Introduction to the Committee................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction to the Committee at LUMUN XI....................................................................................... 2
Topic Area A ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction to the Topic Area................................................................................................................. 4
Nuclear Disarmament ............................................................................................................................... 4
Case Studies ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Major States ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Possible Solutions....................................................................................................................................... 9
Chemical and Biological Weapons ........................................................................................................ 12
Case Study: Damascus Chemical Attack .............................................................................................. 13
Cyber Warfare .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Country and Regional Bloc Stances ....................................................................................................... 18
Case Studies .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Outer Space ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Questions a Resolution Must Answer................................................................................................... 22
Topic Area B ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Introduction to the Topic Area............................................................................................................... 25
History of the Topic ................................................................................................................................. 25
Important Issues Surrounding the Topic .............................................................................................. 26
Case Studies .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Questions a Resolution Must Answer................................................................................................... 32
Under the UN Charter, all member states The topics are tailored to present to you
and observers of the United Nations are problems that have riddled diplomats
automatically part of the first committee since the culmination of the UN itself.
of the General Assembly, and have an However, these are problems that are
equal vote. Documents drafted by this either not addressed well, or not
committee require a simple majority to addressed at all. These are issues that
be passed. Like the other committees of frame each individual country’s foreign
the United Nations General Assembly, policy and military strategy and yet are
DISEC is unable to impose sanctions, still not solved in a codified manner.
authorize armed intervention, or pass
binding resolutions. That being said,
DISEC has submitted recommendations
to the United Nations Security Council
Topic Area A
Multilateral Disarmament
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, or Most importantly, the treaty calls for the
the NPT, was formed in the wake of the world’s only legally binding obligation
cold war arms race between the United on Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) to
States and former USSR. Brought gradually decrease and subsequently
forward in 1968, and entered into force in eradicate their nuclear arsenal. Article VI
March 1970, the NPT represents ‘the only calls upon states to "to pursue
binding commitment in a multilateral negotiations in good faith on effective
treaty to the goal of disarmament by the measures relating to cessation of the
nuclear-weapon States’. The UNODA nuclear arms race at an early date and to
expands the NPT as ‘a landmark nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on
international treaty whose objective is to general and complete disarmament
prevent the spread of nuclear weapons under strict and effective international
and weapons technology, to promote control". Later in 2000, NWS agreed on
cooperation in the peaceful uses of the 13 step commitment to accommodate
nuclear energy and to further the goal of their disarmament needs.
achieving nuclear disarmament and
general and complete disarmament.’ All State Parties to the Treaty are
obligated to facilitate and participate in
The NPT expands into three distinct yet the exchange of equipment, materials,
mutually reinforcing pillars of non- and scientific and technological
proliferation, disarmament, and peaceful information for the peaceful uses of
uses of nuclear energy. The Treaty nuclear energy. NNWS parties must
established states into two distinct accept and comply with International
groups: Nuclear-Weapons-States, and Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Non-Nuclear-Weapons-States. All states safeguards as a condition for peaceful
to have acquire any form of a nuclear nuclear co-operation. IAEA safeguards
device prior to 1st January, 1967 are are "based on an assessment of the
deemed as Nuclear-Weapons-States; the correctness and completeness of the
rest are Non-Nuclear-Weapons-States. State's declarations [to the Agency]
The three pillars of the NPT call for the concerning nuclear material and nuclear-
following: related activities." The IAEA uses
safeguard activities to verify that States
honor their commitments not to use
nuclear programs for nuclear weapons. and Southeast Asia. As a result, over half
The NPT encourages international co- of earth is free from nuclear weapons.
operation for peaceful uses of nuclear Calls for a Middle Eastern NWFZ have
energy, from medical diagnostics and strengthened over time, but disharmony
treatments to power production. within the Arab ranks, Iran and Israel in
particular, have prevented that from
According the aforementioned criteria happening so.
for establishing a state as NWS or
NNWS, the NPT establishes China, Case Studies
France, the Soviet Union (now Russia),
the United States and United Kingdom Case Study: Iran
as the five Nuclear Weapons States. The
NWS are prohibited to “nuclear weapons Iran is perhaps the most scrutinized
or other nuclear explosive devices" or country in terms of its nuclear program.
