PV Protection DC
PV Protection DC
PV Protection DC
Catalogue 2011
Inverters and electrical systems
for residential photovoltaic
Compact disconnectors customized enclosures or Perfectly enclosed The enclosure is rated to the
for inverters inverters. They are installed for outdoor installation IP65 degree of protection
Eaton offers both enclosed on 35 mm top-hat rails; SOL switch-disconnectors in and thus facilitates outdoor
and open switch-disconnec- their terminals facilitate the enclosures are ready to install. installation. Locking capabili-
tors. P-SOL open switch- connection of all conventional Connection variants for 2 and 3, ties offer protection during
disconnectors are intended for conductor types. or 4 strings, as well as for the service. A pressure equaliza-
most commonly available tion element prevents collec-
connector type, MC4 or tion of condensation and thus
metric cable glands, ensure any malfunctions due to
problemfree integration in flashovers.
different system concepts.
0 Max
Small investment, the modules and DC lines are Ingeniously simple and the undervoltage release in
large protection still subjected to DC voltages simply ingenious the fireman’s switch, should
VDE 0100-712 stipulates a of up to 1000 V and up to ~8A The fireman’s switch is simply the fire crew get the electrical
DC circuit-breaker, but not the per string. Our fireman’s switch installed in the immediate utility company to de-energize
location where it is installed: SOL30-SAFETY disconnects vicinity of the PV module in the location of the fire or
Frequently, the circuit-breaker the cables between the solar the DC current line between decide to locally actuate the
is integrated into the inverter, modules and the power the panel and power inverter. PV-OFF switch. The SOL30-
so that the line between the inverter with manageable The PV modules are auto- SAFETY – full control instead
power inverter and house effort at a reasonable cost. matically switched off by of controlled burn out.
connection is protected, but
Fuse disconnector with A version with a ”fuse blown“ String circuit-breaker optimally adjusted to the
integrated short-circuit indication for visualization of a String circuit breakers PKZ- actual short-circuit current of a
protection blown fuse link is also SOL are the fuseless alterna- string. A thermal release
The fuse disconnector FCFD- available. At the same time, tive for the protection of triggers at 1.05 … 1.3 times
C10DI- SOL for cylindrical measurements can be made photovoltaic modules against rated current and the magnetic
fuse-links ASFLC10-SOL of on the connected modules at short circuits. They have a release at 6 times rated current.
size 10 x 38 protects photo- the disconnection point. variable trip range that can be
voltaic modules against For service reasons, test
short-circuit currents. probes are easily reachable.
You can find further information regarding Eaton switchgear for disconnecting, protect-
ing and switching of photovoltaic systems for commercial and industrial applications at
Comfort, safety and energy Energy management By entering the price per mea-
management – wireless benefits sured unit into the system,
house automation from • Consumption monitoring the cost of a full bath or a
Eaton. washing cycle can be calculated
Automation tasks such as • Cost control very quickly. The history from
illumination management, the last 24 hours up to the last
• Carbon footprint reduction 12 months can be read out
shading control, monitoring
and warning, as well as As specifi ed by EU regula- from the archive and displayed
energy-efficient control tions, the actual energy as a value or a trend. It is also
concepts for heating, ventila- consumption has to be clearly possible to be immediately
tion and air-conditioning are presented to the end consum- alerted when a user-defined
easy with Eaton products, and er. The Eaton Energy Manager limit has been exceeded.
simple to implement. makes this possible: visualiz- Eaton’s energy management
ing and controlling the energy software is a useful tool for
consumption of specific private users to identify
electrical or gas appliances in potential savings and to
the entire household, e.g. the reduce their energy costs!
washing machine, refrigerator,
hot water heater, etc.
Safe disconnection:
In case of fi re or flooding, the
current grid will be shut down
by the regional electricity
supplier or the fire brigade.
Eaton provides you with extra
safety: Remote controlled
switch disconnectors ensure
the disconnection of the
voltage producing modules
from the grid.
Safe maintenance:
Whether the photovoltaic
system has to be maintained
or the panels cleaned up –
Eaton’s DC switch disconnec-
tors disconnect the panels
from the system and help to
avoid dangers while working
on the roof.
Safe protection:
Even if a lightning arrester
protects your home from
lightning strikes, the induced
overvoltages can damage the
photovoltaic system. To avoid
such damage, Eaton offers a
solution: the DC surge
Safe interaction:
The photovoltaic system
converts solar energy into
electricity. Efficiency and
safety are provided by Eaton.
