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Static Analysis of Wheel Rim Using Catia and Ansys16.0: August 2016

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


M. Dinesh Kumar1, P. Narendra Mohan2, B. Purna Chandra Sekar3, Md. Touseef Ahamad4
1 Student,Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University college of Engineering Technology,
Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, India. mahanthidinesh@gmail.com
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University college of Engineering

Technology, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, India. narendramohan.p@gmail.com

3,4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University college of Engineering

Technology, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, India

Abstract - The purpose of the car wheel rim provides a firm component is therefore designed according to the criticality
base on which to fit the tire. Its dimensions, shape should be of the component. Wheels are classified as a safety critical
suitable to adequately accommodate the particular tire component and international cods and criteria are used or
required for the vehicle. In this study a tire of car wheel rim design a wheel.
belonging to the disc wheel category is considered. Design in
an important industrial activity which influences the quality of Materials to produce these wheels have become has
the product. The wheel rim is designed by using modelling sophisticated as a design and materials can range from steel
software catiav5r18. In modelling the time spent in producing to non-ferrous alloys like magnesium and aluminium.
the complex 3-D models and the risk involved in design and Automotive wheels have evolved over the decades from
manufacturing process can be easily minimized. So the early spoke designs of wood and steel. Carry over’s from
modelling of the wheel rim is made by using CATIA. Later this wagon and bicycle technology, to flat steel discs and finally
CATIA model is imported to ANSYS for analysis work. ANSYS to the stamped metal configurations and modern cast and
software is the latest used for simulating the different forces, forged aluminium alloys rims of today’s modern vehicles
pressure acting on the component and also for calculating and historically successful designs arrived after years of
viewing the results. A solver mode in ANSYS software experience and extensive field testing. Since the 1970’s
calculates the stresses, deflections, bending moments and their several innovative methods of testing well aided with
relations without manual interventions, reduces the time experimental stress measurements have been initiated.
compared with the method of mathematical calculations by a
human. ANSYS static analysis work is carried out by In recent years, the procedures have been improved by a
considering different materials namely aluminium and forged variety of experimental and analytical methods for structural
steel and titanium their relative performances have been analysis is (strain gauge and finite element methods). Within
observed respectively. In addition to this rim is subjected to the past 10 years, durability analysis (fatigue life
vibration analysis (modal analysis), a part of dynamic analysis predication) and reliability method for dealing with
is carried out its performance is observed. In this paper by variations inherent in engineering structure have been
observing the results of both static and modal analysis applied to the automotive wheel. Wheel rims affect the
obtained forged steel is suggested as best material. braking performance of a vehicle as result of the following
for parameters: size, weight, design or ventilation, materials.
Key Words: ANSYS, CATIA V5, Stress Analysis, Wheel The size of the wheel rim governs how much space there is
Rim. between the rim and the brake rotor. By moving up to a
higher diameter wheel rim there will be more scope for air
1. INTRODUCTION flow around the brakes and therefore better cooling. The
1.1 Introduction: weight of the wheel rim is an obvious issue. The mass is not
only important in terms of the overall weight of the wheel,
Archaeologies and historians of today see the introduction of the rotational inertia of the wheel goes up with more weight
the wheel as the real genesis of any old civilization. The as well, causing even more work for the brakes.
wheel is perhaps the most significant discovery of old times.
The wheel has developed from nothing more than an The handling of a vehicle is always improved with light
oversized bearing to a fully integral part of any modem weight. As in case of ride, the lighter the unsprung weights
transportation vehicle. The modern vehicle is also seen are more easily controlled in the motion of the tire wheel
today a fashion item to complement people’s individual and the better the adhesion to the road surface. Another
requirements. Motor vehicles are produced according to
factor in handling has to do with wheel strength and flex. A
very strict rules to ensure the safety of the passengers. Every

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2256
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

more rigid wheel will reduced wheel flex during cohering

and improve tire performance. This is especially important
with low aspect ratio, high performance tires that can be
generate high cornering forces.

Car wheels are divided in to two main groups, steel wheels

and alloy wheels. Alloy wheels are frequently fitted typical
during the manufacturing of modern vehicles. All steel
wheels to be made up of two pressed components, the rim
and the wheel disc, which are joined (welded) together.

