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105mm DPICM, M915 Insensitive Munitions Testing

Donald A. Geiss Jr.*, Keith E. Van Biert

Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

David S. Taylor, Jeffrey F. Widener

Thiokol Propulsion
Brigham City, Utah


The US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command - Armament Research Development

and Engineering Center (TACOM-ARDEC), Energetics and Warheads Division (EWD) is responsible
for developing the performance, vulnerability, safety, and producibility of insensitive explosives for
widespread Army applications. The most promising explosive formulations are selected for specific
weapon system integration and Insensitive Munitions (IM) technology implementation. Picatinny
Arsenal Explosive–2A (PAX-2A) was selected to be demonstrated in the U.S. Army’s 105mm Dual
Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) M915 Cartridge. The M915 Cartridge consists of a
propelling charge mated with a projectile carrying 42 each M80 grenade submunitions as payload. Each
Dual Purpose grenade utilizes Composition A5 as the explosive fill. Insensitive munitions testing was
performed to compare the M80 grenade’s current energetic fill directly with PAX-2A for improvements
in survivability. The sympathetic detonation, bullet impact, and slow cook-off hazard assessment test
results showed that very significant survivability improvements are realized with PAX-2A. These
results are presented in detail.


TACOM-ARDEC has a vision to “Provide Overwhelming Firepower for Decisive Victory,”

along with several strategic intents. The main strategic intent is to be recognized as the premier
armament and munitions “Center of Excellence”. One of several approaches to meet that strategic
intent is to be responsive and relevant to our ultimate customers--the soldiers in the field. With this in
mind, the Cartridge, 105mm DPICM M915 Project Office has teamed with the Energetics & Warheads
Division (EWD) to insert the IM explosive PAX-2A into the M915 Projectile. It is viewed as a win-win
strategy since it will provide vastly increased safety to the soldier in the field and above required
performance with minimal cost impact for implementation. The M915 Project Manager has maintained
the goal to enter full-rate production and field the 105mm bullets with PAX-2A, despite receiving an IM
waiver in 1998.

2000 NDIA Insensitive Munitions and Energetic Materials Technology Symposium, San Antonio, TX,
November 27-30, 2000
The Energetics & Warheads Division of the U. S. Army TACOM-ARDEC has been involved in
the development of PAX-2A, a less sensitive high explosive, since 1989. ARDEC’s objective was to
develop an IM explosive for use in high performance warhead systems that will be less sensitive to
initiation by outside stimuli while maintaining the system’s performance capability. Typical hazard
threats that warheads may be exposed to in the field or storage can include stimuli such as fast or slow
cook-off as a result of a fire, the impact from a bullet, fragment or shaped charge jet, or sympathetic
detonation. The IM explosive PAX-2A was developed as an alternative to current HMX formulations
(i.e., LX-14, PBXN-5) and RDX-based high explosives (i.e., Comp A3, Comp A5). PAX-2A is an HMX
based pressable high explosive. The PAX-2A formulation has a lower percentage of solids than
conventional explosives but uses an energetic plasticizer to maintain its explosive output. PAX-2A is
85% HMX, 9% BDNPA/F and 6% CAB as opposed to Comp A5 which is approximately 99% RDX and
1% stearic acid. PAX-2A composition uses only Class 5, five-micron average, HMX particles, while
many conventional explosives, such as LX-14, use a mixture of coarse and fine HMX particles. It is
known that fine particulate explosive is less sensitive to shock type stimuli than coarse particulate
explosive. The ingredients used to manufacture PAX-2A are widely available, and PAX-2A could be
mass produced with current technologies. Over 10,000 pounds of PAX-2A have been manufactured to
date. Many explosive facilities have successfully produced PAX-2A, including TACOM-ARDEC,
Thiokol Propulsion, Holston-RONA, Ensign Bickford, Hercules, and DYNO. Hazard Threat
Assessment testing has been conducted with PAX-2A in many various warhead/munition systems,
including Hellfire, Javelin, M830A1, SADARM, WAM and most recently the 105mm DPICM M915
Cargo Projectile. The PAX-2A survivability level was demonstrated to be either far superior or
improved in comparison to the majority of fielded explosives tested.
Since 1997, EWD has been teamed with Thiokol Propulsion, and most recently, Day &
Zimmermann, Inc. for the development of a PAX-2A manufacturing process that provides compatibility
with high-speed loading equipment originally designed for Comp A5. This teaming was extremely
important since the high-speed production presses typically used for grenade submunition loading are
dependent upon volumetric fill for consistent press density and performance. Ideally, the PAX-2A
should mimic the particle size distribution and pour characteristics of Comp A5 as closely as possible;
however, the following parameters were set by EWD: 1) The deliverable yield of granulated PAX-2A
material, as a minimum, shall pass through an USS Sieve No. 20 (850 µm) and be retained on an USS
Sieve No. 80 (180 µm). 2) Suitable drying cycles shall be applied that result in a final product with total
volatiles equal to or less than 0.02%. 3) The final product must have a minimum bulk density of 0.95
g/cc. 4) The final product shall be free flowing (very pourable) and have no self-sticking
characteristics. These parameters presented huge challenges, which have been met by Thiokol
Propulsion. A manufacturing process has been developed with PAX-2A that yields material meeting
these requirements. This material was consistently proven to exceed penetration performance
requirements of 63.5 mm into BHN 280-300 armor test plate in M80 grenade submunitions at the R&D
level at Day and Zimmerman Inc. (DZI), Kansas Army Ammunition Plant (KAAP). PAX-2A was
subsequently proven out to load at full rate on the DZI, Lonestar Army Ammunition Plant (LSAAP),
high-speed, rotary press with performance equivalent to that of conventional Comp A5 (Table 1).

