Eval of Der 02
Eval of Der 02
Eval of Der 02
D. T. Rizy
R. H. Staunton
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 1
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................ 22
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
List of Figures
A.1 Capacity support provided by DER at the load point .................................................................... A-5
A.2 Capacity support provided by DER upstream of load ................................................................... A-5
A.3 Voltage support provided by DER at the load point...................................................................... A-7
A.4 Voltage support provided by DER upstream of load..................................................................... A-7
A.5 System loss reduction provided by DER at the load point ............................................................ A-9
A.6 System loss reduction provided by DER up steam of load point .................................................. A-9
A.7 Diminishing capacity support from DER at the load.....................................................................A-11
A.8 Diminishing voltage support from DER at the load ......................................................................A-11
List of Tables
2.1 Distribution system analysis software vendors and products including URLs .............................. 3
3.1 Basic analysis tools ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Analysis capabilities of each distribution system analysis tool...................................................... 19
3.3 Optimization analysis tools ............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Equipment models .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 On-screen design and editing ......................................................................................................... 14
3.6 Display and reporting ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Add-on module analysis tools ........................................................................................................ 17
3.8 Other features ................................................................................................................................. 18
A.1 Parameters relating to the five Southern utility feeders................................................................. A-3
A.2 Modeling cases - DER sizes and placements ................................................................................ A-4
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
The term “Distributed energy resources” or DER refers to a variety of compact, mostly self-
contained power-generating technologies that can be combined with energy management and
storage systems and used to improve the operation of the electricity distribution system, whether
or not those technologies are connected to an electricity grid. Implementing DER can be as
simple as installing a small electric generator to provide backup power at an electricity
consumer's site. Or it can be a more complex system, highly integrated with the electricity grid
and consisting of electricity generation, energy storage, and power management systems. DER
devices provide opportunities for greater local control of electricity delivery and consumption.
They also enable more efficient utilization of waste heat in combined cooling, heating and power
(CHP) applications — boosting efficiency and lowering emissions. CHP systems can provide
electricity, heat and hot water for industrial processes, space heating and cooling, refrigeration,
and humidity control to improve indoor air quality.
Market forces in the restructured electricity markets are making DER, both more common and
more active in the distribution systems throughout the US [2]. If DER devices can be made even
more competitive with central generation sources this trend will become unstoppable. In
response, energy providers will be forced to both fully acknowledge the trend and plan for
accommodating DER [3]. With bureaucratic barriers [4], lack of time/resources, tariffs, etc. still
seen in certain regions of the country, changes still need to be made. Given continued technical
advances in DER, the time is fast approaching
when the industry, nation-wide, must not only
accept DER freely but also provide or review
in-depth technical assessments of how DER
should be integrated into and managed
throughout the distribution system.1
Characterization studies are needed to fully
understand how both the utility system and
DER devices themselves will respond to all
reasonable events (e.g., grid disturbances,
faults, rapid growth, diverse and multiple DER
systems, large reactive loads). Some of this
This process has already begun in earnest. California is one of the first states to establish a standard
practice for DER interconnection. In October 1999, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
issued an order (99-10-025) addressing interconnection standards. Subsequent rulemaking has created
specifications for standard interconnection, operating, and metering requirements for DER.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 1. Introduction
Software for DER Applications
work has already begun as it relates to operation and control of DER [5] and microturbine
performance characterization [6,7].
One of the most urgently needed tools that can provide these types of analyses is a distribution
network analysis program in combination with models for various DER. Together, they can be
used for (1) analyzing DER placement in distribution networks and (2) helping to ensure that
adequate transmission reliability is maintained. Surveys of the market show products that
represent a partial match to these needs; specifically, software that has been developed to plan
electrical distribution systems and analyze reliability (in a near total absence of DER). The first
part of this study (Sections 2 and 3 of the report) looks at a number of these software programs
and provides both summary descriptions and comparisons. The second part of this study (Section
4 of the report) considers the suitability of these analysis tools for DER studies. It considers
steady state modeling and assessment work performed by ORNL using one commercially
available tool on feeder data provided by a southern utility. Appendix A provides a technical
report on the results of this modeling effort.
A primary reason for performing the DER steady-state analysis study was to determine the
adequacy of presently available software-based distribution system
analysis tools for studying electric distribution systems with interconnected
DER and the technical issues related to their operation. One selected tool
was tested to see how well it could assess the benefits and impacts of
introducing DER, in this case a distributed generator (DG) representing a
microturbine, fuel cell, or some other small DG device, to the distribution
network (see Section 4). The study lists several recommendations for
enhancements that are needed to transform these distribution analysis tools
into ones that can support a full scope of
DER analyses. Such a tool would be able
to provide analyses and system
optimizations of dynamic distribution
networks featuring high levels of diverse
DER penetration. [Sources of DER shown
in the Introduction are wind (right,
previous page), solar (left, previous page),
a 200 kW fuel cell (left), and 30 kW microturbine (right).]
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
Table 2.1. Distribution system analysis software vendors and products including URLs
Milsoft http://www.milsoft.com/
WindMil http://www.milsoft.com/windmil.html
EDSA http://www.edsa.com/
Technical 2000 http://www.edsa.com/ACAnalysis.htm
A powerful layered mapping system to which distribution system features may be added and changed as
needed. The system supports mapping, analysis, planning, and decision processes (see gis.com).
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 2. Vendors and Products
Software for DER Applications
EDSA is a diverse company that not only markets numerous distribution system modeling tools,
but also is active in defense programs (i.e., shipbuilding), nuclear power, electric propulsion, and
advanced power system control. EDSA’s Technical 2000 program uses state-of-the-art
algorithms and object-oriented programming technology to enable engineers to conduct balanced,
three-phase and single-phase system load flow studies on almost any network configuration.
Technical 2000 and additional modules provide many capabilities for distribution system analysis
including analyzing motor starting, motor operation, sizing and optimization, power quality (i.e.,
harmonic analysis), and DC Power Flow Analysis (providing voltage profiles on main bus and
split bus). The actual features available to the analyst using Technical 2000 depend on the
package that is purchased (i.e., 9 packages offered over a wide price range) and/or what selected
`features may have been added on since the original purchase.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
These software tools were all developed independently and are being marketed independently.
