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Materials Engineer Pre

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1. What is the sample for compressive strength determination of a structural concrete?

a. concrete cylinder sample
b. concrete beam sample
c. concrete core sample
d. all of the above
2. What is the test to determine the consistency of concrete that is being rodded 25 times
per layer?
a. California Bearing Ratio Test
b. Los Angeles Abrasion Test
c. Marshall Stability
d. Slump test
3. What is the required length for RSB sample for quality test?
a. 1.5m/10,000kgs size/shipment
b. 1.5m/1,000kgs size/shipment
c. 1.0m/10,000kgs size/shipment
d. 1.0m/1,000kgs size/shipment
4. How many samples should be taken for every 75 cu.m fresh concrete?
a. 3 sets consist of 3 pcs samples
b. 3 sets consist of 6 pcs samples
c. 1 set consist of 6 pcs samples
d. 1 set consist of 3 pcs sampes
5. What is the required size of test specimen for G.I. sheets?
a. 3 pcs of 50mm x 50mm
b. 3 pcs of 60mm x 60mm
c. 3 pcs of 70mm x70mm
d. none of the above
6. What kind of paint that has a reflectance or beads?
a. Latex Paint
b. Enamel Paint
c. Reflectorized Paint
d. Silver Finish (Mummum) Paint
7. What is that construction material that has a property of being a dark brown to black
cementitious material in which the predominating constituents are bitumen?
a. Concrete
b. Reinforcing steel bar
c. Paint
d. Asphalt
8. For how long or how many hours shall a bitumen prime coat be left undisturbed?
a. 24 minutes
b. 14 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 20 hours
9. What is the rate of application for Bituminous Tack Coat?
a. 0.2 to 0.5 L/sq. m
b. 0.2 to 0.7L/sq. m
c. 0.5 to 0.7L/sq. m
d. None of the above
10. What is penetration grade of Blown Asphalt?
a. 20 to 50 penetration grade
b. 0 to 100 penetration grade
c. 0 to 30 penetration grade
d. 30 to 150 penetration grade
11. What kind of sample is taken for flexural test?
a. Concrete beam sample
b. Concrete cylinder sample
c. Concrete core sample
d. Concrete cube sample
12. What are the tests needed for the 2,650 cu. m Item 201 (Aggregate Base Course)?
a. CBR, Abrasion and GCPD
b. Extraction, CBR and Abrasion
c. Compaction, CBR and concrete core
d. All of the above
13. How many grading test are required for a 3,200 cu. m selected borrow for topping (Item
a. 16 Grading
b. 11 Grading
c. 3 Grading
d. 2 Grading
14. As a Materials Engineer what will you recommend if you find that the material to be
used as Item 200 (Aggregate Sub-base Course) is finer than the required materials?
a. blend Item 200 materials with finer materials
b. blend item 200 materials with coarser materials
c. blend item 200 materials with clayey materials
d. none of the above materials