We offer a full product range
of efficient and protective
components, which work
together, from one source.
Selection Information Page 14
Technical Data Page 26
DC Disconnectors
Selection Information Page 15
Technical Data Page 28
DC String Protectionr
Selection Information Page 17
Technical Data Page 31
Surge Protection
Selection Information Page 20
Technical Data Page 35
Energy Management
Selection Information Page 23
Technical Data Page 41
MPP . . . . . . Maximum Power Point.
ENS . . . . . . Two independent main monitoring units with allocated all-pole switching devices.
GFCI . . . . . Ground Fault Current Interrupter.
RCMU . . . . Residual Current Monitoring Unit.
MC3 . . . . . . Multi Contact 3
W7400-7622.indd 14 14 01.06.2010 9:53:2914:34
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - DC Disconnection DC
DC switch-disconnector
DC switch-disconnector P-SOL 2-poles
• Rated operational voltage 1000 VDC
• Utilization category DC-21A
Rated op. current Ie Type designation Article No. Units per package
wa_sg05409, wa_sg04709
Connection diagrams:
PV array
Unearthed system Earthed system
PV inverter
DC switch-disconnector
DC switch-disconnector SOL 2-poles as pre-wired unit with protection
class II, degree of protection IP65
• Rated operational voltage 1000 VDC
• Utilization category DC-21A
• Rated operational current Ie of 20 or 30 A
• Several versions – plugs MC4 or cable glands available
• Versions for 2, 3, and 4 strings (INPUT) available
MC4 version
SOL20/2MC4 SOL20/4MC4
SOL30/2MC4 SOL30/4MC4
Connection diagrams:
DC string circuit-breaker
DC string circuit-breaker PKZ-SOL 2-poles
• Rated operational voltage 900 VDC
• Rated current In 4, 6, 12, 20 and 30 A
• For permissible string short-circuit currents Isc of 1.6 up to 22 A
Connection diagrams:
Unearthed system Earthed system
DC disconnection / PV inverter
Number of poles / Size Type designation Article No. Units per package
Size 10x38 FCFDC10DI, rated operational current 25 A DC
without visual tripping indicator
1 10x38 FCFDC10DI-1-SOL 137256 12 / 108
2 10x38 FCFDC10DI-2-SOL 137257 6 / 54
Photovoltaic application
Earthed system
Unearthed system
W7400-7622.indd 18 18 01.06.2010 9:53:3714:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - DC String Protection Cylindrical
fuse-links C
Size / Rated current / Rated voltage Type designation Article No. Units per package
PV-fuse-link selection:
Maximum DC operating voltage of the fuse-link must be:
1.2 x Voc of string
Rated current In of the fuse-link must be higher than or equal to:
1.5 x Isc
Isc . . . . short circuit current of PV module
Voc . . . open circuit voltage of string
SPD-type T2 (Class C)
Max. Cont. Op. Volt. UC Type designation Article No. Units per package
VOC ≤ Uc: Open circuit voltage of the PV generator shall be equal to or less than maxi-
mum continuous operating voltage of the Surge Protective Device (SPD) to
protect it from damage.
VOC . . . . . .Open circuit voltage of PV generator.
UC . . . . . . .Maximum continuous operating voltage of SPD.
Attention: Ensure system is de-energized before installation. Measure to ensure
zero potential.
L- L- L+
W7400-7622.indd 20 20 01.06.2010 9:53:3914:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Surge Protection DC
SPD-type T2 (Class C)
Voc INPUT OUTPUT Type designation Article No. Units per package
MC3 version
600VDC 2xMC3 1xMC3 SOL-SP600U/2MC3 144124 1
1000VDC 2xMC3 1xMC3 SOL-SP1000U/2MC3 144127 1
MC4 version
600VDC 2xMC4 1xMC4 SOL-SP600U/2MC4 144125 1
1000VDC 2xMC4 1xMC4 SOL-SP1000U/2MC4 144128 1
VOC ≤ Uc: Open circuit voltage of the PV generator shall be equal to or less than maxi-
mum continuous operating voltage of the Surge Protective Device (SPD) to
protect it from damage.
VOC . . . . . .Open circuit voltage of PV generator.
UC . . . . . . .Maximum continuous operating voltage of SPD.
Attention: Even when switched off, the DC disconnector is under high voltage!
Ensure system is de-energized before installation. Measure to ensure
zero potential.