1.2. Theory of Wheels

The tire works as a wheel only after it is set up on the rim

and is inflated therefore; the tire and wheel assembly effects Fig 1: Rim Nomelclature
the function and performance of the vehicle. The tire is
designed and manufactured to suit a usual rim and once 2.2 Type of Wheel/Rim: (Dimensional)
installed on the correct rim the tire will perform up to its
preferred level. It is needless to say that the life of the tire 2.2.1 Shape of Rim
will be reduced if it is installed on an unsuitable rim. The rim
is actually the name for the cylindrical part where the tire is Typical rim shape vehicles are made up of the following.
installed. A wheel is the name for grouping between rim and
disc plate. Once the disc plate is fixed inside the cylinder this a) Drop centre rim (DC)
assembly becomes a wheel.
Drop centre rim (DC rim) is shaped so there is fine between
2.1 Rim Nomenclature: the bead seat parts which is placed on both sides of the rim.
This is to make the mounting and dismounting of the tire
1.Wheel: Wheel is generally composed of rim and disc. easy. In most circumstances there is a taper of 5 degrees in
the bead seat area.
2. Rim: This is a part where the tire is installed.

3. Disc: This is a part of the rim where it is fixed to the axle


4. Offset: This is a space between wheel mounting surface

where it is bolted to hub and centre line of rim.

5. Flange: The flange is a part of rim which holds the both

beds of the tire.
Fig 2: Drop Center
6. Bead Seat: Bead seat approaches in contact with the bead
face and it is a part of rim which holds the tire in a radial
direction. b) Wide drop centre rim (WDC)
7. Hump: It is a bump what was put on the bed seat for the
bead to prevent the tire from sliding off the rim while the Wide drop centre (WDC rim) is mostly the same as DC rim.
vehicle is moving. To expand the width of the rim, with a slighter well and a
8. Well: This is a part of rim with depth and width to lower flange height, this rim is mostly applied to low aspect
facilitate tire mounting and removal from the rim. ratio tires. This design is presently applied to rims for tires
of most passenger vehicles.

c) Wide Drop Centre Rim With Hump

In addition, this design has a bump, on the beginning of the

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2257
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

bead seat area. This hump is to prevent the bead sliding i. Aluminium Alloy Wheel
down and air outflow from the rim due to the horizontal
force applied to the tire when a vehicle tubeless tires runs at Aluminium is a metal with features of excellent lightness,
highspeed. thermal conductivity, rust confrontation, physical
characteristics of casting, low heat, machine processing and
reutilizing, etc. This metals main advantage is decreased
weight, high precision and design choices of the wheel. This
metal is useful for energy preservation because it is possible
to re-cycle aluminium easily.

ii. Magnesium alloy wheel

Magnesium is about 30% lighter than aluminium and also

admirable as for size stability and impact resistance.
However, its use is mainly restricted to racing, which needs
the features of weightlessness and high strength at the
expense of weathering resistance and design choice, etc.
Compared with aluminium.

iii. Titanium alloy wheel

Fig 3: Wide drop center Titanium is an admirable metal for corrosion resistance and
strength (about 2.5 times) compared with aluminium, but it
2.2.2 Types of Wheel/Rim (Material) is inferior due to machine processing, designing and more
cost. It is still in the development stage even though there is
Steel and light alloy are the foremost materials used in a some use in the field of racing.
wheel rim however some composite materials together with
glass-fibre are being used for special wheels. iv. Composite material wheel

a) Wire Spoke Wheel The composite material wheel is different from the light
alloy wheel, and it is developed mainly for low weight.
Wire spoke wheel is an essential where the exterior edge However this wheel has inadequate consistency against heat
part of the wheel (rim) and the axle mounting part are linked and for best strength. Development is continuing.
by numerous wires called spokes. Today’s automobiles with
their high horsepower have made this type of wheel Specifications of Model Wheel Rim:
manufacture obsolete. This type of wheel is still used on
classic vehicles. Light alloy wheels have developing in recent Tire diameter (approx.) = 560 mm
years, a design to give emphasis to this spoke effect to fulfil
users fashion requirements. Wheel size = 14 inches

b) Steel Disc Wheel Length = 86 mm

This is a rim which practices the steel-made rim and the Flange shape = J
wheel into one by joining (welding), and it is used mainly for
passenger vehicles especially original equipment tires. Rim width = 15cm

c) Light Alloy Wheel Wheel type = disc wheel

These wheels are based on the use of light metals, such as Flange height = 0.68 inches
aluminium and magnesium has come to be popular in the
market. This wheel rapidly become standard for the original Tire type = radial
equipment vehicle in Europe in 1960’s and for the
Aspect ratio = 65
replacement tire in United States in 1970’s. The advantages
of each light alloy wheel are explained as below. Offset = 80.54

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2258
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. METHODOLOGY The above shown figure is model drawn in the CATIA

software are by using the exact Dimensions of the wheel rim
3.1 Modeling in CATIA: with correct thickness and Dimensions.