15. What is the standard specification for LL and PI of item 201?

a. maximum of 35 & maximum of 12 respectively
b. maximum of 25 & maximum of 6 respectively
c. maximum of 30 & maximum of 6 respectively
d. none of the above
16. What is the CBR requirement for Item 201?
a. 25% minimum
b. 25% maximum
c. 80% maximum
d. 80% minimum
17. What asphalt is used for sealing weaken plane joint of concrete pavement?
a. Rock Asphalt
b. Blown Asphalt
c. Lake Asphalt
d. Emulsified Asphalt
18. What is Item 311 of the DPWH Specification (Blue Book)?
a. Reinforced Cement Concrete Pavement
b. Portland Cement Culvert Pipe
c. Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
d. None of the above
19. What is the machine used for the Abrasion Test?
a. Los Angeles Bearing Machine
b. Los Angeles Stability Machine
c. Los Angeles Compaction Machine
d. Los Angeles Abrasion Machine
20. How to determine the degree of compaction of Item 104, 200 & 201?
a. by Compaction Test
b. by Moisture-Density-Relation Test
c. by Field Density Test
d. by Liquid Limit Test
21. What is the formula in obtaining the value of PI?
a. moisture of original sample minus moisture of oven-dry sample
b. liquid limit plus plastic limit
c. plastic limit minus liquid limit
d. liquid limit minus plastic limit
22. What is the other term for sieve analysis?
a. Grading test
b. Particle size distribution test
c. Mechanical analysis
d. All of the above
23. What is the degree of compaction of soil if the West Density is 2,200kg/cu. m., with
actual moisture content of 10.2% and a maximum dry density of 1,960 kg/cu. m.?
a. 102.96%
b. 102.86%
c. 101.86%
d. 101.96%
24. How many concrete cores shall be taken for one (1) kilometer concrete pavement?
a. 10 holes/km/lane
b. 5 holes/km/lane
c. 6 holes/km/lane
d. 3 holes/km/lane
25. What is the moisture content of the soil having an original weight of 162.5 grams and an
oven-dry weight of 138.20 grams?
a. 17.56%
b. 16.56%
c. 17.58%
d. 17.68%
26. If the Group Index of soil is high what does it mean?
a. the soil is clayey
b. the soil is sandy
c. the soil is granular
d. none of the above
27. As a Materials Engineer how can you determine that the sample placed in the oven is
already oven dried?
a. if the sample reach the brownish color
b. if the sample reach the grayish color
c. if the sample reach the blackish color
d. if the sample reach the constant weight
28. In oven drying the sample for test what temperature shall be maintained?
a. 105 ± 5 °C
b. 105 ± 10 °C
c. 110 ± 5 °C
d. 110 ± 10 °C
29. Why is it that cooling an oven-dried sample before weighing is advisable?
a. because it can affect its appearance
b. because it can affect its texture
c. because it can affect its weight
d. none of the above
30. What is the difference between hygroscopic moisture content from natural moisture
a. Hygroscopic moisture content is moisture content of an air-dried sample while
natural moisture content is moisture content of oven-dried sample from field.
b. Hygroscopic moisture content is moisture content of an oven-dried sample while
natural moisture content is moisture content of an air-dried sample from field.
c. Hygroscopic moisture content is moisture content of fresh sample while natural
moisture content is moisture content of an air-dried sample from field
d. Hygroscopic moisture content is moisture content of an air-dried sample while
natural moisture content is moisture content of original sample from field.
31. For how many bags of cement does the 10kgs sample represent?
a. 2,500 bags cement
b. 2,500 kgs. cement
c. 2,000 kgs cement
d. 2,000 bags cement
32. At 15,000 kgs. RSB how many samples shall be submitted for Quality Test?
a. 3pcs/ 1.5m sample
b. 2pcs/ 1.5m sample
c. 2pcs/ 1.0m sample
d. 3pcs/ 1.0m sample
33. An admixture is being introduced to fresh concrete mixture for heavily reinforced
concrete structure using a pumpcrete to pump out the fresh concrete mix. What
admixture should it be?
a. Retarder
b. Accelerator
c. Air-entraining Admixtures
d. Superplasticizer
34. What is the used of blown asphalt?
a. as prime coat
b. as tack coat
c. as seal coat
d. as joint filler
35. What asphalt is commonly known as hot asphalt or penetration grade asphalt?
a. Hard asphalt
b. Cut-back asphalt
c. Asphalt cement
d. Lake asphalt
36. How many days does the sample for Immersion-Compression Stability Test be soaked in
a. 4 days at 50°C
b. 3 days at 50°C
c. 2 days at 50°C
d. 3 days at 60°C
37. If ductility is one of the tests for asphalt, _________ for cement?
a. Magnesium Oxide (MgO)
b. Insoluble Residue (IR)
c. Loss on ignition (LOI)
d. All of the above
38. Paint is tested for quality; 35% solvent, 50% pigment, what percent for beads?
a. 15% beads
b. 10% beads
c. 5% beads
d. none of the above
39. What is the size of tamping rod use in tamping concrete sample?
a. 16 mm diameter and 305 mm long w/ hemispherical tip
