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Chapter 6 Multiple

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(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)

Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


1. A random process X(t) has Rxx(ԏ) = A2+B e-|ԏ| , where A and B are +ve constants. The
mean value of the response of a system having an impulse response h(t) = e -kt for t > 0,
where K is a real positive constant, for which X(t) is input is
a) A/K
b) AK
c) AK2
d) A
2. A random process with psd K watts/Hz for - ∞ < f < ∞ is passed through a system with
transfer function H(t) = 2 for –B <= f <= B and zero elsewhere. The output power of the
system is
a) BK
b) 2BK
c) BK/2
d) B2K
3. X(t) is WSS process with zero mean. It is the input of an LTI system with
H(ω) = 𝐽𝜔+2 . If Rxx(ԏ) = e-2|ԏ| , the area enclosed by the autocorrelation function
of output process is
a) 1
b) ½
c) 1/16
d) ¼
4. If Rxx(ԏ) = 3𝛿(ԏ) and H(ω) = 𝐽𝜔+6 the mean square value of output is
a) 3
b) 4
c) 1/3
d) ¼
5. A system is said to be a linear system if the system satisfies the
a) Principle of superposition
b) Principle of homogeneity
c) Both 1 and 2
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


d) Reciprocity principle
6. For a LTI system, the response y(t) for any input x(t) with the known impulse response
can be determined using following integral
a) Convolution
b) Laplace
c) Fourier
d) Both 2 and 3
7. For an LTI system, its impulse response and transfer function form a pair of
a) Laplace transform
b) Z- transform
c) Fourier transform
d) Convolution
8. The cross-correlation between X(t) and Y(t) is Rxy(ԏ) =
a) h(ԏ)* Rxx(ԏ)
b) h(-ԏ)* Rxx(ԏ)
c) h(ԏ)* Rxy(ԏ)
d) h(ԏ)* RYX(ԏ)

9. A random process X(t) of mean 3 is applied to delay element. The mean of the out
process is
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1.5
d) 9
10. A Gaussian filter has the transfer function H(f) = e-k^2f^2 for |f|< ∞
= 0 elsewhere its 3dB bandwidth is
a) 0.58/k
b) K(0.58)
c) 0.58
d) K2(0.58)
11. If the input power spectral density of system is Sxx(ω) = N0 and its output psd is
ω2 +9
Syy(ω) = N0[ω2 +16], then the transfer function of the system is
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


a) [ ω−j4 ]
b) [ ω+j4 ]
c) [ ω+j3 ]
d) [ ω−j3 ]
12. Let X(t) is a WSS process with autocorrelation function of Rxx(ԏ) and power
spectrum Sxx(ω). If X’(t) = 𝑑𝑡 X(t), then Rx^’ X^’ (ԏ) is
a) Rxx(ԏ)
b) Rxx(ԏ)
c) Rxx(ԏ)
d) − 𝑑𝑡 Rxx(ԏ)
13. If Sxx(ω) is the power spectrum of the input process X(t) and |H(ω)|2 is the power
transfer function of the system, the average power Pyy is

a) ∫−∞ Sxx(ω)|H(ω)|^2 𝑑ω
1 ∞
b) ∫ Sxx(ω)|H(ω)|^2 𝑑ω
2𝜋 −∞
∞ Sxx(ω)
c) ∫−∞ |H(ω)|2
1 ∞ Sxx(ω)
d) ∫
2𝜋 −∞ |H(ω)|2

14. The output power density of Y(t) can be obtained by, Syy(ω) =
𝑆𝑥𝑥(𝜔) Sxx(ω)
1. 2. |H(ω)|2 3. |H(ω)| Sxx(ω) 4. |H(ω)|2 Sxx(ω)

15. The cross power density of X(t) and Y(t) can be obtained by, Syx(ω) =
a) H(ω) Sxx(ω)
b) H*(ω) Sxx(ω)
c) 𝑆𝑥𝑥(𝜔)
d) 𝑆𝑥𝑥(𝜔)
16. The noise bandwidth of an RC low pass filter is (H(ω) = 1+jωRC
a) 2𝑅𝐶
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


b) 3𝑅𝐶
c) 4𝑅𝐶
d) 5𝑅𝐶
17. Let N(t) be any band limited WSS real random process with a mean value of zero
and power density spectrum that satisfies
≠0 0 < ω0 − W1 < |ω| < ω0 − W1 + W
SNN(ω){= 0 elsewhwre}

Where W1 and W are real positive constants. Let N(t) can be represented by
random processes X(t) and Y(t), where E[N(t)- N(t)2] = 0. Then Rxx(ԏ) is

a) ∫0 SNN(ω)d ω
1 ∞
b) ∫ SNN(ω)d ω
𝜋 0
1 ∞
c) ∫ SNN(ω)cos[(ω − ω0)ԏ]d ω
𝜋 0

d) ∫0 SNN(ω)cos[(ω − ω0)ԏ]d ω
18. Let N(t) be any band limited WSS real random process with a mean value of zero
and power density spectrum that satisfies
≠0 0 < ω0 − W1 < |ω| < ω0 − W1 + W
SNN(ω){= 0 elsewhwre}

