here's a very common theme of sword and
sorcery that's the core of combat and action in
any game of Dungeons and Dragons you'll see.
But there's been a missing element that hasn't
had a lot of development. Firearms. Guns are a
complex thing to work into a game of
Dungeons and Dragons, as it may sometimes
seem a bit redundant or perhaps complex to insert into a
game. This guide seeks to rectify the common excuse of,
"Why not just reskin a crossbow if you want a gun so badly?",
and find a quick and easy way to insert guns into any game
you make as a DM.
Should you Add Guns?
The first thing you should consider when adding firearms is,
"Should I add firearms?" The reason for this is simple. Guns
are not as simple to schlep in a game as say, japanese
weapons, such as the Katana or the Kunai. They don't work Credit: http://davidhueso.deviantart.com/
as well if they're simply reskins of another weapon. You
should probably familiarize yourself with how these rules Table Of Contents
work before you decide to put them in. They can make a Rules For Firearms
setting more robust, but if not done correctly or properly Firearms List
explained, they can confuse your players and slow games
down. So be sure you know the rules and explain them Attachments
thoroughly to your players before you decide you want to add
guns to your game. Keep in mind this guide only covers Custom Parts
firearms as they'd fit in a sword and sorcery game that's still Explosive Items
got a somewhat medieval theme, and it doesn't cover modern
firearms or science fiction technology. The Gunslinger
The Guncaster
Gun History and your wolrds
Something to consider when adding firearms to Giving Other Classes Guns
your world is the history of the creation of firearms.
Firearms got their origins from the discovery of
New Feats
gunpowder, which was first used in explosives Example Magic Firearms
before they transitioned to handheld weapons.
Depending on your world, guns could be as New Spells and Spell Lists
common as any sword and spear, or they may be
quite rare. Here are some examples. Example Gunslinger & Guncaster Builds
Rennaissance: Firearms have just been
discovered in your world, and only few people
know how to create them. Ammo is tough to
come by, and your party will likely have no more
than a single member who's proficient in them.
Intrigue: Firearms are being explored more, but
they are still costly to make and use. There may
be one or two members of a party proficient in
their use, but they're still something of an
anomaly in your world.
Well-Established: Firearms are a very common
sight in your world, and have been researched
and produced in larged numbers. Not only are
there the usual muskets and pistols, but new
innovations in technology are starting to bring
new types of guns into the world. They're as
easy to come across as a sword, and all class
options have the option to be proficient in
Rules For Firearms Any firearm that shoots a scattering shot spreads out to your
In order to put firearms in a campaign in a way that makes firearm's max range in a 30 foot cone. Any target caught
them stand on their own, there have to be some rules and within the cone must succeed a (DC 10 + Dexterity Modifier
guidelines. Here are a list of basic rules for firearms for + Proficiency Bonus) Dexterity saving throw or take the
Dungeons and Dragons games. You may also use these rules weapon's damage roll. Anyone outside normal range has
for other ranged weapons, but they're meant for firearms advantage on this saving throw and only takes half damage if
primarily. they fail.
Aim Bonus & Bracing Close Quarters
If you are proficient with firearms or ranged weapons and Firearms or ranged weapons with the Close Quarters
have one drawn at the start of your turn, you may spend a property do not have disadvantage imposed when fired at a
bonus action to aim down your weapon’s sights, conferring a target within 10 feet of the wielder.
+1 Bonus to your next attack roll. You may spend another
action during your turn to get an extra +1. Aiming Bonus Multi-Shot
cannot be stacked more than +2 for any shot, and any
movement you make after aiming nullifies Aim Bonus. A firearm or ranged weapon with this property is able to fire
Bracing works like aiming, but can only be done when prone one barrel or multiple barrles with a single pull of the trigger.
or behind cover with a firearm. You cannot aim or brace if you When making the attack action with a firearm with Multi-
hold two light firearms or ranged weapons. shot, you can fire more than one barrel at once. Each barrel
fired after the first confers a -1 penalty to the attack roll, or -1
Misfire(Optional Rule) to damage if the firearm has the Scatter property.
If, during an attack roll, you roll a number equal to or lower Punting
than it’s misfire number(such as 4), your weapon
malfunctions. Your weapon gains the following debilitations A firearm with this property forces the target to make a
decided by a d6 roll. After applying the debilitation, the Constitution Saving Throw (DC 10+Prof. Bonus+ Dex. Mod)
weapon’s chance of misfire goes up by 1 (up to 10) until you that is made with disadvantage if they’re wearing Heavy
use a short rest to perform an out of combat Tinker's Tools Armor. If they fail, they are knocked Prone. They also count as
check. The DC is 10 + the weapon's misfire chance. You may seige weapons for the purposes of damage.
use a Tinker’s Tools roll during a short or long rest to lower a
weapon’s base chance of Misfire by 2 (The DC is the same as Burst Fire & Automatic
the short rest DC). You cannot lower misfire chance to 0 Burst Fire firearms are able to release a stream of multiple
using this method unless you are the Machinist Archetype. bullets with every pull of the trigger. Each shot made releases
Misfire Chart 3 bullets at a single target or anyone within a 10 foot square
Roll Effect at a point within your firearm's normal range. Roll an attack
roll for every bullet fired. Every attack roll after the first roll is
1 The gun jams. Reload or make a Tinker's Tools check made with disadvantage.
to fix it. Doing this always takes a turn to do.
2 The gun suffers a -2 to attack rolls and can't be aimed Automatic firearms can release half of their clip in order to
unless a successful Tinker's Tools check is made. fire at everything in a 10 foot wide line out to your firearm's
3 The gun flies from your hand 5 feet away from you.
maximum range. Creatures within the line must succeed a
(DC 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) Dexterity
4 You take 1d4 fire damage. Make a Constitution Saving saving throw or take double the weapon's damage. Creatures
Throw or drop the gun from your hand. past your firearm's normal range have advantage on the save.
5 The gun takes a permanent -1 to its damage rolls. This
may only be fixed by an out of combat roll with Bolt Action & Pump/Lever Action
Tinker’s Tools. If the gun suffers -5 to it’s damage
rolls, it is destroyed. Bolt Action Pump Action and Lever Action Firearms have a
firing mechanism that must be reset every time it's fired. Bolt
6 The gun suffers 2 misfire effects. Roll twice and reroll
every 6.
Action firearms must use an Action to chamber the next
round, and Pump Action and Lever Action firearms must use
a Bonus Action to eject the spent shell and chamber the next
Reload one.
Some firearms have a certain number of bullets that can be
fired before it must be reloaded. Once they run out, your gun Rules on Akimbo Reloading
is unable to fire and you must reload. Most firearms can be If you wield two one-handed firearms or ranged weapons, you
reloaded either as an action or a bonus action (player's may reload them both at the same time, or one at a time.
choice), but a select few take an entire turn to reload.. You Reloading them both takes an entire round, and you cannot
may reload prior to all of a weapon’s load being expended, but take reactions while doing so. Reloading one at a time takes
you will drop the bullets and must collect them after combat an action or bonus action per gun. (Player's choice.)
or as an action in order to get the ammo back.
Akimbo Proficiency with Firearms
If you are proficient with firearms or ranged weapons and are Firearms are not your typical weapons, like martial or simple
wielding two light firearms or ranged weapons, after you fire weapons. The nature of their construction and the complexity
one, you can use a bonus action to attack with the other of their use and care make training to become proficient with
weapon you're holding. You don't add your ability modifier to them much different from your average sword and bow.
the damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is Unless othwrise specified by the DM, firearms count as a
negative. separate proficiency from martial and simple weapons.
Called Shots Repeating (Optional)
If you are proficient with firearms or ranged weapons, you Any Repeating Firearm with a bullet count higher than 1, you
may make a called shot against a particular type of body part may make an extra shot as a bonus action.
an enemy has. The roll is made with disadvantage unless you
are a level 2 Gunslinger. If the shot hits, the target suffers one Fan The Hammer (Optional)
or more the following effects depending on where it was hit. If you make a shot while wielding a single Pepperbox or a
Revolver in your hand, you can use a bonus action to take an
Called Shot Save DC additional two shots. You don't add your ability modifier to the
10 + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier damage of the bonus attacks, unless that modifier is negative.
Gunslingers are the only exception.
Proficiency with Firearms
Called Shot Chart
Body Part Effect
Head Target must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and skill tests for
1d4 + 1 rounds.
Torso Target is pushed back 20 feet and loses 1 action their next turn.
Arms Target must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw or drop their items, and has disadvantage on Strength Checks
for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Legs Target must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw or be knocked prone.
Wings Target must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw or plummet 20 feet.
Tail Target gets disadvantage on Acrobatics and Athletics rolls, as well as Dex Saving Throws for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Appendages Target loses ability to use said appendage, and must roll a Strength Saving Throw at the beginning of their turns
in order to regain use.
