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Π1: Wireless Communication Systems: Preface

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Π1: Wireless Communication Systems

The scope of this deliverable is to provide an overview of modern wireless
communication systems. This report has taken into consideration the popular
cellular access technologies (GSM, UMTS) and WLAN. The basic
characteristics and features of each technology are outlined, followed by the
respective network architecture and measurements that enable the
deployment of positioning techniques. The rest of this report is structured as
follows. Section 1 provides introductory remarks, while Sections 2, 3 and 4
discuss the GSM, UMTS and WLAN networks, respectively. Finally, the B3G
networks are described in Section 5.

1. Introduction
Wireless networks have significantly impacted the world, since their initial
deployment. Wireless networks have continued to develop and their uses
have significantly grown. Cellular phones are nowadays part of huge wireless
network systems and people use mobile phones on a daily basis in order to
communicate with each other and exchange information. Recently, wireless
networks have been used for positioning as well, in order to enable the
provision of location oriented services to the end-user. Different types of
measurements available during standard network and terminal operation,
mainly for resource management and synchronization purposes, can be
employed to derive the user’s location.

2. Global System for Mobile communications

Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is the most popular
standard for mobile phones in the world. GSM is considered a second
generation (2G) mobile phone system. Data communication was built into the
system from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
GSM is a cellular network, which means that mobile phones connect to it by
searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. GSM networks operate in four
different frequency ranges. Most GSM networks operate in the 900 MHz or
1800 MHz bands. Some countries, including Canada and the United States,
use the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands because the 900 and 1800 MHz
frequency bands were already allocated. In the 900 MHz band the uplink
frequency band is 890-915 MHz, and the downlink frequency band is 935-960
MHz. This 25 MHz bandwidth is subdivided into 124 carrier frequency
channels, each spaced 200 kHz apart. Time division multiplexing is used to
allow eight full-rate or sixteen half-rate speech channels per radio frequency
channel. There are eight radio timeslots (giving eight burst periods) grouped
into what is called a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) frame. Half rate
channels use alternate frames in the same timeslot. The channel data rate is
270.833 kbit/s, and the frame duration is 4.615 msec. The transmission power
in the handset is limited to a maximum of 2 watts in GSM850/900 and 1 watt
in GSM1800/1900.
There are four different cell sizes in a GSM network - macro, micro, pico and
umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the
implementation environment. Macro cells can be regarded as cells where the
base station antenna is installed on a mast or a building above average roof
top level. Micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top
level and they are typically used in urban areas. Pico cells are small cells
whose coverage diameter is a few dozen meters and they are mainly used
indoors. Umbrella cells are used to cover shadowed regions of smaller cells
and fill in gaps in coverage between those cells. Cell horizontal radius varies
depending on antenna height, antenna gain and propagation conditions from
a couple of hundred meters to several tens of kilometers. The longest
distance the GSM specification supports in practical use is 35 km.
The high level structure of a GSM network, including only the key elements, is
depicted in Figure 1. The Base Station Subsystem (BSS) consists of the Base
Stations (BS) and the Base Station Controllers (BSC). The BSS is the section
of a traditional cellular telephone network which is responsible for handling
traffic and signalling between a mobile phone and the Network Switching
Subsystem. The BSS carries out transcoding of speech channels, allocation
of radio channels to mobile phones, paging, quality management of
transmission and reception over the air interface and many other tasks related
to the radio network. The Network Switching Subsystem (NSS) is the
component of a GSM system that carries out switching functions and
manages the communications between mobile phones and the Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The GPRS Core Network is an optional
part which allows packet based Internet connections in 2.5G mobile phone
systems. More specifically the Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) is a
sophisticated telephone exchange centre which provides circuit-switched
calling, mobility management, and GSM services to the mobile phones
roaming within the area that it serves, while the Serving GPRS Support Node
(SGSN) is responsible for the delivery of data packets from and to the Mobile
Stations (MS) within its geographical service area.

Figure 1: General structure of a GSM network [1].

Based on this structure the basic location system architecture for GSM/GPRS
is shown in Figure 2. Additional components include the Serving Mobile
Location Center (SMLC) and the Gateway Mobile Location Center (GMLC).
The SMLC is the GSM/GPRS network node that operates the location server
software, while location data are available to Location Based Services (LBS)
applications through the GMLC.
Figure 2: Location system architecture for GSM/GPRS networks [2].