"not in any way to assist, encourage, or Speculation regarding Iran’s nuclear
induce" any other state from obtaining program began in the 1990s, with United
any form of a nuclear arsenal. Article II States placing its first trade embargo in
prohibits these NWS to "receive," 1995. International criticism regarding
"manufacture" or "acquire" nuclear has had its highs and lows, but the
weapons or to "seek or receive any interest in its nuclear program increased
assistance in the manufacture of nuclear exponentially in 2002 when Iran’s two
weapons". By article III these NNWS nuclear sites were exposed by an Iranian
parties consent to International Atomic resistance group. Further reports
Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and suggested that Iran was producing
inspections to ensure that any nuclear enriched Uranium, which could fuel
energy under the banner of ‘peaceful nuclear reactors as well as nuclear
uses’ is not being converted to any form weapons. In response to the
nuclear weapons and/or devices. overwhelming criticism, Iran allowed
United Nations and International
The NPT has received all sorts of Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to
criticism over time, since countries like examine its nuclear program. The
Pakistan, India and North Korea were inspectors believed that Iran had in fact
able to obtain nuclear weapons much been obscuring much of its nuclear
after the establishment of the Treaty. In program, to which Iran responded by
wake of the NPT’s deficiencies, several agreeing to stop Uranium enrichment.
states have come together to form
regional nuclear free zones known as Iran broke the agreement in less than a
Nuclear Weapon Free Zones (NWFZ). year, with the newly elected president,
Much as the name suggests, NWFZ are Mahmoud Ahmadinjad recommenced
free of any form of nuclear weapons in Iran’s Isfahan power plant (closed since
their territorial soil, waters, or space. 2004 after an agreement with EU). Half a
Three NWFZ currently exist in the dozen broken Security Council
world: Latin America, the South Pacific, resolutions later (1696, 1737, 1747, 1803,
amongst others), the situation is pretty officials have repeatedly stated that
much the same. Embargos and sanctions “Israel would not be the first to introduce
on Iran have been worsened, but it still nuclear weapons to the Middle East”.
remains persistent. To that end, Iran’s Speculation suggests that this statement
nuclear program has developed issues a direct warning to Iran, and
significantly in that time period. therefore exacerbating the situation. In
spite of overwhelming international
Tehran’s long standing argument pressure, Israel adheres to its decision of
regarding its nuclear program is benign not signing the NPT, stating that to do so
and completely legal according to its would be against its ‘national security’,
membership of the nuclear Non- once again raising concerns about the
Proliferation Treaty, which allows it to possibility of a shrouded nuclear arsenal.
“develop nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes”. Despite Iran’s claims, the Experts argue that the reason behind the
United States leads the counterargument general acceptance regarding Israel’s
that Iran has no need for nuclear energy. nuclear program, compared to that of
While extremists might deem this as Iran’s, might its timing. During the 25
another west propaganda, Iran boasts year window between the 1945
significant oil and gas reserves which detonation of the first nuclear weapon by
would serve as much cheaper source of the United States and the establishment
energy. Thus, the United States accuses of the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty,
Iran of using its civilian energy program Israel managed to acquire nuclear
to camouflage its nuclear weapon weapons.
production. In June 2003, U.S. President
George W. reiterated his zero tolerance The Israeli nuclear program was fuelled
for Iran’s nuclear program by stating that by the obsessive fear that gripped the
the United States and its allies "will not nation's founding Prime Minister, David
tolerate the construction of a nuclear Ben-Gurion. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli
weapon" in Iran. His successor has taken war, in which the new country fought off
an identical stance. Egyptian and Jordanian armies, Ben-
Gurion decided that Israel could survive
Case Study: Israel only if it had a gigantic military deterrent
-- nuclear weapons.