Where W1 and W are real positive constants. Let N(t) can be represented by
random processes X(t) and Y(t), where E[N(t)- N(t)2] = 0. Then Rxy(0) is
a) 0
b) 𝜋
c) π
d) 1
19. If the power spectrum SNN(ω) of a random process has its significant components
clustered in a bandwidth BN Hz that does not include ω = 0 the process is called
a) Band limited
b) Band pass
c) Narrow band
d) stationary
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


20. If the power spectrum of band pass random process is zero outside some frequency
bandwidth W that does not include ω = 0 the process is called
a) Band limited
b) Band pass
c) Narrow band
d) stationary
21. A process is said to be narrow band if the frequency bandwidth W is ---- frequency
near band centre
a) Equal to
b) Much greater than
c) Much lesser than
d) twice the
22. A TV receiver has a 4kΩ input resistance and operates in a frequency range of 54-56
MHz. At a ambient temperature at 27C, the RMS thermal noise voltage at the i/p of
the receiver is
a) 25µV
b) 0
c) 19.9µV
d) 22µV
23. The RMS noise voltage across a 2µF capacitor over the entire frequency band when
the capacitor is shunted by a 2kΩ resistor maintained at 300K is
a) 0.454 µV
b) 4.54 µV
c) 45.4 µV
d) 0.054 µV
24. When noise is mixed with a sinusoid, the amplitude and psd of the resulting noise
component becomes -------- of the original respectively
a) Same as that of the original
b) Half and half
c) Half and one-third
d) Half and one-fourth
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


25. The available noise power per unit bandwidth at the input of an antenna with a
noise temperature of 1.5K, feeding into a microwave amplifier with T e = 20k is
a) 483 x 10-23W
b) 4.83 x 10-23W
c) 48.3 x 10-23W
d) 483W
26. Two resistors with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2. The effective noise temperature Te of an equivalent resistor
with resistance equal to the parallel combination R1 and R2 is
a) 𝑅1+𝑅2
b) 𝑅1+𝑅2
c) 𝑅1
d) 𝑅1
27. Let n(t) be the narrow band representation of noise where
n(t) = nc(t)cosω0t – ns(t)sin ωct. let P1,P2,P3 be powers of n(t), nc(t) and ns(t). Then
a) P1 = 2 P2 = 3 P3
b) P1 = P2 /2 = P3 /3
c) P1 = P2 = P3
d) 3P1 = 2P2 = P3
28. The equivalent noise temperature of a parallel combination of two resistors R1 = R2
= R operating at a noise temperature of T1 and T2 is
a) T1 + T2
b) (T1 + T2)2
c) (T1 + T2 )/2
d) T1 . T2
29. In defining the noise bandwidth of a real system , it is required that the noise power
N1 passed by an ideal filter and the noise power N2 passed by a real filter should be
related as
a) N1 = 2 N2
b) N2 = 2 N1
c) N1+ N2 = 1
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


d) N1 = N2
30. Two resistors with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2 . If T1 = T2 = T, then Tn =
a) T
b) T/2
c) T/3
d) T/4
31. Two resistors with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in series and have physical
temperatures T1 and T2 . If the resistors are in series, Ts =
a) 𝑅1+𝑅2
b) 2. 𝑅1+𝑅2
c) 3. 𝑅1
d) 4. 𝑅1
32. An amplifier has three stages for which Te1 = 150k , Te2 = 350k and Te3 = 600k.
Available power gain of the first stage is 10 and overall input effective noise
temperature is 190k then the available power gain of the second stage and
cascade’s noise are
a) 12, 1.655
b) 2. 1.655, 12
c) 3. 14, 3.65
d) 4. 3.65, 14
33. In an amplifier, the first stage cascade of 5 stages has Te1 = 75K and G1 = 0.5,
each succeeding stage has an effective input noise temperature and an available
power gain that are each 1.75 times that of the stage preceding it. The cascade’s
effective input noise temperature is
a) 50.26K b) 500.26K c) 400.26K d) 550.26K
34. For a two port network with available gain ga(f) and noise temperature Te, the
output power spectral density is
a) ga(f)(T0+Te)
b) ga(f)k(T0+Te)
c) ga(f)k/2 (T0+Te)
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE)
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Multiple choice questions


d) ga(f)(Te-T0)
35. The noise present at the input of a two port network is 1µW. The noise figure of
the network is 0.5dB and its gain is 1010. The available noise power contributed by
the two port is

a) 1.22kW b) 12.2kW c) 122kW d) 1220kW

36. For the above problem the available output noise power is
a) 12.2kW b) 11.2kW c) 122kW d) 112kW

37. If ga(f) is the available gain of the network, the noise figure in terms of T e (effective
noise temperature) and T0 is

a) Te / T0 b) (1+ Te / T0) c) T0 / Te d) (1+ T0 / Te)

38. If the available gain ga(f) of the network is constant (ga) over the range (f1 , f2), the
average noise figure in terms of noise power is
𝑁𝑖 𝑁𝑖 𝑁𝑖 𝑁0
a) F’ = 𝑁0 b) F’ = ga 𝑁0 c) F’ = (1/ga ) 𝑁0 d) F’ = (1/ga ) 𝑁𝑖

39. The equivalent noise temperature of an amplifier with noise figure of 0.2dB at a
temperature of 290K is

a) 13.6 K b) 15 K c) 20 K d) 14.8 K

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