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2nd Quarter Test - Science 5

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Division of Rizal

________________Elementary School


Name: __________________________________ Date:_______________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: ______________

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
best answer. Encircle only the letter of your choice.

1. What is the function of the reproductive system?

A. To supply the body with energy. C. To produce a living things like itself.
B. To help the bones and muscles move. D. To throw out body wastes.
2. Which of these organs has an end part covered by a lose flap of skin and maybe
removed by circumcision?
A. testes B. vas deferens C. urethra D. penis
3. How many egg cells mature every month?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
4. Which organs in a girl’s body can make her a mother someday?
A. heart B. ovaries C. stomach D. lungs
5. How often does an egg cell mature and leave the ovary?
A. once a day B. once a week C. once a month D. once a year
6. A female is already capable of reproduction when she ____________
A. becomes 12 years old C. starts menstruating
B. becomes 20 years old D. reaches adulthood
7. At which part fertilization may take place?


8. Using the same illustration, which produces the female sex cells?
9. What do you call the long-coiled tube where the sperm cells are stored until they
A. Epididymis C. urethra
B. Vas deferens D. penis
10. Which is the male gonad?
A. penis B. scrotum C. testes D. vas deferens
11. Which is NOT a change in the characteristics of boys?
A. Shoulders broaden
B. Breasts develop
C. Muscles develop
D. Appearance of Adam’s apple
12. Which of the following is a change seen among boys during puberty?
A. Breasts becomes bigger
B. Voice becomes deeper in tone
C. Hips becomes wider
D. Menstruation occurs
13. How will you keep your reproductive system healthy?
A. Drink lots of water and practice smoking.
B. Keep the body clean and practice good hygiene.
C. Play with your private parts while cleaning it.
D. Use clean underwear and throw away the used one.
14. Alice likes salty snacks. What would you advise her if you were her friend? Advise
her to________
A. Exercise often B. Eat fruits instead
C. Consult a physician D. Take a bath everyday
15. Which of the following is the proper way to prevent a disease in the reproductive
A. Eat delicious and expensive meals everyday
B. Enroll in an aerobics class to keep oneself fit
C. Practice personal hygiene all the time
D. Consult a family doctor every week
16. Which animal completes its development inside the mother’s body?
A. lion B. alligator C. frog D. grasshopper
17. Which animal can regenerate and produce new individuals from cut part of its body?
A. sea star B. lizard C. fish D. frog
18. Which female animals lay eggs that are enclosed in a jelly-like material?
A. dragonfly B. frog C. chicken D. snake
19. Which animal goes through the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in its life cycle?
A. butterfly B. grasshopper C. chicken D. frog
20. Which of these animals reproduce by external fertilization?
A. camel B. fish C. parrot D. bats
21. Where do mosquitoes l ay their eggs?
A. leaves C. garbage
B. stagnant water D. dark place
22. Which of the following shows the correct order in the life cycle of mosquito?
A. egg-pupa-adult-larva C. egg-adult-pupa-larva
B. egg-larva-pupa-adult D. egg-larva-adult-pupa
23. In which animal does the process of budding occur?
A. hydra B. earthworm C. fish D. planarian
24. All of these reproduce asexually except one, which is it?
A. planarian B. starfish C. hydra D. cat
25. What do all female flowers have?
A. petals B. pollen C. pistil D. stamen
26. Which is the colorful part of most flowers?
A. sepal B. petals C. stamen D. pistil
27. Which part is NOT present in an imperfect flower?
A. petal or sepal C. anther or filament
B. pollen or sepal D. pistil or stamen
28. What type of pollination happens when the pollen grains are transferred from the
anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower in the same plant?
A. Cross pollination C. Self-pollination
B. Imperfect pollination D. perfect pollination
29. Which of the following is NOT found in the pistil?
A. filament B. style C. ovary D. stigma
30. Which part holds and catches the pollen grains?
A. anther B. stigma C. ovary D. style
31. Why do we say that the mango reproduces sexually?
A. It develops suckers C. It can be propagated by grafting.
B. It grows from a seed. D. Its cuttings can develop into new plants
32. From which structure can potato be propagated asexually?
A. corn B. rhizome C. tuber D. bulb
33. Which of the following plants is grown from a bulb?
A. onion B. ginger C. potato D. kangkong
34. What part of the flower connects the stigma and the ovary?
A. filament B. stamen C. pistil D. style
35. Which of the following reproduce by means of spores?
A. fern B. mango C. pine tree D. banana
36. Which of these plants is NOT grown from seeds?
A. tomato B. potato C. beans D. tamarind
37. When is the intertidal zone covered with water?
A. at high tide C. during night time hours
B. at low tide D. during daylight hours
38. In which tidal zones do eel grass, algae, fish, shrimps, dolphin and more survive?
A. Supratidal zone C. Intertidal zone
B. Subtidal zone D. Both A and B
39. Why do birds abundant in estuaries?
A. Birds can rest and look for food in estuaries.
B. It is their habitat.
C. It is their breeding places.
D. It is the place where they can get their mate.
40. Which is not considered a challenge in the intertidal zone?
A. moisture B. waves C. salinity D. water level
41. Animals in the intertidal zone have different adaptation for them survive, which of
these uses a root-like structure that attach to rocks or mussels thus keeping it in
A. Snail B. kelp C. crab D. sponge
42. Salinity in the intertidal zone is higher as compared to other tidal zone. What could
be the reason for this?
A. Salt trapped in rocks pools evaporates, leaving behind salt deposits.
B. More salt solution in the intertidal zone than any other area.
C. Higher concentration of salt is carried by tides.
D. Animals contribute to salt production.
43. Which of these water environments considered as “brackish water”?
A. estuary B. ocean C. pool D. sea
44. What can damage life in estuary?
I. Land development III. Agricultural wastes
II. Industrial wastes IV. Proper wastes management
A. I only C. II, III and IV
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV
45. Why would it be advantageous to burrow oneself into the sand if you live in an
intertidal zone?
A. So you would not be carried away by the tide
B. So you can make a bigger home
C. So you can get more oxygen
D. So you can get food.
46. In many desert regions, water is diverted from streams and rivers to people in
cities. How does this affect the animals in the area?
A. The animals become more active in daylight hours.
B. The animals migrate to tropical rainforest.
C. The animals move closer to cities to get food
D. The animals stop searching for food and water
47. There are five major types of estuaries. How do they are classified?
A. based on how they are formed. B. based on their shape.
C. based on their location D. Both A and B
48. Which is one of the effects of global warming in estuaries?
A. water temperature increases B. water temperature decreases
C. water level decreases D. water level increases
49. When is intertidal zone exposed to air?
A. at high tide B. at rainy days C. at low tide D. at sunny days
50. Why are estuaries important to our environment?
A. provide homes for many species of wildlife.
B. important nursery areas for a variety of marine organisms
C. help filter pollutants in the water
D. All of the above



