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Is 8130 2013

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IS 8130 : 2013

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Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

C 229.060.20

© BIS 2013
NEW DELHI 110002

October 2013 Price Group 4

Power Cables Sectional Committee, ETD 09

This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Power Cables Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
This standard was originally published in 1976 and was subsequently revised in 1984. This revision has been
undertaken to bring it in line with International practices.
During the first revision of this standard, the conductors were divided into different classes, the flexibility of the
conductor increasing with the class number. The number of classes of conductor were reduced to four. There are
two classes of conductors for cables for fixed installations; Class 1 is for solid conductors only and Class 2 is for
stranded conductors. For flexible conductors also there are two classes; as these correspond closely with Classes
5 and 6 of the previous edition, those class numbers have been retained to preserve continuity and avoid any
confusion. Classes 3 and 4 were omitted, since they have had relatively little use and Classes 2 and 5 respectively
were considered suitable for most of the applications for which ch C
Classes 3 and 4 had been employed.
pecified maximum
Also during the first revision, the number of different specified mumm resistance values for different types of
conductor of the same nominal cross-sectional area we ere
re red
were d
reduced. Th
Thehe flle
flexible aluminium conductors for welding
ethodss of
cables were also included. Also the details about methods o various
uss tests
t which were taken out from this standard
erence were made
were covered in a separate standard, to which reference ad
d at appropriate places.
Major changes in this revision include the following:
nal cro
a) Addition of a definition for nominal cros ctional
nall area and segmental conductor.
ductor sizes inn Table
b) An increase in the range of conductor Tab 2.
c) A new type of conductor has been
en aadded, th
hat is segmental conductor.
While formulating this standard, assistance hass been
be derived from IEC 60228 (2004) ‘Conductors of insulated
nall Electrotechnical
cables’, issued by the International E
Ele ch
nica Commission (IEC).
For the purpose of deciding wheth he a particular
whether icula requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
ing the result
observed or calculated, expressing ult off a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numeri
um i values
numerical lu
uees (re
(r ev
(revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
me as that
value should be the same t of the hee specified
s value in this standard.
IS 8130 : 2013

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

1 SCOPE 3.2 Nominal Cross-Sectional Area — Value that

identifies a particular size of conductor but is not
1.1 This standard specifies the properties and
subject to direct measurement.
construction of copper and aluminium conductors for
insulated electric cables and flexible cords. 3.3 Segmental Conductor — Circular conductor
consisting of number of shaped or segment conductor
1.2 This standard does not apply to,
and each separated by suitable separator. The number
a) conductors for use in coils of machines or of segments or sector shaped conductor can be 4, 5 or 6.
apparatus; NOTE — Each particular size of conductor in this standard is
b) conductors without insulation, for use in aerial required to meet a maximum resistance value.
c) conductors for telecommunication purposes;
and 4.1 Aluminium
4 um
d) conductors of special design, for example, ple,
hollow-core conductors. The mate
ate for conductor shall consist of plain
ni It shall be one of the following grades with
2 REFERENCES ccorresponding tensile strength limits:
thee co
The following standards contain provisions ons which,
through reference in this text, constitute p pro vis
provisions of Grade Tensile Strength, N /mm2
this standard. At the time of publication,on,, th
tthe editions
0 Up to and including 100
indicated were valid. All standards dss aare subjectect to
H2 Above 100 and up to and including 150
revision, and parties to agreements ents
ntts bbased on thisth
H4 Above 150
g the possibility
standard are encouraged to investigate ossi
ions of thee stand
of applying the most recent editions standards
indicated below. a) For shaped solid conductors and the welding
cable conductors, only Grade 0 aluminium
IS No. Titlee shall be used;
613 : 2000 er rods
Copper rod and bars rs for
fo electrical b) For conductors of cross-sectional area up to
purposes and including 10 mm 2, H2 or H4 Grade
1885 (Part 32) : Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 32 aluminium shall be used; and
1993/IEC Electric cables c) For the remaining conductors, aluminium of
50-461 : 1984 Grade 0, H2 or H4 may be used.
10810 Method of test for cables:
(Part 1) : 1984 Annealing test for wires used in 4.2 Copper
The conductors shall be made from high conductivity
(Part 2) : 1984 Tensile test for aluminium wires
copper rods complying with IS 613. The conductors
(Part 3) : 1984 Wrapping test for aluminium wires
shall consist of tinned or untinned annealed copper as
(Part 4) : 1984 Persulphate test of conductor
may be specified.
(Part 5) : 1984 Conductor resistance test

