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Rnav & RNP - Kfa Notes

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GENERAL Pilots Training Guide For Performance Based Navigation

INTRODUCTION BACKROUND RNAV is defined as a method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these. This removes the restriction imposed on conventional routes and procedures where the aircraft must overfly referenced navigation aids, there by permitting operational flexibility and efficiency. This is illustrated in figure below.

RNAV SYSTEM - BASIC FUNCTIONS RNAV systems are designed to provide a given level of accuracy, with repeatable and predictable path definition, appropriate to the application. The RNAV System typically integrates information from sensors such as air data, inertial reference, radio navigation, satellite navigation, together with inputs from internal data bases and crew-entered data to perform the following functions Navigation Flight Plan Management Guidance and Control Display and System Control RNP SYSTEM - BASIC FUNCTIONS An RNP system is an RNAV system whose functionalities support on-board performance monitoring and alerting. Current specific requirements include:  Capability to follow a desired ground track with reliability, repeatability and predictability, including curved paths.  Where vertical profiles are included for vertical guidance, use of vertical angles or specified altitude constraints to define a desired vertical path. The performance monitoring and alerting capability may be provided in different forms depending on the system installation, architecture and configurations, including:

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 Display and indication of both the required and the estimated navigation system performance  Monitoring of the system performance and alerting the crew when RNP requirements are not met  Cross track deviation displays scaled to RNP, in conjunction with separate monitoring and alerting for navigation integrity An RNP system utilizes its navigation sensors, system architecture and modes of operation to satisfy the RNP navigation specification requirements. It must perform the integrity and reasonableness checks of the sensors and data, and may provide a means to deselect specific types of navigation aids to prevent reversion to an inadequate sensor. RNP requirements may limit the modes of operation of the aircraft e.g. for low RNP where flight technical error is a significant factor, manual flight by the crew may not be allowed. Dual system/sensor installations may also be required depending on the intended operation or need. PERFORMANCE BASED NAVIGATION (PBN) PBN is a new concept based on the use of Area Navigation (RNAV) systems rather than sensor-specific navigation. So far the RNAV requirements were based on the limited statement of required performance accuracy and containment limits. PBN signifies a transition to more extensive statements of required performance in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability, together with descriptions of how this performance is to achieved in terms of aircraft and crew requirements. The Required Navigation Performance (RNP) concept has been replaced by the PBN concept. Therefore, a lot of RNP terminology has been replaced by PBN terminology. A new ICAO document Performance Based Navigation Manual (Final Draft) replaces the existing document Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ICAO Doc 9613AN/937 Until now, various countries had laid down various RNAV/RNP requirements which were often specific to area of operations. Various RNAV / RNP requirements across various countries required airlines to seek specific approval for each of them. With the new PBN concept, global definitions of terms are provided that are aimed at removing any previous regional differences. A revised set of globally compatible Navigation Specifications has also been provided, which will be used as a basis for local or regional Navigation Applications in the en route, terminal and approach environments. Performance requirements are identified in navigation specifications in the Air Operators Permit, which also identify the choice of navigation sensors and equipment that may be used to meet the performance requirements. Subsequently, generic navigation requirements are defined based on the operational requirements. Operators are then able to evaluate options in respect of available technologies and navigation services that could allow these requirements to be met.

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Benefits Of Performance Based Navigation (PBN):

PBN offers a number of advantages over the sensor-specific method of developing airspace and obstacle clearance criteria. These include: a) Reduces need to maintain sensor-specific routes and procedures, and their associated costs. For example, moving a single VOR ground facility can impact dozens of procedures, as that VOR can be used on routes, VOR approaches, as part of missed approaches, etc. b) Avoids need for development of sensor-specific operations with each new evolution of navigation systems, which would be cost-prohibitive. c) Allows more efficient use of airspace (route placement, fuel efficiency, noise abatement). d) Improves access to an airport under All Weather Operations (For example facilitating IFR approach to VABB RWY 32) e) Facilitates the operational approval process for operators by providing a limited set of navigation specifications intended for global use. Context of PBN PBN is one of several enablers of an Airspace Concept. Communications, ATS Surveillance and ATM are also essential elements of an Airspace Concept. This is demonstrated in figure shown below. The concept of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) relies on the use of an Area Navigation (RNAV) system.

Figure:: Performance Based Navigation Concept There are two core input components for the application of PBN: a) The Navaid Infrastructure b) The Navigation Specification Applying these components in the context of the Airspace Concept to ATS routes and Instrument Procedures results in a third component: c) The Navigation Application

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a) Navigation Application: The application of a Navigation Specification and the supporting NAVAID Infrastructure to specific routes, procedures and / or defined airspace volumes. For Example, to have RNAV/RNP terminal area procedures for Delhi. Navigation Application, indicating the designation of the required Navigation Specification plus any established limitations imposed for the particular Navigation Application, will be detailed in charts and in the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs) b) Navigation Aid (NAVAID) Infrastructure: The ground, space or on-board NAVAIDs which support or provide positioning capability, Example of NAVAIDS are as follows:Ground Very High Frequency Omni-Range (VOR), Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), etc Space Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), (GPS and GLONASS) In-board Inertial Reference Units c) Navigation Specification: The aircraft and aircrew requirements needed to support PBN operations. These are entered in the Air Operator Permit. i. A Navigation Specification is either a RNP specification or a RNAV specification ii. A RNP specification includes a requirement for on-board self-contained performance monitoring and alerting, whilst a RNAV specification does not. Each Navigation Specification has a designator, e.g. RNAV 5, BASIC-RNP 1, RNP APCH, RNP AR APCH. The number in the designator represents the minimum lateral navigation accuracy in nautical miles (nm) that must be maintained for at least 95% of the flight time. The required lateral accuracy limits the combined total of all errors that may exist in an aircraft system. This combined error is known as the Total System Error (TSE).It should be noted that the accuracy limit is only one of the performance requirements for PBN procedures.

