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This section contains three overview documents:

LONWORKS Technology Overview
LONMARK Interoperability Overview
LonPoint System Overview
These documents are intended to present a comprehensive introduction to the key terms and
concepts necessary to understanding LonWorks technology, LonMark interoperability, and the
LonPoint product family; as well as to provide a roadmap to detailed technical references.
The documents are intended to be read in order, and each builds on the previous one. In each
document, key terms and concepts are highlighted in bold type, and references to in-depth technical
publications are included. All of the referenced technical documents are available on the NI Channel
CD and on the Authorized Network Integrator website, ni.echelon.com, and some are included in
the “Technical Reference Publications” tab of this binder.


This section presents an overview of the LONWORKS technology platform. Key terms and concepts are marked in
bold type, and references to in-depth technical publications are included.

Every automatic control system, whatever the industry or application, is comprised of the same
basic components: sensors, such as thermocouples, switches, and keyboards; actuators, such as
motors, relays, switches, displays, and valves; application programs executing the control logic,
running on microprocessors; communication networks for getting data values and commands
where they are needed; human-machine interfaces (HMI) for monitoring and supervisory control;
and network management tools for installation, configuration, and maintenance. The difference in
automatic control systems comes in the way in which product manufacturers and system integrators
design and use these components. It is this unique and effective combination which makes all the
difference in whether the final control system meets the requirements of the customer for
functionality, cost, and maintainability.
Technology advancement is driving rapid changes in all types of system architectures, including
control systems. In the last 20 years, centralized mainframe computers connected to dumb terminals
were displaced by the distributed processing capabilities of mini-computers connected by local area
networks, and those in turn were replaced by distributed peer-to peer networks of powerful personal
computers. The key to the huge success of each new wave of information systems products is the
widespread acceptance of industry standards for microprocessors, communication protocols,
operating systems, and other hardware and software building blocks. These standards allow many
manufacturers to produce high volume hardware and software products that are interoperable –
they can be combined into information systems fitting any application without development of
custom hardware, software, or tools. The LONWORKS technology, developed by Echelon and
available as an open standard to all manufacturers, is the platform that is driving the same sweeping
changes in control system architectures, displacing proprietary centralized systems with open, highly
distributed, interoperable systems.

Network Navigator Guide 1

Figure 1 shows the centralized architecture that up until recently has been typical of most control
systems in commercial and industrial applications. There are tens to thousands of sensors and
actuators, also called I/O points, which are each wired to a sub-panel, which in turn connects to the
controller panel via a proprietary master/slave communication bus. The controller panel contains a
high-performance microprocessor running a custom application program that implements the
control logic for all the I/O points connected to it. For large systems, this controller may
communicate over another proprietary communication bus with other controllers. Sensors and
actuators are either legacy I/O devices, meaning they have no communication capabilities (for
example switch closure for discrete input devices or 4-20ma current for analog devices), or they may
have proprietary communication interfaces to the master/slave bus. The system may have a
proprietary HMI or may publish an interface to allow standard HMI tools to connect to the system.
Every system must have a custom application program, which is developed using a proprietary
programming language and non-standard software tools. Note the similarity of Figure 1 to a typical
mainframe or minicomputer system of 10-20 years ago.

Figure 1. Centralized control architecture

Figure 2 shows the highly distributed, peer-to-peer architecture made possible by LONWORKS
technology. There are no centralized controllers or home-run wiring panels. LONWORKS devices,
(also called nodes), communicate with any other nodes in the system using a standard
communications protocol on whatever physical medium is best (twisted pair, AC power line, radio
frequency, fiberoptic cable, infrared). Each node has its own simple application program so that the
control logic is distributed throughout the system; the node application is customized by setting
configuration parameters rather than by custom programming. In principle, every sensor or actuator
in the system can be a LONWORKS node; in practice, it is often more cost effective to group small
clusters of I/O points, which are physically close and part of a single control loop, into a single node.
HMI and network management tools are available from multiple vendors and can have access to all
points in the system through the common communication protocol.

Network Navigator Guide 2

Fig. 2 LONWORKS distributed control architecture

The LONWORKS technology makes possible information-based control systems, rather than
old-style command-based control systems. This means that in a LONWORKS system, each node
application program makes its own control decisions, based on information it collects from other
devices about what is going on in the system. In a command-based system, nodes issue control
commands to other nodes, so a command-issuing node - typically a centralized controller - must be
custom programmed to know a lot about the system function and topology. This makes it very
difficult for multiple vendors to design standard control nodes that can easily be integrated. A major
innovation of the LONWORKS technology is the concept of network variables, which makes it easy
for manufacturers to design devices that systems integrators can readily incorporate into
interoperable, information-based control systems.
The benefits to an end-user or system integrator of the LONWORKS enabled “flat” control
architecture are:
Ø A wide variety of compatible, cost-effective LONWORKS devices available from multiple
Ø A variety of easy-to-use HMI and network-management tools from multiple vendors,
Ø Greatly reduced wiring costs,
Ø Short system design cycle – no custom hardware or programming,
Ø Greater system reliability – no single point of failure,
Ø Multi-vendor system maintenance options, and
Ø Ease of implementing new functions to meet end-user needs.
The sections that follow provide a technical overview of the key elements of the LONWORKS
technology and the components that comprise a LONWORKS system; a description of the main
features of the LonTalk communications protocol; and a discussion of the system configuration

