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Atp Sec Etops

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1. Introduction
Extended range operations by aircraft with two turbine power units (ETOPS or EROPS) are sometimes
necessary to permit twin engine aircraft to operate over very long sectors where the range from a suitable
alternate aerodrome will exceed the maximum laid down in regulations.
This maximum is laid down by national authorities and is normally the distance corresponding to 60
minutes flight time at the single engine cruise speed in still air conditions.
Basically any two-engine aircraft operating for an airline must be within 60 minutes of the nearest suitable
airport with one engine inoperative.

Time is always calculated without wind components for ETOPS except for EEP/EXP/ETP points.

Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS


HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 1

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

2. Definitions
Adequate Aerodrome: is an airport that meets the landing performance requirements of the aircraft i.e.
Runway length, ATC, Lighting, Communications, weather reporting, Navigation Aids, airport facilities and at
least one instrument approach. Adequate Airports are selected at the time of planning ETOPS routes.
Suitable Aerodrome: is an adequate airport which at the anticipated time of use [1 hour before earliest
E.T.A. to 1 hour after latest E.T.A.] has weather reports OR forecasts which indicate the weather conditions
to be at or above the approved minima.
ETOPS Entry Point (EEP): This point is the start of the ETOPS segment exactly one hour (60 minutes in
still air, single engine) from a suitable aerodrome.
ETOPS Exit Point (EXP): This point is the point on route when the ETOPS segment ends.
ETOPS Equal Time Point (ETP): Equal time point between two suitable diversion alternates.
Critical Fuel Scenario: fuel required assuming a normal flight and 3 different scenarios: Engine fail,
depressurization and engine failure with depressurization. The one that requires more fuel will be elected
as the required critical fuel scenario.

Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS


HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 2

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

3. ETOPS Safety Margin

In 1985, ICAO and FAA issued guidelines for extended range operations for twin engine planes. The FAA
promulgated conditions that need to be fulfilled for a grant of a 120 minutes diversion period. The aircraft
can be 2 hours from an alternate airport, which is sufficient for direct transatlantic flights, and other aviation
authorities worldwide followed.

In white colour, the zone over the oceans which follows the requirements of the diversion period.
ETOPS ratings are also granted for 180 minute and 240 minute diversion periods. ETOPS-180 is only
possible after 1 year of trouble-free 120-minute
ETOPS experience.
The current approval standard for 180-minute
ETOPS is 0.02 shutdowns per 1,000 hours of
engine operation. That amounts to an in-flight
shutdown rate of one every 50,000 hours. This
level of demonstrated safety has prompted many
operators and authorities to opt for longer
planned diversion times, from 240 minutes to
virtually "unrestricted" ETOPS. Statistically, twin
engine planes have a lower likelihood of a
diversion compared to 3 or four engine planes. It
is important to know that extending ETOPS
durations may compromise the safety of a flight,
since an adequate safety margin should be
ensured to make sure the plane can land at the
nearest airport in the case of an emergency.

Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS


HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 3

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

4. ETOPS Weather Minima

Weather minima for airports designated as suitable en-route alternates under ETOPS Regulations are
prescribed below. It must be noted that the minima shown hereafter are for despatch release purposes only
and in the event of an actual diversion; the applicable landing minima for that airport will be the controlling


Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m or

Ceiling of 200ft and visibility of 800m above the authorized ILS landing minima.


Airports with ILS on a single runway:

Ceiling of 600ft and visibility of 3200m or

Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m above the authorized ILS landing minima.


Airports with 2 or more ILS on separate runways:

Airports with non - precision approaches:

Ceiling of 800ft and visibility of 3200m or

Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m above the authorized non precision landing minima;
whichever is higher.

5. ETOPS Critical Fuel Scenario

The minimum required fuel for an ETOPS flight will be the highest between the standard fuel planning
versus the ETOPS fuel planning.
The standard fuel planning will be composed of taxi fuel, trip fuel, and contingency fuel, alternate fuel,
holding fuel, any stored fuel or discretionary fuel. ETOPS will be integrated by the standard fuel scenario
and the critical fuel scenario.
The critical fuel scenario will be applied from the Critical Point to the diversion alternate. This critical fuel
scenario is based upon failures (Engine failure or Depressurization) that could happen at the critical point; it
is critical due to the fact that in terms of fuel planning a diversion at this point is not favorable.
Critical fuel scenario will take into account the diversion profile and its necessary variables, those variables
will consist of:

Descent at pre-determined speed to the required diversion flight level.

