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Archive of Magic Items Playtest Questions

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Archive of Magic Items Playtest Questions

Feedback can be sent to PirateGonzalezGames@gmail.com

General Questions

1. Did you use the item in actual play?

2. Does this item seem to be of the appropriate level of power given its rarity?
For reference, below are the magic item guidelines in the DMG:

Rarity Level Spell Level

Common 1 1st
Uncommon 1 3rd
Rare 5 6th
Very Rare 11 8th
Legendary 17 9th

3. Should this item require attunement, or if it already does, is attunement appropriate?

4. Is this item fun for a player to use, or what would make the item more fun to use?
5. Did you make any mechanical changes to the item?

Item Specific Questions

Blink Armor
1. Is the 60 ft. distance appropriate, or should it be reduced to 30 feet to be more in line with misty

Breezewalk Armor
1. Is the 1/day ability appropriate for an uncommon item?
2. Is the 1/day limit too restrictive?
Falcon Armor
1. Should the advantage on Perception and Investigation checks be able to be used more often?
Should it be a constant benefit (with a potential increase in rarity), or utilize charges?
2. Are the magical properties thematically appropriate?

Magnetic Armor
1. Is the 1/day limit too restrictive for a rare item that doesn’t require attunement?

Phoenix Armor
1. Is the explosive fire damage upon resurrection too strong/weak?
2. Should the delay on resurrection be longer than 24 hours?
3. Is the fire shield damage appropriate?
4. Is the bonus to AC too high or should the armor even have a bonus to AC give the other

Power Armor
1. How many fuel units did you or the player have access to?
2. What did you do when you no longer had fuel? Did you continue to wear the armor?
3. Did you specify what the fuel source was? If so, what did you use?

Ranger’s Armor
1. The purpose of this armor is to enhance the natural playstyle of a ranger at low levels. Does the
doubled range increment do this?
2. For an uncommon item, should the advantage on one attack roll be 1/day or remain at 1/short

Reinforced Armor
1. Is the 1d6 damage reduction too strong or weak? Should it utilize another die size, like 1d4?

Rhino Armor
1. How often were you able to use the extra charging damage of the armor in a fight? What class
did you play?
2. Does 2d6 extra damage feel too strong or weak for how often you were able to use it?

Runic Armor
1. What level were you when using this armor?
2. What runes did you use?
3. Did you feel that the armor should have more than 1 rune inscribed?

Shield of Ill Omen

1. Do you think there should be a range limit on the shield’s fear effect?
2. Should there be a limit to the number of creatures that can be frightened by it?

Shield of the Evil Eye

1. For a legendary item, were the penalties to creatures that failed the save too severe?
2. Is using an action to use the shield’s power appropriate, or should it use a different type of
action (bonus, free, etc)?
3. How many times was the shield’s power used during a fight?

Spellguard Armor
1. Did the situational bonus to AC seem appropriate for an uncommon item?
2. Did it seem like the bonus was active too frequently?

Spell Catching Shield

1. Should the nullification only work on the creature using the shield?
2. Should the time the spell can be stored in the shield be changed?

Sympathy Armor
1. Did you get a chance to use this ability?
2. How many conditions did you have on yourself at once?
3. Did you absorb a condition that you are immune or resistant to?

Towering Shield
1. Did you use the wall property yourself or for someone else?
2. Should the action to active the shield be changed? (bonus, free, etc).
3. Should the shield have a bonus to AC when used as a shield?

Warlock’s Armor
1. The purpose of this armor is to enhance the natural playstyle of a warlock at low levels. Does an
additional invocation do this?
2. Is there another aspect of the basic warlock playstyle at low levels that you would like to see

Blade of Fatigue
1. What were the most levels of exhaustion you were able to apply to a creature?
2. Did applying fatigue feel too powerful?
3. Should there be a limit to the number of times the fatigue effect can be used in a turn, or a
maximum amount of fatigue one creature could receive from this weapon?

Blade of Healing
1. Did the strength of the potions feel appropriate for a legendary item?
2. Did the number of potions you receive feel appropriate?
3. Did you summon a mummy with the weapon?
4. How useful was the summoned mummy?