CATIA software is the standard in the 3D product design, 3.2 Analysis in ANSYS:
featuring industry-leading productivity tools that promote
one of the best practices in design while ensuring Dr. John Swanson founded ANSYS Inc in 1970 with a vision
compliance regarding industry and company standards. The to commercialize the concept of computer simulated
designing of CATIA solution allow you to design you faster engineering, establishing himself as one of the pioneers of
than any other software. The figure shows the solid model Finite Element Analysis (FEM). The software implements
of the disc brake by using CATIA. By taking the circular and the equations that govern the behavior of these elements
petal disc brake dimensions we have to draw the disc brake and solve the problems, by creating comprehensive
model in CATIA. explanation of how the acts as whole. The results can be
obtained in the form of tabular column or graphical forms.


1. After preparing the model in CATIA it is improved to

ANSYS. the file is imported from CATIA by

2. The imported model is meshed by using TETRA mesh. the

meshed model is as follows:

Fig 4: Revolved sketch

Fig 6: Meshed Model

3. Later this meshed model is defined with three different

materials namely ALUMINIUM, FORGED STEEL and
TITANIUM and subjected to static analysis.
Fig 5: Rim cutting

Input data for ALUMINIUM:

Young’s modulus: 0.71e5N/mm²

Poisson’s ratio = 0.33

Density = 2800kg/m³

Circumferential pressure = 200 kpa

Fig 5: Final shape Input data for FORGED STEEL:

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2259
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Young’s modulus: 2.1e5N/mm²

Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

Density = 7600kg/m³

Circumferential pressure = 200 kpa

Input data for TITANIUM:

Young’s modulus: 1.1e5N/mm²

Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

Density = 4500kg/m³ Fig 8: Stress in aluminum

Circumferential pressure = 200 kpa 4.1.2 Results for Forged steel Wheel Rim:

1. After this meshed model is constrained at holes by all DOF (a) Deformation result
where the bolts has to be placed.

2. After constraining the meshed model, the model is

subjected to a circumferential load of 200 kpa.

3. Later the results were obtained in the SOLVER module.

4. Later in the SOLVER module, analysis type is changed from

static command to modal command and solution in done in
solution window.

5. Next solution results such as stress, displacement, von

mises, ultimate strength etc., it can be observed in

4.1.1 Results for Aluminium Wheel Rim:

Fig 9: Deformation in forged steel
(a) Deformation result
(b) Von-Mises Stresses

Fig 7: Deformation in aluminum Fig 10: Stress in forged wheel

(b) Von-Mises Stresses

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2260
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.1.3 Results for Titanium Wheel Rim: From the above table titanium is the best metal for preparing
rim due to consideration of cost we would select forged steel
(a) Deformation result because titanium is high in cost compared to other two
materials. Though the high cost of titanium has deterred its
use in most applications in the past the fact that titanium is
the fourth abundant metal on the planet is now being
realized. Although the price may be on the higher side when
compared to other metals, it is slowly becoming more
readily available and finding more applications.


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Radial Load, International Journal of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477,
Vol-2, Issue-1, 2012.

Fig 11: Deformation in titanium wheel [2.] “An analysis of stress and displacement distribution in a
rotating rim subjected to pressure and radial loads” by
(b) Von-Mises Stresses P.C.Lam and T.S.Srivastam.

Centre Rim Contours”, J (ISO) Contour for 14,15,16,18
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[4.] Stress Anlasis Of Wheel Rim International Journal of

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Fig 12: Stress in titanium wheel
[6.] Muhammet cerit (2010) Numerical simulation of
dynamic side impact test for an aluminum alloy wheel,
scientific research and essays vol. 5(18), pp. 2694-2701.

Table 1: Results Table

Material Von-Mises Total
Stress Deformation,
Mpa mm
Aluminum 385.06 1.7592
Forged Steel 334.22 0.5267
Titanium 322.56 0.4246


CAD model of the wheel rim is generated in CATIA and this

model is imported to ANSYS for processing work. An amount
of pressure 200 kpa is applied along the circumference of the
wheel rims made of ALUMINIUM, TITANIUM & FORGED
STEEL and bolt circle of wheel rim is fixed. Following are the
conclusions from the results obtained:

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2261

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