M80 Armor Penetration Comp A5 PAX-2A

# Grenades 20 28
Average Pen. + 63.5 mm + 77.5 mm + 78.5 mm
Table 1 – Armor Penetration Results for LSAAP Loaded M80 Grenades


Figure 1 - Cartridge, 105mm DPICM, M915

Fuze, M762 ET

M217 E2 Cartridge Case

w/M200 Propelling Charge

42 DP M80 Grenades

18 grams Explosive Fill

Grenade, DP M80

The Cartridge, 105mm DPICM M915 (Figure 1) was developed to increase the range and
lethality afforded to the Light Infantry Division by the US Army’s newly purchased inventory of
M119A1 Light Towed Howitzers. Each 105mm cartridge carries 42 Dual Purpose M80 grenades with
anti-personnel/anti-materiel capability. Additionally, each grenade is assembled with the M234 self-
destruct (SD) fuze. The purpose of SD fuzing is to significantly reduce hazardous duds in the
battlefield to one hazardous dud in 500 submunitions fired. This is accomplished through the use of a
backup or independent secondary mode, which activates during the ejection sequence. Depending on
the failure mode of the primary, the SD mechanism will either (1) render safe the grenade by
sterilization of the firing train, or (2) function the bomblet sympathetically.
The M915 Cartridge was Type Classified for Low Rate Initial Production (TC-LRIP) utilizing
the main explosive grenade fill Composition A5. Concurrently, through the development phase of the
program, the IM explosive PAX-2A was made compatible with high-speed loading equipment. The
intent of the M915 Project Management is to manufacture the M915 Cartridges in full-rate production
with PAX-2A to decrease sensitivity to Army battlefield hazardous threats such as bullet/fragment
impact or sympathetic detonation.


The IM testing was performed at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ to evaluate if PAX-2A would