Connection example:
Protected area
PE conductor has to be
layed seperately to con-
DC disconnection ductors of protected area
PV inverter
SPD-type T2 (Class C)
Max. Cont. Op. Volt. UC In (8/20)μs Type designation Article No. Units per package
Inserts SPMT2PA for replacement
Insert 1-pole
Insert 280VAC 20kA SPMT2PA-280 131778 4 / 120
Insert 335VAC 20kA SPMT2PA-335 131779 4 / 120
Insert N-PE 260VAC 30kA SPMT2PA-NPE 131783 4 / 120
Auxiliary switch
for SPMT2PA ASAUXSC-SPM 131785 4 / 120
Lead-through terminal for SPMT2PA
ASLTT-63 131784 12 / 120
W7400-7622.indd 22 22 01.06.2010 9:53:4014:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic- RF System - Flush-mounted devices
Design Type designation Article No. Units per package
Energy sensor
• The "energy sensor" is used to record the solar energy converted in the PV inverter and
to forward this information to the Room-Manager equipped with "Energy management
function". This type of device is used for capacities of 3-3680 W. It is used to determine
current (A), voltage (V), power (kW) and energy (kWh). The "energy sensor" is preferably
connected at the feeding point in the electrical system. The device is mounted in the
switch box, the junction box or the installation box.
• Warning: The device is not calibrated and is thus not suitable for billing purposes!
W7400-7622.indd 24 24 01.06.2010 9:53:4114:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic- Energy Management
Design Type designation Article No. Units per package
CRSZ-00/03 104932 1
RF03107 DIN-rail-clip
• The energy sensor (with or without external sensor) can be attached to the "DIN-rail-clip"
in order to snap this combination onto any possible DIN-rail. Note: Do not use metal dis-
tribution boards under any circumstances since metal can block the radio signal!!!
Info: The price and the order number refer to one "DIN-rail-clip" unit. We cannot
deliver single units! Therefore, please order at least one package (10 units) or a multiple
CMMZ-00/30 135529 10
Technical Data
ISG1I-1500/1 ISG1I-2000/1 ISG1I-2800/1 ISG1I-3300/1 ISG1I-4000/1
DC Max. DC power 1760 W 2320 W 3180 W 3820 W 4630 W
± Max. DC voltage 450 VDC 500 VDC 500 VDC 500 VDC 500 VDC
~ MPP voltage range 150-405 VDC 150-450 VDC 150-450 VDC 150-450 VDC 150-450 VDC
Nominal DC voltage 360 VDC 400 VDC 400 VDC 400 VDC 400 VDC
Max. input current 8.9 ADC 10 ADC 13 ADC 17 ADC 20 ADC
MPP Tracker 1 1 1 1 1
AC Output power 1500 W 2000 W 2800 W 3300 W 4000 W
± Max. output power 1650 W 2200 W 3000 W 3600 W 4400 W
~ Operating voltage 190-256 VAC 190-256 VAC 190-256 VAC 190-256 VAC 190-256 VAC
Operating frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Current THD ~ 3% ~ 3% ~ 3% ~ 3% ~ 3%
Power factor <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Power connection 1-phase 1-phase 1-phase 1-phase 1-phase
SYSTEM Max. efficiency > 95% > 96% > 96% > 96% > 96%
± Euro efficiency > 94% > 95% > 95% > 95% > 95%
~ Stand-by power ≤ 7W ≤ 7W ≤ 7W ≤ 7W ≤ 7W
Overvoltage category III III III III III
Degree of protection IP43 IP43 IP43 IP43 IP43
Operating temperature -20°C to +55°C -20°C to +55°C -20°C to +55°C -20°C to +55°C -20°C to +55°C
Humidity (non-condensing) 0-95% 0-95% 0-95% 0-95% 0-95%
Accustic noise level < 35 dBA < 35 dBA < 35 dBA < 35 dBA < 35 dBA
Comm. interface RS232 (RS485 optional)
Display LCD / 1 line, 16 characters
W x H x D [mm] 326x270x130 360x303x130 360x303x145 447x389x146 447x389x146
T1 [mm] 340 373 373 459 459
Weight [kg] 9.2 11.5 12.5 16.4 16.4
Dimensions (mm)
THD . . . . . . Total Harmonic Distortion
*) in preparation
W7400-7622.indd 26 26 01.06.2010 9:53:4114:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Inverter ~
Technical Data
ISG1O-4000/1 ISG3O-4600/1
DC Max. DC power 4630 W 3800 W per tracker
± Max. DC voltage 500 VDC 750 VDC
~ MPP voltage range 150-450 VDC 125-700 VDC
Nominal DC voltage 400 VDC 600 VDC
