Project Documentation
Project Documentation
Project Documentation
Note: it is not an advanced project which means it doesn’t have Business Rules, Security, Roles etc,
this application will helps to understand how to develop an application using classes and reusable data
access objects etc.
Project Requirement:
Need to develop a tourism application with below operations available.
Need to capture the Guides and Customer information
Need to capture various location
Any person can see locations available in application
Application should have ability to update the existing data.
Application should have static pages to display predefined content.
Presentation Layer: Which will have all presentation related code and design.
Data Access Layer: Which will have all database operations.
Presentation layer will communicate Data Access layer for all database operations such as Insert,
Update, Delete and Get operations.
we need to configure the database before you open the application in browser.
We can configure database three ways
1. Restore Backup file (Works for SQL Server 2008 R2 only )
2. Execute the provided database scripts to create new database in your server
3. Attach the database directly to your database server
4. Keep database .mdf and .ldf files in your App_Data directory and use below connection string
to connect the database
Connection String: <add name="ConnectionString1" connectionString="Data
Source=.;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User
Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
In the above case please check for data-source (. or ./sqlexpress or any other database instnace)
We are providing below database files and you can use any of the file as per your convinence
1. “.bak” file (works only for Sql Server 2008 R2).
2. “.mdf” and “.ldf” files
3. Sql Script file.