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Notes: The numbers given in the table refer to the 95% accuracy requirements (NM) RNAV 5 is an en-route navigation specification which may be used for the initial part of the STAR outside 30NM and above MSA RNP 2 and Advanced-RNP 1 are expected to be included in a future revision of the PBN Manual; 1a means that the navigation application is limited to use on STARs and SIDs only; 1b means that the area of application can only be used after the initial climb of a missed approach phase 1c means that beyond 30 NM from the airport reference point (ARP), the accuracy value for alerting becomes 2 NM Oceanic, Remote Continental, En Route and Terminal For oceanic, remote, en route and terminal operations, a RNP specification is designated as RNP X e.g. RNP 4. A RNAV specification is designated as RNAV X, e.g. RNAV 1. If two navigation specifications share the same value for X, they may be distinguished by use of a prefix. e.g. Advanced-RNP 1 and Basic-RNP 1.For both RNP and RNAV designations the expression X (where stated) refers to the lateral navigation

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accuracy in nautical miles that is expected to be achieved at least 95 percent of the flight time by the population of aircraft operating within the airspace, route or procedure. Approach Approach navigation specifications cover all segments of the instrument approach. RNP specifications are designated using RNP as a prefix and an abbreviated textual suffix e.g. RNP APCH or RNP AR APCH. There are no RNAV approach specifications. Understanding RNAV and RNP designations In those cases where navigation accuracy is used as part of the designation of a navigation specification, it should be noted that navigation accuracy is only one of the many performance requirements included in a navigation specification Example A RNAV 1 designation refers to an RNAV specification which includes a requirement for 1 NM navigation accuracy among many other performance requirements. Like all navigation specifications, a RNAV 1 specification includes all flight crew and airborne navigation system requirements. Since specific performance requirements are defined for each navigation specification, an aircraft approved for a RNP specification is not automatically approved for all RNAV specifications. Similarly, an aircraft approved for a RNP or RNAV specification having stringent accuracy requirement (e.g. RNP 0.3 specification) is not automatically approved for a navigation specification having a less stringent accuracy requirement (e.g. RNP 4).

ICAO Navigation Specification

(subset) DME/DME Inertial GNSS

State A Navigation Specification

DME/DME Inertial

RNAV 5 Approval

Does not automatically imply


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Does not automatically



RNP APCH Approval

It may seem logical, for example, that an aircraft approved for Basic RNP-1 be automatically approved for NP-4; however, this is not the case. Aircraft approved to the more stringent accuracy requirements may not necessarily meet some of the functional requirements of the navigation specification having a less stringent accuracy. For any particular PBN operation, it is possible that a sequence of RNAV and RNP applications is used. A flight may commence in an airspace using a Basic RNP 1 SID, transit through En Route then Oceanic airspace requiring RNAV 2 and RNP 4, respectively, and culminate with Terminal and Approach operations requiring Advanced RNP 1 and RNP AR APCH.

Example of an Application of RNAV and RNP Specifications to ATS Routes and Instrument Procedures

Manual or automated notification of an aircrafts qualification to operate along an ATS route, on a procedure or in airspace is provided to ATC via the Flight Plan.

Both RNAV and RNP specifications include requirements for certain navigation functionalities. At the basic level, thee functional requirements may include: a) Continuous indication of aircraft position relative to track to be displayed to the pilot flying on a navigation display situated in his primary field of view. b) Display of distance and bearing to the active (To) waypoint c) Display of ground speed or time to the active (To) waypoint d) Navigation data storage function e) Appropriate failure indication of the RNAV system, including the sensors. More sophisticated navigation specifications include the requirement for navigation

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data bases (see Attachment B) and the capability to execute data base procedures. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT PROCEDURES DESIGN Instrument flight procedure design deals with the construction of routes, arrivals, departures and approach procedures. These procedures consist of a series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles. The following paragraphs regarding instrument flight procedure design describe conventional procedure design and sensor dependent RNAV procedure design, their disadvantages and the issues that led up to PBN. Conventional procedure design Conventional procedure design is applicable to non-RNAV applications when aircraft are Navigating based on direct signals from ground radio navigation aids. The big disadvantage of this type of navigation is that the routes are dependent on the location of the navigation beacons, often resulting in longer routes, as optimal arrival and departure routes are impracticable due to citing and cost constraints on installing ground-based radio navigation aids. Additionally, obstacle protection areas are comparatively large and the navigation system error increases as a function of the aircrafts distance from the navigation aid.

Figure: Conventional Instrument Flight Procedure Design

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Sensor-Specific RNAV procedure design A fundamental breakthrough with RNAV was the creation of fixes defined by name, latitude and longitude. RNAV fixes allowed the design of routes to be less dependent on the location of Navaids and the designs could better accommodate airspace planning requirements (see figure below). The flexibility in route design varied by the specific radio navigation system involved, such as DME/VOR or GNSS. Additional benefits included the ability to store the routes in a navigation data base, reducing pilot workload and resulting in more consistent flying of the nominal track as compared to cases where the non-RNAV procedure design was based on heading, timing, or DME arcs.

Figure: RNAV Procedure Design

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PBN procedure design With PBN, area navigation is a performance based operation in which the navigation performance characteristics of the aircraft are well specified. The performance based descriptions address various aircraft characteristics that were causing variations in flight trajectories, leading to more repeatable, reliable and predictable flight tracking, and smaller obstacle assessment areas. An example of RNP APPROACH (RNP APCH) and RNP AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED APPROACH (RNP AR APCH) is shown in Figure below.