The LonWorks Technology

The LONWORKS technology is comprised of these major elements:
Ø Neuron Chip control processors and transceivers - the hardware components used in
LONWORKS devices;

Network Navigator Guide 3

Ø the LonTalk communication protocol - permanently embedded in each LONWORKS device; and
Ø LONWORKS Network Services (LNS) - the basis for easy-to-use, interoperable network
management and HMI tools.
In addition, Echelon and other manufacturers provide a comprehensive set of design and
development tools for LONWORKS devices and networks.
The physical core of every LONWORKS device is a Neuron Chip control processor – a system-
on-a-chip with multiple microprocessors, read-write and read-only memory (RAM and ROM),
communication and I/O interface ports. The read-only memory contains an operating system, the
LonTalk communication protocol, and an I/O function library. The chip has non-volatile RAM for
configuration data and for the application program, both of which are downloaded over the
communication network. At the time of manufacture, each Neuron Chip is given a permanent
unique-in-all-the-world 48-bit code, called the Neuron ID. A large family of Neuron Chips is
available with differing speeds, memory type and capacity, and interfaces. The Neuron Chips are
jointly designed by Echelon and its semiconductor partners Motorola and Toshiba, then
manufactured in volume and marketed by the semiconductor partners. Over 5 million Neuron Chips
had been shipped as of early 1998, with prices less than $3 for some versions.
A transceiver is an electronic module that provides the physical interface between the
communications port of the Neuron Chip and a physical medium, called a channel, which transports
the digital communication packets to other devices. All devices connected to a specific channel must
have compatible transceivers running at the same bit rate. Transceivers are available from Echelon
and other manufacturers for a variety of media, including single twisted pair, power line, RF, infrared,
fiber optics, and coax. Bit rates depend on the media and transceiver design; up to 1.25Mbps can be
achieved on a single twisted pair. LONWORKS systems may have multiple channels of the same or
different types of media; channels are connected by LONWORKS routers. The LONMARK
Interoperability Association publishes design standards and certification services for a wide variety
of transceivers, see reference [1]. LONMARK certified devices all use approved transceivers,
guaranteeing interoperability over the physical medium.
The LonTalk communications protocol is a layered, packet-based, serial peer-to-peer
communications protocol. Like the related Ethernet and Internet protocols, it is open and adheres to
the layered architectural requirements of the International Standards Organization (ISO); but the
LonTalk protocol is designed for the specific requirements of control systems, rather than data
processing systems. Unlike many other communication protocols, LonTalk is designed to be media-
independent, allowing LONWORKS systems to communicate over any physical transport media. The
program implementation of the protocol, called LonTalk firmware, is contained in ROM in every
Neuron Chip; the protocol provides for a number of modifiable configuration parameters to make
tradeoffs in performance, security, and reliability for a particular application; a portion of non-volatile
RAM in the Neuron Chip is reserved for these parameters.
LONWORKS Network Services (LNS) is a client-server architecture that provides the
foundation for interoperable LONWORKS network tools. It enables component-based software
design of a new generation of tools that can work together to install, maintain, monitor, and control
LONWORKS networks. It also makes it easy to integrate control systems with other information
systems. The architecture supports clients based on any platform; servers are currently based on
Windows 95, Windows NT, and the Neuron Chip. See reference [2] for an overview.
Several companies supply tools for developing, testing, and programming LONWORKS devices.
Echelon’s offerings include the NodeBuilder and LonBuilder products. In addition, several
companies offer software tools for network design and system management, such as Echelon’s
LonMaker for Windows, and HMI tools, such as Wonderware’s InTouch.

Network Navigator Guide 4

LONWORKS System Components
A LONWORKS system consists of three types of components: LONWORKS devices, channels,
and network tools.
Each LONWORKS device, or node, attached to the network contains at least a Neuron Chip and a
transceiver in an appropriate mechanical package, usually with a suitable power supply. Depending
on what the function of the device is, there may also be embedded sensors and actuators, input-
output interfaces to external legacy sensors and actuators, or interfaces to host processors such as
PC’s. The application program that is executed by the Neuron Chip implements the “personality” of
the device; it may be permanently resident in ROM (read-only memory) or may be downloaded over
the network into non-volatile read-write memory (RAM).
In some complex applications, the processor speed or maximum memory of the Neuron Chip
family may be insufficient to accomplish the desired function of a LONWORKS node. To
accommodate these applications, some versions of the Neuron Chip have a high-speed parallel
interface allowing any microprocessor - such as the Motorola 68000 series – to execute the
application program, while using the Neuron Chip, with a special microprocessor interface
application, as its network communications processor. Alternatively, the open LonTalk protocol can
be ported to run directly on any processor; in such cases, a LONWORKS device does not require a
Neuron Chip, but all such devices are assigned a unique Neuron ID.
A channel is a specific physical communication medium to which a group of LONWORKS devices
are attached by transceivers specific to that channel. Each type of channel has different
characteristics in terms of maximum number of attached devices, communication bit rate, and
physical distance limits. The table below summarizes the characteristics of several widely used
channel types.
Channel Type Medium Data Rate Max Devices Max Distance
TP/XF-1250 Twisted pair, bus 1.25 Mbps 64 125m (bus length)
TP/XF-78 Twisted pair, bus 78 Kbps 64 1330m (bus length)
TP/FT-10 Twisted pair, flexible 78 Kbps 64 (up to 128 if link- 500m (node to node)
topology powered)
PL-20 Power line 5 Kbps No limit Determined by attenuation

