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Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.

0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition

PCM: Practice Management

Business Operations Pay special attention to this spotlight content

ARE 5.0 AHPP 15E


Assess resources 5: Organizational Development 220 Firm Organizational Structure

within the practice
5: Organizational Development 224 The Making of a Creative and a Learning Community

8: Human Resources 498 Appraisals and Evaluations

10: Design Project Management 622 Project Budgeting

Apply the regulations 3: Career Development 52 The Basis for the Regulation of the Practice of Architecture
and requirements
governing the work 8: Human Resources 464 The Function of Compensation in an Architecture Firm
environment Sidebar: Employee Benefit Programs (Pg 471)

9: Design Project Delivery 560 Business-Related Issues

Risk Management and Insurance (Pg 560)

16: Risk Management 1008 Terminology: What Does All This Mean?

Apply ethical 1: Ethics and Professional Practice 3 History of the AIA Code of Ethics
standards to comply Sidebar: The Six Canons of the AIA Code of Ethics
(Pg 4)
with accepted
principles within a
5: Organizational Development 177 Claims Avoidance
given situation Backgrounder: Copyright Law for Architects (Pg 180)

1: Ethics and Professional Practice 13 Four Ways to Think About Ethics

1: Ethics and Professional Practice 21 Professional Ethics

Apply appropriate 5: Organizational Development 169 Common Claims Against Architects

Standard of Care
within a given 16: Risk Management 990 No. 4: Negotiation and Contracts
situation Heightened Standard of Care (Pg 992)

16: Risk Management 1026 Building Information Modeling

BIM and the Standard of Care (Pg 1027)

17: Agreements and AIA 1041 Prerequisites for, and Basic Terms of, a Legal Contract
Document Program Implied Terms and the Architect’s Standard of Care
(Pg 1043)
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition

PCM: Practice Management

Finances, Risk, & Development of Practice Pay special attention to this spotlight content

ARE 5.0 AHPP 15E


Evaluate the 7: Financial Management 409 All

financial well-being 422 Financial Reports
of a practice

Identify practice 16: Risk Management 989 How Does The Architect Manage Risk
policies and Making Better Agreements (Pg 995)
methodologies for 1007 Risks for Architects
risk, legal exposures, Sidebar: A Case Study: Commercial General Liability
(Pg 1020)
and resolutions
1033 Dispute Resolution Methods: Mediation, Arbitration, and
1044 Types of Agreement
1046 Special Considerations
1051 Legal and Risk Management Considerations
1053 Completing and Modifying the Standard
AIA Agreement Forms

Select and apply 5: Organizational Development 177 Claims Avoidance

practice strategies Backgrounder: Project Documentation (Pg 178)
for a given business
situation and policy 15: Project Definition 952 All
961 All
975 All
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition

PCM: Practice Management

Practice-Wide Delivery of Services Pay special attention to this spotlight content

ARE 5.0 AHPP 15E


Analyze and 6: Marketing and 332 The Proposal Process

determine response Business Development Reading the RFP (Pg 382)
for client services
requests 16: Risk Management 995 No. 4: Negotiation and Contracts
Making Better Agreements (Pg 995)

17: Agreements and 1046 Special Considerations

AIA Document Program Nature and Extent of the Architect’s Undertaking
(Pg 1049)

Analyze applicability 5: Organizational Development 169 Common Claims Against Architects

of contract types and Vicarious Liability (Pg 173)
delivery methods
9: Design Project Delivery 513 Methods of Project Delivery

10: Design Project Management 661 The Contractual Framework

719 Administration of the Construction Contract
Changes in the Work (Pg 726)

15: Project Definition 958 Steps for Defining Services

Monitor and Manage Changes in Scope (Pg 958)
960 Changes in Services

17: Agreements and 1046 Special Considerations

AIA Document Program The Delivery Method (Pg 1050)

Determine 15: Project Definition 961 Basis of Fees: Value, Effort, and Risk
potential risk and/or
reward of a project 16: Risk Management 989 Backgrounder: Risk in Design (Pg 1005)
and its impact on
the practice
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition

PCM: Practice Management

Practice Methodologies Pay special attention to this spotlight content

ARE 5.0 AHPP 15E


Analyze the 5: Organizational Development 187 Design Firm Business Models

impact of practice Backgrounder: Firm Legal Structures (Pg 199)
Table 5.1: Summary of Legal Structures
relative to structure
14: Research in Practice 903 Trends in Architectural Research
and organization Evidence-Based Design (Pg 903)
of the practice
935 Backgrounder: Researchers in Professional Practice:
Understanding Challenges to an Evidence-Based Practice
Model in Architecture for Health (Pg 935)
937 All

5: Organizational Development 220 Firm Organizational Structure

Evaluate design, 11: Technology in Practice 745 Values and Applications

coordination, and Documentation (Pg 749)
methodologies 12: Quality Management 811 All
for the practice

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