Design of Lifting Beams PDF
Design of Lifting Beams PDF
Design of Lifting Beams PDF
Lifting beams (also k¡own as spreader beams) are used to underside fbr attachment to the object to be hoisted. thus
assist in the hoisting process. Most erectors and riggers providing a large range of adjustment. This arrangement will
accumulate an assortment of-lifting beams during the course also prevent the object from tilting excessively should the
of time. Some common profiles are shown in Fig. l. hook be slightly off-center of the balance point. Figure lC
The basic lifting beam is shown in Fig. lA. This arrange- shows a lifting beam which has good versatility in location
ment provides two places of attachment to the object being of attachments. This is useful il the objects to be lifted vary
lifted. thus avoiding the possibiiity of overstressing if a sin- greatly in size and weight. Figure lD shows a lifting beam
gle attachment were used. This also allows for a straight pull used in an inverted position. Although this condition is rela-
on the object ra¡her than an oblique pull as would result if tively rare, there are occasions when it is necessary, such
chokers alone were used. This is sometimes important to as when two cranes must lift a very heavy object which is
minimize unwanted erection stresses or to prevent reversal beyond the capacity of a single crane. The inverted lifting
of stress in cenain portions of the lifted object. For instance. beam enables the cranes to share the load. Figure lE shows
the oblique pull in Fig. 2A may cause excess compression a lifting beam made for a special purpose and is constructed
in the top chord of the truss at a time when that chord is entirely ol plate material. Figure iF depicts another adap-
laterally unbraced. The arrangement in Fig. 28 will help to tation which permits the lower shackles to be oriented 90'
aÌleviate this tendency and optimum choker locations can to their usual position. Figure 3A shows a multiple lifting
be chosen to minimize the stresses during the erection phase. beam arrangement such as might be used to support a long
Figure 18 illustrates the type of lifting beam that might limber object. Figure 3B illustrates a lifting beam fltted with
be employed in Fig. 28. The beam has multiple holes at the a chain-fall in order to provide some adjustment if the object
must be jockeyed into position. By varying the lengths of
chokers a fixed-tilt Iifting beam can be made as depicted in
David T Ficker is a structural engineer in Payson, AZ.
Fig. 3C. Expressed in terms of variables noted in Fig. 3C
the sling lengths can be calculated using the following
qp short sling length: L, : a-I H2 + 2Ha(sinî)
L :
B c long sling length: a2+H + 2Ha(sin?)
Fígure I
A a
A B o
1 c
Figure 2 Figure 3
are: load capacity. diameter of pin (or bolt), inside width t2 ¿'i, to,
2 3'+ I
of jaws. length of shackle, diameter of flange. (See Fig. 94.)
t'l -l
/4 ¿3 Jb, t5^ al
,Ò t-t .
The width of jaw limits the thickness of the lug plate. The > t )
length of shackle controls the maximum edge distance avail- 2i ': ¿?. ia =
r¡ tr'4
5r. 44'
(c tô'2 +b L'a G IÒI
z .\ E', 3¿ /.2 lll
* 5r.o^, Din
¿no oô! îùæ ô^ u
** 5at: lVp- on/,
N2TE: Proof loao ts 2.2 l,mzs 9oi¿ ¡tto, <,ng /oao'
/'r,.,¡¡um ulf,aa¡e Jfrenaltt 'S 2 r'àe s /'.e saie
t_ a uro.<t^î load.
I-¡ o56 22
l-6 2t l¡ l2
2-O l6 ll 22 :6
2-. 19 l¡ I 26
a-9 29
l-l lt 93 lt
I ¡-6 l5 t2 05 t2
t8 l1 lo ¡l
1-O 2l 22 l1
t-6 )2 26 t6 ¡6
la ¿t
z 3-0 5! t2 ¡
8-9 69 56
I 83 3
2l t8 2
85': 8, 5 3, 6r_ | )q I 29
6l t2
>\ $¿re-a þ,n and bot( fqPz o"/1 ' 85
2 IO
ËrÉ Botl t4pe- on 1,7
NoT€: Praof load ts 2.2 Ttàqs 1a{e u'.ta'kìng /"ad
M,nimuryt ult,r¡ale s/-nqfl, ts ô l')e s th¿ safe
wor k 'rtg l"od '
Fig. 6. Forged chain shackles. Figure 7.
pated as the load increases. The allowable bearing stress
$ I is lug plate thickness (in.)
should equal 0.9^Ç ki. (Do not use an allowable bearing ¿ is distance from edge of hole to edge of plate paraJlel
stress equal to l.zEt as this value requires the clamping to the load direction (in.)
action of a bolt or rivet which is not present in a shackie d is the diameter of the hole (in.)
and pin arangement.) If a lug plate proves to be deficient
As stated previously, regardless of its calculated value, ¿
in bearing strength, washer plates can be welded around the
hole to increase the thick¡ess. (See Fig. ll.) should never be made less than 0.67d. In order ro prevenr
the line or shackle from fouling the square corner of the lug
When the pin hts snug in the hole the allowable crushing
plate, the corner may be cut on a diagonal as shown in
load P, : where ^Ç is the yield strengrh (ksi), I is
the lug plate thickness (in.), and d is the hole diameter (in.).