Of particular importance is the flexible-topology twisted pair channel, TP/FT-10, which allows
devices to be connected by single-twisted-pair wire segments in any configuration – no constraints
on stub length, device separation, branching, etc; just a maximum distance between any pair of
nodes. For complete information on LONMARK approved channels and transceivers, see reference
Network tools are software programs for network installation, configuration, monitoring,
supervisory control, and maintenance. They may reside in a Neuron Chip or any other platform, such
as hand-held computers or PCs.
Figure 3 shows the components of a LONWORKS system and illustrates the anatomy of several
categories of LONWORKS devices with specific product examples. In the figure, Neuron Chips and
transceivers are labeled “N” and “T” respectively.
The job of most of the devices in a LONWORKS network is to sense and control the state of the
components that comprise the physical system being controlled. These are called LONWORKS
control devices and they may have any combination of embedded sensors and actuators or input-
output interfaces to external legacy sensors and actuators. The application program in the device may
not only send and receive values over the network but may also perform data processing (e.g.

Network Navigator Guide 5

linearization, scaling) of the sensed variables and control logic such as PID loop control, data
logging, and scheduling. Shown in figure 3 are several examples of control devices:
Ø Echelon LonPoint AI-10 Module has two A/D converters allowing up to two analog input
legacy devices (4-20 ma or 0-10 volt interface) to be connected to the network.
Ø Hubbell H-Moss Multiple Sensor Module is a wall-mounted unit that contains three embedded
sensors monitoring temperature (T), occupancy (O), and humidity (H).
Ø Honeywell XL-10 VAV Controller contains an embedded damper actuator motor (M) and
differential air-pressure sensor (P). It obtains room temperature and setpoint values over the
network and implements PID single loop control to maintain room comfort.
Ø Echelon LonPoint SCH-10 Scheduler module has an embedded real-time clock (C) and highly
configurable state machine logic for implementing scheduling and event-driven mode control for
all or a portion of a LONWORKS system.




PC or laptop

H-Moss AI-10 XL-10 SCH-10 way


O H T a/d a/d P M C

Sensor F Foreign system

Legacy sensors

Figure 3. Anatomy of some LONWORKS devices

Router devices, such as the Echelon LPR-10, allow a single peer-to-peer network to span many
types of transport media and support thousands of devices. A router has two interconnected
neurons, each with a transceiver appropriate to the two channels to which the router is connected.
Routers are completely transparent to the logical operation of the network, but they do not
necessarily transmit all packets; intelligent routers know enough about the system configuration to
block packets that have no addressees on the far side. Using another type of router called a tunneling
router, LONWORKS systems can span great distances over wide-area networks such as the Internet.
Network interface devices do not connect to control sensors and actuators, but rather have
physical interfaces to external host computers such as PCs or hand-held maintenance tools. The
device application program provides communication protocols and an API (application program
interface) to allow the host-based programs such as network tools to access the LONWORKS
network. The Echelon PCLTA-10 LonTalk Adapter is a network interface device packaged on a

Network Navigator Guide 6

standard PC ISA adapter card. It plugs into the ISA bus internal to the PC, enabling access to the
network for network tools such as LNS and LonMaker for Windows.
Gateway devices allow proprietary legacy control systems to be interfaced to LONWORKS
systems. A gateway device has a physical interface appropriate to the foreign system device or
communication bus. Its application program interfaces to the proprietary communication protocol
for the foreign system; translates between the two protocols as required; and converts the proprietary
command-based messages of the foreign system to SNVTs used by the information-based
LONWORKS applications.

The LonTalk Protocol – Basic Features

The LonTalk communication protocol, contained in every LONWORKS device, is the heart of the
technology platform. The protocol provides a set of communication services that allow the
application program in a device to send and receive messages from other devices over the network
without needing to know the topology of the network or the other device names, addresses, or
functions. It can optionally provide end-to-end acknowledgement of messages, encrypted
authentication of messages, and priority delivery to guarantee bounded response times. Network
management services allow for remote network management tools to interact with the device over
the network, including reconfiguration of network addresses and parameters, downloading of
application programs, reporting of network problems, and start/stop/reset of node application
An overview of the features of the LonTalk protocol is provided below. A more comprehensive
summary of the protocol is given in reference [3], and a very detailed bits-and-bytes level discussion
is given in reference [4].
LonTalk is an open-standard, serial, packet protocol specifically designed for control networks.
Devices on a channel take turns transmitting packets. Each packet is a variable number of bytes in
length and contains the application-level information together with addressing and other network
information. Every device on a channel looks at every packet transmitted on the channel to
determine if it is an addressee. If so, it processes the packet to see if it contains data for the node’s
application program or whether it is a network management packet. The data in an application packet
is provided to the application program and, if appropriate, an acknowledgement message is sent to
the sending device. A network management packet is processed appropriately with no involvement
required from the application program.
Every Neuron Chip –or any other processor implementing the LonTalk protocol - has a 48-bit
Neuron ID guaranteed worldwide unique. Thus every LONWORKS device has a unique physical
address that can be used by the LonTalk protocol. However, the Neuron ID is generally used only at
initial installation and for diagnostic purposes. For normal network operation, logical addressing
methods are used.
Logical addresses are defined at the time of network configuration. A domain is a collection of
nodes, usually the whole system, which interoperate. All logical addresses have two parts: the first
part is the domain ID, designating the domain; the second part specifies either a single node in the
domain by its unique 15-bit node address, or a predefined group of nodes with its unique 8-bit
group address.
Every LonTalk packet transmitted over the network contains the logical node address of the
transmitting node (the source address) and a destination address that can either be the physical
Neuron ID address, the logical node address, a group address, or a broadcast address.

