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Lecture Notes 1 Strong Induction

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lecture 3

6.042J/18.062J: Mathematics for Computer Science 11 Sep 97

Professor Tom Leighton

Lecture Notes

1 Strong Induction
The topic of this lecture is a variation of the induction methodology that we covered on Tuesday
that is called strong induction. Strong induction is quite similar to ordinary induction, but is
sometimes easier to use when solving problems.
The di erence between ordinary induction and strong induction is subtle. Both proofs are written
with the same structure. The only di erence is that in an ordinary induction proof we assume
only P (n) in order to prove P (n + 1). In a strong induction proof, we get to assume all of
P (0); P (1); : : : ; P (n) in order to prove P (n + 1). This can be a big help. When we try to prove

P (n + 1) in the inductive step, we do not have just one fact in hand, but rather a whole list of

Like ordinary induction, strong induction can be expressed as an axiom:

Axiom (Strong Induction) Let ( ) be any predicate. If (0) is true and 8  0 ( (0) ^
P n P n ; P

P(1) ^ ^ ( )) ) ( + 1), then ( ) is true for all  0.

::: P n P n P n n

The expression (P (0) ^ P (1) ^ : : : ^ P (n)) ) P (n + 1) is a little hard to decrypt. It just means
that P (n + 1) logically follows if we accept all the statements P (1); P (2); : : : ; P (n).
Let's make sure that the strong induction axiom \makes sense" in the same way as the original
induction axiom. We have a list of statements P (0); P (1); P (2); : : : . We believe the rst one.
Furthermore, we believe that each statement follows logically from the statements preceding it.
Strong induction says we can then conclude that all the statements in the list are true. This sounds
Here is another argument for the validity of strong induction. Suppose that some statement P (n)
in the list P (1); P (2); P (3); : : : were actually false; in fact, say P (n) is the rst false statement. But
since P (n) logically followed from the preceding statements, an earlier statement must be wrong.
This is a contradiction and so P (n) must be true. Have we \proven" the strong induction axiom?
Of course, we do not need to prove axioms; we just accept them as truths. And there is actually
something subtly amiss with this argument: we assumed that there exists a \ rst false statement"
P (n). While this assumption appears safe, it actually follows only from another axiom{ called

well-ordering{ that is equivalent to induction and is discussed later in the lecture.

2 Lecture 3: Lecture Notes

2 An Example of Strong Induction

Now we're ready to solve a problem using strong induction. In this example, the base case will not
be P (0), but rather P (k) for some integer k. For this reason, we will need a slight variant of the
strong induction axiom:

Axiom Let ( ) be a predicate and be an integer. If ( ) is true and 8  ( ( ) ^ ( +

P n k P k n k; P k P k

1) ^ ^ ( )) ) ( + 1), then ( ) is true for all  .

::: P n P n P n n k

Problem: Given an unlimited supply of 3 cent and 5 cent stamps, what postages are possible?
Solution: Let's rst try to guess the answer and then try to prove it. A table that shows the
values of all possible combinations of 3 and 5 cent stamps will help. The column heading is the
number of 5 cent stamps and the row heading is the number of 3 cent stamps.

0 1 2 3 4 5 :::

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 :::

1 3 8 13 18 23 : : :
2 6 11 16 21 : : :
3 9 14 19 24 : : :
4 12 17 22 :::

5 15 20 :::

::: ::: :::

Looking at the table, a reasonable guess is that the possible postages are 0, 3, 5, and 6 cents and
every value of 8 or more cents. Let's try to prove the latter part of this guess using strong induction.

Claim 2.1 8  8, it is possible to produce cents of postage from 3 and 5 cents stamps.
n n

Now let's preview the proof. A proof by strong induction will have the same four-part structure as
an ordinary induction proof. The base case, P (8), will be easy because we can produce 8 cents of
postage from a 3 cent stamp and a 5 cent stamp. In the inductive step we assume that we know
how to produce 8; 9; : : : ; n cents of postage, and we have to show how to produce n + 1 cents of
postage. One way is rst to create n 2 cents of postage using strong induction and then to add
a three cent stamp.
We have to be careful; there is a pitfall here. If n is 8 or 9, then we can not use the trick of creating
n + 1 cents of postage from n 2 cents and a 3 cent stamp. In these cases, n 2 is less than 8.
None of the assumptions that strong induction permits help us make less than 8 cents of postage.
Fortunately, making n + 1 cents of postage when n is 8 or 9 is very easy; we can do this directly.
Proof. The proof is by strong induction. Let P (n) be the predicate that it is possible to produce
n cents of postage from 3 and 5 cent stamps. In the basis step, P (8) is true because 8 cents of

postage can be made from a 3 cent stamp and a 5 cent stamp.