One of the four countries to have not
signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Back in the mid-19th century, Israel was
Treaty, Israel is speculated to be the sixth the polar opposite of the state it is now. It
country to have obtained nuclear did not boast the financial and military
weapons. Israel adapts the rare stance of firepower it has now, nor did it enjoy the
‘nuclear ambiguity’, where it refuses to modern-day overwhelming support
comment on its nuclear status. To that from the US and the west. How Israel
end, Israel has never declared possessing managed to compete with the top guns
nuclear weapons. However, Israeli in the nuclear field is an inspiring tale;
one that explains both the initial US comply with the same. China has played
reluctance and the subsequent a vital role in the establishment of
compliance, but that tale goes beyond the Pakistan’s nuclear program from its
scope of this study guide. onset; the Chinese offered all sorts of
nuclear expertise to Pakistan over years.
Recent developments Recently, reports suggest that China
might have helped Pakistan obtain a new
Nuclear weapon fuel consists of either nuclear warhead in addition to the
enriched uranium or plutonium. These Chagai-1 that it already possessed, and
materials are "fissile" because they are has also happed the Khusab power plant
unstable and fission, or split, when increase its Uranium enrichment
struck by neutrons. Both can fuel a capabilities.
nuclear bomb or be used as fuel in a
nuclear power reactor. However, India
producing nuclear fuel, regardless of its
ultimate use, is a difficult task. India acquired nuclear weapons around
the same time as Pakistan. India believes
that it reserves the right to possess
nuclear weapons as long as other nations
in the world possess them. India’s
nuclear arsenal is estimated to be around
a hundred and fifty warheads, although
it has consistently stressed that it believes
in a no first use policy.
The New Strategic Arms Reduction The origin of the proposal can be traced
Treaty is an agreement between the back to December 1993, where UN
United States of America and the Russian General Assembly adopted resolution
Federation signed on April 2010 in 48/75 which recommended the
Prague, and entered into force on negotiation of a “a non-discriminatory,
February 2011. Under terms of the treaty multilateral, and internationally and
the number of strategic nuclear missile effectively verifiable treaty banning the
launchers will be reduced by half. The production of fissile material for nuclear
Treaty proposed a revised inspection weapons and/or other nuclear explosive
and verification regime to be established, devices.” This treaty is now known as the
which would replace the then-existing Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty. Since
mechanism created under the Strategic then, the endorsement of the FMCT
Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT). negotiations in the CD have been
However, it does not limit the number of endorsed by the numerous NPT Review
operationally inactive stockpiled nuclear Conferences. Quite notably, at the NPT
warheads that remain in both the conference in 2000, the negotiation of the
Russian and American inventories. FMCT was deemed as one the 13
Under this treaty, both the United States practical steps towards disarmament.
and the Russian Federation are obliged
to meet the Treaty’s central limit on While the general lauded by all states,
strategic arms by February 5, 2018, which there are certain contentious issues. The
is seven years from the day the New issue of existing stockpiles has always
START entered into force. The Treaty’s been a problem. NWS unsurprising favor
duration is ten years, with a possible a treaty which only limit the future
extension of no more than ten years. production of these fissile materials, but
other states, most notably the ones
Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty – belonging to the Non-Aligned
Conference of Disarmament Movement, believe that already existing
fissile stockpiles must be address
Formation of nuclear weapons require a simultaneously. If the latter is
variety of radioactive substances, such as incorporated into the Treaty, nuclear
enriched uranium, neptunium, and weapon states would have destroy their
curium. While all these substances are existing stocks of fissile material, which
required for the efficiency of a nuclear could never be used for nuclear weapons
weapon, they are useless without fissile again. To that end, many feel that
materials - the key ingredient during the ‘mechanisms for the management of
production of nuclear weapons. Since the fissile material’ should also be included
formation for the NPT, calls for banning in the FMCT.
fissile material have increased drastically
over the years – the issue is now the UN The second contentious issue is the idea
agenda for quite some time, and is tabled to expand the Treaty to include other
on the Conference of Disarmament (CD) elements used in nuclear weapon
for many years. production. This would drastically limit
the power of these nuclear weapons. For nuclear weapons countries freeze the
instance, while the FMCT would most total number of warheads in their
certainly ban production of highly arsenals and commit to participate in
enriched uranium and plutonium, if it multilateral negotiations for
could also incorporate and limit the proportionate reductions of stockpiles
production of tritium, states would be (as outlined in Phase 2).