b. 16 mm diameter and 610 mm long w/ hemispherical tip
c. 16 mm diameter and 457 mm long w/ hemispherical tip
d. None of the above
40. What is the temperature to be maintained when curing sample after its initial curing?
a. 23.0 °C ± 1.7 °C
b. 22.0 °C ± 1.5 °C
c. 22.0 °C ± 1.7 °C
d. 23.0 °C ± 1.5 °C
41. Concrete cylinder is cured and ready for test. Temperatures between 63 and 85 ‘F (20
and 30 ‘C) are permitted for a period not to exceed ________ hours immediately prior
to test if free moisture is maintained on the surfaces of the specimen at all times.
a. 4 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 2 hours
d. 1 hour
42. The molds of specimen not to be transported shall be removed after initial curing of
______ hours and should be cured to the standard curing temperature of 73 ± 3 °F (23
°C ± 1.7°C).
a. 20 hours
b. 22 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 23 hours
43. High plasticity index (PI) means ____ of a soil?
a. Low degree of compressibility
b. Very low degree of compressibility
c. High degree of compressibility
d. None of the above
44. Sample for liquid limit and plastic limit test should pass to what sieve?
a. #10 sieve
b. #200 sieve
c. #100 sieve
d. #40 sieve
45. What compaction rammer shall be used if the specification given for Moisture-Density
Relation Test (MDR) is T-180?
a. 2.5 kg. rammer with 305 mm drop
b. 4.54 kg rammer with 305 mm drop
c. 2.5 kg rammer with 457 mm drop
d. 4.54 kg. rammer with 457 mm drop
46. A beam mold measuring 6” x 6” x 20”is to be used for sampling concrete, how many
blows or tamps per layer shall be applied?
a. 63 blows/ layer
b. 62 blows/ layer
c. 61 blows/ layer
d. 60 blows/ layer
47. If asphalt mix having a wt. of 3,020 g and an aggregate weighing 2,865.98 g, what is the
% asphalt by weight of mix?
a. 6.10%
b. 6.01%
c. 5.10%
d. 5.01%
48. What is the material used for Bituminous Prime Coat?
a. Emulsified asphalt
b. Cut-Back asphalt
c. Asphalt cement
d. Blown asphalt
49. In Item 303-Bituminous Seal Coat, application of cover aggregate shall be evenly spread
over the surface at the rate of approximately _________?
a. 0.004 to 0.005 cubic meter/ sq. m
b. 0.004 to 0.009 cubic meter/ sq. m
c. 0.002 to 0.007 cubic meter/ sq. m
d. 0.004 to 0.007 cubic meter/ sq. m
50. Applying the tolerance of 0.4 % for asphalt content to your answer #47 question, what is
the acceptable range of asphalt content?
a. 4.6 to 5.4 percent
b. 4.5 to 5.0 percent
c. 4.7 to 5.5 percent
d. 4.7 to 5.4 percent
51. An embankment having a PI- 30, LL- 40, and GI- 0, what is the degree of compaction for
this kind of soil?
a. 100% degree of compaction
b. 105% degree of compaction
c. 95% degree of compaction
d. 98% degree of compaction
52. The minimum Cement Factor for Concrete Class A is 9.0 bags per cu. m. how about for
concrete Class B?
a. 9.0 bags
b. 9.5 bags
c. 8.5 bags
d. 8.0 bags
53. The minimum Compressive Strength for Concrete Class P is 5,000 psi, what is the
minimum compressive strength for Concrete Class C?
a. 3,500 psi
b. 3,000 psi
c. 2,400 psi
d. 4,000 psi
54. The volume of concrete mix per batch shall not exceed the mixer’s nominal capacity in
cubic meter as shown on the manufacturer’s standard rating plate on the mixer, except
that an overload up to _____ percent above the mixer’s nominal capacity may be
permitted provided concrete test data for strength, segregation, and uniform
consistency are satisfactory, and provided no spillage of concrete takes place.
a. 15%
b. 20 %
c. 25 %
d. 10 %
55. Where do we take additional cores when the measurement of any core taken from the
pavement is deficient in thickness by more than 25 mm/
a. at no less than 20 m intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the
affected location
b. at no less than 15 m intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the
affected location
c. at no less than 10 m intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the
affected location
d. at no less than 5 m intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the
affected location
56. Quality control testing in a DPWH project is the responsibility of the ______?
b. Contractor
c. DPWH and Contractor
d. Construction supervision consultant
57. As Materials Engineer, when is the right time to start sampling and testing aggregate
base course material?
a. once the material is delivered and stockpiled at the site
b. as construction work progresses
c. once the source is identified
d. after the material was incorporated into the work
58. Under what climate condition do we use the lower penetration grade or hard asphalt?
a. cold climate
b. hot climate
c. both cold and hot climate
d. rainy weather
59. What is the basis for acceptance or rejection of any construction material?
a. minimum testing requirement
b. certificate of materials availability
c. certificate if acceptance
d. materials test reports/ results