Examples of RNP APCH (left) and RNP AR APCH (right) procedure design The main change for the designer will be that he/she will not be designing for a specific sensor but according to a navigation specification (e.g. RNAV 1). The selection of the appropriate navigation specification is based on the airspace requirements, the available Navaid infrastructure, and the equipage and operational capability of aircraft expected to use the route. For example, where an airspace requirement is for RNAV-1 or RNAV-2, the available navigation infrastructure would have to be basic GNSS or DME/DME Together, the procedure design, along with qualified aircraft and operators result in greater reliability, repeatability and predictability of the aircraft flight path. However, adjustments may result based upon the associated obstacle clearance or separation criteria. AIRWORTHINESS & OPERATIONAL APPROVAL Airworthiness Approval Process The Airworthiness approval process assures that each item of the RNAV equipment installed is of a kind and design appropriate to its intended function and that the installation functions properly under foreseeable operating conditions. Additionally, the airworthiness approval process identifies any installation limitations that need to be considered for operational approval. Such limitations and other information relevant to the approval of the RNAV system installation are documented in the AFM or AFM Supplement as applicable. Information may also be repeated and expanded upon in other documents such as Pilot Operating Handbooks (POHs) or Flight Crew Operating Manuals (FCOMs).

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Approval of RNAV systems for RNAV-X operation The RNAV (RNP) system installed should be compliant with a set of basic performance requirements described in the navigation specification which defines accuracy, integrity and continuity criteria. The RNAV (RNP) system installed should be compliant with a set of specific functional requirements described in the navigation specification. The RNAV (RNP) system installed should have a navigation data base and should support each specific path terminator as required by the navigation specification Note: For certain navigation applications, a navigation data base may be optional Operational Approval The aircraft must be equipped with an RNAV system enabling the flight crew to navigate in accordance with operational criteria defined in the navigation specification. The authority must be satisfied that operational programs are adequate. Training programs and operations manuals should be evaluated. General RNAV approval process The operational approval process assumes first that the corresponding installation/airworthiness approval has been granted. During operation, the crew should respect AFM and AFM supplements limitations. Normal procedures are provided in the navigation specification and detailed necessary crew action to be conducted during pre-flight planning, prior to commencing the procedure and during the procedure. Abnormal procedures are provided in the navigation specification. These procedures should detail crew action in case of on-board RNAV system failure and in case of system inability to maintain the prescribed performance of the on board monitoring and alerting function. Minimum equipment list (MEL) should identify the minimum equipment necessary to satisfy the navigation application. Flight Crew training Each pilot must receive appropriate training, briefing and guidance material in order to safely conduct the operation. Any specific requirement regarding the navigation data base should be provided in the navigation specification particularly if the navigation data base integrity should demonstrate compliance with DO 200A/EUROCAE ED 76 (data quality assurance process). Note: This demonstration may be documented with a Letter of Acceptance (LOA), or other equivalent means as accepted by the State. FLIGHT CREW AND AIR TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Pilots and air traffic controllers are the end-users of Performance Based Navigation. What pilots need to know about PBN operations is whether the aircraft and flight crew are qualified to operate in the airspace, on a procedure or along an ATS Route. An understanding of how RNAV systems work as well as their advantages and limitations is necessary for both controllers and pilots.

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For pilots, one of the main advantages of using a RNAV system is that the navigation function is performed by highly accurate and sophisticated on-board equipment allowing a reduction of cockpit workload and, in some cases, increased safety. In controller terms, the main advantage of aircraft using a RNAV system is that ATS routes can be straightened as it is not necessary for routes to pass over locations marked by conventional Navaid. Another advantage is that RNAV28 based arrival and departure routes can complement, and even replace radar vectoring, thereby reducing Approach and Departure controller workload. Consequently, parallel ATS route networks are usually a distinctive characteristic of airspace in which RNAV or RNP applications are used. These parallel track systems can be uni-directional or bi-directional and can, on occasion, cater for parallel routes requiring a different navigation specification for operation along each route e.g. a RNP 4 route alongside a parallel RNP 10 route. Similarly, RNAV SIDs, STARs or instrument procedures feature extensively in some Terminal Airspaces. From an obstacle clearance perspective, the use of RNP applications may allow or increase access to an airport in terrain rich environments where such access was not previously possible or limited. Controllers sometimes assume that where all aircraft operating in an airspace may be required to be approved to the same level of performance, that all the aircraft will systematically provide entirely or exactly repeatable and predictable track keeping performance. This is not an accurate assumption because the different algorithms used in different FMS and the different ways of coding data used in the navigation data base can affect the way an aircraft performs on the turn. Flight crew procedures Flight crew procedures complement the technical contents of the navigation specification. Flight crew procedures are usually embodied in the company operating manual. These procedures could include, for example, that the flight crew notify ATC of contingencies (equipment failures, weather conditions) that affect the aircrafts ability to maintain navigation accuracy. These procedures would also require the flight crew to state their intentions, coordinate a plan of action and obtain a revised ATC clearance in such instances. At a regional level, established contingency procedures should be made available so as to permit the flight crew to follow such established procedures in the event that it is not possible to notify ATC of their difficulties. Navigation Data Base The RNAV system is expected to access a navigation data base, if available. The Navigation Data Base contains pre-stored information on Navaid locations, waypoints, ATS routes and terminal procedures, and related information. The RNAV system will use such information for flight planning and may also conduct cross checks between sensor information and the data base. The safety of the application is contingent upon the accuracy, resolution and integrity of this data. The accuracy and integrity of the data depends upon the processes applied during the data origination, coding and distribution.