unable to replace tritium in their already Phase 2 (2014-2018)
existing nuclear devices (it has a half-life
of 12 years), hence rendering them Through a multilateral framework, the
useless. Similarly, other substances, such United States and Russia reduce their
as depleted uranium, neptunium, nuclear arsenals to 500 total warheads
natural uranium, plutonium 240 and 242, each by 2021 – as other nuclear weapons
americium, curium and californium, countries maintain a cap on their
though not fissile, could be incorporated stockpiles until 2018 and commit to a
to aid the removal of existing stockpiles. proportionate reductions until 2021. A
rigorous and comprehensive verification
Global Zero Action Plan and enforcement system is implemented,
including no-notice, on-site inspections,
‘The Global Zero Action Plan calls for the and strengthened safeguards on the
United States and Russia – who hold civilian nuclear fuel cycle to prevent
more than 90% of the world’s nuclear diversion of materials to build weapons.
weapons – to negotiate deep cuts in their
arsenals, followed by international Phase 3 (2019-2023)
negotiations to eliminate all nuclear
weapons by 2030.’ The world’s nuclear-capable countries
negotiate and sign a Global Zero Accord:
The Global Zero Action is a phased a legally binding international
elimination plan of verified elimination agreement for the phased, verified,
of all nuclear weapons by the year 2030. proportionate reduction of all nuclear
The action plan is divided into four arsenals to zero total warheads by 2030.
phases, the key elements of which are the
following: Phase 4 (2024-2030)
roads and settlements between them. animals. The document states that, “The
The speed with which the Islamist group advantage of biological weapons is that
is closing in on Baghdad can be they do not cost a lot of money, while the
compared – if not exceeds – the pace of human casualties can be huge.”
the 2003 invasion. Unlike the US and
allies, though, ISIS does not have a Case Study: Damascus
capability of launching destructive air
strikes, however in its latest offensives
Chemical Attack
the group has reportedly managed to
On August 21, 2013, in midst the Syrian
significantly boost its military power
civil war, several of the opposition
capturing dozens of US-made armored
control areas around Damascus were
vehicles and other heavy weaponry from
stuck by sarin containing rockets.
the retreating Iraqi military.
Estimates say between 800 to 1500 people
sustained fatal injuries and/or died. In
Recently, many reports have suggested
response to the attack, the UN
that ISIS might have established
dispatched investigators to scrutinize the
Biological weapons as a significant part
attack site, who later confirmed the sarin
of their agenda. In August 2014, Abu Ali,
was indeed used in the attack. The report
a commander of a moderate Syrian rebel
also stated that the quality (purity) of the
group in northern Syria, found a laptop
sarin gas was significantly high, with the
from an ISIS hideout. He claimed that the
Syrian government and the rebel groups
fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and
both blaming each other for the attacks.
al-Sham (ISIS), which have since
While many believed that the attack was
rebranded themselves as the Islamic
indeed the Assad regime’s work, no
State, all fled before he and his men
conclusive evidence was found. In the
attacked the building. The attack
following September, the Syrian
occurred in January in a village in the
government agreed to destroy its
Syrian province of Idlib, close to the
chemical stockpiles, and join the
border with Turkey, as part of a larger
Chemical Weapons Convention.
anti-ISIS offensive occurring at the time.
"We found the laptop and the power
In the September Switzerland talks, the
cord in a room," he continued, "I took it
United States and Russia orchestrated a
with me. But I have no clue if it still
framework by which Syria would
works or if it contains anything
destroy its chemical weapons. Under the
interesting.” The laptop was taken into
agreement, Syria was to submit a
investigation, when Harald Doornbos
comprehensive list of all its stockpiles
and Jenan Moussa from Foreign Policy
within a week, and international
managed to scrutinize it. Amongst other
inspectors would be dispatched no later
things, the laptop contained a nineteen
than the following November.
page Arabic document about creating
Furthermore, to achieve accountability
biological weapons and how to
for their chemical weapons, the Syrians
weaponize bubonic plague from infected
must provide the OPCW, the UN, and and defensive use of cyber weapons.