Therefore the features that are presented for each vary considerably and making comparisons can
be complex. One company may advertise “circuit element editors” while another may consider it
a feature that buyers would take for granted and thus not necessary to make mention of. Others
will go into great detail in discussing “control of line widths, symbol sizes, color of phases” while
another will be more concise (i.e., general) in the product description. Some will place marketing
emphasis on the wide array of versatile on-screen editing features while another will do the same
for the many different types of reports and summaries that can be generated. Because of these
differences, it is not always possible to achieve a high level of precision in the comparison of
software in this study. Therefore, just because a particular feature is not shown3 as included in a
product, does not mean with 100% certainty that it does not exist. The comparison is of use
partly in portraying the general emphases that each vendor has given to their product. It is likely
that those emphases are generally reflecting the strongest features that the product offers.
As part of ORNL’s broader investigation of these software tools, CYMDIST was used in a
number of feeder analyses (see Sect. 4). Therefore, the accuracy and detail pertaining to this
product may be slightly enhanced in this report. This should not be seen as an endorsement of the
product; in fact, ORNL is in no way endorsing any product but simply reviewing each with the
primary goals of (1) determining how capable each tool may be for analyzing DER
interconnections and (2) summarizing how the tools need to expand in order to fully support DER
Table 3.1 shows a summary of some of the most basic analysis tool features provided by
PSS/ADEPT, WindMil, CYMDIST, and Technical 2000. The table lists the most fundamental
feature first – load flow.
All of the analysis tools described in this report provide ac power flow or load flow analysis from
a distribution system model of various electrical components. Load flow is needed to determine
the steady state operation of a system under various load demand, source supply, and network
configuration of pathways. Provided that load consumption or demand is known at all busses, the
load flow analysis can be used to determine (1) voltage magnitude and phase angle at each bus,
(2) power flow in each branch (e.g., transformers and lines), (3) power consumption at each
power generation source, and (4) system losses. Once this information is derived, the model can
Rather than deal in categories such as unknown, not included, partially included, not applicable, etc., it
was decided to leave blank boxes to cover such cases and focus on known features. Listing only known
features makes them stand out in the table, facilitating comparisons.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
be adjusted to assure that all loads are supplied with power within specified limits of operation.
The adjustments may include, (1) generator set points, (2) transformer tap selection, (3) reactive
power compensation, and (4) making emergency power available to satisfy voltage operating
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
The load flow analysis normally uses the Newton-Raphson [8] and decoupled [8] iterative
techniques but can also use the ladder load flow technique [9-12] to solve for voltage and current
unknowns from the algebraic quadratic equations that describe the distribution system network.
The load flow routine is used to calculate bus voltage magnitudes and/or angles (line-to-line, line-
to-neutral), branch power, losses, voltage drop, current magnitudes and/or angles, shunt device
power, and losses. The results (i.e., bus voltage and angle, current flow and angle, line losses) are
available on a phase-by-phase basis for nodes, branches (e.g., lines, switches, transformers,
cables, and series capacitors/reactors), and shunt devices (e.g., generators, motors, and
capacitors). The power flow calculations are used to check for under/over voltage, overloads, and
assessment of losses.
All four analysis tools can model balanced or unbalanced, looped or radial systems with any
combination of three-phase, two-phase, or single-phase laterals. Distribution lines can be
modeled as 3-phase, two phase, or single-phase and as either overhead conductors or as
underground cables. The line models are modeled as pi-equivalent [8,13].
WindMil can model loads lumped at either end of line sections or assumed uniformly distributed
over the line section. Loads can be Wye or Delta connected, constant KVA, constant impedance,
constant current, or any combination of constant KVA, impedance, and current.
CYMDIST can model one spot (i.e., lumped) load and/or one uniformly distributed load in each
section. The spot load can be located at the source end, middle, or far end of the section. The
loads can be expressed in terms of real and reactive power, total apparent power and power
factor, or real power and power factor. As with WindMil, loads can also be represented by
constant KVA, constant impedance, and/or constant current.
Technical 2000 is quite unique in accommodating DC systems and devices in its distribution
system analyses and performing DC power flow using the Newton-Raphson method. As
indicated in the table, Technical 2000 will model both DC and combined AC/DC systems in the
load flow analysis. This strength, which has high importance in DER systems, will be reflected
repeatedly in this report.
A major analysis feature shown in the table is short-circuit analysis. Short-circuit analyses, in
general, calculate fault current for three-phase, phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground, and double-
phase-to-ground faults. Normally, the fault impedance is set to a default value but can be varied
by the user. PSS/ADEPT can perform short-circuit analysis for either individual faults or a series
of faults placed at any node in the distribution system. Alternatively, PSS/ADEPT can analyze
faults applied sequentially to all nodes in the network. Likewise, WindMil will calculate fault
current for all or selected points in the system and voltage/current flow for a specified fault at a
given point. CYMDIST calculates RMS and asymmetrical and peak values for all shunt fault
configurations. Its fault flow and fault voltage routine provides current flow and voltages
throughout the network for a fault in a selected bus.
The EDSA fault simulation includes a broad array of features and includes single- and three-
phase analyses, DC analysis, and calculations based on a number of standards.4 Although the
IEEE std 141-1986 and 242-1986, IEEE std 399 Violet Book, ANSI C37, IEC 909, and IEC 363.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
features of the module are too many to list, some of the most important include:
The WindMil motor analysis or “motor start flicker” models one or multiple motors (based on
rated load and speed parameters) at any combination of 3 operating modes: running, locked rotor,
and/or during soft start. The model permits unbalanced motor starting for single-phase motors
and for three-phase motors on unbalanced circuits (e.g., three-phase motor connected to two-
phase primary through an open Wye-Delta transformer). The graphical display of the results uses
colors to indicate problems.
The Technical 2000 Motor Starting Analysis is designed to include a variable frequency drive,
solid state torque ramp, solid state voltage ramp & control, solid state current limit & ramp, shunt
capacitance, series resistance and reactance, auto transformer, and more. (The motor parameters
estimation is based on a sequential augmented Lagrangian optimization algorithm.)