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Flight Planning and Management The Flight Planning function performs the creation and assembly of the lateral and vertical flight plan used by the guidance function. A key aspect of the flight plan is the specification of flight plan waypoints using latitude and longitude, without reference to the location of any ground navigation aids. RNAV systems routinely provide flight progress information for the waypoints enroute, for terminal and approach procedures, and the origin and destination. The information includes estimated time or arrival, and distance to go, useful in tactical and planning coordination with ATC. Display and System Control Display and system controls provide the means for system initialization, flight planning, path deviations, progress monitoring, active guidance control and presentation of navigation data for flight crew situational awareness. ON-BOARD PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND ALERTING On-board performance monitoring and alerting is the main element which determines if the navigation system complies with the necessary safety level associated to a RNP application; it relates to both lateral and longitudinal navigation performance. On-board performance monitoring and alerting allows the air crew to detect that the navigation system is not achieving, or cannot guarantee with 10-5 integrity, the navigation performance required for the operation. RNP systems provide improvements on the integrity of operation; this may permit closer route spacing and can provide sufficient integrity to allow only RNAV systems to be used for navigating in a specific airspace. The use of RNP systems may therefore offer significant safety, operational and efficiency benefits. Navigation Error Components The inability to achieve the required lateral navigation accuracy may be due to navigation errors related to aircraft tracking and positioning. The three main errors in the context of on-board performance monitoring and alerting are Path Definition Error (PDE), Flight Technical Error (FTE), and Navigation System Error (NSE), as shown in Figure below. The distributions of these errors are assumed to be independent, zero-mean.
Desired Path Defined Path

Estimated Position True Position

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Desired path- Path over the ground that the aircraft is expected to fly Defined path- Reference path computed by the flight plan management function of the aircrafts RNAV system Estimated position- provided by the navigation function of the aircrafts RNAV system.

PDE occurs when the path defined in the RNAV system does not correspond to the desired path i.e. the path expected to be flown over the ground. Use of an RNAV system for navigation presupposes that a defined path representing the intended track is loaded into the navigation database. A consistent, repeatable path cannot be defined for a turn that allows for a fly-by turn at a waypoint, requires a fly-over of a waypoint, or occurs when the aircraft reaches a target altitude FTE relates to the air crew or autopilots ability to follow the defined path or track, including any display error (e.g., CDI centering error). FTE can be monitored by the autopilot or air crew procedures and the extent to which these procedures need to be supported by other means depends, for example, on the phase of flight and the type of operations. Such monitoring support could be provided by a map display. Note. FTE is sometimes referred to as Path Steering Error (PSE) NSE refers to the difference between the aircrafts estimated position and actual position. Note. NSE is sometimes referred to as Positioning Estimation Error (PEE) NAVIGATION ERROR ALERTING On-board performance monitoring and alerting is concerned with the performance of the area navigation system.  on-board explicitly means that the performance monitoring and alerting is effected on board the aircraft and not elsewhere e.g. using a ground-based route adherence monitor or ATC surveillance. The monitoring element of on-board performance monitoring and alerting relates to FTE and NSE. PDE is constrained through database integrity and functional requirements on the defined path, and is considered negligible.

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 monitoring refers to the monitoring of the aircrafts performance as regards its ability to determine positioning error and/or to follow the desired path. alerting relates to monitoring: if the aircrafts navigation system does not perform well enough, this will be alerted to the air crew. The PBN concept uses the term on-board performance monitoring and alerting instead of the term containment. This is to avoid confusion between existing uses of containment in various documents by different areas of expertise. For example: Containment has referred to the region within which the aircraft will remain 95% of the time. The associated terms have been containment value and containment distance and the related airspace protection on either side of a RNAV ATS route. The previous ICAO expressions of containment value and containment distance have been replaced by the navigation accuracy of TSE.

Performance Monitoring and Alerting Requirements for RNP RNP-4, Basic-RNP 1 and RNP APCH The performance monitoring and alerting requirements for RNP 4, Basic-RNP 1 and RNP APCH have common terminology and application. Each of these RNP navigation specifications includes requirements for the following characteristics: a) Accuracy: The accuracy requirement is harmonized with the RNAV navigation specifications and is always equal to the accuracy value. A unique aspect of the RNP navigation specifications is that the accuracy is one of the performance characteristics that is monitored b) Performance Monitoring: The aircraft, or aircraft and pilot in combination, is required to monitor the TSE, and to provide an alert if the accuracy requirement is not met or if the probability that the TSE exceeds two-times the accuracy value is larger than 10-5. c) Aircraft Failures: Failure of the aircraft equipment is considered within airworthiness regulations. Failures are categorized by the severity of the aircraft level effect, and the system must be designed to reduce the likelihood of the failure or mitigate its effect. . The NSE distribution varies over time due to a number of changing characteristics, most notably: a) Selected navigation sensors: which navigation sensors are being used to estimate position, such as GNSS or DME/DME b) The relative geometry of the aircraft position to the supporting navigation aids: All radio Navaids have this basic variability, although the specific characteristics change. GNSS performance is affected by the relative geometry of the satellites as compared to the aircraft (lines of position should be well distributed in space to support good resolution in space and time). DME/DME navigation solutions are affected by the inclusion angle between the two DMEs at the aircraft (90

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degrees being optimal) and the distance to the DMEs since the aircraft transponder can have increasing range errors with increasing distance c) Inertial reference units have error characteristics that increase with the time since being updated. It is important that performance monitoring is not regarded as error monitoring. A performance monitoring alert will be issued when the system cannot guarantee, with sufficient integrity, that the position meets the accuracy requirement. When such an alert is issued, the probable reason is the loss of capability to validate the position data (insufficient satellites being a potential reason). For such a situation, the most likely position of the aircraft at that time is the exact same position indicated on the pilot display. Assuming the desired track has been flown correctly, the FTE would be within the required limits and therefore it is not appropriate to think of TSE prior to the alert as being close to twice the accuracy value, instead, it is simply that the likelihood of the -5 TSE exceeding twice the accuracy value just prior to the alert is approximately 10 . Conversely, it cannot be assumed that simply because there is no alert the TSE is less than twice the accuracy value: the TSE can be larger. An example is for those aircraft that account for FTE based on a fixed error distribution: for such systems, if the FTE grows large, no alert is issued by the system even when the TSE is many times larger than the accuracy value. For this reason, the operational procedures to monitor FTE are important Application of Performance Monitoring and Alerting for RNP AR APCH The performance monitoring and alerting requirements for RNP AR APCH include many of the same characteristics as for RNP 4, Basic-RNP 1 and RNP APCH. However, in the case of RNP AR APCH these requirements can be tighter and a number of additional requirements are applied to more tightly monitor or control each error source. There are basically two ways to determine obstacle clearance through analysis. One way is to derive obstacle clearance from the target level of safety, given pre-defined aircraft requirements and operational mitigations. The other way is to derive aircraft requirements and operational mitigations from the target level of safety, given predefined obstacle clearance criteria. It is of vital importance in understanding the methodology applied for RNP AR that the latter way was followed, i.e. the obstacle clearance for RNP AR APCH operations was first established to have a total width of four-times the accuracy value ( two-times the accuracy value centered on the path) after which aircraft requirements and operational mitigations were then developed to satisfy the target level of safety. In the case of GNSS, the signal in space requirement for RNP AR APCH is not set based on the NSE. Instead, it is described in terms of the TSE to ensure an acceptable risk that the aircraft will go outside the obstacle clearance area. The aircraft failure requirements are more constraining, and tighter performance monitoring and alerting requirements are defined for many of the individual error sources.