Objectives No. Of Item Placement Percentage


1. Parts and Functions of the 4 3,4,7,8 8

Female Reproductive

2. Parts and Functions of the 3 2,9,10 6

Male Reproductive System

3. Parts and Functions of the 1 1 2

Both Male and Female
Reproductive System

4. Puberty and Adolescence 4 5,6,11,12 8


5. Ways of Taking Care the 3 13,14,15 6

Reproductive System

6. Describe the mode of 9 16-24 18

reproduction of animals
7. Reproductive Parts of 7 25-30,34 14
Flowering Plants
8. Modes of Reproduction in 5 31,32,33,35,36 10
Flowering Plants
9. Interaction Among Living 14 37-50 28
Things and Non-Living
Things That Takes Place in
Estuaries and Intertidal
50 1-50 100
Key to Correction:

1. C 11. B 21. B 31. B 41. B

2. D 12. B 22. B 32. C 42. A
3. A 13. B 23. A 33. A 43. A
4. B 14. B 24. D 34. D 44. B
5. C 15. C 25. A 35. A 45. A
6. C 16. A 26. B 36. B 46. B
7. C 17. A 27. D 37. A 47. A
8. D 18. B 28. A 38. B 48. D
9. A 19. A 29. A 39. A 49. B
10. A 20.B 30.B 40. D 50. D

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Checked and verified by:

District Science Coordinator



District Science Consultant

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