Network Navigator Guide 7

It is possible for two or more independent LONWORKS systems to share the same physical
network, as long as each system has a unique domain ID. Devices in each system respond only to
those packets corresponding to their domain ID and do not know about or care about packets
addressed with other domain IDs. Devices also respond to packets addressed with their own Neuron
ID, which is usually known only to the corresponding network management tools. Of course, when
a physical network is shared, overall network response times will be affected due to the increased
number of packets, so coordinated overall network design is required.
A LONWORKS system comprised of a single domain can have up to 32,385 devices.
There can be up to 256 groups in a system and each group can have any number of nodes
assigned to it, except that when end-to-end acknowledgement is required, groups are limited
to 64 nodes. Each node can be a member of up to 15 groups.
The LonTalk protocol implements the innovative concept of network variables (NVs), which
greatly simplifies the task of designing LONWORKS application programs for interoperability with
multiple vendors’ products; and of facilitating the design of information-based, rather than
command-based, control systems. A network variable is any data item, such as a temperature, a
switch value (on/off), an actuator position setting, which a particular device application program
expects to get from other devices on the network (an input NV) or expects to make available to
other devices on the network (an output NV). The application program doesn’t need to know
anything about where input NVs come from or where output NVs go or what they cause to happen.
When the application program has a changed value for an output NV it simply writes the new value
to a particular memory location. Via a process called binding, the LonTalk firmware is configured to
know the logical address of the other devices or group of devices in the network expecting that NV,
and it assembles and sends the appropriate packets to these devices. Similarly, when the LonTalk
firmware receives an updated value for an input NV required by its application program, it puts the
data in a particular memory location. The application program knows it will always find the latest
data value at that location. The binding process thus creates logical connections between an output
NV in one device and an input NV in another device or group of devices. Connections may be
thought of as “virtual wires”. For example, if one node contains a physical switch, with a
corresponding output NV called “switch on/off”, and another node drives a light bulb with a
corresponding input NV called “lamp on/off”, creating a connection by binding these two NVs has
the same functional effect as connecting a physical wire from the switch to the light bulb.
In order for applications to correctly interoperate using NVs, data within a system must be
interpreted in the same way, e.g. all temperature values must be in either Centigrade or Fahrenheit.
To facilitate this, over a hundred common system variables, called Standard Network Variable Types
(SNVTs), have been defined and published. See reference [5] for a current list and details of all

The Network Design and Configuration Process

A system integrator performs four major steps to implement a control system for a specific
customer – system design, network configuration, application configuration, and installation. Each of
these steps is made highly efficient by powerful tools such as LonMaker for Windows.
System design primarily consists of two steps: first, selection of LONWORKS devices that
incorporate the necessary I/O points - or can interface to legacy I/O points - and that have
application programs suitable for implementing the necessary control functions such as PID loops,
scheduling, etc; second, determination of the appropriate types and numbers of channels and then
selection of routers to connect them.

Network Navigator Guide 8

Network configuration consists of:
Ø Assigning domain ID and logical addresses to all devices and groups of devices
Ø Binding the network variables to create logical connections between devices
Ø Configuring the various LonTalk protocol parameters in each node for the desired features
and performance, including channel bit rate, acknowledgement, authentication, priority
service, etc.
Network configuration may be quite complex, but the complexity is hidden by the powerful tools
that are part of the LONWORKS technology platform. For example, using Echelon’s LonMaker for
Windows, the physical design of a network is as simple as dragging and dropping device icons onto a
drawing and selecting the channel to which they attach. Functional network design is as simple as
dragging the devices’ application function blocks onto the drawing and connecting inputs and
outputs to determine which function blocks use what network variables.
Network configuration can be either an ad hoc process or a pre-engineered process: in the ad hoc
method, the nodes are already connected to the network and powered-up, and the configuration data
is downloaded over the network as it is defined. In the pre-engineered method, the information is
collected into a database by the network configuration tool and is downloaded to the nodes at
installation time. In either method, the configuration tool automatically maintains a database that
accurately reflects the configuration of each node in the system.
Application configuration is the process by which the application program in each node is
tailored to the desired functionality by selecting the appropriate configuration parameters. Each
device manufacturer defines how this is accomplished. Most manufacturers provide for
downloading the parameters over the network, but a few still require the attachment of a special tool,
such as a handheld programmer, directly to the device. LONWORKS Network Services (LNS)
provides a platform for manufacturers to create easy-to-use graphical configuration interfaces, called
plug-ins, that are then automatically compatible with any other LNS-based network tool. For
example, the applications in the Echelon LonPoint Modules all have LNS-based plug-ins for
configuration. After defining and performing network configuration of one of these devices using
LonMaker for Windows, the user can simply right-click on the device icon, select Configure from a
pop-up menu, and the application plug-in is immediately launched from within LonMaker.
Installation of a LONWORKS system consists of: installing the physical communication media for
the channels; attaching the LONWORKS devices, including routers, to the channels; attaching legacy
I/O points to the devices; and using a network installation tool such as LonMaker to download the
network configuration data and application configuration data to each device (commissioning a
device). For devices whose application programs are not contained in ROM, the network tool
downloads the application program into non-volatile RAM memory in the device. Devices are usually
either commissioned and tested one at a time or commissioned in off-line mode, then brought on-
line and tested one at a time.