Max. input current 20 ADC 8.5 ADC per tracker
MPP Tracker 1 3
AC Output power 4000 W 4600 W
± Max. output power 4400 W 5000 W
~ Operating voltage 190-256 VAC 190-256 VAC
Operating frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
Current THD ~ 3% ~ 3%
Power factor <1 <1
Power connection 1-phase 1-phase
SYSTEM Max. efficiency > 96% > 96%
± Euro efficiency > 95% > 94.5%
~ Stand-by power ≤ 7W ≤ 8W
Overvoltage category III III
Degree of protection IP65 IP65
Operating temperature -20°C to +55°C -20°C to +55°C
Humidity (non-condensing) 0-95% 0-95%
Accustic noise level < 35 dBA < 35 dBA
Comm. interface RS232 (RS485 optional) RS232 (RS485 optional)
Display LCD / 1 line, 16 characters LCD / 2 lines, 32 characters
W x H x D [mm] 447x389x146 442x532x134
T1 [mm] 459 602
Weight [kg] 19.5 27
Dimensions (mm)
THD . . . . . . Total Harmonic Distortion
*) in preparation
DC Switch-disconnector P-SOL
• Field of application:
DC disconnection in photovoltaic systems between Connection diagram
PV array and inverter to switch off the energy Unearthed system Earthed system
• No polarity
• Any mounting position
• Spring work contacts
• Tested according to IEC/EN 60947-3, UL508
• Certificate TÜV-Rheinland
Technical Data
Number of poles 2 2 2
Rated operational voltage Ue 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC
Rated operational current Ie 20 A 30 A 63 A
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm 500 A 500 A 1500 A
Rated short-time withstand current 1sec. Icw 700 A 700 A 1500 A
Utilization category DC-21 A DC-21 A DC-21 A
Overvoltage category III III III
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 8 kV 8 kV 8 kV
Operating cycles electrical at Ue and Ie 1500 1500 1500
Internal resistance 6 mΩ 5 mΩ 3 mΩ
Width 58 58 55
Height 93 93 140
Depth 76 76 160
Weight 265 g 265 g 920 g
Mounting quick fastening on DIN rail acc. to IEC/EN 60517 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm
Screw fastening 2xM4x18
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20
Terminal capacity Flexible with end sleeve mm² 2x (1-6) 2x (1-6) 2x (1-35)
AWG 18-10 18-10 14-2
Tightening torque of terminal screws 1.7 Nm 1.7 Nm 3 Nm
Ambient temperature range -25°C to +60°C -25°C to +60°C -25°C to +60°C
Climatic resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-78 Damp heat, constant
acc. to IEC 60068-2-30 Damp heat, cyclic
Pollution degree 2 2 2
Operating cycles mechanical 100,000 100,000 100,000
Operating cycles mechanical per hour <120 <120 <120
Dimensions (mm)
W7400-7622.indd 28 28 01.06.2010 9:53:4214:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - DC Disconnection DC
DC Switch-disconnector SOL30-Safety
• Field of application: :
DC disconnection in photovoltaic systems between
PV array and inverter to switch off the energy
• Remote release by undervoltage release 230V, 50Hz
• Feedback of the switching status by auxiliary contacts
1 NO and 1 NC
• Pre-wired unit ready for connection
• Lock-able in OFF-position with a padlock
• Any mounting position
• Spring work contacts
• Application acc. to IEC/EN 60947-3
Technical Data
Number of poles 2
Rated operational voltage Ue 1000 VDC
Rated operational current Ie 30 A
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm 500 A
Rated short-time withstand current 1sec. Icw 700 A
Utilization category DC-21 A
Overvoltage category III
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 8 kV
Operating cycles electrical at Ue and Ie 1500
Internal resistance 5 mΩ
Weight 470 g
Degree of protection IP65
Ambient temperature range -25°C to +60°C
Climatic resistance acc. to 60068-2-78 Damp heat, constant
acc. to 60068-2-30 Damp heat, cyclic
Pollution degree 3
Operating cycles mechanical 100,000
Operating cycles mechanical per hour <120
Dimensions (mm)
SOL30- a
Safety [mm]
MC3 197
MC4 234
MV 224
Technical Data