Credit: http://thevigil24.deviantart.com/
Primitive Firearms
Name Example Materials Damage Cost Weight Properties
Flintlock Small log of Wood, 3 Iron d10 250gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload 1, Close
Pistol Ingots, Flint Piercing Quarters, Misfire 2
Musket Long log of Wood, 5 Iron d12 500gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 70/200), Two-Handed,
Ingots, Flint Piercing Reload 1, Misfire 2
Dragoon Small log of Wood, 4 Iron d6 300gp 4 lbs Ammunition (range 10/30), Reload 1(Turn),
Ingots Bludgeoning Scatter, Misfire 4
Blunderbuss Long log of Wood, 5 Iron d8 900gp 12 lbs Ammunition (range 20/40), Two-Handed,
Ingots Bludgeoning Reload 1(Turn), Scatter, Misfire 4
Arquebus Long Log of Wood, 6 Iron d12 200gp 12 lbs Ammunition (range 50/150), Two-Handed,
Ingots Bludgeoning Reload 1(Turn), Heavy, Punting, Misfire 5
Rifle Long Log of Wood, 5 Iron 2d6 1,000gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 80/230), Two-Handed,
Ingots, Flint (Musket) Piercing Reload 1, Rifling, Misfire 2
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence (a) A Repeating Firearm and A Shortsword, Rapier
or Scimitar or (b) An Action Loaded Firaerm and
a Shortsword, Rapier or Scimitar, along with 20
Equipment pieces of ammo that match the firearm chosen.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the (a) A Light Repeating Firearm and 10 bullets, or
equipment granted by your background: (b) choose two from Daggers, Handaxes or
(a)Leather Armor or (b) Scale Mail Sickles.
At level 2, You may use a reaction to make an opportunity
attack against any enemy that comes within or moves while
in your firearm’s normal range. (For example, 30 feet for a
Flintlock Pistol.)
Gunslinging Principle
At level 3, a Gunslinger chooses from one of three
Gunslinging Principles to begin training in. They may choose
from either Virtuoso, Machinist, or Spellshooter, all detailed
at the end of the class description. The Principle you choose
Credit: http://captainkato.deviantart.com/ grants you features at 3rd level and again at 9th, 13th, and
18th level.
Gun Tactics
Ability Score Improvement
At 1st level, you adopt a particular tactic with your firearms.
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Gun When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level, 12th level,
Tactic more than once, even if you get the option to choose 16th level, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score
again. of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
Sniper. If you make an attack with a firearm with the heavy your choice by 1. As usual, you can’t increase an ability score
property beyond their effective range, you have advantage if above 20 using this feature.
you aim beforehand.
Akimbo Shooting. When wielding two light firearms, you Gun Actions
can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Level 5 Gunslingers get the following actions when they take
attack. the attack action during their turn.
Breacher. Shooting a target with a firearm within 15-5 feet
does not confer disadvantage and also gives +2 to damage. Bulletstorm
Shield Shooter. You are now proficient with shields if You may fire your gun more than once. The amount of extra
you're not already. You can now wield a two handed firearm shots you can make is 1 at level 5, 2 at level 11, and 3 at level
and brace it against a shield to fire it. When wielding a light 20. These shots cannot be made with an aim bonus.
firearm and a shield, you may brace it for +2 to the attack roll,
but you don't need to brace it in order to fire. Fast Load
Riflery. When wielding a two handed firearm without the You ignore reload time for firearms when using Bulletstorm.
heavy property, you get a +2 to attack rolls. You may make an You ignore the bonus action used for Pump and Lever Action.
attack roll with -2 to get +4 to your damage roll.
Firearm Duelist. When wielding a light firearm in one Iron Intuition
hand and nothing else, add +2 to your damage. If wielding a
light firearm in one hand and a finesse weapon in the other, Gunslingers pride themselves as being folks who can tell an
shooting the firearm may be done as a bonus action if a honest person from a cheat from a mile away. The strange
melee attack was made, or vice versa. weapons in holsters attached to their hip also give them an
air of someone who has an ability to deal with dangerous
Ammo Smith creatures and ne'er do wells for the right price. You can spend
ten minutes talking to someone to glean knowledge on their
Gunslingers learn early on in their careers that they must personal tics to gain advantage on any Insight checks to
create their own ammunition. At 1st level, so long as you have discern intent or disposition on any topic. You can instead
Tinker's Tools, the required materials, and take a short rest, spend one hour gathering info about a person to gain this
you can create 10 of any two kinds of mundane ammo for benefit instead, so long as there are a few people who know
your firearms. them at least second-hand you can talk to. Level 6
Gunslingers can also spend ten minutes in a community to
Gun Stunts find any information on bounties, be it to find if there is any
Gunslingers are unlike anyone else who can point and shoot knowledge on any particular wanted individuals.
a gun. At level 2 they can perform various different feats with
their firearms that most would consider impossible. You can Focus Fire
use the following Gun stunts at will during your turn. At level 7, Gunslingers are well tuned with their firearms, able
Called Shot. You may make a called shot without to fire true more often, hardly ever missing their mark when
disadvantage. See the chart on page 3 for the list of called in the fray. You may, once per short rest, spend a bonus action
shots you can make. during combat to mitigate anything that would impose
Shoot 'N Scoot. If you make a successful shot, you can disadvantage on your firearm's shots for 1 minute. Exceptions
move 5 feet in any direction. include targets taking the Dodge Action, firing past your
Precise Aim. If you have taken aim, you may add +1 to firearm's normal range, and attacking an invisible creature
your current Aim Bonus. This must be declared before you who's only been revealed through a Perception check.
fire your gun.
Advanced Gun Stunts Gunslinging Principles
At level 10, the Gunslinger has gained access to a bevy of new Gunslingers at level 3 begin to train themselves toward
Gun Stunts from practicing handily with her firearms. They various principles of gunfighting. These choices are less like
may use any one of these stunts per round. classical training and more like a lifestyle decision. They're
Vital Strike. You now critically hit on a 19. You may spend what Gunslingers attempt to devote themselves to as a part of
a bonus action to roll a critical hit on an 18, but suffer their adventuring lifestyle. You may choose from Machinist,
disadvantage on your next attack if you do. Focus Fire cannot Virtuoso, or Spellshooter.
mitigate this disadvantage.
Marksman's Stance. When you fire a two-handed weapon, Virtuoso
you may draw a light firearm and fire again at any target of
your choosing. If this attack is made after any extra attacks Virtuosos don’t see guns as just a mere tool of destruction,
granted by Bulletstorm, you are unable to fire any more shots they see them as an art form that they wish to master. The
from the Bulletstorm feature. The attack also has Virtuosos take up many different kinds of gunfighting styles
disadvantage if made after any extra attacks from and perfect them. Those who chose to train as virtuosos
Bulletstorm. You may holster the light firearm freely or use a collect and train with as many weapons as possible in order
bonus action to holster the two-handed firearm to become more versatile and powerful shooters.
Luck of the Craft. You may reroll a failed attack roll with
advantage. This does not stack with the Lucky Feat, and Luck The Art of Lead
points cannot be used in conjunction with this stunt. Starting at level 3, Virtuosos get a pool of Technique Points
that they may use to either enhance their own Gun stunts or
Bullet Time to use a bevy of special skills.
Once a Gunslinger reaches level 10, their reflexes have been Technique Points. You get a pool of 4 Technique Points to
sharpened to a point where time seems to go slower for them spend on either Gun stunts or Tricks. When you use a
than others when in combat. Once per round, you may either Technique point, it's expended. You regain all your Technique
take half damage from ranged weapon attacks or spells (No Points when you finish a short or long rest. Your max
damage if you succeed the save.), or impose disadvantage on Technique Points goes up by 2 at level 9, level 13, and level 18.
any opportunity attacks made against you while moving. Tricks. You learn three Gun Tricks of your choice, which
are detailed under "Tricks" below. Many Tricks enhance an
Shootout Sense attack or assist allies/debilitate enemies in some way, shape
or form.
Gunslingers live with the posiblity of danger at every moment, You learn two additional Tricks at level 9, level 13, and level
and their senses have been tuned to sense danger in a split 18. Each time you learn a new Trick, you can also replace one
second. At 14th level, Gunlsingers roll initiative with Trick you know with a different one.
advantage. If Gunslingers are surprised, attacks against them Saving Throws. Some of your Tricks require your target to
do not get advantage for the surprise round. make a saving throw to resist the trick's effects. The save DC
is calculated as follows:
Superior Overwatch Maneuver Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
At level 15, you can now use your Overwatch reaction to Dexterity modifier.
make an opportunity attack at anything that comes within or Gun Stunts. You may spend a Technique Point to enhance
moves in your weapon’s maximum range without incurring your gun stunts. To do this, declare the spending before the
disadvantage on the roll. stunt is performed.
Gunslinging Supreme At level 9, Virtuosos may draw any firearm once per round
Once a Gunslinger reaches level 17, they have become without using an action.
undisputed experts with firearms. You now add your
proficiency bonus to damage rolls with your firerams. In Head in the Game
addition, once per long rest, if you miss a shot with your Starting at Level 13, Virtuosos gain proficiency in
firearm, you may choose to succeed instead. Dragonchess, Playing Cards, and Dice Games. If they already
have proficency, their bonus is doubled. They may spend 6
Superhuman Reflexes Technique Points to gain advantage with any rolls made
when playing these games. In addition, Virtuosos have
At level 20, a Gunslinger has sharpened their reflexes to advantage on Perception checks made to spot cheating or
inhuman levels, and can do things considered impossible by Sleight of Hand checks.
normal humanoid standards. You may use one of the Virtuosos also learn one additional gun tactic. Gun tactics
following benefits once per round. are listed above.