Some location dependent parameters, which are always monitored by the

terminal, can be used to perform positioning by using the standard Cell-ID
technique. These parameters include Network identification through Mobile
Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC), Location Area Code
(LAC) and unique identification of serving cell (CI).
Timing measurements, available in the mobile networks, can also be
employed to determine the position of the terminal. In the GSM standard,
Timing Advance (TA) value corresponds to the length of time a signal from the
mobile phone takes to reach the BS. GSM uses TDMA technology in the radio
interface to share a single frequency between several users, assigning
sequential timeslots to the individual users sharing a frequency. Each user
transmits periodically for less than one-eighth of the time within one of the
eight timeslots. Since the users are various distances from the base station
and radio waves travel at the finite speed of light, the precise time at which
the phone is allowed to transmit a burst of traffic within a timeslot must be
adjusted accordingly. TA is the variable controlling this adjustment [3], [4]. The
TA value is normally between 0 and 63, with each step representing an
advance of one symbol period, which is approximately 3.69 microseconds.
With radio waves travelling at about 300,000,000 metres per second, that is
300 metres per microsecond, one TA step then represents a change in round-
trip distance (twice the propagation range) of about 1,100 metres. This means
that the TA value changes for each 550-metre change in the range between a
mobile and the BS. The TA value has been used in order to enhance the
accuracy provided by standard Cell-ID techniques.
In GSM, time difference measurements which are called Observed Time
Differences (OTD), can also be used for positioning purposes. Unlike TA
values, OTD measurements from several BSs are made by the terminal
without forcing handover, which makes them more attractive for location. An
experimental E-OTD network architecture is depicted in Figure 3. A terminal
with modified software is able to report accurate OTD estimates by using
sophisticated signal processing algorithms, e.g. multipath rejection, for finding
the earliest arriving signal component. These OTD measurements are then
sent via Short Message Service (SMS) to a Mobile Location Centre (MLC),
which performs the location calculations. This is actually the SMLC described
before. The synchronisation of the BSs is achieved by installing similar
receivers as the terminal in known locations, typically at the BS sites. These
receivers, shown in Figure 2, are known as Location Measurements Units
(LMU) that measure Real Time Differences (RTD) between the BSs.
Measured RTDs are also sent to the MLC via SMS. Disadvantages of this
technique are the need for software modifications to the terminals and the
need for additional equipment, i.e. installation of LMUs. LMUs should be
placed everywhere in the network, where a location service is offered, at an
average rate of 1 LMU per every 1.5 BS [5]. This deployment constraint
comes from the requirement for each of the BSs in the network to be
observed by at least one LMU. In operational use, the information transfer will
take place using specific signalling messages instead of SMS.

Figure 3: Network architecture to support E-OTD.

Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements collected by monitoring the

Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH), where transmission is performed with
constant power, can also be utilized to support positioning in GSM networks.
This kind of measurements is collected by the terminal as part of its standard
functionality. While the terminal is in In-session 1 mode, all location dependent
parameters, described before and RSS measurements are known at the
terminal side, since the RSS values from the Serving cell and up to six
neighboring cells are reported back to the Network through Network
Measurement Reports (NMRs) every 480msec for handover and power
control purposes. These reports also contain the Base Station Identity Code
(BSIC), which uniquely identifies a neighboring cell when combined with the
BCCH value. In the Idle-attached 2 mode the terminal continuously makes
RSS measurements and also knows the CI of the serving cell and the CI or
BCCH + BSIC of the neighboring cells. This is a standard functionality
according to GSM specifications, to help in the cell selection and re-selection
operations. The RSS values are averaged over a period of at least five
seconds. According to GSM specifications [6] the RSS level at the receiver
input is measured by the terminal over the full range of -110 dBm to -48 dBm
with an absolute accuracy of ±4 dB from -110 dBm to -70 dBm under normal
conditions and ±6 dB over the full range under both normal and extreme
conditions. A resolution of 1 dBm is used, which results in 64 possible values
and therefore the RSS values are provided in the [0, 63] range.

3. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is one of the third-
generation (3G) mobile phone technologies. Currently, the most common form
uses Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) as the underlying
air interface and is standardized by the 3GPP. UMTS, using W-CDMA,
supports up to 14.0 Mbit/s data transfer rates in theory with High-Speed
Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), although at the moment users in deployed
networks can expect a performance up to 384 kbit/s for R99 terminals, and
3.6 Mbit/s for HSDPA terminals in the downlink connection. This is still much
greater than the 9.6 kbit/s of a single GSM error-corrected circuit switched
data channel. The UMTS spectrum allocated in Europe is already used in

The terminal is engaged to a wireless session, through a dedicated communication channel.
The terminal is attached to a wireless communication system, but no communication session
is active.
North America. The 1900 MHz range is used for 2G services, and 2100 MHz
range is used for satellite communications. Regulators have however, freed
up some of the 2100 MHz range for 3G services, together with the 1700 MHz
for the uplink. UMTS operators in North America who want to implement a
European style 2100/1900 MHz system will have to share spectrum with
existing 2G services in the 1900 MHz band. 2G GSM services elsewhere use
900 MHz and 1800 MHz and therefore do not share any spectrum with
planned UMTS services.
In the Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN), a handset
(terminal) is called User Equipment (UE) and a base station is called node B.
There are two operational modes for UTRAN: Frequency-Division Duplex
(FDD) and Time-Division Duplex (TDD). The original standards specifications
were developed based on FDD mode. Figure 4 illustrates the system
architecture of UE positioning (UP). The UTRAN interfaces (Uu, Iub, Iur, and
Iupc) are used to communicate among all relevant entities. In this figure
SRNC stands for Serving Radio Network Controller, LMU for Location
Measurement Unit, SAS for StandAlone Serving Mobile Location Center
(SMLC), and CN for Core Network. LMU type A is a standalone LMU, while
type B is integrated with a node B. The Radio Network Controllers (RNCs) are
in charge of the network resources managing the node Bs and specific LMUs
in the location process. The SRNC works as the SMLC and receives the
location request from external LBS application or LBS Client Function in the
CN. SRNC both co-ordinates and controls the overall UE positioning.

Figure 4: System architecture of UE positioning [7].

The SRNC is shown in more detail in Figure 5. The LBS System Operation
Function (LSOF) works as a database of the needed information in UE
position calculations, e.g. the geographic locations of the node Bs, or in other
network operations during the location process. The LBS Server Control
Function (LSCF) requests the needed measurements from the UE, LMU or
one or more node Bs and sends the results to the appropriate Position
Calculation Function (PCF) in the network. The PCF makes the needed co-
ordinate transformations for the UE location estimate. For every location
estimate result the PCF estimates the QoS level regarding the achieved
accuracy and sends it together with the time-of-day information about the
measurement as a part of the reported result. The SRNC can also use the UE
location information internally e.g. for location-aided handover [8]. The logical
positioning architecture in UMTS does not depend on a single measurement
and location technique, but it is able to perform with the standard
measurements and techniques available.

Figure 5: Components comprising the SRNC.

