th~re wa, "
and on Ihe Continent, for example at Newst~.d and :Marypurt and over a larg~ r""langularendo.ure80m by ~om,markedoU1byaJ,tch [",]de
large mea round Chartres, which may ho,'c been the centr.. where drUlds remainsofchildr..ndndan,m.lswcrefound,aswellasa.kull,""dthere
()nc~ met, mention"'! by Julius Caesdr " C.,,~d wooden figure. havc wer.. traces of an artlfiClai pl~tform and pits holding bones and ponery
aloobeen recuvered from such shafts, andatStB~rnard Ln La Vendee a fragmenls.lnth.. a<eawhereofferingsseemlohavebeenmade,a.tone
cypress saplon)! 4 m m l~nglh; this has led 10 the suggestion that the on the .hapeofa rough pyramid aboul 200cm h'gh h.d atood with it.
panel on the Gundestrup Cauldron showing a line <lfmen carrylnga ba"e deep in the earth, uotil al some time l! was deliberately overturn~d
tre<: repre""nt" all ollenng of this kind. A shaft rec..ntly excavated at ~ndmovedoutofp08;t;on.lnthecen!reoftheendogurewa.thegrave
Deal;n Kent went down ab""t i.SO m to finish;n an o"al chamb..r, in of 3 middle_aged WOmBn, who it was .ugll".ted may have been a
which a 6gurine ofch.lk waafound, conll.ting ofa block endmg ma pro ••te." She wore jew~llery of the La Tene perlod, and there were also
I(m~ slender neck and well-carv"d face of typical eel!)c type, Footholds twohugen.ok-ringsofbronzewhichcouldhavebe<'nusedfor6!(l1resof

destroyed the Irminlul in the eighth century, he i.""id to have removed like fiBure.heads from • ship. Indeed there is .n obvious link between
much gold and.ilver from the sacred plac:e. A superb treasureWaB found the l:ol1lltruction of the stlve I:hutches and the techniques of ship­
at Petroqa in Romania in 1837, which induded gold ve-:!s, II. -Ktell.t building, IS WIllI pointed oulby Lorenz Dietrichson: 'A rowofan::hea.
jewelled coli ...., and SOme splendid brooches, one an enOrmOua one in the upside down. is placed between different raften. just IS it was between
shapeofaneaale. These are thought to h.ve bef,n the work of Gothic the ribs ofa Vikinglhip.lntheshiptheseribswerenotattachedtothe
craftsmen and to have come from a sanctu.ry, perhaps hidden for safety keel. and similarly the rafter arches and the beams a.... otplUllte from the
during the.p~h of the Huns. Obje<:t5like the Gundeftrup Cauldron ridge bea..... in the chuTCh •.. The eM;", church is strengthened
_rec..... fully dismantled and deposited in the DaniBh peat.bOlllS, and throughout by elbow joinu and bntckets.just IS the Viking .hips .Il'.'.
these seem likely to have been the property of lome SBnctWlry of the In.ide the churches it is dark and myaterious, and the fact that the roof
gods, which might be ••ored the.... and brouaht oUt for speci.l festivalt. rise. in the centre aives an imprellioo of narrowne ... and height.
While BO far there is little definite evidence fore:arlyshrinessmongthe drawing the lIaze upward•. A buildinll of this kind would emphasise the
Germaoie peoples, the wooden stave churches built in Norw.y between centrslityoftheucredpJace,whilethe""riesofdilJerentlevelswouldbe
the eleventh and thirteenth centuries may provide a poHiblc due as to in accordance with the picture of the world ofgod.. and men and
what kind of sacred buildings were set up there in pre_Christian times. supernatural being. grouped vertically and ho.uontaJly around the
A,. many as thirty_one stave churches survive, some in remote parts of WorldTree(p'7' below).
Norway and othen now in open·air mu"""ms, and they a ......rikingly It is cle.r that sacred buildings in various parts of Celtic and
dilJerent in appearance and construction from early churches of brick or Germanic territory developed in different ways according to outaide
.tone in England .nd Germany. The earliest NorwegiUl churches had influences and the huilding materials and skills .vailable. They were
their pillars and walls set in the ground and packed round with stonel. rsised tohousefigu....softhegorlalndcuJ.tobjecu. for the making of
and consequently they could not survive for loog. Tho"" built in the private olJerlnll8 and consultation of the lupernatural powers, not for
twelfth century, however, rest On 'groundtiJJ,', formed of four m ....ive conareptioosl servioes and large assemblies. They would be viaited by
lenath. of timber set to form a .qua..... From these II. series of 'mash' or the faithful. and the processional way round the building would make it
wooden pillars rise tosupport thewalls and roof. rounded at thefoothke possible for vilitors to view sacred objects witbout entering thelllIDC·
the malt. of a ship." In a small ·one·mut' church. two piece. oftimber tWiry. The t",,,,,ure.stored in the temple SOlJletUnea neoeasitated a wall
are laid croslwise over the sill. and a singlc central pillar risea from the or fence toencloae it, and this also served to m.rk olJsacred.pace.
ct0S8ing.lnl.rgerchurches.mastsa.... placedatthefourcornenofthe Communal f...... u .nd rituals in which the neighbourhood took part.
till, while in a 'many·muted· church like that of Borgund the 'sleepers' howl!Ver, would normally be out of doors or in suitably large buildi..­
formina the sill a.... arranged to fonna.quare inside a rectangle, and the where feasts could be prepared, .. in the han of a king or local
muts I .... set round the Iquare. At Borgund there are as many as .ix landowner.lnspiteofoccuionalencirclingwalls,itisessentialtoseethe
different level. from the ground tothecentral tower. andaoeriesofroof. .acred place as something not set apart from the ordinary secular world,
of different heightsa.... grouped.roundthecent...lsanctuary. As in the butratherasprovidingavitaloentrefortheneedtofthecommunityand
cue of the Romano·Celtic temple ••n ambulatory (tfHl/gtmg) runs round for the maintenance of a kIngdom. It offered a mean. of communication
the ouuide of the building. Thi, i, usually ,,"deed by a low wooden with the Other World, .nd wu regarded ••• souree of powrr.
wall topped by an arc.de, 50 that it il open to light and air. Itwasu!!ed ilUlpiration, healing omd hidden knowledp. One at more deities might
for processions movina: clockwise round the chuTCh, .. well as for be revered in the shrine or cult place, and through them men mightpt
dep05iting weapons durinll the service, and for tranlacting business and in touch with the underworld or with the world of the sky. LawaRd
making formal agreements. order essential for the established community wu centred in the holy
Thee.rliest stave churches have rich and often fantastic carvings on place, and $8Dctume.like Tara, UPPI'ala.nd Thingvellir might oerve IS
doors and waUs, and IIrim, sinister heada set at the poinu whe.... the microcoom and m.p of the entire kingdom.
pillarltouch the roof,recallingancient gods and monllel1l rather than
Chrialian symbols Uld m.rkedly different from fanWl1e heads of Anglo·
Norman churche•. " Outside dragon .hapes protrude from the lIables


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