Understanding Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations
Understanding Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations
Understanding Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations
White Paper
Doc No.: WHTP-2013-16-10
May 2018
Safely guiding pilots and their passengers worldwide for over 35 yearsTM
Executive Summary
This document clarifies the current Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) requirements in the
United States, Europe, and other parts of the world. It also discusses how Universal Avionics’ Flight Management System (FMS)
product line supports approved RNP operations.
Operators may use this information to assist in making future equipment acquisitions and aircraft modification choices neces-
sary to allow them to fly into RNP airspaces or fly RNAV Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP). Failure to address RNP will, as
time progresses, force non-RNP approved aircraft into undesirable lower altitudes (greatly increasing fuel burn), or severely
limit the capability of a non-RNP aircraft to fly into a desired airport in instrument weather conditions.
The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) plan to modernize the National Airspace System (NAS) is through the Next Genera-
tion Air Transportation System (NextGen). The goals of NextGen are to increase NAS capacity and efficiency while simultane-
ously improving safety, reducing environmental impacts, and improving user access to the NAS. It is expected to be imple-
mented through new Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) routes and procedures. This requires avionics that support RNP/
RNAV capability.
In addition, the FAA has taken the initial steps toward removing ground based navaids and the supporting IAPs based upon
those navaids. RNAV approach capability may become the mandatory method of flying into numerous airports that only sup-
port instrument approaches that are RNP/RNAV based.
RNP/RNAV capable systems can also form the basis of a compliant Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out
system. For more information, refer to Universal Avionics White Paper, Doc. No. WHTP-2013-14-05 titled “ADS-B (OUT) Compli-
ance with Universal Avionics Equipment”.
What is PBN?
Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) is the basis for defining system performance requirements for navigation equipment
and installation specifications. These navigation specifications provide specific implementation guidance in order to facilitate
global harmonization. The FAA’s NextGen solutions are dependent on RNAV and RNP implementation.
What is RNAV?
Area Navigation (RNAV) enables aircraft to fly on any desired flight path rather than being constrained to an airway. RNAV
systems have been available for a number of years and may utilize scanning DME, inertial navigation, GPS, TACAN, or other
multi-sensor capability.
The world is relying on PBN for airport access and operational safety. RNP/RNAV approvals are quickly becoming a require-
Worldwide Requirements
US Airspace Requirements
The current US RNP requirements are:
• RNP-10 as described in FAA order 8400.12c
• RNP-4 as described in FAA Order 8400.33
• RNAV (RNP AR) approach authorization as defined in Advisory Circular (AC) 90-101a
• Basic RNP capability is achieved through TSO-C146 compliant equipment when installed under AC 20-138().
RNP-10 and RNP-4 procedures are limited primarily to oceanic airspace. RNAV (RNP AR) procedures are available in the US for
domestic operations. These procedures require approval, hence the name: Authorization Required (AR), formally known as
Special Aircraft & Aircrew Authorization Requirements (SAAAR) procedures.
Aircraft approved for RNP operations must have equipment that provides onboard navigation containment, performance
monitoring and alerting capabilities. An FMS alone cannot be certified for RNP operations. An aircraft is certified to a par-
ticular RNP level, which is based on the aircraft’s capabilities to meet performance level requirements. In order to receive FAA
approval for RNP, an operator must meet both aircraft airworthiness requirements as well as operational requirements.
RNP operations for airspace or operation require an aircraft system certification, typically a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC),
of which the FMS is only a part, although an important part.
Oceanic, Enroute, Terminal, and Approach modes are embodied in TSO-C146 (applicable to WAAS/SBAS capable FMS), “Stand-
Alone Airborne Navigation Equipment Using The Global Positioning System Augmented By The Satellite Based Augmentation
System.” Therefore, FMS equipment claiming TSO-C146 support these modes. Approach modes may be Lateral Navigation
(LNAV), LNAV/ Vertical Navigation (VNAV), and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) levels of service. Universal
Avionics’ line of WAAS/SBAS-enabled FMSs support all three of these approach levels of service.
Several AC, AMC and Orders specifically state that an RNAV system approved to TSO-C145 ( ) or TSO-C146 ( ) meet the RNP
requirements for RNP 2, 1 and 0.3. AC 20-138 ( ) has these statements as well.
TSO-C145 ( ) and TSO-C146 ( ) RNP Types or RNAV Containment Values
In order to qualify for any RNP operations, the operator must have a compliance statement in the AFMS for the FMS establish-
ing that the aircraft meets the equipment requirements. This can be in the form of a statement in the AFMS that claims compli-
ance with AC 20-138 ( ). An example of this is:
This installation complies with AC 20-138C for navigation using GPS and WAAS (within the coverage of a Space-
Based Augmentation System complying with ICAO Annex 10 for enroute, terminal area, non-precision approach
operations (including “GPS”, “or GPS”, and “RNAV” approaches), approach procedures with vertical guidance (includ-
ing “LNAV/VNAV” and “LPV”). Navigation information is referenced to the WGS-84 reference system, and should only
be used for approach where the Aeronautical Information Publication (including electronic data and aeronautical
charts) conform to WGS-84 or equivalent.
The operator must as also meet operational requirements in order to receive FAA operational approval. Part 91 operators
require an FAA LOA while certificate holders require Operations Specification (Ops Spec) approval.
Operators of Universal Avionics FMS are encouraged to read the guidance material associated with applicable Service Letters
to better understand the information as it pertains to the operator’s installation. The Service Letters are referenced in the Refer-
ences section at the end of this White Paper.