3 TERMINOLOGY 4.3 Form of Conductor

For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given The conductors shall be solid, circular, shaped,
in IS 1885 (Part 32) and the following shall apply. compacted, stranded or bunched as required by the
appropriate cable specification. The conductor shall
3.1 Metal Coated — Coated with a thin layer of be clean, reasonably uniform in size and shape, smooth
suitable metal, such as tin or tin alloy. and free from harmful defects.

IS 8130 : 2013

4.4 Joints in Conductor 6.3.3 The number of wires in the conductor shall be
not less than appropriate minimum number given in
4.4.1 Stranded Conductors
Table 2.
Joints shall be permitted in the individual wires of
which the conductor is formed, but no joint shall be 6.4 Flexible Conductors (Classes 5 and 6)
within 300 mm of any other joint within the same layer. 6.4.1 Conductor shall consist of plain or tinned
The joints shall be made by resistance butt welding, annealed copper.
fusion welding, cold pressure welding, electric
welding, gas welding, brazing or silver soldering. 6.4.2 The wires in the conductor shall have same
nominal diameter before bunching.
4.4.2 Solid Conductors (Aluminium Conductors only)
6.4.3 The diameter of the wires in any conductor shall
No joints shall be made in the finished solid conductor. not exceed the appropriate maximum value given in
Table 3 for Class 5 and Table 4 for Class 6 conductors.
5.1 The conductors have been divided into four classes 6.5 Flexible Aluminium Conductors for Welding
as follows : Cables

a) Cables for fixed installations Classes 1 and 2 6.5.1 Conductor shall consist of plain aluminium.
b) The flexibles Classes 5 and 6 6.5.2 The wires in the conductor shall have same
c) Copper welding cables Class 6 nominal
mi diameter before stranding.
5.2 Aluminium conductors for welding cables have not 6.5.3
6.5 3 The diamet
iam of wires in any conductor shall not
been assigned any class number. eexceed the
exc he appropriate
aap maximum value given in
TTable 5.
6.1 Solid Conductor (Class 1)
Tests for Copper Conductors
7.1 T
6.1.1 The conductor shall consist of single wiree of
of plain
or tinned annealed copper or plain aluminium miniuum in 7.1.1
1 Persulphate Test (for Tinned Copper only)
accordance with Table 1. This test shall be carried out in accordance with
6.1.2 Solid copper conductor shall bee of circ
circular cross-
ss- Method B given in IS 10810 (Part 4). The mass of
section. copper dissolved shall not exceed the appropriate value
given below:
6.1.3 Solid aluminium conductor of sizes
si from m 2
m 100 mm
up to and including 35 mm2 shall
hall be
b of circular
cular cross- Wire Diameter Permissible Mass of
section. Sizes 35 mm2 and d aabove
abo mayy bbe oof either Copper Dissolved, Max
circular or shaped cross-section.
ect mm g/m2
6.2 Stranded Circular Non
d Conductors
ted Up to and including 0.41 5
(Class 2)
Above 0.41 3
6.2.1 Conductor shall consist of plain or tinned
annealed copper or plain aluminium. 7.1.2 Annealing Test
6.2.2 The wires in the conductor shall have the same Before standing
nominal diameter before stranding.
This test shall be carried out in accordance with
6.2.3 The number of wires in the conductor shall be IS 10810 (Part 1). The elongation shall be not less than
not less than the appropriate minimum number gives the appropriate value given below:
in Table 2.
Wire Diameter Elongation, Min
6.3 Stranded Compacted Circular Conductors and
Shaped Conductors (Class 2) Over Up to and Including
mm mm Percent
6.3.1 Conductor shall consist of plain or tinned
annealed copper or plain aluminium. — 0.21 9.0
0.21 0.41 13.5
6.3.2 The ratio of the diameters of two wires before 0.41 1.36 18.0
stranding in the same conductor shall not exceed 2. 1.36 — 22.5

IS 8130 : 2013 After stranding for welding cables shall have a minimum of 12 percent
Under consideration.