provide significant safety improvements over Comp A5. Bullet impact, sympathetic detonation and
slow cook-off were conducted IAW procedures of MIL-STD-2105B– Hazard Threat Assessment
Testing. The IM tests performed were explicitly designed to compare only submunition-fill explosives
and provide direct comparisons between Comp A5 and PAX-2A loaded projectile cargo. The M80
grenade submunitions cartridges were all loaded with both explosives and assembled using the same lot
of hardware on the same production equipment at LSAAP. Sympathetic detonation and slow cook-off
testing was completed with cartridges inside their respective metal PA117 shipping containers (Figure
2). Sympathetic detonation tests were done with stacks of shipping containers smaller than the standard
palletized stack of Figure 3. Bullet impact testing was accomplished on the bare projectile, without
container, to better hit the aim points. All cartridges for this test program contained live M80 grenades
with Comp A5 (standard fill) or PAX-2A (IM fill) with live leads and fully inert conventional grenade
fuzes. No other explosives were present in the rounds. Therefore, the results do not give an accurate
indication of pass/fail with live fuzes, live expulsion charge, and/or live propellant, but give relative
information as to the survivability improvement afforded over the standard A5 explosive fill. IM test
requirements were determined by the M915 project office based on the criteria set forth in MIL-STD-
2105B. The M915 project office did not seek official IM test ratings from the IM Board because a) the
intent was strictly to compare explosive fills, and b) an IM waiver was previously obtained to proceed to
full-rate production without implementing any IM improvements. The IM waiver was granted under
Memorandum from the Under Secretary of Defense, SUBJECT: Exemption for Existing Inventory Items
to Insensitive Munitions (IM) Requirements dated 26 January 1998. The waiver was directly applicable
because all materials, hardware and explosives for full-rate production were already purchased, and any
material changes to main components would be too costly to implement.
Figure 2
PA117 Metallic Container Packaging
Figure 3
Palletized PA117 Metal Containers

1.47 lbs. Comp A5

0.099lb M10

4.25 lb M30 A1


Two each M915 Cartridges were submitted for testing with the standard Composition A5 main
explosive fill, and two each with the PAX-2A IM explosive fill. Testing was conducted IAW
procedures for Bullet Impact (BI) testing, Section 5.2.3 of MIL-STD-2105B. One of each explosive fill
was BI tested with a 0.50-caliber Armor Piercing bullet and one of each with a 7.62mm Armor Piercing
bullet. Bullet aim points were located to impact the payload section of the projectile. The impact point
was local to the third layer of grenades from the nose of the projectile, two thirds of the distance from
the skirts of the grenades, positioned so that the bullet would pass through a line of three adjacent
grenades at the center of the explosive for each. The aim point described above was obtained by

Figure 4- M915 Projectile Cross Section Figure 5- Test Projectile in Stand

Bullet Entry Point at Scallop Diameter

measuring from the inside of the projectile and along the center of the radius of the scallop where the
minimum wall thickness occurs (Figure 4). The bullet was targeted to impact the thinnest part of the
projectile body (scallop diameter), approximately 6-3/16 inches from the base end of the projectile body,
into the 3rd layer of grenades so that the bullet would penetrate 3 grenades of that layer along a
diametrical line. Bullet impact testing was accomplished on the bare projectile, without container, to
allow better aim at the target point (Figure 5). Instrumentation was IAW section of, and
documentation was per of MIL-STD-2105B. No other explosive or propellant fills or fuzing was

One projectile of each grenade fill was tested using first a 7.62mm Armor Piercing (AP) shell,
and then a 0.50-caliber AP shell. The Comp A5 loaded projectiless reacted with a Type 2 (Partial
Detonation Reaction) failure when impacted with the 7.62mm shell (Figure 6), and a Type 1 (Detonation
Reaction) failure (Figure 7) when impacted by the 0.50-cal. Both very violent, high-order reactions
resulted in the entire rounds fragmenting and throwing debris in excess of 90 meters. The wooden test
stands were destroyed in both Comp A5 tests (Figure 8).

Figure 6 – Comp A5 7.62mm Impact Figure 7 – Comp A5 0.50-Cal. Impact

Figure 8 – Comp A5 – Test Stand Destroyed

Figure 9 – PAX-2A (7.62mm Impact) Figure 10 – PAX-2A 7.62mm Impact

Figure 11- PAX-2A 7.62mm Impact

Excellent results were obtained with the PAX-2A
loaded grenades. When impacted by both the 7.62mm
and 0.50-cal shells, both rounds were observed to have
Type-V Burning Reactions (PASS).

