By Ledivina V. Cariño: Zenaida L. Paday-Os Josefina B. Bitonio, Dpa
By Ledivina V. Cariño: Zenaida L. Paday-Os Josefina B. Bitonio, Dpa
By Ledivina V. Cariño: Zenaida L. Paday-Os Josefina B. Bitonio, Dpa
Submitted by: Submitted to:
Faculty In-charge
Government rules and controls but in a
state of governance it orchestrates and
A cornerstone of good governance is adherence
to the, that is, the impersonal and impartial
application of stable and predictable laws,
statutes, rules, and regulations, without regard
for social status or political considerations.
Governance chooses management over
control because its system is permeable,
admits outside influences, assumes no
omnipotence or omniscience on the
part of the decision makers and
subjects decisions to the evaluation and
critique of all those with a stake in
them. All governing is an act of
leadership moving society towards a
preferred direction.
Civil society
State is the enabler.
To enable is to make changes in the law
and incentive structure and to develop
local capacity rather than to manage
resources or to deliver services directly.
Creation of a government which
creates an enabling setting within
which the people can be more effective
in meeting those needs.
Civil Society
- consists of the complex of citizens and
groups outside government but working
in a public arena. Sometimes called non
government organizations, or the non
profit or voluntary sector. They attempt
to represent the interest of the inarticulate
and the excluded or marginalized to
organize them to raise their voices on
social issues and own their issues. They
get organized and contest the power of
the state to show alternative ways of
service provision and policy formulation.
NGO’s may engage in the critique of
existing government policy and may
challenge government by competing
with government’s own delivery
NGOs may likewise mobilize people to
prove themselves eligible to receive
government social services
Thisrefers to the stakeholders or
those who will benefit from the
services given by government.
They can also be referred to as
those governed.
1. Quest for growth and development-
here the state became the principal
planner, energizer and promoter and
director of the accelerated development
effort. The state has a role in planning
for the whole economy and society and
also create enterprise.
2. The Environment Movement
The concept of development from the
exclusive focus on economic growth to the
inclusion of distributional goals like
reduction of poverty and inequality to the
current battle cry for “sustainable human
Redefined public interest with nature as a
recognized stakeholder. This movement
underscores that that no one sector can
manage the demands of society and the
environment by itself
3. Globalization espouses a free market