The specific equipment and software called out in the approval may not change. For example, if an STC was used to install
dual UNS-1Lw FMSs with SCN 1000.5 to claim compliance with FAA order 8400.12C, (RNP-10), then that specific hardware and
software combination must be installed in the aircraft. If SCN 1000.6 was installed in the aircraft and the associated documen-
tation is not updated to show SCN 1000.6, the aircraft will no longer be RNP-10 compliant, even if the 1000.6 software is an
improvement on what was originally approved.
RNP operational approvals must be coordinated closely with the regional Flight Standards Airworthiness branch. If the ap-
plicant is not able to provide the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) with specific eligibility from the AFM, AFMS, or the FSB
Report, other written equipment eligibility must be provided. Universal Avionics Service Letters may be provided as evidence
that the equipment meets the specific RNP requirement. However, this applies only to the Universal Avionics equipment, not
the aircraft installation.
If the FSDO is unable to determine equipment eligibility from the approved or other documentation, the FSDO can forward
the request and supporting data to its Flight Standards Regional Division Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG). The AEG will verify
that the aircraft and equipment meet the criteria for the specific operations and that the system can safely fly the specified
operation. The AEG will provide written documentation to verify the eligibility of that equipment. Refer to information in FAA
Order 8900.1 as follows;
AND SURVEILLANCE, Section 2: Air Navigation Approval Requirements.
RNP Requirements
The operator should ensure that the aircraft meets the requirements for the specific approval being sought. An operational
approval issued by one certification agency will typically be accepted by all, but the operator should ensure that the aircraft
meets the requirements for the specific approval being sought or risk denial of access or violation. As an example, there is no
specific P-RNAV or RNP-1 requirement in the US, yet there is a requirement specified by TGL-10 for P-RNAV (RNP-1) in EASA air-
space. An FAR Part 91 operator would have to obtain an LOA for operations in EASA airspace. There is no operational approval
required for basic RNP operations in the US.
All RNP AR approaches have reduced lateral obstacle evaluation areas and vertical obstacle clearance surfaces predicated on
the aircraft and aircrew performance requirements of AC 90-101A. In addition, selected procedures may require the capability
to fly an RF leg and/or a missed approach, which requires RNP less than 1.0.
Universal Avionics’ customers have received RNP AR approval for various airframes, including the Bombardier Q400 down
to RNP 0.1. Operators or airlines that have achieved this goal have attained valuable cost benefits for their operations. Each
potential RNP AR applicant should assess the return on the investment required for RNP AR certification.
Obtaining an RNP AR approval is a complex process, but one that could produce significant benefit for the operator. Opera-
tors seeking an RNP AR approval should read and fully understand the requirements of AC 90-101A and closely coordinate the
effort with their FSDO or Principal Operations Inspector (POI).
Universal Avionics will support RNP AR efforts for those operators desiring this capability.
The requirements for P-RNAV are defined in EASA Temporary Guidance Leaflet TGL-10, which references FAA AC 90-96A. As
previously mentioned, a statement is required in the AFM or AFMS. For European operations, an LOA for all RNP operations is
necessary, differing from FAA requirements.
TGL-10 “Airworthiness and Operational Approval for Precision RNAV Operations in Designated European Airspace” outlines the
approval of aircraft and operations in the European region where P-RNAV is required.
This guidance references the entire aircraft installation, including the AFMS and operational considerations. Universal Avionics
Service Letter No. 2792 addresses the FMS functional compliance, and indicates areas where alternate means of compliance
are needed.
Reference: www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/enroute/flight_plan_filing/references/
An example equipment/capability code for a flight entering US airspace is: PBN/A1C4D1 NAV/RNVD1E2A1. This code is en-
tered into item 18 on the ICAO form. The code is identified as follows:
Autopilot Limitations
Although not clearly defined in FAA guidance or regulatory material, certain approach procedures have a turn six degrees or
greater between the Final Approach Fix (FAF) and End of Approach (EOA) and have been defined as “advanced” in Universal
Avionics’ equipment. A Radius to a Fix (RF) leg between the FAF and the EOA also qualifies as an advanced approach. Due to
the turning maneuvers involved in an advanced approach, they cannot be flown accurately in an aircraft that uses autopilot
deviation steering only. Aircraft flying advanced approaches must use autopilot roll steering, or required Flight Technical Error
(FTE) margins cannot be maintained.
These approach types are hidden in the navigation database in SCN 802 and later. There is an FMS configuration option that
enables these approach types when the aircraft is properly equipped. It is very important that the operator and installer under-
stand the aircraft integration and limitations before enabling this feature.
Universal Avionics releases this technical white paper as a guide to some of the necessary considerations for operators to con-
sider in order to ensure continuous aircraft operations without limits to airspace or airports, as well as an overview for gaining
operational approvals. Please contact Universal Avionics’ Customer Support for additional information for your specific installa-
tion or concern.
Reference List
• FAA order 8400.12C, Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) Operational Authorization
• JAA AMJ20X2, Leaflet 2, Revision 1, European B-RNAV operations
• FAA, AC 20-138( ), Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems
• FAA, AC 25-15, Approval of Flight Management Systems in Transport Category Airplanes
• FAA Order 8400.33, Procedures for Obtaining Authorization for Rnp-4 Oceanic and Remote Area Operations
• FAA Order 8900.1 Flight Standards Information Management System
• FAA AC 90-101A, Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR
• Universal Avionics Service Letter No. 2758, RNP-10 Operations in the North and Central Pacific
• Universal Avionics Service Letter No. 2814, Compliance Summary for RNP-4 Operations (FAA Order 8400.33)
• Universal Avionics Service Letter No. 2804, UASC FMS Compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 90-100A
• Universal Avionics Service Letter No. 2753, Basic RNAV (BRNAV)/RNP-5 Operation in European Airspace
• Universal Avionics Service Letter No. 2792, JAA PRNAV UASC Compliance Evaluation Summary
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