The position of the UE can be estimated by using the coverage information of

its serving node B, in a Cell-ID based method. This knowledge can be
obtained by paging, locating area update, cell update, UTRAN registration
area (URA) update, or routing area update. Depending on the operational
status of the UE, additional operations may be needed in order for the SRNC
to determine the cell ID. When the LBS request is received from the CN, the
SRNC checks the state of the target UE. If the UE is in a state where the cell
ID is not available, the UE is paged so that the SRNC can establish the cell
with which the target UE is associated. In states where the cell ID is available,
the target cell ID is chosen as the basis for the UE positioning. In soft
handover, the UE may have several signal branches connected to different
cells while reporting different cell IDs. The SRNC needs to combine the
information about all cells associated with the UE to determine a proper cell
ID. The SRNC should also map the cell ID to geographical coordinates or a
corresponding Service Area Identity (SAI) before sending it from the UTRAN
to the CN. This can easily match the service coverage information available in
the CN [7].
In order to improve the accuracy of the LBS response, the SRNC may also
request additional measurements from node B or the LMU. These
measurements are originally specified for soft handover. For FDD mode,
Round-Trip Time (RTT) can be used as a radius of a cell to further confine the
cell coverage. RTT is the time difference between the transmission of the
beginning of a downlink Dedicated Physical Channel (DPCH) frame to a UE
and the reception of the beginning of the corresponding uplink from the UE.
For TDD mode, received (Rx) timing deviation can be used. Rx timing
deviation is the time difference between the reception in node B of the first
detected uplink path and the beginning of the respective slot according to the
internal timing of node B. The measurements are reported to higher layers,
where timing advance values are calculated and signalled to the UE. UMTS
bandwidth is 5 MHz and it operates at a high chip rate 3.84 Mcps/s, which
contributes to the better resolution in timing measurements compared to
GSM. The timing resolution in UMTS with one sample per chip is 0.26 μs
which corresponds to the propagation distance of 78 m.
RSS measurements are also available in UMTS networks. The most suitable
channel for the location measurements in the UE is the primary downlink
Common Pilot Channel (CPICH) whose Received Signal Code Power (RSCP)
reception level at the UE is used for handover evaluation, downlink and uplink
open loop power control and for the pathloss calculations [9]. Every node B
sends the Primary CPICH with a fixed data rate of 30 kbps and it is unique for
each cell or sector. It is always present on air, under the primary scrambling
code with a fixed channel code allocation, thus, the CPICH can be measured
at any time by the UEs. The transmission power of CPICH is set to 10% of the
maximum i.e. 33 dBm, which makes it possible to use readily available
measurements at the UE made on CPICH also for location purposes. In
UMTS, RSS measurements may be slightly more reliable due to the wider
bandwidth, which allows better smoothing of fast fading. On the other hand,
the hearability problem prevents measurements of as many neighbouring BSs
as it is possible in GSM.
The standardised measurements suitable for UE positioning in the UTRAN-
FDD mode [10] are presented in Table 1. Similar measurements are available
also in UTRA-TDD mode [11]. Possible UE modes for making the
measurements are also presented. In idle mode the UE is not actively
processing a call. Connected UE mode involves two cases, in an intra-
frequency mode the measurements are made within one carrier frequency
and in an inter-frequency mode the carrier frequencies between the measured
system and the UE are different e.g. the measurements made from the GSM

UE mode of Applicable Location

UE measurements
operation Technique
RSCP, on CPICH (for TDD cells Idle & Connected
Signal Strength
separate measurement) Intra/Inter
RSS Indicator (RSSI) Idle & Connected
Signal Strength
on a DL carrier Intra/Inter
UE Transmitted power Connected Intra As a reference level
SFN-SFN observed time difference
on CPICH, Type2 (SFN = System Idle & Connected
Frame Number), relative time Intra/Inter
difference between cell i and j
UE Rx-Tx time difference, for each
Connected Intra OTDoA
cell in the active set
UTRAN measurements Applicable Location Technique
Transmitted carrier power Signal Strength
Transmitted code power, power on
As a reference
the pilot bits of the DPCCH field
RTT (TRX-TTX) at Node B OTDoA and hybrids
SFN-SFN observed time difference
on CPICH, measured by a LMU
Table 1: Standardized measurements by the UE and UTRAN in FDD mode.

In connected mode the UE continuously measures the detected, usually eight,

intra-frequency cells and searches for new intra-frequency cells in the
monitoring set, which can involve up to 32 intra- or inter-frequency cells [9].
These intra-frequency measurements and reporting of the results are typically
made with a 200 ms period if no other measurements have been requested. If
needed, a specific measurement, e.g. Rx-Tx time difference, may be
requested by the UTRAN. The request involves e.g. the measurement ID,
type, reporting quantities and criteria [10] e.g. requirements of periodic or
event-triggered reporting. With event-triggered reporting the UE shall not
return the measurement result report until the reporting criteria, i.e. the
required accuracy level set in [9] for the measurements, is fulfilled. For intra-
frequency and UE internal measurements, specific events can be defined to
trigger the MT to report the UTRAN.