If you have a firearm drawn, you may reload it one time Gun Prodigy
without spending an action or using a Fast Load. Level 18 Virtuosos regain 1 Technique Point if they roll
You may draw, fire with disadvantage, then holster a light initiative and have no Technique Points remaining. Virtuosos
firearm during your move action. may choose a single Trick they know to use once per long rest
You can use Dodge as a bonus action. without spending a Technique Point.
Tricks Marksman's Stance. You may spend 2 Technique Points to
These tricks will be listed in alphabetical order. mitigate the disadvantage if you use your one-handed firearm
Bloodshot. When you make a successful shot, spend a after a Bulletstorm attack.
Technique Point to cause the target of your shot to take Luck of the Craft. Spend 2 Technique Points to make
damage equal to your Dexterity Modifier for as many turns as another reroll. You use the higher of the three rolls.
your Dexterity Modifier.
Bob and Weave. You may spend a Technique Point in
order to prevent any enemy from taking opportunity attacks Machinist
against you until the beginning of your next turn. Machinists devote their lives to the study of the intricacies of
Concussive Shot. When you make a successful shot, you firearms to improve how their guns work, creating a
may spend a Technique point to give the next attack that specialized arsenal for any sort of mission. Those who model
creature makes disadvantage. The target must also make a the Machinist Principle spend as much time firing their
Constitution saving throw or only be able to move half their weapons as they do tinkering with them.
speed on their next turn.
Dodge Roll. Spend a Technique Point when targeted by an Gun Smithy
attack or within melee reach of an enemy. The attack roll Starting at level 3, Machinists get double thier proficiency
and/or damage roll is reduced by your Dexterity Modfier and bonus to Tinker's Tools checks. Machinists are able to begin
you may move 10 feet in any direction. This move does not crafting primitive firearms if they have the required materials
provoke opportunity attacks. in their possession. They use the crafting rules in the
Gun Kata When you make a Bulletstorm attack with your Dungeon Master's Guide to craft firearms, except they craft at
firearms, spend a Technique Point. The next attack made a rate of 10gp per day. Firearms crafted by Machinists get a
against you has disadvantage. +10 to their effective range and +30 to their maximum range.
Luck of the Draw. If your gun would misfire, you may The cost to create each firearm is equal to (Cost in gp of
spend a Technique Point in order to avoid the misfire. the Firearm)/10.
Intercept. When an enemy makes a ranged spell attack or
a ranged attack, you may spend a Technique Point in order to Advanced Ammo Smith
use a reaction to attempt to shoot it out of the air. Make an Level 9 Machinists are now able to attempt to craft special
attack roll against the missile or spell. Missiles have an AC of kinds of ammunition using a similar process to Ammo Smith.
17, and spells have an AC of 18. If you succeed, the attack To start the experiment, the Machinist must succeed a
automatically fails. Tinker's Tools check with the required materials to make 3 of
Piercing Shot. When you hit with a shot from your the ammo. The required materials are decided by the DM,
firearm, you may spend a Technique Point to attempt to and the DC of the check is 15. If you fail, you only make 1
damage an additonal creature. If the creature within range of bullet. You may only attempt this once per long rest.
your shot and in the same line as your shot would have been
hit by your attack roll, they take half damage. You may spend Example Exotic Ammo Type
additional Technique Points to target additional enemies. Name DC Required Materials Cost Effect
Powershot. When you hit with a shot from your firearm, Elemental 15 1 Iron Ingot, an aspect of 20gp 2d4
you may spend a Technique Point in order to double your Round that element (For example, Elemental
Dexterity Modifier when dealing damage. This shot prevents a vial of sulfuric acid.) Damage
you from aiming and gives any attack made against you
advantage until your next turn. Advanced Gun Smithy
Tactical Move. When you make a successful shot with Machinists who reach level 13 are able to craft new types of
your firearms, you may spend a Technique Point once per weapons. You can now craft every other type of gun on the
round in order to get another move action. firearms charts below. You must succeed an Intelligence
check with your proficiency bonus added in order to make
Gun Stunt Improvements blueprints for these fireams. You may then craft them using
Virtuosos can also use their pool of Technique Points to the required materials. Details are on the chart above. You
improve upon their Gun Stunts, making them into more now craft primitive firearms at at a rate of 20gp per day.
powerful versions of themselves. However, doing so often You may now craft Customization options and Attachments
costs more than 1 Technique Point, so be mindful doing this. for your firearms. (See charts below for details.)
Each Gun Stunt can be improved once per long rest.
Called Shot. At the cost of 2 Technique Points, your shot is Smith Hands
made with advantage, and the saving throw the target makes When Machinists get to level 18, they have mastered the craft
is done with disadvantage. of creating firearms. Any gun you create starts with no
chance for misfire. You get double the ammo from Ammo
Shoot 'N Scoot. You get an extra 5 feet of movement for Smith and Advanced Ammo Smith. You may use a Tinker's
every Technique Point you spend, up to 20 feet. Tools check as a bonus action to repair firearms. Machinists
now create double the amount of mundane ammo when
Precise Aim. When you take aim, you may add any number using Ammo Smith. Additionally, any gun you finish crafting
of Technique Points to your aim bonus. gets an attachment or a customization option of your choice
at no extra cost. The crafting cost for all firearms is reduced
Vital Strike. You may Spend 5 Technique Points to have your by half.
shot instantly Crit. Reroll 1s and 2s to damage.
Variant Rule: Firearms are Spellshooters combine the art of magic and the use of their
firearms as sources of infusion for devastatingly powerful
attacks. Spellshooters are able to transmute their weapons
Machinists that are in a world where firearms are a
common sight are able to craft Action-Loaded,
into powerful apparatuses of magic and conjure spells of all
Repeating Firearms, and Attachments at 3rd level,
kinds to fire through the barrel of their weapon without so
without having to make an Intellignce check to much as wasting a single bullet. Those who wish to delve into
craft blueprints beforehand. They may craft Special this rare art look to maximize their damaging potential while
Firearms and Customization Options at 13th level, making their firearm itself a source of their spellcasting
and also craft Action-Loaded and Repeating energy. They can take spells from the Evocation,
firearms at a rate of 20 gp per day. Transmutation and Conjuration Schools.
Variant Rule: Jury Rigging Spellcasting
Machinists may use parts from other firearms in When you reach 3rd level and choose the Spellshooter
order to craft different ones. You may substitute a Principle, you gain the ability to cast spells from the from the
firearm in place of all of a single kind of material Wizard Spell list. See chapter 10 for the general rules of
needed to craft another firearm. If you do this, the spellcasting and chapter 11 for the Wizard’s spell list.
firearm used to make the new one is destroyed. Spellcasting Focus. Your firearm is your spellcasting
Any character with proficiency in firearms and/or
focus. See the Magic Barrel feature for more information.
tinker's tools may attempt to put an attachment on
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the
a firearm without needing an Attachment Rail. They Wizard spell list.
must succeed a DC 15 Intelligence check in order Spell Slots The Spellshooter Spellcasting table shows
to do so. Upon rolling a 1 when making an attack how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level
roll with the firearm, the attachment is dislodged. and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a
slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell
slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know two
1st-level Wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must
choose from the Evocation, Transmutation or Conjuration
Spellshooter Cantrips Spells spells on the Wizard spell list.
Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th The Spells Known column of the Spellshooter Spellcasting
1st 2 3 2 - - - table shows when you learn more Wizard spells of 1st level
or higher. Each of these spells must be a Conjuration,
2nd 2 4 3 - - - Evocation or Transmutation spell of your choice, and must be
3rd 2 4 3 - - - of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when
4th 2 5 3 1 - -
you reach 4th level in this class, you can learn one new spell
of 1st or 2nd level.
5th 2 5 4 2 - - The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come
6th 2 6 4 2 - - from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
7th 2 7 4 3 - - of the Wizard spells you know with another spell of your
8th 3 7 4 3 - - choice from the Wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a
9th 3 8 4 3 - -
level for which you have spell slots, and it must be a
Transmutation, Conjuration, or Evocation spell, unless you’re
10th 3 8 4 3 - - replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or 20th level.
11th 3 9 4 3 1 - Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability for your Wizard spells, even though your magic may
12th 3 10 4 3 2 - either be innate or learned via studying. You use your
13th 3 10 4 3 2 - Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
14th 3 11 4 3 2 -
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when
setting the saving throw DC for a Wizard spell you cast and
15th 3 11 4 3 2 - when making an attack roll with one.
16th 3 12 4 3 3 - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
17th 3 12 4 3 3 - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
18th 3 12 4 3 3 1 Intelligence modifier
19th 4 13 4 3 3 1
20th 4 13 4 3 3 1
Magic Barrel
Spellshooters can use their use a gun as an arcane focus.
