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Wcee2012 0136

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A study on the correlation between dissipated hysteretic

energy and seismic performance

A.K. Kazantzi & D. Vamvatsikos

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

The hysteretic energy dissipated by systems undergoing quasi-static or dynamic loading is often thought to
represent a useful measure of their performance when subjected to earthquake excitation. In general, fuller
hysteresis loops mean higher seismic energy removal from the structure, which is logically taken to imply better
performance when comparing systems with similar strength. However, such observations are typically based on
quasi-static loading tests. Dynamic loading conditions differ as energy input and energy dissipation are
intimately related with the details of the system’s hysteresis, in ways that often defy current intuition. Using
incremental dynamic analysis on story-level oscillators with varying hysteresis characteristics, we can map this
connection in detail. Structural response, as measured in terms of maximum or residual deformation, is shown to
have little connection to the energy absorption. Therefore, hysteretic energy dissipation cannot quantitatively
measure seismic performance but perhaps only serve as a general indicator.

Keywords: hysteretic energy dissipation, seismic performance, incremental dynamic analysis


The hysteretic energy, absorbed by a structural system during a seismic event that is strong enough to
induce a certain amount of nonlinearity to the system, has been recognized by several researchers as a
potentially useful seismic performance indicator (e.g., Park et al. 1987; Bojorquez et al. 2011). In
general, stable hysteretic loops with large energy dissipation capacity at a member level are thought to
guarantee a better deformation performance of the system, implying that there is a good correlation
between the dissipated hysteretic energy and the inelastic deformation demands. This notion is often
founded on observations made in quasi-static cyclic tests, where it seems apparent that between two
systems with similar strength, tested under the same cyclic loading protocol, the one with the higher
energy absorption, i.e., “fuller” hysteresis loops, should exhibit superior performance. Thus, dissipated
energy is a term that has become synonymous to performance and it is so pervasive as to become a
key ingredient of modern seismic codes (e.g., EN1998). Hence, at the basis of seismic design, the
definition of the behavior (reduction) factor q (or R) allows that the high strength of a linear elastic
system having zero energy absorption can be substituted by the equally effective dissipating behavior
of an elastoplastic system with a base shear strength that is q times lower (at least where the equal
displacement rule holds). While there is no question about the need for ductility, the role of energy
dissipation is still imperfectly understood.

Energy dissipation is typically understood as a proxy for viscous damping, a concept that was perhaps
first introduced by Jacobsen (1960) through equivalent linearization techniques. Such methods provide
an estimate of the (average) nonlinear displacement of elastoplastic oscillators by employing an
equivalent linear single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system characterized by a longer period (estimated
at a secant stiffness) and an increased value of viscous damping. Crucially, the increase in damping is
provided as a direct function of the area under the force-deformation curve of the nonlinear oscillator,
a quantity that is well correlated to the quasi-statically dissipated hysteretic energy. It is no wonder
then that higher energy dissipation seems to be equivalent to higher damping, ergo better performance.

However, there exists evidence in recent literature that suggests otherwise. For example, Miranda and
Ruiz-Garcia (2002) have shown that using the actual area under the backbone of an elastoplastic
system to define equivalent damping yields worse results for maximum displacement estimation
compared to other approaches. A number of recent studies have also explored the effect of the type of
cyclic hysteresis on the seismic performance of structural systems. Rahnama and Krawinkler (1993),
Foutch and Shi (1998), Huang and Foutch (2009) have observed that there is no clear correlation
between the hysteresis type and the ductility demands. Ibarra et al. (2005) have shown that the
hysteresis type becomes important mainly when the system approaches its global collapse state. Given
that the hysteretic rules largely decide the amount of energy dissipation, questions may be easily
raised. Similarly, when the connection of dissipated energy and performance is extrapolated from
quasi-static tests to non-stationary loads, characteristic of actual earthquakes, current ideas about the
important of hysteretic energy may not be generalizable.

Therefore, we will investigate whether hysteretic energy dissipation is a fundamental quality of system
performance. In other words, when comparing two systems having similar (or the same) backbone, we
are asking whether the one with the “fuller” hysteresis loops (as evidenced from classic quasi-static
cyclic tests) or, more generally, the one dissipating more energy via hysteresis in dynamic loading, is
the one having the better seismic performance. Issues related to material or member failure criteria and
whether these should be based on dissipated hysteretic energy or not will not be discussed here. Such
questions can only be answered unambiguously by experiments and not via computational studies, like
the one that we are going to embark upon. Hence, the conclusions of this study may be considered
applicable to cases where catastrophic failure is not reached. Nevertheless, the latter is a rather
common scenario of several experimental studies, where competing hysteretic systems (members,
bearings, assemblies etc) are subjected to a given quasi–static cyclic loading protocol up to a certain
displacement, which is not necessarily associated to the system’s collapse state. In such cases, the
resulting force-deformation cyclic curves are often being judged in terms of their perceived hysteretic
energy dissipation.


