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Main page Juncus is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants, commonly known as rushes. It is the
Contents largest genus in the family Juncaceae, containing around 300 species.[2]
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1 Description
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2 Distribution and ecology
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3 Fossil record
Interaction 4 Classification
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About Wikipedia 5 References Habit of J. conglomeratus
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Description [ edit ]
What links here Rushes of the genus Juncus are herbaceous plants that superficially resemble grasses or
Related changes sedges.[3] They have historically received little attention from botanists; in his 1819 monograph,
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James Ebenezer Bicheno described the genus as "obscure and uninviting".[4]
Special pages Flower of J. squarrosus
Permanent link The form of the flower differentiates rushes from grasses or sedges. The flowers of Juncus
Scientific classification
Page information comprise five whorls of floral parts: three sepals, three petals (or, taken together, six tepals), two
Wikidata item to six stamens (in two whorls) and a stigma with three lobes.[3] The stems are round in cross- Kingdom: Plantae
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section, unlike those of sedges,[3] which are typically somewhat triangular in cross-section.[5] Clade: Angiosperms
Print/export In Juncus section Juncotypus (formerly called Juncus subg. Genuini),[6] which contains some of Clade: Monocots
Create a book the most widespread and familiar species, the leaves are reduced to sheaths around the base of Clade: Commelinids
Download as PDF the stem and the bract subtending the inflorescence closely resembles a continuation of the Order: Poales
Printable version stem, giving the appearance that the inflorescence is lateral.[7]
Family: Juncaceae
In other projects
Genus: Juncus
Wikimedia Commons Distribution and ecology [ edit ]
Juncus has a cosmopolitan distribution, with species found throughout the world, with the Type species
Languages exception of Antarctica.[2] They typically grow in cold or wet habitats, and in the tropics, are most
Juncus acutus
common in montane environments.[3]
ا L.
Diné bizaad Fossil record [ edit ]
Español Cephaloxys Desv., illegitimate
Français Several fossil fruits of a Juncus species have been described from middle Miocene strata of the
superfluous name
Italiano Fasterholt area near Silkeborg in Central Jutland, Denmark.[8]
Tristemon Raf. 1838, illegitimate
homonym, not Raf. 1819
Tiếng Việt
Classification [ edit ]
中文 (Juncaginaceae) nor Klotzsch 1838
The genus Juncus was first named under the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature for (syn of Erica in Ericaceae) nor
39 more
algae, fungi, and plants by Carl Linnaeus in his 1753 Species Plantarum. The type species of Scheele 1848 (syn of Cucurbita in
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the genus was designated by Frederick Vernon Coville in 1913; he chose the first species in Cucurbitaceae)
Linnaeus' account, which was Juncus acutus.[6] Juncus can be divided into two major groups, Juncastrum Fourr., not validly
one group with cymose inflorescences that include bracteoles, and one with racemose published
inflorescences with no bracteoles.[6] Juncinella Fourr., not validly
The genus is divided into the following subgenera and sections:[6]
Phylloschoenus Fourr., not validly
Juncus subg. Juncus
1. sect. Juncus
Tenageia (Dumort.) Fourr.
2. sect. Graminei (Engelm.) Engelm.
Microschoenus C.B.Clarke
3. sect. Caespitosi Cout.
4. sect. Stygiopsis Kuntze
5. sect. Ozophyllum Dumort.
6. sect. Iridifolii Snogerup & Kirschner
Juncus subg. Poiophylli Buchenau
1. sect. Tenageia Dumort.
2. sect. Steirochloa Griseb.
3. sect. Juncotypus Dumort.
4. sect. Forskalina Kuntze
Species [ edit ]
The Plant List accepts the following species in the genus Juncus:[9]
References [ edit ]
1. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 5. ^ Peter W. Ball; A. A. Reznicek; David F. Murray. "210. Cyperaceae
2. ^ a b Ralph E. Brooks; Steven E. Clemants (2000). "Juncus". Jussieu". In Flora of North America Committee. Magnoliophyta:
Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae . Flora of North America. 23.
Zingiberidae . Flora of North America. 22. Oxford University Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-515207-4.
Press. ISBN 0-19-513729-9. 6. ^ a b c d Jan Kirschner; Lázaro J. Novara; Vladimir S. Novikov;
3. ^ a b c d D. M. D. Yakandawala; U. M. Sirisena; M. D. Dassanayake Sven Snogerup; Zdeněk Kaplan (1999). "Supraspecific division of
(2005). "Two new records of Juncus species (rush family – the genus Juncus (Juncaceae)". Folia Geobotanica. 34 (3): 377–
Juncaceae) in Sri Lanka" (PDF). Ceylon Journal of Science. 33: 390. doi:10.1007/BF02912822 . JSTOR 4201385 .
67–76. 7. ^ K. L. Wilson; L. A. S. Johnson (2001). "The genus Juncus
4. ^ James Ebenezer Bicheno (1819). "XVII. Observations on the (Juncaceae) in Malesia and allied septate-leaved species in
Linnean genus Juncus, with the characters of those species, which adjoining regions" (PDF). Telopea. 9 (2): 357–
have been found growing wild in Great Britain". Transactions of the 397.[permanent dead link]
Linnean Society of London. 12 (2): 291–337. doi:10.1111/j.1095- 8. ^ Angiosperm Fruits and Seeds from the Middle Miocene of Jutland
8339.1817.tb00229.x . (Denmark) by Else Marie Friis, The Royal Danish Academy of
Sciences and Letters 24:3, 1985
9. ^ "Juncus" . The Plant List. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
Wikidata: Q158480 · Wikispecies: Juncus · APDB: 191759 · EoL: 29910 · EPPO: 1IUNG · FloraBase: 21177 ·
FNA: 116870 · FoC: 116870 · Fossilworks: 369916 · GBIF: 2701072 · GRIN: 6226 · iNaturalist: 52643 ·
Taxon identifiers IPNI: 20602-1 · IRMNG: 1344915 · ITIS: 39220 · NBN: NHMSYS0000459962 · NCBI: 13578 ·
NZOR: ee492d84-28ad-486b-aa69-3bb22f71cc4f · PLANTS: JUNCU · POWO: urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30001343-2 ·
Tropicos: 40033915 · VASCAN: 1298 · VicFlora: caab4961-21bd-426e-b7e7-5f0090977a0d · WoRMS: 394965
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