Fig. ll or it may be rounded. Regardless of how rhe corner
is treated the same rules lor determining e will also apply
If the pin is less than a snug frt the lug plate must be
designed to prevent tearing tension failure at the plate edge
at the cut area.
The third failure mode is shear whereby the pin may push
as shown in Fig. l0B. Tea¡-out results when the pin attemprs
out a block of steel as it attempts ro plow through the edge
to plow through the plate edge, often resulting in a bulge
of the lug plate. The approximate allowable shear load
whose outer edge is in severe local tension. The dimension
¿ must be adequate to prevent tear-out but small enough so n : 2(0.4 e1
ÉE $/iü'ú!b{op¿ l€qs
Single+ope legs
or s'..14, I
úq wiü snglerry legs
4l /-
Figure 8.
shackla flo¿1¿ Lug plote
A b
Figure 9.
Figure l0B.
Lug platø
ö ¿ø ;Í ry@..?
P(+r -
,l-- ' a
i.1 a 2a.l
ù Plate
.-'.]' , --1,:" J'
- :cnt
a a
p¿wea b
æ rxrs !
ñl' o4
\' úy ñ.. /tvl ú L4 c
<- à!'. t3' /,:', ¿. Á ¿,-"dta.
ù'+& ú'ad"
êtô.i¿t F't.L
p- LII-Llj
A ò ¿
Figure 14.
Figure 15.
the fabricator or erector will want to stencil the company 3. Select an additiona-l factor of safety and apply it to the
name on the lifting beam for advertising and identification assumed lifted weight.
purposes. AJthough stenciling in paint is the most common
means of marking, a more positive method consists of bead
Design load : 16(1.8) : 28.8 kips
welding the messages onto the beam. Welded figures will (At this stage, do not fuss over the fact that some of the
endure even if the beam is repainted at a future time. lines, lugs, and shackles are above the lifting beam.)
Equally as important as the strength of the lifting beam 4. Two governing cases will be investigated. Figure l3B
is the strength of the other components used in conjunction shows the loads at the extreme end of the lifting beam
with the beam. These are the lines, chokers, hooks, and and Fig. l3C depicts the load concentrated at the beam
shackles. OnJy a knowledgeable experienced rigger should center line. The moment diagram for each condition is
be en¡rusted with the selection of these other items. shown. For arithmerical e¿se, the lifted weight is equated
There are several tyþes and grades of wire rope in com- to 2P Hence P : 28.812 : 14.4 kips. (For the sake of
mon use today. Chains can also be used. A rule of thumb simplifying the freebody diagrams, the beam is now
for the strength of wire rope is as follows:? assumed to be weightless.) For the case in Fig. l3B, the
: maximum moment is 7.5(144) : 108 kip-ft- For the case
Safe working load (diameter)2 x 8
in Fig. l3C, the maximum moment is 108 kipft + Z(H).
safe working load is expressed in tons and diameter H is equal to P when d is 90', which is the maximum
of wire rope in inches. Readers are advised to verify the which should be permitted by good practice. At this
strength of the specific materials and equipment they intend stage Z is estimated to be I0 in. giving a moment of
to use. 108 0.83(14.4) : 120 kip-ft.
Example: For 0.5-in. diameter wire rope the safe work-
5. It is decided to use A36 steel.
ing load equals (0.5)2 x 8 : 2 tons. (This is
6. From the tables on page 2-l7l of the AISC 9th Edition,
Manual of Steel Construction, investigate the two cases
based on a factor of safery of about 5.)
at hand:
CataJogues ofmanufacturers and supply houses are excel- M : 108 kip-ft with length = 30 ft
lent sources of information on riging equipment as are rig- M : 120 kip-ft with length : 15 ft
gers handbooks. References 4 through 8 are good examples. It should be pointed out that the continuous bottom
plate is part of a compound section and this should be
EXAMPLE considered when the trial sections are selected.