During a special ritual of their own making, performed during
a short rest, they engrave a gun with runes and symbols,
connecting it to the arcane weave. You can perform this ritual
again to transform another gun into your spellcasting focus,
removing any magical properties from the previous that you
placed on with this feature. You are unable to use anything
other than a gun that's been used in this ritual for an arcane
focus. You can cast cantrips as per the normal spellcasting
rules. In addition, the fiery potency of a gun removes the need
for some of the fancier things needed to cast magic. The
somatic and material components of spells are not required
for you to cast spells so long as you hold your gun. Once per
short rest, you can cast a cantrip through your gun as a bonus
action after firing it.
Signature Element
At level 9, Spellshooters begin to develop a natural affinity
with a particular element. choose an element from the
options below. This choice is permanent. You can spend an
action to perform a short ancient arcane ritual in order to
enchant your body and firearms to attune to this particular
element. Once you perform this ritual, you gain resistance to
any damage dealt with this element, and gain 1d8 elemental
damage to attacks your firearms make for 1 minute.
Signature Elements: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder,
Poison, Necrotic, Psychic, Radiant.
Credit: Privateer Press 2012
Elemental Infusion
When the Spellshooter reaches level 13, they get the
Elemental Weapon spell. When you cast this spell, the
weapon you cast it on deals your Signature Element's
damage. You can now can infuse cantrips into their gun’s
bullets as a bonus action. If the bullet hits, the cantrip is then
cast against the target.
Arcane Munitions
At level 18, Spellshooters may, once per long rest spend a
spell slot in order to create a pool of arcane munitions
infused with their Signature Element equal to their
Intelligence modifier x 10. These rounds differ from normal
rounds due to glowing the color of the infused element. They
can be automatically loaded in place of normal bullets if your
gun has the ammo capacity to store them without using an
action. (for example, a firearm with a reload of 4 that's shot 2
bullets may put 2 arcane munitions into the chamber.) These
bullets last for 2d4+1 hours, upon which they dissipate. If a
shot made with these bullets is successful, the target 4d6
elemental damage. The round then explodes. Any creatures
within a 20 foot sphere of the target must make a Dexterity
Saving Throw or suffer 2d6 elemental damage. A successful
save halves the damage.
Additionally, cantrips who’s bullets hit their target now
automatically hit if an attack roll was required to hit. If the
cantrip required the target to make a saving throw, the target
automatically fails this save.
You may now cast spells as a bonus action after you fire
your gun, as long as it's engraved with the Magic Barrel runes
and symbols.
Channelling the Weave
Guncasters connection to the magical weave is unlike any
other. Whereas a sorcerer draws on power from within their
bloodline, a warlock from power thrust upon them by their
patron, or a cleric and paladin's gift from their diety, a
guncaster's very mind and soul has developed a direct
connection to one of these three sources, without any prior
deals or connections needing to be made. Unfortunately, this
does result in a weaker connection to this energy, since it's
power is more raw and cannot be directly muddled with, but
comes with no strings attached. They are able to simply draw
on this power whenever they are in danger and channel it
through a firearm of their choosing.
Creating a Guncaster
Credit: https://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/516865/ When creating a Guncaster, consider their professions. How
did their studies lead them to their sudden conneciton with
one of the three magical weaves? When and how did they get
Guncasters into studying firearms, and how did they figure out a way to
A Gnome speaks an arcane incantation, causing crackling channel their powers through the barrel of their gun.
blue and white lightning to course around his firearm. He Afterwards, what led them on a path to adventure? Did their
points it at the orc warboss in front of him and pulls the thirst for knowledge lead them to begin exploring? Were they
trigger, causing a mixture of both lead and lightning to streak driven out from their society for their unchecked magical
out towards him. connections and forced to make do on their own? Another
A Human girl focuses the energy within her mind into her thing to consider is how the weave that they came into
rifle. As it glows with purple energy, she anticipates with contact with affects them. Is it a boon or a curse to them?
pinpoint accuracy where the dragon will swoop down from Once you've figured that out, consider then how they
next, and, in the blink of an eye, turns and fires a shot straight learned to live with such a connection? How did they learn to
for it's heart. harness it and/or keep it hidden away from the public eye if
Guncasters come from a similar background as such a connection would be scorned? Did they pass it off as
Gunslingers, except they have been infused with a more simple street magic or did they just accept their fate and
powerful, innate arcane power that they infuse into the showed it off at every opportunity?
firearms of their choice. Guncasters dash across the
battlefield, drawing from an arcane, divine or psionic weave to Quick Build
send bolts of magic and energy streaking across the In order to quickly build a Guncaster, first set Intelligence as
battlefield to bring down foes big and small. They are your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom or Charisma.
extremely powerful ranged adventurers, but tend to favor Then pick the Sage or Guild Artisan background.
being in parties as opposed to fighting alone, as their mental
capacities tend to far outweigh their physical endurance.
A Study of Guns and Magic
Guncasters generally start out with powers in a similar
manner as sorcerers or clerics. Their powers stream from a
sudden connection to a source of magical power that they
dedicate their lives to studying. However, they also have
another field of study in the firearm. They find a way to
combine these two together in order to get the best of both
worlds. They trade raw arcane power or pure gun mastery for
a versatile selection of powers they can slot right into the
chamber of their firearms, causing massive damage to either
a single target to entire parties of enemy combatants. For as
frail as they are, Guncasters are not to be trifled with.
Class Features You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Equipment granted by your background.
As a Guncaster, you get the following class features.
A Primitive Firearm and 20 pieces of ammo for the
Hit Points firearm chosen.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Guncaster level. (a) A Flintlock Pistol, 10 bullets and a Dagger or (b) Two
daggers, sickles or handaxes.
Hit Points at 1st level: d6 + your Constitution Modifier A Scholar's Pack
Hit Points at Higher levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Consitution
Variant Rule: Firearms are Prominent
Proficiencies If firearms are prominent in your world, you get the
Armor: None. following equipment variations.
Weapons: Firearms, Daggers, Sickles, Clubs, Handaxes (a) A Repeating Firearm or (b) an Action-Loaded
Firearm as well as 20 pieces of ammo for the
Tools: Tinker's Tools firearm chosen.
(a) A Repeating Pistol and 10 bullets and a
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom dagger or (b) Two daggers, sickles or handaxes.
Planar Infusion
Weave Resistance Starting at level 11, Planar Weave Guncasters may use an
Starting at level 3, Planar Weave Guncasters gain a special action or spend 10 minutes outside of combat in order to
attunement to the element of the plane of existance they infuse their planar magic into 10 pieces of nomagical
connected to. When Magic Gun is active, they gain resistance ammunition of their choice. These pieces of ammunition deal
to that element. an additional 2d6 elemental damage if they hit. This can only
be done once per short rest.
Planar Aspect
Guncasters with a Planar Weave Connection that reach level Weave Bulwark
7 take on an aspect of the plane they've attuned to. The chart Guncasters with a Planar Connection that survive to level 15
below lists the possible feature you can get. now find their connection to the plane they've atttuned to
Aspect Chart become a part of themselves. The elemental resistance they
Plane Aspect gained at level 3 now becomes a damage immunity. Their
Weave Shields also take on an aspect of thier element.
Fire You cannot take Fire damage from extremely hot Anyone who comes within or starts their turn within 5 feet of
things. them when Magic Gun is active takes 1d10 elemental
Water You can breathe underwater. damage. This damage ignores resistance and immunities.
Ice Ice is not considered difficult terrain for you.
Air You do not take fall damage if you've fallen at least
50 feet or lower.
Earth Rocky terrain is not considered difficult terrain for
Ooze You cannot take Acid damage from Oozes or being
inside a pool of acid.
Credit: http://venamalfoy.deviantart.com/
Mind Usage
Type Magic Gun Benefits Magic Cannon Benefits
Mind as a 1d6 Psychic Damage, Gun gives you 2d6 Psychic Damage, Gun gives allies within 30 feet of you advantage on
Tool advantage on Investigation Checks saving throws
Mind as a 1d6 Force Damage, Gun gives you 2d6 Force Damage. Gun's rounds that hit their target may make any hostile
Weapon advantage on Perception checks. creature within 30 feet of the target disadvantage on saving throws.