60. Penetration Test for Asphalt Cement is to determine what?

a. consistency
b. fluidity
c. solubility
d. stability
61. Slump test is a very important test in fresh concrete mix to determine ______.
a. hardness of concrete
b. consistency of concrete
c. solubility of concrete
d. maximum size of aggregate used in concrete mix
62. How many samples should be taken for an asphalt mix for one full day operation?
a. one set sample consisting of 3 core samples
b. one core sample but not exceed 3 core samples
c. one set of 3 samples but not exceed 6 samples
d. none of the above
63. The thickness of asphalt core using a caliper is based on how many measurements?
a. 9 measurements
b. 6 measurements
c. 4 measurements
d. 3 measurements
64. The thickness of concrete core is taken on how many measurements?
a. 9 measurements
b. 6 measurements
c. 4 measurements
d. 3 measurements
65. Failed samples does not necessary mean that the structure it represents is defective.
a. may be sampling is incorrect
b. may be sampling is correct
c. may be curing is correct
d. may be testing is correct
66. The specifications call for a 1:2:4 concrete mix. In a one bagger mixer, which of the
following amount of water is most likely required for the mix?
a. 35 liters
b. 20 liters
c. 10 liters
d. 5 liters

67. The spot test on asphalt is used to determine

a. overheating during construction
b. overheating during mixing with aggregates
c. overheating during the process of manufacture
d. all of the above
68. How many samples shall be submitted for test of 315 pails of flatwall enamel paint is to
be used in the project?
a. 5 pails
b. 4 pails
c. 3 pails
d. 2 pails
69. Aggregate Sub-base Course has a volume of 5,000 cu. m. and to be laid in a 15 cm.
compacted depth. How many samples shall be submitted for CBR test and for Sieve
a. 2 samples for CBR and 18 samples for Sieves
b. 2 samples for CBR and 17 samples for Sieves
c. 4 samples for CBR and 18 samples for Sieves
d. 4 samples for CBR and 17 samples for Sieves
70. How many samples shall be submitted for quality test if 60 tons of Bituminous Prime
Coat is to be used in the project?
a. 3 samples
b. 1 sample
c. no sample
d. 2 samples
71. Before the project starts the Materials Engineer or the Technician must have a program
on how many samples for each item work be tested based on the minimum testing
requirement. What program or report is this?
a. Program of Work
b. Program of Activities
c. Quality Control Activities
d. Quality Control Program
72. As the work progresses the Materials Engineer should know how many samples has
been submitted, in other words the Materials Engineer must refer to what report so
that he/ she may be updated on the balance and on the file quality test of the
construction materials being used in the project?
a. Quality Control Assurance Report
b. Quality Control Program
c. Status of test
d. None of the above
73. If sample splitter is not available for use in reducing samples for test, what is the
alternative way of reducing sample to testing size?
a. just directly get the sample from the sample container
b. just divide the sample into two and get one side as sample
c. apply quartering method and get two opposite sides as samples
d. all of the above method can be applied
74. The road will not be opened to traffic until test specimens molded and curved have
attained the minimum strength requirements. If such test are not conducted prior to
the specified age the pavement shall not be operated to traffic until _____ days after
the concrete was placed.
a. 28 days
b. 14 days
c. 7 days
d. 21 days
75. What is the required mixing of joint mortar for Item 505 (Stone Culverts and Storm
a. 1 part cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
b. 1 part cement and 3 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
c. 2 parts cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
d. none of the above
76. What is the required mixing of mortar for Item 505(Stone Masonry)?
a. 1 part cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
b. 1 part cement and 3 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
c. 2 parts cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water
d. none of the above
77. What composed of Materials Quality Control Monthly Reports?
a. Quality Control Assurance Report with Status of Tests
b. Summary of Field Tests and Status of Tests
c. Summary of Construction Materials Used
d. All of the above
78. How many Compaction Test be conducted for Item 201having a volume of 8,250 cu.m.?
a. 4 compaction test
b. 5 compaction test
c. 6 compaction test
d. none of the above
79. ______ is the minimum admixture content at which the soil can be molded without
breaking or crumbling up to 1.8 inch (3.2 mm).
a. Liquid Limit
b. Plasticity Index
c. Plastic Limit
d. Shrinkage Limit
80. The ______ is expressed as the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows.