The WindMil “Set Regulation” or “Line Drop Compensation” feature helps to define voltage and
regulator settings. It permits the analyst to specify the low and high voltage limits, the most
desirable voltage, and the tolerance on regulation settings.
A mention should also be made of EDSA’s AC load flow analysis and its unique main feature,
the automatic voltage control expert system. As seen in Table 3.1 under, “Voltage regulation –
auto settings,” this EDSA voltage control system is listed because of its ability to (1) determine
transformer voltage tap settings required to meet all user specified criteria, (2) determine the level
of reactive power to maintain specified voltage, and (3) automatically calculate the size of a
capacitor (or inductor) required to provide necessary reactive power balance that will bring the
voltage within the user specified guidelines.
This section considers the next-level-down analysis capabilities provided by the vendors. As
indicated in the previous section, load flow analysis is very fundamental to distribution system
analysis. The load flow model lays a foundation that is relied on for many subsequent analyses
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
described in this section that may include evaluations of protection coordination, transient
stability, harmonic distortion levels, and interface to component time-current curves.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Eighty percent (80%) of the analysis features shown in the table are provided by only one or two
vendors reflecting a lack of common features among the 4 vendors. It appears that each vendor
has developed a product with its own unique emphasis and analytical direction. PSS/ADEPT has
a unique focus on lightly meshed systems and network/data validations. Not listed in the table
are their additional (less analytical) features of load scaling, machine scaling, and load snapshots
where the user defines “pictures” of loads. PSS/ADEPT also has useful Input Data Validation
and Network Validation features that allow the analyst to check the network for any bad data or
unusual circumstances (e.g., zero impedance in a line) at any time. This Network Validation can
be initiated by the analyst or can be set up to run prior to performing any analysis. The
PSS/ADEPT harmonic analysis can be used to calculate total harmonic distortion, telephone
influence factor, and Thevenin impedance. The model can be applied to static loads, induction
machines, synchronous machines, shunt capacitors, lines and cables, and transformers. For each
item, the harmonic models can be used to determine the impedance values at a given harmonic
As with PSS/ADEPT, WindMil has an overall check feature, called “Network check,” that looks
for bad data or unusual circumstances. WindMil has its unique focus on the use of component
time-current curves (i.e., from its own LightTable add-on module), charging current, and circuit
transfer. In the circuit transfer, the analyst can extract individual substation or feeders into a
separate database for editing and modeling and then reapply the changes back. WindMil uses
Carson’s Equations [9,13,14] to calculate distribution line constants from physical characteristics
that are provided by the user (spacing, conductor size, pole configuration).
CYMDIST’s unique emphasis includes a module that provides service restoration via automatic
switching solutions that restore power, multiple faults consideration, and multiple objectives
algorithm with priority customer consideration. CYMDIST’s system restoration routine
determines the radial configuration that restores service for an equipment outage. The new
configuration is obtained by changing the switching status (open/closed) of tie switches. Not
listed in the table is the reliability assessment module that is separate and will be discussed later.
As with WindMil, CYMDIST uses Carson’s Equations to calculate distribution line constants
from physical characteristics that are provided by the user (spacing, conductor size, pole
configuration). Two other recently added and noteworthy features in CYMDIST are Load
Growth for Distribution Planning and Load Allocation Using Multiple Meters.
EDSA’s Technical 2000 provides unique capabilities in transient stability simulations and area
interchange control. In the area interchange control, many areas can participate and each has a
dedicated generator for controlling tie-line power.
Table 3.2 does not list all of the analysis features that are included in Technical 2000. Section 3.7
lists 36 features that are either included (depending on what package is initially purchased) or can
be added on (i.e., purchased) later. The standard analysis features that are always included in
Technical 2000 include: AC power flow (1 and 3 phase), AC multi-motor starting, AC short
circuit analysis (3-phase ANSI/IEEE and IEC 909), device coordination (1 phase, 3 phase, and
DC), reactor sizing (power quality), and design optimization algorithms for both arcing fault
calculations and electrical load schedules.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Table 3.3 lists the optimization analysis tools for the different vendors. Feeder or system
reconfiguration for loss minimization is an important tool found in some of the listed products.
This loss minimization routine finds the configuration of the radial network with the lowest total
loss. The configuration is achieved by altering the switching status (open or closed) of tie
switches to form a new radial configuration. The network reconfiguration can be constrained by
branch limits to avoid overloads. PSS/ADEPT calls their routine “tie open point optimization”
and it can consider several load levels simultaneously, each with a relative duration. It finds the
one radial configuration that minimizes overall losses and/or produces the highest financial return
when all these load levels are analyzed. The WindMil version permits the addition of new
switches at the user’s request and does not limit either the size of the system or the number of
possible switching options.
Technical 2000 features an AC Active Optimal Power Flow (AOPF) and Reactive Optimal Power
Flow. AOPF uses an algorithm more sophisticated that either the Newton-Raphson or Fast
Decoupled methods. The AOPF algorithm considers system power generation at a calculated
(rather than specified) condition that will not exceed the maximum load restriction imposed on
the system branches. This is referred to as “branch security.” AOPF can also be used to find the
most economic operating load flow solution while ensuring that all conditions for branch security
are satisfied. The load flow solution is obtained without load shedding when possible.
Loss minimization routines not only minimize loss in a radial network by altering the status of
switches but also by changing the switching state (open or closed) of existing capacitors. During
this routine, voltage limits and branch overload limits are enforced. The WindMil load balance or
tap phasing optimization routine calculates optimal 1- and 2-phase tap phasing based on kW loss
reduction. The WindMil Feeder Optimization analysis calculates optimal switching configuration
for minimal losses and the addition of new switches at the user’s request. The analysis
graphically displays changes in switching status and changes in flow direction using a defined
color scheme.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Table 3.3 also shows that optimal capacitor placement and sizing is available in all of the
products. The PSS/ADEPT version performs optimization for the highest financial return
considering the initial cost of the capacitor, annual maintenance cost of the capacitor, and the
costs of real/reactive power losses. The user of this version chooses the connection type, the size
of the capacitor bank, the number of capacitors available, and the nodes eligible to receive the
capacitors. Also PSS/ADEPT can analyze several load levels at the same time. The WindMil
program provides capacitor placement given single-phase capacitor unit size and percent source
power factor limit. The analyst can allow placement of capacitors on underground (UG) line
elements, 2-phase, or single phase. The program provides a graphical display of recommended
capacitor installations.