Mental Burst
Mind Weave Guncasters that reach level 15 are able to harness the power
Guncasters that connect to the mind weave tune into a pool of their mind to form incredibly potent forces of energy that
of psionic magic located within your own mind. Your they channel through their firearm. Once per long rest, you
enhanced mental capabilities allow you to control the may perform the following mental burst based on how you
battlefield by exerting your mental will to break and muddle harness your mind.
the minds of your enemies. From destroying their will to Null Void. (Mind as a Tool) You fire a small ball of energy
fight, to muddle their concentration, and even turn them from your gun up to its nornal range. The ball then
against each other. When you connect to this weave, choose compresses into a 30 foot sphere void of psionic energy that
wether you want to exert your minds as a tool or as a weapon. lasts for 1 minute. Anyone caught within the void when it
Mental Clarity forms. must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail,
Guncasters connected with the Mind Weave have far better they fall under the effects of the Confuse spell and take 4d6
mental defenses than most at 3rd level. You gain resistance to psychic damage. If they succeed, the damage is halved and
psychic damage and have advantage on saving throws to be they suffer no ill effects. Anyone who starts their turn within
charmed, frightened and dominated. the void takes 2d6 psychic damage and suffers disadvantage
on their attacks while in the void. Anyone who tries to move
Mindfray out of the void must succeed a Strength saving throw or be
When Guncasters reach level 7, they get the ability to channel unable to leave it's boundaries until the start of their next turn
their psionic energy through their firearm in different ways, if they succeed the saving throw.
depending on how they choose to harness their mind. Spear of Will. (Mind as a Weapon) You make a spell attack
Brain Scramble. (Mind as a Tool) You choose a number of against a hostile creature within 60 feet of you. If the attack
hostile creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier succeeds, the target suffers 4d6 force damage and must
(minimum of 1). The creatures must make a Wisdom saving make a Wisdom saving throw or see it's allies as hostile
throw or be only able to move half their movement speed, get towards it. You may then roll a spell attack again at any
disadvantage on spell saving throws, and must reroll creature of your choice within 30 feet of the target. If the
maximums on their damage rolls until their next turn. attack is successful, they take 2d6 force damage. This is done
until you miss your spell attack or until you run out of
Willbreak. (Mind as a Weapon) You choose a number of enemies to target within range.
hostile creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1). The creatures must make a Wisdom saving
throw or get disadvantage on saving throws, cannot cast
vocal components of spells, and confer advantage to attacks
made against them until their next turn.
Psi Fortress
Level 11 Guncasters are able to harness the power of their
mind to provide benefits to their allies, both in and out of
combat. Depending on how you wish to use your mind, you
may spend an action to confer the following benefits once per
short rest.
Embolden. (Mind as a Tool) Any allies within a 10 foot
radius of you get advantage on saving throws to resist being
frightened, dominated, charmed, blinded, and restrained for
10 minutes.
Energize. (Mind as a Weapon) Any allies within a 10 foot
radius of you get advantage on thier damage rolls and saving
throws to resist being knocked prone, disarmed, paralyzed, Credit: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?
stunned, and petrified for 10 minutes. 213035-PF-The-Gunslinger-s-Handbook
2nd Level Conjure Firing Squad Ghost Bullets
1st Level Elemental Bullets Elemental Bane
Acid Launcher
Alarm (Ritual) Dispel Magic Ice Storm
Conjure Flak Jacket Haste Stoneskin
Gust of Wind
Detect Magic (Ritual) Conjure Barrage
Lightning Scattershot
Firebomb Searing Smoke 5th Level
Jinx Rotting Shot Cone of Cold
Scorching Ray
Phantom Gunshot Water Beam Conjure Volley
Ice Bayonet 3rd Level Headseeking Round
Gas Bomb Blink 4th Level
Chromatic Grenade Dimension Door
2nd Level Conjure Firing Squad Ghost Bullets
Firearm Duelist.
Channel Divinity
Frontier Paladins channel their divinity in the form of their
eagerness for adventure and desire for truth and justice. One
per short or long rest, you get the following options to
channel your divinity through.
Divine Sights. As an action, you may channel your divine
energy to link your firearm to your senses. For one minute,
you have advantage on any shots you fire, as long as the
weapon was aimed beforehand, and the barrel glows white
hot with divine light. Anyone that attempts to disarm you
must make a Constitution Saving Throw or suffer 1d8 Fire
Damage and fail their attempt. Your gun is also considered
magical for the purposes of calculating resistance.
You may end this effect on your turn as any action.
Alternatively, if you are no longer using this weapon or fall
unconscious, this effect ends.
Truth Field. You may spend an action to channel an aura of
truth in a 60 foot radius around you. For 1 minute, any Fiends
and Fey in the area are forced to show their true forms, and
are unable to lie. However they don't have to tell the whole
truth if they are made to speak. All undead in the area must
make a Wisdom Saving Throw or be stunned for the duration
of this effect, but may continue to make saving throws at the
start of their turns. Additionally, you know if you hear a lie
within this radius.
Aura of the Frontier Credit: Adam Withers
At level 7, Frontier Paladins emit an aura of cleanliness about
them. Anyone who enters a 10 foot sphere around the
Paladin are cured poison if they are poisoned, and are
immune to Poison damage.
At level 18, this sphere increases to 30 feet.
Holy Lead
Starting at level 15, frontier Paladins get an Aim bonus equal
to their Charisma Modifier against fiends or the undead
when targeting them with their firearms. If their bullets hit,
you may add your proficency modifier to the damage.
Against anyone else, the firearms deal an extra 2d6 radiant
damage as the firearm channels the Paladin's natural divine
energy through it.
Golden Gun
Level 20 Frontier Paladins can spend an action once per long
rest to summon a golden gun made of divine energy for 1
minute. This can be manifest as any weapon you currently
have on you and automatically sheathes said weapon if you’re
already holding it. The Golden Gun has these properties.
6d6 Radiant Damage to any successful attacks that ignore
Has advantage on attacks against fiends, fey, and undead.
Rounds explode, forcing hostile creatures within a 20 foot
sphere to succeed a Constiution saving throw or be
blinded until the end of their next turn and take 3d6
radiant damage.
A golden, glowing ten gallon hat appears on your head,
which allows your shots to crit on an 18.
You may dispel this effect any time during your turn
without spending an action.
Warden Multiattack
Wardens are the mysterious guardians of both urban cities Level 11 Wardens gain one of the following features, having
and dense jungles. They watch over their territory with keen trained themselves with their weapons of choice in order to
eyes, ready to defend the weak wherever they may be make multiple attacks. They may use the feature they choose
attacked. They appear in a flash and disappear with a crack when taking the attack action on their turn.
like lightning. Wardens, unlike most rangers, have taken up a Barrage. You may make a ranged attack at every target
path of lead and iron to help them defend others, and their available in a 10 foot wide line within within your firearm’s
keen senses make them excellent marksman, both from the normal range. Ignore reload times for firearms when making
treetops, and from up close. this attack. You must have the ammunition available to hit the
targets, and must roll a separate attack for each.
Ranger Gun Rules
Slam Fire. You may make an attack with your firearms on
If you want rangers to be able to make use of this gun any number of creatures of your choosing within 15 feet of
archetype, you must get it approved by your DM first. If you you. Ignore reload times for firearms when making this
get approval, the Ranger may now choose from the following attack. You must have the ammunition available to hit the
Gun tactics rather than their fighting styles. targets, and must roll a separate attack for each.
Riflery. When wielding a two handed firearm without the Ever Vigilant
heavy property, you get a +2 to attack rolls. You may make an At level 15, Wardens become vigilant guardians for all those
attack roll with -2 to get +4 to your damage roll. they protect, be it from close range or afar. Once per short
Firearm Duelist. When wielding a light firearm in one rest, you may use a reaction in order to take a shot at any
hand and nothing else, add +2 to your damage. If wielding a enemy that comes within your weapon’s range if they attempt
light firearm in one hand and a finesse weapon in the other, to attack an ally. If the attack hits, the enemy’s attack
shooting the firearm may be done as a bonus action if a automatically fails.
melee attack was made, or vice versa.
Akimbo Shooting. When wielding two light firearms, you
can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second
Sniper. If you make an attack with a firearm with the heavy
property beyond their normal range, you have advantage if
you aim beforehand.
Range Superiority
At level 3, Wardens may get one of the two following benefits.
Range Master. +20 to Max Range and Normal Range for
your firearms. Add 1d6 to any attacks made beyond 30 feet of
Close Quarters Dominance. Add a d8 to damage dealt
within 15 feet or lower with firearms. Opportunity attacks Credit: Tyler Edlin
you make get advantage.
Eagle Eye
Level 7 Wardens let nothing escape their watchful eyes, and
often seek to get as high up or as close up as possible in order
to make every shot count depending on their style. If you are
making a ranged attack from a height of 30 feet or higher, you
get a +2 to your aim bonus. If you are making a ranged attack
from close quarters using firearms with the Close Quarters
property, you get advantage.
Level 9 Desperados develop a title that is associated with
their names. This ego comes with a particular disguise of
sorts. If a Desperado takes 10 minutes to get into character
or disguise themselves, they can appear as this alter ego, and
will be treated as such by those who don't know them
Improved Suppressors
At level 13, Desperados may now make a DC 18 Tinker’s
Tools roll once per long rest in order to begin forging an
improved suppressor for their firearms. These suppressors
reduce the damage a firearm deals by -2, and does not impose
a range drop. When you make an attack while hidden with
this firearm, roll a Stealth check. Anyone within a 30 foot
radius who's Passive Perception is lower than your Stealth
check does not detect you. This suppressor costs 30gp to
make and is forged in increments of 5gp per day.
Whisper in the Wind
Starting at Level 17, if a Desperado who is hidden lands a
killing blow with a suppressed firearm, they are still
considered hidden.
Desperados are Rogues who turn firearms into a deadly and
silent tool of death. They can be found in hitman groups,
mercenary companies, and even the odd outlaw. They take to
the ways of the road and urban exploration, hunting for gold
and adventure in any place they can find it. And woe to those
who cross them, as their end will be silent and swift from the
barrel of their gun.