a. Plastic Limit
b. Shrinkage Limit
c. Liquid Limit
d. Optimum Moisture Content
81. The concrete has been tested for consistency by the use of a slump cone with base and
tamping rod. After the test, the height of concrete measured in 178 mm. what is the
slump of your concrete?
a. 101 mm
b. 150 mm
c. 135 mm
d. 125 mm
82. If the design of concrete mix has the following corrected batch weight; cement= 40kgs.,
Fine Aggregates=65kgs., and Coarse Aggregates= 115kgs., Water= 15liters, what is your
actual batch weights for 1 cu.m. Class A concrete mix?
a. 360 bags cement: 585kgs fine aggregates: 1,035 kgs coarse aggregates: 130 liters of
b. 360 kgs cement: 585kgs fine aggregates: 1,035 kgs coarse aggregates: 130 liters of
c. 360 kgs cement: 585kgs fine aggregates: 1,035 kgs coarse aggregates: 130 liters of
d. none of the above
83. What is the rate of revolution per minute (rpm) of an Abrasion Machine use for testing
mass percent of wear soil?
a. 35-38 rpm
b. 30-35 rpm
c. 23-25 rpm
d. 30-33 rpm
84. After the soil has been tested in an Abrasion Machine, the mass percent of wear
computed is = 21 %. If this material is for Item 201, does it pass the DPWH standard
a. No, because the specifications is 50% minimum
b. Yes, because the specification is 40% maximum
c. Yes, because the specification is 50%
d. None of the above
85. One of the duties of the Materials Engineer is to see to it that all construction materials
are tested…
a. After the construction work is finished
b. Before it is incorporated into the work
c. During construction
d. None of the above
86. What is the maximum depth of roadway embankments per horizontal layer in loose
a. 152.4 mm loose measurement
b. 177.8 mm loose measurement
c. 200 mm loose measurement
d. 225 mm loose measurement
87. If coarse aggregate like Embankment is to be placed in layers, how many layers should
40 cm Aggregate Base Course be placed?
a. __ layers
b. 8 layers
c. 4 layers
d. 5 layers
88. Sample submitted to test should have a tag bearing the name of the project, quality
represented, kind of sample, original source, who sampled and who submitted it, the
date submitted and etc. What is the common name of the tag for you as Materials
a. Tag name
b. Name Tag
c. Sample Identification
d. Sample card
89. Quality Control Assurance Report should be submitted every what?
a. month
b. week
c. 15 days
d. Year
90. The Materials Engineer should always be alert of his schedule with regards to numbers
of days of a quality test that takes place since not all construction materials can be
tested just for a day or even a week so, what is the lead time should you consider for a
quality test of your cement sample?
a. one month
b. one week
c. fifteen days
91. CBR sample for test have been compacted but it should be soaked for how many days
before testing?
a. 3 days
b. 2 days
c. 5 days
d. 4 days
92. What apparatus equipment is use for testing mass percent of water?
a. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Machine
b. Universal Testing Machine (UFM)
c. Los Angeles Abrasion Machine (LAM)
d. Flexural machine
93. If Sieve Analysis and Flexural Test Results are used for Soil Classification, what test that
its results be used in field density test?
a. Liquid limit test
b. Plastic limit test
c. CBR Test
d. Compaction Test or Moisture-Density Relation (MDR) Test
94. Checking the gradation of composite aggregates and asphalt content of asphalt mix. It
can be done by what test?
a. Spot test
b. Distillation test
c. Storage test
d. extraction test
95. What is the device use in testing for liquid limit test?
a. Hydrometer
b. Sieves
c. Liquid limit device with grooving tool
d. Compaction mold and hammer
96. How long does a concrete vibrator be inserted in a concrete mix?
a. not to exceed 20 seconds at 50 cm to 60 cm space interval
b. not to exceed 15 seconds at 50 cm to 60 cm space interval
c. not to exceed 10 seconds at 50 cm to 60 cm space interval
d. not to exceed 5 seconds at 50 cm to 60 cm space interval
97. What are the two types of water?
a. Cold and Hot Water
b. Soft and Hard Water
c. Natural and Salty Water
d. Ground Water and Surface Water
98. In 1995 DPWH Specification Water is Item?
a. 605
b. 608
c. 714
d. 711
99. Required PH- value of water for construction?
a. 4.50 to 6.50
b. 4.50 to 7.50
c. 4.50 to 8.50
d. 3.0 to 8.0
100. Required Solids of Water Maximum?
a. 300 parts/ million
b. 400 parts/ million
c. 500 parts/ million
d. 600 parts/ million
101. Water in shall be placed within ___ seconds with the Fine Course Aggregate &
a. 15 seconds
b. 20 seconds
c. 25 seconds
d. 30 seconds
102. Water in Concrete mix should be
a. Colorless and Odorless
b. Natural from springs
c. Potable water
d. Distilled Water
103. In handling measuring of batching of materials for concrete construction, weight
of water should be within:
a. 1.00%
b. 1.50%
c. 2.00%
d. 2.50%