The equation of motion for a damped SDOF system subjected to a horizontal ground motion record
can be written as

mu  cu  f s   mug (2.1)

where m is the mass of the system, c is the viscous damping coefficient, f s is the restoring force,
ug is the ground acceleration and u , u , u are the relative displacement, velocity and acceleration,
respectively, of the mass with respect to the ground. The absorbed energy is evaluated according to the
energy balance equation (e.g., Uang and Bertero 1990), derived from integrating over time the
equation of motion (Eqn. 2.1), representing the equilibrium of forces, multiplied by the instantaneous
displacement du  udt :

 m uu dt   c u dt  f s u dt   m ug u dt
 (2.2)

The energy balance equation is valid throughout the duration of the motion. The first term depicts the
“relative” kinetic energy of the system, as measured with respect to the ground, representing energy
temporarily stored in the kinematics of the system. The second is the damping energy dissipated by
viscous damping, and the third is termed the absorbed energy, consisting of the irrecoverable
hysteretic energy and the recoverable strain energy. Despite the presence of the recoverable part, the
name “absorbed energy” is perfectly valid when integration is carried out until the system comes to
rest, where strain energy essentially vanishes. The final term is the relative input energy imparted by
the ground motion to the system, as measured relative to the ground, excluding any rigid body
translation. Still, if integration is carried out to the time when the system comes to rest this is
essentially equivalent to the absolute input energy (Uang and Bertero 1990). The actual input energy
induced to a system during an earthquake event is thus dissipated in its entirety by means of viscous
damping and hysteretically absorbed energies.

It is worth pointing out here, that the nature and connection to the system behaviour of the hysteretic
and the damping energies is fundamentally different. The hysteretic energy is the energy dissipated
through inelastic excursions during the seismic excitation whereas, the damping energy is related to
the work done by the damping force. In a simplistic interpretation of the equation of motion these two
energies may be considered together in a single damping energy term. Still, the distinction between the
hysteretic and the damping energy is rather important when considering the damage potential of a
structural system on account of its energy dissipation capacity, as these two mechanisms of energy
dissipation operate on a fundamentally different level. Most importantly, increasing the damping has a
straightforward effect towards reducing the seismic demands, as viscous damping has an ever-present
dissipating effect regardless of the sign of the velocity vector, due to the square on the velocity term.
On the other hand, for input energy, the ground motion acceleration is multiplied by the oscillator
velocity at each time instant, resulting to either a positive or a negative energy increment. The same is
true for the hysteretic energy as well, where the sign of the restoring force fs and the velocity may
become opposite. In other words, hysteretic energy and input energy are closely connected, where
changing the hysteretic characteristics of a system causes fundamental changes to both. Therefore,
while the beneficial effect of increasing the damping energy capabilities of a system is perfectly
straightforward, the correlation of hysteresis to the damage induced to the system is neither obvious
nor thoroughly examined, thus rendering conclusion-drawing a difficult task.

At a different level, it is equally troublesome to try to derive conclusions regarding system

performance based not on dynamically-absorbed energy but on quasi-statically absorbed instead. Such
tests are typically performed under a displacement-controlled loading protocol that not only imposes
certain displacements but, given the hysteretic model, essentially also prescribes the input energy. By
virtue of removing any influence of damping, this also ensures that all the energy will be dissipated via
hysteresis only. Clearly this is something that can never happen in dynamic tests therefore any
connections would be difficult to justify.


To investigate the correlation between hysteretic energy and seismic performance, a number of SDOF
systems will be used, each having different force-deformation characteristics. To evaluate their
seismic performance Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is employed (Vamvatsikos and Cornell
2002). IDA is a powerful tool of structural analysis that involves performing a series of nonlinear time
history analyses for a suite of ground motion records, the latter scaled at increasing intensity levels. To
define an IDA curve two scalars are needed, these being an intensity measure (IM) and an engineering
demand parameter (EDP) to record the structural response.