In the 7.62mm test, three bullets impacted and

pierced the projectile before the PAX-2A burned and
eventually caused a pressure buildup (Figure 9). The
pressurization caused grenade dome separation, which
culminated in the base plug threads shearing and the
dispensing of the two grenade layers aft of the impact
point near the test stand. Otherwise, the remaining
components were recovered intact in their as-loaded
configurations. There was no reaction from the first
two shots as the bullets drifted slightly from the aim
point; however, a reaction was observed subsequent to Figure 12- PAX-2A 0.50-Cal Impact
the third shot being fired. The grenade impacted by the
bullet underwent a reaction similar to a burn, which
generated a pressure resulting in the dome of the
grenade rupturing. This culminated in a force buildup
within the cargo area sufficient to shear off the base of
the projectile. Eleven each intact M80 grenades were
recovered at the base of the test stand (Figure10). No
grenades were observed to function high order, and the
entire projectile, subcomponents and remainder of the
payload were intact within the body (Figure11). The
wooden test stand constructed for the test was able to be
re-used for the next test shot.

The next PAX-2A test was conducted with the

0.50-caliber armor-piercing bullet. The velocity
obtained was recorded to be 2,738 ft/sec. Again, a

Type-V Burning Reaction was observed, and the results looked very similar to those witnessed in the
previous test using the 7.62mm AP bullets. In the 0.50-caliber test, the bullet clearly missed the aim
point, impacting the thick portion of the projectile body approximately 2 inches below the target location
(Figure 12). The bullet pierced a hole into an adjacent grenade in the same layer (peripheral), which
resulted in a burning reaction of the PAX-2A powder inside the two grenade bodies. Upon pressure
buildup, the grenade domes ruptured, and the force was sufficient to shear the base, resulting in
dispensing of the last two layers and part of the third
layer of bomblets onto the ground near the test stand. Figure 14- PAX-2A 0.50-Cal Impact
These 15 grenades were recovered and are shown in
Figure 13. No grenades functioned high order, and
there was no evidence of any shape charge effects
into the remaining payload or projectile sub-
components. As in the previous test, the remainder of
the cargo was intact within the carrier (Figure 14).
The wooden test stand used for both PAX-2A shots
remained intact after the conclusion of testing (Figure

From the observed test results, the PAX-2A

provided a significant survivability improvement over
the conventional Composition A5 explosive fill in
both of the bullet impact tests. The low order
reactions witnessed here indicate that the full-up live
cartridge could potentially survive the bullet impact
test. However, more testing would be required to
assess if this is indeed the case.

Figure 13- PAX-2A 0.50-Cal Impact Figure 15- PAX-2A 0.50-Cal Impact

A baseline test was first conducted to assess how many grenades sympathetically detonate when
one grenade within a projectile payload is made to function. This test was used as a baseline damage
assessment for the next tests in the sequence. Then, two more tests were conducted to investigate
whether the item sympathetically detonates the adjacent rounds in the packaging configuration. This
battery of tests (baseline + two tests) was conducted once with the conventional A5 explosive and then
with the PAX-2A explosive.

Figure 17- Baseline Test Setup

Figure 16 – Baseline Test Setup

Recovered Inert Containers

I = Inert Container
Steel Witness Plate I D I
D = HE Filled Round

First, each explosive candidate had the baseline damage assessment by functioning one grenade
within the payload and counting the number of grenades that remained. This was done in the packaged
configuration, which was a 3 by 3 matrix of rounds with the test item centered in the matrix (Figures 16
and 17). Dummy packaged containers filled with sand were used to simulate the surrounding rounds in

Figure 18 – Composition A5 Baseline Figure 19- Composition A5 Baseline

Recovered Fragments Recovered Inert Containers

the stack.
The baseline tests were conducted for the purpose of damage assessment as a prelude to
conducting the Sympathetic Detonation tests using HE filled Acceptor rounds. As with the bullet impact
tests, the only explosives used in the battery of tests were the grenade explosive fills to investigate
survivability enhancements that the PAX-2A could provide over the standard Composition A5 explosive
fill. The donor projectiles for each test utilized grenades that had inert fuzes with the exception of the
center column grenade located in the fourth layer, which was wired with a detonator to initiate the test
Figure 20 - PAX-2A Baseline Figure 21 - PAX-2A Baseline

Recovered Components Recovered Inert Containers

item. The projectiles were loaded into the fiber containers, then inserted into the metal shipping
containers and strapped in a cube configuration for testing.

