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Standard of HVAC Industry

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Now the
Standard of
HVAC Industry
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In this Issue TABB Staff

ANSI Seal Validates TABB Structure . . . . . 3

Anthony Picarazzi
TABB: More and More, the Pros TABB Administrator
Ask for It by NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
John Hamilton
NEMI Presses Ahead on Fire Life Chief Operating Officer
Safety Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Kevin Casey
How NEMI Poked Holes in Conventional Director of Certification
Wisdom About UFAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Bureau
2009 TABB Conference in Philadelphia . . . . . 9 601 North Fairfax Street, Suite 250
Affiliate Spotlight—SMACNA’s Alexandria, VA 22314-4139
Phone: 800-458-6525 ■ Fax: 703-683-7615
Orange Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 www.tabbcertified.org
Green is Cool, and Hot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

The aim of TABB certification would like to include you, along with
standards is to ensure that TABB TABB, among the leaders in the HVAC
Certified Technicians, Supervisors, and industry.
Contractors are competent, reli-
able and qualified profession- Direct benefits to you by
als. By specifying TABB in all adding TABB to your
your future balancing proj- specifications!
ects you help strengthen • Expand your bidder
the industry and further pools.
our efforts in providing the
most up-to-date and the •L
 et the HVAC indus-
highest quality training in try know you demand
the marketplace. qualified, certified,
licensed technicians
When you include TABB in your performing TAB work
specifications, please let us know. We on your HVAC systems.

For more information on TABB, call 800.458.6525

or visit online at www.tabbcertified.org

2 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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tabb supplement — advertisement

ANSI Seal Validates

TABB Structure
TABB Now the Gold Standard of HVAC Industry

ABB has won the gold standard in ITI, said all training is set to industry their people for accredited training.”
the world of performance: Accredi- performance standards. “It doesn’t Testing the competence of technicians
tation by the American National matter who the manufacturer is, the is another crucial element of TABB’s ac-
Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI af- TABB technician’s job is to determine creditation. “ANSI had to be satisfied that
firmed its approval of TABB’s applica- that the equipment is operating within our testing methods addressed real world
tion on December 10, 2008, finalizing the performance parameters that the situations,” Page said.
an exhaustive process that took two industry has set.” Setting up a hands-on testing
years to complete. To maintain that uniformity, TABB session requires lots of preparation.
ANSI’s stamp of approval is rec- training takes place in 165 Joint Ap- Lab time is scheduled. Candidates
ognized in more than 150 nations prenticeship Training Centers around are brought in. Proctors are hired to
around the globe as the symbol of the the nation. Certification testing— administer the test.
highest standards of integrity and per- which consists of a five-hour written “We have to document the tasks we
formance. TABB is the first and only examination followed by a two-day assign and demonstrate how those
HVAC systems testing, adjusting and hands-on test—is performed in TABB tasks fit in with the competence
balancing organization with the ANSI Certification Laboratories around necessary. If test scores are consis-
seal. TABB’s accreditation is also a first the country. ITI currently has nine tently too high in one area, we’re not
for ANSI—its first-ever review and ap- certified testing labs in operation. An being tough enough. If test scores are
proval of a performance exam. additional four are ready and awaiting consistently too low, we’re being too
Uniform Training and certification, and six more are under tough. ANSI’s involvement will help
Testing construction. us stay on top of the training pro-
TABB’s training standards came Meeting the Industry’s cess,” said Page.
in for particular scrutiny by ANSI. Needs The Value Chain
“They wanted to see that we carry “The industry is demanding this The Institute’s accreditation pro-
through on our testing protocols,” kind of quality. As the only testing and gram is driven by a process of continual
explained Jim Page of the Interna- balancing agency with ANSI accredita- improvement and responsiveness to
tional Training Institute, the educa- tion we’re a step ahead,” Page noted, evolving user needs. Along the value
tional arm for TABB. adding: “We’re not trying to replace chain, ANSI approval helps build public
ANSI wanted to verify that train- other bureaus. Contractors can keep confidence in the services—and the pro-
ing standards, instrumentation and their affiliations with the others and fessionals who deliver them—in dozens
methods are uniform nationwide for they can come in with us and become of important fields, from contruction
TABB-certified personnel. a SMACNA signatory as well. We’re and engineering to energy and financial
Page, who is the TABB specialist for offering contractors a place to send services. ANSI-certified professional