Number of poles 2 2
Rated operational voltage Ue 1000 VDC 1000 VDC
Rated operational current Ie 20 A 30 A
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm 500 A 500 A
Rated short-time withstand current 1sec. Icw 700 A 700 A
Utilization category DC-21 A DC-21 A
Overvoltage category III III
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 8 kV 8 kV
Operating cycles electrical at Ue and Ie 1500 1500
Internal resistance 8 mΩ 7 mΩ
Weight 420 g 420 g
Degree of protection IP65 IP65
Terminal capacity with / without end sleeve mm²
Ambient temperature range -25°C to +60°C -25°C to +60°C
Climatic resistance acc. to 60068-2-78 Damp heat, constant
acc. to 60068-2-30 Damp heat, cyclic
Pollution degree 3 3
Operating cycles mechanical 100,000 100,000
Operating cycles mechanical per hour <120 <120
Dimensions (mm)
SOL20(30) a
MC4 234
MV 224
SOL20 SOL20/2MC4 + Strings
- Strings
+ Strings
Input (M12)
SOL20/4MC4 + Strings - Strings
- Strings
SOL30 SOL30/2MC4 SOL30/2MV SOL30/4MC4
1 3 5 1 3 5
1 3 5
2 4 6 2 4 6
2 4 6
+ -
Output (M16)
+ -
W7400-7622.indd 30 30 01.06.2010 9:53:4914:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - DC String Protection DC
Technical Data
Number of poles 2
Rated operational voltage Ue 900 VDC
Rated current In 4 / 7 / 12 / 20 / 30 A
Thermal tripping characteristic 1.05 to 1.3 x In
Electromagnetc tripping characteristic 6 x In
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu 5 kA
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics 1.5 kA
Overvoltage category III
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 8 kV
Operating cycles electrical at Ue and In 1500
Internal resistance 138 / 60 / 32 / 14 / 9 m Ω
Width 58
Height 93
Depth 76
Weight 265 g
Mounting quick fastening on DIN rail acc. to IEC/EN 60517 35 mm
Screw fastening
Degree of protection IP20
Terminal capacity Flexible with end sleeve mm² 2x (1-6)
AWG 18-10
Tightening torque of terminal screws 1.7 Nm
Ambient temperature range -25°C to +60°C
Climatic resistance acc. to IEC 60068-2-78 Damp heat, constant
acc. to IEC 60068-2-30 Damp heat, cyclic
Pollution degree 2
Operating cycles mechanical 100,000
Operating cycles mechanical per hour <120
Mounting position
90° 90°
Tripping characteristic curve Adjustment tool for the String Circuit-Breaker PKZ-SOL
String circuit breaker PKZ-SOL
tripping time
0 5 10 15 20 25
Short circuit current of the Solar module [A]
Dimensions (mm)
W7400-7622.indd 32 32 01.06.2010 9:53:5314:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - DC String Protection DC C
Fuse-disconnector FCFDC10DI-..-SOL
• Design according to
IEC 60947-1 Ed. 4.0, EN 60947-1:1999+A1:2000+A2:2001
IEC 60947-3 Ed. 2.1, EN 60947-3:1999+A1:2001
• Types L with visual tripping indicator
• Suitable for cylindrical fuse-links photovoltaic application
10x38 according to IEC 60269, UL284-4
• Can be sealed with lead
• Supplied without fuse-links
Technical Data
Electrical Mechanical
Number of poles 1P, 2P Frame size 45 mm
Rated voltage Ue 1000 V DC Device height 83.3 mm
Rated current Ie 25 A Device width 17.5 mm per pole
Rated conditional short-circuit current 10 kA Weight
Utilization category DC 20 B 1P 58 g
Rated insulation voltage Ui 1000 V DC 2P 70 g
Overvoltage category III Mounting Quick fastening on DIN rail
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 6 kV IEC/EN 60715
Power loss per current path Degree of protection IP20
without fuse-link 0.9 W Terminals above and below lift terminals
Maximum permissible power loss Terminal capacity 0.5 - 10 mm2
of fuse-links 3W AWG 20-8
Tightening torque of terminal screws 1.2 Nm
Ambient temperature range -25 to +40°C
Flame class glow wire tested 960°C
Pollution degree 2
Comparative tracking index CTI 450
Dimensions (mm)
Technical Data
Electrical ASFLC10-..A-gPV-SOL
Rated voltage Un 6 - 20 A / 1000 V DC
25 A / 900 V DC
Rated frequency –