The 5% damped spectral acceleration at the vibration period of the SDOF systems, Sa(T) is adopted as
the IM, since it is considered to be an efficient intensity measure especially for SDOF systems (Shome
et al. 1998). Moreover, to allow comparisons between the different models and periods investigated,
the elastic spectral acceleration Sa is normalized by its value Say at yield to provide the dimensionless
ratio R = Sa /Say, which is akin to the strength reduction factor R. Regarding the demand parameter
EDP, in addition to the total absorbed hysteretic energy Ehyst recorded at the end of the dynamic time
history analyses, the maximum displacement dmax is also employed as a measure for the peak seismic
demands. Furthermore, residual displacements dres will be monitored as a useful indicator of whether a
damaged building should be retrofitted or demolished (e.g., Ruiz-Garcia and Miranda 2008). In all
analyses, at the end of each record, the system is allowed to undergo several free vibration cycles in
order to return to rest and permit an accurate measurement of the total hysteretic energies and residual
displacements. For the IDAs a suite of sixty ground motion records is used. The records are assumed
to be ‘ordinary’ in the sense that they do not raise any concerns regarding soft soil or near source
directivity. The accelerograms are selected from the PEER Strong Motion database (PEER 2011).


4.1. Hysteretic models

The main question to be answered is whether the hysteretic energy absorbed, as estimated by the area
of the force-deformation loops in dynamic or quasi-static loading conditions, is well correlated to
seismic displacement demands. In recent years, several hysteretic models have been developed in
order to simulate as realistically as possible the performance of a structural system under seismic
excitation. To this end, we have considered a series of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators,
all sharing practically the same elastic-plastic force-deformation backbone (allowing for some curved
transition in one case) but with varying hysteretic characteristics to depict a wide spectrum of force-
deformation behaviors representative of different components, materials and structures.

The six systems considered are presented in Fig. 1, arranged in order of decreasing quasi-statically
absorbed hysteretic energy. At the very top of the group, a classic elastoplastic system with kinematic
strain hardening (Fig. 1a) was chosen to serve as the benchmark for comparing the performance of the
more elaborate systems to follow. Adding a curved transition between the elastic segment and the
plastic plateau while maintaining kinematic strain hardening defines the “curved” system of Fig. 1b.
Cyclic stiffness degradation is introduced to different degrees of severity by the peak-oriented and the
pinching systems (Ibarra et al. 2005) in Figs 1c and 1e. Recent advances in self-centering systems
(Christopoulos et al. 2002) are represented by the flag-shaped hysteretic loops of Fig. 1d. Finally, the
nonlinear-elastic oscillator of Fig. 1f lies at the opposite extreme end compared to the kinematic
hardening, having the same backbone but no hysteretic energy dissipation capacity. The oscillators
were assumed to have a 5% viscous damping and for each model a range of periods was employed,
from 0.5 to 2.0sec, in 0.5sec increments. The dynamic analyses of the SDOF oscillators were carried
out by means of the OpenSEES open-source analysis platform (McKenna et al. 2000).

The hysteretic energy dissipation capacity under quasi-static cyclic loads, for each one of the
hysteretic models examined, was evaluated on the premise of the energy ratio eqst, which is defined by
the following equation:

E hyst ,i
e qst  (4.1)
E hyst , KH

where Ehyst,i is the hysteretic energy absorbed by the hysteretic model i and Ehyst,KH is the hysteretic
energy absorbed by the kinematic hardening hysteretic model, when both are subjected to the same
cyclic loading protocol. The corresponding eqst ratios are reported in Fig. 1 for each system and they
vary from one to zero, with one representing the kinematic hardening hysteretic model (Fig. 1a) and
zero associated with the nonlinear elastic model (Fig. 1f). It is worth noting that the eqst ratios for the
moderately pinching (Fig. 1e) and the flag-shaped (Fig. 1d) models are almost identical, at least for
this example.
(a) Kinematic hardening model (b) Curved kinematic hardening model
(KH, eqst = 1.00). (Curved KH, eqst = 0.64).

(c) Peak-oriented model (eqst = 0.58). (d) Flag-shaped model (eqst = 0.30).

(e) Pinching model (eqst = 0.29). (f) Nonlinear elastic model (eqst = 0.00).

Figure 1. Backbone and hysteretic loops of the considered nonlinear oscillators.