The baseline tests results indicated that the PAX-2A could provide exceptional vulnerability
resistance in comparison to Composition A5. As seen in Figures 18 and 19, even the baseline test with
Comp A5 was indeed a violent event. The donor round functioned high order, with only grenade body
fragments and a piece of the nose of the projectile being recovered for inspection. There was also
excessive damage to the dummy containers, most of which broke apart and flew distances ranging from
nine to 32 meters, with the lid of the metal container of the donor round being recovered at 61 meters.
The baseline test using the PAX-2A explosive yielded a significantly less violent reaction. As seen in
Figure 20, the projectile body “banana peeled” into strips, and many low order grenade fragments were
recovered. In addition, there were five grenades that were recovered intact. Figure 21 reveals that
damage to the dummy containers was minimal, most of which remained intact after the test. The
farthest container was recovered at a distance of 9.3 meters. Additionally, most of the recovered
hardware was found within a 15-meter radius, with only some grenade and grenade fragments and metal
can fragments from the donor round being recovered in excess of 15 meters. The farthest recovered
object was the donor base plug found at a distance of 34 meters.
After the baseline tests, the actual Sympathetic Detonation tests were conducted using similarly
wired donor rounds and HE filled acceptor rounds. Four HE rounds were required for each test, one
“donor” and three “acceptors.” They were banded in a packaged configuration with the remaining inert
containers filled with sand (Figures 22 and 23). The matrix was three units high by four units across,

Figure 22 – Sympathetic Detonation Test Setup Figure 23 - Sympathetic Det. Test Setup

I = Inert Container
I I I I D = HE Filled Donor Round
Steel Witness Plate A = HE Filled Acceptor Round

with the donor and one acceptor on the bottom against a steel witness plate and the remaining two
acceptor rounds above them. One grenade within the middle of the center stack of grenades of the donor
round was wired to function artificially, and the sympathetic detonation of the acceptor rounds was
observed. Two tests were conducted for each explosive, A5 versus PAX-2A. Results similar to those
obtained in the baseline testing were observed; PAX-2A showed a dramatic improvement in
survivability over Comp A5.

The first test of the Comp A5 resulted in a high order reaction. Only four intact grenades from
one acceptor round and only a few small fragments of a projectile body were recovered (Figure 24).
Much damage was observed to the shipping containers (Figure 25), and remains were scattered
throughout the debris field, the farthest remains being the end of a metal container at 84 meters.

Figure 24 – Composition A5 Figure 25 – Composition A5

Recovered Components - only 4 intact grenades Recovered Containers – all acceptor rounds
from one acceptor round functioned high order!

Testing utilizing the PAX-2A was conducted in a similar fashion. Again, as witnessed in the earlier
baseline phase, the results were very impressive indeed. A very benign reaction was observed, and most
of the test hardware was recovered within a 10-meter radius from the center. As seen in Figures 26 and
27, six intact grenades along with projectile peels from the donor round were recovered, along with the
shipping containers in very pristine condition. The dummy containers exhibited little if any damage.
The acceptor rounds were not set off, and their containers had dents only in the ends containing the HE
filled projectiles. Although the HE acceptors could not be removed from the containers for safety
reasons, it is highly probable that little damage to the projectiles or cargo within was realized.

Figure 26 – PAX-2A Figure 27 – PAX-2A

Donor round banana peeled projectile body and Acceptor rounds failed to detonate
resulted in intact grenades and fragments sympathetically

Subsequently, two additional sympathetic detonation tests were conducted to build the database
on the new explosive fill. The results of the repeated Composition A5 test were slightly different from
those observed previously. In this instance, the donor round functioned high order, but failed to
sympathetically detonate the acceptor rounds. However, the reaction saw the dummy cans hurled in
excess of 67 meters. Also, the acceptor cans and projectiles suffered much damage. One acceptor round
was recovered at a distance of 38 meters. It appeared that most of the energy from the detonation went
into throwing the acceptor and dummy containers radially outward since the acceptor rounds failed to
function sympathetically.