Table 3.4 lists the types of equipment that each product models. Of course, lines, transformers,
generators, switches, etc. have to be included in each to support any realistic level of network
modeling. The main value of this table is seeing where modules are needed from certain vendors
and where the scope of modeling may vary (e.g., as seen for motors).
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Equipment models are typically quite versatile. For instance, the PSS/ADEPT transformer model
can be, wye-wye, wye-delta (" 30o), delta-wye (" 30o), delta-delta, wye-connected regulator, and
delta-connected regulator. The transformers can have any phasing (e.g., ABC, AB, BC, CA, A,
B, or C). WindMil and CYMDIST also include all common connections. CYMDIST permits
user-specified grounding impedances and primary side tap setting. In Technical 2000, the AC
power flow feature models fixed tap, voltage control, phase shifter (active power control),
reactive power control, and 2- & 3-winding types. There is also a 1-phase transformer analysis in
the fault simulation analysis.
As part of the load flow/voltage drop routine, the WindMil program models conductors using an
accurate Carson equation-based calculation of line impedance [9,13,14] for overhead and
underground lines from the physical data of the conductor and configuration on the pole. Built-in
conductor definition data is included. Cables can be different in each phase, have unbalanced
spacing, concentric or tape shield neutrals, and extra neutrals.
The generator models provide for the specification of rated power and rated voltage (P&V) and
power factor or real and reactive (P&Q) power. In the case of Technical 2000, a load can be
modeled as a generator (negative load) bus as either constant kVA or impedance.
The motor starting analysis calculates voltage and currents in the network when motors are
started in the system. The before/after network results for starting motors provide the pre-start,
post-start, and difference in the voltages for the network. PSS/ADEPT can perform a motor
starting analysis for individual or multiple machines in the system. The WindMil program
analyzes single or multiple motors with locked rotor, soft start, and/or while running.
This section summarizes screen-editing features as presented by each vendor’s user manuals and
Internet site. The user interface is designed with a one-line diagram display of the network from
which the user can create, edit, and navigate the network using their computer mouse. Also, the
user can typically zoom in or out on a selected portion of the network, node or branch.
Table 3.5 is perhaps only useful in arriving at a general idea of the relative emphasis or
importance that screen editing is given by each vendor as reflected in the user’s manuals and
marketing material. CYME International is clearly proud of their CYMIST editing features (the
table shows only a partial listing of their features); this is a positive indication to their credit.
Table 3.6 summarizes the display and report features of the products. Most of the table shows
various display features however a few reporting features are listed at the bottom. This is another
area where omissions may have only limited significance. For instance, it is doubtful that only
Technical 2000 provides arrow indicators in their power flow display; however, the other vendors
were silent on the subject.
In reporting, PSS/ADEPT can provide customizable tabular reports for fault current, power (kW),
reactive power (kVar), energy cost, demand cost, and maintenance cost. The PSS/ADEPT
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
reports are, branch current, power, and power loss reports; input list of network data report; node
voltage reports; shunt current and power reports; status reports; network summary report; power
flow summary and details; fault all current report; and the optimization reports for both capacitor
and tie open point. Items in the reports may be sorted by device name, node base voltage,
phasing, device type, node name, or tree. Add-on analysis features such as harmonic analysis
produce additional reports (e.g., for this case, harmonic voltage & spectrum, impedance vs.
frequency, and nodal impedance).
WindMil prints out colored graphical displays and tabular reports. New options have been added
for “enhanced sectionalizing” custom reports. The WindMil background display relies on GIS to
create a realistic geographical background to the electrical system model. Using the LandBase
option, the display shows streets, rivers, roads, etc., all of which can be embedded in layers and
supported by database platforms.
CYMDIST’s display seemed very well designed and user-friendly. For example, there are 6
zoom buttons located on the control bar that performs such functions as zooming in, zooming out,
going to previous view, zoom to locate, zoom to fit, etc. In Reporting, CYMDIST provides
excellent displays such as a voltage drop profile (i.e., voltage vs. distance) in which phases are
designated by color.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Technical 2000 provides detailed views/reports on system behavior including violation reports on
under/over voltage events. As another example, the Technical 2000 fault simulation analysis
provides full text reporting on faults.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Table 3.7 shows many of the modules that the vendors produce for harmonic analysis, capacitor
optimization, reliability analysis, enhanced graphics, etc.
In the case of Technical 2000, many features are either included or can be added later depending
on the package originally purchased (i.e., depending in large measure on price). Features that are
always included in Technical 2000 are shown at the end of Section 3.2. The features that may not
be originally included in a package and may therefore be “add-ons” include the following:
The distribution reliability analysis routines of many vendors provide predictive reliability
calculations for a radial network. The routines use equipment outage frequency and repair time
statistics to calculate standard industry customer and system reliability indices [15,16]. The
calculation results can be used to evaluate the reliability of a network configuration, a protection
scheme, or proposed alternatives. PSS/ADEPT’s reliability analysis uses a hierarchical Markov
simulation technique to calculate standard IEEE reliability indices. The routine uses a database
of failure rate and repair time information and displays the results in colored, one-line diagrams
based on targets selected by the user thus giving a clear indication of trouble spots in the network.
