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DPE 105 - Educational Technology

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Republic of the Philippines


Barili Campus
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Tel. No. (032) 513-0641
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(Subject Code)

Educational Technology
(Descriptive Title)

2nd Semester, AY 2013-2014

Department/Area : Education
Curriculum : Diploma/Certificate in Professional Education (DPE/CPE)
Curricular Year : First Year
Number of Hours/Semester : 54
Credit Unit : 3 Units
Prerequisite : None

Vision of the University

The Center of excellence and development in research, instruction, production, and

extension services for progressive leadership transcending global technological, business, and
industry-driven education.

Mission of the University

Provides advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes, industrial
trade, teacher education, agriculture, fishery, forestry, engineering, aeronautics and land-based
programs, arts and sciences, information technology and other relevant fields of study. It shall
undertake research, production, and extension services, and provide progressive leadership across
the areas of specialization for global empowerment.

Goals of the College

1. Developing appropriate and effective technologies.

To provide the needed physical infrastructure that will facilitate the conduct of
scientific and technological researches with emphasis on the market–driven products.

2. Showcasing sustainable agricultural enterprises.

To provide farm models for commercially viable and sustainable projects using
advance technologies.

3. Developing strong linkages.

To establish proper connections and collaborative programs with local, national, and
international development-oriented agencies for broaden exposure and learning
experiences among the students.
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4. Inculcating positive values for human development.

To develop among the graduates and the workforce useful values as effective tools
for progress.

5. Emphasizing on the basic domains of learning.

To provide the students with the knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes necessary
for the elementary and secondary technology teaching profession as well as for global job

Objectives of the Program

1. Provide prospective technology teachers with knowledge necessary for elementary and
secondary teaching profession.

2. Develop skills, attitudes and positive values essential for human development as tools for
country’s progress.

3. Provide the students with teaching-learning experiences and other related activities to
prepare them in the realm of teaching profession.

Course Description

This course introduces the basic learning theories and principles as bases in the design,
development, implementation, and evaluation of instruction using educational technology. Students
are expected to acquire skills in integrating technology in various content areas. It further deals
with the theories and concepts of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the field of
teaching and learning. It is a survey course in the selection, utilization, and evaluation of
instructional media primarily in adult configurations which uses ICT technologies, analysis of
communication and learning theories with ICT integration. Course activities are focused on the
design and development of ICT-based instructional plans.

General Objectives

Given the necessary time, materials, tools and equipment needed in instruction, the
students are expected of the following:

1. Relate the importance of the course to the attainment of the institution’s VMGO.
2. Orient the learner to the pervasiveness of educational technology in society.
3. Lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the
avenues teaching-learning process in the school.
4. Uplift human learning through the use of learning technology.
5. Impart skills in planning, designing, using, and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching-
learning process.
6. Acquaint learners on basic aspects of community education, functions of the school media
7. Introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the
8. Provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills
on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
9. Impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.
10. Acquaint students on Information Technology or IT-related learning theories with the
computer as a tutor.
11. Learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources.
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12. Engage learners on practical technology integration issues including managing IT

classrooms, use of the Internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of
information technology.
13. Inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity among students while providing them
knowledge of IT-related learning theories.

Course Contents

Strategies / No. of
Topics to be Discussed Specific Objectives Evaluation
Activities Hours

Orientation  Discuss class policies and Teacher and students 1 Teacher

grading system. introduction
Vision, Mission, Goals and  Inform and relate the VMGO
Objectives (VMGO) of CTU of the Campus to the course. Lecture discussion
– Barili Campus

1. Meaning of  Define educational Literature Review 2 Teacher

Educational technology
Technology  Differentiate educational Oral Reporting
technology from technology
in education (Visual Aids, ICT-based
 Relate educational presentation, and written
technology with instructional report)
technology and technology
integration, and educational
 Determine whether
technology is a boon or bane

2. The Roles of  Recall the roles of Discussion/ Student 1 Basalo

Educational educational technology in Oral Reporting
Technology in learning (Visual Aids, ICT-
Learning based presentation,
and written report)