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity 30 kA
τ = L/R 2 ms
Max.Power dissipation
Rated current Pre-arcing Joule integral Operating Joule integral Power dissipation Power dissipation Weight
In L/R = 2 ms L/R = 2 ms at 0.7 x In at In
Pd Pd
[A] [A2s] [A2s] [W] [W] [g]
2 1.3 3.5 1.47 1.00 10
4 3.3 28 0.52 1.25 10
6 5.5 45 0.73 1.65 10
8 8 62 0.93 1.9 10
10 11 88 1.06 2.3 10
12 23 180 1.03 1.9 10
16 35 270 1.00 2.5 10
20 50 430 1.18 3.25 10
25 75 620 1.25 3.45 10
Dimensions (mm)
Type Size a bmax. c dmin. r
ASFLC10 10x38 38.0±0.6 10.5 10.3±0.1 6 1.5±0.5
Instantaneous current Ip in A
W7400-7622.indd 34 34 01.06.2010 9:53:5714:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Surge Protection DC
Technical Data
SPPT2PA-600-2PE SPPT2PA-1000-2PE(-AX)
Response time ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 600 V DC 1000 V DC
Rated frequency DC DC
Nominal discharge current In 15 kA (8/20) μs 15 kA (8/20) μs
Voltage protection level Up ≤ 3 kV ≤ 5 kV
Residual voltage at 5 kA (8/20) μs ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 4 kV
Maximum discharge current Imax 30 kA (8/20) μs 30 kA (8/20) μs
Permissible back-up fuse – –
Maximum short-circuit current Isc 80 A 80 A
Residual current IPE ≤ 20 μA ≤ 20 μA
Frame size 45 mm 45 mm
Device height 90 mm 90 mm (99 mm)
Device width 35.6 mm 35.6 mm
Weight 247 g 247 g (249 g)
Upper and lower lift terminal capacity
stranded / solid core 4-25/4-35 mm2/AWG11-2 4-25/4-35 mm2/AWG11-2
Tightening torque of terminal screws 4.5 Nm 4.5 Nm
Permitted ambient temperature -40°C up to +80°C -40°C up to +80°C
Mounting quick fastening on DIN rail IEC/EN 60715
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Polution degree 2 2
Auxiliary switch
Electrical Mechanical
Rated insulation voltage 250 V Terminal capacity
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz stranded / solid core 1.5/1.5 mm2/AWG28-16
Switching contact 1 CO Tightening torque
Minimum voltage per contact 5 V AC/DC of terminal screws 0.25 Nm
Rated operational current 1.5 A / 250 V AC
1.5 A / 30 V DC
Min. admissible power 5 mA / 5 V
Technical Data
SPPT2PA-600-2+1PE SPPT2PA-1000-2+1PE(-AX)
Response time L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 600 V DC 1000 V DC
Rated frequency DC DC
Nominal discharge current In 15 kA (8/20) μs 15 kA (8/20) μs
Voltage protection level Up L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 3 kV ≤ 5 kV / ≤ 3 kV
Residual voltage at 5 kA (8/20) μs L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 2 kV ≤ 4 kV / ≤ 2 kV
Maximum discharge current Imax 30 kA (8/20) μs 30 kA (8/20) μs
Permissible back-up fuse – –
Maximum short-circuit current Isc 80 A 80 A
Residual current IPE ≤ 20 μA ≤ 20 μA
Frame size 45 mm 45 mm
Device height 90 mm 90 mm (99 mm)
Device width 53.4 mm 53.4 mm
Weight 318 g 318 g (323 g)
Upper and lower lift terminal capacity
stranded / solid core 4-25/4-35 mm2/AWG11-2 4-25/4-35 mm2/AWG11-2
Tightening torque of terminal screws 4.5 Nm 4.5 Nm
Permitted ambient temperature -40°C up to +80°C -40°C up to +80°C
Mounting quick fastening on DIN rail IEC/EN 60715
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Polution degree 2 2
Auxiliary switch
Electrical Mechanical
Rated insulation voltage 250 V Terminal capacity
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz stranded / solid core 1.5/1.5 mm2/AWG28-16
Switching contact 1 CO Tightening torque
Minimum voltage per contact 5 V AC/DC of terminal screws 0.25 Nm
Rated operational current 1.5 A / 250 V AC
1.5 A / 30 V DC
Min. admissible power 5 mA / 5 V
W7400-7622.indd 36 36 01.06.2010 9:53:5814:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Surge Protection DC
Technical Data
SOL-SP600 SOL-SP1000
Responding time L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns ≤ 25 ns / ≤ 100 ns
Maximum continuous operating voltage UC 600 V DC 1000 V DC
