HT - Unit Test - Ii
HT - Unit Test - Ii
HT - Unit Test - Ii
Q.4 A) Derive expression for hollow and composite cylinder.
B) A spherical shaped vessel of 1.4 m diameter is 90 mm thick. Find the rate of heat leakage, if the temperature
difference between the inner and outer surfaces is 220°C.Thermal conductivity of the material of the sphere is
0.083 W/m°C.
Subject : - HT Semester :-V
Subject code :- 5ME02 Section :- A
Time:- 1.30 Hr. Max Marks :- 30 Marks
Q.1 A) State and explain governing equations of heat transfer.
B) What is thermal conductivity? Explain factors affecting it.
Q.2 A) Derive expression for Composite Wall.
B) An exterior wall of a house may be approximated by a 0.1 m layer of common brick (k = 0.7 W/m°C)
followed by a 0.04m layer of gypsum plaster (k =0.48 W/m°C). What thickness of loosely packed rock wool
insulation (k = 0.065 W/m°C) should be added to reduce the heat loss or (gain) through the wall by 80 per cent?
Q.3 A) Derive general heat conduction equation for ‘non-homogeneous material’, ‘self heat generating’ and
‘unsteady three-dimensional heat flow’.
B) A thick walled tube of stainless steel with 20 mm inner diameter and 40 mm outer diameter is convered with a
30 mm layer of asbestos insulation (k =0.2 W/m°C). If the inside wall temperature of the pipe is maintained at
600°C and the outside insulation at 1000°C, calculate the heat loss per metre of length.