Blades of Illusion
1. Did you use both blades or just one?
2. What did your summoned duplicates use their action to do?
3. Do you feel that using this ability 2/day is too strong or too weak for a legendary item?
4. Should the blades have a bonus to attack and damage rolls?
Blossoming Blade
1. Did you kill a creature with the necrotic damage from this weapon?
2. What was the most number of flowers you inflicted on a single creature?
3. Should the necrotic damage of the flowers be increased?

Cane of Force
1. Should the cane be able to be used against Huge and larger creatures?
2. Should the push distance be longer or shorter?

Chained Blade of the Kyton

1. Did you use the extended reach of this weapon significantly more than just attacking in normal
shortsword range?
2. Did you use the weapon’s properties out of combat?

Cryo Cannon
1. Did you petrify anyone with this weapon?
2. Did you feel that it was too hard or easy to petrify someone?
3. Did you feel like the weapon should have fewer charges?

Dimension Anchor
1. Did you prevent a creature from teleporting with this weapon?
2. Did you feel like the weapon should have additional properties?

Dimensional Spear
1. Did the range that you could make attacks with this weapon feel long enough or too long?

Extending Weapon
1. What level were you when using this weapon?
2. Did the extended reach feel too long or short?
3. Did you feel like the weapon should have any additional properties or abilities?

First Strike
1. Did you continue to use this weapon after making the first attack with it?
2. Did you sheath the weapon at all during a fight?
3. Did you get to use the full +3 bonus more than once in a fight?

Flame Cannon
1. Did the flamethrower damage feel too high or low?
2. Did the item feel like it had too many charges?

Giant’s Armaments
1. What size weapon did you use?
2. What level were you?
3. Did the weapon feel too powerful for your level?
4. Did you run into any problems due to the size of your weapon?
Impaler’s Weapon
1. Were you able to successfully restrain a creature with this weapon?
2. Do you think the property should be used more or less frequently than 1/short rest?

1. Did the amount of healing feel too big or too small?
2. Did the player look for a way to gain hit points through this weapon outside of combat?

Linear Fusion Rifle

1. Did the linear fusion damage feel too high or low?
2. Did the item feel like it had too many charges?

Mana Drain Weapon

1. Were you able to drain spell slots from a creature with this weapon?
2. Should there be a limit to the number of times you can use the dispel magic feature?
3. Does 2d6 force damage seem appropriate for the weapon?

1. Did you find yourself using normal attacks or Bombard attacks more often?
2. Did you destroy any objects or structures with this weapon?

Mouth of the Hungering Void

1. Is the weapon’s radius too big or small?
2. Should the weapon’s power only affect enemies?
3. Were you able to kill any creatures with the necrotic damage?
4. Was the weapon ever considered “full”. If so, how much damage did it absorb?

Overcharging Shardgun
1. How often did the weapon need to be reloaded after using its property?
2. Were you able to pull off any powerful combos with this property? If so, what was it?

Rapid Fire Shardgun

1. Did the two extra attacks as a bonus action feel appropriate?
2. How often did those attacks hit?
3. Did the extra attacks seem worth it, considering the chance of needing to reload?

1. What level were you when using this weapon?
2. What runes did you use?

Sand Blade
1. Did the sand cloud damage seem appropriate?
2. What did you do with your actions while the sand cloud was active?
3. Did the length of time the sand cloud was active feel appropriate?
4. Did the number of charges feel appropriate?
Scythe of Darkness
1. Should Blinding Darkness be used more often? Should it require an action instead of triggering
off of a hit?
2. Did you use the weapon’s unlocked potential?
3. Did the weapon’s powers and abilities seem appropriate for a legendary item?

Skyward Weapon
1. Should the weapon’s ability be able to be used more than 1/day?

1. Should there be a limit to the number of charges that can be gained per turn?
2. What was the highest level of spell you were able to cast with charges from the songbow?
3. Should the maximum number of charges that can be stored be higher or lower?

Sword of Flowing Water

1. Did the number of times you can cast tidal wave feel appropriate?

Teleporting Weapon
1. Did you use a weapon with the Two-Handed property?
2. How often did you use the teleport power?

War Totem
1. What class did you play?
2. What totem power did you use the most?
3. Did one power seem significantly better than the rest?

Weapon of Manifest Will

1. What class did you play?
2. What did you do with your actions while telekinesis was active?
3. Do you feel like there should be a limit on how often telekinesis can be used?