Suppressed Firearms
At level 3, Desperados gain proficiency in Tinker’s tools. They
may attempt, once per short rest, to make a DC 14 Tinker’s
Tools roll. If they succeed, they are able to begin forging a
suppressor for their firearm. This suprressor costs 10gp to
make and is produced in increments of 5gp per day. The
suppressor reduces the gun it’s attached to’s normal range by
-10 feet, its max range by -20 feet, and reduces its damage by
-2. When you make an attack while hidden with this firearm,
roll a Stealth check. Anyone within a 60 foot radius who's
Passive Perception or active Perception roll is lower than
your Stealth check does not detect you.
Rapid Reload
At level 3, Desperados may make a DC 10 Sleight of Hand
check in order to reload their drawn gun without spending an
action. If they fail, they fumble with the ammo and must
spend the rest of their turn reloading.
Alter Ego
Pact Boon
If your patron is the Archfey, your weapon might be
a shiny redwood rifle decorated in gold plated
patterns shaped in complex leaf designs. If you
have the Fiend patron, your gun might be a charcoal
black shotgun adorned with flames, with an evil
dark steel barrel. If you draw your magic from The
Great Old one as a patron, your gun might resemble
a pepperbox made from ancient stonework,
engraved everywhere with glowing, yellow-orange
Eldritch Invocations
If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must meet
them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same
time that you meet its prerequisites.
Eldritch Munitions
Prerequisites: Pact of the Gun feature, the Magical Munitions
When you cast Magical Munitions, add your Charisma
modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.
Credit: Privateer Press
Starving Barrel
Pact of the Gun Prerequisites: 5th level, Pact of the Gun feature.
You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your You can shoot with your pact firearm twice, instead of once,
empty hand. You can choose the form that this firearm takes when you take the attack action on your turn. You ignore
each time you create it (see the chart above for firearm reload times for your pact weapon when you use this
options). You are proficient with it while you wield it. This invocation.
firearm counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Draining Shot
This firearm uses a magical reserve of ammunition supplied Prerequisites: 11th level, Pact of the Gun feature.
by your patron that does not run out. When you make a successful shot against a creature with
You can only summon a primitive firearm as your pact your pact firearm, they take extra necrotic damage equal to
weapon until you reach level 13. your Charisma modifier. (minimum 1.) A dark crimson line
Your pact firearm disappears if it is more than 5 feet away leads back to the barrel of your gun, restoring HP equal to
from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use the amount of damage dealt.
this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action
required), or if you die. You can transform one magic firearm Chaotic Blast
into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while Prerequisites: 17th level, Pact of the Gun feature.
you hold the firearm. You perform the ritual over the course
of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can When you make a successful shot against a creature with
then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an your pact firearm, the round explodes in a reddish purple
extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create sphere that emits horrid sounds, such as terrified, tortured
your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a screams, slurping and bubbling, and unworldly groans. You
sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your can target additional creatures within the blast equal to your
pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a Charisma modifier (minimum 1.). The creature you hit, along
different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your with these creatures, take d6 psychic damage and d6 + your
bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the Charisma modifier necrotic damage. This damage ignores
extradimensional space when the bond breaks. resitance and immunities. If the attack roll that hit the first
creature would have also hit the AC of the creatures you
targeted, they take double your Charisma modifer as damage.
Variant Rule: Firearms are Prominent
If firearms are a common sight in your world, you
can also summon Repeating and Action-Loaded
firearms until you reach level 13.
Rifle Master
New Feats Prerequisites: Proficiency with firearms
This guide brings a few new feats forth to the Dungeons and Rifles are complex weapons, but you have mastered the art
Dragons games. Some have to deal with firearms, and others of making every shot count. You gain the following benefits.
are just for fun.
When you take an aimed shot with a firearm with the
Akimbo Expert Rifling property, you may add the aim bonus to the
weapon's damage.
You master the art of wielding two firearms at once. gaining Moving up to half your speed does not cancel out your aim
the following benefits: bonus when wielding a firearm with the Rifling property.
You gain proficiency in Pistols if you don't have it already. If you roll a natural 20 or deal a killing blow with your
You gain a +1 Bonus to AC when you are wielding a light firearm with the Rifling property, you may use your
firearm in each hand. reaction to Aim. This bonus stacks with any additional aim
You are able to aim a single firearm you wield as a part of bonus you take during your turn.
your Attack action. Spreadfire
You can draw or holster two one-handed firearms when
you would normally be able to draw or holster only one. Prerequisites: Proficiency with firearms
You have mastered getting the most effect out of the cone
Climbing Expert of fire from your weapons.
Prerequisites: Proficiency in Athletics, Str. 13 or higher. When you have three or more enemies in your scatter
You have mastered the art of scaling any climbable surface. cone at once when you take a shot they have disadvantage
You get advantage on any standard Strength(Athletics) rolls to on the saving throw to resist your shot.
climb. Difficult terrain provides no extra difficulty when If there is at least one target in your scatter cone that has
climbing. disadvantage against your saving throw, you knock them
prone if their higher roll would have also failed.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with firearms Firearm Expert
When you have an firearm with the Automatic property Prerequisites: Proficiency with firearms
drawn, you may use your entire turn to either focus fire on a
single target or create a range of suppressive fire that affects You have mastered the use of firearms due to extensive
all creatures within a cone out to your weapons normal training and practice, and gain the following abilities.
range. You must have a full load or half load in the gun to use Attacking at close range with any firearm does not impose
this ability. While this ability is active, you may do the disadvantage.
following things until your next turn. When you use the attack action with a light firearm or
The target or targets have disadvantage on attack rolls, ranged weapon, you may spend a bonus action to fire a
and they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. light firearm you hold.
The target or targets can only move at half their speed. You may ignore the reload time for firearms.
If the target or targets move while this effect is active, you
may use your reaction to take a shot at them. This shot
gets +2 aim bonus.
This ability expends half your ammo when used.
Mounted Shooting
Prerequisites: Proficiency in firearms
Firing guns while mounted is quite easy for you. While you
are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following
You may now dual-wield two light firearms while mounted.
You get advantage on any target you take aim at if the
creature's size is smaller than your mount.
Pistol Whipper
You are skilled in using guns as melee weapons when and if
they run out of bullets. One-handed firearms roll d6
bludgeoning damage and are considered finesse weapons,
and two-handed firearms roll d8 bludgeoning damage. You
may also add your proficiency modifier to bayonet attacks.
Credit: www.yamaorce.deviantart.com/
Rifle Master
Wondrous Item/Rare Firearm(Musket)/Attunement
Example Magic Firearms Required/Telescopic Sight/Vertical Grip, Reload 8/Misfire
4/d12/12 lbs.
Only spellcasters who are proficient in firearms may attune
to this weapon.
This weapon does not fire bullets. Instead it's ammunition
consists of a supply of magical ammunition that stems from
the draconic magic imbued into the rifle. Only a spellcaster
Credit: Kyounghwan Kim may reload the weapon, and it takes a turn to do so.
Alternatively, the spellcaster may expend a 1st level spell slot
Musket of Swift Hands in order to reload it as an action or a bonus action (player's
Wondrous Item/Uncommon Firearm(Musket)/Attunement choice). The number of rounds that can be fired are equal to
Required/+1/d12/10 lbs the wielder’s spellcasting modifier(Minimum 2). To fire this
This Musket gets a +1 to attack and damage rolls. This weapon, make a ranged spell attack (d20+Spellcasting
musket reloads as an action or bonus action instead of a turn. Modifier+Proficiency Bonus). These rounds deal an
(Player's choice.) additional 1d8 cold damage upon striking a target. This
damage ignores resistance and immunity to cold.
This weapon misfires upon rolling a 4 or lower. Roll a d6 to
decide the effects.
Misfire Chart
Roll Effect
1 One of your 1st level spell slots is wasted.
2-3 The gun jams and must be reloaded. This always takes
a turn to do.
4-5 You take 1d4 cold damage and are forced to drop the
Credit: http://thegraphicsfairy.com/request-day-pheasant- weapon.
jewelry-flower-fairy-hat-lady-pistol/ 6 Roll to decide 2 effects. Roll again if you land on 6.
Nox Vindicus Arcane Deadeye. Once per long rest, the wielder of this
Wondrous Item/Rare Firearm(Pistol)/Attunement firearm may cast the True Strike cantrip as a bonus action
Required/Reload 4/+1/d10/4 lbs before they fire the weapon. This does not mitigate any prior
Vortex Round One time per long rest, this firearm may fire aim bonuses.
a round that implodes with enough force to create a magical The Cold Shoulder. If this weapon scores a critical hit, it
vortex within a 30 foot diameter. The vortex lasts 3 rounds, deals an additional 2d8 cold damage to the target that
including the turn it's summoned before imploding again and ignores resistance and immunity. Ice shards then explode
bursting. Anyone caught within the vortex when it first forms from the round and veer towards any target of your choosing
must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw. They take 3d8 within 20 feet of the target hit. They must succeed on a
Force damage on a failed roll, and half that if they succeed. Dexterity Saving Throw or take 1d8 cold damage that ignores
Targets that start their turn within the vortex take 1d8 Force resistance and immunity.