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organizations operate in medicine, food Balance of Interests
safety, health care, information tech- ISO/IEC 17024 also requires
nology, manufacturing, skilled trades, that all parties at interest are able
professional services and security. “News of the ANSI decision was to participate in the organization’s
Roy Ringwood, business manager for SM- greeted with enthusiasm by operation; that a balance of interests
WIA Local 105 in Los Angeles and a member members of TABB’s International is achieved and maintained; and no
of the International Certification Board single interest predominates. Within
(ICB), said ANSI certification “is just another Certification Board. “ANSI TABB, this condition is satisfied
example of the professionalism and expertise certification is very important through the operations of the Interna-
provided to the HVAC industry through our to the International Certification tional Certification Board made up of
partnership.  SMACNA contractors continue expert HVAC contractors and expert
Board and to TABB. It gives us labor representatives
to expand on their reputation as the ‘go to’
source for all services for, and related to, the the credibility of a respected ANSI accreditation requires evi-
HVAC industry.” SMACNA and SMWIA agency. This designation is going dence of strict training standards by a
third party, the role filled by the Na-
“have always been the standard setting orga- to be particularly important with tional Energy Management Institute.
nizations in the industry. ANSI’s certification the industry and the engineering The International Training Insti-
affirms what we’ve always known.”
Michael Mamayek, of Illingworth in community going forward,” said tute (ITI) of the Sheet Metal Industry,
fulfills yet another ANSI requirement
Milwaukee, is also a member of the ICB/ ICB member Howard Stine from
for an independent and objective
TABB. He applauded the ANSI ac- St. Louis-based C.E. Jarrell body to develop testing and balancing
creditation. “It will do good things for the contracting. training curricula, validating those
marketability of our signatory contractors. programs, providing capable and com-
It gives us a distinction that consumers petent instructors and ensuring that
understand.” individuals who successfully complete
Professionals in related fields—in
Quality Standards the case of TABB, that would be engi- relevant courses will master the learn-
The nature of ANSI’s neutral third- neers, architects, designers, specifiers ing objectives and the knowledge and
party evaluation process provides cer- and builders—view the ANSI seal as skills required to perform testing and
tification bodies such as TABB with an balancing functions.
an emblem of excellence ensuring
internationally recognized standard of that TABB-certified firms and techni- Relevant Training
quality and benchmarks by which to cians are knowledgeable and that their ITI’s training takes place in 165
evaluate and improve their practices. expertise is state-of-the-art. ANSI’s ac- training centers in the U.S. and Can-
Many companies in the HVAC creditation of TABB validates the confi- ada. The text books and instructional
industry might display an official-look- dence that so many of these profession- material used to provide ITI training
ing emblem, but those ratings and als have already shown by including is constantly reviewed and updated.
evaluations are local associations that TABB in their specifications. Its relevance and validity is confirmed
allow local contractors to set standards through normative documents that
and test employees. Such systems Integrity support the content of the training
virtually invite mischief from conflicts Consumers and end users under- scheme. TABB provides seven certi-
of interest among participating local stand the integrity that ANSI accredita- fied laboratories to test the knowledge
contractors. tion carries—quality assurance. of trainees. Each lab has been built to
By contrast, ANSI’s staff provides In evaluating TABB’s applica- exactly the same specifications to pro-
support and an arms-length objectiv- tion for accreditation, ANSI required vide uniform experiences for trainees.
ity for organizations it accredits. ANSI that TABB conform with ISO/IEC TABB is in the company of other
certification is an ongoing process. 17024—determining that TABB’s struc- ANSI-accredited organizations, including
Certified organizations are held to ture and systems adequately maintain the Board of Certified Safety Profession-
tough standards of performance and confidentiality, objectivity and impartial- als, Computing Technology Industry
frequent benchmarking to keep per- ity in awarding (and, when necessary, Association, the Construction Man-
formance within the required range. withdrawing) certifications among ager Certification Institute, InfoComm
Competence Verified TABB participating companies and indi- International, the Information Systems
Government regulators at the fed- vidual practitioners. ANSI demands that Audit and Control Association, North
eral, state and local levels recognize all governing decisions and operating American Board of Certified Energy
ANSI accreditation as verification rules remain free of conflicts of interest. Practitioners, the National Commission
of competence and evidence that ANSI must be satisfied through docu- for Certification of Crane Operators, the
individuals and companies display- mentation that the structures of orga- National Fire Protection Association, the
ing the ANSI logo use industry best nizations it certifies cannot be changed National Inspection Testing Certification
practices to fulfill their professional in a manner that might compromise Corporation, the Project Management
responsibilities. existing impartiality. Institute, and many others.

4 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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TABB: More H E L L O
and More, the my name is

Pros Ask for TABB

It by Name
TABB’s Stature Grows as More
Professionals Specify It by Name

rofessionals in construction, from architects and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NASA, projects of
designers, to specifiers, government officials, build- the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force and Intel.
ing owners and construction managers, are turning TABB was recently included in several commercially-
more and more to TABB in project specifications. The available design specification systems, including:
reasons for this preference? And, that boils down to
TABB’s strict code of conduct. The technical expertise • ARCOM’s (Architectural Computer Services, Inc.)
of TABB contractors and certified technicians and the MASTERSPEC planning tool, widely used by members
fact that TABB’s network of 165 first-rate training facili- of the American Institute of Architects. Updated an-
ties nationwide turns out the best and the brightest in nually, based on more than 25,000 hours of research,
the HVAC field. All those factors add value to a com- MASTERSPEC provides design professionals with time-
pleted project. saving specification and writing support on the entire
When specifications call for a TABB-certified contrac- range of specification topics. MASTERSPEC is extensive-
tor all the interested parties are assured that an HVAC ly subjected to peer reviews. Prestigious organizations,
system’s installation and ultimate performance will meet such as the National Society of Planning Engineers, the
the highest expectations for owners and end users. American Civil Engineering Company, and CASE have
In the HVAC industry, high performance is no ac- all endorsed MASTERSPEC. Users can purchase the
cident. It happens because TABB maintains the integrity MASTERSPEC library that matches their specialty—
of its certification program by: Mechanical/Electrical, Electrical or Structural/Civil
• Setting eligibility criteria for TABB Certified Super- specifications.
visors and Contractors. Contact an ARCOM at 1.800.424.5080 or 801.521.9162
• Establishing testing procedures for TABB Certified (weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mountain Time).
• Requiring continuing education and continuous • Building Systems Design, Inc. (BSD) and the Con-
compliance with eligibility criteria for certification struction Specifications Institute (CSI) have formed a
renewals. strategic alliance to promote innovative construction
• Periodically reviewing technician certification industry software, PerSpective®, a performance specifi-
standards. cations product that is now included in BSD’s SpecLink
All those elements are part of the institutional in- product. Originally released in 1999, PerSpective was
tegrity that produces the highest quality of work on the developed for CSI/DBIA by BSD.
part of TABB technicians and TABB certified supervi- Founded in 1983, BSD creates, maintains and sup-
sors and contractors (TABB professionals). ports advanced cost estimating and specification writing
TABB is already a preferred testing and balancing products in use by thousands of design professionals
source for thousands of leading public sector and pri- and contractors nationwide.
vate organizations and individual companies, including BSD software products enable customers to perform