104. Water content of ideal concrete mix at 2-3” slump FM-2.75 at Table V of Design
a. 24.50 liters
b. 24.70 liters
c. 25.0 liters
d. 25.50 liters
105. Volume/ Amount of Water to be brought in the laboratory for testing:
a. 100 ml
b. 200 ml
c. 300 ml
d. 400 ml
106. What type of cement commonly used for construction of DPWH-infrastructure
a. Portland Cement Type A
b. Portland Cement Type 1
c. Portland-Pozzoland Cement
d. Portland Cement Type-1-A


1. What is the percent weight of Aggregates (Coarse, fine and mineral filler) in mixture?
a. 90% - 95%
b. 92% - 95%
c. 92% - 98%
d. 90% -97%
2. What is the percent weight of Asphalt or Bitumen in the Bituminous Mixture?
a. 5% - 7%
b. 5% - 8%
c. 5% - 9%
d. 5% - 9%
3. What is the required percent of Air Voids for Asphalt Mixture?
a. 3% - 5%
b. 3% - 7%
c. 5% -8%
d. 5% -7%
4. How can we establish the exact percentage of materials used in Bituminous mixture
a. Marshall Stability Test
b. Extraction Test
c. Job-Mix Formula
d. Immersion Compression Test
5. What type of asphalt which has a mixture of Asphalt cement and water with catalystic
a. Blown asphalt
b. Emulsified asphalt
c. Cut-Back asphalt
d. Joint-Filler Asphalt
6. What s the Bituminous Materials commonly used in Item 310?
a. Cut-Back Asphalt
b. Asphalt Cement
c. Emulsified Asphalt
d. Joint-Filler Asphalt

7. What greatly influenced the service of an Asphalt Pavement?

a. Grade and Quantity of Asphalt
b. Grade and Quality of Asphalt
c. Proper Construction Method
d. Quality and Quantity of Asphalt
8. What influenced primarily the grade of Asphalt selected?
a. Bituminous Design Mix
b. Type of Materials Used
c. Climatic Condition
d. Materials conforms with Spec’s
9. The lower penetration grade or hard asphalt is used in?
a. Cold Climate
b. Hot Climate
c. Normal Temperature
d. Moderate Temperature
10. Who will prepare the Job-Mix Formula?
a. Batching Plant Engineers
b. Construction Engineers
c. Government Engineers
d. Contractors Engineers
11. How many weeks do a producer of Asphalt Mix or the Contractor shall submit the Job-
Mix Formula?
a. 2-weeks before production
b. 3-weeks before production
c. 1-week before production
d. 1-month before production
12. Who will approve the Job-Mix Formula?
a. DPWH Chief Construction Div.
b. DPWH-Materials Engineers
c. DPWH-Project Engineer
d. Both B & C
13. What is the minimum Compressive Strength of the mixture?
a. 200 psi
b. 300 psi
c. 400 psi
d. 5oo psi