other supporting personnel with the Aside from a number of minor
immediate and unfettered right to scrimmages and exchanges, a high scale,
inspect any and all sites in Syria. The state-sponsored coordinated attack is yet
extraordinary procedures to be proposed to be seen.
by the United States and the Russian
Federation for adoption by the OPCW The most dreading aspect of Cyber
Executive Council and reinforced by a warfare is perhaps the failure of the
UN Security Council resolution, should international community to thus far
include a mechanism to ensure this right. agree on a set of principles, rules and
In April 2014, Syria missed its deadline norms which would govern the cyber
for destroying its stockpiles, but later space. The major bone of contention,
destroyed over 93% of its chemical however, remains whether Cyber
arsenal. warfare should be classified under the
Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). The
Cyber Warfare Law of Armed Conflict (also referred to
as ‘LOAC’ and ‘laws of war’) originated
The 21st century has brought with itself in the mid-19th century; since their early
another era of modern combat as the beginnings, these laws applied primarily
information age has revolutionized to interstate conflict as carried out by
warfare. Cyber-attacks refers to uniformed armed forces between two or
computer-to-computer attacks that more states. The principles, rules, and
undermine the confidentiality, integrity, norms that guide today’s LOAC can be
or availability of a computer or found in a variety of sources: customary
information resident on it. Around the law, international treaties, judicial
world, cyberspace has become an decisions, legal philosophers, and
increasingly important part of the military manuals.
political, economic and military
infrastructure. Subsequently, experts Three important LOAC principles
have cyber warfare as the next frontier of govern armed conflict—military
combat – beyond land, sea, air or space, necessity, distinction, and
as technology now permits hackers, proportionality:
irrespective of state support, to wage a
new kind of war that involves computer Military Necessity: Military necessity
sabotage. requires combat forces to engage in only
those acts necessary to accomplish a
Cyberspace has been established as the legitimate military objective. Attacks
new battleground. After land, sea, air shall be limited strictly to military
and space, military organizations, state objectives. In applying military necessity
and non-state actors are on the brink of to targeting, the rule generally means the
implementing what will become the new United States Military may target those
hybrid wars. However, we cannot facilities, equipment, and forces which, if
predict what lies ahead for the offensive destroyed, would lead as quickly as
Many believe that for a cyber-attack to As cyber warfare moves to the forefront
classify as an ‘act of force’, or ‘cyber war’, of more government agendas, more
it must take place alongside actual questions arise as to how the Law of
military operations. Others disagree; Armed Conflict and the Geneva
they argue that cyber-attacks can be Convention apply to cyberspace. The
deemed as acts of war regardless of the answers are likely to be disputed in two
use of conventional warfare. For others, sides: those who see cyber warfare as
the strongest definition of cyber war fitting neatly under existing LOAC (as
requires that cyber attacks cause well as under the UN charter), and on the
widespread harm, rather than mere other side, those who see the need for an
inconvenience. To that end, delegates entirely new set of international laws and
need to keep in mind that agreement on treaties to govern this intimidating form
a definition is essential, because under of warfare, or perhaps classifying it as a
international law, a country that Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD).
considers itself the victim of an act of war Nevertheless, the committee needs to
has the right to self-defense—with consider all possibilities when deciding
conventional military means and that upon the appropriate course of action
requires clear rules of engagement. that needs to be taken to address the
Given the number of problems topic.
associated with applying LOAC to cyber
war, discomfort among cyber strategists
Topic Area B
Introduction to the Topic Area the territorial waters of any other state,
the right of hot pursuit expires. The
Article two of the UN Charter reaffirms possible expansion of the right of hot
the former, stating that, “Nothing pursuit to land, and its incorporation
contained in the present Charter shall within the existing laws and norms of
authorize the United Nations to territorial integrity lies upon DISEC to
intervene in matters which are decide.
essentially within the domestic
jurisdiction of any state”. Several non- History of the Topic
state actors, such as high-profile
criminals and terrorists have taken The United Nations was established with
advantage of these territorial lines in two primary aims: to respect territorial
order to evade justice. These non-state integrity, and curb the loss of human life.