The second PAX-2A test had very same results as the first test (described above), thus,
confirming the improvement over Composition A5. The team was very impressed with all of the PAX-
2A sympathetic test results, and the survivability improvement observed over the Composition A5 fill.

SLOW COOK-OFF TEST [2 Tests] Figure 28 - Instrumented Projectile
Each M915 projectile, containing 42 each
explosive filled M80 grenades with inert fuzes, was
instrumented and subsequently tested inside its
PA117 metal shipping container. No other
explosives or propellants were loaded into the
cartridge, just the grenade explosive fills,
Composition A5 and PAX-2A, respectively.
Thermocouples were placed inside the projectile
nose, and on the exterior of the body (Figure 28).
In addition, six thermocouples were placed at other
locations outside the can to include inlet and outlet
locations of the oven (Figure 29). Blast
overpressure gages were placed at 4.6 meters and
7.6 meters, perpendicular to the side of the oven, to
record peak pressure and time. Figure 30 shows the
enclosed oven in the test area. The test projectile
was taken to destruction by raising the temperature
inside the oven at a rate of approximately 28º C per hour.

Figure 30 – Slow Cook-Off Oven Figure 29 – M915 Projectile & Container in


Figure 31 – Comp A5 Post Test Figure 32 – Comp A5 Post Test

Type 1 Reaction - Detonation

The total test for Composition A5 took approximately 6.5 hours. The initial observed
temperature of the test projectile was 58.9º C. At the time of destruction, the temperature recorded
inside the projectile nose was 212.7º C, and outside the cylindrical wall of the projectile was 193.8º C.
The other readings are listed in Table 2. The round detonated in a high order fashion (Figure 31), with
virtually no metal parts recovered other than a projectile fuze well fragment from the nose of the bullet
(Figure 32). There were no grenades found, and no pieces of the projectile body were recovered. The
pressures were recorded at distances of 4.6 and 7.6 meters, and are also shown in Table 2.

Temperatures at Destruction ºC
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
Bottom Top Bottom Top
Inlet Outlet Lid End Lid End Base End Base End Fuzewell Proj. Body
386.2 310.0 285.8 298.8 256.1 281.7 212.7 193.8

Blast Overpressure
Distance (m @90 Degrees) Peak Pressure (psi) Time to Peak Pressure (msec)
4.6 9.71 53.2
7.6 2.89 58.15

Table 2 – Composition A5 Cook-off Test Data

Figure 33 – PAX-2A Post Test Hardware Figure 34 – PAX-2A Post Test Grenades

• 5 Intact Grenades
Type III Reaction - Explosion Reaction • 5 each Empty Grenades
• 2 Adapters
• 2 each Low Order Grenade Fragments
Temperatures at Destruction ºC
T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
Bottom Top Bottom Top
Inlet Outlet Lid End Lid End Base End Base End Fuzewell Proj. Body
335.2 316.2 322.6 320.9 319.7 318.5 223.9 214.8

Blast Overpressure
Distance (m @90 Degrees) Peak Pressure (psi) Time to Peak Pressure (msec)
4.6 2.96 42.75
7.6 1.52 85.00

Table 3 – PAX-2A Cook-off Test Data

The total test for PAX-2A took approximately 5.8 hours. The initial observed temperature of the
test projectile was 65º C. At the time of destruction the temperature recorded inside the projectile nose
was 223.9º C, and outside the cylindrical wall of the projectile was 214.8º C. The other readings are
listed in Table 3. From the recovered hardware, five grenades were intact, with evidence of the PAX-2A
explosive exudation from the body/liner interface. Another five grenades were observed to have the
liners missing and evidence of unburned explosive remaining in the body (Figures 33 and 34). It is
hypothesized that this condition could have resulted due to deformation of the grenade body by an
adjacent grenade, allowing the liner to become dislodged and deposit of explosive to result.
Additionally, two low order grenade body fragments were recovered.