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General Operating Procedures Since FCOM procedures are base on previous RNAV/RNP regulation, some mismatch between the following procedures and FCOM procedures is expected. Pilots are advised to promptly seek clarification from FLTOPSENGG@flykingfisher.com Following procedures are applicable to all PBN Operations Specifications: Pre-Flight RNP Capability is included in the ATC Flight Plan and is show as R in the Equipment field. At system initialization, pilots must confirm the navigation data base current and verify that the aircraft position has been entered correctly. Pilots must verify proper entry of their ATC assigned route upon initial clearance and any subsequent change of route. Pilots must ensure the waypoints sequences depicted by their navigation system matches the route depicted on the appropriate charts (s) and their assigned route. Any error /discrepancies between Nav Database and Jeppesen charts observed by Flight Crew must be immediately reported to FLTOPSENGG@flykingfisher.com In case, there is any delay in uploading latest database on the aircraft, old database can be used subject to assessment of changes applicable in the new database and their impact on each flight. Old database can only be used after getting approval from VP Flight Operations or if a company NOTAM is issued . Refer FCOM 4.02.20 Page 4a During the pre-flight phase, the pilot should ensure sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination or at an alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of required RNAV/RNP airborne capability. Operators and flight crews must take account of any NOTAMs or operator briefing material that could adversely affect the aircraft system operation, or the availability or suitability of the procedures at the airport of landing, or any alternate airport. The availability of the NAVAIDs infrastructure, required for the intended routes, including any non-RNAV contingencies, must be available for use. Availability of GNSS integrity (RAIM) should also be ascertained as appropriated. In the event of a predicted, continuous loss of appropriate level of fault detection of more than five (5) minutes for any part of the Basic RNP 1/RNAV1& RNAV2 operation, the flight planning should be revised(e.g. delaying the departure or planning a different departure procedure) For navigation relying on DME, NOTAMs should be checked to verify the availability of critical DMEs. Pilots should assess their capability to navigate (potentially to an alternate destination) in case of failure of critical DME while airborne The pilot should comply with any instructions or procedures identified by the manufacturer as necessary to comply with the performance requirements given

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hereunder. Pilots must adhere to any AFM limitations or Operating Procedures required to maintain Basic RNP-1 performance for the SID or STAR. Operators and pilots should not request or file RNAV 5 routes unless they satisfy all the criteria in the relevant documents. If an aircraft not meeting these criteria receives a clearance from ATC to conduct an RNAV procedure, the pilot must advise ATC that he/she is unable to accept the clearance and must request alternate instructions. Pilots must not fly an RNAV 1 or RNAV 2 SID or STAR unless it is retrievable by route name from the onboard navigation database and conforms to the charted route. However, the route may subsequently be modified through the insertion or deletion of specific waypoints in response to ATC clearances. The manual entry, or creation of new waypoints, by manual entry of latitude and longitude or rho/theta values is not permitted. Additionally, pilots must not change any RNAV SID or STAR database waypoint type from a fly-by to a fly-over or vice versa. Flight crews should crosscheck the cleared flight plan by comparing charts or other applicable resources with the navigation system textual display and the aircraft map display, if applicable. If required, the exclusion of specific navigation aids should be confirmed.

Note: Pilots may notice a slight difference between the navigation information portrayed on the chart and their primary navigation display. Differences of 3or less may result from equipment manufacturer's application of magnetic variation and are operationally acceptable. Whenever possible, RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 routes in the en route domain should be extracted from the database in their entirety, rather than loading individual waypoints from the database into the flight plan. However, it is permitted to select and insert individual, named fixes waypoints from the navigation database, provided all fixes along the published route to be flown are inserted. Moreover, the route may subsequently be modified through the insertion or deletion of specific waypoints in response to ATC clearances. The creation of new waypoints by manual entry of latitude and longitude or rho/theta values is not permitted. During the flight, where feasible, the flight crew should use available data from ground-based navigation aids to confirm navigational reasonableness Cross checking with conventional Navaids is not required as the absence of integrity alert is considered sufficient to meet the integrity requirements. However monitoring of navigation reasonableness is suggested, and any loss of PBN capability shall be reported to ATC.

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GENERAL Pilots Training Guide For Performance Based Navigation

All pilots are expected to maintain route centerlines, as depicted by onboard lateral deviation indicators and/or flight guidance during all RNAV operations described in this manual unless authorized to deviate by ATC or under emergency conditions. For normal operations, cross-track error/deviation (the difference between the RNAV system computed path and the aircraft position relative to the path, i.e. FTE) should be limited to the navigation accuracy associated with the procedure or route (i.e., 0.5 nm for RNAV 1, 1.0 nm for RNAV 2). Brief deviations from this standard (e.g., overshoots or undershoots) during and immediately after procedure/route turns, up to a maximum of 1 times the navigation accuracy (i.e., 1.0 nm for RNAV 1, 2.0 nm for RNAV), are allowable. If ATC issues a heading assignment taking the aircraft off a route, the pilot should not modify the flight plan in the RNAV system until a clearance is received to rejoin the route or the controller confirms a new route clearance. When the aircraft is not on the published route, the specified accuracy requirement does not apply.