Weapon of Piercing Thunder

1. Did you use charges for the Lightning Charge weapon attacks, spells, or both?
2. Did the extra lightning damage from Lightning Charge seem worth the use of a charge?
3. Did the number of charges the weapon had seem appropriate?

Ring of Dispelling
1. Does an at-will casting of dispel magic with a range of touch seem appropriate for a legendary
2. Did you use charges from the ring to increase the level of dispel magic?

Ring of Elemental Ascendance

1. What elemental form did you use?
2. Did you spend more time in elemental form or your normal form?
Ring of Ice
1. Should cold damage immunity be resistance instead?
2. Does the bonus action Dash feel too powerful? Should there be a limit on its uses?

Ring of Souls
1. How many souls did you store inside the ring?
2. What was the most number of souls you expended at once?
3. Should the action to absorb a soul be different? (bonus, free, reaction, etc).
4. Should the bonus gained when expending a soul be different?

Celestial Rod
1. Did you use one of the three options (moon, sun, earth) more than the others?

Howling Rod
1. Did you find Inspiring Howl to be too powerful?

Rod of Animation
1. What was the largest object you animated?
2. How long did your animated object last?

Rod of Rotting
1. Did you use the rod to disintegrate enemies, objects, or both?
2. Did it seem like you could cast disintegrate too often?

Rod of the Blight

1. Did the blight spell seem like a spell of appropriate power?
2. Aside from the blight spell, did the rod see any use?

Rod of Tremors
1. Did the size of the area of effect seem appropriate?

1. Did you use this item in multiple encounters or just one?
2. Did anyone under the effects of the rod ever leave its 30 foot radius?

Thorny Totem
1. Did the amount of temporary hit points you gained feel sufficient?

Transposing Rod
1. Did you use Benign Transposition, Malign Transposition, or both?
2. Did the range seem sufficient?
3. What was the most number of creatures you teleported at once with Malign Transposition?
4. Did it succeed or fail?
Empowering Staff
1. Did the staff feel it had too many charges or too few to be useful?

Lantern Staff of the Will-O’-Wisp

1. Did the spells you could cast from the staff feel useful?
2. Were there any other illusion based spells you wish you could cast from the staff?
3. Did you use the Antideath field?
4. Did you fight any undead with the staff?

Slime Staff
1. Did the spells in the staff feel useful?
2. Did you get to control any oozes? If so, what kind?

Staff of Boundless Magic

1. Did you cast any 8th or 9th level spells from the staff?
2. Did you feel like the staff had too many charges?
3. How cumbersome was it to remember which spells you’ve already used?
4. How quickly or slow do you think it would take for the staff to become less useful?
5. Do you think the staff should be limited by the spells it should cast, such as only from a specific
school of magic or only wizard spells?

Staff of Diamonds
1. Did the spells you could cast from the staff feel useful?
2. Did you use the Diamond Skin ability?
3. Did the Soul Trap ability see any use?
4. If you used the Soul Trap ability, did the benefit seem helpful?

Staff of Mirrors
1. Did the spells you could cast from the staff feel useful?
2. Did the Reflective Surface ability seem useful?
3. Were you affected by spells that you couldn’t reflect?

Staff of Weather
1. Did the spells you could cast from the staff feel useful?
2. Did the charges to activate the Lightning Rod ability seem like a sufficient cost for the result?

Aegis Wand
1. Did it seem like you could cast shield too many times?

Candy Wand
1. Did it seem like you could cast confusion too many times?
Cantrip Wands
1. What cantrip did your wand have?
2. What class did you play?
3. Did you use a cantrip wand instead of any weapon attacks?

Eye Wand
1. Which eye type did you have?
2. For damaging eye abilities, did the damage seem appropriate for your level?

Eye Wand Array

1. With the randomness of the eye ability used, was the wand still useful?
2. Did you have to change your plan because of the randomness of the eye ability?
3. Did the eye wand array seem more powerful or more useful than the normal eye wand?

Wand of Black Holes

1. Did you create an instant black hole (1 charge) or longer lasting one (3 charges), or both?
2. Did the charge cost for the lasting black hole seem appropriate?
3. Did the damage of the instant black holes seem appropriate?
4. Did you use the black holes outside of combat?

Wondrous Items
Amulet of Time
1. Do you feel like the bonus action Dash/Disengage should recharge on a short rest or at dawn?

