Transmission Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets
Transmission Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets
Transmission Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets
1, FEBRUARY 2008
Abstract—This paper presents a mixed-integer linear program- Size of the th block of the th generating unit in
ming (LP) formulation for the long-term transmission expansion all scenarios.
planning problem in a competitive pool-based electricity market.
To achieve optimal expansion planning while modeling market Maximum capacity of line in corridor .
functioning, we define a number of scenarios based on the fu- Weight of scenario .
ture demand in the system and we simulate the maximization
of the aggregate social welfare. Investment and operating costs, Slope of the th block of the linearization of the
transmission losses and generator offers, and demand bids are voltage angle for corridor .
considered. We propose to use a set of metrics to rate the effect
of the expansion on the generators, demands, and the system as Upper bound of the angle blocks of corridor .
a whole. The proposed model is applied to the Garver six-bus Price bid by the th block of the th demand in
system and to the IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System. Simulation scenario .
results can be interpreted in economic terms based on the values
of the metrics obtained for different scenarios, parameters, and Price offered by the th block of the th generating
topologies. unit in scenario .
Index Terms—Electricity market, mixed-integer linear pro- Weighting factor to make investment and
gramming, social welfare, transmission expansion planning. operational costs comparable.
B. Literature Review
There are many mathematical models traditionally available
to solve the transmission expansion problem from the cost
minimization standpoint. The solution techniques proposed (1)
can be classified as mathematical optimization methods, such
(25) The metric available to the generators is the change in the gen-
(26) erator surplus with respect to the investment cost in new lines.
It is defined as
(28) where is the aggregate generator surplus defined as the ag-
gregate revenue minus the total costs of the generators, and
(29) is the aggregate generator surplus if transmission expansion is
(30) not considered. This metric illustrates how the generators could
reference bus (31) benefit from the investment in new lines. The value of should
(32) be greater than the share of the cost that the generators will have
to pay for, because otherwise, the generators will most likely
(33) be against the construction of those lines; e.g., if the genera-
tors are responsible for 50% of the cost of the new lines, they
(34) would like to obtain, at least, a value of . If ,
the construction of lines will imply a loss for the generators.
recall that is the nodal price at bus in scenario calculated Also note that values of are possible in systems with a
as the dual variable of the power balance constraint (15). The high degree of congestion, because the construction of new lines
linear expression of the losses needs two additional sets of con- may connect inexpensive isolated generators with the demand,
tinuous variables: and , whose derivation is provided in which will cause prices to fall and, hence, generators profits to
[16]. Further details of this mixed-integer linear programming decrease. However, how the increase in social welfare or gen-
formulation can be found in [5], [17], and [18]. This second erators surplus or consumer surplus due to the construction of
formulation of the problem can be solved by any of the many new lines is allocated to generators or demands is outside the
commercially available programs that deal with mixed-integer scope of this paper.
linear problems; in particular, we have used the CPLEX opti- In addition, both single-generator metrics and gener-
mizer within GAMS. ating-company metrics could be calculated, taking into account
only the surpluses of the relevant units. These metrics could
be useful to compare the effect of the new lines for different
generating companies.
In order to analyze and compare future investments in trans- Likewise, the demands can measure the increment of their
mission, we need to define a set of metrics that show the welfare surplus with respect to the investment cost in new lines. This
obtained by the different agents of the market: generators, de- metric is defined as
mands, and the transmission entity.
The metric that shows the change in the aggregate social wel- (37)
fare as a result of adding new lines with respect to the investment
cost in new lines is given by the following parameter: where is the aggregate demand surplus defined as the ag-
gregate demand utility function minus the total payment of the
(35) demands, and is the aggregate demand surplus if transmis-
sion expansion is not considered. This metric shows how the
demands could benefit from the investment in new lines. Also,
both single-consumer and consuming company metrics could be
where is the optimal aggregate social welfare, i.e., the first
calculated, taking into account only the surpluses of the relevant
term of (1), and is the aggregate social welfare if trans-
demands. These metrics could be useful to compare the effect
mission expansion is not considered. The calculation of
of the new lines for different consuming companies.
results from the solution of problem (14)–(34). is obtained
Finally, the ratio of the change in the merchandising surplus
if problem (14)–(34) is solved with the additional constraint that
with respect to the investment cost in new lines is defined as
no lines can be built, hence calculating the social welfare in the
situation without transmission expansion. From this definition,
metric should be greater than one to justify the investment in
new lines.
The previous ratio can be a useful metric for the entire system, where is the aggregate merchandising surplus, and is
but it could be objected by generators or demands that do not see the aggregate merchandising surplus if transmission expansion
a real improvement for themselves with the new transmission is not considered.
lines added. To account for that, we define two other metrics: Note that, as previously stated, , and are
one for the generators, one for the demands. Furthermore, we results obtained from solving problem (14)–(34). Also note that
define an additional metric that considers the effect of new lines , and are easily obtained solving the same
on the merchandising surplus. problem with the additional constraint that no lines can be built.