4. Wireless Local Area Network

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), also known as IEEE 802.11, is a set of
standards that enable over-the-air communication in medium range distances
(approximately 30-150 m). The 802.11 family currently includes multiple
modulation techniques that all use the same basic protocol. The most popular
techniques are those defined by the b/g and are amendments to the original
standard. 802.11b and 802.11g standards use the 2.4 GHz band. Because of
this choice of frequency band, 802.11b and 802.11g equipment could
occasionally suffer interference from microwave ovens, cordless telephones,
or Bluetooth devices. The 802.11a standard uses a different 5 GHz band,
which is reasonably free from interference. 802.11a devices are never
affected by products operating on the 2.4 GHz band.
The current radio standard version 802.11b updates the link rate to 11 Mbits.
The modulation is Complementary Code Keying (CCK) that is based on the
original Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) modulation of the 802.11
physical layer. The high rate radio is backwards compatible with the DSSS
radio. IEEE 802.11b operates on 2.4000-2.4835 GHz Industrial, Scientific and
Medical (ISM) band, which is license-free and available almost globally.
The 802.11 standard defines both ad-hoc and infrastructure topologies. In the
ad-hoc topology, mobile devices communicate on a peer-to-peer basis,
whereas in the infrastructure topology the Access Point (AP) is the central
control point, which forwards traffic between terminals of the same cell and
bridges traffic to wired LAN. In the latter case an 802.11 wireless network is
based on a cellular architecture where the system is subdivided into cells.
Each cell is called Basic Service Set (BSS) and is controlled by an AP. Even
though a WLAN may be formed by a single cell, most installations are formed
by several cells, where the APs are connected through a backbone structure
called Distribution System (DS), typically Ethernet and in some cases wireless
itself. The whole interconnected WLAN including the different cells, their
respective APs and the DS, is seen to the upper layers as a single network,
which is called Extended Service Set (ESS). The typical WLAN architecture,
including all the components described previously is depicted in Figure 6 [12].

Figure 6: WLAN architecture.

IEEE 802.11 defines the maximum of 100 mW transmit power in Europe. This
results into cell size of tens of meters indoors and over a hundred meters
outdoors. Consequently positioning based on Cell-ID is inaccurate, but a
number of overlapping WLAN cells should improve the accuracy. However, it
is unlike that the density of overlapping APs is very high in real life conditions.
This is because of the high network throughput that can serve a number of
client terminals, the relatively high price of AP and narrow frequency band,
which allow only three separate networks or APs to coexist without
Beacon frames are transmitted in IEEE 802.11 WLAN for network
identification, broadcasting network capabilities, synchronization and for other
control and management purposes. In the infrastructure topology APs
transmit beacons, which are repeated periodically, according to the beacon
interval parameter. IEEE 802.11 defines a synchronization function that keeps
timers of all terminals synchronized. In the infrastructure topology, all
terminals synchronize to the AP clock by using the timestamp information of
beacon frames. The timer resolution is 1 μsec, which is too inaccurate for the
TOA positioning. A 1 μsec error in timing equals to a 300 m error in distance
estimate. In addition the synchronization algorithm of 802.11 maintains the
synchronization at the accuracy of 4 μs [13].
The IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol utilizes carrier
sensing based contention. The carrier sensing is based on energy detection
or signal quality. The standard specifies the Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) that measures Radio Frequency (RF) energy received by the
radio. In an IEEE 802.11 system, RSSI can be used internally in a wireless
networking card to determine when the amount of radio energy in the channel
is below a certain threshold at which point the network card is Clear-To-Send
(CTS). Once the card is clear to send, a packet of information can be sent.
The end-user will likely observe an RSSI value when measuring the signal
strength of a wireless network through the use of a wireless network
monitoring tool like Network Stumbler.
RSSI measurements vary from 0 to 255 depending on the vendor. It consists
of a one byte integer value. A value of 1 will indicate the minimum signal
strength detectable by the wireless card, while 0 indicates no signal. The
value has a maximum of RSSI_Max. For example, Cisco Systems cards will
return a RSSI of 0 to 100. In this case, the RSSI_Max is 100. The Cisco card
can report 101 distinct power levels. Another popular WLAN chipset is made
by Atheros and an Atheros based card will return a RSSI value of 0 to 60. The
subtlety of 802.11 RSSI comes from how it is sampled. RSSI is acquired
during the preamble stage of receiving an 802.11 frame. To this extent 802.11
RSSI has (for the most part) been replaced with Received Channel Power
Indicator (RCPI), a functional measurement covering the entire received
frame with defined absolute levels of accuracy and resolution. RCPI is an
802.11 measure of the received RF power in a selected channel over the
preamble and the entire received frame. It is defined in IEEE 802.11k, which
is a proposed standard for Radio Resource Management (RRM) in WLAN.
5. Beyond Third Generation (B3G)