To evaluate the systems’ performance under dynamic loads, we also need to assess their behavior in
terms of energy and displacement. To allow for simplicity in the comparisons, these are performed in
terms of the x% fractile values, over all records, of the hysteretic energy ratio edyn, the maximum
displacement ratio rmax and the residual displacement ratio rres, defined for each system i with respect
to the kinematic hardening hysteresis:

 E hyst ,i 
e dyn, x %    , (4.2)
 E hyst , KH  x %

 d max,i 
rmax, x %    , (4.3)
 d max, KH  x%

 d 
rres , x %   res , i  . (4.4)
 d res , KH  x %

Due to the high record-to-record variability in the dynamic results, it is important to quantify both the
central value and the dispersion of their distribution to fully capture the range of behavior (e.g.,
Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002; Kazantzi et al. 2008). Hence, typical values for x include 50%, i.e., the
median as a central value, and 16, 84% to evaluate the associated dispersion. Figs 2a and 2b illustrate
the way fractile values of the response ratios were computed by means of IDA curves. Fig. 2a in
particular, presents the “spaghetti plot” of 60 IDA curves in terms of R and rmax scalars. The rmax
dimensionless demand parameter was evaluated as the ratio of the maximum displacement response
computed for the peak-oriented model over the maximum displacement response computed for the
kinematic hardening model. The SDOF systems under consideration were assumed to have a natural
period of T = 1.0sec whereas for each one of them a total of 2400 (i.e., 60 ground motion records x 40
intensity increments) nonlinear time history analyses were performed. The record-to-record variability
is evidently significant. This renders the response predictions for any one record highly random. The
randomness may be quantified by the 16, 50, 84% fractile ratios. These corresponding ratios appear in
the Fig. 2b, where the peak-oriented and the kinematic hardening system are shown to have the same
median dmax response (i.e., a ratio of practically 1.0) at all levels of intensity, in agreement with past
studies (Rahnama and Krawinkler 1993; Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2006).

(a) 60 IDA curve ratios (b) 16, 50, 84% fractile ratios

Figure 2. Estimation of fractile values of maximum displacement response ratios, rmax of the peak-oriented and
the KH systems (T = 1.0sec) via IDA.

4.2. Performance comparisons

The results in terms of the median response ratios of the five alternative hysteretic models (Fig. 1b-f)
versus the kinematic strain hardening (KH) reference system for three representative R values (1.5, 2.0
and 4.0), associated with near and post-yield regions, are summarized in Table 1. Despite the fact that
a range of periods was considered, the tabulated results only refer to T = 1.0sec for brevity. Results at
longer periods are practically the same, while shorter periods introduce only marginal differences.

Firstly, it is apparent that dynamically and statically absorbed energies are not well correlated. For
example, at R = 1.5, all the systems, except the two self-centering flag-shaped and nonlinear elastic
models, absorb more energy than the ΚΗ (in a median sense). The curved system actually dissipates
nearly twice the hysteretic energy of the KH model, despite having almost 40% lower quasi-static
energy absorption. At the same intensity, the pinching system, which absorbs only half the energy of
the peak-oriented system in quasi-static loading, has almost 30% higher dissipation for dynamic
loading. These energy ratios are slowly evened out at higher intensities, all reaching nearly unity at R
= 4.0, excluding the two self-centering systems.

This observation, which is in contrast to the conventional view that hysteretic models with fuller loops
guarantee higher hysteretic energy absorption under non-stationary loads, can be explained by looking
into the details of the hysteretic behavior and the energy dissipation histories. For example, the
handicap of the KH system at low intensities is a consequence of its purely elastic unloading-reloading
behavior. The KH system can only dissipate energy when it deforms along the yield plateau. However,
a ground motion record is likely to induce only a few reversing cycles to the KH system that are not
sufficient to give rise to its hypothetically superior hysteretic behaviour. The weak ground motion
acceleration spikes, whose effect on the system is limited below the nonlinear range, are wasted to
temporarily stored recoverable strain energy. Fig. 3 compares the hysteretic energy time histories as
well as the force-displacement hysteretic responses of the KH and the pinching SDOFs with a period
of T = 1.0sec. Both oscillators were subjected to the same ground motion record, which was scaled to
R = 2.0. As evident from the presented graphs, the hysteretic energy absorbed by the pinching model is
higher (see Fig. 3a). This outcome holds ground on the fact that for low R values, the systems undergo
only a limited number of nonlinear excursions (see Fig. 3b) and thus the advantage of the fuller KH
loops towards hysteretic energy dissipation is not completely utilized. On the contrary, the pinching
system displays hysteretic energy absorption even when cycling below the plastic plateau, thus
steadily dissipating energy (rather than temporarily storing it) as seen in Fig. 3b. It is worth pointing
out that, for this particular scaled ground motion, the pinching system, despite its superior energy
dissipation capacity exhibits a higher peak deformation (see Fig. 3b) compared to the KH system.
Eventually, the fuller loops of the KH model will assert themselves in terms of energy dissipation at
higher intensities, as shown, e.g., by the shape of the fractile IDA results in Fig. 4a, and should
provide it with the presumed advantage suggested by quasi-static tests.