Network Navigator Guide 9

Reference Documents
The documents listed below are available from the Echelon website, www.echelon.com, or the
Authorized Network Integrator website, ni.echelon.com. They may also be ordered from Echelon.
1. LONMARK Layer 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines (078-0014-01)
2. LONWORKS Network Services (LNS) Architecture Strategic Overview
3. LonTalk Protocol (Echelon Engineering Bulletin 005-0017-01, 27 pages)
4. LonTalk Protocol Specification (Echelon Manual 078-0125, 114 pages).
5. The SNVT Master List and Programmer’s Guide (005-0027-01)

Network Navigator Guide 10

This Section presents an overview of the LONMARK Interoperability Association and summarizes its standards
for interoperability of LONWORKS devices. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the basics of the
LONWORKS technology (see reference [1] for an overview). Key terms and concepts are marked in bold type, and
references to in-depth technical publications are included.

The LONWORKS technology, developed by Echelon, enables the development of truly
interoperable devices and systems. However, since the technology is communication-media-
independent and does not prescribe how device application programs are to be structured, simply
using the LONWORKS technology does not guarantee that LONWORKS devices from different
manufacturers can interoperate in the same system. Indeed, the LONWORKS technology is widely
used in proprietary systems such as vehicle control systems, conveyor systems, and telephone central
office monitoring systems.
Because there are vast opportunities in many industries for truly interoperable systems, the
LONMARK Interoperability Association was formed in 1994 by Echelon and a group of LONWORKS
users dedicated to building truly interoperable systems products. Interoperability means that
multiple devices (also called nodes), from the same or different manufacturers, can be integrated into
a single control network without requiring custom node or network tool development. The
LONMARK Association is dedicated to developing standards for interoperability, certifying products
to those standards, and promoting the benefits of interoperable systems. Only LONWORKS devices
that have been certified by the LONMARK Association – called LONMARK devices - can carry the
distinctive LONMARK logo. Membership in the LONMARK Association is open to all interested
companies; different dues structures exist for manufacturers, system integrators and end users.
Complete information about members, current activities, and published standards may be obtained
from the Association’s website, www.lonmark.org.
In its standard-setting activities, the LONMARK Association focuses in two areas:
Ø specification of standard transceivers and the associated physical channels, and
Ø definition of standards for structuring and documenting node application programs.

Transceiver and Physical Channel Standards

The LONMARK standards for transceivers and physical channels are contained in the document
LONMARK Layers 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines, reference [2]. Table 2.1 of that document shows all the
standard physical channels for which corresponding transceivers are certified.

Network Navigator Guide 11

The channel types which are used most often by system integrators are the PT/XF-1250 (twisted
pair bus at 1.25 Mbps), the TP/FT-10 (twisted pair free topology at 78 kbps), and the PL-20 (power
line at 5 Kbps). The characteristics and limitations of these channels are summarized below.

Channel Medium Data Rate Max devices Max distance

TP/XF-1250 Twisted pair, bus 1.25 Mbps 64 125m (bus length)
TP/XF-78 Twisted pair, bus 78 Kbps 64 1330m (bus length)
TP/FT-10 Twisted pair, free 78 Kbps 64 (up to 128 if link- 500m (node to node)
topology powered)
PL-20 Power line 5 Kbps -- --

Application Program Standards

The LONMARK standards for interoperable device application programs are contained in
LONMARK Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines, reference [3]. These guidelines are based on
“object-oriented programming”, which is the current standard for computer programming
throughout the information systems community. Under this methodology, application programs are
comprised of modular segments of code called objects. Each object performs a well-documented
function and communicates with other objects according to rigid input-output interface
specifications. Once a complete set of objects has been created, the task of designing an application
becomes one of selecting the appropriate objects and “connecting” them.
LONMARK objects form the basis of interoperability at the application layer by specifying
standard formats for how information is input to and output from a node and shared with other
nodes on the network. LONMARK objects are defined as a set of one or more input and/or output
Standard Network Variable Types (SNVTs), with semantic definitions relating the behavior of the
object to the network variable values and to a set of configuration properties. To provide for future
expansion and to enable manufacturer differentiation, the LONMARK object definitions are
comprised of mandatory network variables, optional network variables, and configuration
The LONMARK guidelines define two types of objects: generic LONMARK objects and
LONMARK functional profiles. Generic objects are used in many applications across a broad
spectrum of industries. An example is the Open Loop Sensor Object, which makes available on the
network the value from any form of sensor integrated with or connected to the LONMARK device.
Functional profiles are designed for specific application areas, such as HVAC or lighting systems. An
example is the VAV Controller functional profile, which takes room temperature value from the
network and implements a PID control algorithm to drive a damper actuator to regulate room
temperature. The LONMARK Association forms task groups of interested members to design,
approve, and publish functional profiles in numerous functional areas, such as HVAC, security,
lighting, and semiconductor manufacturing systems. Complete documentation on all LONMARK
objects can be found on the LONMARK Association website.
Each LONMARK object exchanges information with other LONMARK objects only by
SNVTs. However, most objects also require customization for a specific system application.
The LONMARK guidelines specify data structures called Standard Configuration
Parameter Types (SCPT, pronounced skip-it) and User-defined Configuration
Parameter Types (UCPT, pronounced you-keep-it), which provide standards for
documentation and for the network message formats used to download the data to the