Damage. Anyone in the vortex has their speed reduced by
half, and must succeed a Strength Saving Throw in order to Dragonbreath (Firearm)
move away from it. When the vortex explodes, anything
caught within it takes 6d8 force damage.
Credit: http://adventurearchives.blogspot.com/2012/04/b-is-for-
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/440508407277609108/ boom-stick-blunderbuss.html
Miss Cold Shoulder Wondrous Item/Very Rare Firearm/Attunement Required/+3
This artfully crafted rifle has several draconic runes built into You may expel the breath weapon of a Young Dragon from
it, located near the grip, the barrel and the stock. The body of this gun instead of firing it. The type of breath weapon it
the weapon is forged with finely polished cherry wood and expels depends on the dragon. (See the Monster Manual for
blue gunmetal. When wielded it feels slightly warm to the details.)
touch and glows dimly within one’s hands. It comes equipped After making this attack, you must roll a d6 at the
with a telescopic sight and a vertical grip. beginning of each of your turns. On a 5 or a 6, this weapon
recharges, and you may use it again.
Climax: Once a successful shot has been made, the target
also takes 2d8 Fire and Lightning damage.
Denouement: If this shot connects, the target takes 3d6
Force damage. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 Hit
Points, it's body become s a pile of fine gray dust. It may only
be revived by a True Resurrection or Wish spell.
Smash Cut: If you have taken no actions during the round,
including reactions and bonus actions, you may fire every
shot in the weapon's magazine, and you may choose wether
or not to evoke the charms. You cannot fire twice at the same
target unless there are less than 6 targets in your line of sight.
Curtain Call You must spend your next turn recovering, and cannot take
any actions or reactions.
The Curtain Call looks like a very luxuriously designed
pepperbox, with gold plating and a velvet grip. It's barrels are
embroidered with performance jargon in gold. The weapon
itself feels soothingly warm to the touch due to the amount of
enchantments inside of it.
Wondrous Item/Legendary
Firearm(Pepperbox)/Attunement Required/d12/4 lbs
Only those who are proficient in firearms may attune to
this weapon. Those who wish to attune to it must fire at least
one shot from it first. It's otherwise treated as a d10
The power of this weapon scales depending on the level
the user is at when they equip and attune to it. This weapon
may be substituted as a Material Component for spells, and
any evocation spells may be cast through the barrel.
Level Scaling
Level 1-10: This weapon counts as a d12
Level 11-15: This weapon counts as a +1 d12
Level 16-18: This weapon may now use the
Opening, Transition, Rising Action,
Intermission, Climax, and Denouement charms
from each of it's 6 barrels in order.
Level 19-20: Curtain Call may now use Smash
Cut. This weapon now counts as a +2 d12
Saleri Xiama
CLASS & LEVEL: Gunslinger 11, BACKGROUND: Entertainer (Dancer), PLAYER: Zow
RACE: Brass Dragonkin, ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good, EXPERIENCE POINTS: 85,000
Proficiency Modifier: +4
Skill Proficient Expertise Bonus Passive
Inspiration: -
Acrobatics Yes No +6 16
Archetype: Spellshooter
Animal Handling No No 0 10
Arcana No No +2 12
Athletics No No -1 9
Deception Yes No +6 16
Ability Score Bonus Saving
Throw Procient Bonus History No No +2 12
Strength: 8 -1
Strength No -1 Insight No No 0 10
Dexterity: 16 3
Dexterity Yes 7 Intimidation No No +3 13
Constitution: 10 0
Constitution No 0 Investigation No No +2 12
Intelligence: 14 2
Intelligence Yes 6 Medicine No No 0 10
Wisdom: 10 0
Wisdom No 0 Nature No No +2 12
Charisma: 16 3
Charisma No 3 Perception Yes No +4 14
Persuasion Yes No +6 16
Performance Yes No +6 16
Religion No No +2 12
Sleight of Hand No No +3 13
Stealth No No +3 13
Survival No No 0 10
AC: 16, INITIATIVE: +3, SPEED: 25 feet
Maximum Hit Points Current Hit Points
63 63 Death Saving Throws
Save 1st 2nd 3rd
Successes ─ ─ ─
Failures ─ ─ ─
Carefree, Empathic, Somewhat Scatterbrained, slightly Tinker's Tools, Light Armor, Medium armor, Firearms,
resentful of the upper crust and the military, but not to a Daggers, Shortswords, Handaxes, Sickles, Rapiers,
violent extent. Evasive when it comes to the law. A bit Scimitars, Disguise Kit, Violin
skeptical, but compassionate and down to earth. Humble, in
spite of her reputation, though she does have some self Common, Draconic
centered tendencies. Playful and impish, and has a tendency Other Proficiencies & Languages
to pull pranks or get a bit touchy feely with girls she's close
to. She's not too keen on those who are smaller or of the
lower class being bullied or hurt by those above them. Saleri
is a food and drink connoisseur. She loves to cook and brew,
and consume the culinary delights of other great artists. She Equipment
will often sneak into courts during a feast day just to partake
of the finer foods and drinks. Name Weight
Repeater Pistol(2), Iron Sights (30/90) 4 lbs
Personality Traits
Lever-Action Rifle (80/230) 10 lbs
Backpack 5 lbs
Magazine, Two Handed (4) 1.6 lbs
Freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Ending the Magazine, One-Handed (5) 3 lbs
suffering of those around the world in the lower class.
Hunting the wilds for beasts of the darkness. She will not Violin 1 lb
steal from those who can't afford to lose a few coins, and Studded Leather Armor 13 lbs
won't take from those she deems righteous and good. She's a
free spirit, and never uses the same trick too often. Bedroll 7 lbs
Tinderbox 1 lb
Torch (10) 10 lbs
Rations (5 Days) 10 lbs
Rope, Silk (50 feet) 5 lbs
The Mark of Dhuhain. Saleri has been selected by the Great Rapier 4 lbs
Brass Wyrm Dhuhian for something great, or so they say.
The Mark was merely given because she had a conversation Money
alone with the dragon, which is rare, since he prefers groups
over individuals. Type Amount
Copper Points 100
Silver Points 20
Electrum Points 0
Gold Points 500
A touch greedy, rebellious to the law, slightly kleptomaniacal. Platinum Points 90
Scatterbrained. Danger Prone. A bit too flirty for her own
good, and can't resist a pretty face. Has a bit of trouble Total in GP 1,403
sometimes when controlling herself around drinks in a
celebratory situation.
Attack Damage Damage
Proficient Weapon Roll Die Type
Yes Repeater d20+4+3 d8+3 Piercing
Yes Lever-Action d20+4+3 d12+3 Piercing
Yes Rapier d20+4+3 d8+3 Piercing
Yes Tail d20+3 d4 Bludgeoning
Yes Wing d20+3 d4 Bludgeoning
Features & Traits
Human Disguise. You may adopt a human disguise to hide your draconic features. Your tails and their wings morph into their
body and their teeth appear less sharp. Their eyes look normal, but still retain the color of the dragon they came from. They seem
like any other human, but a close scrutiny will reveal them otherwise. If a creature within 10 feet of you succeeds an Investigation
or Perception check, they are able to discern your more draconic features and can tell you are not entirely human. The DC for
this check is 15.
This disguise may be kept up for as long as you want, but you will be unable to get proper rest and suffer 1 point of Exhaustion
for every day you don’t drop the disguise for at least a short rest. This disguise falls whenever you make a wing or tail attack or fly.
Flight. You have a set of leathery wings and a tail inherited from dragons which give you a flying speed of 40 feet. You must use
your movement to fly 20 feet in order to stay aloft or you fall towards the ground at the end of your turn. In order to take off, you
must be in a space that accommodates your wingspan, which is double your height. To use this speed, you cannot be wearing
heavy armor or medium armor that you are not proficient in.
Firearm Expert. You have mastered the use of firearms due to extensive training and practice, and gain the following abilities.
Attacking at close range with any firearm does not impose disadvantage.
When you use the attack action with a light firearm or ranged weapon, you may spend a bonus action to fire another light
firearm you hold.
You may ignore the reload time for firearms.
Ammo Smith. So long as you have tinkers tools, the required materials, and take a short rest, you can create 10 of any two
kinds of regular ammo for your firearms.
Akimbo Shooting. When wielding two light firearms, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Called Shot. You may make a called shot without disadvantage. See the chart on page 3 for the list of called shots you can
Shoot 'N Scoot. If you make a successful shot, you can move 5 feet in any direction.
Precise Aim. If you have taken aim, you may add +1 to your current Aim Bonus. This must be declared before you fire your
Overwatch. You may use a reaction to make an opportunity attack against any enemy that comes within or moves while in your
firearm’s effective range.
Bulletstorm.(2) You may fire your gun more than once. The amount of extra shots you can make is 1 at level 5, 2 at level 11,
and 3 at level 20. These shots cannot be made with an aim bonus.
Fast Load. You may reload your gun in place of a bulletstorm shot.
Iron Intuition. You can spend ten minutes talking to someone to glean information and their personal tics to gain advantage
on any Insight checks to discern intent or disposition on any topic. You can instead spend one hour gathering info about a person
to gain this benefit instead, so long as there are a few people who know him at least second-hand you can talk to. Level 6
Gunslingers can also spend ten minutes in a community to find any available information on bounties, be it to find if there is any
knowledge on any particular wanted individuals.