Belt of Growing/Shrinking
1. Did you ever use up all of the time the belt can be used in a day?
2. Did you feel like the belt could be used for an appropriate amount of time?

Blood Gem
1. What spell did you gem have?
2. Did you use a trigger for activating the spell?

Bonding Bracelets
1. Does a range of 60 feet feel like too long of a distance?
2. Did allowing the Help action to be used as a reaction seem appropriate?

Boots of Temporal Travel

1. Did the boots allow you to do something you wouldn’t have been able to normally do on your

Cerebral Implant
1. What level where you when you used this item?
2. Did the levels that requirements were ignored at make sense, or did they feel too high?
3. What rarity do you feel like an item that allowed you to ignore verbal, material, and somatic
components all at once should be?
Circlet of Concentration
1. How useful was the ability to have 2 concentration spells active at once?
2. Was a 1/day use appropriate, or should the item be allowed to work more often?

Cloak of Annihilation
1. Did you destroy any creatures with the cloak?
2. Did the damage seem appropriate?
3. Do you think the cloak should work for a set length of time, or keep the 1d6 rounds?
4. Do you think the cloak should keep the 1 minute cooldown?

Cloak of Severed Shadow

1. Was the shadow helpful?
2. Did the length of time the shadow could be active seem appropriate?
3. Do you think the power of the cloak would be changed if there was no time limit to how long
the shadow could be active?

Cloak of Shadows
1. Did you think the invisibility made the cloak too useful?

Digger’s Shovel
1. Did having a burrow speed cause any problems in the game?

Dimensional Gloves
1. Did you or the player try to gain any other advantage from the gloves aside from being able to
use your hands at range?
2. Do you think the gloves could be a lower rarity? (rare, uncommon)

Dream Mask
1. Did you travel to the plane of Dreams?
2. Did you get a chance to cast dream?

Druid’s Headdress
1. Were you able to accomplish anything with the hybrid form that your normal beast form
wouldn’t have been able to do?

Eye Patch of Clarity

1. Does the recharge mechanic make sense?

Fiery Translocation Boots

1. Does the 60 foot teleport seem appropriate?
2. Does the size of the fiery burst seem too large?

Gloves of Time
1. Were the gloves used in combat?
2. Were there any interesting or fun uses of the gloves?
Golem Suit
1. Which suit did you use?
2. What features did the suit have?
3. For the Giant and Team Titan suits, how was piloting the suit handled?
4. What did you fight in the suit?
5. Were you able to accomplish more with the suit than you would have been able to as

Grasping Cloak
1. Did the 10 ft. range of the cloak seem too long?
2. Did the cloak’s grapple bonus seem appropriate?

Holy Symbol of Shared Healing

1. Did the amount of extra healing seem appropriate?
2. Do you think the healing should require the target to expend the hit die?

Invulnerable Cloak
1. Do you think the reaction immunity to damage should be used more often?
2. Do you think the cloak should provide a bonus to AC instead of resistance to
bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage?

Lightning Grenade
1. Does the damage seem appropriate?

Lightning Rifle
1. Would you use this item over your normal ranged attack options?

Living Tattoo
1. What rarity of tattoo did you have?
2. What creature did you have a tattoo of?
3. Did the maximum CR you could summon seem appropriate for your level?

Mask of the Banshee

1. Did the amount of time you could use Incorporeal Movement feel limiting?
2. Do you think the Banshee Wail ability would be more useful if it only affected enemies?

Mechanical Fist Pack

1. Did you use the fist pack to Attack, Grab, or Shove most often?
2. Did the fist pack’s bonus to these actions feel effective?

Medusa’s Mask
1. Do you feel like the 1/day use of petrification is frequent enough?

Mind Blast Helm

1. Do you feel like the 1/day use of Mental Stun is frequent enough?
Monster Orbs
1. Did you manage to catch a monster with this item?
2. If so, what was the monster?
3. Did you use a bound monster?
4. Do you think the saving throw DC is appropriate?
5. Do you think the maximum CR per rarity is appropriate?

Necklace of Keys
1. Do you think the ability to instantly unlock a nonmagical lock is appropriate for a very rare item?

Necklace of Stamina
1. Did you use heal using hit die while wearing this item?