Lecture 3: Lecture Notes 3

In the inductive step, for n  8 assume that it is possible to produce postage worth 8; 9; : : : ; n
cents in order to prove that it is possible to produce postage worth n + 1 cents. There are three
cases: n  10, n = 9, and n = 8. If n  10, then by strong induction we can create n 2 cents
of postage, since n 2  8. By adding a 3 cent stamp, we can create n + 1 cents of postage. If
n = 9, then we can create n + 1 = 10 cents of postage from two 5 cent stamps. If n = 8, then we

can create n + 1 = 9 cents of postage from three 3 cent stamps. This proves that for all n  8,
P (8) ^ P (9) ^ : : : P (n) ) P (n + 1). By strong induction P (n) is true for all n  8.

3 A False Theorem
In the preceding proof, we were careful not to accidently assume more than is permitted by the
strong induction axiom. Now let's be sloppy and see what fun facts we can prove!

False Theorem 3.1 All Fibonacci numbers are even.

Remember that the Fibonacci numbers are denoted by F0 ; F1; F2; : : : where F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and
F = F 1 + F 2 for i  2. The rst few Fibonacci numbers are 0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; : : : .
i i i

Proof. The proof is by strong induction. Let P (n) be the predicate that F is even. In the base

case, P (0) is true because F0 = 0, which is even. In the inductive step, for n  0 assume that
F0 ; F1 ; : : : ; F
n are all even in order to prove that F +1 is even. By de nition, F +1 = F + F 1.
n n n n

Since both F and F 1 are even, F +1 is even.

n n n

Where is the bug? If n = 0, then the statement \By de nition, F +1 = F + F 1" is false. In this
n n n

case, F +1 = F1 , which is by de nition 1. We forgot a special case!


We really only proved P (0) and P (0) ^ P (1) ) P (2); P (1) ^ P (2) ) P (3); : : : . We forgot to check
one little thing, P (1), and reached an in nite number of false conclusions!

4 Induction and Tournaments

Suppose there is a tournament with n players. The tournament is round-robin, i.e. every player
has a match against every other player. For every match there is a winner; there are no ties.
Confusing thing: When math people talk about tournaments| and they often do| they mean a
tournament in which all matches have already been played, even though everything is discussed in
the present tense (\a defeats b").

4.1 A Simple Way to Rank Players

Our rst goal is to nd a ranking or ordering of the players such that the ith ranked player defeats
the (i +1)st ranked player for each i. It is okay if, say, the 5th ranked player loses to the 9th ranked
player; we just want to insure that the 5th ranked player wipes the oor with the 6th ranked player.
4 Lecture 3: Lecture Notes

Does such a ranking always even exist? Let's check a small example. Suppose there are only three
players. Suppose player p1 defeats p2 , p2 defeats p3, and p3 defeats p1, forming a sort of cycle. In
this tournament, several rankings meet our goal, for example p1, p2 , p3 . In fact, there is a strong
induction proof that such a ranking exists for every tournament.

Theorem 4.1 Given an -player round-robin tournament, there exists a ranking of the players

1 2 such that defeats +1 for 1 

p ; p ; : : : ; pn pi pi . i < n

In the proof, we will use the notation jS j, which may be unfamiliar; this denotes the number of
elements in the set S .
As usual, we can take the inductive hypothesis directly from the theorem statement. The problem
in the inductive step will be to prove that every n + 1 player tournament has a ranking. We get to
assume that every tournament with fewer players has a ranking. The most natural approach is to
isolate one player x, to assert that a ranking for the remaining n players exists by induction, and
then to show that x can be added to the ranking of the other n players. This is not as easy as it
sounds{ inserting x into the ranking is tricky{ but it does work. We use a di erent approach in
the proof below.
Proof. The proof is by strong induction. Let P (n) be the predicate that in every n-player round-
robin tournament, there exists a ranking such that p defeats p +1 for 1  i < n. In the base case,
i i

there are no players and so there is nothing to prove; thus, P (0) is true.
In the inductive step, assume that such a ranking exists for every tournament with up to n
players in order to prove that such a ranking exists in a tournament with n + 1 players. Choose an
arbitrary player x. Let B (x) be the set of players that beat x, and let L(x) be the set of players
that lose to x. Note that both of these sets have at most n players and that either might be empty.
Let k = jB (x)j, the number of players that beat x.
By induction, there exists a suitable ranking of the players in B (x). Call this p1 ; : : : ; p . Sim-

ilarly, there exists a ranking of the players in L(x). Call this p +2 ; : : : ; p . Let p +1 = x. Then
k n k

p1 ; : : : ; p
k 1; p ; p +1; : : : p is a ranking of all the players.
k k n

All that remains is to check that each player beats the next-ranked player. Player p 1 beats p
k k

since p 1 2 B (x), and every player in the set B (x) beats p . Similarly, player p beats p +1 since
k k k k

p +1 2 L(x), and p beats every player in L(x). All other cases follow by induction.
k k