actors often cross national borders, not Article two of the UN Charter reaffirms
only avoiding capture, but spreading the the former, stating that, “Nothing
turbulence to a regional level. contained in the present Charter shall
authorize the United Nations to
Case Study: The Lord’s Resistance Army intervene in matters which are
is the one of the major non-state actors essentially within the domestic
who took advantage of this law. jurisdiction of any state”. Several non-
Although originating in Uganda, the state actors, such as high-profile
LRA travelled through borders to avoid criminals and terrorists have taken
extradition, spreading violence advantage of these territorial lines in
throughout its path. Since the African order to evade justice. These non-state
countries lacked a vigilant refugee actors often cross national borders, not
monitoring system, it became easier for only avoiding capture, but spreading the
LRA to slip its members through turbulence to a regional level.
Such undermining of territorial lines by
Such undermining of territorial lines by third party actors has compelled the
third party actors has compelled the international community to consider
international community to consider revising the current standing norms.
revising the current standing norms. Currently, according to the UN
Currently, according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the
Convention on the Law of the Sea, the “right of hot pursuit” allows states to
“right of hot pursuit” allows states to continue pursing criminals if the crime
continue pursing criminals if the crime was conducted within the territory of the
was conducted within the territory of the pursuing state. However, this right
pursuing state. However, this right presently only applies to ships leaving
presently only applies to ships leaving territorial waters and entering
territorial waters and entering international waters; once a ship enters
international waters; once a ship enters the territorial waters of any other state,
Western states requested more robust Case Study: Lord’s Resistance Army
Turkish military support in combating (LRA)
the ISIS, Ankara refused to cooperate. Its
two main fears -- of Kurdish separatism The Lord’s resistance army is an
and of a resurgent Assad regime -- extremist movement based mainly in
overrule its other security central Africa in the countries of Uganda
considerations. and South Sudan, it has been described
as an extremist Christian movement and
The open-endedness of the phrase and one of its stated goals is ruling Uganda
the lack of a legal framework, even to the according to the Ten Commandments.
level of high seas, underpinning it would The LRA is led by Joseph Kony who was
make for a rather unclear war mandate, made famous by the documentary in
potentially opening the door to chasing 2012 and who has been indicted for war
militants beyond Iraq and Syria. This crime and crimes against humanity by
could result in cascade of events, in turn the international criminal court. The LRA
setting the precedent for border itself has been accused for a wide range
violations by other states elsewhere in of crimes ranging from using child
the world. If the United States can carry soldiers to being involved in the sex
out cross-border incursions into Syria on trade. The LRA continues to launch
such weak legal grounds, then there is strikes against both civilians and military
little to stop Russia from invoking the targets throughout central Africa and
phrase in Ukraine, or Pakistan from thus do have the capability to cross
chasing militants well beyond the borders freely. Moreover, the lack of
Baluchistan border, or China from border security and policing in these
apprehending Uighur separatists across countries means that the LRA can carry
its border. Even the nominally out strikes freely.
noninterventionist Brazil has jumped on
the bandwagon to invoke the right to hot
pursuit as a justification its cross border
actions against drug lords in Peru. The
delegates of DISEC must decide whether
it is wise to expand to the convention,
and if so, then come up with a
comprehensive yet transparent
framework regarding the
implementation of the right that ensures
that the legal challenges that stand in its
way are well and truly conquered.
Case Studies
There have been efforts to reach a peace against the LRA. To that end, the United
agreement between the LRA and the States passed a legislation in 2012 to end
Ugandan government; none being the threat of the LRA and has since then
successful as the sides refuse to adhere to deployed over a hundred military
it. The LRA has slowly increased its hold advisors to assist the Ugandan army.
over central Africa and are now believed Even after numerous attempts to counter
to have large number of soldiers in the the threat of the LRA, no efficient method
Central African Republic. The Central has been put forth so far. Calls for the
African Republic has been particularly right of ‘Hot Pursuit’ to be implemented
susceptible to the formation of safe has gained staunch support recently,
havens because of the political unrest with many urging for a ‘task force
and economic turmoil that has gripped without borders’ to be dispatched that it
the country in the past. Sudan is another is confined to the entire Central African
country that has been accused of turning region, and has the right to cross borders
a blind eye and doing little to get rid of in order track down the militants. In this
the LRA presence in the country. There case, however, the right of ‘Hot Pursuit’
have been reports that the LRA is on the would be relatively easier to implement,
move into regions such as Darfur in the given that most countries hosting the
north of Sudan with tacit support from LRA are willing to combat them.
the Sudanese government which until Nevertheless, state sovereignty is a major
2002 openly supported the LRA against issue, with several countries, most
the Ugandan government. notably China and Russia staunchly
against the entire idea of Hot Pursuit.