Cruising phase at a pre-determined speed.
Descent to 1500ft above the diversion alternate.
30 minutes of holding at 1500ft.
First approach (IFR procedure) and go/around.
Second approach (VFR procedure) and landing manoeuvre.
Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS

HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 4

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

6. ETOPS Failure Scenarios

ETOPS could be calculated based on two scenarios:

Aircraft depressurization
Aircraft depressurization and Engine Failure


Aircraft depressurization:

Pilots should take into account the following factors.

Emergency descent (VMO/MMO with speed-brakes extended) to FL100 or grid MORA (whichever is
Diversion cruise phase at LRC (Long Range Cruise) speed.


Aircraft depressurization and Engine Failure:

Pilots should take into account the following factors.

Emergency descent (VMO/MMO with speed-brakes extended) to FL100 or grid MORA (whichever is
higher); at the same time its necessary to be familiar with the aircraft limitations established in the
manufacturer manual (FCOM, FCTM and QRH).
Diversion cruise phase at schedule speed at the area of operation, taking into account the
limitations established for the cruise phase with just one engine.
The scenario resulting in the highest amount of fuel will be referred as the ETOPS CRITICAL FUEL
SCENARIO. It is important for the pilot to be familiarized with the aircraft manuals in order to compare the
dispatch information.

7. ETOPS Critical Fuel Reserves

Regulations require the addition of a certain fuel quantity (reserves) to the ETOPS diversion fuel:

Fuel from the critical point to the diversion airport.

5% contingency (based upon the CP to the diversion alternate).
30 minutes of holding at 1500ft (minimum manoeuvring speed).
IFR approach plus a go around procedure.
VFR approach.
MEL (Minimum equipment list) penalty fuel.
In case theres a prevailing icing condition: 1.3% should be taken in order to achieve the fuel
demand affected by the engine/wing nacelle anti-ice.
APU usage in case that it will be used as power source.

Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS


HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 5

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

8. ETOPS Flight Monitoring and Decision Making

During the course of the flight, the flight crew should be informed about any significant changes in the
conditions at the designated ETOPS en-route alternates.


Special considerations before the ETOPS Entry Point:

Before the EEP, crew must be notified of any significant changes about: forecast weather, aerodrome
availability and any other factors that could affect the safety of the ETOPS flight. Crew must check any
changes that would affect the approach and landing at an ETOPS alternate airport; pilot must check the
minima at the diversion airfields and in case that its affected an appropriate course of action must be taken
if normal minima do not fulfill the expectations before the EEP. If necessary another ETOPS alternate, rerouting or turn back should be considered.


Flying the ETOPS sector:

Normal flight monitoring will be applied, pilots must be aware of the situation at their alternate aerodromes;
fuel management techniques shall be applied in order to ensure a good distribution of the fuel.


Deviation from the planned ETOPS route:

The commander will not accept an ATC clearance that would take the flight outside of the authorized area
of operations. If a deviation is required from the planned route of flight, the crew will verify that the revised
route remains within the cleared area of operation of the designated ETOPS en-route alternates, and if a
change is necessary another alternate aerodrome within the authorized area of operation shall be



When the aircraft is in the ETOPS sector of the flight and a selected ETOPS en-route alternate becomes
unsuitable, the pilot will designate another aerodrome where a safe landing can be made. If this is not
possible then the commander should take an appropriate course of action. No diversion procedure is
specified for ETOPS, this will vary according to the aircraft model, in case of an emergency situation the
pilot should LAND ASAP.

Extended-range twin-engine operation - ETOPS


HQ training department

Version 1.2

5 July 2014

Page 6

Training Documentation Manager Erwan Lhotellier

This manual is dedicated only for IVAOTM Network activities. This document must not be used in real aviation or in other networks

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