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Ask for It by Name (cont. from p.5)
more efficiently in the areas of cost management, cost whether writing project specs or building a customized
engineering, value analysis, and specification develop- company master. 
ment. BSD’s current line of BSD SoftLink® products is Content is designed for the medium-sized construc-
gaining wide acceptance as state-of-the-art software be- tion project with provisions for expansion to larger
cause of the innovative ways that data is linked and dis- projects, to multiple contract work, to construction man-
played. All of the BSD SoftLink products are designed agement work, and other variations. SPECTEXT® II, an
to ultimately share information with each other. abridged version of SPECTEXT®, helps develop specifica-
For more information, call 1-866-DOCUBLD tions for less complex facilities, such as light commercial,
(362-8253) or go to www.bsdsoftlink.com. multi-family residential and low-rise buildings.
SPECTEXT® is the only system that conforms to
• SPECTEXT: Created in 1978, SPECTEXT® is a pro- PageFormat™, SectionFormat™ and the Project Resource
gram of The Construction Sciences Research Founda- Manual:  Manual of Practice published by the Construc-
tion, Inc., a not-for-profit foundation established in 1967 tion Specifications Institute.  SPECTEXT® coordinates
by the Construction Specifications Institute.  Licensing with Standard General Condition Documents published
fees fund SPECTEXT® development and maintenance by EJCDC and AIA.
and enable CSRF to research new programs that address With 33 specification libraries, 904 Sections, and
the integration and communication of technical infor- more than 9,700 pages of pre-written master guide
mation in the AEC industry. specifications, SPECTEXT® offers the right libraries and
SPECTEXT® is a comprehensive specification writing Sections for projects.
system designed for architects, engineers, specification SPECTEXT® Support Center can be reached at
writers, project managers, designers, owners, govern- 1-877-SPECTXT or 410-838-7525.
ment agencies and other design professionals.  It Please review our website at www.tabbcertified.org and you
provides an accepted industry standard framework for can see for yourself why the leading specification providers and
writing technically superior specs in less time — from spec-writers have inserted TABB into their Division 15 and 23
the simplest to the most sophisticated project designs — specifications.

What is the Testing, Adjusting, and

Balancing Bureau (TABB)?
TABB implements the HVAC TAB (testing, adjusting, and balancing) technician, super-
visor, and contractor certification program for SMWIA and SMACNA, which ensures
that HVAC systems operate at the highest standards, with the best energy efficiency,
and ventilation effectiveness at every stage of an indoor environmental retrofit — or new
building construction.

Who is TABB?
TABB is an organization made up of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)
industry professionals, including:
 ngineers with membership in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE);
 ontractors from the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National
Association (SMACNA); and
 abor representatives and training facilities from the Sheet Metal Workers’
International Association (SMWIA).

6 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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NEMI Presses Ahead on Fire Life Safety Training

Sixty Techs Trained at Carol Springs, IL

Mockups show how a fire alarm triggers damper motors to Don Viningre of Gowan Inc., in Houston, led the Carol Stream class. He is one of only two currently certified
automatically redirect airflow. instructors for the Fire Life Safety course.