RTF Phraseology is outlined in ICAO document 7030 ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures. CIRCUMSTACNES PHRASEOLOGIES RNAV arrival or departure procedure *UNABLE (designator)DEPARTURE (or cannot be accepted by the pilot ARRIVAL) DUE RNAV TYPE ATC unable to assign an RNAV arrival or UNABLE TO ISSUE (designator) departure procedure requested by a pilot DEPARTURE (or ARRIVAL) DUE RNAV due to the type of on-board RNAV TYPE equipment ATC unable to assign an arrival or UNABLE TO ISSUE departure procedure requested by the pilot (designator)DEPARTURE (or ARRIVAL) (reasons) Confirmation whether a specific RNAV ADVISE IF ABLE (designator) arrival or departure procedure can be DEPARTURE (or ARRIVAL) accepted Informing ATC of RNAV degradation or *(aircraft call sign) UNABLE RNAV DUE failure EQUIPMENT * Denotes pilot transmission IMPLEMENTING RNAV 5 This chapter provides guidance on implementing RNAV in the en route phase of flight. While primarily addressing requirement of RNAV operation in an ATS Surveillance environment, RNAV 5 implementation occurs in areas where there is no Surveillance. This requires an increase in route spacing commensurate with the assurance of meeting the Target Level of Safety. The RNAV 5 specification does not require an alert to the

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pilot in the event of excessive navigation errors. As the specification does not require the carriage of dual RNAV systems, the potential for loss of RNAV capability requires an alternative navigation source. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following system functions are the minimum required to conduct RNAV 5 operations a) Continuous indication of aircraft position relative to track to be displayed to the pilot flying on a navigation display situated in his primary field of view. b) Where the minimum flight crew is two pilots, indication of aircraft position relative to track to be displayed to the pilot not flying on a navigation display situated in his primary field of view. c) Display of distance and bearing to the active (To) way point d) Display of ground speed or time to the active (TO) way point e) Storage of waypoints; minimum of 4 f) Appropriate failure indication of the RNAV system, including the sensors.

CRITERIA FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES. IRS Inertial systems may be used either as a standalone Inertial Reference System (IRS) or acting as part of a multi-sensor RNAV system where inertial sensors provides augmentation to the basic position sensors as well as a reversionary position data source when out of cover of radio navigation sources. VOR VOR accuracy can typically meet the accuracy requirements for RNAV 5 up to 60 NM for the navigation aid Doppler VOR up to 75 NM DME DME signals are considered sufficient to meet requirements of RNAV 5 where ever the signals are received and there is no closer DME on the same channel, regardless of the published coverage volume. GNSS Integrity is provided by Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) or an equivalent means within a mult-sensor navigation system. Where approval for RNAV 5 operations requires the use of traditional navigation equipment as aback up in the event of loss ofGNSS, the required navigation aids as defined in the approval (i.e VOR, DME and/ or ADF) will need to be installed and be serviceable. Positioning data from other types of navigation sensors may be integrated with the GNSS data provided it does not cause position errors exceeding the track keeping accuracy requirements.

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NAVAID INFRASTRUTURE RNAV 5 operations are based upon the use of RNAV equipment that automatically determines aircraft position in the horizontal plane using inputs form one or a combination of the following types of position sensors, together with the means to establish and follow a desired path; a. VOR/EMD b. DME/DME c. INS or IRS d. GNSS It is acceptable for gaps in navigation aid coverage to be present. Where this occurs, route spacing and obstacle clearance surfaces need to take due account for the expected increase in lateral track keeping errors during the dead reckoning phase of flight. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, MONITORING AND ALERTING Accuracy: During operations in airspace or on route designated as RNAV 5, the lateral total system error must be with =/- 5 NM at least 95% of total flight time. The along-track error must also be with +/- 5NM for at least 95% if the total flight time. Integrity: Malfunction of the aircraft navigation equipment is classified as a Major failure -5 condition under airworthiness regulations (i.e 10 per hour) Continuity: Loss of functions classified as a Minor failure condition. Signal-in-Space: The aircraft navigation equipment shall provide an alert if the probability -7 of signal-in-space errors causing a lateral position error greater than 10 NM exceeds10 per hour. Note: The minimum level of integrity and continuity required for RNAV 5 systems for use in airspace designated for RNAV 5 is normally met by a single installed system comprising one or more sensors, RNAV computer, control display unit and navigation display(s) (e.g. ND, HSI or CDI) provided that the system is monitored by the flight crew and that in the event of a system failure the aircraft retains the capability to navigate relative to ground based navigation aids (e.g. VOR/DME or NDB). A320 AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY FMGS lateral and vertical navigation has been certified for enroute operations. RNP accuracy with GPS PRIMARY or radio updating has been demonstrated to be With AP ON in NAV Enroute 1 NM With AP OFF and With AP OFF and FD ON in NAV FD OFF 1NM 1.1 NM

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Without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative) the accuracy has been demonstrated, provided the appropriate RNP value is checked or entered in the MCDU and HIGH accuracy is displayed. Without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative) navigation accuracy is a function of ground radio navaid infrastructure, or elapsed time since the last radio update. The FMGC is also certified for RNAV 5 operations with GPS PRIMARY, without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative) provided time limitations in IRS only navigation are followed. DESCRIPTION OF AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT The minimum requirement equipment to enter RNAV5 airspace is: One RNAV system, which means: One FMGC One MCDU One VOR or one GPS receiver for FM navigation update One DME receiver or one GPS receiver for FM navigation update One IRS

Flight plan Data should be displayed on both NDs. COMMUNICATION & ATS SURVEILLANCE Direct pilot to ATC voice communication is required.