7.2 Tests for Aluminium Conductors 7.3 Resistance Test (for Both Copper and
7.2.1 Tensile Test
This test shall be done on the finished conductors in
This test shall be carried out in accordance with accordance with IS 10810 (Part 5). The dc resistance
IS 10810 (Part 2). The sample shall meet the following of the conductor shall be measured at room temperature
requirements: and corrected to 20°C by means of the appropriate
a) Before stranding — The tensile strength of factors given in Table 6.
any of the wires shall comply with the values 7.3.1 The corrected dc resistance shall not exceed the
given in 3.1. values given in the appropriate Table 1 to Table 5.
b) After stranding — The tensile strength of any
of the wires shall be not less than 95 percent 8 PACKING AND MARKING
of the minimum values given in 3.1.
8.1 The conductor shall either be wound on reels or
NOTE — This test for wires taken from stranded drums or supplied in coils packed and labelled. The
conductors is not applicable in the case of compacted
circular conductors or shaped conductors.
label shall contain the name of the manufacturer, trade
name, if any; size and length of the conductor.
7.2.2 Wrapping Test
NOTE — The re
NO requirements of packing and marking are not
This test shall be done in accordance with IS 10810 aapplicablee when
whe the processing of the conductor forms part of
(Part 3). The criteria for passing is that the wire shalll nufac
the manufacturing of complete cable.
not break.
8.2 BIS
S Certification
Ce Marking
NOTE — This test is not applicable to shaped solid conductors,
ct rs
wires taken from stranded conductors in case of compacted he con
The co
conductor (reel, drum or label) may also be marked
g cca
circular or shaped conductors and wires used for welding bl
cable withh the
t Standard Mark.
8.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the
7.2.3 Annealing Test
provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
This test is applicable to shaped solid conductor
d andd and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
wires of conductor (before stranding) ng) for welding
ing) eldingg details of conditions under which a license for the use
cables only. The test shall be carriedd out
out in accordance
o cordan
or of the Standard Mark may be granted to the
with IS 10810 (Part 1). Shaped solid id conductors
olid ctorss sshall manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
have a minimum of 25 percent and wires of cond conductor Bureau of Indian Standards.

IS 8130 : 2013

Table 1 Solid Conductors for Single Core and Multicore Cables (Class 1)
(Clauses 6.1.1 and 7.3.1)
Sl No. Nominal Cross-Sectional Maximum Resistance of Conductor at 20° C
Circular Copper Conductors Aluminium Conductors
Circular or Shaped
Plain Tinned
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) 0.5 36.0 36.7 —
ii) 0.75 24.5 24.8 —
iii) 1 18.1 18.2 —
iv) 1.5 12.1 12.2 —
v) 2.5 7.41 7.56 —
vi) 4 4.61 4.70 —
vii) 6 3.08 3.11 —
viii) 10 1.83 1.84 3.082)
ix) 16 1.15 1.16 1.912)
x) 25 0.7271) — 1.202)
xi) 35 0.5241) — 0.8682)
xii) 50 0.3871) — 0.641
xiii) 70 0.2681) — 0.443
xiv) 95 0.1931) — 0.3203)
xv) 120 0.1531) — 0.2533)
xvi) 150 0.124 1) — 0.2063)
xvii) 185 — — 0.1643)
xviii) 240 — — 0.1253)
xix) 300 — — 0.1003)
The solid copper conductors having nominal cross-sectional
ctio al areas off 225 m 2 and above are intended for particular types of cables
5 mm
only and not for general purpose.
Aluminium conductors 10 mm2 to 35 mm2 circular ular
ar only
For single core cables, four sectoral shaped conductor
uctor may be ass
ssem into a single circular conductor.

IS 8130 : 2013

Table 2 Stranded Conductors for Single Core and Multicore Cables (Class 2)
(Clauses 6.2.3, 6.3.3 and 7.3.1)
Sl No. Nominal Cross- Minimum Number of Wires in the Maximum Resistance of Conductor
Sectional Area Conductor at 20°C
Circular Conductor Circular Copper Conductor Aluminium
(Non-Compacted) Compacted or Conductor
Shaped Conductor
Plain Wires Tinned Wires
mm2 Cu Al Cu Al Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
i) 1 3 — — — 18.1 18.2 —
ii) 1.5 3 3 — — 12.1 12.2 18.1
iii) 2.5 3 3 — — 7.41 7.56 12.1
iv) 4 7 3 — — 4.61 4.70 7.41
v) 6 7 3 — — 3.08 3.11 4.61
vi) 10 7 7 6 — 1.83 1.84 3.08
vii) 16 7 7 6 6 1.15 1.16 1.91
viii) 25 7 7 6 6 0.727 0.734 1.20
ix) 35 7 7 6 6 0.524 0.529 0.868
x) 50 19 19 6 6 0.387 0.391 0.641
xi) 70 19 19 12 12 0.268 0.270 0.443
xii) 95 19 19 15 15 0.193 0.195 0.320
xiii) 120 37 37 18 15 0.153 0.154 0.253
xiv) 150 37 37 188 155 0.124 0.126 0.206
xv) 185 37 37 300 30 0.099 1 0.100 0.164
xvi) 240 61 37 34 30 0.075 4 0.076 2 0.125
xvii) 300 61 61 34 30
30 0.060 1 0.060 7 0.100
xviii) 400 61 61 553 553 0.047 0 0.047 5 0.077 8
xix) 500 61 61 53 53 0.036 6 0.036 9 0.060 5
xx) 630 91 91 53 53 0.028 3 0.028 6 0.046 9
xxi) 8001) 91 91 533 53 0.022 1 0.022 4 0.036 7
xxii) 1 0001) 91 91
1 53 53 0.017 6 0.017 7 0.029 1
xxiii) 1 2002) — 3)
— — 0.015 1 0.015 1 0.024 7
xxiv) 1 4002) — 3)
— — 0.012 9 0.012 9 0.021 2
xxv) 1 6002) — 3)
— — 0.011 3 0.011 3 0.018 6
xxvi) 1 8002) — 3)
— — 0.010 1 0.010 1 0.016 5
xxvii) 2 0002) — 3)
— — 0.009 0 0.009 0 0.014 9
xxviii) 2 5002) — 3)
— — 0.007 2 0.007 2 0.012 7
These are segmental conductors.rs.
Can be either stranded or segmental.
The minimum number of wi wires
re for these sizes
siz iis not specified. These sizes may be constructed from 4, 5 or 6 equal segments
NOTE — In case 800 and 1 0000 square mm if constructed as per segment construction then the minimum number of wires is not
b of segments can be 4, 5 or 6.
specified. However the number

IS 8130 : 2013

Table 3 Flexible Copper Conductors for Single Core and Multicore Cables (Class 5)
(Clauses 6.4.3 and 7.3.1)
Sl No. Nominal Cross- Maximum Diameter of Maximum Resistance of Conductor at 20° C
Sectional Area Wires in Conductor
Plain Wires Tinned Wires
mm2 mm Ω/km Ω/km
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) 0.5 0.21 39.0 40.1
ii) 0.75 0.21 26.0 26.7
iii) 1 0.21 19.5 20.0
iv) 1.5 0.26 13.3 13.7
v) 2.5 0.26 7.98 8.21
vi) 4 0.31 4.95 5.09
vii) 6 0.31 3.30 3.39
viii) 10 0.41 1.91 1.95
ix) 16 0.41 1.21 1.24
x) 25 0.41 0.780 0.795
xi) 35 0.41 0.554 0.565
xii) 50 0.41 0.386 0.393
xiii) 70 0.51 0.272 0.277
xiv) 95 0.51 0.206 0.210
xv) 120 0.51 0.161 0.164
xvi) 150 0.51 0.129 0.132
xvii) 185 0.51 0.106 0.108
xviii) 240 0.51 0.080 1 0.081 7
xix) 300 0.51 0.064 1 0.065 4
xx) 400 0.5
0.51 0.048 6 0.049 5
xxi) 500 0.61 0.038 4 0.039 1
xxii) 630 0.61 0.028 7 0.029 2

Table 4 Flexible Copper Conductors

rs for Single
g Core
gle C and Multicore Cables (Class 6)
(Clauus 6.4.3 .3 aand
.44.3 n 7.3.1)
Sl No. Nominal Cross- Ma
Maximum Diamet
m of Maximum Resistance of Conductor at 20°C
Sectional Area Wires in
n Conductor
C nd
Plain Wires Tinned Wires
mm2 m
mm Ω/km Ω/km
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) 0.5 0.16 39.0 40.1
ii) 0.75 0.16 26.0 26.7
iii) 1 0.16 19.5 20.0
iv) .5
1.5 0.16 13.3 13.7
v) 2.5 0.16 7.98 8.21
vi) 4 0.16 4.95 5.09
vii) 6 0.21 3.30 3.39
viii) 10 0.21 1.91 1.95
ix) 16 0.21 1.21 1.24
x) 25 0.21 0.780 0.795
xi) 35 0.21 0.554 0.565
xii) 50 0.31 0.386 0.393
xiii) 70 0.31 0.272 0.277
xiv) 95 0.31 0.206 0.210
xv) 120 0.31 0.161 0.164
xvi) 150 0.31 0.129 0.132
xvii) 185 0.41 0.106 0.108
xviii) 240 0.41 0.080 1 0.081 7
xix) 300 0.41 0.064 1 0.065 4

IS 8130 : 2013

Table 5 Flexible Aluminium Conductors for Welding Cables

(Clauses 6.5.3 and 7.3.1)
Sl No. Nominal Cross-Sectional Maximum Diameter of Wires Maximum Resistance of
Area in Conductor Conductor at 20°C
mm2 mm Ω/km
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) 25 0.31 1.23
ii) 35 0.31 0.901
iii) 50 0.31 0.634
iv) 70 0.31 0.445
v) 95 0.31 0.334
vi) 120 0.31 0.256

Table 6 Temperature Correction Factors kt for Conductor Resistance to Correct the

Measured Resistance at t °C to 20°C
( Clause 7.3)
Temperature of Conductor Correction Factor Temperature of Conductor Correction Factor
at time of Measurement at Time of Measurement
t °C kt t °C kt
(1) (2) (1) (2)
5 1.064 28 0.969
6 1.059 2
29 0.965
7 1.055 30 0.962
8 1.050 31 0.958
9 1.046 32 0.954
10 1.042 33 0.951
11 1.037 34 0.947
12 1.033 35 0.943
13 1.029 9 36 0.940
14 1.025 37 0.936
15 20
1.020 38 0.933
16 1.0 016
1.016 39 0.929
17 1.012 40 0.926
18 11.0
1.008 41 0.923
19 11.004 42 0.919
20 1.000 43 0.916
21 0.996 44 0.912
22 92
0.992 45 0.909
23 98
0.988 46 0.906
24 0 984
0.984 47 0.903
25 00.
0.980 48 0.899
26 00.9 7
0.977 49 0.896
27 0.973 50 0.893
kt is based on resistance temperature co-efficient of 0.004 per °C at 20°C using following formula :

1 250
kt = =
1 + 0.004 (t - 20) 230 + t

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

.: ETD
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: D 09 (6339).

Amendments Issue
Issued Sincee Pu
P ub

Amend No. D
Date of Iss
sue Text Affected

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