The complexity of this conflict and the
sheer number of countries involved in it Case study: U.S. conducting air
mean that the right of ‘Hot Pursuit’ is a strikes in Syria
very pertinent part of the conflict. The
lack of the infrastructure and military The Islamic State is a Sunni extremist
strength in these regions makes it even group, whose original aim was to
tougher to combat these militants. This establish an Islamic state in the Sunni-
becomes especially problematic for majority areas of Iraq, however later on
countries like Uganda which has been they declared a worldwide caliphate,
the epicenter of violence in recent times. and claimed to have religious authority
Villages and towns on the border of over all Muslims worldwide. Gradually
Sudan and Uganda have been raided in they took control of certain areas in Iraq.
the past, and by the Ugandan To curb this growing power of the
government could gather enough Islamic State U.S. has conducted more
resources to launch counter terrorism than 190 airstrikes in Iraq against the
operations, the militants had fled into Islamic State targets. The United States
neighboring countries. Foreign countries of America, assisted by other partner
have largely avoided direct involvement countries, conducted an air strike in Syria
in the conflict and usually NGOs along on Islamic State. The partner nations
with the African Union provide support include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain
and the United Arab Emirates. However Numerous international law experts
the idea of hot pursuit come into play in claim that the right of hot pursuit is
this situation as Iraq invited the U.S. to recognized to pursue ships escaping in
help it fight the Islamic State, therefore international waters, however no such
U.S. received support from other nations, authority would allow a nation to violate
but the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad another nation’s border to pursue a
has made no such request for aid against threat or an opposing force on land.
the Islamic state and the United States Therefore this condition in Syria relating
still conducted an air strike in Syria. to the Islamic state and the U.S. closely
Their justification for conducting an air ties with the idea of Hot pursuit based on
strike in Iraq was given by U.S. secretary the actions taken by the U.S. in Syria
of state John Kerry, who stated, “you against the Islamic State, especially
have a right of hot pursuit, you have a because Michael Eisenstadt, director of
right to be able to attack those people Washington’s military and security
who are attacking you as a matter of self- studies program claimed that air trikes
defense.” His claim was further backed were just a “beginning” of what would
up by Samantha Powers, the U.S. we needed to defeat the ISIS.
ambassador to the UN, who tried to
justify the air strike conducted in Syria The current situation in Syria is the
by writing a letter to the general perfect example of the many problems
secretary of the United Nations, stating that could surface if the right of Hot
that “the Syrian regime has shown that it Pursuit is indeed expanded to land.
cannot and will not confront these safe While it may significantly aid nations in
havens effectively itself. Accordingly, the combating asymmetric warfare, it will
United States has initiated necessary and most certainly undermine many articles
proportionate military actions in Syria." of the UN Charter. The delegates in
Moreover the Russian ambassador DISEC at LUMUN XI would be expected
Vitaly Churkin, whose country backs to come up with a robust framework as
Assad, commented that it would be how Hot Pursuit can be expanded to
“considered illegal” to conduct air other forms, and the manner of its
strikes in Syria without Assad’s implementation, whilst also dealing with
approval. Even though France joined the obvious threat that it poses to the
U.S. in the air strikes in Iraq, President sovereignty of the states.
Francois Hollande was initially against
the idea of the attacks in Syria, as they
were called in by Iraq to help it against
the Islamic state, but not by Syria. The
U.S. also stated that the 2001
authorization for the use of military force
against terrorists provided them with a
basis to attack the Islamic state since it
has direct ties to the al-Qaeda.