The routes on which RNAV 5 applications are implemented are clearly indicated in AIP, On the Jeppesen enroute charts an RNAV route is identified by a suffix R to the route designator A navigation database does not form part of the required functionality of RNAV 5. The absence of such a data base necessitates manual way point entry, increasing significantly the potential for waypoint errors. En-route charts support gross error checking by the flight crew by publishing fix data for selected waypoints on RNAV 5 routes.

RNP/RNAV requires for this Navigation Specification are always met, provided GPS PRIMARY is available.

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When GPS PRIMARY is not available, periodically crosscheck the FM position with Navaid raw data. Refer FCOM 4.02.20 Page2 Manual verification /selection of required accuracy on the MCDU is recommended. When leaving RNAV 5 airspace or when entering the terminal area, revert to default required accuracy, or enter the appropriate value on MCDU.


1. If one of the following MCDU or ECAM message is displayed, check navigation accuracy with the navaid raw data, or with the GPS MONITOR page. -NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD -FMS1 / FMS2 POS DIFF -CHECK IRS 1(2)(3) / FM POSITION -ECAM: NAV FM/GPS POS DISAGREE If the accuracy check confirms that RNP/RNAV capability has been lost, or if both FMGCs have failed; inform the ATC, and revert to conventional navigation. If the accuracy check confirms that only on FMGC position is incorrect, resume navigation with the other FMGC. In inertial navigation, RNAV capability is maintained for 2 hours, independently of the estimated accuracy displayed on MCDU. 2. ND Failure If ND failure is on PF side, PF transfers control to PNF as long as RNAV procedure is being followed. IF failure on PNF side, PF becomes responsible for flying and navigation. PNF can use PFD/ND as per flight phase requirement. 3. Unable to maintain RNAV Capability: The pilot must notify ATC where the RNAV performance ceases to meet the requirement for RNAV 5. The communication to ATC must be in accordance with the standard phraseology. 4. Communication Failure: In the event of communications failure, the flight crew should continue with the flight plan in accordance with the published lost communication procedure. 5. Radar Failure: In the case of Radar Failure, conventional Navigation will be resorted to by ATC to maintain adequate lateral and vertical separation.

IMPLEMENTING AREA NAVIGAION RNAV 1 AND RNAV 2 This chapter provides guidance on implementing RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 which are applicable to al ATS routes, including routes in the enroute domain. Standard instrument Departures (SIDs) and Standard Arrival Routes (STARS).It also applies to instrument

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approach procedures up to the Final Approach Fix. RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 Navigation Specification were primarily developed for RNAV operations in a radar environment (for SIDs radar coverage is expected prior to the first RNAV course change)

The following system functions are the minimum required to conduct RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 operations a) Navigation data, including a to/from indication and failure indicator, must be displayed on a lateral deviation display (CDI, (E) HIS) and/or a navigation map display b) Continuous indication of aircraft position relative to track to be displayed to the pilot flying on a navigation display situated in his primary field of view. c) A navigation database, containing current navigation data officially promulgated for civil aviation, which can be updated in accordance with the Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control.(AIRAC) cycle and from which ATS routes be retrieved and loaded into the RNAV system. The stored resolution of the data must be sufficient to achieve negligible path definition error. The database must be protected against pilot modification of the stored data. d) The means to display the validity period of the navigation data to the pilot e) The means to retrieve and display data stored in the navigation database relating to individual way points and navigation aids, to enable the pilot to verify the route to be flown. f) Capacity to load from the database into the RNAV system the entire RNAV segment of the SID or STAR to be flown. g) The means to display the following items, either in the pilots primary field of view, or on a readily accessible display. i. The active navigation sensor type ii. The identification of the active (To) waypoint iii. The ground speed or time to the active (To) waypoint iv. The distance and bearing to the active (To) waypoint h) The capability to execute a Direct to function i) The capability for automatic leg sequencing with the display of sequencing to the pilot. j) Display of distance and bearing to the active (To) waypoint k) Display of ground speed or time to the active (To) waypoint l) Appropriate failure indication of the RNAV system, including the sensors NAVAID INFRASTRUCTURE The route design takes account of the navigation performance, achievable with the available Navaid The following navigation criteria are defined for RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 operations:

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a. GNSS b. DME/DME c. DME/DME.IRU Use of GPS is subject to availability of access of aircraft to a means of predicting the availability of fault detection using ABAS (e.g. RAIM) Outages related to use of GPS will be notified by a NOTAM DME signals are considered to meet signal-in space accuracy tolerances everywhere the signals are received, regardless of the published coverage volume. Where DME is the only navigation service used for position updates, gaps in DME coverage can prevent position update. Integration of inertial reference units can permit extended gaps in coverage. Since DME/DME RNAV systems must only use DME facilities identified in AIPs the facilities in appropriate for RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 operation shall be notified. Note 1: Data base suppliers may exclude specific DME facilities which have a deleterious effect on the navigation solution form eh aircrafts navigation database when the RNAV routes are within reception range of these DME facilities Note 2: Where temporary restrictions occur, the publication of restrictions on the use of DME should be accomplished by use of NOTAM identify the need to exclude the DME. A-320 AIRCRAFT ELIGIBILITY A-320 FMGS lateral and vertical navigation has been certified for enroute operations. RNP accuracy with GPS PRIMARY or radio updating has been demonstrated to be With AP ON in With AP OFF and With AP OFF and NAV FD ON in NAV FD OFF 1 NM 1 NM 1.1 NM 0.5 NM 0.51 NM 0.51 NM

Enroute In Terminal Area

Without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative) the accuracy has been demonstrated, provided the appropriate RNP value is checked or entered in the MCDU and HIGH accuracy is displayed. Without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative) navigation accuracy is function of ground radio Navaid infrastructure, or elapsed time since the last radio update. The FMGS is also certified for RNAV 1/ 2 operations with GPS PRIMARY, without GPS PRIMARY (or GPS deselected or inoperative)provided time limitations in IRS only navigation are followed.