ome 60 Sheet Metal Workers and maintain the various types of where 92 children and three nuns
International Association dampers (fire, smoke; combination were killed.
(SMWIA) members—53 of them fire/smoke; and ceiling). “I’m proud that NEMI is so pro-
were apprentices—participated in a NEMI’s Director of Research and active with these kind of programs,
presentation of the National Energy Education, Gary Nelson said NEMI breaking new ground. We’re not
Management Institute’s Fire Life developed the curriculum as new where we need to be yet, but we’re
Safety I class at the SMWIA Local systems and technologies for fire moving in the right direction,”
265 Joint Training Facility in Carol safety have emerged. “Today’s codes Boske said.
Stream, Illinois. Fifty-eight partici- vary depending on the purpose “We’re ahead of the curve, equip-
pants took the certification exam at of a given building,” Nelson said. ping people with skills for which
the end of the sessions. “As jurisdictions revise and update there is a demand, but not what you
Presented by Houston-based building codes, and product per- would call a market yet,” said Local
SMWIA trainer Don Viningre over formance improves, NEMI’s fire life 265 Training Director Joe Remes.
two days in late November, the safety instruction intends to stay “Sometimes, you have to build it,
program prepares technicians and ahead of the curve.” then they come.” Remes said Local
contractors to inspect and maintain Although HVAC systems are pri- 265 has tied some fire safety prin-
fire dampers and other elements in marily designed to deliver a desired ciples into regular sheet metal train-
a duct system to control the spread environmental condition to a ing, but “the more we do this spe-
of fire and/or smoke. building, modern fire and smoke cialty training, the better prepared
Viningre presented the first full controls are inextricably linked our people will be when officials
roll out of this training at the 2008 to the HVAC ductwork, creating a begin to set codes and ordinances.”
TABB Training Conference last May, natural synergy between the profes- Viningre, who has more than
after more than five years in devel- sionals who install and maintain 40 years of sheet metal experi-
opment. He and NEMI’s Gary Andis HVAC systems and the critical fire ence, says the germ of the fire life
are the only two certified Fire Life safety apparatus. safety program was born in 2003
Safety instructors. NEMI is preparing “This kind of stuff is the future,” in discussions with fire marshals
for a series of “train the trainer” pro- commented SMWIA Local 265 and inspectors in the Houston
grams in the coming year to expand Business Manager John Boske. “This area. He cautions that the “evolu-
that number. is exactly what insurance companies tion of the program is going to be
Fundamental SMWIA training ought to be looking for.” Boske constant.” NEMI will “continue to
covers installation of ducts, damp- said he was reminded of the critical work with the people who write
ers, fans, controls and fire safety need for fire safety in December the building codes and the fire
related devices. The new program 2008 as Chicago observed the 50th ordinances as well as the equip-
prepares technicians for certifica- anniversary of the tragic fire at Our ment manufacturers to stay on top
tion to inspect fire life safety systems Lady of the Angels Catholic school, of developments.”

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How NEMI Poked Holes in Conventional Wisdom About UFAD
Reversing a Trend That Would Have
Cost Millions of Dollars

ot long ago, the craze in building technol- and accumulations of particulate matter, moisture
ogy was UFAD—Underfloor Air Distribution. and mold,” says John Hamilton, chief operating
In an atmosphere of tight budgets and raging officer for TABB.
energy costs, builders, building owners, tenants and The National Center for Energy Management
engineers were willing to embrace anything that and Building Technologies (NCEMBT) weighed in
promised to reduce costs. Along came UFAD, a with a study comparing the costs of UFAD versus
system that would do away with expensive duct- Conventional Overhead Air Distribution Systems.
work by using voids under floor space in buildings Released in September 2008, the NCEMBT study
as plenums to direct air conditioning or heating found that there are significant differences in air
through floor vents. velocity and thermal distribution between the two
About three years ago, the General Services systems under both full and partial load conditions
Administration adopted UFAD as a preference and that CAD systems are superior.
for new and renovated government buildings. Although building occupants are not likely to be
With more than eight million square feet of space sensitive to the differences in vertical temperature
converted to UFAD, the government standard was gradients, the NCEMBT study found that “UFAD
quickly becoming the standard for the construc- systems may consume more energy than CAD
tion industry. But, there were problems.
systems to achieve the same average occupied zone
In an article featured on BuildingGreen, Inc’s
temperature” because UFADs require increased
website, GSA’s chief engineer, William Holley,
supply air flow and cooling requirements.
noted that the high leakage rates led to a number
The NCEMBT study, which was conducted in
of issues: increased noise, condensation in the
the laboratory at the University of Nevada, Las
plenum, thermal discomfort, and energy waste.
Vegas, was borne out by the findings of ASHRAE
Holley also argued that a major problem with the
engineers Vijay Gupta and James E. Woods in an
installation is that it’s difficult to determine who is
earlier article presented at the High Performance
responsible for maintenance of the UFAD plenum
while it’s being built. Buildings Conference in Nashville last year.
This year, GSA conceded that UFAD systems Gupta and Woods found air leakage and dis-
proved to be seriously flawed, and reversed its ear- comfort to be significant problems, along with
lier determination, scrapping the UFAD standard. increased mold and moisture, pest infestation,
“GSA, one of the biggest consumers of HVAC maintenance difficulties, transient heat transfer
services, has recognized that UFAD systems need through walls and floor slabs, increased energy
more codification before they are implemented on consumption and inadequate design, construction
such a large scale,” said NEMI Coordinator Gary and commissioning procedures.
Nelson “We want green buildings, and the argu- John Wimer, director of the NCEMBT, notes
ment that a UFAD system is green is not holding that the problems with UFAD have become mani-
up. The research has proved this.” fest, but the biggest issue is simply that “no one
“Our contractors recognized that there were can guarantee and maintain the integrity of the
serious flaws in both the concept and the practi- plenum space with a dozen or more crafts access-
cal application of this idea. UFAD systems were ing what should be sealed plenum space.”
experiencing air leakage, mounting complaints of “NEMI’s entire team, should be credited with
discomfort, especially when systems were under putting the spotlight on this issue to bring it to the
partial loads, difficulties with testing and balancing attention of the public,” Wimer said.