CYMDIST’s module provides computation of system indices (i.e., SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI)
[15,16] and customer’s indices (i.e., outage frequency and duration). It provides extensive
modeling of networks and loads, flexible load models for uniform and spot loads, and a full range
of equipment models. The EDSA advanced reliability model is quite extensive and features the
same system indices as CYMDIST. The indices cannot only be used to examine system
performance but also to conduct sensitivity and selection studies of system configurations. The
EDSA module is divided into two types of analyses, (1) distribution and substation system
reliability and (2) reliability evaluation of block-based distribution systems. The substation
reliability portion contains 26 of the world’s standard configurations. The block-based analysis
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
uses reliability blocks and branches such that one or more electrical component (e.g., breaker and
a transformer) may be part of a block or branch. Many further details are provided on the EDSA
Table 3.8 shows miscellaneous program features, such as the use of separate databases, help
utilities, etc. Not surprisingly, all are Microsoft (MS) Windows-based products and that is
generally true beginning with the Windows 95 “B edition” to recent versions (e.g., NT, 2000,
The WindMil program is designed to mesh quite well with another of Milsoft’s products,
LightTable. LightTable is an extensive component database containing manufacturer’s
component curves for over 4,000 overcurrent protection devices.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 3. Software Program Features
Software for DER Applications
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
An earlier phase of this study focused on (1) locating and obtaining useful distribution data that
would support the planned modeling, (2) looking at various electricity network software to
identify which ones would be suitable for modeling DER parameters in a network analysis, and
(3) selecting a DER distribution system analysis tool and system data that would be most
appropriate for performing the analysis.
This section describes a study performed at ORNL in which a distribution analysis tool was used
to perform the actual system analysis of the electric distribution system with the interconnection
of DER. The technical results of this application of the CYMDIST tool to feeder data from a
southern utility are provided in Appendix A.
In Sect. 4.2, below, is an assessment of the inadequacies found in the analysis tool that was used
in the trial modeling exercise and a delineation of recommendations of functional improvements
for the tool that would make it better suited for DER optimization studies. These
recommendations are especially for the tool to be capable of considering multiple DER locations,
sizes, multiple device types, and various DER penetration levels in the distribution system.
Surveying the electricity distribution system analysis tools available from the industry, it quickly
became apparent that commercially available tools were basically designed for distribution
system planning, voltage-drop analysis, and fault study purposes. These tools were primarily
designed for analyzing distribution systems that are radial – that is, the power flows from the
utility source (substations) to the loads. They were not conceived with distributed generation in
mind because distribution networks evolved to transport power from the utility substation
unidirectionally along feeders then along laterals to loads. In many cases, the conductors
decrease in size/capacity as the power flow gets closer to the load. These tools provided a
mechanism for modeling DER in the form of negative loads via a PQV model (see Sect. 4.2, Item
4, regarding tool inadequacies) for an induction or synchronous generator model. There was an
absence of DER models specifically for inverter-based devices such as microturbines and fuels
cells that would represent their performance during various operational modes and disturbances
(e.g., voltage sags). Furthermore, there was no specific device parameter information on various
DER devices other than voltage rating, power output and interconnection requirements. The
analysis tools were not designed for studies of multiple DER placements and locations in a
distribution system and would not facilitate introducing DER systems of various sizes. In
particular, the tools were not designed to make batch runs of varying DER locations, sizes, and
penetrations and various network loadings and load distributions. The tools were designed more
for interactive analysis where one particular problem such as a new load or new conductor was
being considered.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 4. Assessment of DER Simulations
Software for DER Applications
The modeling exercises for the DER analysis involved many manual iterations of the model and,
though the results demonstrate that some useful information can be obtained, perhaps the most
valuable result of the study is the list of identified inadequacies of commercially available
distribution analysis tools, such as the one that was used for this DER case study (i.e.,
CYMDIST). The distribution software analysis program used in the study, and others like it, are
fine products in light of what they were designed to do. However, the intent of highlighting
“problems” is to suggest features (i.e., needed enhancements) for a more powerful tool with a
broad range of analysis applications.
The following inadequacies were identified for the modeling tool used in this study and for others
like it:
1. One of the primary weaknesses of the tool is that it was designed for manual placement
and sizing of DER and not for easily determining the optimal placement and sizing of
DER. Furthermore, they were designed, for the most part, to feed power in a
unidirectional flow from substation to loads along and at the end of feeder laterals.
However, the companies producing the analysis software have only recently given
consideration to modeling distributed generation on distribution feeders. Some have only
recently given consideration to single-phase DER vs. three-phase DER. Single-phase
DER could present more of a challenge for harmonic distortion and unbalanced
2. There is a lack of any macro or scripting capability for implementing batch runs needed
for executing several iterations such as what is required to optimize DER placement and
sizing and to consider various DER locations and penetration levels as well as network
loadings and load distribution levels. Distribution system analysis programs were
designed to assess voltage drop issues related to load additions, feeder upgrades, motor
startup issues, and fault current analysis and relay coordination more in an interactive
mode than a sensitivity mode.
3. The analysis program allows the user to only model one type of DER generator per line
section or load location per bus or node. Thus, the program doesn’t allow multiple DER
types or sizes at the same load location.
4. DER generators can only be modeled as synchronous or induction generators in a simple
model scheme where the real power or reactive power is set and where a fixed or variable
power factor is used (i.e., referred to as a PQV model representing the real power value
(P), the reactive power value (Q) and the voltage value (V)). The reactive power value
can only be varied for a given real power value if the power factor can be varied.
5. There is no capability to customize the DER generator model with characteristics specific
for each type of DER, such as a microturbine, fuel cell, photovoltaics, etc. The generator
models are designed for a rotating-based generator instead of inverter-based power
technologies, such as microturbines that produce high-frequency AC that is rectified to
DC and then converted to 60-Hz AC. The analysis tool doesn’t allow modeling of this
type of DER.
6. The model is not capable of performing a dynamic DER assessment, such as to determine
(1) the voltage/current transient as the DER is started up or as its power setting is
adjusted or (2) the response of the DER to a feeder voltage sag.
7. The analysis tools are designed to study peak and off-peak load conditions rather than
variable feeder loading conditions that occur over the full operating period of the DER.
Thus, many analysis iterations would be required to analyze DER operations as the
daily/seasonal/yearly load levels and distribution conditions of the feeder vary.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis 4. Assessment of DER Simulations
Software for DER Applications
It is hoped that this effort, which is in its infancy, can be continued so that useful DER feeder
studies can become commonplace. Immediate additional areas for system study include the
1. Study DER on the feeder models that we currently have data for or entirely different
feeder models, especially with operating problems, and provided by a utility or utilities
willing to participate in the analysis and provide additional information and data to fully
understand the DER benefits and impacts.