Focus Fire. You may, once per short rest, spend an action during combat to mitigate anything that would impose disadvantage
on your firearm's shots for 1 minute. Exceptions to this include targets taking the Dodge Action, firing outside your firearm's
effective range, and attacking an invisible creature who's only been revealed through an active Perception check.
Vital Strike. You now critically hit on a 19. You may spend a bonus action to roll a critical hit on an 18, but suffer disadvantage
on your next attack if you do. Focus Fire cannot mitigate this disadvantage.
Marksman's Stance. When you fire a two-handed weapon, you may draw your sidearm and fire again at any target of your
choosing. If this attack is made after any extra attacks granted by Bulletstorm, you are unable to fire any more shots from the
Bulletstorm feature. The attack also has disadvantage if made after any extra attacks from Bulletstorm. You may holster the one-
handed firearm freely or use a bonus action to holster the two-handed firearm
Luck of the Craft. You may reroll a failed attack roll with advantage. This does not stack with the Lucky Feat, and Luck points
cannot be used in conjunction with this stunt.
Bullet Time. Once per round, you may either take half damage from ranged weapon attacks or spells, or impose disadvantage
on any opportunity attacks made against you while moving.
Akimbo Expert. You master the art of wielding two firearms at once. gaining the following benefits:
You gain proficiency in Pistols if you don't have it already.
You gain a +1 Bonus to AC when you are wielding a light firearm in each hand.
You are able to aim a single firearm you wield as a part of your Attack action.
You can draw or holster two light firearms when you would normally be able to draw or holster only one.
Archetype Features
Magic Barrel. During a special ritual of your own making, performed during a long rest, you engrave a gun with runes and
symbols, connecting it to the arcane weave. You can perform this ritual again to transform another gun into your spellcasting
focus, removing any magical properties from the previous that you placed on with this feature. You are unable to use anything
other than a gun that's been used in this ritual for an arcane focus. You can cast cantrips as per the normal spellcasting rules. In
addition, the fiery potency of a gun removes the need for some of the fancier things needed to cast magic. The somatic and
material components of spells are not required for you to cast spells so long as you hold your gun. Once per short rest, you can
cast a cantrip through your gun as a bonus action after firing it.
Signature Element (Fire). You can spend an action to perform a short ancient arcane ritual in order to enchant your body and
firearms to attune to this particular element. Once you perform this ritual, you gain resistance to any damage dealt with this
element, and gain 1d8 fire damage to attacks your firearms make for 1 minute.
Spell Save DC: 14 (15 for Vicious Mockery)
Spell Attack Modifier: 6
Spell List
Vicious Mockery
Magical Munitions
Minor Illusion
Fire Bolt
1st level
Chromatic Grenade
Phantom Gunshot
Gas Bomb Credit: Zow Jr.
Expeditious Retreat
2nd level
Misty Step
3rd level
Example Guncaster
John Bradford
CLASS & LEVEL: Guncaster 11 BACKGROUND: Soldier (Officer), PLAYER: Zow
RACE: Human (+2, +1, Feat Variant) ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good EXPERIENCE POINTS: 85,000
Proficiency Modifier: +4
Skill Proficient Expertise Bonus Passive
Inspiration: -
Acrobatics No No +3 16
Archetype: Mind Weave Connection
Animal Handling No No 0 10
Arcana Yes No +8 18
Athletics Yes No +4 14
Deception No No 0 10
Ability Score Bonus Saving
Throw Procient Bonus History No No +4 14
Strength: 10 0
Strength No 0 Insight Yes No +4 14
Dexterity: 17 3
Dexterity No 3 Intimidation Yes No +4 14
Constitution: 10 0
Constitution No 0 Investigation No No +2 12
Intelligence: 19 4
Intelligence Yes 8 Medicine No No +4 14
Wisdom: 11 0
Wisdom Yes 0 Nature No No 0 10
Charisma: 10 0
Charisma No 3 Perception Yes No +4 14
Persuasion No No 0 10
Performance No No 0 10
Religion No No +4 14
Sleight of Hand No No +3 13
Stealth No No +3 13
Survival No No 0 10
AC: 16, INITIATIVE: +3, SPEED: 30 feet
Maximum Hit Points Current Hit Points
46 46 Death Saving Throws
Save 1st 2nd 3rd
Successes ─ ─ ─
Failures ─ ─ ─
Firm and bold, with a military disposition. He's a calm and Vehicles (land), Dragonchess, Firearms, Daggers, Sickles,
effective leader, who is a master strategist. Bradford cares Clubs, Handaxes, Tinker's Tools
about protocol maybe a bit too much, but he's more than
willing to treat all his allies as equals in the field of combat, Common, Deep Speech
regardless of rank. Other Proficiencies & Languages
Personality Traits
Bradford believes in civilization and humanoid society over Name Weight
nearly anything else. He's a staunch defender of the law and
can't stand those who would undermine it for selfish Automatic Rifle 8 lbs
reasons. Pepperbox 2 lbs
Ideals Backpack 5 lbs
Magazine, Two Handed (4) 1.6 lbs
Bullets (20) 2 lbs
Deck of Cards 1 lb
He owes his life to his commander, who's brave actions
during combat with Mind Flayers saved him and his project BreastPlate 13 lbs
from certain doom. He considers himself forever indebted to Small Book 2 lbs
them. Pen & Ink 0 lbs
Bonds Parchment (10) 10 lbs
Small Bag of Sand (5 Days) 10 lbs
Dagger 1 lb
Bradford has a bit of a short temper when it comes to Tinker'S Tools 10 lbs
matters on humanity, and seems to only waver immediately
on a topic of debate if someone higher ranking comes to a Money
decision. He's a little too brash and reckless sometimes, and Type Amount
often his people need to hold him back from direct action.
Copper Points 200
Silver Points 10
Electrum Points 0
Gold Points 600
Platinum Points 90
Total in GP 1,503
Attack Damage Damage
Proficient Weapon Roll Die Type
Yes Automatic Rifle d20+4+3 d6+3 Piercing
Yes Pepperbox d20+4+3 d10+3 Piercing
Yes Dagger d20+4+3 d4+3 Piercing
Yes Magic Automatic d20+4+4 d6+4 Piercing
Yes Magic d20+4+4 d10+4 Piercing
Features & Traits
Moderately Armored. You have trained to master the use of medium armor and shields, gaining the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.
Arcane History Buff. Given 10 minutes of study in a source of arcane or historic information, Guncasters are able to find one
of the following. The name and possible location of a magic item A source of arcane power A historic site or ancient battlefield
Misc history or arcane information of the DM's choosing
Ammo Smith. So long as you have tinkers tools, the required materials, and take a short rest, you can create 10 of any two
kinds of regular ammo for your firearms.
Riflery. When wielding a two handed firearm without the heavy property, you get a +2 to attack rolls. You may make an attack
roll with -2 to get +4 to your damage roll.
Magic Gun(Mind as a Weapon), 10 minutes You may spend an action to infuse your firearm with the following benefits for
10 minutes.
1d6 Force Damage
Your firearm is considered magical for the purposes of calculating damage.
Gun gives you advantage on Perception checks.
Your firearm uses your Intelligence Modifier for it's attack rolls and damage rollls.
Spellboost. When a Guncaster casts a spell, they can attack twice on their next turn with their firearms. At level 14, you may
increase the number of extra attacks you can make by 1 for every spell you cast, up to 3.
Deadeye Magic. Whenever you cast a spell, you get advantage on the next attack you make with your firearm. In addition,
when you make a successful shot with your Magic Gun, you impose disadvantage on the target's saving throws to resist your next
Weave Shield. While Magic Gun is active, your AC is now equal to 13 + Your Dexterity Modifer when not wearing armor.
Ammo Slotting. Once per short rest, you may use an action to expend a spell slot and gain ammunition equal to the level of the
spell slot x 2.
Rifle Master. Rifles are complex weapons, but you have mastered the art of making every shot count. You gain the following
When you take an aimed shot with a firearm with the Rifling property, you may add the aim bonus to the weapon's damage.
Moving up to half your speed does not cancel out your aim bonus when wielding a a firearm with the Rifling property.
If you roll a natural 20 or deal a killing blow with your firearm with the Rifling property, you may use your reaction to Aim.
This bonus stacks with any additional aim bonus you take during your turn.
Archetype Features
Mental Clarity. You gain resistance to psychic damage and have advantage on saving throws to be charmed, frightened and
Mindfray.(Willbreak) You choose a number of hostile creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier. The creatures must make
a Wisdom saving throw or get disadvantage on saving throws, cannot cast vocal components of spells, and confer advantage to
attacks made against them until their next turn.
Psi Fortress.(Energize) nce per short rest, you may spend an action to give any allies within a 10 foot radius of you advantage
on thier damage rolls and saving throws to resist being knocked prone for 10 minutes.
Spell Save DC: 16
Spell Attack Modifier: 8
Spell List
1st level
Alarm (Ritual)
Ice Bayonet
Chromatic Grenade
2nd level