Table 1. Summarized comparison of the quasi-statically and dynamically dissipated hysteretic energy versus the
displacement response for the considered hysteretic models (T = 1.0sec). All quantities are shown as median
values of response ratios normalized by the kinematic strain hardening system.
peak- flag- nonlinear
Loading response curved KH pinching
oriented shaped elastic
Quasi-static eqst 0.64 0.58 0.30 0.29 0.00
edyn,50% 2.35 1.39 0.79 1.83 ~0
rmax,50% 0.90 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.17
R = 1.5
rres,50% 0.22 1.34 ~0 0.76 ~0
edyn,50% 1.52 1.22 0.81 1.36 ~0
rmax,50% 0.92 1.02 1.07 1.04 1.33
R = 2.0
rres,50% 0.18 1.48 ~0 0.81 ~0
edyn,50% 0.96 1.02 0.69 0.86 ~0
rdis,50% 0.99 0.95 1.14 1.06 1.50
R = 4.0
rres,50% 0.29 1.28 ~0 0.70 ~0

(a) hysteretic energy (b) force-displacement loops

Figure 3. Hysteretic energy time histories and force-displacement hysteretic loops for kinematic hardening and
pinching models (T = 1.0sec), for a single record scaled to R = 2.0.

However, Table 1 shows that any superior hysteretic energy dissipation performance does not seem to
be reflected in the evaluated maximum or residual displacement demands. Across the whole intensity
range, KH, peak-oriented, pinching and curved KH systems share practically the same dmax response.
This trend is illustrated for the pinching system in Fig. 4b. Furthermore, the pinching and curved KH
models clearly have superior performance in terms of residual displacement compared to the KH at all
levels of intensity.

(a) total hysteretic energy ratio, edyn (b) maximum displacement ratio, rmax

Figure 4. Hysteretic energy and maximum displacement ratios of the pinching normalized by the KH model for
T = 1.0sec.

Regarding the flag-shaped system, although it was found to dissipate in the median sense 20-30% less
energy than the KH model (see Table 1) the reported values for the peak displacements are only
marginally higher. Even so, the wide dispersions appearing in Figs 5a and 5b suggest that there are
several records that combine both lower dissipation and lower peak displacement compared to the KH

(a) total hysteretic energy ratio, edyn (b) maximum displacement ratio, rmax

Figure 5. The 16, 50, 84% fractiles of response ratios for the flag-shaped over the kinematic hardening model
for T = 1.0sec.

For the boundary non-dissipating nonlinear elastic model the computed results suggest that the median
maximum displacements are in general higher, reaching an approximately 40-50% higher median at R
= 4.0 compared to that predicted by the KH benchmark model. Nevertheless, it should be taken into
account that this increase in the maximum deformation demands may well counterbalanced by the fact
that the two self-centering systems together with the curved KH one, display the lowest values of rres,
aided by their unloading behavior that, as shown in Fig. 1, tends to relieve some or all of the maximum
displacement when returning to rest. This may be considered to be a clear advancement against the
other examined models.

In conclusion, it can be inferred from the presented results that observations in cyclic loading tests
regarding the hysteretic behavior of a system are neither representative nor stable indicators for its
potential dynamic energy dissipation. Furthermore, the superior hysteretic energy dissipation
performance does not seem to be reflected in the evaluated maximum or residual displacement
demands. Thus, it is not the area of the loops themselves that seems to matter but rather the finer
details of the hysteretic rules.


Considering a range of story-level oscillators with varying hysteretic characteristics it was examined
by means of incremental dynamic analyses whether the dissipated hysteretic energy can serve as a
useful seismic performance indicator. The study reveals that, hysteretic dissipated energy is not
consistently well-correlated to seismic performance. Other force-deformation characteristics, such as
the shape and curvature of the backbone and whether it shows self-centering behavior or not, have a
more profound influence on the response of structural systems. Therefore we propose that some care
should be exercised whenever discussing the energy-dissipation characteristics of different systems,
since the reliability of this measure for comparison in terms of seismic performance is questionable.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the European Research Executive Agency via Marie Curie
grant PCIG09-GA-2011-293855.


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