2. Study DER on feeder models with unbalanced load and voltages.
3. Analyze DER capable of supplying reactive power as needed (i.e., supplying variable
power factors).
4. Study DER on feeders with voltage-sensitive loads (only constant power considered so
5. Model single-phase DER (only three-phase DER considered so far) to determine
unbalanced operation impacts.
6. Study DER on generator types that are current limited to evaluate motor starting
capability and impact on circuit protection.
7. Study motor starting on DER, especially inverter-based generators with unbalanced
conditions (e.g., voltage, windings).
The work described in this report was conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(http://www.ornl.gov/) in coordination with the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology
Solutions (http://certs.lbl.gov/CERTS.html) on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
1. Department of Energy’s website on distributed energy resources, URL is http://www.eren.doe.gov/der/.
2. C. R. Hudson, B. J. Kirby, et al, “Industrial Use of Distributed Generation in Real-Time Energy and
Ancillary Service Markets,” ORNL/TM-2001/136, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN,
September 2001 (http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=788506).
5. “Power Quality and the Control of DG on Distribution Systems,” Presented at the Power System 2002
Conference, Impact of Distributed Generation, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, March 2002.
7. “DER Performance Testing of a Microturbine-based Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power (CHP)
System,” Power System 2002 Conference, Impact of Distributed Generation, Clemson University,
Clemson, SC, March 2002.
8. J. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson Jr., “Power System Analysis,” ISBN: 0070612935, McGraw-Hill,
January 1, 1994.
9. W. H. Kersting, "Method To Teach The Design And Operation Of A Distribution System", IEEE
Transactions Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-103, No. 7, ISSN:0018-9510, pgs. 1945-1952, July
10. W.H. Kersting and W.H. Phillips, “Modeling and Analysis of Rural Electric Distribution Feeders,”
IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, Vol. 28, No. 4, pgs. 767-773, July/August 1992.
11. W.H. Kersting, "Distribution Feeder Analysis", Chapter 6, IEEE Tutorial on Power Distribution
Planning, Special IEEE publication # 92, EHO 361-1- PWR, January 1993.
12. W.H. Kersting, "Distribution System Modeling and Analysis," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002.
13. T. Gonen, "Electric Power Distribution System Engineering,” ISBN: 0070237077, July 1, 1985.
14. J. R. Carson, "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires and Ground Return,” Bell System Technical
Journal, Vol. 5, 1926.
15. “IEEE Trial-Use Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices,” IEEE Std 1366-1998,
Transmission and Distribution Subcommittee, IEEE Power Engineering Society, December 10, 1998.
16. C. A. Warren, R. Ammon, and G. Welch, "A Survey of Distribution Reliability Measurement Practices
in the U.S.," IEEE Trans Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 1, January 1999, pgs. 250-255.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
The reasons for performing the DER steady-state analysis study are two-fold. First, the objective
of the study was to determine the adequacy of presently available software-based distribution
system tools for studying electric distribution systems with interconnected DER and the related
issues. Second, the study was to determine some of the steady-state benefits of DER based on a
commercially available software tool that has the functions representative of most currently
available distribution system analysis tools. Specifically, the particular software tool chosen was
used to model a feeder with DER data by using network and load data provided by a southern
electric utility. The tool was tested to see how well one could assess the benefits and impacts of
introducing DER, in this case a DER generator, to the distribution network.
The system benefits that can be provided by distributed generation (DG) include, (1) voltage
support by leveling the voltage profile from substations to loads, (2) generating capacity relief via
reduction in feeder load demand, and (3) feeder loss reduction. Following from these are other
advantages such as an increased distribution system capacity, decreased system generation peak
demand, and less variation in demand.
Phase 1 of the study was performed in FY 1999 and involved (1) locating and obtaining useful
distribution data that would support the goals of the study, (2) looking at various electricity
network software to identify which ones would be suitable for modeling DER parameters in a
network analysis, and (3) selecting DER tool and system data that would be most appropriate for
performing the analysis planned for Phase 2.
Phase 2 of the study was conducted the following year to, (1) perform the actual system analysis
of the electricity distribution system with the introduction of DER, (2) identify inadequacies in
the tool, and (3) recommend functional improvements for the tool that would make it better suited
for DER optimization studies, especially to consider multiple DER locations, sizings, and
multiple device types.
It is instructive to describe briefly the difficulties encountered in initiating a study of this type
since it illustrates barriers that must be dealt with and resolved in the future. Obtaining adequate
data both for the electric network and the DER model was one of the first activities. Initially, our
CERTS utility partner, Southern California Edison (SCE), indicated that it could provide feeder
data and load information needed to conduct the study. However after many delays and false
starts regarding several possible feeders that could be studied it proved to be impossible to obtain
the necessary feeder data from them. One reason was that it was not possible to get full buy-in by
the SCE department that would be providing the data or reduce their confidentiality concerns.
Also, model data for various DER devices, such as microturbines, was not available from the
manufacturers according to our CERTS university and laboratory members, the Power System
Engineering Research Center (PSERC) and Sandia National Laboratory. Subsequently, another
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
electricity provider was contacted in a Southern State and feeder data proved to be more readily
obtainable. The particular utility was not involved directly in the study and the data that they
provided was sanitized to eliminate specific feeder names and location. Also, since the utility
was not directly involved, no specific information about feeder operational problems or loads on
the feeders could be ascertained.
Surveying the electricity distribution system analysis tools available from the industry, it quickly
became apparent that commercially available tools were basically designed for distribution
system planning, voltage-drop analysis, and fault study purposes. These tools provided a
mechanism for modeling DER in the form of negative loads via a PQV model (see Item 4
regarding tool inadequacies in the Conclusions section) for an induction or synchronous generator
model. There was an absence of DER models specifically for devices such as microturbines and
fuels cells that would represent performance during various operational modes and disturbances
(e.g., voltage sags). Furthermore, we did not have any specific device parameter information on
various DER devices other than voltage rating, power output and interconnection requirements.
The analysis tools were not designed for studies of multiple DER placements and locations in a
distribution system and would not facilitate introducing DER systems of various sizes.