This proof translates naturally into an algorithm for nding a ranking. Choose an arbitrary player
x, compute sets B (x) and L(x), rank these sets recursively, and then merge the results into an

overall ranking.

4.2 A Better Way to Rank Players

There is a problem with the preceding way of ranking players. Suppose that in every match between
players whose ranks are not consecutive, the lower ranked player wins. In this case, the highest
ranked player loses to all but one other and so has the worst overall record! This is not a fair
Lecture 3: Lecture Notes 5

We would like to nd a ranking where the ith player beats the (i + 1)st player and players with
better records get better rankings. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. However, there is
always a ranking where the ith player beats the (i + 1)st player and one of the players with the
best win-loss record is ranked rst. (Several players might tie for the best win-loss record.)
Theorem 4.2 In any n-player round-robin tournament there exists a ranking of the players p1; p2; : : : p , n

such that p defeats p +1 for 1  i < n and p1 is a player with the best win-loss record.
i i

Let's try to emulate the previous proof.

Proof. ( rst try) The proof is by strong induction. Let P (n) be the theorem statement. In the base
case, there is a single player, so P (1) is true. In the inductive case, we assume P (1); P (2); : : : ; P (n)
to prove P (n + 1). Choose a player x that loses to the best player. Let B (x) be the set of players
that beat x, and let L(x) be the set of players that lost to x...
How do we continue? The best player is now in the set B (x). Since we intend to rank the players
of B (x) by induction, the best player overall must have the best record even when only matches
within B (x) are considered. This might not be true. Maybe the best player only has a good overall
record because he or she beat so many players that are now in L(x). So we are stuck.
There are many ways that we might try to proceed:
 Strengthen the induction hypothesis. Let ( ) claim that we can nd a ranking with any
P n

player in the rst position, not just the one with the best win-loss record. This approach
fails because, for example, we can not make a player who lost every match rank rst. This
induction hypothesis is too strong.
 Pull out the player with the best win-loss record. We could then rank the remaining n players
by induction. However, we have no guarantee that the player with the best win-loss record
defeats the rst player in that ranking; we might not be able to construct a proper ranking
on n + 1 players.
 Choose player x so that the best player overall has the best record among those who defeated
x. This solves the immediate problem that stopped us in the rst proof attempt, but how do

we know that such a player x always exists?

No \right" strategy leaps out; probably considerable trial and error is unavoidable.
The basic plan is to pull out one player, rank the players in the resulting \subtournament" by
induction, and then put the extra player back to create a complete ranking. Let z be the player
with best overall win/loss record that we want ranked rst. The key problem is to ensure that z
has the best win/loss record even within the \subtournament". One solution is to pull out a player
x that defeated z . This makes z look better; if his win/loss record was best before, it will still be

best when matches against x are ignored. This is the basis for the following proof.
Proof. (second try) Let z be a player with the best win-loss record.
The proof is by ordinary induction. Let P (n) be the theorem statement. In the base case, P (1),
there are no matches and so there is nothing to prove. In the inductive case, assume P (n) to prove
P (n + 1). Now there are two cases:
6 Lecture 3: Lecture Notes

Case 1: If z is undefeated, then we can nd a ranking of the remaining n players using the pre-
ceding theorem. Call this p2 ; p3; : : : ; p +1 and let p1 = z . Then the overall ranking p1; p2; : : : ; p +1
n n

is satisfactory; the best player is ranked rst, p1 defeats p2 because p1 defeats all other players, and
p defeats p +1 for all 2  i < n by the preceding theorem.
i i

Case 2: Otherwise, there exists a player x that defeats z . If z is a player with the best overall
record against all players, then z must be a player with the best overall record when x is removed
from the tournament. By induction there is a ranking p1 ; p2; : : : ; p of all players excluding x where

p1 = z . All that remains is to t x into this order.