Network Navigator Guide 12

device by network tools. SCPTs are defined for a wide range of parameters used in many
kinds of functional profiles, such as hysteresis bands, default values, min-max limits, gain
settings, and delay times. SCPTs are to be used wherever applicable and are documented in
“The SCPT Master List”, reference [4]. In situations where there is not an appropriate SCPT
available, manufacturers may define UCPTs for configuring their objects, but these must be
documented in resource files according to a standard format.
An application program in a LONMARK device thus consists of one or several LONMARK objects,
each configured and used independently of the others, which can be connected to any other objects
on the network to implement the desired system-level functionality. Each LONMARK device also
contains a node object, which allows its own status and the status of the other objects in the node to
be monitored by network management tools.
LONMARK guidelines specify exact documentation rules so that proprietary configuration tools
are not required when using LONMARK devices. All LONMARK devices must be self-
documenting, thus assuring that any network management tool, such as Echelon’s LonMaker for
Windows, can obtain from any LONMARK device (over the network) all the information needed to
connect the device into the system and to configure and manage that device. Each LONMARK
device also must have an external reference file (a specially formatted text PC file with a .XIF
extension), so that network tools can design and configure a network database prior to physical
connection of the devices and can then commission the devices after they are installed. On its
website, the LONMARK Association maintains a database of the external reference files for all
LONMARK devices.

Reference Documents
The documents listed below are available from the LONMARK website, www.lonmark.org, or the
Authorized Network Integrator website, www.ni.echelon.com. They may also be ordered from
Echelon or the LONMARK Association.
1. LONWORKS Technology Overview
2. LONMARK Layer 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines (078-0014-01)
3. LONMARK Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines (078-0120-01)
4. The SCPT Master List (005-0028-01)
5. The SNVT Master List and Programmer’s Guide (005-0027-01)

Network Navigator Guide 13

This section presents an overview of the Echelon LonPoint System and related products. It is assumed that the
reader is familiar with the basics of the LONWORKS technology and LONMARK interoperability standards (see
references [1] and [2] for overviews). Key terms and concepts are marked in bold type, and references to in-depth
technical publications are included.

The Echelon LonPoint System is a family of products designed to enable system integrators to
realize the benefits of the LONWORKS technology in highly distributed, peer-to-peer control
networks for building and industrial applications. The family consists of:
Ø LonPoint control devices and routers – LONMARK-certified devices with application
programs providing many distributed control functions such as scheduling, signal conditioning,
and PID loop algorithms, as well as standard I/O interfaces that permit easy incorporation of
non-LONWORKS sensors and actuators into any system, and the
Ø LonMaker for Windows Integration Tool – a powerful network tool based on the Visio
graphical user interface used to design, commission, and maintain distributed control networks
comprised of both LONMARK and other LONWORKS devices.
Figure 1 shows the components of a distributed control system using the LonPoint System and
other LONMARK devices in a distributed, peer-to-peer control network.

LNS Network I/F

LP Router LP Router

LONMARK SENSORS LonPoint Interface
(to legacy I/O pts)

Figure 1. System components

In addition to the LonPoint devices and LONMAKER Integration Tool, systems will usually
include LONMARK sensors and actuators, LONMARK terminal unit controllers (packaged controllers
- such as VAV and rooftop units - which incorporate several sensors and actuators with single-loop
control algorithms into a single node), human-machine interface (HMI) software tools, and network
interface devices that connect PCs or laptops to the network.
The sections that follow provide descriptions of the LonPoint control devices, LonPoint routers,
LonMaker tool, and Echelon network interface devices.

Network Navigator Guide 14

LonPoint Control Devices
LonPoint control devices are LONMARK-certified devices that provide all the control functions
that usually reside in centralized controllers in old-fashioned, hierarchical control architectures, and in
addition allow legacy I/O devices (non LONWORKS sensor and actuators) to be attached physically
and functionally into LONWORKS systems. LonPoint control devices contain TP/FT-10 transceivers
for attaching to free-topology twisted-pair physical media. The application program in each device
consists of a set of function blocks (FBs), which are LONMARK objects (see reference [2] for more
information) that perform basic control functions. These function blocks, together with the
LONMARK objects contained in the other LONMARK devices attached to the system, form a “pool”
of objects that are configured and connected, using the LonMaker tool, to implement the desired
system functionality.
The four LonPoint devices that provide attachment for legacy I/O are:
Ø AI-10 Analog Input Interface Module – provides two 16-bit analog inputs to attach to
sensor devices with 0-24ma, 0-10v, and 100-15kohm interfaces. The application program has
an analog sensor FB corresponding to each input, as well as several other FBs, as shown in
Table 1.
Ø AO-10 Analog Output Interface Module – provides two 12-bit analog outputs to attach to
actuator devices requiring 0-20ma or 0-10v interfaces. The application program has an
analog actuator FB corresponding to each output, as well as several other FBs, as shown in
Table 1, including two PID loop controller objects.
Ø DI-10 Digital Input Interface Module – provides four digital inputs to attach to sensor
devices with dry contacts or 0-32vdc interfaces. The application program has a digital sensor
FB corresponding to each input, as well as several other FBs, as shown in Table 1.
Ø DO-10 Digital Output Interface Module – provides four digital outputs to attach to actuator
devices requiring dry contacts or 0-32vdc interfaces. The application program has a digital
actuator FB corresponding to each output, as well as several other FBs, as shown in Table 1.
The SCH-10 Scheduler Module provides a real-time clock, calendar, and system scheduler for
coordinating system functions. An integral battery-backed real-time clock chip/calendar chip
provides input to the Real Time Clock functional block. Two other powerful function blocks
provide time-based or input-based control functions for a system or a subsystem. Time-based control
is specified via the Event Scheduler function block. System schedules may be defined based on the
time of day, day of the year, of specific month and day. The Mode Generator functional block allows
the design of sophisticated control algorithms that use both time-based events and the current or
historical values of selected analog and digital points in the network. For example, in an HVAC
system, the scheduler module can define a set of operating modes for the system - such as morning
warm-up, normal operation, night purge, emergency override - based on both time of day and the
status of variables in the system. Multiple scheduler modules can be chained together for redundancy
or for more complex scheduling applications.

Network Navigator Guide 15

Functional Block DI-10 DO-10 AI-10 AO-10 SCH-10
Digital Sensor 4
Digital Actuator 4
Analog Sensor 2
Analog Actuator 2
Analog Function Block 4 2 4 2
Digital Encoder 2 2 2 2
PID Controller 2
Translator 6 4 4 2
Real time Clock 1
Event Generator 1
Mode Generator 1

Table 1. Allocation of function blocks

There are multiple copies of several types of highly flexible function blocks built into each of the
LonPoint interface modules, as shown in Table 1:
Ø Analog Function Block – performs mathematical, logical, or enthalpy calculations using up
to two analog network variables and one discrete network variable. The calculated output
network variable may be analog or digital (true/false).
Ø Digital Encoder Function Block – performs any Boolean logic function on up to four digital
network variables to create a digital (true/false) output network variable as well as a mode
output variable.
Ø PID Controller Function Block – implements a standard proportional-differential-integral
(PID) dynamic control loop using two analog input network variables (setpoint and process
variables) and generating an analog output variable (control variable).
Ø Type Translator Function Block - converts data, with scaling and mapping, from one SNVT
(Standard Network Variable Type) to another. Useful for connections to other LonWorks
devices that use different SNVT types.
Every type of function block in the LonPoint devices is highly flexible and can be configured for
adaptation to many applications. Each type of function block (except those in the scheduler module)
has an LNS-compatible plug-in, which is an easy-to-use, graphical configuration program launched
directly from LonMaker. Figure 2 shows the user interface for the Digital Sensor plug-in.
Configuration options such as debounce time, inversion, pulse width, delay, and override values are
easily set. (LonMaker allows configured FBs to be saved as a special object that can be used over and
over, eliminating the need to separately configure each instance). The scheduler module has a
separate LNS-compatible, graphical application program that also contains a simulator, allowing the
system designer to test the scheduling algorithms in accelerated time to verify correct operation.

Network Navigator Guide 16

Figure 2. Digital Sensor Configuration Interface

The physical packaging of the LonPoint control devices incorporates a number of innovations for
easy, low-cost installation and maintainability. A unique, two-piece design allows pre-wiring and cable
testing by an electrician prior to installation of the electronics; technician time can be reserved for
tasks such as node configuration. The modules mount to a Base Plate (Type 1), (see Figure 3) which
is in turn mounted to a 4x4 electrical box or Echelon’s EuroBox, for wall or DIN rail mounting.
Power and network wiring are looped through the base plate, providing the ability to replace modules
by hot-plugging without disrupting network operation. Modules operate on any supply voltage from
16 to 30 volts, AC or DC. Color-coded screw terminals and polarity-insensitive power and network
connections minimize the chance of miswiring, and the free-topology transceiver design allows
wiring to be run via the most convenient route. A front panel jack accesses the twisted-pair network
without any disassembly, saving time when the network must be accessed for configuration or

Network Navigator Guide 17

A front panel bar-code label with the model, revision, and two removable stickers, containing the
unique 48-bit Neuron ID, is provided. When placed on the building or system design plans, these
Neuron ID stickers can save installation time, especially for inaccessible nodes.

Figure 3. Module, Base Plate, Enclosure System

LonPoint Routers
The LonPoint router devices, called LPR Modules, can interface two different twisted-pair
channels, for example a TP/FT-10 free-topology channel, running at 78kbps bit rate, to a TP/FX-
1250 backbone channel running at 1.25Mbps bit rate. There are six models, which differ only by
channel pair types, as shown below:
Name Model Channel Types
LPR-10 42100 TP/FT-10 to TP/ FT-10
LPR-11 42101 TP/FT-10 to TP/XF-78
LPR-12 42102 TP/FT-10 to TP/XF-1250
LPR-13 42103 TP/XF-78 to TP/XF-78
LPR-14 42104 TP/XF-78 to TP/XF-1250
LPR-15 42105 TP/XF-1250 to TP/XF-1250

Like the LonPoint control modules, LPR modules are configured with a graphical LNS plug-in
launched from LonMaker and have the same physical packaging, with two exceptions: a different
base plate (Type 2 Base Plate) is used, which accommodates two channel connections; and the front
plate has two front panel jacks so either channel can be accessed.

LonMaker for Windows Integration Tool

The LonMaker for Windows Integration Tool is a software package for designing, installing, and
maintaining multi-vendor, open, interoperable LONWORKS control networks. Based on the
LONWORKS Network Services (LNS) network operating system, the LonMaker tool combines a
powerful client-server architecture with a Visio user interface. The result is a tool that is

Network Navigator Guide 18

sophisticated enough to design, commission, and maintain a distributed control network, yet
economical enough to remain on site as a maintenance tool.
The LNS Network Operating System provides a standard platform for supporting interoperable
applications on LONWORKS networks. LNS permits multiple applications and users to manage and
interact simultaneously with a network. This feature allows multiple installers equipped with a
LonMaker tool to commission devices on the network at the same time.
The LonMaker tool provides comprehensive support for LonPoint and other LONMARK-certified
devices, as well as other LONWORKS devices. The tool takes full advantage of LONMARK features
such as standard functional profiles and configuration. LonPoint function blocks and LONMARK
functional profiles are exposed as graphical function blocks within a LonMaker drawing, making it
easy to visualize and document the logic of a control system.
LonMaker provides the user with a familiar, CAD-like environment in which to design a control
system. Visio’s “smart shape” drawing feature provides an intuitive, simple means for creating
devices. The physical design of a network basically consists of dragging shapes for the desired
devices onto a drawing and specifying to which channel they are to be attached. The logical design
consists of dragging function blocks or other LONMARK objects - comprising the device application
programs - onto the drawing and then connecting output SNVTs from each object to the
appropriate input SNVTs of other objects. Figure 4 shows the LonMaker user interface.

Figure 4. LonMaker User Interface

Network Navigator Guide 19

The LonMaker tool includes a number of basic smart shapes for LONWORKS networks and
LonPoint devices, as well as the capability for customizing shapes. Custom shapes may be as simple
as a single device or function block, or as complex as a complete subsystem with predefined devices,
function blocks, and connections between them. Additional subsystems can be created by simply
dragging the custom subsystem shape to a new page of the drawing, a timesaving feature when
designing complex systems.
For pre-engineered systems, network design is usually done off-site, without the LonMaker tool
attached to the network. However, network design may also take place on-site, with the tool
connected to a commissioned network. This feature is especially desirable for smaller networks or
where adds, moves, and changes are a regular occurrence.
Network installation time is minimized by the ability of the installer to commission multiple
devices at the same time. Devices can be identified by service pin, bar-code scanning the Neuron
IDs, or manually entering the IDs. Testing is simplified by an integrated application for browsing
network variables and configuration properties. A management window is provided to test,
enable/disable, or override individual function blocks within a device or to test, wink, or set online
and offline states for devices.
For monitoring and supervisory control (HMI) applications, the LonMaker tool is compatible
with a variety of third-party products including operator interface packages such as Wonderware’s
InTouch and National Instruments’ LabView and BridgeView. In addition, the LonMaker tool can
both import and export AutoCAD files and generate as-built documentation. An integrated report
generator can also be used to provide a detailed report of the network configuration.

Network Navigator Guide 20

Echelon Network Interface Devices
Echelon provides a family of network interface devices to enable host computers such as PCs and
laptops to physically and functionally connect to the network:
Ø PCLTA-10 PC LonTalk Adapter – Packaged on a half-length ISA Bus card, plugs into any ISA
(Industry Standard Architecture) slot in a PC or laptop computer. Available with three
transceiver options: TP/FX-1250, TP/FX-78, and TP/FT-10;
Ø PCC-10 PC Card – Packaged on a Type II PC card (formerly PCMCIA), plugs into any PC Card
slot in a PC or laptop. Has TP/FT-10 transceiver built-in; optional cable pods adapt to TP/XF-
1250 or TP/FX-78 channels;
Ø SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk Adapter – Packaged in a stand-alone enclosure. Has standard EIA-232
serial interface. Can attach to the serial com port of any PC, laptop, or other host computer.
Alternatively, can allow remote dial-in and dial-out from the network to a remote host using
standard Hayes-compatible modems at each end.

The documents listed below are available from Authorized Network Integrator website,
www.ni.echelon.com, or the Echelon website, www.echelon.com. They may also be purchased from
1. LONWORKS Technology Overview
2. LONMARK Interoperability Overview
3. LONMARK Layer 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines (078-0014-01)
4. LONMARK Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines (078-0120-01)
5. The SCPT Master List (005-0028-01)
6. The SNVT Master List and Programmer’s Guide (005-0027-01)
7. LonMaker for Windows User’s Guide (078-0168-01)
8. LonPoint Application and Plug-in Guide (078-0168-01)
9. LonPoint System Data Sheets
10. PCLTA-10 PC LonTalk Adapter User’s Guide (078-0159-01)
11. P CC-10 PC Card User’s Guide (078-0155-01)
12. SLTA-10 Adapter User’s Guide (078-0160-01)

Network Navigator Guide 21

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