3. Systematic Approach  Define systematic or Discussion/ Student 1 Teacher

to Teaching system’s approach to Oral Reporting
teaching. (Visual Aids, ICT-
 Enumerate the elements of based presentation,
a systematic approach to and written report)

4. The Cone of  Explain the Cone of Discussion/ Student 2 Vergara

Experience Experience. Oral Reporting
 Identify the sensory aids in (Visual Aids, ICT-
the Cone of Experience based presentation,
 Identify its implications to and written report)

5. Using and Evaluating  Identify the guidelines to be Discussion/ Student 1 Badiles

Instructional Materials considered in the selection Oral Reporting
and use of instructional (Visual Aids, ICT-
materials. based presentation,
and written report)
Page 4 of 8 pages

Course Contents, cont’d…

6. Direct, Purposeful  Explain what does direct, Discussion/ Student 1 Enojada

Experiences purposeful experiences Oral Reporting
refer to. (Visual Aids, ICT-
 For meaningful learning, based presentation,
locate where should these and written report)
direct and purposeful
experiences led the
learners to.

7. Teaching with  Identify contrived Discussion/ Student 2 Sanchez

Contrived Experiences experiences and their Oral Reporting
varied types. (Visual Aids, ICT-
 Explain the use of contrived based presentation,
experiences. and written report)
 Identify the standards that
can be used to evaluate
contrived experiences.

8. Teaching with  Identify the inclusion of Discussion/ Student 1 Zosa

Dramatized dramatized experiences. Oral Reporting
Experiences  Explain how these can be (Visual Aids, ICT-
used for effective teaching. based presentation,
and written report)
Prelim Exam 1.5

9. Demonstrations in  Define demonstration Discussion/ Student 1 Eleccion

Teaching  Explain how demonstration Oral Reporting
be done to make it work. (Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
and written report)

10. Use of Demonstration  Identify and describe the Discussion/ Student 1 Empleo
Boards use of different Oral Reporting
demonstration boards. (Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
and written report)

11. Making the Most of  Identify the procedures and Discussion/ Student 2 Escarpe
Community Resources criteria to be observed in Oral Reporting
and Field Trips planning and conducting (Visual Aids, ICT-
field trips. based presentation,
 Enumerate the educational and written report)
benefits derived from a field
 Identify community
resources that can be
utilized for learning.

12. The Power of Film,  Explain why do film, video, Discussion/ Student 1 Lim
Video and TV in the and TV are powerful in the Oral Reporting
Classroom classroom. (Visual Aids, ICT-
 Enumerate the benefits of based presentation,
the use of film, video, and and written report)
TV in the classroom.
 Identify the basic
procedures to be followed
for effective use of TV as a
form of lesson enrichment.
Page 5 of 8 pages

Course Contents, cont’d…

13. Teaching with Visual  Identify what instructional Discussion/ Student 1 Basalo
Symbols materials fall under this Oral Reporting
category. (Visual Aids, ICT-
 Give examples of each based presentation,
visual symbol. and written report)
 Locate technology
integration in the
instructional process.
 Identify the guidelines to be
followed when charts,
graphs, and maps are read.

14. Maximizing the Use of  Identify the techniques that Discussion/ Student 2 Vergara
the Overhead Projector can help us maximize the Oral Reporting
and The Chalkboard use of the overhead (Visual Aids, ICT-
projector and the based presentation,
chalkboard. and written report)

15. Project-based Learning  Define project-based Discussion/ Student 2 Badiles

Multimedia learning multimedia. Oral Reporting
 Identify the elements of (Visual Aids, ICT-
project-based multimedia based presentation,
learning. and written report)
 Explain the use of project-
based multimedia learning.
 Enumerate the advantages
of the use of project-based
learning and multimedia

16. Using the Project-  Identify the steps involved Discussion/ Student 1 Enojada
based Learning in the use of project-based Oral Reporting
Multimedia as a multimedia learning (Visual Aids, ICT-
Teaching-Learning strategy. based presentation,
Strategy and written report)

17. Assessment in a  Identify which form of Discussion/ Student 1 Sanchez

Constructivist, assessment fits a Oral Reporting
Technology-Supported constructivist technology- (Visual Aids, ICT-
Learning supported learning based presentation,
environment. and written report)

18. Roles and Functions of  Define educational media Discussion/ Student 2 Zosa
an Educational Media center. Oral Reporting
Center  Identify the roles and (Visual Aids, ICT-
functions does an based presentation,
educational media center and written report)
perform to serve the
teaching-learning process.
 Identify the elements must
an EMC have for it to
effectively function as one.

Midterm Exam 1.5

19. An Overview:  Relate the objectives of Discussion/ Student 1 Eleccion

Educational Educational Technology 2. Oral Reporting
Technology 2 (Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
and written report)
Page 6 of 8 pages

Course Contents, cont’d…

20. Understanding  Identify and understand the 1 Empleo

Technology Learners technology learners
Discussion/ Student
Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
21. Bridging the  Understand the potentials of based presentation,
1 Escarpe
Generation Gap Information and and written report)
Technology (ICT)

22. Preferences of the  Identify and review 1 Lim

Technology preferences of the Discussion/ Student
Generation technology generation Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
23. Developing Basic  Develop basic skills in using and written report) 1 Basalo
Digital Skills digital technology

24. Evaluation of  Evaluate learning 1 Vergara

Technology Learning capabilities with technology
Discussion/ Student
Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
25. Higher Thinking Skills  Identify and apply IT-based and written report)
Through IT-Based projects to enhance higher 2
Projects thinking skills

26. Computers as  Employ computer as an 2 Enojada

Information and information and
Discussion/ Student
Communication communication technology
Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
based presentation,
and written report)
27. The Computer as a  Employ computer as a tutor 1 Sanchez

Pre-final Exam 1.5

28. The Computer as the  Employ computer as the 1 Zosa

Teacher’s Tool teacher’s tool
Discussion/ Student
Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
29. Information Tech-  Application of IT in support based presentation,
2 Eleccion
nology (IT) in Support of SCL and written report)
of Student-Centered
Learning (SCL)

30. Cooperative Learning  Utilize computer in 1 Empleo

with the Computer cooperative learning
Discussion/ Student
Oral Reporting
31. The Software as an  Utilize software as an 1 Escarpe
(Visual Aids, ICT-
Educational Resource educational resource
based presentation,
and written report)
32. Understanding  Manipulate hypermedia 1 Lim
Page 7 of 8 pages

Course Contents, cont’d…

33. The Internet and  Maximize the utilization of 3 Teacher

Education (Educational Internet in education
Technology Practicum) Discussion/ Student
Oral Reporting
(Visual Aids, ICT-
34. Tablets for Textbooks  Analyze applicability, based presentation, 2 Teacher
in Schools capability, and economics and written report)
of using technology devices
in schools

Final Exam 1.5

Course Requirements

Oral Recitation/Participation
Oral, Written & Presentation Reports
Term Exams

Evaluation Procedure (Approved Grading System Applicable to the Course/Program)

Rating Weight

Oral Recitation/Participation 15%

Quizzes 20%
Oral, Written & Presentation Reports 25%
Term Exams 40%
Total 100%


Corpuz, Brenda B. and Paz I. Lucido. 2012. Educational Technology 1. 2nd Edition. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.. 776 Aurora Blvd., Cor. Boston St., Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila,

Garbo, Candelaria D. 2011. Theories and Principles of Educational Technology. National

Bookstore. Quad Alpha Centrum Bldg., 125 Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila,

Lucido, Paz I. 2012. Educational Technology 2. 2nd Edition. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.. 776 Aurora
Blvd., Cor. Boston St., Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Lucido , Paz I. and Milagros L. Borabo. 1997. Educational Technology. Katha Publishing Co.,
Inc. 388 Quezon Ave., Quezon City

Encarta Premium Suite 2005, 2006, 2010.

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2006, 2009. Ultimate Reference Suite.

www.educational technology.com



Page 8 of 8 pages

Prepared by:


Asst. Professor III

Date Submitted: __________________

Upon Recommendation by the Committee:


Member Member





Campus Director

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