14. What is the purpose of Immersion-Compression Test?

a. to determine the Stability
b. to determine the Voids
c. to determine Index retained Strength
d. To determine the Specific Gravity
15. What is the most suitable Bituminous material used for Prime Coat?
a. ROMC Cut-Back Asphalt
b. Emulsified Asphalt
c. Asphalt Cement
d. Blown Asphalt
16. What is the rate of application of Item 301-Prime Coat?
a. 1.00-2.00 ltrs/sq. m.
b. 1.50-2.50 ltrs/ sq. m.
c. 2.00-3.00 ltrs/ sq. m.
d. 3.00-4.00 ltrs/ sq. m.
17. What type of Bituminous materials suitable for Item 302- Tack Coat?
a. Asphalt Cement with water
b. Rapid Curing Cut-Back or Emulsified Asphalt
c. Medium or Slow Curing Cut-Back Asphalt
d. Blown Asphalt
18. What is the rate of application of Item 302 or Tack Coat?
a. 0.50-1.00 ltr/ sq. m.
b. 0.30-0.80 ltr/ sq. m.
c. 0.20-0.70 ltr/ sq. m.
d. 0.50-0.80 ltr/ sq. m.
19. What type of Bituminous Materials suitable for Item 303 or Seal Coat?
a. Asphalt Cement-120/150 Pen. Or Rapid Curing Medium Curing Cut-Back
b. Asphalt Cement-85/100 Pen. Or Medium/ Slow Curing Cut-Back Asphalt
c. Rapid Curing-Cut Back or 60/70 Pen. Grade Asphalt Cement
d. Both A & B
20. What is the rate of application of Item 303 or Seal Coat?
a. 1.50-3.00ltrs/ sq. m.
b. 0.90-1.80 ltrs/ sq. m.
c. 1.00-1.50 ltrs/ sq. m.
d. 3.00-5.00 ltrs/ sq. m.
21. What is the purpose of Extraction Test?
a. to determine Bitumen Content Mixture
b. to determine the degree of Compaction
c. to determine the gradation of Aggregates
d. both A & C
e. both A & B
22. What is the purpose of coring for Asphalt pavement?
a. to determine the specific gravity and thickness of pavement
b. to determine the stability and density of the pavement
c. to determine the density and thickness of the pavement
d. to determine the strength and thickness of the pavement
23. What is the heating temperature of Asphalt Cement during production?
a. 165°C
b. 145°C
c. 159°C
d. 169°C
24. What is the most commonly used method in the design and evaluation of bituminous
concrete mixture?
a. Ration and Proportion Method
b. Marshall Stability Method
c. Stabilization Method
d. Unit Weight Method
25. What is the correct temperature that the mixture shall be placed as measured in the
truck just period to dumping?
a. Not less than 105°C
b. Not less than 107°C
c. Not less than 110°C
d. Not less than 100°C
26. The compacted pavement shall have a density equal to or greater than ____%.
a. 95%
b. 97%
c. 90%
d. 100%
27. What kind of Roller should be used for compaction?
a. Pneumatic Roller<10 tons Cap.
b. Vibratory Roller <10 tons Cap.
c. Combination of Pneumatic and Tandem
d. Tandem Roller not < 10 tons Capacity
28. How many samples shall be taken for each full day’s operation?
a. at least 2 but not more than 3- core samples
b. at least 1 but not more than 3- core samples
c. at least 3- core samples
d. at least 5-core samples
29. What is the maximum thickness tolerance of Asphalt pavement?
a. ± 5 mm
b. ± 5%
c. -5 mm
d. -5%
30. What is the surface variation tolerance of Asphalt Pavement?
a. 5.00 mm
b. 6.00 mm
c. 8.00 mm
d. 10.00 mm
31. Minimum depth of Penetration of temperature gauge during paving.
a. 2 inches
b. 3 inches
c. 4 inches
d. 5 inches
32. Minimum testing for Bitumen or Asphalt for Quality Test.
1- Q 40 tons or every 200 drums
33. During paving the required minimum test for Bituminous Mixtures is:
a. every 100 metric tons – 1 Extraction & 1- Stability
b. every 120 metric tons – 1 Extraction & 1- Stability
c. every 130 metric tons – 1 Extraction & 1- Stability

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