Given: For the first case the table indicates a beam in excess
A concrete contractor must hoist precast concrete panels of Wl8x65 and for the other case a W14x48.
which weigh up to 8 toÌrs and which vary in length from 6 Obviously, the hrst case governs. Try a Wl8x65 with
to 32 feet. a continuous 6xl plate.
7. Calculate centroid location and section modulus:
Design an appropriate lifting beam. Piece Area d Ad
Procedure: wl8x65 r9.l 9. l8 1'75
1. The panel weight to be lifted by the beam equals the Plate 6xl 6 21.35 t28
maximum precast panel weight of 6 tons plus an esti- L:25.1 I:303
mated additional 2 tons for dunnage and chokers. The
total is 8 tons (16 kips), including the weight of the lift- Ad 303
ing beam. d::
2 The extreme lifting poins must be 30 feet apan ro march A 25.1
Since 205 kip exceeds the actual shear ol l4'4 krp, the
member is OK in this regard. (Shear is hardly ever crit-
ical in lifting beams.) l" = f, + Iz = 0.9 + 0.6 = 1.5 krp/in.
flu-in. hllet weld - 4.6 kip/in. > 1.5 OK
9. Check for beam bending capacity:
In order to keep the weather out, use an all around
20000 20.000
Lc::::::_: --'--- :t72 < 12(30) (A]SC Spec. Fl.l) weld. The hole is made lVz in. dia. to accePt the l%
d/ArE) 3.22(36) in. dia. pin. The corner of the plate is lopped off to
accommodate the inside length of the shackle minus the
therefore a reduced { must be calculated (AISC for-
line diameter.
mula Fl-8 governs).
Min.a : 0.5(d) : - 0.75 OK
0.5(1.5) : 0.75 in. < 3
t2,00aAr _ 12.000(7.59)(.75)
R_ : 10.34 ksi
Min. e :0.67(d):0.67(1.5) : 1.0 in. < 2-25 OK
td 30(12x18.35)
¿z A
The thickness of material dictates a minimum hllet
weld of t/,u in. - 4.6 kip/in. > 0.71 OK
l. AISC, Manua! of Steel Construction 9th Edition. AISC'
Chicago, IL
Do not be tempteii to use an intermittent weld. For
2. Omer Blodgett. "Design of Welded Structures." The
weather protection and fatigue considerations use con-
James F Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Cìeveland,
tinuous welds. By inspection it is seen that tear-out is
not critical. If a continuous plate is to be considered as
a compression pan of a compound section, its width to
3 AISC. "Torsional Analysis of Steel Members" 1983,
AISC. Chicago, IL
thickness .at;o wh should not exceed 65/f or it will
not qualify for compact section status.
4 The Crosby Group lnc. , 198'7 Catalogue, P.O. Box
3128. Tulsa. 0K 74101-3128
14 Caìculate exact weight of the assembly: 5. East Shore Wire Rope & Rigging Inc. Cataìogue, 24
Beam 3l x 65 201 Reynolds Avenue. Branford, CT 06405
"Handbook for Riggers. " by W.G. Newberry, revised
tb 6
Plate 3t x 20.4 : 632 rb edition 1971 . Calgary. Alberta, Canada
Two top lugs 2x25.5: 5r lb 7 "The Metal Trades Handbook," Ronald G. Garby and
Two l2-T shackles 2x9.24: r8 tb Bruce J- Ashton. 1985, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Two 872-T shackles 2x4.63: 9lb 8 Campbell Chain Slin-es Catalogue H55342. Cooper
50 ft of wire rope * Tools, P.O. Box 728, Apex, NC 27502
loops, thimbles. hook, etc 400 rb 9 ANSI/ASME Standard 830.20-The American Society
of Mechanical Engineers , 345 E- 47th Street. New
Total 3125 lb
York. NY 10017-1985
This is well within the original estimate of two tons l0 ANSI/ASME Standard N45.6-The American Society
so further refinement is unnecessary. of Mechanical Engineers. 345 E. 47th Street, New
A review of this design example identifies the bend- York. NY 10017-1985
ing moment as the governing criteria. The section fur- I l. ASCE Transactions, "Pin-Connected Plate Links," by
nishel supplied a moment capaciry when used at the 30-ft Bruce G. Johnston, March 1938
length of 122 ktyft. which exceeds the required 108 kip- 12. AISC Engineering Journal, "Experimental lnvestiga-
ft. Consequently, the rated capacity of the beam could tion of Lug Stresses and Failures," 2nd quarter l9'74,
be increased slighdy over the 8-ton requirement. How- R.N Tolbert and R.M. Hackett