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Lab 2: Microwave Optics: mλ=dsinθ

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Dustin Mehrtens

Lab 2: Microwave Optics

Phys 321L

The purpose of this lab was to measure the wavelength of microwaves using a microwave
transmitter and intensity receiver. Using the characteristics of electromagnetic waves in diffraction and
interference the wavelength is calculated. Also in this experiment using the microwave transmitter and
intensity receiver, materials were tested and classified as reflectors, transmitters, or both of
microwaves. With one of these reflectors the law of reflection can be verified. Lastly, Malus’ Law was
verified using diachoric polarization of microwaves using the microwave transmitter and intensity
receiver. The accepted wavelength of microwaves in the area of 10 -2 meters.

This experiment’s main goal was to measure the wavelength of microwaves. Using the
characteristics of electromagnetic waves the wavelength can be calculated. First the wavelength is
calculated by using Young’s Double Slit Experiment. For this the condition of constructive interference is


Where m is the order of maximum observed, θ is angle between the intensity peak and the direction
of the propagation of the microwave, and d is the distance between the slits (for d must be greater than

Wavelength is also calculated using the characteristic of wave interference. The Michelson
interferometer showcases this effect by splitting a beam into two and then bringing them back together
using mirrors to study the interference. When the beam is rejoined one beam has had it path altered by
x amount. The resulting interference calculates the wavelength.

2 x=mλ

Where x is the distance between maximum and m is the order of maximum observed.

All condensed matter will have an effect on an electromagnetic wave that incidents it. Matter can
either be classified as a reflector or transmitter; some matter will have characteristics of both. If
electromagnetic waves can pass through the matter than it is a transmitter, if electromagnetic waves are
diverted onto another vector the material is a reflector. Some materials, such as glass, will both reflect
waves and transmit waves.

The law of reflection states that when electromagnetic waves hit a reflector it will reflect at the
same angle to the normal as it incidents.

When the microwaves are run through a diachoric polarizer, polarized waves are produced. This
allows tests to prove Malus’ Law. Malus’ Law shows that intensity of polarized light is a function of the
unpolarized incident and the square of the cosine theta of the transmission axis.

Dustin Mehrtens

I =I o cos2 θ

Where I o is the incident intensity, I is the transmitted intensity, and θ is the angle between the
polarization of the electromagnetic wave and the transmission axis.

The equipment required to perform this experiment included a microwave transmitter, a microwave
intensity receiver, diachoric polarizer, half wave reflector, double slit, metal reflectors, two salt prisms,
materials to test for reflection or transmission (i.e. wood, glass, paperboard, etc.), a spectrometer table
with four arms and a meter stick.

Equipment Set Up
1. Place the spectrometer table on a level table.
2. Set the rails so they are 90° from each other.

Mauls’ Law
1. Set the microwave transmitter and intensity receiver so they are across from each other and at a
maximum intensity.
2. Place the diachoric polarizer directly in the middle and perpendicular to the microwave
transmitter and intensity receiver.
3. Take intensity readings by moving the receiver 10° over a interval of 0° to 90°.

Reflection/Transmission Test
1. Set the microwave transmitter and intensity receiver so they are across from each other.
2. Place a piece of material to be tested for reflection or transmission at a 45° instance.
3. Take reading for the intensity
4. Move the receiver so it is 90° from the transmitter and take a reading for the intensity.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all materials being tested for reflection and transmission.

Young’s Double Slit for Wavelength

1. Set the microwave transmitter and intensity receiver so they are across from each other and at a
maximum intensity.
2. Record the distance between the slits on the double slit.
3. Place the double slit in the middle and perpendicular to the transmitter and intensity receiver.
4. Record the intensity (this should be a maximum).
5. Move the receiver in both the clockwise and counter-clockwise direction and record the angle
where intensity is a maximum.

Michelson Interferometer for Wavelength

1. Set the microwave transmitter and intensity receiver so they are 90° from each other.
2. Place the half intensity reflector so the beam splits into 2 paths, one reflected and one
transmitted (the half intensity reflector should bisect the 90° angle between the microwave
transmitter and receiver).
3. Two full wave reflectors should be placed the 90° to each other and to the microwave
transmitter and receiver.
4. Find a maxima by moving one of the full wave reflectors.

Dustin Mehrtens

5. Record the distance between three consecutive maxima.

The data, and results of calculation for the wavelength of microwaves, is attached. The data for the
intensities recorded to test materials for reflection and transmission is additionally attached. Also
attached are the data and results of calculations to verify Malus’ Law. A sketch of the polarization
direction is below:

Provided below are the calculations for the Young’s Double slit experiment for the first angle maxima.
Angle Between Peak and Direction of Propagation (θ): 20°
Distance Between Slits (d): 0.073 m
Maximum Order Observed (m): 1


1 λ=0.073sin 20

λ=.0256 meters

The error for the wavelength was calculated the following way. The average error in the angle
measured was ∆ θ= √ N ( 1 ) , where N is the number and 1 is the error value. The error for the
distance measured between the slits is ∆ d= √ N ( 0.001 ) , where N is the number and 0.001 is the
error value. Finally,
∆d 2 2

∆ λ=
d ( ) ( ( ))
sin θ

Provided below are the calculations for the Michelson Interferometer for the first maxima.
Distance Between Maxima (x): 0.014meters
Maximum Order Observed (m): 1

2 x=mλ

2 ( 0.014 ) =( 1 ) λ

Dustin Mehrtens

λ=0.280 meters

The error for the wavelength was calculated the following way. The average error in the angle
measured was ∆ x= √ N ( 0.001 ) , where N is the number and 0.001 is the error value. So, the error
on the wavelength for the Michelson Interferometer is

∆x 2
∆ λ=2 λx ( )

Provided below are the calculations to verify Malus’ Law when the transmission angle is 10°.
Angle Polarization and Transmission (θ): 10°
Incident Intensity (Io): 51.5 watts per meter squared

I =I o cos2 θ

I =( 51.5 ) cos2 10

I =49.9 watts per meter squared

To calculate percent error and the validity of the experiment and Malus’ Law the following was

|( Theorectical−Exoperimental )|

In conclusion, the average wavelength of microwaves are in the area of 0.028 meters, well within
the accepted range of 10-2 meters. With the calculated error the values are still valid, a very miniscule
amount of error for the Young’s Double Slit experiment, 6.3*10 -9 meters, and a small amount for the
Michelson Interferometer, 0.000276 meters. Malus’ law was also verified. As seen in the Malus’ Law
table, the angles cosine squared had a linear effect on the intensity. The average percent error was 17%,
while this is quite large the table still shows the characteristics of Malus’ Law. A large quantity of error
may be due to inaccuracies with the receiver as it has a large range of error, or some microwaves may
have been lost to space. Lastly materials were tested for transmittance and reflection; they are classified
in the table below. In terms of the salt prisms when only one prism is present it is purely a reflector.
When a second prism is present with the first prism it becomes a transmitter. With the absence of the
45° angle on on of the edges of the prism the beam only incidents both prisms perpendicular to them,
this in turn causes the beam to pass straight through.

Material Classification
Copper Reflector
Aluminum Reflector
Wood Both

Dustin Mehrtens

Glass Both
Particle Board Transmitter

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