Ahpp15e Are5 PCM
Ahpp15e Are5 PCM
Ahpp15e Are5 PCM
Apply the regulations 3: Career Development 52 The Basis for the Regulation of the Practice of Architecture
and requirements
governing the work 8: Human Resources 464 The Function of Compensation in an Architecture Firm
environment Sidebar: Employee Benefit Programs (Pg 471)
16: Risk Management 1008 Terminology: What Does All This Mean?
Apply ethical 1: Ethics and Professional Practice 3 History of the AIA Code of Ethics
standards to comply Sidebar: The Six Canons of the AIA Code of Ethics
(Pg 4)
with accepted
principles within a
5: Organizational Development 177 Claims Avoidance
given situation Backgrounder: Copyright Law for Architects (Pg 180)
17: Agreements and AIA 1041 Prerequisites for, and Basic Terms of, a Legal Contract
Document Program Implied Terms and the Architect’s Standard of Care
(Pg 1043)
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition
Identify practice 16: Risk Management 989 How Does The Architect Manage Risk
policies and Making Better Agreements (Pg 995)
methodologies for 1007 Risks for Architects
risk, legal exposures, Sidebar: A Case Study: Commercial General Liability
(Pg 1020)
and resolutions
1033 Dispute Resolution Methods: Mediation, Arbitration, and
1044 Types of Agreement
1046 Special Considerations
1051 Legal and Risk Management Considerations
1053 Completing and Modifying the Standard
AIA Agreement Forms
Determine 15: Project Definition 961 Basis of Fees: Value, Effort, and Risk
potential risk and/or
reward of a project 16: Risk Management 989 Backgrounder: Risk in Design (Pg 1005)
and its impact on
the practice
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition