Assess criteria 10: Design Project Management 589 Facilitating the Project
required to allocate Table 10.11: Example of a Milestone Chart
and manage project 621
15: Project Definition 964 Types of Services
Develop and maintain 10: Design Project Management 621 The Importance of Project Work Planning
project work plan 627 The Project Work Planning Process
632 Scheduling
Interpret key 17: Agreements and 1055 Forming Relationships to Accomplish Project Goals
elements of, and AIA Document Program Figure 9.1: Relationships of Project Participants (Pg 510)
Architect-Consultant Agreements (Pg 1056)
verify adherence to
Interpret key 17: Agreements and 1085 The Parts of a Construction Contract
elements of the AIA Document Program Figure 9.1: Relationships of Project Participants (Pg 510)
Owner-Contractor Agreements (Pg 1085)
Interpret key 17: Agreements and 1055 Forming Relationships to Accomplish Project Goals
elements of the owner/ AIA Document Program Figure 9.1: Relationships of Project Participants (Pg 510)
Owner-Retained Consultants (Pg 1059)
consultant agreement
to integrate the
consultant work
into the project
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition
Evaluate compliance 10: Design Project Management 597 Effort of Client Expectations on the Project
with construction Monitoring Client Objectives (Pg 598)
budget 634 Monitoring
Evaluate and address 5: Organizational Development 169 Common Claims Against Architects
changes in scope of Changes in Scope of Service (Pg 173)
work and scope creep
10: Design Project Management 634 Monitoring
719 Administration of the Construction Contract
Changes in the Work (Pg 726)
Evaluate project 10: Design Project Management 673 Methodologies in Construction Drawings
documentation to Figure 9.2: Characteristics of Project Delivery
Methods (Pg 512)
ensure it supports
the specified delivery 729 All
Identify and conform 4: Public Interest Design 159 Civic and Community Engagement: Land Use Policy,
with the requirements Zoning, and Building Codes
Planning and Zoning Commissions (Pg 159)
set forth by authorities
having jurisdiction
13: Building Codes, Standards 868 Code Enforcement
in order to obtain and Regulations 886 The Role of Government in Planning
approvals for the
Zoning (Pg 891)
Navigating the Architect Registration Examination® (5.0) with The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition
Apply procedures 1: Ethics and Professional Practice 3 History of the AIA Code of Ethics
required for Limitations Imposed by Antitrust Law (Pg 3)
adherence to laws
and regulations 1: Ethics and Professional Practice 25 Art vs. Science in Architecture
relating to the project
3: Career Development 52 The Basis for the Regulation of the Practice of Architecture
13: Building Codes, Standards 858 History of the U.S. Code Documents
and Regulations Table 13.1: AIA Policy on Building Codes (Pg 859)
890 The Planning and Regulatory Environment