A. Introduction
The methodology proposed has been successfully applied
to two case studies. The first case study analyzes the Garver
six-bus system [2], and the second case implemented is based on
the IEEE RTS 24-bus system [19]. The market structure of the
systems considered consists of a number of generating units and
a number of loads; both generating units and loads submit of-
fers/bids to the market trying to attain their respective maximum
profits. All lines are built by a central entity, the network planner.
In the case studies presented next, a linear approximation of
the generators cost function is used; this linear approximation
consists of a set of “blocks” for each of which the marginal cost
is considered constant. Moreover, we consider that each unit
submits to the market one block of offered energy and the price
selected is the marginal cost corresponding to that block. We
also assume that the bids of the demands express their actual Fig. 1. Diagram for the Garver six-bus system used in the first case study.
utility functions. Given the fact that all internal data to the agents
are confidential, our metrics can only be computed in terms of
line built today will be operative for at least 25 years; thus, a
“declared” surpluses. However, each generator and each con-
25 year investment return period has been considered. Also, a
sumer can calculate its own metrics based on “real” surpluses. If
10% discount rate is assumed. With these two values in mind,
offers and bids do not match marginal costs and utilities, only the
the value of the capital recovery factor can be calculated as
“declared” surpluses can be used to compute the metrics used to
, where is the discount rate and the
allocate transmission expansion costs. Regarding bidding data,
number of years; this formula provides a capital recovery factor
we use reasonably sized generator units and cost data closely
value of 0.10. This value means that, for the next 25 years, the
matched with actual values observed in actual markets. Demand investment cost in new lines is yearly repaid at a rate of approx-
data are obtained from realistic cases of the day-ahead electricity imately 10% of the total initial investment. This is also known
market of mainland Spain [20] to get a reasonable number of as the annualized cost.
scenarios based on demand patterns corresponding to year 2004. In the case studies presented in this paper, the word corridor is
A different number of scenarios are considered in the case always used to describe all the lines that connect the same pair of
studies to describe the behavior of the demand. Each of the sce- nodes, whereas the word “line” is simply used to describe each
narios represents a significant number of hours during one typ- one of the lines within a corridor. Hence, subindexes “s, r, k” are
ical year of operation of the network. The different scenarios are used to refer to the particular line “k” that is placed inside the
weighted in the objective function in order to correctly consider corridor that connects nodes “s” and “r.” For example, in Fig. 2,
their relative relevance; hence, the scenarios that represent situ- the corridor between nodes 1 and 5 comprises four lines, and
ations that take place very often are given higher weights, and the corridor between nodes 1 and 2 contains just one line.
conversely, scenarios that represent market situations that take
place only seldom, are assigned lower weights. The main differ- B. First Case Study
ence among the considered scenarios is the amount of demand. The system shown in Fig. 1 contains five nodes and six lines
For each demand block, its size is different in every scenario. connecting them; moreover, a sixth node is considered, at which
The weight of each scenario has been calculated dividing the some generation is placed. This node is not initially connected
amount of hours represented by the specific scenario by the total to the other five nodes, but lines to connect it to the system could
number of hours considered. For example, if scenario number 1 be built if necessary. The constraints imposed in the formulation
represents the first three hours of every day (i.e., from midnight of the problem (14)–(34) allow for the addition of lines in new
until 3:00 A.M.) for a whole year, then the weighting factor for or already existing corridors, up to a total maximum of three
this scenario is: . lines per corridor. The market structure of the system considered
We consider a time horizon of one year, that is, a “target consists of ten generating units and five loads. Table I provides
year.” For this “target year,” we estimate the demand, the gener- line data. The first two columns provide the nodes of origin and
ation offers, and the demand bids. Therefore, our model repre- destination of the lines, the third and fourth columns show the
sents a “static transmission expansion planning” problem, since electric parameters of the lines, and the fifth column shows, in
it considers a “target year” for which the net social welfare is p.u., the capacity of the line. The cost value is shown in the sixth
maximized.2 column for all lines, where the annualized cost is 10% of that
We have made the following assumptions in order to esti- value. Finally, in the last column, the number of lines already
mate the weighting factor in (1). We have assumed that a built for every possible connection between nodes is shown.
2For a detailed explanation of these concepts, please refer to [21]. Also, [22]
Four different scenarios are considered to describe the be-
and [23] define some of the basic concepts regarding “static transmission ex- havior of the demand. The four scenarios considered can be
pansion planning.” regarded as: low demand, medium-low demand, medium-high
TABLE I From Table III, it is clear that most of the generation is located
LINE STRUCTURE FOR THE FIRST CASE STUDY at the initially isolated node 6; hence, transmission expansion
plans will probably tend to construct lines connecting node 6 to
the rest of the system.
The solution obtained is described next: three new lines are
proposed to be built, having a total annualized cost of $9M. Out
of the three new lines built, two of them connect node 6 with
node 2 and the remaining one connects node 6 to node 4; this
solution allows the energy produced at node 6 to flow to all the
consumers in the system.
The solution obtained is analyzed below from the viewpoint
of the generators: the generators annual cost is $53.9M; on the
other hand, their total yearly revenue is $79.4M, hence obtaining
a total $25.5M annual profit. These results mean that 32% of the
generators income becomes profit.
From the consumer viewpoint, the solution obtained implies
total annual payments for energy of $88.5M, and demand utility
of $116.5M, which implies a consumer surplus of $28.0M.
TABLE II These results mean that the utility that consumers obtain is 31%
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIFFERENT SCENARIOS. FIRST CASE STUDY higher than their payments; i.e., they obtain a 31% profit.
Finally, from the merchandising surplus viewpoint, a total
surplus of $9.1M is obtained; as already stated, this surplus de-
rives from the fact that the market price is not uniform for the
whole system, and the demands have to pay more for energy
than the generators receive for producing it. Of course, this is a
consequence of locational marginal pricing.
TABLE III Summing up all the surpluses, and subtracting the amount
needed to built new lines, the annual social welfare results in a
total $53.6M. Moreover, if the new lines were built by the gen-
erators, the $9M invested in new lines would represent 11.3%
of the generators revenue, or 35.3% of their profit.
Table IV(a)–(c) shows relevant data that provide insights to
characterize the features of the optimal solution found. Note
that the social welfare values in Table IV(c) do not include the
annualized investment cost in new lines, since that cost cannot
be split per scenario.
From Table IV(a)–(c), it can be shown that scenario 4 (that
only represents 10% of the hours; see Table II) is very important,
because it provides high prices and high merchandising surplus
with almost the same amount of energy produced, as compared
to scenario 3. This means that in scenario 4, the system is under
congestion and this fact forces the prices up. Also note that the
losses, in percentage, are very similar for the four scenarios con-
sidered. Table IV(c) shows that the producer and merchandising
demand, and high demand, respectively. Table II presents the surpluses increase as the demand increases, due to higher av-
weights and relative demands for the four scenarios considered. erage nodal prices well above the generators offer prices, and
Scenario 1 has a weight of 0.412; hence, it represents 41.2% of higher levels of congestion, respectively. On the contrary, the
the hours of a year; its demand coefficient is 0.47, which means consumer surplus first increases, since the average nodal prices
that demand for that scenario is 47% of the preselected refer- are well below the demands bid prices, but decreases later, since
ence demand level. Table III provides the location of generators higher levels of congestion imply that prices are much closer to
and demands in the network along with other relevant informa- the demands bid prices.
tion. For the generators, the maximum power production and Table V shows how several generation and transmission
the offer price is shown. For the demands, the total amount of limits are reached for each of the scenarios with the proposed
energy bid in the market is shown. solution (recall from Table II that scenario 4 is the scenario
This total amount of energy demanded is divided in five with the highest demand).
blocks of equal size with the five prices also shown in the table. As previously stated, the system is highly congested in sce-
Note that, using this information about the bids made by the nario 4, for which four lines and five generators are at maximum
demands, their utility functions could be constructed. capacity.
Fig. 2. Second case study: diagram for the 24-bus system with the addition of
the eight new lines proposed.
LIMITS REACHED FOR THE SOLUTION OBTAINED disregarded in this case study. The case study presents the fol-
lowing characteristics: the system considered contains 24 nodes
and 34 lines connecting them; in this case, for the sake of sim-
plicity, new lines can only be constructed in parallel to existing
lines, up to a total number of four, i.e., only new lines for old
corridors are allowed. The market structure of the system con-
sidered consists of 11 generating units and 17 loads.
Table VII provides the location of generators and demands
METRICS FOR THE FIRST CASE STUDY in the network along with other relevant information. For the
generators, the maximum power production and the energy of-
fers are shown. Note that in this case study, four blocks are used
to represent the offers of the generators; for simplicity, each of
these four blocks represents 25% of the capacity of each gen-
erator. For each demand, the total amount of the energy bid in
The metrics presented in Section IV have been calculated for the market is provided; this total amount of energy demanded is
this case study. Table VI provides the results. divided into three blocks of equal size with the three prices also
From Table VI, note that for each dollar invested in new lines, provided in the table.
a total $2.84 is obtained as social welfare for the participants From Table VII, it is clear that both generation and consump-
in the market. It can be concluded that this investment will be tion are evenly distributed throughout the network.
very profitable for the system. Particularly, the increase in social One hundred different scenarios are considered in this case
welfare is divided as follows: $0.51 goes to the generators, $1.91 study to describe the behavior of the demand. For the sake of
goes to the consumers, and $0.42 goes to the network operator. simplicity, all the scenarios have the same weight: 1%. The ac-
A total computing time of 1.46 s is needed to solve the above tual procedure used to obtain the different scenarios used for this
problem under a Linux-based server with four Xeon processors case study is described next: firstly, based on real data, we ob-
clocking at 1.60 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. The software used is tain a demand forecast for each and every hour of the target year;
CPLEX under GAMS [24]. then, we sort these demand values in decreasing order; next, we
divide the previously formed decreasing curve into 100 different
C. Second Case Study portions, one for each scenario; finally, we calculate for each of
The second case study is based on a system similar to the one these portions the average amount of energy demanded; demand
described in [19] and with the topology shown in Fig. 2. Note coefficients can now be calculated for each scenario dividing its
that the original parallel lines considered in [19] are initially average demand by the reference level of demand. In this way,
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