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Tutorial - Cut-offs and the Measurement of Surface Roughness

The mathematical definition of Surface Roughness parameters is very strictly defined by international
standards. However, getting the “correct” result depends critically on the selection of a number of
parameters that can be set by the metrologist. In this article Dr Mike Mills - Chief Metrologist at Taylor
Hobson - gives some practical advice on how to choose these important parameters.

Definitions Basics

In any discussion of this type, we What are the key concepts in filtering a surface roughness profile? The most
need to start with a few definitions. important concept is to know what you are dealing with - this will enable you to
The important ones here are: choose the appropriate stylus tip and filters. In most circumstances a single
measurement will be made on the surface in order to assess the texture. This
Roughness A quantitative measure measurement must be representative of the surface and appropriate to the
of the process marks produced by purpose of the measurement (e.g. measured normal to the lay of the surface, or
the creation of the surface and other in the indicated direction).
factors such as the structure of the
material. Not to be confused with Selection of Lc/ λc
Waviness or Form, which have
longer wavelengths. The choice of λc filter will depend on the process being assessed. There are a
number of guidelines available, for example ISO 4288-1996 (see table below).
However the choice of cut-off should be made after consideration of the
Filter A process to exclude spacing of the profile features (peaks and valleys) caused by the machining
wavelengths above or below a process, denoted RSm. As a rule of thumb λc should be set to about five times
particular frequency. The measurement this spacing.
system is a mechanical filter. Software
can perform mathematical filtering.

Cut-off The wavelength at which a

filter becomes effective. For surface
parameters we normally analyse
wavelengths between an upper and
lower cut-off: these are referred to
as Ls or λs (shortest) and Lc or λc
(longest). “Cut off” is also used
synonymously with Sample Length as
the sample length is always set to Lc.
Bandwidth is the ratio of Ls to Lc

For a fuller description of these and

other parameters look at the FAQ
section of our website at:
Figure 1
So, where’s the problem?

Look at figure 1. This hypothetical

profile shows a roughness wavelength profile showing a roughness wavelength of 0.25mm with an Ra of about 20µm
of 0.25mm with an Ra of about
20µm. If it were analysed with a cut-
off (Lc) of 0.08mm the calculated Ra
would be virtually zero. At Lc =
0.25mm Ra would be about 10µm
and at Lc = 0.8mm or 2.5mm you
would get the “correct” result of
Ra=20µm. If Lc were set to 8mm or
more, the calculated Ra would
increase, as the large waviness would
then be included as well.

The effect of choice of filter is

subtler, causing changes of “only”
a few percent in roughness
parameters. However, these can
be significant when establishing
consistency across sites or between

Recommended cut -offs for different surface finishes

Tutorial - Cut-offs and the Measurement of Surface Roughness
Selection of Ls/λs/Bandwidth Filter selection

ISO introduced the concept of In general the Gaussian filter is

“bandwidth” in the late 1990’s. preferred as it is phase correct
Under this regime the shorter and has a fast roll-off without
wavelengths used in surface “ripple”. Taylor Hobson Ultra
roughness analysis are constrained software also offers 2CR and
by a short wave filter (know as the 2CR-PC (phase corrected) filtering.
λs filter - see ISO 3274:1996). These should only be used when
The bandwidth is then limited in a you need backward compatibility
controlled way that relates directly with results from older instruments.
to surface features, rather than
being limited by the bandwidth of Other Important Factors
the measuring system.
The mechanical measurement
The ISO recommendation is to system is also a filter that will
use a bandwidth of 300:1 affect the results. For the most
wherever possible. The smallest accurate possible reproduction of
λs available will be dependent the actual surface I recommend
on the data spacing available in the use of a Taylor Hobson Form
the raw profile: for an instrument Talysurf instrument!
with 0.25um data spacing,
the smallest λs that can be A fuller version of this article can
represented is 1.25um. The λs be found on the Taylor Hobson
filter should be chosen so that it website in the FAQ section under
does not attenuate wavelengths “Surface Measurement Tips and
that are likely to be introduced Tutorials”.
by the machining process. The
recommended combinations of λc,
λs and stylus tip radius are shown
in ISO 3274:1996.
From Talysurf Series

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