8 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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2009 TABB Conference

May 17-22, Philadelphia
The 8th Annual TABB Conference will be held at the
Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing. Special
room rates have been negotiated for attendees at
$179/night. For reservations call (215) 928-1234.
For more information, go online to
The 8th Annual TABB Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at
Penn’s Landing, May 17 to 22, 2009.
Although the agenda is still under development, times for the Hall of Fame Luncheon
(noon til 2 p.m. on Friday, May 22nd ), and a closing International Certification Board
Open Forum (from 2 to 4 p.m. that afternoon) are firm.
Other highlights include a welcome reception hosted by Sheet Metal Workers International
Association Philadelphia Local 19 along with a tour of Local 19’s training facilities and a tradeshow.
Several education programs are scheduled throughout the week, starting with a Pre Conference
Workshop on, Sunday, May 17th.
Additionally, NEMI classes for TABB Supervisor, Fire Life Safety Technician 1 and 2, and Indoor
Air Quality Supervisor will take place throughout the week—capped off with certification exams.
NEMI will also present a seminar on Fume Hoods & Bio Safety Cabinets.
TABB has negotiated a special room rate ($179 per night).
For room reservations call the Hyatt Regency at Penn’s Landing
(215) 928-1234.

TABB Model Specification CD Available

ith the assistance of architect Dennis Hall (FAIA, CCS, CCA, LEED AP) of the firm of Hall Architects,
TABB has developed the TABB Model Specification CD, an HVAC informational packet containing
testing and balancing guide specifications for use by engineers. The guide has been circulated to
leading industry groups and experts in the field for review and inclusion in master guide specification systems.
TABB’s guide reflects changes in MasterFormat in 2004, as well as alternative provisions for practitioners who have
not transitioned to the recent update and are continuing to use the 1995 edition.
Contact TABB at 800.458.6525/ or e-mail John Hamilton (jhamilton@tabbcertified.org) for a copy.

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Task Forces Tackle Industry Issues

Biosafety Level II Participants Probe for

Opportunities; Keep
Certification the Market Right
is working with the Na- hey are contractors, union business managers, researchers and
tional Sanitation Foun- educators—problem solvers, all. They come together on a regular
dation (NSF) to establish certification basis to tackle some of the most interesting and difficult issues in
programs for individuals to qualify to the industry.
inspect and certify Class II Bio Safety Task Forces assembled by the National Energy Management Insti-
Cabinets. The program is completely tute (NEMI) bring the best minds in the business together to assess
the potential of new markets, to examine best practices or to develop
run by NSF.
and launch training concepts.
NEMI is collaborating with NSF to
Today, NEMI is sponsoring five such groups. Here’s a look at
establish training facilities that can be
NEMI’s Bio-Safety Cabinet Task Force and what they’re working on.
accredited for training and testing.
Individuals who successfully
complete the training and pass the
certification exam would be qualified
to inspect and certify these cabinets,
Bio-Safety Cabinet Task Force
The bio safety cabinet task force’s mission is to promote industry
which are used to store hazardous
biological materials in laboratories, growth by training SMWIA members to test and certify exhaust fume
hospitals and similar facilities. NSF hoods and BSC which includes cabinet and filter performance testing.
publishes a printed directory and a The Task Force will provide guidelines for SMWIA members to become
web listing of all accredited biosafety accredited field certifiers through industry accepted standards.
cabinet field certifiers.
To date, three SMWIA Joint Ap- Bill Carr, US Test & Matthew Sano, Fisher
prenticeship Training Centers are go- Balance Corporation, Balancing Company,
ing through the application process Hopewell Junction, NY Williamstown, NJ
with NSF to become accredited train-
ing centers for the program: SMWIA Aldo Zambetti, SMWIA Michael Patrick, SMWIA
Local 19 in Philadelphia; Local 20 Local 19, Philadelphia Local 20, Indianapolis
in Indianapolis and Local 104 in San
Francisco. Javier Campos, JATC Dennis Miller, ICOM
NEMI Training Director Chuck Coordinator, Santa Clara Mechanical, Inc., San Jose,
Holt advises that NEMI has struc-
County Sheet Metal JATC, CA
tured a 32-hour training class to
San Jose, CA
prepare members for the written and
hands-on exam, free to Sheet Metal Joseph Sellers, Jr.,
Joseph Powell, Business Manager, SMWIA
Workers members.
Business Manager, SMWIA
NEMI is also working on a train- Local 19, Philadelphia
ing program for Fume Hoods, to Local 206, San Diego
certify performance within ASHRAE Chuck Holt, Director of
Dave Thomas, Business
110-1990. Holt is working with the Research and Education,
Bio-Safety Task Force to develop a Representative, SMWIA
NEMI, Alexandria, VA
study guide for instruction on how to Local 20, Portage, IN
test a fume hood in compliance with Tony Picarazzi,
the ASHRAE standard. David Roche, Business
Administrator, NEMI,
Manager, SMWIA Local 40,
Rocky Hill, CT Alexandria, VA

10 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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TABB Affiliate Spotlight

SMACNA’s Orange Empire

Education is a Critical Factor as Movement Toward Green Building,
LEED Standards Gains Momentum
(Left Photo) Orange Empire
President Mike Tardif with
Executive Director Julie Muller.

(Right Photo) Chapter

educational seminars include
table top trade shows as well as
lecture sessions.

tretching from the Pacific Ocean Karen Fox of Precision Air Balance “We don’t operate in a vacuum,” says
to the Nevada border, from the is the immediate past president of the Fox. “We need to constantly update our
border of Los Angeles County chapter. As former chair of the chapter’s knowledge base to serve our current
to the San Diego County line, Orange education committee, she has helped customers and bring in new ones. The
Empire Chapter serves the three coun- the chapter further develop their an- opinions and advice of experts from
ties of Orange, San Bernadino and nual technical seminars. various disciplines within the stake-
Riverside, California. The region takes Orange Empire SMACNA has been holder community are a vital part of our
in almost 30,000 square miles of densely presenting annual technical seminars knowledge base.” Fox says contractors
populated cities and towns separated by for more than 18 years. The sessions place a high value on TABB’s education-
vast deserts and wild areas. routinely draw 200 to 300 attendees al seminars and certification programs
The 40-plus SMACNA-signatory to hear from industry experts. The for technicians. “They are an excellent
sheet metal firms and 15 associate mem- seminars feature architects, engineers, avenue to insure our workforce is pre-
ber companies that serve the region are building inspectors and builders discuss- pared for the challenges of the future,
as diverse as California’s culture. They ing the latest industry developments. In and they lay the groundwork for excel-
do residential and commercial HVAC, recent years the technical seminar has lence in our industry,” she adds.
high-end custom fabrication and large- focused on energy efficiency, LEED and Board member Jim Rosier of Equal
scale new construction. They serve the Green Building standards. Air Balance, also ensures that the
needs of schools, hospitals and a range The sessions also feature a multitude chapter is involved in the testing and
public facilities. TABB contractors in the of equipment and tool suppliers as a balancing field by playing an active role
Orange Empire chapter are a small but sort of mini trade show. on the CAL SMACNA Joint Committee
influential element of the overall indus- The rapid pace of change makes on Energy and Environmental Policy
try for the tri-county unit. education a critical function for the (JCEEP), headed by long-time TABB ac-
Current Chapter President Mike chapter, says Executive Director Julie tivist Eric Emblem in Sacramento. The
Tardif heads Tardif Sheet Metal in Santa Ann Muller, especially important as the purpose of the JCEEP is to monitor and
Ana. He sees the current trends in the movement toward green building and shape state building codes as they affect
industry following the same shifts locally LEED standards gains momentum. “As the HVAC industry.
as nationally. “California is a leader in our industry continues to change, grow Rosier sees environmental services,
energy efficiency and environmental and become green, it is important that air quality, testing and balancing, and
concerns. These issues are at the top of we frequently educate our members and commissioning as the new frontier for
everyone’s list of priorities,” says Tardif. industry partners on energy efficiency sheet metal firms. “It’s humbling and
“We’re one industry that ‘got it’ a long innovations.  It is our hope that this con- challenging to see how our industry has
time ago and I see us as the leaders in stant education and participation will en- been pushed into the limelight. I think
innovation for both residential and able our members to compete and gain we’re ready to accept a larger role and
commercial markets as long as we con- market share as proud union employers all the responsibilities that come with
tinue to accept that challenge.” in the Southern California area.” it,” Rosier says.

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ICB/TABB Certification Update
By Cari B. Clark Fume Hoods In Development
Cari Clark is a free lance writer based in Northern Virginia Certification for those working on fume hoods is in demand, and
training courses and testing are slated for 2009.
When a contractor and his workers come to your home
HVAC Mechanic Available
or place of business to perform tasks that are crucial for your
Based on training received as an apprentice, certification is
comfort, safety and well-being, you want to know the job is
available to qualified individuals.
being done right, and that the highest standards are met. So
how do you know these people are doing their jobs correctly? HVAC Technician Available
Certification is a statement declaring an individual is Certification is available to the HVAC Mechanic who has taken
a highly reliable, competent and qualified professional. the steps necessary to become an entry-level HVAC service techni-
Certification equals credibility. Certification equals excel- cian. Must successfully pass the ARI industry competency exam.
lence. Certification means a higher level of expertise.
HVAC Master Mechanic Available
Since the early 1980s, certifications have been available for
Testing and certification of those supremely qualified and com-
TAB technicians. Certification for supervisors and contractors
mitted to delivering system diagnostics and service. Includes suc-
were added in 2002. SMACNA and SMWIA are the sponsors of
cessfully passing the NATE core and two disciplines.
the organizations that establish and conduct the certifications:
TABB (Testing and Balancing Bureau), ITI (International IAQ Technician Available
Testing Institute) and NEMI (National Energy Management Indoor Air Quality is of growing concern to building owners and
Institute). TABB is the only certification program that requires supervisors. The HVAC professional is in a unique position to exam-
strict adherence to a rigorous Code of Conduct. TABB certifi- ine and evaluate these systems. Classes and exams are available
cation, available to members of SMACNA and SWMIA, ensures for individuals to gain certification in this critical field.
that its certified professionals are the best in the field.
Certifications are NEMI’s top priority; therefore TABB, IAQ Supervisor Coming Soon
as directed by the ICB (International Certification Board), Certification for supervisors in IAQ available to qualified
develops a protocol for teaching, then testing (with both individuals.
written and performance tests) for certifications. It makes Life Safety Systems Available
certain that industry rules and standards are followed and The successful operation of all building HVAC systems is an inte-
that design conditions are understood and met, or the HVAC gral part of fire protection design. Qualified inspectors for fire damp-
systems are running at peak efficiency. ers and smoke control are in great demand, and certification in this
Of course, certifications must be renewed (usually, every area ensures a quality standard that will help prevent loss of life in
two years, although this may be increased to five) and pro- the event of a fire. The certified inspector will accurately report and
grams are constantly being updated and upgraded to offer document proper inspection.
state-of-the-art testing and training to Sheet Metal Workers
International Association members—ensuring that certified TABB CONTRACTORS Available
individuals have a solid reputation for excellence, expertise, TABB certification for contractors ensures the highest level service
and reliability for SMACNA contractors. and the best-qualified team to the building community.

Sound and Vibration Available

Certifications List: S&V technicians are the eyes and ears on a construction project.
Certification is a combination of work-study utilizing the SMACNA S&V
Bio Safety Cabinets Available
Certification classes and testing for building and inspection of Manual. The class is one week long, with an examination at the end.
cabinets designed to hold hazardous biological materials are available
TABB Supervisors Available
in some areas. This is not a NEMI certification; it is a National Safety
TABB’s certification for supervisors of Testing, Adjusting and
Foundation (NSF) certification for Class II Bio Safety Cabinets.
Balancing companies was developed to ensure that engineers,
Commissioning Available architects, and building owners that the TABB program is the most
Building commissioning certification consists of a one-week professional and competent one available.
class followed by an exam, and is available to qualified individuals.
TABB Technicians Available
Energy Management Available ITI technician certifications are the best available for those indi-
Technician-level energy management certification is available to qual-
viduals who qualify to perform air and hydronic balancing of build-
ified individuals. The test is based on ITI modules and field experience.
ing environmental systems. Technicians must master 14 service
Filtration Available subjects and pass a five-hour written test, followed by a 14-hour
Filtration of water is integral to most HVAC systems, and certi- performance test.
fication for HVAC filtration inspectors will enhance their credibility
and expertise. This certification is a partnership with the National Air
Filtration Association (NAFA) because theirs is widely recognized in To find a certification course near you, contact your local
the filtration industry. JATC, log on to tabbcertified.org or call (800) 458-6525.

12 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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tabb supplement — advertisement

TABB Supervisor HVAC Fire Life Safety


March 9-11, 2009 — Chicago, IL Technician, Level 1
May 17-19, 2009 — Philadelphia, PA January 20-21, 2009 — Kansas City, MO
July 13-15, 2009 — Seattle, WA February 5-6, 2009 — Casper, WY
October 12-14, 2009 — Atlanta, GA March 16-17, 2009 — Chicago, IL
May 20-21, 2009 — Philadelphia, PA
TABB Supervisor — This class focuses on the skills and knowl-
edge needed to be a TABB Certified Supervisor. The TABB Certified
July 20-21, 2009 — Seattle, WA
Supervisor’s project goal should be that contract obligations, as set October 19-20, 2009 — Atlanta, GA
forth in the drawings and specifications, would be fulfilled to the high-
est level of quality. A TABB Certified Supervisor should work directly
with testing, adjusting and balancing technicians on a project. The HVAC Fire Life Safety
TABB Certified Supervisor ensures the use of balance procedures that Technician, Level 2
impose minimum restrictions on the HVAC systems. May 20-21, 2009 — Philadelphia, PA

40-Hour TAB Technician HVAC Fire Life Safety — Suppression and control of fire and smoke
March 23-28, 2009 — Austin, TX has served as the underpinnings of building codes in the United States
for over 100 years. Nearly all buildings intended for human occupancy
are required by today’s building codes to be designed with an assur-
TAB 40 Hour — Testing and balancing is an ever-growing field ance that, over the life of the building, occupants will be reasonably
within the sheet metal industry. TAB technicians test existing air and safe from fire and smoke. Professionals who properly install, inspect,
hydronic systems to ensure they are operating as they were designed. and maintain fire dampers and related systems make an important
After the technician tests the system it is then his/her job to adjust contribution to the execution of the fire protection design and overall
or balance the system to ensure the proper amount of air or water building performance in the event of a fire.
is being delivered to the proper space. TABB recognizes that an ITI
Certified TAB Technician is a competent, reliable, and qualified profes-
sional who is able to perform, without on-the-job supervision, testing, Sound & Vibration Supervisor
adjusting and balancing of air and hydronic building environmental March12-13, 2009 — Chicago, IL
systems to produce the design objectives.
July 16-17, 2009 — Seattle, WA
Commissioning October 15-16, 2009 — Atlanta, GA
March 14, 2009 — Chicago, IL
July 18, 2009 — Seattle, WA Sound & Vibration — Complete knowledge of an HVAC system is
essential for sound and vibration work. When an air handler comes
October 17, 2009 — Atlanta, GA on in a building, it should run smoothly and with little noise. However,
some “kick in” with vibrations and a loud rolling noise. These noises
Commissioning — NEMI was first involved in commissioning with and vibrations can occur when sound travels along ductwork from
the development of their Building Commissioning Task Force which the air handler to mixing boxes in the ceiling. The sound and vibration
funded a study on the effects of commissioning/retro commissioning. professional is essential in creating a solution to this problem using
The findings were astounding. Building commissioning professionals techniques of measurement and analysis. Sound and Vibration (S&V)
will be needed in increasing numbers in the years to come. professionals are the eyes and ears on a construction project—and a
vital member of an environmental technology test team.
IAQ Technician
March 18-19, 2009 — Chicago, IL
October 21-22, 2009 — Atlanta, GA

IAQ Supervisor (Dates are subject to

January 27-30, 2009 (Evenings) — San Jose, CA
May 20-21, 2009 — Philadelphia, PA
July 22-23, 2009 — Seattle, WA change. Contact NEMI
IAQ — Technicians and Supervisors have a big role in Indoor Air Quality
(IAQ), more significant than a layman might expect. On the surface, it may for the most up-to-date
seem that the science of IAQ control is quite complicated, and it is. However,
an IAQ technician who regularly peers into an HVAC system and explores its
ducts, mechanical rooms, crawl spaces, outdoor intakes and basements is
typically well prepared to find flaws that cause IAQ problems.

www.nemionline.org www.tabbcertified.org
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Green is Cool, and Hot
t last, it’s cool to be green. And, NEMI is intent
suddenly consumers and organi- on staying ahead
zations are spending big bucks on of the curve on
anything that purports to be “green.” green technology
Organizations promoting green by communicat-
technology have cropped up all over ing with deci-
the world and the growing awareness sion makers in
of the need for conservation, energy construction and
efficiency and clean air is boosting building manage-
NEMI’s profile. ment. Periodic
NEMI is fielding new inquiries “Lunch & Learns”
from academics, government and are one of TABB’s
professional organizations about primary tools for
indoor environmental quality; TABB getting the word TAKING THE SHOW ON THE ROAD: TABB COO John Hamilton explains the importance of
and TABB-certified contractors are out about the TABB certification and putting TABB into all construction documents to a standing room
reporting new interest from building value of TABB only audience in Tulsa.
owners and managers about ways to services to archi-
Society of Heating Refrigeration
keep HVAC equipment running at tects, engineers, designers, builders
Architects and Engineers in Okla-
peak efficiency. and building inspectors. TABB’s
homa explaining how testing, adjust-
Environmental awareness bodes John Hamilton is booked up for the
ing and balancing HVAC systems
well for efforts to improve the health of next several months with scheduled
can curtail excess energy use and
building occupants and homeowners sessions all around the country to
reminding engineers of the impor-
alike, and it spells new opportunities present the TABB case.
tance of working closely with a certi-
for contractors who are ready to service In November, Hamilton addressed
fied TABB contractor.
the growing customer base. the Tulsa Chapter of the American

TABB’s 10-Point Green Building Policy

TABB-certified contractors are trained, equipped and capable of 6) Provide a summary of current building operation plan,
carrying out this 10-point process to assure that systems in “Green” highlighting major building HVAC systems and assemblies.
buildings are performing according to design objectives and/or to 7) Document that all actions of the HVAC specification
provide optimum system performance for sustainability. requirements have been completed.
1) Verify that fundamental building elements and systems are 8) Provide demonstratively either (a) that the building’s
installed, calibrated and operating as intended to deliver func- energy performance meets one of the following stan-
tional and efficient performance. dards: Energy Star (using Energy Star Target Finder),
2) Review the building operation plan to affirm that it meets the GBI and USGBC LEED (using the alternate method as
requirements of current building usage—with regard to the described in the “LEED for Existing Buildings Refer-
heating and cooling system, humidity control and building ence Guide”); or, (b) if that rating cannot be achieved,
automation controls. that the building has the most efficient possible perfor-
3) Prepare a balancing plan to test the building systems for mance given its HVAC systems.
performance up to specifications or the most efficient possible 9) Aid in implementing energy-efficient retrofits and
performance. energy-saving techniques to reduce energy usage to
4) Report all building systems that are not working according to comply with ratings described in 8, or the most ef-
specifications as stated in the building operation plan. ficient possible performance.
5) After refitting or repair, re-test all building components to 10) Provide a third party entity (certified and current
verify operation according to specifications in the building with TABB) to test, adjust and balance all building
plan, or up to the most efficient possible performance. HVAC systems.

14 TESTING ADJUSTING AND BALANCING BUREAU T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l ’s C h o i c e

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December 5, 2008

Dear Construction Specifier:

Contractors National Association (SMACN
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning ncing
ification by the Testing Adjusting and Bala
encourages your support for referencing cert of HVA C syste ms in
for the testing and balancing
Bureau (TABB) in project specifications edit ation
know, TABB recently earned ANSI accr
new and retrofit construction. As you may industry
ng and balancing agency in the HVAC
for its program, becoming the only testi lt in dire ct bene fits by
to include TABB will resu
to qualify for this distinction. A decision leve l of HVA C
urces and by raising the execution
expanding professional and accessible reso
Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) cont
ch include a strict code of conduct for tech
SMACNA endorses TABB’s procedures whi r tech ni-
t procedure also provides for a 21 hou
cians performing hands-on TAB work. Tha
cians examination.
ered by an International Certification Boa
TABB’s certification program is administ basi s.
certifications are performed on a national
headquartered in Washington, DC and all often
istency and quality in application which is
This open, national procedure insures cons
lost in locally based and administered prog
to raise the bar for TAB contractors especiall
SMACNA supports Tabb’s national effort its new
blished in many major market areas. With
with TABB certified firms now firmly esta the indu stry.
ormance expectations throughout
ANSI accreditation, TABB has elevated perf
in Specification Section 15990 or the new
SMACNA recommends including TABB .tabb certi fied. org/
B model specification at www
Division 23 05 93. You can obtain a TAB
or at
you can contact them at (800) 458-6525
To obtain more information from TABB,


Ronald J. Palmerick
SMACNA President

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