Rated frequency DC DC
Nominal discharge current In 15 kA (8/20) μs 15 kA (8/20) μs
Voltage protection level Up L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 3 kV / ≤ 3 kV ≤ 5 kV / ≤ 3 kV
Residual voltage at 5 kA (8/20) μs L+ -> L- / L -> PE ≤ 2.5 kV / ≤ 2 kV ≤ 4 kV / ≤ 2 kV
Maximum discharge current Imax 30 kA (8/20) μs 30 kA (8/20) μs
Permissible back-up fuse – –
Maximum short-circuit current Isc 80 A 80 A
Residual current IPE ≤ 20 μA ≤ 20 μA
Rated operational voltage Ue 600 VDC 1000 VDC
Rated operational current Ie MC3, MC4 30 A 30 A
M16 32 A 32 A
Weight 420 g 420 g
Degree of protection IP65 IP65
Terminal capacity +,- without end sleeve 6 mm² 6 mm²
AWG 10 10
PE stranded / flexible 4-25 / 4-35 mm² 4-25 / 4-35 mm²
AWG 11-2 11-2
Tightening torque of terminal screws +,- 3 Nm 3 Nm
PE 4.5 Nm 4.5 Nm
Permitted ambient temperature -40°C to +60°C -40°C to +60°C
Pollution degree 3 3
Technical Data
Inserts SPMT2PA -280 -335 -NPE
SPD-type T2 T3 T2 T3 T2 T3
Mechanical coding x x y
Responding time < 25 ns < 25 ns < 100 ns
Voltage protection level at nominal discharge current / Uoc < 1.4 kV < 1.6 kV < 1.5 kV
Voltage protection level at 5 kA (8/20) μs 1000 V 1200 V -
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc 280 VAC 335 VAC 260 VAC
Temporary overvoltage test value UT 350 VAC (5s) 415 VAC (5s) 12000 VAC (200ms)
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Open circuit voltage Uoc 10 kV 10 kV 5 kV
Nominal discharge current (8/20) μs In 20 kA 20 kA 40 kA
Charge Q at In 0.57 As 0.57 As 1.14 As
Specific energy at In 5.7 kJ/Ω 5.7 kJ/Ω 22.8 kJ/Ω
Maximum discharge current Imax 40 kA 40 kA 60 kA
Follow current interrupt rating Ifi – –
Permissible back-up fuse ≤ 160 AgL mMCT-C100
Maximum short-circuit current 50 kAr.m.s. 20 kAr.m.s.
Connection diagram
Frame size 45 mm
Device height 80 mm
Device width 17.5 mm per pole
Weight base 1P, 1+1P, 2P, 3P, 3+1P, 4P 53/120/120/180/240/240 g
Weight complete devices 1P, 1+1P, 2P, 3P, 3+1P, 4P 110/201/220/330/412/440 g
Permitted ambient temperature -40°C to +70°C
Degree of protection (built-in) IP40
Upper and lower lift terminal capacity 4 - 25 mm2
Upper and lower open mouthed terminals
for busbar thickness up to 1.5 mm
Tightening torque of terminal screws 2.4 - 3 Nm
Quick fastening on DIN rail according to IEC/EN 60715
Dimensions (mm) Application Examples SPMT2PA according to IEC 60364-5-53 Clause 534
W7400-7622.indd 38 38 01.06.2010 9:53:5914:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Surge Protection AC
Technical Data
SPD-type T2 T3 T2 T3
Connection diagram L1 L2 L3
x x x x
y y
Mechanical coding of base yx yxxx
Frame size 45 mm 45 mm
Device height 80 mm 80 mm
Device width 35 mm 70 mm
Weight 201 g 412 g
Upper and lower lift terminal capacity 1 - 25 mm2 1 - 25 mm2
Open-mouthed terminals at both sides for busbar thickness up to 1.5 mm 1.5 mm
Tightening torque of terminal screws 2.4 - 3 Nm 2.4 - 3 Nm
Permitted ambient temperature -40°C to +70°C -40°C to +70°C
Mounting quick fastening on DIN rail IEC/EN 60715
Degree of protection (built-in) IP40 IP40
Technical Data
Electrical Mechanical
Rated insulation voltage 250 V Frame size 45 mm
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz Device height 80 mm
Switching contact 1 CO Device width 8.8 mm
Minimum voltage per contact 24 VAC Weight 41 g
Rated operational current AC12 2A/250VAC Mounting screw-mounting
Maximum back-up fuse 2 A gL onto SPMT2PA
Overvoltage category IV Degree of protection, built-in IP40
Pollution degree 2 Finger and hand touch safe acc. to BGV A3, ÖVE-EN 6
Upper and lower terminals lift terminals
Terminal capacity 2 x 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque
of terminal screws 0.8 - 1 Nm
Lead-through terminal for surge protective devices, SPD-type 2 (Class C), ASLTT-63
• The lead-through terminal permits orderly wiring of SPDs types 2 (class C).