Although PAX-2A did not pass the slow cook-off test, a substantial improvement over that
witnessed with Composition A5 was observed. There were some grenades recovered still intact, and
there was noticeably less overall damage to projectile hardware. The PAX-2A reaction occurred with a
21º C higher projectile body temperature than Composition A5. The PAX-2A slow cook-off
improvement was not as dramatic as in the bullet impact and sympathetic detonation tests, however, the
results do favor PAX-2A when comparing explosive fills.

It was also originally intended to test M915 projectiles for Fast Cook-Off (FCO) and Army
Fragment Impact (AFI). FCO was not done because the Picatinny Arsenal test site is limited by
environmental restrictions to the amount of jet fuel it can burn. TACOM-ARDEC is not currently set up
to perform AFI, however, plans are in process to bring this capability on-line in the near future. The
M915 project office has requested quotes from the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dalgren, VA facility
and the Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) to perform the FCO and FI tests.
The project office is currently running fragment lethality arena testing with PAX-2A loaded M80
grenade submunitions to confirm target effectiveness. This shall be completed with the AMSAA
approved five-meter square arena.
The M915 projectile project management office has recently placed a procurement request for
18,800 pounds of PAX-2A from Thiokol Propulsion.
PM SADARM currently owns approximately 1,800 pounds of Hercules manufactured PAX-2A
for the future Product Improved (PI) SADARM program. PAX-2A is currently under consideration for
several other weapon systems, including Wide Area Munition (WAM) Explosively Formed Penetrator,
155mm XM982 Excalibur with M42 grenade submunition, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System
(GMLRS) with XM85 grenade submunition, and Non Self Destruct Alternatives (NSDA) with M43
grenade submunition.

Table 4 - IM Test Results Summary

IM Test PAX-2A Comp A5
7.62mm Bullet Impact Burn/Pass Partial Detonation/Fail
0.50-cal. Bullet Impact Burn/Pass Detonation/Fail
Sympathetic Detonation (2) Pass (1) Pass, (1) Fail
Slow Cook-Off Explosion/Fail Detonation/Fail

Reaction levels from the least violent to most violent are:

Burn – Deflagration – Explosion – Partial Detonation - Detonation

PAX-2A is a less sensitive high explosive replacement, suitable for current and future weapon
systems’ high performance warhead applications. PAX-2A was proven to provide survivability
improvements over Composition A5 in all M915 IM comparison tests performed (Table 4). The M915

Project Office has elected to move forward into production and field the 105mm Cartridge with PAX-
2A based on the oustanding safety improvements that can be realized by the soldier in the field. PAX-
2A is now under consideration as an IM explosive replacement for several other weapon systems.
The TACOM-ARDEC strategic intent will be met by fielding the M915 projectile with the IM
explosive PAX-2A as the submunition HE fill. The customers will have the “best value” munition with
significantly reduced vulnerability to hazardous stimuli typically found as threats in today’s battlefield.


AMSTA-AR-FSA-P Interoffice memos and trip reports on XM80 loading and testing with PAX-2A.

AMSTA-AR-FSA-P Information briefing to the Munitions Vulnerability Assessment Panel, Cartidge,

105mm, DPICM: XM915/XM916, presented by William J. Sanville on 17 September 1997.

AMSTA-AR-FSA-P TPR No. FSA-P-915-IMT, Insensitive Munitions Testing of Cartridge, 105mm

DPICM, M915, prepared by Keith Van Biert, 14 October 1999.

AMSTA-AR-WEE-D Interoffice memos and trip reports on XM80 loading and testing with PAX-2A.

Geiss, D. A.; Nicolich, S. M.; and Mezger, M., "Selection of an IM Explosive", Proceedings of the 1997
Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium, Tampa, FL, October 1997.

Hu, C.; Nicolich, S. M.; Mezger, M.; Orosz, J., "Characterization of Picatinny Arsenal Explosive - 2A
(PAX-2A)," US Army ARDEC Technical Report ARAED-TR-96017, Picatinny Arsenal. NJ, November

“MIL-STD-2105B, Hazard Assessment Tests for Non-Nuclear Munition”, 12 January 1994.


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