A typical Beyond 3G (B3G) system is composed of different access network

technologies, supporting, for example, cellular, WLAN, and broadcast access.
It relies on enhanced IP networking technologies as the unified networking
layer to provide equal network services to all IP-based applications across
heterogeneous access networks. This effectively extends the boundary of
mobility in an application-transparent manner, thus enlarging the scope of
service availability and accessibility to the users. The case of a mobile
network in a B3G system is illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7: A mobile network in a B3G system.

An indicative positioning methodology, applicable in B3G networks, is

depicted in Figure 8 for a terminal moving through an area covered by
multiple radio access networks [14]. While in idle mode the terminal
periodically stores all available network measurements, thus forming a list of
location related information. Each entry in this list contains the actual
measurements and a special field, which indicates the corresponding type of
access technology, e.g. GSM, UMTS and WLAN RSS values along with the
Cell-IDs and AP identities. This can also be extended in order to include all
available measurements required by other positioning techniques. Each entry
is also time-stamped and in this way a record of historical information
reflecting the terminal’s motion is actually created. When the list is full,
updating is performed in a sliding window fashion by discarding the oldest and
incorporating the current measurement. In the future, multi-homed terminals
will have the ability to be simultaneously attached to several wireless access
networks. Since these monitoring procedures are part of the terminal’s
standard functionality, adding a software component to handle the list
management is the only modification required at the terminal side. When an
LBS session is established, the measurement list, possibly augmented with
additional information available during active mode such as TA for GSM, is
uploaded to the Positioning Server. Based on the type of collected
measurements the most appropriate positioning algorithm can be selected, to
provide a rough position estimation for each entry in the list. Subsequently,
post processing techniques can be used, to smooth the positioning error in
the sequence of position estimations and increase the accuracy of the current
terminal’s position.

Figure 8: Using measurements available in B3G networks for positioning.


[1] www.wikipedia.org
[2] Snaptrack, “Location Techniques for GSM, GPRS and UMTS Networks”, White
Paper, 2003
[3] 3GPP TS 05.10 Radio Subsystem Synchronization
[4] 3GPP TS 45.010 Radio Subsystem Synchronization
[5] GSM Mobile Location Systems; Omnipoint Technologies, Inc.; Document
#0710009-00B, 1999
[6] 3GPP TS 05.08 Radio Subsystem Link Control (version 8.17.0 Release 1999)
[7] Zhao Y., Standardization of mobile phone positioning for 3G systems, IEEE
Communications Magazine, 2002, 40, pp. 108-116
[8] 3GPP, Technical Specification Group Radio Access network, Stage 2 Functional
Specification of UE Positioning in UTRAN (3G TS 25.305 version 5.0.0), 2001.
[9] 3GPP, Technical Specification Group Radio Access Networks, Requirements for
Support of Radio Resource Management (FDD) (3G TS 25.133 version 4.0.0),
[10] 3GPP, Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network, Physical layer-
Measurements (FDD) (3G TS 25.215 version 4.0.0), 2001.
[11] 3GPP, Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network, Physical layer-
Measurements (TDD) (3G TS 25.225 version 4.0.0), 2001.
[12] Pablo Brenner, A Technical Tutorial on the IEEE 802.11 Protocol, BreezeCom
Wireless Communications, 1997.
[13] Antti Kotanen et al., Positioning with IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN, PIMRC, 2003.
[14] C. Laoudias, C. Panayiotou, C. Desiniotis, J. G. Markoulidakis, J. Pajunen, S.
Nousiainen, STAMP: A Positioning Methodology and Architecture, submitted to
Computer Communications Special Issue on Advanced LBS.

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