In spite of the above obstacles, a decision was made to use the most suitable available program,
CymDist by CYME International, Inc., for the analysis software. A significant reason for
choosing this particular analysis tool included the fact that it was representative of most
distribution system analysis tools in terms of functionality and its ability to use network and load
data along with Geographical Information System (GIS) data. Also, the feeder data provided by a
Southern electric utility was provided to ORNL in CymDist data format. The key functions of
this tool that would benefit the study included the following capabilities:
In Phase 1, the project successfully obtained feeder data that would support the proposed analysis.
Table A.1 summarizes many of the parameters of the data that were obtained from the Southern
electric utility. Feeders 1 through 5 are designated at the top of the columns and beneath them are
listings for line voltage, total load, total real and reactive power, current flow, load mix, and other
basic parameters. Feeder 2 was selected for the Phase 2 analysis since it had a desirable
combination of advantages over the other feeders. These advantages, evident in the table, include
(1) a mix of customers (i.e., 19% residential, 3.2% commercial and 78 % industrial loads), (2) a
high dependence on capacitors (i.e., 78.8% power factor without capacitors), (3) high losses (i.e.,
438 kW with capacitors and 721 kW without capacitors), and (4) both a long feeder section of
almost 15 miles and numerous line sections in the model.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Feeder Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
Line voltage (kV) 12.47 12.47 12.47 12.47 12.47
Total apparent load (kVA) 4,458 5,705 13,206 3,656 5,580
Real load (kW) 3,349 4,489 11,590 2,684 4,237
Reactive load (kVar) 2,943 3,520 6,330 1,573 3,632
Total current flow (A) 156 236 531 158 197
Load (% residential kW) 0.4 19.3 0 42.1 0.4
Load (% commercial kW) 5 3.2 100 0 0
Load (% industrial kW) 94.5 77.5 0 57.9 99.6
Pf with & w/o caps (%) 99.4/73.2 93.2/78.7 99.2/87.7 97.3/89.3 99.5/75.2
Lowest voltage (%) with & w/o 96.9/70.3 96.7/90.9 98.9/93.5 97.9/93.3 97.9/93.6
Available capacitors (#/total kVAr) 8/3,600 12/6,300 9/7,500 9/4,200 9/5,700
Capacitor control manual manual manual manual & manual
Regulators 2 3 0 1 0
Longest feeder section (miles) 32.3 14.6 9 9.4 11.7
Losses (kW) with and w/o caps 325/1,115 438/721 179/239 167/172 135/224
Losses (kVar) with and w/o caps 390/1,115 427/729 459/625 193/211 180/308
No. of line sections in model 1,397 1,658 1,778 1,612 779
Spot loads in model 98 235 386 292 38
Industrial spot loads 76 37 0 141 35
Commercial spot loads 18 13 386 0 0
Residential spot loads 4 185 0 151 3
Once the feeder was selected, the CymDist analysis tool was used to obtain results for various
sizes and placements of DER. Since the tool does not have a macro language to permit the
running of batch analyses, it was necessary to perform a number of manual iterations to consider
several different DER sizes and placements. These sizes, also referred to as levels of DER
penetration, were chosen to be 30 kW, 60 kW, 120 kW, 240 kW, and 480 kW (see Table A.2).
The logic for the sizes related to the fact that commercial microturbine generators, available in the
smaller sizes, could be paralleled together to achieve the larger sizes. Also, the industry has
future plans to build DER devices of the larger sizes. A fixed power factor (pf) was used for the
DER models (since devices such as the microturbines have inverter-based power conditioning
and have been designed to provide constant pf) and the loads were kept balanced. Out of the
1,658 line sections in the model for the selected feeder, one line section was selected for the
analysis. Note that each line section has a single aggregate load associated with it and, since the
utility was not directly involved in the analysis, further details about the load makeup at the line
section could not be ascertained beyond what was given in the CymDist data (e.g., number of
individual loads and load types). In the analysis, the location of the DER was often placed at the
load location and, for comparison, upstream of the load location.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Figure A.1 shows the resulting capacity support for the first case where the DER was placed at
the load site and Figure A.2 shows a second case where the DER was placed upstream of the load
site. In the first case it is evident that the reactive power (kVar) and especially the real power
(kW) levels decrease as expected, especially at the two or three highest DER penetrations.
Ultimately, a 12% decrease in real power is predicted by the model for 480 kW of DER. In
contrast, the second case shows about a 10.5% reduction in power for the same level of DER.
The two cases show roughly a 7% reduction in reactive power for the first case and 5% for the
second case.
Furthermore, when the DER is at the load point, the reduction in real power is almost twice that
for reactive power while, for the case where the DER is upstream of the load, the reduction in real
power and reactive power is 83% and 71% less, respectively. This shows how advantageous it is
(i.e., at least for this feeder) to locate the DER in close proximity to the load when trying to
reduce feeder real and reactive power demands.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
6000.00 0.0%
5000.00 -2.0%
Total Substation kW or kVar
Substation kW
Substation kVar
2000.00 % kW Reduction
% kVar Reduction
1000.00 -12.0%
0.00 -14.0%
se 1, No -1 , 30kW - 2 , 60kW 3, 1 20kW , 24 0 kW , 4 8 0 kW
Ca 1 1 1- 1-4 1-5
Case Case Case Case Case
Size of DG at Industrial Load
6000.00 0.0%
Total Substation kW or kVar
5000.00 -2.0%
4000.00 -4.0%
3000.00 -6.0%
Substation kW
2000.00 -8.0%
Substation kVar
% kW Reduction
1000.00 -10.0%
% kVar Reduction
0.00 -12.0%
1, No , 30k , 60k 120k 40 k 80 k
C ase 2 - 1 2 - 2 2 - 3 , 2- 4 , 2
2- 5 , 4
C ase C ase C ase C ase C ase
Size of DG Upstream of Industrial Load
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Figure A.3 shows the voltage support provided by DER when it is located at the load point. The
chart shows per unit phase voltages (i.e., actual voltage divided by ideal voltage) vs. distance
from the substation (i.e., from 0 miles to greater than 8 miles). The thinnest line plot represents
no DER on the feeder and each succeeding thicker line plot represents increasing DER
penetration on the feeder. At approximately 5 miles there is clearly a voltage boost provided by a
voltage regulator.
