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% Name: Song Yiheng % ID: 29275873 % Date Created: Aug 23 %% Lab 4 Task1 % Prompt User To Input The Shape They Want To Choose

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% Name: Song Yiheng

% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
clear all; clear all; clc;
%% Lab 4 Task1
% prompt user to input the shape they want to
fprintf('Shapes(ID Number):
shape = input('Input the wanted shape(ID

% Square
if shape == 1
square_sidelength = input ('Enter the side
length of the square:');
square_area = square_sidelength *
fprintf('--------\nThe area of the square
is %.2f',square_area)
% Rectangle shape
elseif shape == 2
rectangle_width = input('Enter the width of the
rectangle_height = input('Enter the height of
the rectangle:')
rectangle_area = rectangle_width *
fprintf('--------\nThe area of the rectangle
is %.2f', rectangle_area)
elseif shape == 3
circle_radii = input('Enter the radii of the
circle_area = pi*cicle_radii*circle_radii;
fprintf('--------\nThe area of the circle
is %.2f', circle_area)
function n_fac = stirling_appro(n)

n_fac = (sqrt(2*pi*n))*((n/exp(1))^n);

% Name: Song Yiheng

% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
% Function file for task
% n is an input argument

% Name: Song Yiheng

% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
clear all; clear all; clc;
%% Lab 4 Task 2
% Enter value of n
n = input('Enter an Integer Number: ');

%Call the function

n_fac = stirling_appro(n);
nfac_round = round(n_fac);

%If Statement
if mod(nfac_round,2)==0 && mod(nfac_round,3)~=0 &&
nfac_str = 'divisible by 2 only but not
divisible by 3 and 7';
elseif mod(nfac_round,3)==0 && mod(nfac_round,2)~=0
&& mod(nfac_round,7)~=0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 3 only but not
divisible by 2 and 7';
elseif mod(nfac_round,7)==0 && mod(nfac_round,3)~=0
&& mod(nfac_round,2)~=0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 7 only but not
divisible by 2 and 3';
elseif mod(nfac_round,2)==0 && mod(nfac_round,3)==0
&& mod(nfac_round,7)~=0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 2 and 3 but not
divisible by 7';
elseif mod(nfac_round,2)==0 && mod(nfac_round,7)==0
&& mod(nfac_round,3)~=0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 2 and 7 but not
divisible by 3';
elseif mod(nfac_round,3)==0 && mod(nfac_round,7)==0
&& mod(nfac_round,2)~=0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 3 and 7 but not
divisible by 2';
elseif mod(nfac_round,2)==0 && mod(nfac_round,3)==0
&& mod(nfac_round,7)==0
nfac_str = 'divisible by 2,3 and 7';
elseif mod(nfac_round,3)~=0 && mod(nfac_round,2)~=0
&& mod(nfac_round,7)~=0
nfac_str = 'not divisble by 2, 3 and 7';

fprintf('The n value is %.0f and its approximated

factorial is %f and its rounded number
is %s.\n',n,n_fac,nfac_str)
% Name: Song Yiheng
% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
clear all; clear all; clc;
%% Lab 4 Task 3
% Extract value from txt file
row1 = fgetl(fid);
temp = str2num(row1);

%% Plot temperature against day

d = linspace(1,50,50);
title('Temperature against Time')
hold on

%% Elimate noisy data

index = (temp>0 & temp<45);
Temp = temp(index);
day = d(index);
% Plot and label
legend('Valid Temperatures Values against the
Corresponding Valid Time')
% Name: Song Yiheng
% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
clear all; clear all; clc;
%% Lab 4 Task 4
P = linspace(1,8,8);
W = [95 45 76 88 51 50 61 105];
H = [1.87 1.6 1.72 1.61 1.5 1.61 1.58 1.83];
BSA = 0.007184*(W.^0.425).*(H.^0.725);


fprintf(file_id,'BSA value of each person\n');
fprintf(file_id,'%10s %10s %10s %10s\n','Person#','
fprintf(file_id,'%10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n',[P'
W' H' BSA']');
% Name: Song Yiheng
% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
clear all; clear all; clc;
%% Lab 4 Task 5
% Import the data
X = importdata('ENG1060studentmarks.txt');
num_data = X.data;
ID = num_data(:,1);
lab_mark = num_data(:,2:11);
assignment1 = num_data (:,12);
lab = sum(lab_mark')/10*2;
assignment = assignment1';

% Call out function

[internalmarks] = internalgradecalc

% Ask to input ID number

index = input('Enter your ID number: ');

% Creating an if statement for determining the

internal mark
if index==ID(1,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,1);
elseif index==ID(2,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,2);
elseif index==ID(3,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,3);
elseif index==ID(4,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,4);
elseif index==ID(5,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,5);
elseif index==ID(6,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,6);
elseif index==ID(7,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,7);
elseif index==ID(8,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,8);
elseif index==ID(9,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,9);
elseif index==ID(10,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,10);
elseif index==ID(11,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,11);
elseif index==ID(12,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,12);
elseif index==ID(13,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,13);
elseif index==ID(14,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,14);
elseif index==ID(15,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,15);
elseif index==ID(16,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,16);
elseif index==ID(17,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,17);
elseif index==ID(18,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,18);
elseif index==ID(19,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,19);
elseif index==ID(20,1);
mark = internalmarks(1,20);

% Print to the command window

fprintf('Student ID: %.0f\nYour internal marks
is %.2f%%.\n',index,mark);

function [internalmarks] = internalgradecalc

internalmarks = lab+assignment;
% Name: Song Yiheng
% ID: 29275873
% Date created: Aug 23
% Function file for task 5 which calculate the
internal marks by adding lab
% marks and assignment marks

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