It serves as lead-through terminal in circuits requiring vertical connections Connection diagram
from the upper to the lower SPD connection level.
• 1-pole
• Suitable for standard busbar connection to EATON switchgear
Technical Data
Electrical Mechanical
Rated voltage 690V AC/DC Frame size 45 mm
Rated current 63 A Device height 80 mm
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz Device width 17.5 mm
Mounting quick fastening on
DIN rail IEC/EN 60715
Degree of protection, built-in IP40
Finger and hand touch safe acc. to BGV A3, ÖVE-EN 6
Upper and lower terminals lift and
open-mouthed terminals
Terminal capacity 1 - 25 mm2
Busbar thickness 0.8 - 2 mm
Tightening torque
of terminal screws 2.4 - 3 Nm
3+NPE T-63
W7400-7622.indd 40 40 01.06.2010 9:54:0114:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - Energy Management
Connection example for energy sensor CEMU-01/04
Energy sensor
PV modules PV inverter
The reading on the PV inverter might be
different than the reading on the Room-
Reason: Leakage and drop of voltage at ISG1I-1500/1 ISG1I-2000/1 ISG1I-2800/1
the wiring and/or the transmitting inter-
vals from the energy sensor to the
Room-Manager and the update intervals
at the PV-inverter display.
Energy sensor
PV modules PV inverter
External sensor
The reading on the PV inverter might be
different than the reading on the Room-
Reason: Leakage and drop of voltage at ISG1I-3300/1 ISG1x-4000/1 ISG3O-4600/1 ISG1O-6000/1-I
the wiring and/or the transmitting inter-
vals from the energy sensor to the
Room-Manager and the update intervals
at the PV inverter display
Technical specifications
Power supply 230VAC, 50Hz
Connections Lead wires solid, 2.5mm²
Power consumption 0.42VA
Pre-protection LS 16A, characteristic C
Max. current 16 A
Min. output >3 W
Max. output ≤3680 W
45.5 26
Accuracy 10%
Measurement units Energy in Wh, current in A, voltage in V,
active power in W
Frequency 868.300 MHz
Type of transmission Bi-directional, via coded telegrams
Reach inside buildings typically 15-25 m, 1 wall + 1 ceiling
(depending on wall thickness and material!!)
Degree of Protection IP20
Degree of soiling 2
Operating temperature -5 to +45°C
Storage and transportation temp. -25 to +70°C
Enclosure colour Grey, RAL7035
Enclosure dimensions HxWxD - 48.6 x 45.3 x 26.2 mm
Length of lead wires 150 mm
Approval: Printed onto the device
Technical specifications
Power supply 230VAC, 50Hz
Connections Lead wires solid, 1.5mm²
Power consumption 0.42VA
Pre-protection LS 16A, characteristic C
Max. current 16 A
Min. output >15 W (over external sensor)
Max. output <23 W (max. 100A) (over external sensor)
45.5 26
Accuracy 10%
Measurement units Energy in Wh, current in A, voltage in V,
active power in W
Frequency 868.300 MHz
Type of transmission Bi-directional, via coded telegrams
Reach inside buildings typically 15-25 m, 1 wall + 1 ceiling
(depending on wall thickness and material!!)
Degree of Protection IP20
Degree of soiling 2
Operating temperature -5 to +45°C
Storage and transportation temp. -25 to +70°C
Enclosure colour Grey, RAL7035
Enclosure dimensions HxWxD - 48.6 x 45.3 x 26.2 mm
Length of lead wires 150 mm
Approval: Printed onto the device
W7400-7622.indd 42 42 01.06.2010 9:54:0314:35
04.07.11 Uhr KUP04
Photovoltaic - RF system - Surface-Mounted Devices