This modeling of the feeder provided an interesting insight on DER interconnection. Note the
divergence of the curves at distances greater than 4 or 5 miles. The positive effects of DER at
120 kW and especially at 480 kW become more apparent over these distances. The 480 kW case
even appears to provide a limit to the voltage decay after 7 miles. This indicates how little
current is being supplied through the feeder lateral with the DER operating at the load site.
Figure A.4 shows voltage support provided by DER when it is located upstream of the load. The
chart shows per unit phase voltage vs. distance over identical ranges as the previous plot. The
order of the correlation is also identical, the significant difference being that the DER penetration
levels no longer show an increasing positive effect on voltage support at distances greater than 4
miles. Clearly the model shows that this is a less optimal placement of DER for providing
voltage support for the feeder.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Case 1, No DG
1.020 Case 1-1, 30kW DG
Per Unit Phase Voltages
Case1-3, 120kW DG
Case1-5, 480 kW DG
Sub 0.99 2.23 3.34 4.20 5.52 6.51 7.66
Distance from Substation (miles)
Fig. A.3. Voltage support provided by DER at the load point
Case 1, No DG
1.020 Case 2-1, 30kW DG
Case 2-3, 120kW DG
Per Unit Phase Voltages
Sub 0.99 2.23 3.34 4.20 5.52 6.51 7.66
Distance from Substation (miles)
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Figure A.5 shows total line losses vs. level of DER penetration (increasing DER size or DER
devices) at the load. The bars indicate real and reactive power losses and the line plots indicate
percentage of real and reactive power reduction. A strong line loss reduction trend is evident for
increasing DER penetration and, at 480 kW of DER generation, line loss reduction exceeds 20%
for both real and reactive power (the two being very similar).
Figure A.6 shows total line losses vs. level of DER penetration for the case where the DER is
placed upstream of the load. The only significant difference in this case vs. the previous case is
that the line loss reductions are more modest. In this case, at 480 kW of DER generation, line
loss reduction is under 9% for both real and reactive power.
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
750 0.0%
700 -5.0%
Line Losses
650 -10.0%
500 -25.0%
1, No , 30k , 60k 120k 40 kW 80 kW
Case 1 -1
1- 2 1 -3, -4, 2 - 5, 4
Case Case Case
Fig. A.5. System loss reduction provided by DER at the load point
750 0.0%
700 -2.0%
Line Losses
650 -4.0%
Losses kW
600 Losses kVar -6.0%
% kW Reduction
550 % kVar Reduction -8.0%
500 -10.0%
e 1, No , 3 0kW D , 60 kW D 120 kW D 40 kW D 80 kW D
Cas 2-1 2-2 2-3, 2 4
Case Case 2-4, 2-5,
Case Case Case
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
Further experimentation with the feeder data has shown that there are diminishing returns for
DER benefits as penetration levels are increased. Lower returns per unit of DER kVA are evident
for generation capacity relief, voltage support, and feeder loss reduction. Furthermore, these
diminishing returns appear regardless of the DER’s placement in the feeder (at the load vs.
upstream of the load).
Figure A.7 illustrates the diminishing capacity relief for the five levels of DER generation when
placed at the load. The five bars indicate substation real power reduction per unit of DER total
power and the line plot shows substation reactive power reduction per unit of DER total power.
Whereas the real power reduction for 30 kW of DER is 1.33 kW/DER kVA, the power reduction
for 480 kW is only 1.26 kW/DER kVA. The reduction in capacity relief is diminishing in a
pronounced fashion for the two highest levels of DER (i.e., 240 kW and 480 kW). The reactive
power case shown by the line plot has essentially the same trend although the actual reduction is
0.69 kVar/DER kVA for 30 kW of DER and only 0.62 kVar/DER kVA for 480 kW of DER.
Figure A.8 illustrates diminishing voltage support for the five levels of DER generation placed at
the load. The five bars indicate the percentage5 of voltage improvement per unit of DER total
power. The figure shows voltage improvements of 0.0095% per DER kVA for the three lowest
levels of DER (i.e., 30 kW, 60 kW, and 120 kW) but it ultimately decreases to about 0.0048% per
DER kVA at the highest level of DER (i.e., 480 kW).
Although the voltage support units seem very small (e.g., 0.004%), keep in mind that these are “per DER
kVA” and would be multiplied by large values depending on the size of the DER unit (e.g., 300 kVA).
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix A
Software for DER Applications
-1.22 -0.58
-1.24 -0.6
-1.3 -0.66
-1.32 -0.68
-1.34 -0.7
30k W DG kW D kW D kW D kW D
1-1, 1- 2, 60 - 3 , 120 - 4 , 240 - 5, 480
Case Case Case
% Voltage Improvement per DG kVA
1 - 1, 30k 1- 2, 60k -3 , 120k 4, 240 k 5, 4 80 k
Case Case 1 1- 1-
Case Case Case
Size of DG at Industrial Load
Fig. A.8. Diminishing voltage support from DER at the load
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis ORNL/TM-2001/215
Software for DER Applications
Shown below are addresses, phone numbers, examples of a main product, and Internet
site addresses for the software vendors that were considered in this study:
Product: PSS/ADEPT
Company: Power Technologies
1482 Erie Blvd., P.O. Box 1058
Schenectady, NY 12301-1058 USA
Phone: (518) 395-5000
Website: http://www.pssadept.com/
Product: WindMil
Company: Milsoft Integrated Solutions, Inc.
4400 Buffalo Gap Road, Suite 5150
Abilene, Texas 79606
Phone: (915) 695-1642
Toll-Free: (800) 344-5647 (US only)
Fax: (915) 690-0338
Website: http://milsoft.com/
Product: CYMDIST
Company: CYME International
3 Burlington Woods, 4th Floor
Burlington, MA 01803-4543
Phone: (800) 361-3627 or (781) 229-0269
Fax: (781) 229-2336
Website: http://www.cyme.com/
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Appendix B
Software for DER Applications
The following companies, although not selected for analysis, also provide quality
products useful in analyzing electric power distribution systems: