Internship Report On: "IT Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank LTD." (A Study On Head Office)
Internship Report On: "IT Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank LTD." (A Study On Head Office)
Internship Report On: "IT Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank LTD." (A Study On Head Office)
“IT Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.”
(A study on Head Office)
Prepared For
Md. Noman Hossain Chowdhury
Senior Lecturer
BRAC University
Prepared By
Shiab Khan
ID# 13164039
BRAC University
BRAC University
Date of submission: 17/08/2015
Letter of Transmittal
Senior Lecturer
BRAC University
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “IT Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited”.
Dear Sir,
In connection of my practical orientation in Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd., I would like to submit my
report to you for your perusal. I have prepared this report on the basis of my practical exposure at IT
Division of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.
I enjoy preparing this report, which enriched my partial knowledge of the theoretical concept. I tried
to reflect the operational aspects of the Bank, which is complementary to the theoretical and practical
I will be very glad if the report can serve its actual purpose and I am ready to explain anything to you
if you feel necessary.
Yours Sincerely,
Shiab Khan
MBA Program
ID NO: 13164039
Major in Finance
BRAC University
I, Shiab Khan, hereby declare that the report of internship Program titled “IT Policy of Shahjalal
Islami Bank Limited” is uniquely prepared by me.
I confirm that, the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not for other purpose. It
might be with the interest of opposite party of the corporation. I also assure that this report is not
submitted anywhere of Bangladesh before me.
Shiab Khan
ID NO: 13164039
Major in Finance
MBA Program
BRAC University
At first I want to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving me the strength and the
composure to finish the task within the scheduled time. Then I am very grateful to the Shahjalal
Islami Bank Ltd. for providing me the opportunity to complete my internship program.
I received cordial cooperation from the officers and members of staffs of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.,
IT Division. I want to express my cordial gratitude to them for their cooperation without which it
would not be possible to complete the report.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude & sincere appreciation to my internship supervisor
Mr. Md. Noman Hossain Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer, BRAC Business School, BRAC University
for his continuous support & guidance during the practical orientation period. His suggestions and
comments were really a great source of spirit to make the report a good one.
Finally I am really thankful to Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Executive Vice President & Head of IT, Mr.
Md. Rezaul Karim, Executive officer of the Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd IT Division for giving me the
excellent opportunity to do my practical orientation in their branch.
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2.8.02 Personnel Development Policy .................................................................................. 22
2.8.03 Personnel Security Policy ........................................................................................... 23
Chapter Three ................................................................................................................................ 24
IT Operation Management Policy ....................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Change Management Policy ................................................................................................ 24
3.2 IT Asset Management Policy ............................................................................................... 25
3.2.01 Hardware Inventory Management and Tracking Policy ............................................. 25
3.2.02 Hardware Repairing & Troubleshooting Policy .......................................................... 25
3.3 Disposal of IT Assets ........................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 26
3.3.4 IT Asset Types .............................................................................................................. 26
3.3.5 Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.6 Practices ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Operating Procedure Policy ................................................................................................. 27
3.5 Active Directory Policy......................................................................................................... 28
3.5.01 Active Directory: ......................................................................................................... 28
3.5.02 Benefits of Active Directory........................................................................................ 28 Increasing the Productivity of Users ..................................................................... 28
3.6 Change Management Policy of in-house software: ............................................................ 29
Chapter Four .................................................................................................................................. 30
Physical Security Policy ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Access Control Policy ........................................................................................................... 30
4.1.01 Data Center Access Policy .......................................................................................... 30
4.1.02 Server Room Access Policy ......................................................................................... 31
4.2 Environmental Security Policy ............................................................................................. 31
4.2.01 Data Center Environmental Safety Policy................................................................... 31
4.2.02 Data Center Security Maintenance ............................................................................ 32
4.3 Fire Prevention Policy .......................................................................................................... 32
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4.4 Physical Security for IT Assets ............................................................................................. 32
Chapter Five ................................................................................................................................... 33
Password Policy ................................................................................................................................ 33
5.1 Overview:............................................................................................................................. 33
5.2 Purpose:............................................................................................................................... 33
5.3 Scope: .................................................................................................................................. 33
5.4 Password Requirements (subject to change): ..................................................................... 33
Chapter Six ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Network Policy ................................................................................................................................. 35
6.1 Network Policy..................................................................................................................... 35
6.1.01 Scope: ......................................................................................................................... 35
6.1.02 Networking Hardware Procurement/Purchase Policy ............................................... 36
6.1.03 Network Systems Policy ............................................................................................. 36
6.1.04 Design, Planning, Approval, Implementation & Maintenance of LAN & WAN .......... 36
6.1.05 Network Security Policy.............................................................................................. 36
6.1.06 Physical Security ......................................................................................................... 38
6.1.07 Supervision, Control, & Monitoring of Network Securities ........................................ 38
6.1.08 Password Control ........................................................................................................ 38
6.1.09 Policy Statement......................................................................................................... 39
6.1.10 Firewall Policy ............................................................................................................. 39
6.1.11 Control & Monitoring of LAN & WAN functionalities................................................. 39
6.1.12 Local Area Networks (LAN) Policy .............................................................................. 39
6.1.13 Wide Area Networks (WAN) Policy ............................................................................ 40
6.1.14 Upgrade design, setup, and security levels of LAN & WAN ....................................... 40
6.1.15 Maintain log records of LAN & WAN status. .............................................................. 40
6.1.16 Router -Switch Data Backup & Restoration Policy ..................................................... 40
6.1.17 Redundant Access Policy from Branch to Head Office ............................................... 41
6.2 VPN Policy ............................................................................................................................ 41
8.2.01. Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 41
6.2.02. Scope ......................................................................................................................... 41
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6.2.03. VPN approval ............................................................................................................. 41
6.2.04 General Conditions for VPN........................................................................................ 41
6.3 General Network Protections .............................................................................................. 42
Chapter Seven ................................................................................................................................ 43
Internet and Web Surfing Policy........................................................................................................ 43
7.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 43
7.2 Requirement of internet and e-mail policy ......................................................................... 43
7.3 Internet usage policy for officers and executives: ............................................................. 44
7.4 E-mail usage policy for officers and executives:.................................................................. 44
Chapter Eight .................................................................................................................................. 47
Infrastructure Policy ......................................................................................................................... 47
8.1 Power System ...................................................................................................................... 47
8.2 Cooling System .................................................................................................................... 48
8.2.01 Operational Activities: ................................................................................................ 48
8.3 Access Control System......................................................................................................... 48
8.4 Surveillance System (CCTV) ................................................................................................. 48
8.5 EMS (Environment Monitoring System) .............................................................................. 48
8.6 Fire Suppression System ...................................................................................................... 48
8.7 Co Location of DRS .............................................................................................................. 49
Chapter Nine .................................................................................................................................. 50
Software Development and Acquisition .......................................................................................... 50
9.1 Software Development Policy ............................................................................................. 50
9.2 In-house Software Policy ..................................................................................................... 51
9.3 Outsourced Software Policy ................................................................................................ 51
9.3.01 Vendor Selection Policy .............................................................................................. 51
9.3.02 Software Documentation Policy ................................................................................. 51
9.3.03 Other Requirements ................................................................................................... 52
Chapter Ten .................................................................................................................................... 53
Core Banking Software Policy ........................................................................................................... 53
10.1 Operating Policy: .............................................................................................................. 53
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10.2 User Support Policy ........................................................................................................... 54
10.3 Maintenance Policy : ......................................................................................................... 54
Chapter Eleven ............................................................................................................................... 55
DATABASE MANAGEENT AND SECURITY ............................................................................................ 55
Backup and Storage Policy ................................................................................................................ 55
11.1 Scope m ............................................................................................................................ 55
11.2 Backup ............................................................................................................................... 55
11.3 Backup Plan ....................................................................................................................... 55
Database (DB) backup using various technologies................................................................ 55
Backup Recovery Team ......................................................................................................... 55
Levels of Backup and Recovery system ................................................................................. 56
Regular Creation of Flash Back point: ................................................................................... 57
11.4 Advanced Storage Technology (PR and DR site data replication & Cloning) .................... 59
DC-DR Data Synchronization/ Data Replication (Mirroring Technology) .............................. 59
Storage Clone Synch-Fracture ............................................................................................... 60
Chapter Twelve .......................................................................................................................... 61
Recommendation and Future Planning Policy .................................................................................... 61
12.1 Cloud Computing ............................................................................................................... 61
12.1.01 Overview................................................................................................................... 61
12.1.02 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 61
12.1.03 Policy ........................................................................................................................ 61
12.1.04 Guidance................................................................................................................... 62
12.1.05 Security Issues .......................................................................................................... 62
12.2 Cryptography and Digital signature................................................................................... 62
12.2.01 The electronic signature ........................................................................................... 63
12.2.02 Digital signature on a message: ................................................................................ 63
12.2.03 Input to a digital signature ....................................................................................... 63
12.2.04 Properties of digital signature ................................................................................. 63
12.2.05 Arbitrated digital signatures .................................................................................... 63
12.2.06 Basis of signature security ....................................................................................... 64
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12.3 Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 64
Chapter Thirteen ............................................................................................................................ 65
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 65
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Executive Summary
Information Technology (IT) is the bedrock for the Bank’s survival and development in a
rapidly changing global environment, and challenges us to devise bold and courageous
initiatives to address a host of vital skilled human resources. In addition, an Information
Technology Policy built on reliable human resources and infrastructure constitutes the
fundamental tool and means of assessing, planning, managing development change and for
achieving sustainable growth.
Every progressive Bank has its own IT Policy and an implementation strategy to respond to the
emerging global reality and thus avert becoming a victim of the digital divide.
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Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
This document describes Information Technology (IT) Policy of Shahjalal Islami Bank
Limited (SJIBL). IT policy, like other organization policy, is generally focused on what
should be done and on what parties are responsible for different activities. However, policy
generally steers clear of describing how these activities should be performed. That, instead, is
the role of procedures and standards, discussed in this Policy. All concerned both in the
Branches or in the Head Office of the Bank shall observe and follow the guidelines provided
in this document.
The policy statements developed for all levels of users acting in different roles in the IT system of the
Bank including general users of different software used in the Bank, all officials of SJIBL is
responsible for maintaining the system, and the members of the top management of the Bank.
1.2 Definitions
Information System - An electronic information system that processes data electronically through the
use of information technology - including but not limited to computer systems, servers, workstations,
terminals, storage media, communication devices, network resources, and any other input/output
Confidentiality - The principle of confidentiality means keeping information given by or about an
individual in the course of a professional relationship secure and secret from others. Only authorized
persons are allowed to know or gain access to the information stored or processed by Information
Systems in any aspects.
Integrity - Only authorized persons are allowed to make changes to the information stored or
processed by Information Systems in any aspects.
Availability - Information Systems should be available to users at any given or specified period
depending on business need.
IT Policy - A documented list of management instructions that describe in detail the proper use and
management of resources relating to IT with the objective to protect these resources as well as the
information stored or processed by Information Systems from any unauthorized disclosure,
modifications or destruction.
Official - Persons employed by the Bank irrespective of the employment period and terms.
Data Center (DC) - A centralized data processing facility that houses Information Systems
and related equipment. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a
facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as
telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power
supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air
conditioning, fire suppression) and security devices.
Computer Room/Server Room - A dedicated room for housing computer Server(s) and
other necessary equipment either in the Branch or in the Head Office for processing business
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Malicious Codes - Programs that cause undesirable effect to the Information Systems. Examples
of malicious codes include computer viruses, network worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, and spy
ware etc.
Information Technology (IT) - The term 'information technology' means computers,
ancillary equipment, software and firmware (Hardware) and similar procedures, services (including
support services) and related resources. This also includes any equipment or interconnected system or
subsystem of equipment, which used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation,
management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data
or information.
Sensitive data - Sensitive data encompasses a wide range of information and can include: ethnic or
racial origin; political opinion; religious or other similar beliefs; memberships; physical or mental
health details; personal life; or criminal or civil offences. These examples of information are protected
by civil rights. Sensitive data can also include information that relates to as a consumer, client,
employee, patient or student; and it can be identifying information as well: like national ID or voter ID
number, Tax Identification number, Passport number, contact information (address, e-mail account,
phone number), KYC, Client Account information (A/C balance and other info, if any), identification
cards and numbers, birth date, and parents’ names. All of this data belongs to the bank’s
employee/customer of the bank. We should have full rights to access and use this information and also
have rights to know how others are doing the same. Just like other belongings we should be protective
of this information too.
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e) To aware and training, the users associated with managing the IT infrastructure;
f) To establish a technology based electronic paperless Bank;
g) To explain procedure for periodic review of the policy and system security measures;
h) To improve the overall smooth operation and business of the Bank;
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Chapter Two
IT Security Management ensures that the IT functions and operations of the Bank efficiently and
effectively managed. IT Division ensures maintenance of appropriate systems documentations,
particularly for systems, which support financial reporting. They have to participate in IT security
planning to ensure that resources allocated consistent with business objectives. Also ensure
sufficient and qualified technical officials are employed in the Bank; so, that continuance of the IT
operation area is unlikely to be seriously at risk all times.
IT Security Management deals with IT Security Policy, Documentation, Internal Information
System Audit, Training, and Insurance. IT security planner and/or management shall be
responsible for overall IT security management.
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and after banking hour/off peak hour in due course.
b) Entrance should be controlled in the Data Center and Server/Computer Room.
c) Modern CCTV system to be implemented with proper application.
d) Log Book is to be maintained for entrance Data Center in Head office and
Server/Computer Room in Branches.
Data Security Storage Device i.e. Data Safe should be procured for the preservation of
Data Cartridges, CD/DVDs, License Copies, Agreements etc.
Security Devices to be used in the following manner:
1. Router, Firewall etc. Security Devices should be used in the LAN and WAN.
2. World-renowned Branded Security Devices should require for the Bank.
3. There should be separate Servers for Database, Application, Exchange, Mails, & others
4. and the Servers should be located in different places.
5. Redundant Hardware storage e.g. PC Server, Workstations, Monitor, Scanner, &Printers
6. should be procured for instant support.
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3. Individual ‘User’ should be liable for each and every transaction entered by
them as marked in the application log file and transaction file against their
user ID.
4. Competent authority should maintain a ‘User’ list with given permissions to
the individuals with duly signed and date.
e) Log Reports
1. Log Reports to be maintained for access into the system and uses of different
applications accordingly in detail.
2. Log Reports for all exceptions of the system should also be maintained
f) Software Security
1. Data should be transferred using cryptography technology through WAN.
2. Sensitive Data should be preserved in the Database in encrypted format.
3. Security Software to be installed in the LAN & WAN bridges and in the Servers.
4. Anti-Virus, Anti-spam and Anti-warm tools should be install, and update in the system on a
regular basis.
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Head of IT
Deputy Head of
IT (Operation
Banking IT Audit & NOC (24/7) System Database &
CBS Development & Hardware BACH Unit Network Data Center
Channel Support Compliance Administration Storage
EOD System
Software Internet Banking, Hardware Network DC Database
Software Support Administration
Devlopment Mobile banking support Management Management Management
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2.2.02 Branch Organogram with IT support Personnel.
Operation Manger
IT Officer 1 IT Officer 2
Job Responsibility:
Maintain Log Register for the personnel who visit the IT room
Check the branch e-mail and communicate it to the Operation Manager for
necessary compliance
Help the branch to carry out the other instructions of IT Division conveyed time
to time.
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2.2.03 Segregation of duties for IT tasks.
Job Description (or better known in short as JD) is a document that used to indicate scope of work
for the employee. It is often used in hiring process as well as job design. This piece of document
gives an employee a good picture of what his/her responsibility is, and a manager good picture of
who does what in the team. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited creates a flexible employee centric JD
instead of a static organization structure centric one. The Bank looks very fundamental and
simple following issues in Job Description:
Identify Goals, Share Goals with Team, Team to Build JDs, Analyze undesired task, Assign
undesired task, Hiring Process, Keeping them high-level, Encourage employees to share and Goal
Focused, not JD Focused.
Job description (JD) for each individual of IT department/division and Branch IT support unit with
fallback support personnel should be documented.
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2.4 Training Policy
All officials should get proper training, education, updates, and awareness of the IT Security
activities as relevant with their job function.
All IT Personnel should get the minimum level of Business Foundation Training.
IT has to provide necessary training when New system: IT through HR/ training branch/concerned
users provide training.
Branch has to send request for required IT related training.
As a substitute of arrangement of training at ITD, Training material may be supplied in a central
location as pdf and video CD with live training demo may be sent to branch end for necessary
Process shall have the workflow to assign the issue to a concerned person to get a quick, effective,
and orderly response., As for example,
1. Workflow for Hardware team,
2. Workflow for Network Team,
4. Workflow for Database & Storage Team,
5. Workflow for CBS Team,
6. Workflow for software Team and
7. Workflow for NOC/DC/DR
8. Workflow for system administration.
Process shall be established to perform necessary corrective action within the period
according to the problem’s severity.
Problem findings and action steps taken during the problem resolution process shall be
IT division shall ensure that system logs and other supporting information are retained for the
proof and tracing of security incidents.
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2.7 Risk Management Policy
Information Systems security risk assessments for information systems and production
applications shall be performed at least twice in every year. A security risk assessment shall also
be performed prior to major enhancements and changes associated with these systems or
applications. Effective risk management system shall be in place for any new processes and
systems as well as a post-launch review.
Use of software and programs for security risk assessment analysis shall be restricted and
The risk management function shall ensure awareness of, and compliance with, the IT and IT
Security Policy, and to provide support for investigation of any IT related frauds and
a) A description and assessment of the risk being considered and accepted for
acknowledgement by the owner of the risk;
b) Identification of mitigation controls;
c) Formulation of a remedial plan to reduce the risk;
d) Approval of the risk acknowledgement from the owner of the risk and senior
e) A Risk Management Team should be formed which can work jointly with RMU division of
the Bank for compliance of Basel Accord.
a) All the employees of the Bank should have sufficient IT knowledge in connection
with banking operations with Information System.
b) IT advancement, up gradation and the new released technology along with Bank’s
own IT policies, functions, and planning to be informed/provided at all level of
management and employees.
c) IT personnel should strengthen their skill and knowledge on latest technology to guide
and drive the Bank with the newer facilities and opportunities.
d) Bank will arrange/provide advance training of the IT personnel in local and abroad.
e) IT personnel to be attend in the Seminars/Workshops/Special Training Program on IT
in local and abroad on importance and requirement basis.
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2.8.03 Personnel Security Policy
Job definition/job assignment and resource allocation should be considered, which might
reduce the risk of human error, theft, fraud, or misuse of facilities. Security should be
addressed at the recruitment stage. Managers should ensure that job descriptions are
addressed with all relevant security responsibilities and in confidentiality agreement.
To ensure the awareness of information security threats and concerns are equipped to support
organizational security policy in course of their work. User should be trained about security
procedures and the correct use of information processing facilities.
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Chapter Three
A formal documented process followed for change details, which must governed for all changes of
business application implemented in the production environment. Audit logs of changes shall be
User Acceptance Test (UAT) for changes and upgrades in application shall be carried out before
As the business practices have been changing day-by-day, it is required quite often to change
parameterization of existing products or to introduce new product. The Business Unit of the Bank
will decide about such changes or will introduce such product. Before changing any
parameterization or before launching any product, the business group must have confirmation from
IT Division, whether the system supports the changes or incorporation. Banking Product
Development of IT Policy of the Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited covers the procedures before
launching any new product.
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f) All the steps or activities done in the Production Server Should documented as Audit Log
for future ready reference.
g) After the completion, it will be referred to the Business Unit, who will then circulate to all
the respective Branches, informing about the changes or parameterization done in the
Production Server.
All assets associated with the information facilities must be labeled with tag and name. Asset
inventory must be reviewed at least once a year.
All data on equipment and associated storage media must be destroyed or overwritten before sale,
disposal, or reissue.
Bank must comply with the terms of all software licenses and must not use any software that has
not been legally purchased or otherwise legitimately obtained.
Software used in any computer must be approved by the authority. Use of unauthorized or pirated
software must be strictly prohibited throughout the Bank. Random checks shall be carried out to
ensure compliance.
Prior to distribution to the Division/department/Branch, IT Division shall require to entry data into
hardware Inventory Management software.
A non-removable tracking sticker on a visible place of the hardware shall be stamped for tracking.
After payment is made, FAD should update the Inventory through an application client provided
by IT division to the person delegated by FAD.
If end user encounters any malfunction or dysfunction with desktop computer, s/he should
immediately contact system support Team of IT Division over ticket management software,
telephone, e-mail or through a forwarding letter. System Support Team members try to give
solution over telephone. If it is not possible to solve the problem by IT Division over telephone
then depending on nature of problem, one of the following two decisions could be taken:
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b) Sending PC to IT Division of Head Office for repairing of damaged component.
The former one is usually follows for branch LAN renovation, virus cleaning from the branch,
providing training to the mass users and the latter one for Desktop, PC/Printer, UPS, network
or other equipments.
Employees needing computer hardware other than what is stated above must request such
hardware from the IT Division. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis in
conjunction with the purchase committee of the Bank.
3.3.2 Scope
This procedure applies to the proper disposal of all non-leased SJIBL IT hardware, including
PCs, printers, handheld devices, servers, databases, hubs, switches, bridges, routers, and so on.
SJIBL-owned surplus hardware, obsolete machines, and any equipment beyond reasonable
repair or reuse are covered by this procedure. Where applicable, it is desirable to achieve some
residual value of the IT asset in question through reselling, auctioning, donation, or
reassignment to a less-critical function.
3.3.3 Definitions
1. “Non-leased” refers to any and all IT assets that are the sole property of the SJIBL; that is,
equipment that is not rented, leased, or borrowed from a third-party supplier or Banks
2. “Disposal” refers to the reselling, reassignment, recycling, donating, or throwing out of IT
equipment through responsible, ethical, and environmentally sound means.
3. “Obsolete” refers to any and all equipment which no longer meets requisite functionality.
4. “Surplus” refers to hardware that has been replaced by upgraded equipment or is
superfluous to existing requirements.
5. “Beyond reasonable repair” refers to any and all equipment whose condition requires fixing
or refurbishing that will likely cost equal to or more than total replacement.
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5. Scanners
6. Servers
7. Storage
8. Tape Library
9. Firewalls
10. Routers
11. Switches
12. Racks
13. DC and DRS IT supporting equipment
14. Memory devices
3.3.5 Guidelines
Disposal procedures of all IT assets and equipment will be centrally managed and coordinated
by the Hardware Team of IT Division. The Hardware Team is also responsible for backing up
and then wiping clean of SJIBL data all IT assets slated for disposal, as well as the removal of
SJIBL tags and/or identifying labels. The Hardware Team is responsible for selecting and
approving external agents through proper channel for recycling hardware and/or sanitizing
hardware of harmful toxins before shipment to landfills.
3.3.6 Practices
Acceptable methods for the disposal of IT assets are as follows:
a) Sold in a public forum.
b) Auctioned online.
c) Sold as scrap to a licensed dealer.
d) Used as a trade-in against cost of replacement item.
e) Reassigned to a less-critical business operation function.
f) Donated to schools, charities, and other non-profit organizations.
g) Recycled and/or refurbished to leverage further use (within limits of reasonable repair).
h) Discarded as rubbish in a landfill after sanitization of toxic materials by an approved
service provider as required by local regulations.
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3.5 Active Directory Policy
3.5.01 Active Directory:
Active Directory helps small and medium size organizations with a reliable working
environment for the end-users, which offers the highest levels of reliability and performance. So,
users can perform their work as efficiently as possible, as well as providing a more secure and
manageable environment to make the lives of the domain easy to track any miss utilization
& disoperation and bring under control.
The following sections will review the advantages of Active Directory in these areas:
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h) Volume Shadow Copy Service
i) Advanced Server Recovery
j) Enhanced Security.
k) File-Level Encryption
l) IP Security
m) Improved Management Tools
n) Configure Secure Servers
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Chapter Four
Shahjalal Islami Bank requires sound business and management practices to implement in the
workplace to ensure that IT resources are properly protected. The responsibility of each
department is to protect technology resources from unauthorized access in terms of both
physical hardware and data perspectives. In fact, the effective security measure for assets in
the workplace is a responsibility held jointly by both management and employees.
Automatic protection features (e.g. password protected screen saver, keyboard lock) in servers,
computer terminals, workstations should be activated if there has been no activity for
a predefined period to prevent illegal system access attempt. Alternatively, the logon session
and connection should be terminated. In addition, user workstation should be switched off, if
appropriate, before leaving work for the day or before a prolonged period of inactivity.
Physical security involves providing environmental safeguards as well as controlling physical
access to equipment and data. The following safeguard methods are believed to be practical,
reasonable, and reflective of sound business practices.
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4.1.02 Server Room Access Policy
a) Server room has a glass enclosure with lock and key with a responsible person of the
b) Physical access shall be restricted, visitors log will be exist and maintained for server
c) Access authorization list will be maintained and reviewed on regular basis.
Backup media containing business essential and/or mission critical information shall be sited at a
safe distance from the main site in order to avoid damage arising from a disaster at the main
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o) Data Center shall have dedicated fulltime supported telephone communication.
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Chapter Five
Password Policy
5.1 Overview:
All employees and personnel that have access to organizational computer systems must
adhere to the password policies defined below in order to protect the security of the network,
protect data integrity, and protect computer systems.
5.2 Purpose:
This policy & order is designed to protect the organizational resources on the network by
requiring strong passwords along with protection of these passwords, and establishing a
minimum time between changes to passwords.
5.3 Scope:
This policy & order applies to any and all personnel who have any form of computer account
requiring a password on the organizational network including but not limited to a domain
account and e-mail account.
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the IT Division since it would reduce the security of the user's password.
9. Account lockout threshold - 3 failed login attempts
10. Account lockout duration - the account lockout should be between 30 minutes and 2
11. Password protected screen savers should be enabled and should protect the computer
within 5-10 minutes of user inactivity. Computers should not be unattended with the
user logged on and no password protected screen saver active. Users should be in the
habit of not leaving their computers unlocked. User can press the CTRL-ALT-DEL
keys and select "Lock Computer".
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Chapter Six
Network Policy
The Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited has the responsibility for securing its networking systems
against unauthorized access, while making the systems accessible for legitimate and
administrative usages. This responsibility includes informing persons who use the network
systems of expected standards of conduct and encouraging their application. It is important
for the user to practice ethical behavior in computing activities because the user has access to
many valuable and sensitive resources and the user is computing practices can adversely
affect the work of others. Improper use and abuse of networks will not be
permitted. Presently SJIBL has two-fiber optic WAN connectivity into data center as well as
Branches. Near future the Bank will be established another WAN connectivity through
6.1.01 Scope:
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e) Redundant communication links shall be used for WAN.
f) There shall be a system to detect unauthorized intruder in the network.
g) Connection of personal laptop to office LAN or any personal wireless modem with
the office laptop/desktop must be secured.
6.1.04 Design, Planning, Approval, Implementation & Maintenance of LAN & WAN
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i. Access (Physical & Logical) should be restricted and controlled.
ii. These should be housed in a secure environment.
e) The sensitive information should be kept in restricted area in the networking
f) Unauthorized access and Electronic tampering is to be controlled strictly.
g) Security of the network should be under dual administrative control.
h) Core Firewalls devices are in place on the network for any external connectivity.
i) Redundant communication links are used for WAN.
Following a structured set of steps when developing and implementing network, security will
help to address the varied concerns that play a part in security design. Many security
strategies have been developed in a haphazard way and have failed to actually secure assets
and to meet a customer's primary goals for security. Breaking down the process of security
design into the following steps will help effectively plan and execute a security strategy:
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6.1.06 Physical Security
Bank requires that sound business and management practices must be implemented in the
workplace to ensure that information and technology resources are properly protected. It is the
responsibility of each department to protect technology resources from unauthorized access
in terms of both physical hardware and data perspectives. In fact, the effective security measure of
assets in the workplace is a responsibility held jointly by both management and employees.
Physical security involves providing environmental safeguards as well as controlling
physical access to equipment and data. The safeguards methods are believed to be practical,
reasonable, and reflective of sound business practices.
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m) Audit trail should be available to review the user profile for maintenance purpose.
a) Cabling should be structured. Fiber optic cable to be preferred for LAN cabling;
initially Cat5/Cat6 cable may be used.
b) Rack, Patch Panel, Cable Management Unit, Patch Cord, Drop Cable, Face Plate,
RJ45 etc. are to be used in connection with LAN setup.
c) Separate Domain (VLAN) for each Department/Division is to be setup in the Switch.
d) IP based network to be setup for nodes and all IPs are to be maintained confidentially.
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e) Network policies to be determined in the server for each domain.
6.1.14 Upgrade design, setup, and security levels of LAN & WAN
a) Data means all sorts of information kept in printed or electronic format in The
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited.
b) Data should be preserved in a secured manner in our designated FTP server (Hard
Disk), PC for Network Administrator’s & removable disks (e.g. CD/DVD).
c) Removable disks should be preserved under lock and key in safe custody outside
Location (geographically Separate) of the related office (Head Office or Branchoffice).
d) There should be at least one backup copy kept on-site for time critical delivery.
e) Branches and Head Office should preserve Network related data such as router images &
configurations in our FTP server as well as Network Administrator’s PC on weekly basis.
f) The backup log sheet is maintained, checked, & signed by Team Leader.
g) The backup inventory is maintained, checked, & signed by Team Leader.
h) The ability to restore from backup media is tested at least quarterly.
i) Backup Media must be labeled properly indicating contents, date etc.
j) Backup CD/DVDs should be preserved at Head Office in a Fungus & Dust Free, Fireproof
Data Safe/Vault.
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6.1.17 Redundant Access Policy from Branch to Head Office
The Branch will consider a disaster branch if both of the link goes down & unable to restore more
than 6 hours. Hence, in that situation the steps will be followed as guided by System Support
6.2.02. Scope
This policy applies to all SJIBL employees, Link Vendors, and others including all personnel
affiliated with third parties utilizing VPNs to access the SJIBL network. This policy applies
to implementations of VPN that allow direct access to SJIBL network from outside the SJIBL
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6.3 General Network Protections
Internal network addresses, configurations and related system or network information shall not be
publicly disclosed.
All internal networks with connections to other networks or publicly accessible computer
networks shall be properly protected.
Security measures shall be in place to prevent unauthorized remote access to the systems and
Computer users are prohibited from connecting workstations to external network by means of
communication device, such as dial-up modem, wireless interface, or broadband link, if the
workstations are simultaneously connected to a local area network (LAN) or another internal
communication network, unless with the approval of the Head of IT.
Computer users shall not connect any unauthorized Information System device to Bank’s
Information System without prior approval of manager, IT security.
Proper configuration and administration of information / communication systems is required and
shall be reviewed regularly.
Connections and links made to outside network shall not compromise the security of
information system of the Bank.
Connecting privately owned computer resources to Bank’s internal network requires approval from
Manager, IT security.
CONFIDENTIAL/RESTRICTED information shall be encrypted when transmitted over an un-
trusted communication network.
All network or systems software malfunctions, information security alerts, warnings,
suspected vulnerabilities, and the like, and suspected network security problems, shall be
reported immediately only to the responsible party according to the incident handling
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Chapter Seven
7.1 Introduction
This policy will explain how to introduce a policy that clearly states what acceptable internet is
and e-mail usage.
The internet is an essential tool for many businesses. E-mail and the web offer a variety of ways
to improve communications with employee, customers, and suppliers.
However, allowing employees access to the internet carries risks. If they accidentally or
deliberately access illegal web content, e.g. anything related to indecent material, business
could be open to prosecution. There is a security risk - employees could download and install
software that may infected by a virus. In addition, any abuse of e-mail facilities could cause
internal and external problems. For example, sending bulk e-mail could result in system
overload and network congestion.
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More misconduct that is serious may result in disciplinary or even legal proceedings. This
Accessing or downloading pornography or other offensive material.
Libeling or defaming colleagues or even external business contacts, via e-mail.
Using the internet to commit fraud or other illegal acts.
Introducing internet and e-mail usage policy should help avoid these risks. It should also
ensure that business and employee get the best possible use out of the information system.
Policy should state clearly what is and is not permitted by the employee using the internet or e-mail.
It should ensure that employees are aware of the policy and the consequences of breaching
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2. Leave application will not be processed through this mail.
3. Investment proposal DFA/Acknowledgement can be sent to Investment Division
actual proposal to be sent having necessary correction physically.
4. IT Support request form can be sent through proper channel.
5. Scanned Image of Circulars can be sent to the Divisions/Branches.
6. Transmission of any confidential mater to any third party having proper approval.
7. It is not the replacement of earlier Divisional/Branch e-mail addresses. These e-mail
addresses will be created by “employees’ Name’ and the earlier e-mail addresses will be used on
behalf of Divisions/Branches.
8. All employees will be eligible to get the e-mail address by their Title/first name/short name
followed by employee ID.
9. HRD, HO shall send to IT division of the Name, Designation and posting details of the
10. Email may be used personal purpose.
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8. From now on, e-mails will be considered as an evidence of any pursuance. i.e.
requisition procedure to Divisional or Departmental Heads/Branch Managers and as a
receipt of circular sent thereby.
9. No image or big file more than the size 10MB is allowed to send through e-mail. To send
more than 10 MB, prior permission has to be taken from the Head of IT through proper
channel (Branch Manager/Head of the Division).
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Chapter Eight
Infrastructure Policy
• Power System
• Cooling System
• Access Control System
• Surveillance System (CCTV)
• EMS (Environment Monitoring System)
• Auto Fire Suppression System
• DRS Information
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8.2 Cooling System
AT DC: To maintain perfect Cooling System in DC there are two Precession ACs run out
through the 24/7 basis by turns (12 Hours at a stretch) where each Precession AC belongs
39.5 KW (equivalent to 13.16 Ton).
AT Power Room: To maintain perfect Cooling System in Power Room there are two ACs
run out through the 24/7 basis (6 Hours at a stretch) by turns where each AC belongs 3 Ton.
a) A Temperature (18 to 26 ⁰ C) has been set up at each PAC for Data Center whenever the
temperature goes over (18 to 26 ⁰ C ) both the PAC (Precession AC) becomes active & will
run till the room temperature goes down below 20⁰ C and then one PAC becomes
shut down.
b) Humidity is being auto maintained by PAC.
c) Both the PAC is being auto Switch over by turns according to schedule (Time
duration: 24 hours).
d) Built in auto notification system appears in its display.
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Room dedicatedly are assigned to protect any unexpected fire incident.
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Chapter Nine
For any new application or function for the Bank requires analysis before acquisition or
creation to ensure that business requirements are met in an effective and efficient manner. This
process covers the definition of needs, consideration of alternative sources, review of
Technological and economic feasibility, execution of risk analysis and cost-benefit analysis and
conclusion of a final decision to 'make' or 'buy'.
Computers and networks shall only run software that comes from trustworthy sources.
No software shall be loaded onto a Bank’s computer without prior approval from competent
IT division shall protect their Information Systems from known vulnerabilities by applying the
latest security patches recommended by the product vendors or implementing other
compensating security measures.
Before security patches are applied, proper risk evaluation and testing should be conducted to
minimize the undesirable effects to the Information Systems.
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9.2 In-house Software Policy
a) Detailed design and technical application requirements shall be prepared.
b) Criteria for acceptance of the requirement shall be defined and approved by the
concerned business unit.
c) Application security and availability requirements shall be addressed.
d) Developed functionality in the application shall be in accordance with design
specification and documentation.
e) Source code must be available with the concerned department and kept secured.
f) Source code shall contain title area, the author, date of creation, last date of
modification, and other relevant information.
g) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with User Acceptance Test (UAT) shall be
followed and conducted in the development and implementation stage.
h) System documentation and User Manual shall be prepared and handed over to the
concerned department.
i) The Bank must consider necessary ‘Regulatory Compliance’ requirements.
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9.3.03 Other Requirements
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Chapter Ten
Core Banking Software BankUltimus should run smoothly in all the branches. For which a
Data Center, a Disaster Recovery Site, Dual Network connectivity and operating policy has
been prepared which are currently in operation. To support the users 24 hour support center
called NOC (Network Operation Center) is in live. The officers perform their duty in shift,
management of which is under Data Center team. Data Center Team circulates roster duty
schedule as prepared by them and approved by Head of IT at the end of each month for the
next month.
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Some of the users of a branch must have to have training of BankUltimus. This training
provided by IT has a nature TOT so that the trainees may train their other users of the branch.
The A list of operation path/User manual soft copy centrally located in the following address
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Chapter Eleven
11.1 Scope m
a) Data means all sorts of information kept in printed or electronic format of Shahjalal
Islami Bank Limited.
b) Data should be preserved in a secured manner in printed format and in fixed (Hard
Disk) & removable disks (e.g. DAT/Tape/CD/DVD etc.).
c) Removable disks should be preserved under lock and key in safe custody outside
location of the related office (Head Office or Branch office).
d) Branches and Head Office should preserve banking operational data in re-usable data
cartridges on daily basis.
e) Banking operations data and other documents data should be preserved permanently
in DAT/Tape/CD/DVD media on half yearly basis.
f) Backup data cartridges/CD/DVDs should be preserved at Head Office in a Fungus &
Dust Free, Fireproof Data Safe/Vault.
g) Data Mining Center may be setup in a remote location considering number of
branches and volume of data.
h) Data may also be preserved in the internationally established and secured ‘Data
warehouse’ on rental basis.
11.2 Backup
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) is operating business of both Centralized and Distributed
System for banking operation. 93 branches with Head Office are running in Central System. DBA
Team follows the following as their Backup and Recovery Plan for Central Core Banking
IT Division of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited possesses two teams who are responsible for taking
core data backup manually. Teams are:
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1. DBA (Database Administration) Team
2. NOC (Network Operation Centre) Team
The responsibility of Backup and Recovery system of SJIBL is belongs to DBA team members.
DBA team members will monitor the total backup and recovery system and follow up with NOC
member for regular operation. Each working day NOC team takes Before End of Day (EOD) data
backup manually after close marking of all Ultimus Branches and After EOD backup is also
taken everyday manually.
We used to take RMAN before start of EOD operation as well as fracture the DR-Clone LUNs to
ensure for the one-day-back data.
Moreover, DBA team sends important copies of backup data to remote place to Gulshan
Branch in two Portable Hard Disk Drive (HDD) alternatively. Portable HDDs are carried
in and out by Assigned Officers from IT Division.
DBA team have implemented backups operations of SJIBL Database in three (3) methods:
NOC team takes the Before EOD backup manually. One copy of BEOD data file is saved in Core
DB server and a copy has moved out to Core-DB File Ferver ( After EOD backup is
also taken by NOC team and one copy of backup has gone to tape library automatically and also
moved out to Core-DB file server ( Image and Signature data has been also taken
backup from a different schema named ‘image_user’ in every Friday.
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All scripts are fired from ‘db1’ server by NOC team member by their own individual User ID
with limited privileges.
RMAN Backup:
NOC is taking backup RMAN manually. NOC team member is taking RMAN backup before
EOD operation every day.
In every day scheduled backup, we are managing our backup system in below structure:
Before start EOD process EOD user made a flashback point for any kinds of emergency
database restore. Every EOD user has own user id and password.
In the period of month-end we have taken extra backup, if it is required. Moreover, in case of
big deployment RMAN backup has been taken by DBA team. Besides this we have enable the
Flashback in our system. Before big deployment or Month End, we have to create restore
point by Flashback technology.
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BEOD *.dmp
(Auto Transfer) Core-DB-File-Server
1. Datapump: /MIG_BACK (DMP File, BEOD) AEOD & BEOD
/BKP/autoback (DMP File, AEOD,FD Img bk) AEOD *.dmp
2. RMAN: /RMAN (Only script) (Auto Transfer)
We keep 1 days of backup of BEOD & AEOD
External HDD
Remote Area BK
Gulshan Br. Taken by Tape Library by Netwoker BKP State Server
Officers daily \\\d$
Backup taken at 4:00 AM
This is storage in built technology. RAID levels are implemented by EMC engineer like Raid
1/0 AND Raid 5 for the case of Disk Failure. The storage system automatically generates
error message while any disk fails or any block corruption in HDD.
We have a replication in PR side internally which is called ‘Clone’. Data of Raid 1/0 has been
cloned into Raid 5 level LUNs. Now in present scenario, we have mounted Report-DB-Server
in PR-cloned LUNs which are fractured and synchronized everyday. Tues cloned consistence
data is one day old which also prevents the system from logical corruption or human’s
unwanted logical errors.
In DR site production data has been replicated from PR RAID 1/0 To DR Raid 1/0 LUNs
which is called ‘Mirroring’. In DR site data also replicated internally in Raid 5 level LUNs.
In four spaces production data has been replicated. But in DR site in Raid 5 disk groups have
been fractured and synch everyday for due to any inconsistence and error for any reason in
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11.4 Advanced Storage Technology (PR and DR site data replication &
SJIBL is the first bank that uses both Cone-Fracture and Snap-Shot technology for Report DB
Server and UAT DB server accordingly in Bangladesh. City Bank and Eastern Bank use
partially of these technology but not all.
DBA team member monitors the data replication between DC and DR. Data Replication is
based on two technologies:
a. Synchronous
b. Asynchronous
a. Synchronous: Data is being mirrored to DR site by dark fibre of 4 Gbps through Fibre
Cable (FC) constantly using Synchronous technology previously. This data replication
was totally depends on dark fibre where data is replicating using light technology.
Storage domain is kept normal state while dark fibre connectivity is being consistence
Sometimes it was observed that production environment went very slow during banking
transaction hour. Several calls were generated from branches of Bank. IT Management
decided to migrate from Synchronous to Asynchronous technology to rectify the
problems. To do so properly DBA team configuring iSCSI port to transfer data to DR
Site to through Ethernet post rather than FC port.
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After successful migration the DR site to Kashimpur, Gazipur proposed bandwidth will
be 50 Mbps as decision of IT management.
In our Storage system we have implanted the Clone LUNs Synch-Fracture in both DC and DR
site. DBAs make synch-fracture on demand based on DBA’s operations tasks. Ultimus Report
Server is running using this technology.
NOC member make fracture DR-Clone-LUNs just before EOD operation regularly for protecting
any kinds of logical disaster during EOD operation. Any kinds of logical disaster during EOD
operation, rollback can be possible in terms of this Storage Technology.
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Chapter Twelve
12.1.02 Scope
Cloud Computing is a computing model in which technology resources are delivered over the
network. Rather than implementing and maintaining, IT services locally, customers of cloud
computing buy IT capabilities from providers that manage the hardware and software that
operate those services. Resources including infrastructure, software, processing power, and
storage are available from the cloud. However, migrated cloud platforms and services cost
benefits as well as performances are neither clear nor summarized. Globalization and the
recessionary economic times have not only raised the bar of a better IT delivery models but also
have given access to technology-enabled services via internet.
However, in spite of the cost benefits, many IT professional believe that the latest model i.e.
"Cloud Computing” has risks and security concerns. The following factors should be considered
during cloud computing:
We have tried to find out the cost benefit by comparing the Microsoft Azure cloud cost with the
prevalent premise cost.
12.1.03 Policy
Use of Cloud Computing services must be formally authorized in accordance with the IT
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Use of Cloud Computing services must comply with all current laws, IT security,
management policies, and risk.
Use of Cloud Computing services must comply with all privacy laws and regulations, and
appropriate language.
Cloud Computing services will not be avail without any writing approval of IT Division. The Head
of IT division will certify that security, privacy, and other IT management requirements that
adequately addressed prior to approving use of Cloud Computing services.
The Cloud Computing service may not be put into production use until IT Division has
provided written approval.
12.1.04 Guidance
Many issues should be considered carefully before adopting a Cloud Computing solution. The
list below features some of the more important issues to consider using Cloud
Weigh the security threats and opportunities that are present for public, private, and
community Clouds.
Consider how disaster recovery and continuity of operations planning will be addressed. Identify all
systems of records to be hosted in the cloud.
Specify the retention time for all system backups.
Consider how records management and electronic discovery will be managed in the cloud
Consider issues of data ownership and portability. How would it migrate from a given Cloud
Computing infrastructure to another one at some point in the future?
We use the term signer for an entity who creates a digital signature and the term verifier for an
entity who receives a signed message and attempts to check whether the digital signature is
“correct” or not. Digital signatures have many attractive properties and it is very important to
understand exactly what assurances they provide and what their limitations are. While data
confidentiality has been the driver behind historical cryptography, digital signatures could be the
major application of cryptography in the years to come.
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12.2.01 The electronic signature
1. The electronic will be uniquely linked to the signatory
2. It will be capable of identifying the signatory
3. It will be created using means under the sole control of the signatory
4. It will be linked to data to which it relates in such a way that subsequent changes in
the data are detectable.
a) The message
i. Digital signature needs data origin authentication (and non-repudiation). The
digital signature itself must be a piece of data that depends on the message, and
cannot be a completely separate identifier.
ii. It may be sent as a separate piece of data to the message, but its computation must
involve the message.
b) A secret parameter known only by the signer
i. Digital signature needs non-repudiation; its calculation must involve a secret
parameter that is known only by the signer.
ii. The only possible exception to this rule is if the other entity is totally trusted by all
parties involved in the signing and verifying of digital signatures.
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b) Have the properties that we required for a digital signature.
2. Verify and check the first MAC, computed using KS.
3. Recognize the main (practical) problem with implementing arbitrated signature.
The vast majority of digital signature techniques do not involve having to communicate
through a trusted arbitrator. A true digital signature is one that can be sent directly from the signer
to the verifier. For the rest of this unit when we say “digital signature” we mean “true digital
Digital signatures are in some senses a complimentary technology to public key encryption,
offering data origin authentication and non-repudiation of digital messages. Digital signatures have
different properties and offer different guarantees to hand-written signatures. The security of
digital signatures critically relies on the security of the keys that are used to create and verify them.
12.3 Recommendation
1. Two way verification system for internet Banking. After every login user will send a OTP
( One Time password) to their email address and mobile number. This OTP will use for
final verification.
2. SMS Banking service should be improved.
3. Now a day's Mobile Banking is one of the popular form of banking, but Shahjalal Islami
Bank still failed to introduce this service. Mobile Banking service should be introduced
as early as possible.
4. Still there are some bugs in Core Banking software which hamper EOD process of Bank,
These Bugs should be solved as early as possible.
5. Shahjalal Islami Bank has introduced Ticket Management System for giving quick
support to branch user. Same can be introduced for our clients for giving quick support
of SMS and Internet Banking.
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Chapter Thirteen
The Banking Industry has changed the way they provide services to their customers and
process information in recent years. Information Technology has brought about this
momentous transformation. Security of Information for the Bank has therefore gained much
importance, and it is vital for us to ensure that the risks are properly identified and managed.
Moreover, information and information technology systems are essential assets for the Banks
as well as for the customers and stakeholders. Information assets are critical to the services
provided by the Banks to the customers. Protection and maintenance of these assets are
critical to the organizations’ sustainability. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited takes the
responsibility of protecting the information from unauthorized access, modification,
disclosure, and destruction.
The Bank has prepared the IT Policy as a requirement and as appropriate to the use of
Information Technology for their operations. It also sets forth the Code of Professional Ethics to
guide the professional and personal conduct of employee’s.
Employees of the Bank shall:
1. Support the implementation of, and encourage compliance with, appropriate
standards, procedures, and controls set this policy for information systems.
2. Perform their duties with objectivity, due diligence and professional care, in
accordance with professional standards and best practices.
3. Serve in the benefit of stakeholders in a lawful and honest manner, while maintaining
high standards of conduct and character, and not engage in acts discreditable to the
4. Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of information obtained in the course of their
duties unless disclosure is required by legal authority. Such information shall not be
used for personal benefit or released to inappropriate parties.
5. Maintain competency in their respective fields and agree to undertake only those
activities that they can reasonably expect to complete with professional competence.
6. Inform appropriate parties of the results of work performed, revealing all significant
facts known to them.
7. Support the professional education of stakeholders in enhancing their understanding
of IS security and control.
Failure to comply with this Code of professional Ethics can result in an investigation into an
employee’s conduct and ultimately, in disciplinary measures.
All employees may share the Information Technology facilities of the Bank. The facilities
provided to the employees for conducting Bank business. The Bank does permit of its
employees to use of the facilities, including computers, printers, e-mail and internet access.
However, these facilities may used by every employee, since misuse by even a few
individuals has the potential to negatively impact productivity, disrupt Bank business and
interfere with the work or rights of others. Therefore, all employees expected to exercise
65 | P a g e
responsible and ethical behavior when using the Bank’s Information Technology facilities.
Any action that may expose the Bank to risks of unauthorized access to data, disclosure of
information legal liability, or potential system failure is prohibited and may result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and/or criminal
The use of the Bank's information technology facilities in connection with Bank business and limited
personal use is a privilege but not a right, extended to other organizational employees. Users of the
Bank’s computing facilities are required to comply with all policies referred to in this document.
The policy covers the usage of all of the Bank’s Information Technology and communication
resources, including, but not limited to:
All computer-related equipment, including desktop personal computers(PCs), portable
PCs, terminals, workstations, PDAs, wireless computing devices, telecomm equipment,
networks, databases, printers, servers and shared computers, and all networks and
hardware to which this equipment is connected.
All electronic communications equipment, including radio communicators, voice-
mail, e-mail, fax machines, wired or wireless communications devices and services,
internet and intranet and other on-line services
All software including purchased or licensed business software applications, Bank
written applications, employee or vendor/supplier-written applications, computer
operating systems, firmware, and any other software residing on Bank-owned
All intellectual property and other data stored on Bank equipment.
The policy will also apply to all users, whether on Bank property, connected from
remote via any networked connection, or using Bank equipment.
All of the above are included whether they owned or leased by the Bank or are under
the Bank's possession, custody, or control.
The policy also applies to software contractors, and vendors/suppliers providing services to Bank
that bring them into contact with SJIBL’s Information Technology infrastructure. The Bank
employee who contracts for these services is responsible to provide the
contractor/vendor/supplier with a copy of only required clause of this policy before any access
given to the Bank Information System. It is the responsibility of all operating units to ensure that
this policy clearly communicated, understood, and followed.
To protect the integrity of Bank's computing facilities and its users against unauthorized or
improper use of those facilities, Bank reserves the right, without notice, to limit or restrict any
individual's use, and to inspect, copy, remove, or otherwise alter any data, file, or system
resource which may undermine the authorized use of any computing facility or which is used in
violation of Banks rule or policy. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited also reserves the right
periodically to examine any system and other usage and authorization history as necessary to
protect its computing facilities.
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