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For terminal procedures requiring P-RNAV capability radio Navaid coverage can be assumed to support the required accuracy. Otherwise the procedure may specify that GPS equipment is required. The minimum equipment required to fly a RNAV 1 or RNAV 2 procedure is: One RNAV system, which means: - One FMGC - One MCDU - One GPS receiver or one VOR and one DME of FM navigation update - One IRS, and Flight Plan Data should be displayed on both NDs. For terminal procedures with legs below the MSA, or with legs that may not have sufficient radar coverage, two RNAV systems may be mandated by the procedure chart.

Direct pilot to ATC (voice) communication is required. The Radar coverage, its accuracy, continuity and availability shall be adequate to ensure separation on the RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 ATS Route structure and provide contingency in cases where several aircraft are unable to achieve the navigation performance prescribed in this navigation specification.

The AIP clearly indicates whether the navigation application is RNAV 1 or RNAV 2. The routes rely on normal descent profiles and identify minimum segment altitude requirements. Routes to be used for RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 must be based upon WGS coordinates. All routes in India are based upon WGS 84 coordinates. Any DME facilities that are critical to RNAV 1 or RNAV 2 operations are identified in the relevant publications. A failure of such DMEs and other critical Navaid Infrastructure shall be notified by a NOTAM. It is mandatory to have RTCA DO-200A complaint or equivalent Nav database on the aircraft. Airline uses Nav database from certified suppliers only. Discrepancies that invalidate a route must be reported to
FLTOPSENGG@flykingfisher.com so that the affected routes must be prohibited by an

operators notice to its flight crew.

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OPERATING PROCEDURES The terminal procedure (RNAV SID, RNAV STAR, RNAV TRIANSITION, ) must be loaded from the FM navigation database and checked for reasonableness, by comparing the waypoints, tracks, distances and altitude constraints (displayed on the F-PLN page), with the procedure chart The flight crew must not modify the procedure that is loaded from the navigation database unless instructed to do so by the ATC (DIR TO radar vectoring. Insertion of waypoints loaded from the navigation database) If GPS is required for the P-RNAV / RNP-1 procedure -Before starting the departure/approach procedure, check that GPS PRIMARY is available (GPS PRIMARY displayed of the MCDU PROG page) -If GPS PRIMARY is not available before starting the procedure, inform the ATC, and request another departure/arrival procedure that does not require GPS. -If GPS PRIMARY is lost while flying the procedure, inform the ATC of this loss of capability, and follow ATC instructions. If GPS is NOT required for the P-RNAV / RNP-1 procedure -Check the GPS PRIMARY is available (GPS PRIMARY displayed on the MCDU PROG page).

If GPS PRIMARY is not available: -Crosscheck the FM position with the Navaid raw data, before starting the procedure. -Check or enter RNP-1 in the REQUIRED field of the MCDU PROG page, and check that HIGH accuracy is available. When completing the terminal procedure, revert to the default value of enter the appropriate value on the MCDU PROG page. RNAV2/RNAV1 FOR SID/STAR

Prior to commencing takeoff, the pilot must verify the aircrafts RNAV system is available, operating correctly, and the correct airport and runway data are loaded. Prior to flight, pilots must verify their aircraft navigation system is operating correctly and the correct runway and departure procedure (including any applicable en route transition) are entered and properly depicted. Pilots who are assigned an RNAV departure procedure and subsequently receive a change of runway, procedure or transition must verify the appropriate changes are entered and available for navigation prior to takeoff. A final check of proper runway entry and correct route depiction, shortly before takeoff, is recommended.

RNAV 1 STAR Prior to the arrival phase, the flight crew should verify that the correct terminal route has been loaded. The active flight plan should be checked by comparing the charts with the map display (If applicable) and the MCDU. This includes confirmation of the waypoint sequence, reasonableness of track angles and

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distances, and distances, or speed constraints, and, where possible, which waypoint is fly-by and which are fly-over. If required by a route, a check will need to be made to confirm that updating will exclude a particular navigation aid. A route must not be used if doubt exists as to the validity of the route in the navigation database. Note: As a minimum, the arrival checks could be a simple inspection of a suitable map display that achieves the objectives of this paragraph. The creation of new waypoints by manual entry into the RNAV system by the flight crew would invalidate the route and is not permitted. Where the contingency procedure requires reversion to a conventional arrival route, necessary preparation must be completed before commencing the RNAV route. Route modifications in the terminal area may take the form of radar headings of direct to clearances and the flight crew must be capable of reacting in a timely fashion. This may include the insertion of tactical waypoints loaded from the database. Manual entry of modification by the flight crew of the loaded route, using temporary waypoints or fixes not provided in the database, is not permitted. Pilots must verify their aircraft navigation system is operating correctly and the correct arrival procedure and runway (including any applicable transition) are entered and properly depicted. All published altitude and speed constraints must be observed.


1) If one of the following massages appears while flying the procedure: - NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD (on MCDU and ND) on both sides, or -FMS1/ FMS2 POS DIFF (on MCDU and ND) or -NAV FM/ GPS POS DISAGREE (on ECAM) Then: -Inform the ATC of the loss of P-RNAV/RNP-0 capability, and follow ATC instructions. Note: If the NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD message is displayed on one side only, navigation may be continued using the other FMGC. 2) ND Failure If ND failure is on PF side, PF transfers control to PNF as long as RNAV procedure is being followed. If failure on PNF side, PF side, PF becomes responsible for flying and navigation. PNF can use PFD/ND as per flight phase requirement.

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3) Unable to maintain RNAV Capability The pilot must notify ATC where the RNAV performance ceases to meet the requirements of RNAV 5. The communication to ATC must be in accordance with the standard phraseology. 4) Communication Failure in the event of communication failure, the flight crew should continue with the flight plan in accordance with the published lost communication procedure. 5) Radar Failure in the case of Radar Failure, conventional Navigation will be resorted to by ATC to maintain adequate lateral and vertical separation

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