Suppose that x is inserted in the ranking just below the lowest-ranked player that beat him.
(There must be such a player since otherwise x would have won all his matches in the (n +1)-player
tournament which contradicts the de nition that z has the best record.) Then z remains rst in
the ranking and all that remains to check is that each player defeated the next-lower ranked player.
By the way that x was inserted into the ranking, the player ranked immediately above x defeated
him. Since this was the lowest-ranked player to defeat x, x must in turn have defeated the player
ranked below himself, if there is one. That every other player defeated the next-lower ranked player
follows from the inductive construction of the ranking.

5 Induction, Strong Induction, and Well-Ordering

The last proof is surprising. We argued early in the lecture that strong induction is better than
ordinary induction. Yet for the hardest theorem that we've seen so far, we used ordinary induction.
Is \strong" induction really stronger?

5.1 Converting Strong Induction to Ordinary Induction

The answer is, \no"; while strong induction is sometimes more convenient, it is not theoretically
more powerful than ordinary induction. Any proof that uses strong induction can be altered to
used ordinary induction instead! In fact, here is a recipe for morphing any strong induction proof
into an ordinary induction proof piece-by-piece.

 If the strong induction proof has hypothesis ( ), then the ordinary induction proof should
P n

have hypothesis ( ) = (0) ^ (1) ^ ^ ( ).

Q n P P ::: P n

 In the base case, the strong induction proof establishes (0). In the new proof, we can use

exactly the same argument to establish Q(0), since Q(0) = P (0).

 In the inductive step, the strong induction proof shows that for n  0, P (0) ^ P (1) ^ : : : ^
P (n) ) P (n + 1). If we can show this, then we can show P (0) ^ P (1) ^ : : : ^ P (n) )

P (0) ^ P (1) ^ : : : ^ P (n + 1). The latter can be abbreviated Q(n) ) Q(n + 1). Therefore, the

arguments in the inductive step suce to prove that for all n  0, Q(n) ) Q(n + 1).

In fact, if ordinary induction is taken as an axiom, then one can prove strong induction as a
Lecture 3: Lecture Notes 7

5.2 Well Ordering

There is another variation of induction that is sometimes useful: well-ordering. The well-ordering
axiom looks nothing like the induction axiom:

Axiom Every nonempy subset  N has a smallest element.


The well-ordering axiom is often called the well-ordering principle. It may seem obvious and useless!
As for obvious, note that this axiom would be false if the set of non-negative integers, N , were
replaced by, say, the set of non-negative rational numbers. The subset S consisting of positive
rational numbers has no smallest element.
As for useless, recall that we used well-ordering at the beginning of the lecture to informally \prove"
the strong induction axiom. This argument can be made precise; if one accepts well-ordering as an
axiom, then strong induction can be derived as a proposition. This suggests that well-ordering is
at least as powerful as our very best weapon, strong induction!
An example of a well-ordering proof is given below. De ne a cycle in a tournament to be a sequence
of players such that each defeats the next and the last defeats the rst. The length of a cycle is the
length of the sequence of players. A n-cycle is a cycle of length n. For example, p1 defeats p2, p2
defeats p3 , p3 defeats p4, and p4 defeats p1 is a 4-cycle.

Theorem 5.1 If a tournament contains a cycle, then it contains a 3-cycle.

Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Assume for the purpose of contradiction that the tourna-
ment contains a cycle, but no 3-cycle. By the well-ordering axiom we can let n be the length of
the shortest cycle. By assumption n  3. Consider three consecutive players in the cycle, p1, p2,
and p3. If p1 defeats p3, then p2 can be removed to create a cycle of length n 1. This contradicts
the assumption that the shortest cycle had length n. If p3 defeats p1, then p1, p2, and p3 form a
3-cycle, again a contradiction.
Can the same statement be proven by induction, or is the well-ordering principle actually more
powerful? In fact, this theorem does have a very similar proof by induction, and more generally
well-ordering and induction are equivalent. Here is the induction proof:
Proof. The proof is by induction. Let P (n) be the proposition that every tournament with an
n-cycle contains a 3-cycle. We can prove the theorem by showing that P (n) holds for all n  3.

The base case, P (3), is trivial. In the inductive step, for n  3, assume that every tournament
with an n-cycle contains a 3-cycle in order to prove that every tournament with an (n + 1)-cycle
contains a 3-cycle. In a tournament with an (n + 1) cycle, consider three consecutive players, p1,
p2 , and p3 . If p3 defeats p1 , then p1 , p2 , and p3 form a 3-cycle and we are done. Otherwise, if p1

defeats p3, then p2 can be removed from the original cycle to create an n-cycle. By induction, there
must be a 3-cycle.
The moral of this section is that well-ordering, ordinary induction, and strong induction all amount
to the same thing.

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