Orcish Battlehelm
1. Are the bonuses from Inspiring Aura appropriate for a 1/day item?

Poisoner’s Gloves
1. Do you feel the save DC is appropriate?
2. Did you use any other poison in the gloves? If so, what kind of poison?

Potion of Mana
1. What rarity of potion did you use?
2. Did the amount of spell slots gained seem moderately beneficial?

Prayer Beads of Destruction

1. What class used the item?
2. Were the prayer beads an effective ranged attack?
3. Did the flying speed cause problems?

Propeller Hat
1. Was the character using the propeller hat ever in danger?

Pumpkin Helm
1. Does a 1/day transformation of up to 1 hour feel long enough?
2. Do the Flaming Pumpkin abilities feel more effective than the character’s normal abilities?

Quicksilver Limb
1. What limb was replaced?
2. Did you use the limb for any purposes outside of combat?

Robe of Scrolls
1. Does the maximum level of spell that can be scribed into the robe seem appropriate?
2. Does 3 scribed spells seem like an appropriate number?

1. Which runes did you use?
2. What level were the runes (minor, base, greater)?
3. Did the power of the runes and/or save DC seem appropriate?

Solar Shades
1. Were the solar beams useful to you?

Spellthief’s gloves
1. Did you get to use the ability of the gloves?
2. Do you think that a saving throw should be required to steal a spell?

Surging Periapt
1. Do you think there should be a limit to the amount of hit die that can be spent?

Swing Hooks
1. Were the hooks used with or without attunement?
2. Did you ever fall prone because of the hooks?

Tattoo, Kraken
1. Is 2/day an appropriate number of uses for the item?

Tattoo, Troll
1. Does the regeneration amount feel appropriate?
2. Does the length of time for the regeneration feel appropriate?

The Conduit’s Halo

1. Does a 1/day transformation for up to 5 minutes feel long enough?
2. Does the regeneration amount for the person with the halo feel substantial?
3. Is the Offensive Halo more effective than the character’s normal actions?

Wolf Totem
1. Do you think there should be a limit on the number of times the knock-prone ability can be used
in a day?

Item Sets
Deathknight Gauntlets
1. Should draining strike be able to be used more or less often?
2. Should the hit point recovery equal the necrotic damage dealt by the gloves?
3. Does the extra necrotic damage feel appropriate?

Monster Hunter’s Crossbow

1. Does the lack of a loading property make this weapon too strong for its rarity?
2. Does the 1d8 damage to all creatures feel appropriate?

Reaper’s Scythe
1. Should Harvest be able to be used more or less often than 1/short rest?
2. Is the extra damage of harvest feel appropriate?
Spellbreaker Shield
1. Does 6 charges feel appropriate for a legendary shield?
2. Should there be a spell level limit for automatic reflection?

Sentient Items
Dragon Weapon
1. Is the number of times the weapon can be active per day appropriate?
2. Is the bonus damage when activated appropriate?
3. Does the weapon feel like it should have more properties for its rarity?

Elor’s Ward
1. Does the reaction bonus to AC (+4) feel appropriate?
2. Should the reaction be able to be used more or less frequently?

Hellfire Pistol
1. Does burning hands feel appropriate for your level?

1. Does the extra bonus damage feel appropriate for a rare item?

1. Should there be a limitation on the number of uses of Song of Shadows, or how many creatures
it affects?

Dagger of Time
1. Do the mechanics of the time powers match with their name?
2. Should rewind require a reaction or just a limitation of 1/turn?

Philosopher’s Stone, False

1. How do you feel about the open ended nature of the stone’s power?
2. What did you feel was an appropriate use of its power?

Rapier of Altered Reality

1. Should phantasmal force and phantasmal killer have limitations?
2. Should those spells still require concentration?

Rose Blade
1. Does the number of charges the weapon have feel too low?
2. Were you able to successfully poison a creature with this weapon?

1. If using armor, did it negate a critical hit?
2. Should nonmagical adamantine have a limitation to the number of crits it can avoid before

Infused Gems
1. Does the bonus damage seem sufficiently minor?

1. What weapon type was used?
2. Did having the finesse property allow someone to use a weapon they normally wouldn’t be able

Compound Interest
1. Does the curse seem to be enough of a penalty to make the use of this weapon situational, or is
the curse too weak or too strong?

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