New Approaches To Halogen Free Polyolefin Flame Re
New Approaches To Halogen Free Polyolefin Flame Re
New Approaches To Halogen Free Polyolefin Flame Re
New Approaches to Halogen Free Polyolefin Flame Retardant Wire and Cable
3 1,137
4 authors, including:
Paul D Whaley
Roosevelt University
All content following this page was uploaded by Paul D Whaley on 19 August 2015.
Viscosity (Pa-s)
in Figure 2. The new polymer with ATH had 0% deformation
whereas the EVA sample with ATH had 100% deformation. The
new polyolefin also retains its original mechanical and rheological 1000
properties very well when it contains filler. This is illustrated in
Figure 2, which shows the change in these properties for the
polymers containing 50% ATH relative to the polymers without
any ATH. Figure 3 shows the capillary rheology data, where it
can be seen that the filler has far less of a detrimental effect on the
rheology of the new polymer compared to that of the EVA.
100 1000
70% New Poyolefin-
Figure 3. Capillary rheology data at 175°C.
60% ATH
New Polyolefin-ATH
Increase* (%)
@ 90°C (%)
Tensile Strength
Elongation Loss*
Loss* (%)
Intumescent flame retardant technology has been known to offer before water
good flame retardance for many years [3-4]. However, these 3.60 immersion
Nanocomposite 50
Flame performance
Nanocomposite 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (sec)
Compound Figure 9. Heat release rate data from cone
calorimeter (heat flux = 35 kW/m2).
Physical and mechanical properties
Table 3. Data on nanocomposites versus a control
Figure 7. Approaches to utilize benefits of formulation.
nanocomposites. 50% Mg(OH)2 + 5%
50% Mg(OH)2 + 5%
Synthetic nano- 55% Mg(OH)2
UL-94 vertical burn rating V-0 V-0 None
Cone calorimetry curves showing the smoke and heat release rates Cone calorimetry
are shown in Figures 8 and 9. The data indicate a large Peak heat release rate (kW/m )
199 176 316
Peak smoke release rate (s ) 2.7 2.6 4.5
improvement in the nanocomposites versus the control. The Tensile strength psi (MPa) 1800 (12) 1800 (12) 1800 (12)
reduction in peak heat release rate is 37% and 48% for the Elongation at break (%) 250 300 275
nanocomposites made using the montmorillonite and new nano-
material, respectively, versus the control. The reduction in peak 3. Putting it all Together
smoke release rate is about 40% for the nanocomposites, versus The technologies discussed above are part of the growing toolbox
the control. available to develop advantaged HFFR compounds for wire and
Tensile strengths and elongations are comparable for all three cable applications. Specific examples of new compounds that use
compounds (Table 3). If additional Mg(OH)2 is added to the these and/or related technologies are highlighted below.
control to bring the flame performance on par with the
nanocomposites, the tensile strength and elongation will be
significantly reduced. 3.1 Flexible Easy Processing Compound
While providing comparable performance to montmorillonite, the Viscosity of polymer compounds decreases as the processing
new nano-material solves the tradeoffs commonly associated with temperature increases. For applications requiring excellent
nanocomposites made from natural mined nano-materials, processability and high flame retardance (>35 LOI), conventional
including geographically limited availability, variable purity, and compounds based on aluminum trihydroxide (ATH) are not
color. suitable due to the decomposition of ATH, which occurs at a
significant rate above about 175°C. Flexibility is also an important
5.0 attribute in many wire and cable applications. Table 4 shows data
4.5 Montmorillonite
for a new flexible compound, Exp #1, that can be processed at
Rate of Smoke Release (1/s)
4.0 New nano-material temperatures up to about 220°C. (Note that the data in Table 4
Control represent non-oriented plaque samples. Elongation is lower than
would be observed with oriented samples such as extruded tapes
or cable coatings, but is useful for comparative purposes.) Data on
the leading industry compound for this application are also
included. The new compound achieves a reduction in flexural
1.5 modulus of 58%, indicating much better flexibility, while
1.0 maintaining other key properties. As shown if Figure 10, Exp #1
0.5 has similar shear rheological performance to the leading
0.0 compound.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (sec)
above 7 N/mm, low temperature brittleness lower than –40°C, Table 5. Two new HFFR compounds targeted for
excellent flexibility, low smoke, and good aesthetic properties. global general-purpose market.
Cable trials have verified these properties and also indicated good
Compound Properties Method Typical values
processability and unusually low scratch whitening.
Exp #2 Exp #3
Density g/cc 1.49 1.49
Flexural modulus, psi (Mpa) 39000 (270) 50000 (350)
Table 4. Data obtained from plaques comparing Tensile strength, psi (MPa)
1800 (12) 1700 (12)
the new compound (Exp #1) to a leading D638
compound as a control. Elongation (%)
200 200
1000 4. Conclusions
A combination of advanced polymer technology and advanced
flame retardant technology provides an ideal approach to the
development of superior non-halogenated flame retardant
100 compounds for wire and cable applications.
Control Novel polyolefins based on new catalyst technology provide
polymers that extend the performance range beyond that of
Exp #1 previously available materials.
10 New intumescent approaches mitigate performance drawbacks
10 100 1000 10000 that have heretofore hindered the exploitation of this promising
class of flame retardants in wire and cable applications.
Shear rate (s-1) Novel synthetic nano-materials offer the ability to make
nanocomposites that are free of the tradeoffs normally associated
with nanocomposites based on natural nanoclays.
Figure 10. Capillary rheology at 220°C, showing
Drawing from these and other technologies in the growing
comparable viscosity for the new flexible technology toolbox, new compounds are available to address
compound and the leading compound (control). unmet needs in the marketplace. In addition, these tools provide
the capability to solve a range of material challenges to bring
improved, more cost-effective solutions to the wire and cable
compounds market.
LOES Form Number 311-01001
Dr. Jeffrey M. Cogen is a Research Leader in Dow’s Wire and Dr. Thomas S. Lin is a senior research specialist in Dow’s Wire
Cable Compounds group. He has a B.A. in Chemistry from and Cable Compounds group. He has a B.S. in Chemical
Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the Engineering from University of Washington and a Ph.D. in
University of California, Berkeley. His technical experience Chemical Engineering from Cornell University. His technical
includes design, synthesis, testing, and formulating of additives background includes product development, pilot plant operations,
for polyolefins. He has several years of wire and cable compound and manufacturing scale-up in both petroleum and chemical
development experience, for both power and communication industries. His present research areas include polymer flame
cable. Present interests include flame retardant polyolefin retardance, polymer stabilization, and nanocomposites for wire
compounds and reactive extrusion, and he is currently the Science and cable applications. He has five publications and two issued
Partner for Dow's Flame Retardant Wire and Cable Compounds patents. He has been involved in several industry standard
business. He has authored or coauthored 15 technical articles and committees in telecom and automotive wire and cable areas. He
is an inventor on 22 issued and pending patents. is presently an active member of SAE Cable Task Force. He is a
member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Society of
Plastics Engineers, and Society of Automotive Engineers.